City Council Packet - 06/26/1978 WM KIM am TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 26, 1978, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 5. CONSENT AGENDA: (All matters under this heading are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any Council member or member of the audience, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.) (a) Approval of Minutes - June 12, 15, 1978 (b) Approval of Expenditures and Investments: $48,906.97 (c) Monthly Reports - Receive and File Building Library Police Finance Planning (d) Receive and File - Written Communications Transmittal Joann Grund - re: 78-79 Budget Transmittal Alice E. Lindersmith - re: 78-79 Budget Transmittal Housing Authority of Washington County - re: Cooperation Agreement (see agenda item #20 ) 6. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL DECLARING INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 7. APPROVE REFUND $30.00 CROWN CENTURY DISTILLERS PRODUCTS, 16444 S.W. 72nd Avenue, Business License Fee. (a) Recommendation of Finance Director. 8. APPROVE EXTENSION OF CORNELL EXCAVATION CONTRACT Re: Bike Path Construction - Greenburg Road and Tigard Avenue. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 9. ACCEPT SEWER EASEMENT - George and Ruth Anderson - vicinity of S.W. Frewing and Pacific Highway. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 10, ' RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MAKING AN APPOINT14ENT TO THE SITE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. s Joann Corliss - Regular Member representing Planning Commission. (a) Recomemndation of Selection Committee. 11. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MAKING APPOINTMENTS) TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. (a) Recommendation of the Selection Committee. 8:00 P.M. CONSIDERATION OF LAND USE ITEMS 12. ZONE CHANGE - Request by Der-Hart Associates for a General Plan and Program Review of a Residential Planned Development and Zone Map Amendment from R-7 to R-7 PD for a 2.20 acre parcel at 14070 S.W. Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 1000). (a) Recommendation of Planning Commission (b) Consideration by Council (c) ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT rO AN APPLICATION BY DER-HART ASSOCIATES FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND AT 14070 SW HALL BLVD. AND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 12B, AS TAX LOT 1000 FROI4 CITY OF TIGARD R-7 TO R-7 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT "A", "B", & "C" GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13. ZONE CHANGE - Request by Oscar Clark for a Zone Map Amendment from R-7 "Single Family Residential" to C-P "Commercial-Professional" for a 1.01 acre parcel at 7540 S.W. Hunziker (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2DB, Tax Lots 101 and 102). (a) Recommendation of Planning Commission (b) Consideration by Council (c) ORDINANCE No. 78- ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY OSCAR H. CLARK FOR AN AMENDI4ENT TO THE 1970 ZONING I4AP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND AT 7540 S.W. HUNZIKER AND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 2DB, TAX LOTS 101 AND 102 FROM "R-7" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO "C-P" COI4MERCIAL-PROFESSIONAL AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT "A", GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 14. ZONE CHANGE - Request by Arrow Heating Co., Inc. for a Zone Map