City Council Minutes - 06/19/2007 p Agenda Item No. 'Y"a For Agenda of I S�do7 J . Tigard Cite Council Meeting Minutes Date: _June 19, 2007 Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW IIall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon Attending: Mayor Craig Dirksen Presiding Councilor Gretchen Buchner Councilor Nick Wilson Councilor Sydney Sherwood Councilor Toni Woodruff Absent: -- trenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up Workshop 1.1 Mayor Dirlisen called the City Council to Order Meeting at 6:33 p.m. 1.2 Council Present: Mayor Dirksen, Councilors Buchner, Sherwood,Wilson and Woodruff. 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Commutucations & Liaison Reports There were none. 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items City Manager Prosser said there were two items to discuss at the end of the meeting - die National League of Cities Award and an Executive Session. 2. Joint Meeting Public Works Director Koellermeier reported that Councilor Bueliner asked with die he had three items for discussion. He announced for legal review on liability Intergovernmental that the third ASR well,which has been drilled to a issues. Water Board depdi of 998 feet, shows early indications of being a very good well. Ile reported that the Willamette River Water Coalition Board voted last evening to accept a settlement wid'i Water Watch and the Water Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 I Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up) Resources Department over our extension of the water rights on the Willamette River which guarantees access to this water through the year 2047. Councilor Sherwood noted using Willamette River Water would take a vote of the people. Public Works Director Koellermeier said that condition still exists; the option is just being kept open. Public Works Director Koellerineier introduced Clean Water Services Water Supply Project Manager Tom VanderPlaat who presented a PowerPoint on the transfer process for the Hagg Lake Dain Raise Project. Mr.VarnderPlaat said dae Hagg Lake Project is currently a federal facility but the government is looking at transferring it to local control. This would remove a substantial amount of cost and time on potential projects such as raising the darn level to help meet the future demand for water in the Tualatin Basin. He said title transfer means ownership of Iagg Lake, the dam, buvldings, land, easements, rights, legal liability, regulatory requirements and other elements. Public Works Director Koellermeier said a decision is before the Council whether or not to remain n the Tualatin Basin Water Supply project. He distributed a third amendment to the Joint Funding Agreement for IWRM Water Supply Feasibility Study for Council review. This amendment commits Tigard and the other partners through die next project phase,including the title transfer of Hagg Lake. Public Works Director Koellertmeier said he had concerns about spending more money on a project that the City has yet to decide whether to remain in or not. He said if die City Council or IWB takes no action it would eliminate diem as participants. He said that while the amendment funding the next project phase requires coirumitmdnt from Tigard in July or August, the first payment would likely not be due until November. If the City decides not to go forward within that tune period they could terminate before the payment is made Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 2 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up) uld be distributed among die and prior shares wo remaining partners. Public Works Director Koelleumeier said the staff reconuiiendation is to remain in the partnership at this time, especially if this can create a west side water source. Mayor Dirksen said Tigard would have no interest in the tide transfer to local control if there is no dam raise. Councilor Woodruff asked if the City could participate on a quarter-by-quarter basis. Public Works Director Koeller meier said that it could. In response to a question from Councilor Sherwood, Mr. Koellermeier said flus partnership alone will not meet Tigard's overall water needs. Mayor Dirksen said that Tigard does not have an opportunity to get all of its water from the other primary choice (partnering witla Lake Oswego). Mr. Koellermeier agreed, saying, "The only option that would meet all of T'igard's future needs from a single source is the Willamette River." Councilor Buchner said she would feel uncomfortable making a decision without advice from a lawyer regarding die transfer of legal liability. She said she was surprised that other jurisdictions have not}Tet sought this information. She asked if cities would be indemnified for any liability for things occurring prior to the transfer. Mr. Koellermeier said he would get an opinion from d1e City Attorney on whether it could be negotiated into the contract. 