City Council Minutes - 03/21/2006 FRI Agenda Item No. '-4 1 For Agenda of 1-4 . a5-©Lo Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes Date: March 21, 2006 Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon Attending: Mayor Craig Dirksen Presiding Councilor Sally Harding Councilor Sydney Sherwood Councilor Nick Wilson Councilor Tom Woodruff Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up Workshop 1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the City Council to Order Meeting at 6:30 p.m. 1.2 Council Present: Mayor Dirksen, Councilors Harding,Sherwood,Wilson,and Woodruff. 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Communications&Liaison Reports Mayor Dirksen reported that several City Council members met last week in Washington D.C. with Congressional leaders and delegates from other jurisdictions. It was noted that these meetings appeared to be valuable in furthering the City of Tigard's interests for the future. Councilor Harding noted she attended a recent D.A.R.E. graduation at Templeton Elementary School. School officials thanked the City of Tigard for its support. Mayor Dirksen advised that the Youth Advisory Summit was held last week. The Summit was attended by 50 high school and middle school students and focused on drug abuse. Speakers included young people talking Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up about the affect that drug abuse has had in their lives. Mayor Dirksen extended his thanks to Assistant to the City Manager Newton and supporters of"Tigard Turns the Tide." 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items See Agenda Item No. 9. 2. Joint Meeting Staff Presenters: Finance Director Sesnon; with Budget Financial Operations Manager Imdieke Committee—Staff Response to The following information was reviewed: Financial Strategy Task Force -Review of proposals for development of a Report comprehensive communication plan to provide Recommendations information on the results of the performance audits,property tax rate education and information, how efficient the City is in providing services, and how City services are actually funded. -A comparison analysis of tax rates on assessed property only (ad valorem taxes)with fire and park districts included,where appropriate. A similar chart will be published in the May edition of the Cityscape. -Discussed franchise fees and how the City of Tigard compares. City Manager Prosser indicated the City, as well as the League of Oregon Cities, had previously prepared this comparative information. -Recommendation to prepare a`Budget in Brief' document,which is condensed into a format that is interesting and understandable. This document would be published after Budget adoption. -Discussed the performance audit that is planned for key areas/programs, especially those in the General Fund. This is the right direction to take; however,it should not become an "exercise in validation." The proposed budget will include an amount to fund the audit. It was suggested to have Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items follow up continuing citizen involvement consisting of individuals who will be involved in the audit process (advisory). - Goals and objectives of the Finance Department willinclude a process review for procurement. - Further efficiencies by identifying duplicative efforts. - Continue adjusting fees and charges to recover costs. - Seek City Council support of any reasonable County tax measure that would bring additional revenue to the City. -Maximize grant revenues and the City's share of revenues from other agencies (State, County, Clean Water Services). -Any local option levy should capture the cost of the program or service as well as the cost of all related support services and overhead. There was discussion on the result if a levy is passed initially and then not renewed by the voters;hence, programs/services/administration overhead would all"go away." -Develop and pursue corporate/private sector funding or sponsorship of programs and projects when possible. - Continue to pursue cooperative agreements with other agencies. At a recent meeting with the School District, officials identified 20 ways to work together. - Consider outsourcing by contracting with private providers for services. -Analyze future financial impact of new program initiatives, capital acquisitions, and construction projects. Staff will show five-year projections of financial impacts. Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items follow up - Grants were discussed. When applying for giants, consider how much must be matched by the City. Also, the grant should fund a program the City has already identified (relates to established goals). It was noted, however, that grants are often"opportunity-driven." -Discussed how grant revenues are tracked. A special audit is triggered if the City expends more than$500,000 of federal funds in a fiscal year. - Councilor Woodruff requested to see information about"tracking of grants overall." - Councilor Harding suggested a volunteer be sought to track the available grants;i.e., from the League of Oregon Cities "Grant Station." -Agreement among Budget Committee members that the overall approach to a local option levy should be considered carefully. - Discussion on offering voters the opportunity to vote on individual projects or programs thereby providing a direct link to taxes and services. Terminology applied to such a proposal included "ala carte taxes" or"cafeteria taxes." It was noted that this was submitted as a strategy to consider, although,it might be difficult to implement. 