Amendment from R-15 to R-7 for a 2.4 acre parcel at S.W. 124th North of Lake Terrace and adjacent to Jack Park (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3BB, Tax Lot 100). (a) Recommendation of Planning Commission (b) Consideration by Council (c) ORDINANCE No. 78- •-• ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RSEPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY ARROW HEATING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 3BB, TAX LOT 100, FROM "R-15" to R-7" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT . "A", GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 26, 1978 15. ZONE CHANGE - Request by Progress Bible Church for a Zone Map Amendment from Washington County RS-1 to City R-7 "Single Family Residential" for a 2.0 acre parcel at 12930 SW Scholls Ferry Road (Wash.Co. Tax Map 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2100). (a) Recommendation of Planning Commission. (b) Consideration by Council (c) ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY PROGRESS BIBLE CHURCH FOR AN A14ENDMENT TO THE 1970 ZONING TRACT OF LAND AT 12930 S.W. SCHOLLS FERRY ROAD AND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 1S1 33AD AS TAX LOT 2100, FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY RS-1 TO (R-7) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT "A", GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 16. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE BUDGET, DECLARING THE AD VALOREM TAX LEVY FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1979. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 17. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL TRANSFERRING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITY FOR 1977-78 FISCAL YEAR. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 1 8. CONSIDERATION - SYSTEI4 DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - TIGARD SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL REMODELING. (a) Rol) Greenwood Tigard Public Sc cool Administration Re:)rosentative. 19. APPROVE CETA SPECIAL PROJECTS - Personnel and Policies Manual (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 20. COOPERATION AGREEMENT REGARDING LOW INCOME HOUSING (a) Recommendation of City Adminis tra for. 21. CONDITION OF 72ND STREET AND WASHINGTON COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY. (a) Request of Mayor. 22. STATUS REPORT - CITY HALL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION (a) Report by City Administrator. 23. ENGLEWOOD GREENWAY MAINTENANCE (a) Report by City Administrator. 24, FRIENDS OF MUSEUM - John Tigard Home (a) Report by Administrative Aide. 25. OTHER 26• EXECUTIVE SESSION - Under provisions of ORS 192.660 Council will go into Executive Session to discuss City Personnel Matters. 27, ADJOURNMENT PAGE 3— COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 26, 1978 RE PLAR 'ZEF?`T�'a J1:N1E 6 '7' . 7 ;30 P.M, C Present- Mlror Wi : ` r , 13i�`lo Co , tchr F , ock, Alan W. 1. ROLL AL.L� rh o - Fc 1 lc.e Rot;E r L Adat-:�; ml,zk-e zon Ke^ret.h W., ,:.`.ec.kl a; C,i%y Adt-.i.r i.s tr atE:. .. R,. R. Barker, Pl-.nn_n•�; Dlrec_or,, RichaArd Bolen; C'_ty Recorder; Dari:: Har Lig, Admini_=,tr;;tive Aide. Aidace award; AdErtinist.YatLC2 `r� 1'4t3ry Lpreec W1�.. Gr:. Z, CALL. ;.0 AUDIENCE ''OR THOSE DE •1R'.T:. TO SPEAK. ON NON-AGENDA ITF.`t ; ogl>. 1'13P1 CrgtlE-Sled lt1ic.. Ot 1' w'. - C;11:5 d •- T 1 d r d r'C.,. -_ D - _ ... 1 . _�.�. .._.._....� •Cl,. -hE C;G�""LC) ;^) Pr....,_ r'E.