City Council Minutes - 06/26/2007 Agenda Item No. c .� For Agenda of TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD Meeting Minutes June 26, 2007 Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Attendance: Naive Present Absent Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buelmer ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Councilor Woodruff ✓ • STUDY SESSION > Discuss Building Valuation Data Table —Comnnunity Development Department Blinding Official Blalock presented the background on this agenda item. Building Official Blalock's Jame S, 2007 memorandum outlined the new legislation and provided information on how the Building Valuation Data Table is used. A copy is on file uz the City Recorder's office. There was discussion regarding how this table is applied to the City of Tigard rates. Community Development Director Coffee advised that the I-Iomebuilders'Association is aware of this matter. A resolution for the Council's consideration is on tonight's Consent Agenda (Item 3.3}. > Distribute City Council Groundniles—Administration Department City Council received a copy of the most recent groundrules (Resolution No. 06-51). Councilor Buelnier noted one change to be made on Page 5: Assistant to the City Manager should he changed to read"Assistant City Manager." City Council will review die groundrules and discuss again at a future meeting to determine if additional changes are needed. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 Page 1 > Discuss'Ahmending Tigard 1vltunicipal Code regarding Chief Petitioner Requirement— Administration Department City Council reviewed the staff report prepared for dais item;a copy is on file in the City Recorder's office. Examples of what other cities have done to place requirements on chief petitioners were reviewed. A suint-nary of the City Council discussion follows: ■ Sonne Council support expressed that Chief Petitioners should be at least City residents since such petitioners are proposing to "change the fabric of the cMT." ■ Some Council support expressed to be more restrictive and require Chief Petitioners to be electors (registered voters) of the City of Tigard. ■ Councilor Wilson pointed out drat people who don't live in the City of Tigard, i.e., business owners, do have a stake in latus that are made dzat govern them. Mayor Dirksen offered that city business owners could be included as he agreed they do have an interest in tie City. Councilor Wilson said that ultimately it -would be city electors who vote yes or no on a proposal. Councilor Buchner referred to outside interests ua statewide petition efforts who come to Oregon to sponsor petitions that cost taxpayer dollars to place these measures on d1e ballot. For petitions filed for elections other than die primary or general election of even-numbered years, the City must pay for dhe election. Councilor Wilson acknowledged there was merit to the argument for placing restrictions on Chief Petitioners because of the financial impact. ■ Council discussed the possibility of allowing Chief Petitioners who are Tigard business owners, but are not residents or electors of tae city. City Attorney Ramus cautioned flat he has not seen any case late drat would allow such a distinction. Councilor Buchner acknowledged this could be too complicated to implement. One suggestion was to include residents and property owners. After some discussion, City Attorney Ramis noted that tie concern is "if we are just doing registered voters...I think we probably can. Once we create a situation where people who live outside the Ciq,but own property can participate but someone who lives inside tie City can't participate,we open up an argument." ■ Councilor Sherwood noted the only people who can vote on treasures on ballots bypetitioner will be die city's electors. She said she would prefer to see the Chief Petitioners limited to "electors." Mayor Dirksen said someone who was not an elector could find a sympathetic city elector to sponsor a measure. Councilor Wilson said he could support this because of the cost of the election borne by tie City of Tigard. Council consensus was to support a proposed ordinance providing that Chief Petitioners shall be city electors. • Council decided it would life to conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Tigard Municipal Code requiring that Chief Petitioners for an initiative, referendum or recall petition be City of Tigard electors. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 2 > Business Meeting Information distributed to and-discussed with the City Council included the following: Agenda Item No. 32 Proposed Resolution Amending Resolution No. 02-62 Establishing die Guidelines for the Award of Affordable Housing Fee Assistance bunds (A copy of the resolution was forwarded to die City Council in its Mune 22, 2007 newsletter mail packet.) 