City Council Minutes - 01/06/2006 Agenda Item No. For Agenda of �,P �/'•�►� COUNCIL MINUTES TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6,2006 Mayor Ditksen called the meeting to order at 12:19 p.m. Council Present: Mayor Dirksen; Councilors Harding, Sherwood,Wilson, and Woodruff. 2006 Goal-Setting Discussion City Manager Prosser reviewed materials submitted to the City Council to assist in the goal- setting discussion. Materials included: + 2005 City Council Goal Status Summary + Departmental sunomaries of accomplishments for the year • Volunteer report + The Capital Improvement Program Progress Report for the 2005 Calendar Year Council members proceeded with a brainstorming session,with each member suggesting goals for 2006. {Recorder's Note: Attached is the proposed final 2006 City Council Goals list submitted for Council approval at its January 24, 2006,business meeting.) Below are highlights of the City Council discussion: • Revise Comprehensive Plan—complete the draft by the end of the year. Notation that the Plan is 25 years;identify where it is obsolete. • Improve relationship and communication with citizens—implement the new neighborhood program. • Implement the Downtown Plan—add specifics of what is to be implemented in 2006;identify projects such as a public gathering place in the downtown. The City Council can support the ballot measure and Council members decided they would work to get the ballot measure passed and to support the political action committee. • Improve 99W corridor. Projects in 2006 would include the implementation of the Transportation Growth Management Study and improvements to the Greenburg and Hall Boulevard intersections. • Stabilize the Financial Picture as the City Council receives the Financial Strategy Task Fotce report followed by appropriate City Council action. City Council members also noted the importance of continuing to control costs. • City Council members considered the potential goal to "address growth on the western border." After discussion, City Council decided the goal should be stated in terms for clarification of the City's position on the provision of urban services to unincorporated areas and to protect the interests of the citizens of Tigard. • Long-range water decisions will be necessary in 2006. COUNCIL MINUTES—JANUARY 6,2006 page 1 + 131,ild slate path. There was discussion on whether this should be a subsection of a goal and it was placed under the broader goal of Implementing the Downtown Plan. • Consider opportunities to make major greenspaces purchases. After discussion, City Council members decided to add specific activities including purchasing first- refusal options and to explote property exchanges with the School District. • City Council discussed long-term water options including the Joint Water Commission, City of Portland, and Lake Oswego. + Comprehensive Plan Review and Revision. There was discussion about: o High-tech development in the region—Tigard is in the center of this activity (i.e.,Washington Square,Lincoln Center, Kruse Way). o Analyze trends. o Determine where current Code is obsolete. Define economic patterns and strategies. o Understand the economic trends and define what kind of City we want to become. o City staffing includes one-half FTE for an urban renewal planner and one- half FIE for economic development. o Develop an economic assessment of existing conditions and opportunities o The Comprehensive Plan sets out a vision for the City—a hierarchy of purposes. o Consider design standards. • Address growth on the western border of the City,which will involve more than the Comprehensive Plan Review (i.e.,intergovernmental agreements,policies,Area 63/64). + At this time unincorporated Bull Mountain area isnot in the Comprehensive Plan Review. • There was a suggestion to include up to 150"' Street in the Comprehensive Planning Review;however, there was a question as to whether the City would have the authority to include this property. Another suggestion was to keep the area outside the City limits as a separate issue while the City Council works out some of the policy issues. • There was discussion on the original policy for the urban services area noting the changes in the"political landscape." Original policy clearly states that it was anticipated that the City boundaries would extend to the current urban growth boundary. The position on the urban services area needs to be clarified. Discussed protecting the public's interest. • There appears to be no mechanism to bring areas 63 and 64 into the City of Tigard. Referred to Senate Bill 122 directing cities and counties to address areas within the urban growth boundary to determine how urban services would be provided;who would be the ultimate service provider. • There was a suggestion to do a comprehensive survey to tie togethersome of the other smaller surveys. • There was discussion about the continued improvement of the City's committee system. It was suggested that sign up sheets provide a space so people can indicate if they would be interested in serving on a board or committee (develop a resource file). COUNCIL MINUTES—JANUARY 6,2006 page 2 • Utilize the library to get messages out. • Promote the City's web page. • Communication is two-way; suggested focus be on those who want to be part of the comt-aunication process. Another comment was the desire to Bear from the "average"person as well as activists. • Involve the Citizens for Community Involvement and the Neighborhood groups. • Past surveys included: Library services;Citizens Academy program. • Make public notices for land use more visible;include a telephone number so more information could be obtained if desired. • Progress in communication has included the 50'Tuesday meetings and the use of the City's website. , • Suggested that a recognition event be planned for the Neighborhood program. • Discussed CPO's and the request to the County to restructure this program. • Discussed City's relationship with schools,with the comment made that the mission of the City is not education. Continue to work on taro-way communication and cooperate with the schools where the two jurisdictions'missions overlap. Meeting recessed at 2:09 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 2:29 p.m. • Reviewed the Transportation. Growth Management Grant process. • On Match 4 there is a CPO 4B and 4K symposium on 99W. There was a request for the City of Tigard to attend. More information is needed. • A request was made for a Police report on activity on Bull Mountain. • Add the Greenbutg Road and Hall Boulevard intersection projects to the 99W goal. • Reference made to performance audits for major expenditure programs—setting the budget and"sticking to it." • Discussion on how capital projects are carried forward from one fiscal year to the next when projects have not been completed. Suggestion that draft Capital Improvement Program identify projects not completed,but funded. • Discussed how the City invests money as required by law. • Discussed contingency funding for projects. Generally,the City sets aside 10-20 percent as contingency for projects. • Discussed long-term financial picture. Budget is always balanced;however, a number of desired programs and projects cannot be done. • Metro dollars might be available for park/greenway purchases. The Parrs and Recreation Advisory Board is evaluating opportunities and options for parr/greenway purchases. • Additional discussion on urban services area and whether the City inight want to consider that the boundaries of the City of Tigard ate set;however,the other viewpoint includes concerns by those who do not wasn't to see further use of City services by people who have not paid for thein. There was a suggestion that die cities of Washington County come together on this issue and present a united message to the County. • City Council ineinbers agreed that the City map showing only the City boundaries (not the urban growth boundary) be used as the City of Tigard snap. COUNCIL MINUTES—JANUARY 6,2006 page 3 + The County adopted the City of Tigard Development Code,in a public process, when the City and County entered the urban services agreements. + BAefly discussed the requirements for forming a new City. Feasibility study is being conducted for formation of a new City on Bull Mountain. Council meeting recessed at 3:30 p.m. Council meeting reconvened at 4:04 p.m. + Council members reviewed and selected a final logo design as presented by Consultant Glen Matcusen. + Official city font selected.: Garanond + Following tag line can be used with logo: "A Place to Call Home." ADJOURNMENT: 4:47 p.m. Catherine'Mheatley, City Recorder Attest: Mayor, ity of Tigard Date: is\adm\cihhy\ccm\2005\1150524.doc i i COUNCIL MINUTES—JANUARY 6,2006 page 4