• ardit- thE. c lr'1r rEk, ,-ELEeaye of Jure r', ty, ar, wt r :3 t ;• ,I :3c tion Laken ;It ?he t !on Uf her F1o�-ition wilri tl ^ th_ _31e ,•Dolt lUCi i, 197.3 Cour.cil :•eet: re-ar _ F n1a�or Bishop staie,d i' t or1u^ate the C0 F a_ ried �UC'I st.ateme,_-)ts. The Cuu-:.i : e:rrt e3 no decirc to 31-kchr it y Ad la ?rator t� rt_-muve 1— Chase, ,,t. r-; Ther ei;Tir,ar_E the' PI rl-.ler ,, r l wou, •i 1.e 3 iy _, thr. iz Lon. as to w re _ , nc:ted t Ad- . tritor `^tyor P. hcp ai u the liecisiu.l uou:d br t: 1 .,.y > ;;ny c p r•i i• t`r it:ture rE t ., ,ornel .la'_d 'ae la�nts ' throu;h he ~(;7t1- A:1^.iri ;' r•.t'pr Cr p ;IT ?? ._ :)i :CCtOt C7ur it 7,ar nickel lt:• t c 1.;,K rt'- eC.•.1' rez,a: 3.. ._ 1'.,1 _ :* _ D.i ?t L_':t_k ., _rad\' 1"(OLPt-} o; " :_ c _r+l Cor. L r lc••_-• rE flu. '.ted r l..r i t t a? iur tF��–/• '��t! j DeS t. or i.1 reKArd.* , e <. 5 r t hi_ LCc P the} i `t.icre t) Pl,.trn,'.n� ti 'tr, fu. Ct ion r'., -c' f t . Da_<, Pl 1,' <rr wi 11 Adr.iriatrator -t= ted t ha_r ,Ut F c [et'.Z::at2d> Furtherr.or: ,, thc. per,cr' h llre chi {JG: ltti)C h Ll rlUt �)E' l}eCauce_ r;U fr•�tl. . .'at .4'. for di ._ FJI'UU�:,hI ^, (, t L(, Ivd..f., H,.UC.!.dl'1 PInn,;iuttt t Director ^ad t�! CG"- .'• e "l C(,n.5trCctlon pro}ec"t. <.c'-•.F,'_t�rrd n,r _i t:.i;r 3. AF'i'ROVAL OF 1,riItiLTE5 - UNE 1 • by Ccuncit.r-an �.00l: to a1•i,ro•,•e, (a) Moi.ion ':y GcuPcii:,-3Cl i° ck�_1 •c;c, Second >; Al,proved 1:y u*'ar,?�.cu> .or- o{ 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AICD JNVESTMENTS Mot_ior. by Counci t-.�n �!icke'..:cr; Seconded try r uer i i ".:�:. Cock to aprrove. Aoorove.d 2'.y undnicr.ous ror< of C urci.l , 5. MO° riLr REPORTS - Receive a7:d i R;j- di:)?, Library Fo+ice FiC:'a r,cs F an rlg 's s 1 x 4 ) glampligim ?a; * :c•~ by ^Durci?. .ac `!...k.e.' =c, _c .c, a: _ y C k C_ei ..•1 ''rero-.ed by ur...n ii-'.ous 6. RECEIVE AND FILE •- Writter c_,t:cr.s„ i Joanri ''rur.d .., re �C, 1--''y _ Pud,Et_ ;' :t-a1 Alice E, Lc_3et .. '. th re; 9 .LE t . Hc.z_i-:g Aur."cr: ,.. SJ:,.>`ri-.etc^ Cr,1 r :• co Brat-ion A r•4 c-7 it t. ' : t .on _v Cook tc rec :i'.e and 7. RESOD ''rUN leo. 73-4' A RFSOL'r'.10C ' THE -T" ,;RL) T. . ('OI'":' U., DECLAR IN,, TNTF;4( TO PART!,`,!TATE '.N TNE; SIATE RE ENVE SHARING PRO)'RA,V, (a -"...tnistr<itc !f-qjue:.. t`.d rc,�":..1 j!r.r(:',.. -:fie .C., C., Ly t:: Parti !_. t `c , e r= flrue Ti�ci g rt r,. F C�Lrci i .a `"_ck.r 0 i.I T-. nCc:ol to ri:prcve. Approved :;,y E. APPROVE REPI)ND $:30,('(i CROWN '.;E�'rr'R': ?. �,T .I,LER.S 4RO-'N'•"',, . :h .:-, SW :',.'NI) AVENUE, 5u.;irtess Li,:en:e Fie:. ;a) FT,,:az,ce Di.eetur re uesred Cour.. aJ_—ro•.t :efU due: tc :ut i . .•+titt: c:. p.a;:�e-it ly Crcwc C,'.­Lr DE;' : , ler ['rcdu t (b) MOtio-: 1•y Vounci .a uo3 equ :. h �,y Ccice _ 1- S_hrr.k.la to app ro ::. efund i.r- r:hc ,imou:.1t of $.3o.,t,J Approved by tr.arr; .cu= 9. APYROVE EXTENSION OF COR'EU, EXCAVATION CONTRA,",' RE, Bike Pyth Ccrtstru,: Lior, Cr,t.^',ur4 Rcad and Tiiar'd Are- {a r:i`y Alp.ir.:str.tor requ::='ed "curt :? :,I rote ext<<n ._ e : <.cr tri t to Au,;u7�t 1978 due to weather, ! j Mot ior, �y Council*-.ar. M_ k.c;3 .:c, e(�orded '`v Cour_�,i'- r'. S:h_ck.ia to este^d c.cnicac'.t. for Ccr-,:ei1 E.tic-•u_t i.c• tc At,gu.-t . , w, s Approved by t.._:r:imou­ vute of (our i 10. ACCEPT SEWER EASE.M.EN'r - "eorce .� R :':n A:3er=ca - o.i_i'., t c, S,W, Frewin__ a:d w Pa:.irSc Hrihi,ay. t 2 a (a) {,itty' Ad;linistrat.or Stated Chi= :Ja: :i ":ousek.eer'-t . .atter a^:d Should ha�.e beer. acc,rpted in 19;'4. T_h4. ra,E ezt i() fee' wide. i Z�•) P"otie }• Cour,ciix.:3 Ccc?