9 Select an Election Date for the City Councilor Position and Reevaluate the Nomination Petition Filing Deadline. (Council received copies of die Agenda Item Suurrnnary and two resolutions representing options Copies were forwarded to the City Council in its June 22, 2007 newsletter mail packet; copies are also attached.) Councilor Woodruff suggested if there is only one candidate, the Cite Council could consider appointing that individual rather than holding an election. This matter was also discussed during the Business meeting,Agenda Item No. 9. Councilor Wilson said he would excuse himself from the discussions since tie Council position tinder review is the position he holds. 11.1 (Non Agenda) —4"' of July Funding Request, FY 2006/07 Qune 22, 2007 memorandum from Risk Manager IvElls was distributed to die City Council. The Council also receiwed a copy of tie proposed Budget Amendment Resolution;this information was forwarded to die City Couulcil in its June 22,2007 newsletter inail packet.) 11.2 (Non Agenda) —Local Contract Review Board—Consider appro-%-ing the purchase of five (5) Crown Victoria Police Interceptors though State of Oregon Contract#3196. City Manager Prosser advised diene is no need for a Budget unendment. (The staff report was distributed to the City Council which also serves as die Local Contract Review Board.) Admi-nistrative Items ■ Determine if die City Coruicil wants to contitiue to cablecast Workshop Council meetings. City Manager Prosser reviewed this item Widi tie City Council. The additional cost is approximately$450 per monda. After brief discussion,City Council members agreed to continue to cablecast the Workshop Council meetings. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26,2007 page 3 ■ Fort Moody Visit—July 26 &27—Interest and Cost. Community Development Director Coffee reviewed the list of imritees and the cost estimate for the trip to Port Moody. This information is on file in die City Recorder's office. Beaverton residents and officials might also want to go on dhis trip, which will mean some of die costs can be shared with them. There was brief discussion about what some of the Council members want to focus on for this trip iicluding how to deal with more density; how die Port Moody model might be received by City of Tigard citizens;long-term considerations that might include redevelopment of Highway 99W;models retail and residential developments existing together. Staff will contact developers to determine their interest it going on this visit. Council reviewed its calendar. City Council members agreed to cancel die July 31 Fifti Tuesday meeting. ■ Council Calendar: July 4 Wednesday 4"' of July Ioliday—City Hall Closed '1`10 Tuesday Tigard City Cotulcil Business Meeting— 6:30 pin, City Hall '1'17 Tuesday Tigard City Council Workshop Meeting- 6:30 pm, City=Iall 24 Tuesday Tigard City Council Business Meeting— 6:30 pm, City Hall 31 Tuesday 5"'Tuesday Council Meeting—Library Community Room, 7-9 p.m. (Cancelled) j Regular Council meetings. EZECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council event Tito Executive Session at 7:21 p.m. under 192660 (2) (e) to discuss real property transaction negotiations. Executive Session concluded at 7:23 p.m. 1. BUSINESS MEETING 1.1 Major Dirksen called die City Council&Local Contract Review Board to order at 7:32 p.m. 1.2 Roll Call Name Present Absent Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buehner ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Councilor Woodruff ✓ Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 4 13 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council ConunLmications &Liaison Reports-. None 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items City Manager Prosser noted the following items would be considered by the City Council/Local Contract Review Board during Item No. 11,Non Agenda: 11.1 Consider 41h of Judy Funding Request FY 2006/07 11.2 Local Contract Review Board — Consider approving the purchase of five (5) Crown Victoria Police Interceptors though State of Oregon Contract#3196. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION • Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce President Ralph Hughes presented an update on Chamber activities. He noted this was his last presentation to the City Council as the Chamber President. Chamber elections were held recently for the new board of directors for the coming year;a formal announcement will be made soon. The last leadership institute recently held a graduation ceremony. The Chamber is now actively recruiting for the next institute classes scheduled for the fall. In response to a question from Councilor Woodruff, President Iughes said there is no timeline established fora proposed merger of the Tigard and Tualatin Chamber of Commerce organizations. Some issues need to