3. Proposed Staff Presenter: City Engineer Duenas Capital Improvement The PowerPoint presentation overview is on file in Program Projects the City Recorder's office. The overview included: for 2006-07 -Formulation Process -Program Areas -Priorities for FY 2006-07 -Proposed Projects -Tigard Downtown Projects - Citywide Projects There was discussion on the following: - Senior Center Remodel/Seismic Upgrade;look Staff will follow up with at applying fora rant; this is a time-sensitive re resentatives from the Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up project. Discussed looking at other alternatives adjacent church property to for a senior center such as the adjacent church's determine about potential property,which might be relocating. senior center facility. - Hall Boulevard/99W Project; discussed the possibility of the City participating in this County project. Also discussed potential purchase of property to incorporate a median to serve as a pedestrian refuge on 99W. - Reviewed additional street projects,including: - 108`h/Durham Road intersection signalization - Wall Street improvements,including removing one pond and realigning Pinebrook Creek - Tigard/Tiedeman intersection improve- ments. There might be an opportunity for additional transportation improvements if one of the railroad tracks is removed. Perhaps if one railroad crossing is closed, there might be an opportunity to add a crossing at Ash Avenue. There was discussion about problems associated with the railroad transportation system within the City and a need to address the system of trains and signals. - The bridge/viaduct at 99W might be replaced,representing another opportunity to resolve some Tigard transportation issues. - Skate Park funding was reviewed. The City will apply again for a state grant. This time the City will make some assurances about the amount it will match if the grant is awarded. - It was noted the pedestrian barricade at Hall/Fanno Creek bridge needs to be repaired. - Water supply projects were reviewed, including the City's participation in projects as a partner with the Joint Water Commission. Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up - Funding for land acquisitions will be set aside over several fiscal years. - CIP projects scheduled for one year, but not completed,will be carried forward to the next fiscal year. 4. Downtown Staff Presenter: Senior Planner Nachbar Capital Improvement The PowerPoint overview, "Capital Improvement Project Priorities and Strategy for the Downtown"was Priorities/Budget presented to the City Council. Three strategic goals and action plans for these goals were reviewed: 1. Stimulate new development to generate "tax increment"revenues. Redevelopment potential was discussed. 2.Assist Main Street as it transitions to a more dynamic commercial district. Support of a pedestrian-oriented commercial district and a visually attractive and safe streetscape was discussed. The unknown impact of the Commuter Rail on some of the properties was noted. Over time,it is anticipated that land uses will change. 3. Capitalize on Fanno Creek Park as a key public gathering space and amenity for new development. The first step is to produce a new Master Plan for the Park. The Park will be used to strengthen the marketability and value of projects for developers and create important civic spaces for the community. Redevelopment projects will be pursued that have a public space,park or plaza as a part of the project to develop public support. While the Urban Renewal Plan does not include the use of condemnation, agreements with property owners would be considered. Capital improvement priorities and the budget for downtown were reviewed. Projects were ranked Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up according to criteria in an attempt to be more objective and review projects critically. Identified projects also relate to the goals for the downtown. During the discussion of the budget review,it was noted the $100,000 figure for land acquisition was based on the assumption that the land to be acquired is located in the floodplain and has no development value. At this time, there is no commitment to any design for Burnham Street as this will be discussed by the Council later. A work program is being prepared to identify and implement potential Development Code changes. Some of the older properties have substandard parking facilities. It might be possible to work with Clean Water Services to reduce some of the setback requirements near the creek. Mayor Ditksen noted some downtown parking requirement adjustments to the Code have already been adopted. Having regulations in place to accommodate business that might want to locate in the downtown will be key. 5. Joint Meeting Staff presenter: Public Works Director with the Koellermeier Intergovernmental Water Board IWB Members present: Patrick Carroll,Beverly (IWB) to Discuss Froude,Bill Scheiderich;Councilor Woodruff is Participation in the City Council liaison to the IWB. the Expansion and Modification Also present was Mark Knudson of Carollo of the Willamette Engineers, the engineering consultant for River Water Sherwood and the Tualatin Valley Water District Supply (TVWD). The City of Tigard continues to work on securing a long-term water source by exploring all options. The City is a member of the Willamette River Water Coalition (WRWC),which was formed to preserve access to the Willamette River as a potential municipal and industrial water source. This is not to say that all members of the coalition plan to utilize the Willamette River as a water source,bur rather they are committed to Council Meeting Minutes Page 7 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up preserving access to this option. According to the WRWC agreement, any member deciding to expand or modify the Willamette River water supply system is required to provide fellow members with 90-day notice to give other members the opportunity to participate in the proposed expansion. Tigard has received such notices from the City of Sherwood and TVWD. Council received an outline of key points of this matter;a copy is on file in the City Recorder's office. Estimates for the extent and estimated