3. Receive Update Mayor Dirksen noted drat ODOT Region 1 City Manager Prosser will Oil Highway 99W General Manager,Jason Tell was in the audience ask Finance and Corridor for the next item, Agenda Item No. 4, and he Information Services Improvement and invited him to join in dus discussion. Department Director Management Plan Sesnon to research how Engineer Duenas thanked the citizens for their much payroll tax is paid to involvement in the 1-highway 99W Corridor Study Tri-Met from die Tigard Project which is now at a decision phase. He gave area. Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 3 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Itexns (follow up) a PowerPoint presentation and discussed the project tnneline and goals,which include: • Identify transportation and land use needs along the corridor. • Develop solutions for 99W that help to accoirunodate regional and local travel. • Develop solutions for Highway 99W that balance the different modes of travel and provide for direct, safe and efficient connections between the different modes. • Reduce reliance on the motor vehicle as a mode of travel using Highway 99 • Ensure that solutions enhance the livability of the City of Tigard and the surrounding area. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is on file in the City Recorder's Office. Mr. Duenas introduced the three concepts, noting that each alternative cornes with trade-offs. The three concepts are: • Concept A—Partial widening (Metro Regional Transportation Plan calls for widening to seven lanes from I-5 to Greenburg Road) • Concept B—Access Management • Concept C—Full Widening (Seven lanes throughout the corridor) He gave the criteria for evaluation and noted that all concepts contain the same enhancement along the corridor. He said Concept B was rated best for pedestrians. Concept B is also best for bicyclists and for mass transit. Concept C is best for motor vehicles. Mr. Duenas asked Council for their input on the concepts. Councilor Buchner said the concepts appear to be similar to some that were developed 15 years ago but not built. She noted that the frontage roads that used to be along 99W were closed by ODOT. Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 4 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up) Councilor Buehner noticed drat none of die options include frontage roads. Engineer Duenas said frontage roads are not off die table. Mayor Dirksen said dlat back-age roads would consolidate driveways but still provide access from the fust developed area. Councilor Wilson said he agreed-wide other Council members speaking tonight and hoped to combine this wide land use planning and access management. I Ie stated dlat if the road between Fanno Creek and 217 was connected, a lot of traffic would be relieved from 99W. Councilor Wilson said bike pad-is were seldom used and not cost effective. He suggested coining up with a bike network that is off-line but parallel, and not having a bike lane on every arterial. Councilor Wilson asked how much is generated for Tri-Met from Tigard payroll taxes. He said Tigard needs to push for better bus service by either having Tri-Met redistribute or by operating our own private service. City Manager Prosser said a meeting was held with Tri-Met in the past and reasons given for die service level were fuel costs and the lack of our own post office; 97223 is actually part of Portland and funds are distributed by zip code. City Manager Prosser said he would request drat Financial and Information Services Manager Sesnon obtain financial figures from Tri-Met. 4. Meeting widh ODOT Region 1 Manager Tell said he was ODOT Region 1 surprised at how Tigard's City Council is thinking Manager,Jason about inplernentation and he was impressed with Tell their effort at seeking solutions to issues raised. Councilor Sherwood asked Mr. Tell what things can be done to obtain more federal funding. Region Manager Tell suggested taking die study and focusing on specific projects that can take advantage of opportunities: Tigard City Council Minutes - lune 19,2007 5 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up) • Reprogram MTIP funds • Federal Reauthorization Bills are coining up in 2009 and Tigard is in a good position to talk to lobbyists and congressional offices. • Reach out to legislators for state funding bills. Councilor Woodruff stressed that Highway 99W is the major road to the central coast and is a very well-traveled road. Region Manager Tell said he only has $17 million per year for modernization. He suggested that Tigard work with ODOT during the next round of STIP updates. He said Tigard can snake the argument tlrat they are making a local effort (gas tax) to help solve their transportation problems. Councilor Wilson asked, "Are projects not on the highway right of way—but that help the right of way— ever considered?" Region Manager Tell said. "Yes,if