be resolved,with President Hughes noting that the Tigard Chamber building would not be part of the merger equation. • Council Candidate Roger Potdioff advised he would like to speak on two items on tonight's business agenda: 1) 1-5 corridor and 2) City Councilor special election. After brief discussion, Mayor Dirksen said Mr. Potthoff could speak on these issues at tie time these agenda item are considered by the City Council. • John Frewing referred to the Council goal for better communication. I-Ie said he has been following the Ash Creels Estates development for a long bine and he has raised a number of issues for which he has not had a response from die City. He has been observing the development to determine if the conditions of approval are being met. He noted he sent a June 6 e-mail to die City regarding the following conditions that he does not believe are being met: The steep clip in die street ("K" value) was allowed even though it exceeds the City's standards with the condition that there be warning signs posted; lie said there are no signs. I Ie also referred to a June 13 e-mail where he cited sight-distance issues at 74`x' avenue and tie lack of a planter strip along 74`x'Avenue. He also forwarded pictures on June 13 showing there was no planter strip. Mayor Dirksen advised Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 5 Mr. Frewing his e-mails had been received and staff was directed to review and respond to the issues raised. Mr. Frewing will be hearing from staff. Mayor Dirksen reviewed the Consent Agenda: 3. CONSENT AGENDA: 3.1 Approve Council Meeting Minutes for April 24, 2007 3.2 Amend Affordable Housing Assistance Fee-Resolution No. 07-37 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 02-62 ESTABLISHING THE GUIDELINES FOR THE AWARD OF AFFORDABLE IOUSING FEE ASSISTANCE FUNDS 3.3 Approve Resolution to Modify,Existing Fee Calculation for Building Permits— Resolution No. 07-38 A RESOLUTION MODIFYING EZISTING FEE CALCULATION FOR BUILDING PERMITS 3.4 Appoint Karen Levear to the Tigard Library Board—Resolution No. 07-39 A RESOLUTION 1VIAIUNG THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT TO THE TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD: I,:i=-N LEVEAR TO A FOUR-YRAltTERM BEGINNING JULY 1, 2007 TIIROUGI I JUNE 30, 2011 3.5 Adopt Collective Bargaining Agreement between the CitS,of Tigard and the SEIU 503/OPEU Local 199 and Authorize the City Manager to Sign - Resolution No. 07 -40 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TIGARD AND SEIU 503/OPEU LOCAL D199 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN 3.6 Approve Cost of Living Adjustment for Nlanageinent/Supervisory/Coil fidential Group Employees effective July 1, 2007 and the Extension of Additional IIealth Plan Options -Resolution No. 07-41 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT FOR THE Iv1ANAGEIVIENT/SUPERVISORY/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007,AND THE EZTENSION OF Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26,2007 page 6 ADDITIONAL IEALTI INSURANCE,PLAN OPTIONS EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1,2007 3.7 Local Contract ReXnew Board: a. Award Contract for Pavement Maintenance tinder die FY 2007-08 Pavement Major Maintenance Program (PMNIP) to Morse Brothers dba Knife River b. Award Contract for Structural Plans Review Service to Miller Consulting Engineers, Inc. Motion by Councilor Buehner, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was approved by a runanirnous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes Newly appointed Library Board member Karen Levear was present (Item 3.4). Mayor Dirksen asked her to corne forward and thanked her for her willingness to serve. IIe presented her Nvid1 a City of Tigard logo-pin. Councilor Woodruff Councilor Sherwood, and Mayor Dirksen noted their appreciation to staff for reaching agreement on die SEIU contract (Agenda Item No. 3.5) 4. PRESENTATION OF AWARD TO "IF I WERE MAYOR" CONTEST WINNERS Mayor Di.rksen presented awards for the winning entries in Tigard's "If I Were lvlayor" student contest: Middle School Poster: Cliristirne Laughlin, 6"'grade—Twality Middle School Iigh School Essay Alexander Carsh, 9"'grade—Tigard I Iigh School High School Video Brent Mangum, 12`x'grade—Tigard.Iigh School Copies of the winning entries are on file in die City Recorder's office. The above winners will now be entered into the statewide competition sponsored by the Oregon Mayor's Association. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board IVIecting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 7 5. PRESENTATION FROM ESSENTIAL HEALTH CLINIC Executive Director Sheila Hale of the Essential Heald-i Clinic presented information on services provided by her organization. Ms. Hale reviewed the mission statement,wlilch is to improve the health of people in Washington County. A Tigard clinic opened last September. The clinic serves those uidividuals who are under-served or diose who do not have healdi uisurance. These are patients drat have no place else to go (and do not need to go to an emergency room.) The cliric has duce paid staff members and volunteer medical professionals. Councilor Sher-,vood applauded die health clinic for cornhirng to die Tigard area noting daere is the need for this service. She added that die Comm-nuniry Development Block Grant prograrn supports this concept. Councilor Bueluler expressed the hope that as a result of Ms. I Iale's presentation tonight, the clunic will hear from more people who are willing to volunteer. Moreinformation can he found on tine clinic's website: essentiallhealthclinic.org. 6. PROJECT OVERVIEW ON I-5 HIGHWAY/99W IWAY/99W CONNECTOR City Engineer Duenas introduced this agenda item noting die I-5 I Iigliivay/99W Cormector is an important project for the City. The futtlier south it connects, however, the less importance it has for the City. City Engineer Duenas introduced two project representatives: 1. Russ Knobel from Washington County who is the principal engineer and project lead for the County, and 2. Scott Riclmnond who is with David Evans and Associates Consultants Mr. Knobel mad Mr. Ricluhiond reviewed a PowerPoint presentation. A copy is on file in the City Recorder's office. This is one of seven projects drat has been determined by die Oregon Department of Transportation (ODO1) to be of statewide significance. Information included in die presentation included: ■ The purpose of the project is to address inadequate transportation facilities in the outer southwest quadrant of the Portland metropolitanarea. ■ Need statements identifying what contributes to the need for a better connection. ■ Charts-on increasing housing and employment trends. ■ Chart on increasing growth in area travel volumes. ■ Definitions of local,regional and through trips. ■ Anticipated condition of die project area by 2030. ■ The two phases of die size and type of facility. ■ Partners in project decision shaking. ■ The project steering committee partners. ■ Key milestones. ■ Funding a solution. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting 1Min Utes— fuse 26,2007 page S Selecting the best solution. ■ Range of alternatives. ■ Corridor concepts being considered. ■ Confirming range of alternatives. ■ Public participation information. Councilor Buchner commented a similar presentation was made in 2000 or 2001 resultuig in recoirunendations and work on this project. She asked if this work will be thrown away. Mr. Knobel responded that the County reviewed that earlier effort, which demonstrated the need for such a facility in this area and the need is for soimethilg greater than an arterial. This prompted the participants to step back to take a larger look. Councilor Buelhner pointed out that in die interium years a lot of development has occurred;therefore, some of tie options developed are no longer viable. She said development will continue to occur and this is a problem for Tigard. The farther south the connector is located, the less benefit it is for Tigard. Councilor Wilson echoed Councilor Buehner's concerns and referred to his past experience in San Diego where right of way was acquired, and planning was done ahead of time,resulting in a"totally planned com muihity." If the facility is built farther south then Councilor Wilson said this might be a project he might consider actively opposing because it will take funding away that would have been available to fia 99W in Tigard. Councilor Wilson noted Tigard just implemented agas tax to do what it can fon 99W because there has been no help fordhcomai lg after all of these years. I Ie questioned whether there was any funding for the project and wondered if it is a waste of time. Councilor Woodruff noted that Tigard isn't even on tie advisory group and said he wondered how involved Mr. Knobel wants Tigard to be;is Tigard just a spectator or is Tigard seen as an integral player. Mi. Iiriobel commented that the group was formed by including those jurisdictions who were either the primary partners or those that would have to take a land use action. Tigard was not included because the facility is to die soud-1 of the City. As this was developed, die advisory group realized tie impact to the Tigard community,especially with a"no build" option. Mi. Knobel said a no-build alternative would add 26 percent traffic to 99W through Tigard. Any alternative, even further south,has the ability to take a good portion of traffic off of 99W but he conceded that it would not solve all of Tigard's probleins on 99W. Councilor Wilson said he would life to see tie modeling and said that 26 percent more traffic would not fit through Tigard. Councilor Buehner noted that when