costs for a potential Tigard participation were also reviewed in the outline. During discussion points included: • TVWD has invested in the Willamette River water treatment plant to varying degrees. • There are 115 million gallons/day (mgd) remaining for intake capacity at the Willamette River water treatment plan. • TVWD is considering the Willamette River water supply because of uncertainty about the cost and ability to purchase water from the City of Portland. It appears now that Portland might be willing to negotiate a 10-year agreement. TVWD will continue to consider the Willamette River source. • There is an opportunity for the City of Tigard to consider buying capacity in the Willamette River water system through participation in paying for part of the regional transmission system. • The costs for Tigard's participation were reviewed. (See outline.) • City of Tigard continues to work with Lake Oswego on a joint project also. Pipelines will need to be built for this project,which will be longer than the pipelines for the Willamette River supply would be. • Portland might offer Tigard a ten-year contract;although, the City of Tigard has not received anything from Portland. If a ten-year contract is mutually agreeable, this will give Council Meeting Minutes Page 8 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up Tigard more time to consider how to address its other potential water source options. • A contract with Portland does not offer the opportunity to own infrastructure. • One option might be to approach this incrementally;that is to install a pipeline now for use later. • Blended water (water from two different sources such as the Joint Water Commission and the Willamette River) would not happen because of the hydraulics of the system. • As a consideration, the City needs to look at long-term investment now because if the City does not buy-in now, the water system will not be sized for larger capacity needs in the future. Intake capacity would also need to be increased if the City went with the Lake Oswego option. • Capacity from the Willamette River is such that it could be the sole option for water. • Pursuing multiple sources maintains potential options. • Discussed the concerns to commit to the Willamette River pipeline. The options for Tigard are unfolding at this time,yet complete information for all of them is not available. • The City needs to make a decision about the Willamette River water option in May. • Lake Oswego has the potential to provide 15 mgd and when accompanied by use of wells and water from Portland,Tigard would have enough water for the next 20 years. Worst case,if the City of Portland backs away from a ten-year agreement, the City of Tigard would need to enter into a"bridge" contract with Portland until other sources can be developed. • There was mention of Areas 63 and 64 in the urban growth boundary and the future significant water needs for this area. There is a need for each of the agencies represented in the IWB to review the options. • TVWD has an ordinance in effect that says it will check-in with their voters before they go forward with water from the Willamette River. There is still much planning to do. Other issues include acquiring right-of-way, obtaining Council Meeting Minutes Page 9 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion & Comments Action Items follow u permits and addressing environmental issues. • There was mention that if the City of Bull Mountain is formed, they would need to work through issues to demonstrate their ability to provide water. Assets that belong to the Water District would be transferred. • The Lake Oswego source would require PUMPS. Recommended procedure for City of Tigard: • Use the month of April to allow time for the Intergovernmental Water Board to discuss this matter. • City Council will review again; tentatively scheduled for April 25, 2006. 6. Council Input Staff Presenter: City Engineer Duenas on the Draft 2008-2011 STIP The PowerPoint presentation overview is on file in (State the City Recorder's office. Transportation Improvement City Engineer Duenas reported that a resolution Program) has been prepared advising the state that the City supports certain projects for the 2008-2011 STIP. Councilor Wilson commented that Metro has acknowledged the importance of Highway 99. It appears from the proposed list that the projects for this region are sparse; a large share of the funding is being funneled toward Highway 26. Growth identified for jobs and for residential development for the next ten years is not occurring in the same locations. Council members indicated their support for the overpass replacement on Highway 99W and pavement overlay on Hall. City Council members talked about contribution by the City of Tigard to the projects, and if this would mean Tigard could give input on the scope and design. Support was also expressed for the I-5 project. Council Meeting Minutes Page 10 March 21, 2006 Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up 9. Non Agenda Items City Council and City Manager Prosser discussed the fact that no tentative date has been set for the joint meeting with the School District Boards and the City Councils of neighboring jurisdictions. City Council agreed staff should continue to pursue a date for this meeting. Co�cilor Harding suggested that CIP be referred *Community Investment Program to as "g&p4 j QW.11 City Council (minutes corrected on April 25, 2006) members concurred that this was a good idea. 10. Executive Not held. Session. 11. Adjournment 10:17 p.m. Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Harding, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Harding Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes erine Wheatley, City Recor et Attest: 7City itof Tigard Council President Date: `�7r L o7s, a oo& hadm\cathy\ccm12006\060321.doc Council Meeting Minutes Page 11 March 21, 2006