it can be clearly dernonstrated that a project is equal to or less than the hnprovernent to the state road." He said if there was a specific quantifiable project in mind,it can be submitted. Councilor Buchner said she was concerned that the legislature did not pass a state gas tax. She asked if ODOT could help educate the public on how far behind on road improvements the State is. Mayor Dvksen said another project that is not a 99W project but that would help with 99W traffic is the I-5/ 99W connector. IIe said Tigard supported it at this time but would be less inclined to support it, and possibly would oppose it, die farther south it slides. City Manager Prosser asked if Tigard representatives should be contacting the Transportation Commission directly. 'He asked for suggestions on preparing the most effective presentations for d-ieir consideration. Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 6 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up) Region Manager Tell said the most important thing is to be ready with written requests when the time for input comes. Ile said he was pleased that Tigard's Council is aware of opportunities and is working on them. At S:35 a break was called by Mayor Dirksen. Council carne bath in session at S:45 p.m. 5. Consider Long Range Planning Manager Ron Bunch gave a Amendment to brief staff report on an amendment to the Affordable affordable housing fee assistance fund guidelines. Housing Fee This amendment adds a provision allowing funds Assistance not allocated during a budget year to be donated to Program the Cointnunity Housing Fund of Washington County. He said if Council desired, a condition could be added requiring funds to be spent in Tigard. Councilor Sherwood said she dislikes putting unspent money back into the general fund when it was appropriated for affordable housing. She said there is a shortage of housing and the shelter is full. Ramsey Weit, Community Housing Fund Executive Director,was present. He said the Community Housing Fund is a non-governmental, 501(c) (3) agency that helps local governinents provide housing choices to working families and those on fixed incomes. He thanked the City Council and Associate Planner Roberts for leadership in the affordable housing arena and for the City's progressive tax policy. IIe said he hopes Tigard's downtown provides a range of affordable housing. Council consensus was that they agree with this proposal to amend the affordable housing guidelines to allow funds not allocated during a funding year to be donated to the Community Housing Fund of Washington County,with the stipulation that this money be reserved for projects located in Tigard. "Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 7 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow u 6. Receive Police Chief Dickinson and Business Manager Briefing on Itmdieke introduced this agenda item. Mr. Iindieke Proposal to said staff met with the Tigard Chamber of Create a Commerce, Chamber Business Advocacy Group, Commercial Rotary,Tigard Triangle,Washington Square and Crime Unit and others to present a proposal to create a Use an Increase in Con3mercial Crone Unit,paid for by a Business the Business Tax Tax increase. j Ie reported that the response to Fund the new received was favorable with no group expressing Police Dept. Unit opposition. Suggestions were made, including one to specify that revenues raised be earmarked for this use. Business Manager Imdieke discussed the current business tax basis and Scenarios 1-5.A copy of the "Business Tax Rate Alternatives Pros/Cons" list is in the City Recorder's office. In response to a question from Councilor Shenvood, Mr. Imdieke said home-based businesses are included. Council discussed the pros and cons of each scenario and the consensus was for Scenario #2. Business Manager Imclieke said the City should consider changing this into a business license since some businesses requested a "certificate" useful for other purposes. City Manager Prosser noted that ii instances where the City has problem businesses, a business license that could be revoked could be considered regulatory. City Manager Prosser noted that the creation of the Commercial Crime Unit would require amending the Tigard Municipal Code and the Fees and Charges Schedule. IIe said it also requires a budget amendment to appropriate the new revenue and establish spending authority. Police Chief Dickinson said staff will come back it August with a proposal for Council approval. Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 8 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow up) 7. City Center Mayor Dirksen recessed the City Council and Advisory called the meeting of the City Center Development Cotnrnission Agency to order. Deputy Recorder Krager called (CCAC) the roll. Presentation on Urban Renewal City Center Advisory Commission member and Marketing Suzanne Gallagher gave a PowerPoint presentation and on branding the urban renewal project. She Corrununications stressed the unportance of creating a consistent visual image and suggested that a logo, tagline and style guide be developed to market the urban renewal area. She said this logo would: > Establish immediate recognition of the urban renewal project > Create One Voice identity for all communications > Support the City of Tigard logo CCAC Member Gallagher said her committee suggested "Renewing the Ieart of Tigard" as a tag line/slogan idea. Councilor Wilson expressed agreement with the idea of a focused presentation. I-Ie said he would prefer to see Tigard aim for a large master plan project with enough critical mass to spur development in the commercial area. I Ie suggested lookiig beyond Portland, even nationally, for potential developers. Councilor Wilson presented slides of maps showing demographics and high tech cluster locations in the Waslvngton County area. He said Tigard was favorably located and in a position to package this information to developers. Mayor Diiksen asked Ms. Gallagher if the logo idea was solely for the urban renewal district or if it could be used to identify Tigard at the gateways into the city. I Ie asked if dnis was a corporate logo for die CCDA. Ms. Gallagher said diat it-vas. Councilor Sherwood said, "We just spent a year and a half developing a new logo, colors and font. I'm reluctant to spend more time developing another logo. We're not just selling the urban renewal district, but the-whole city." Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 9 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items (follow u Councilor Woodruff expressed appreciation for the citizen cozntnittee's-,vork and enthusiasm but said it was important to get information from the consultant about what would get the attention of the people the City wants to attract. City Manager Prosser said Tigard needs to determine what our market is and then ask what can be done to build on the existing city brand. He said a consultant had been hired to help with this definition and that working on a new logo for the downtown may be premature. Councilor Sherwood mentioned dle recent tour of Port Moody, Canada that she, Councilor Wilson and odner local government representatives attended. She suggested that another tour be arranged so that CCAC members, business owners and others from the Tigard area can have the opportunity to visit Port Moody. Councilor Wilson said Port Moody is a suburban community similar to Tigard in size and proximity to larger city that has done high density well,with duality construction. Former Downtown Task Force Member Lisa Olson noted that the word, "heart" was often used to describe the downtown area. She reiterated the need for cohesive,professionally designed marketing materials. Community Development Director Coffee referred to his prior experience with two redevelopment projects—one in Corvallis,which attracted the largest shopping center developer in the counti:y, and one in Lake Oswego. He stated that it wasn't the logo that brought them in;it was the fact that they had soinediing to offer a developer and the developer could snake tmoney. Mayor Dirksen thanked the CCAC members for their unput. He said this would be revisited in conjunction with the marketing effort.with the consultant. Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 10 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up) Councilor Wilson asked Community Development Director Coffee to brief Council on the economic consultant's scope of work. Community Development Director Coffee said Dave Leland's scope of work includes assessing the Downtown Iimproveiment Plan and the components of the Urban Renewal Plan in relation to current and future market conditions. Ile said Mr.Leland is one of the foremost experts in his field. City Council At 10:26 p.m. the City Council was reconvened for Reconvened discussion of two additional items. Cita,Manager Prosser asked Council if there wasinterest ul sending two City staff people along with display materials for a booth at die National League of Cities Conference in New Orleans. Council consensus was not to do this. S. Executive At 10:31 Council entered into an Executive Session Session to discuss real property transaction negotiations under ORS 192.660 (2) (e). Executive Session ended at 10:36 p.m. 9. Adjournment The Council meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m. Councilor Woodruff made a motion to adjourn and Councilor Sherwood seconded. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Councilor SheLwood Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes Mayor Durksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Tigard City Council Minutes - June 19,2007 11 G� Carol -ager,Deputy City Recorder Attest: Mayor, I .' f Tig"a�rd Date: o; ' C Tigard City Council Minutes - .Tune 14,2007 12