the modeling was done when she served on the Transportation Coihrtnittce, the southern proposed routes only provided a 540 percent reduction on 99W trough Tigard. She said she wasn't sure this would be worth the incredible amount of money that would be involved. She agreed with Councilor Wilson's observation that this would cut off any further funding for transportation iinproveiments to an area that has been ignored for far too long. Councilor Buchner Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26,2007 page 9 said it has been frustrating for her and for the Tigard citizens who have to "fight" 99W everyday. She said 99W is the most heavily traveled highway that isn't a freeway. Mayor Dirksen offered some history. When this was first proposed in the late 1950's and 1990's, the problem centered around politics. There was a group of people who believed that if we were to develop a better:transportation system, then all it would do is encourage more development. The opposite being that if we didn't build a better transportation system,it would dissuade people from moving here. That philosophy,in the interim, has been proved to be a failure because,in fact, the population has grown faster without tlhe uihprovements to the transportation system that the models projected. Councilor Buehner agreed tlhat the models prepared by Metro were inaccurate. Mayor Dirksen said the result is that we have been left with a failhig transportation systcrn and still needed to deal with the congestion and development that occurred anyway. Now,we're doing it over again,but nolo we have fewer solutions and less satisfactory solutions. Iowever,Mayor Dirksen said we are duty bound to move forward and study those to deterinine if there is a solution left that will work. Councilor Buehner advised Mr:. Knobel that she hoped when he goes back to his stakeholders that he would reiterate and critically evaluate what the impact will be if the facility is moved fardaer south ui terms of what the impact will be on traffic 111 the City of Tigard. She said this will not happen unless everyone "buys unto" this project. Councilor Buchner said this will also impact all of the people who live on the north side of Sherwood and the northern half of Tualatin who are now tangled up in a "traffic nightmare." This has been going on for 20 years and there is a tremendous amount of frustration that those who haven't been around for that long night not be aware of. Mt. Richmond said more information will be available in tlugust. He added that the City of Tigard's participation is invited and,if that is not sufficient and Tigard wants Moreinvolvement, they would welcorne that. I\Ir. I'nobel noted the Chau of the Washington County Board,Tom Brian,has been around for many of the past discussions. This project is Washington County's top priority so "we are really hying to do something this tirne." In looking at the alternatives, one of the principal constraints set down by the decision-making body was to avoid densely developed areas. Councilor Buehner reiterated that her continuting concern is that the longer this takes, development will occur and die project will become less 1.71able. Councilor Sherwood said she agreed with what members of the Tigard City Council have said, but at the same time, she noted she saw the Westside bypass "go away" so she urged participants to be positive and to be involved as much as possible. In order to get anything done she said it would be best not to "shoot die messengers" even though the alternatives might not be"to our liking." The Mayor and Council agreed with Councilor Sherwood and Mayor Dirksen noted appreciation of the work being done. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26,2007 page 10 City Engineer Duenas noted a letter of support was requested from the City and asked the Council to consider whether a letter should be forthcorning supporting the project with the qualifications as mentioned earlier this evening. Mayor Dirksen called upon Nfr. Roger Potthoff who had requested to make conunents on flus agenda item. Mr. Potthoff questioned why the City of Tigard was not represented on the Steering Committee for tl-iis project. He thinks there is a perception in the cornrnunity that the City has opted out of the opportunity to be a member of die Steering Cormnittee and the perception needs to be corrected. He noted the importance of Tigard being"at the table" and referred to his participation on d-ie 99W Citizen Advisory Coinimittee where cormrrittee members believed that die I-5 connector is critical so that the improvements contemplated on 99W will be effective. IIe suggested Tigard night want to consider making no improvements to 99W until the I-5 connector is resolved. IIe suggested that if the City malies irnprovements to 99W, diis would alleviate the problem for people using 99W and would forestall the I-5 connector solution. IIe said it is important to send a message to other corrununities who have effectively obstructed solutions to the 99W problems for Tigard. IIe said a message should be sent to Tigard's neighbors that Tigard is no longer a "doormat" regarding corridor development. Mayor Dirksen said he assLuned improvements would continue to be made on 99W after dhe decisions are made on the connector. The Mayor noted appreciation for Mr. Potdloffs corrunents and tie good points he made. There is diminishing support from die City of Tigard for the connector project as it moves farther soudl. City Enguieer Duenas will be writing a letter to decision makers for dhis project stating Tigard's needs and concerns. Mayor Dirksen also noted that the City of Tigard has been invited to attend die Steering Committee meetings for this project;Tigard has been involved allalong even though it does not have a chair at the table. 7. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE (TMC) CHAPTER 7.52.100 (3) REGARDING ALCOHOLIC BEVER-AGES IN PARKS Public Works Director Koellermeier presented the staff report. A copy is on file in die City Recorder's office. The proposed ordinance would implement a"blanket" restriction on the constunption of alcoholic beverages in all city-owned parks within the urban renewal zone, thereby elinhinatiug the need to update the Tigard Municipal Code each tirne a new park is created. Mayor Dirksen asked if a future square (die cormnunity gathering place) would allow alcohol noting that there night be a desire to allow some events to serve alcohol. Public Works Director Koellermeier advised the ordinance was not crafted so drat this would be allowed. Public Works Director Koellermeier noted that die Police Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meetirhg Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 11 Department staff have used the fust ordinance banning alcohol in some parks as a tool to "turn die corner" on some of the problems experienced in these parks. After discussion witli staff,City Council members agreed to consider the ordinance as proposed but noted it alight want to revisit the exception for special events ui the future. Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sherwood, to adopt Ordinance No. 07-14. ORDINANCE NO. 07-14—AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE (TMC) 7.52.100(3) REGARDING ALCOIIOLIC BEVERAGES IN PARKS The motion was approved by a majority vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes CoLulcilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes S. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENTS TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMEN 1'S WIrI DURHAM,KING CITY,AND TIIE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT,AND THE E XE CLITION OF TENANTS IN COMMON AGREEMENTS AND BARGAIN AND SALE DEEDS FOR THE WATER BUILDING AND CANTERBURY PROPERTIES Public Works Director Koellermeier presented the staff report. A copy is on file in the City Recorder's office. The documents have been reviewed by the City Attorney and d1e Intergovernmental Water Board (IW`B) detemlined the need to amend the docutnents referred to 111 the agenda title above. The City of Tigard, as an I" inember,must vote on these documents as outlined in the proposed resolution. Motion by Councilor Shet%vood, seconded by Councilor Buellner, to adopt Resolution No. 07-42. RESOLUTION NO. 07-42 -A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TIE CITY OF TIGARD'S REPRESENTATIVE TO TIIE INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD TO VOTE ON AND APPROVE THE FIRST AMENDll,IENTS TO TIIE INTERGOVERNME-,NTAL AGREEME--NT DATED 12/28/1993 FOR THE CITY OF KING CITY,AND 12/23/1993 FOR THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT, AND APPROVE TIIE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF DURHAM Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 12 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT DATED 12/23/1993,TO ENXE CUTE THE TENANTS IN COMMON AGREEMENTS FOR THE WATER BUILDING PROPERTY AND THE CANTERBURY PROPERTY,AND TO E]KECUTE THE BARGAIN AND SALE DEEDS FOR THE CANTERBURY PROPERTY AND WATER BUILDING PROPERTY FROM TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL.WATER BOARD MEMBER JURISDICTIONS AS TENANTS IN COXIMON. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes 9. SELECT AN ELECTION DATE FOR THE CITY COUNCILOR POSITION AND REEVALUATE TIIE NOMINATION PETITION FILING DEADLINE Councilor Wilson left the Council bench and chid not participate in the discussion on this agenda item. Mayor Dirksen reviewed the background on this item. A copy of the staff report is on file in die City Recorder's office. City Attorney Ramis confirmed for the City Council dlat it would have the authority to substitute an appointment process rather than to hold an election if only one candidate files by d-ie July 9 deadline. Mayor Dirksen asked NfL. Potthoff,a candidate for this Council position, for This comments. Mr. Potdloff advised he was prompted to become a City Councilor candidate since he requested the City Council snake this an open process to fill the seat vacated by Councilor Iarding. He said if the Council decided to move the eligibility date for Council candidates to file for a November election, this would 'in no way offend him. I Ie said die City would be better served widi a competitive election as there ate serious issues to discuss. Mr. Potthoff added that if die Council decides to hold an election in November for the City Councilor election, he suggests the citizens of Tigard be asked to vote on the business tax increase. The voters might welcome the opportunity to vote. I Ie said he questioned whether 100 percent of die increase should go to the Police Department. Mr. Potthoff acknowledged that the police budget is tight, but this department also fared wellin gaining an increase in the recently adopted budget. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 13 Council decided to wait until the July 10, 2007, meeting to consider the resolution calling for a special election to elect a Councilor. This would give the time needed to deternniie if there are any other candidates for the position. Councilor Wilson returned to the Council bench to participate in the remaMder of the meeting. 10. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS: None. 11. NON-AGENDA ITE MS 11.1 Consider 4°i of July Funding Request FY 2006/07 City Manager Prosser reviewed this agenda item. A June_92,2007, inemorandurn from Risk Manager Mills had been distributed to the Council that outlined the additional fu ndiig request to pay for insurance for dais year's event. A copy of dus memoranduun is on file i1 the Cite Recorder's office. Councilor Sheiwood advised she used to ser%,c on die committee that sponsors this event. She urged support for die request noting due event is free to everyone and well patrolled. Councilor Buchner said she drought it was a reasonable request. Councilor Woodruff agreed that while the request was reasonable, he did have some concern regarding setting a precedent shou>Id other event sponsors want dus type of financial assistance as well. During discussion, Council members aclunowledged that the issue widi the insurance preimiuun happened suddenly. Nov, the 4''' of July event is almost here and the City could assist,,vidi additional fiundiig for the insurance premium this year. It does not mean, however, that this will be a cost the City would automatically cover every year. City Manager Prosser noted it became apparent that dhere would be the insurance prenumn expense after the call to coinnuttees to present their requests during die budget process. He aclulowledged that this will be an issue the Council might need to deal wide next year. Motion by Councilor Buchner, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to adopt Resolution No. 07-43. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT #16 TO TIIE FY 2006-07 BUDGET TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS IN TIIE SOCIAL SERVICES/COMMUNITY EVENTS BUDGET WITHIN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM FOR ONE-TIME ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO TIIE TIGARD -E"' OF JULY The motion was approved by a unaihimous vote of Council present. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26, 2007 page 14 IVlayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes 11.2 LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD: Approve die Purchase of Five (5) Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptors through State of Oregon Contract #3196 Cin?Manager Prosser reviewed for the Local Contract Review Board the request to purchase five police vehicles. By ordering the vehicles prior to June 2S, 2007, the City will avoid an additional markup of nearly$1,000 per vehicle after that date. A copy of d-ie staff report is on file in die City-Recorder's office. Motion by Board member Woodruff, seconded by Board member Buchner, to approve the purchase of the five Ford Croton Victoria Police Interceptors. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Not held. 13. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Couuncilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sheiwood, to adjourn die meeting at 9:22 p.m. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sheiwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Iblinutes— June 26, 2007 page 15 Lcc-t ,-u ru Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder Attest: mayor, Vtyof Tigard � Date: > a ' O lj i lidmlcnlliykcml20071070020.dcc Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes— June 26,2007 page 16