•.;, ._ _t.r°.?gid ,y C•aun.cil ;aw S_he:k.Za to :crept. 3 Y Approved b1 un�inimou.i 'a'ote c PACE 'Z RZI ULAR COUNCIL MINUTES - Toric � , 19"8 ;i 1 A 11, RESOLUTION No. 78-45A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITti COUNCIL. RAKING AN r APPOTNTME:NT TO THESI'Z'E DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, 'i k Joan. Corliss - Regular ^^er..`er _ep:-esentiag. Fianni_ng Coa_<r,is!�ion Term Expiring July 1 , 1981, (a) Cir} Administrator stated the Plar.^.irg Ccm::i.s_.ior! requested this appointment to rece7nended by the S__1Fcr;,on Co-rri tree. a Motion by Councilman C;;ck.,, sero^ded by C;,ur,t:i can Scheckia to appoint Joann Coriss. i Approved by unanimous vote of Ccuncil, 12. RESOLUTION No. 75-46 A RESOLC"TION OF THE TICARD CITY COUNCIL MAKING AFPOINI'N!F'C TO TyE PL, ININC COMMISSION, (a) Motion Ly Councilman Cook, :,econded ',v Mayor Bishop to appoint Craig hcl,riei to the cctside the City pc,siticc to expire or. ';;ly 1 , 1981, Roll call of vote as follow: ' Mayor Bishop; Council!'.an Cook, voting AYE; Councilmcn Mickelson, and Scheckla Voting NAY, Failed for lack of majority. (t;;) Ccu^!c,- Mickelson -ro.-eJ to held po_'it.:.on orcri uct 1 all appl :cants from out:':;.'.ic the, City 11mit~ could l:e it,terviewcd, 4econded by Couricil!r.itl Schecki, Rctl call of vote a fo?l.ow;z Mayor Bishop;, Cocr.cilrran Cook voting NAY; Councilmen Mickelson and Scheckl..a voting AYE. Failed for lack of maiority, (c) Motion l.y Council.-:?n Clok.; =ecorded by Cour-il--�ar Mi:.keiion to appoint Cliff Speaker to a t.ett- of cfi'i-e for ;n:=.ide the City 1 i nit to expire July 1, 1982. Roll call cf vote as follows: Mayor R,_�shcp, Cour:::.i1Ter: Cook.. and Yi.;.kelson .`ctir.5 Ay E" Motion pasted 3 to 0. (d) Motic.7 by Councilman S heck?ad ::rconded `-v Councll"-aan tiIick.elsor_ to appoint Allan Popp to a term. of office for iv_sjdfn, the. City li: it: to Expire July I, i932, Roll ;:211 of vote as follow Mayor BI: atst.airEd; au:-ci1^an Cook, NAY; { Cou-ci hma n Mickel:ce, AYE, Coutt..i 1.^:ar_ Sche:,kL�, AYF., M!,tion failed 2 to 1 with o^e a`: ted,_icr_, for lack o: majority of those present. 3 Position will remain open for further consideration_. { Y PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8:00 P.M. 13. ZONE CHANGE - Request by Der-Hart. Associates £or a General Plan and Program Review j of a Residential Planned Development and Zone Map kmendment from R-7 to R-7 PD for 7 a 2.20 acre parcel at 14070 S.W. Hall. Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, TL 1000). i PAGE 3 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES - .June 2n, 1978 ;s {a) P1anniz_g Dl.rr?^_iGT 7 j the: P_ - � the following cndi.t -C .. , c ._.. c r _c a<< 1. That. the _rine road ._, 1c .ed o:- >C: t Gct r i; ht-o2--.w with 26 feE:t. of pavement with a ce, w:d_ El.a*:ter -trtt; ar ? " iuG t. W"°de •.edt:de T.i ti sidewalks to he prc% . Lded o� 15 'oc•t ems.-E,r.�-nts. 2. East and wept cup.•..+e ,,: tr :r, h�. develop=d ,airh a '_3 foot pavement surface, .5 foot 40 foot cul-de-sac radius; with !atr�,;" irds •-,-ovided wit.,i ) G r. ; n the cul-de-sac streets (i: lard :.Lt jt., - ? re J .n' f ' 3 :re depart rent 3. An E foot a ,; ;;. h;, t F.�: path i..e r:r'cvidr:d withir, th•_ -'0 foot ea sF•;._: t. a_rr,s the youth l:rc cf 'ot follcw:-.z .::h3at.-i. pply to the te7-purary aCL t . :• p„i,•, r ie ':u ', ,nE.. ;:= .t.ret.t and Nall Blcd ='I: r't :or i aGJ tr�iIfi! r ` ,ha! ! he Fro• ide�, - C:�. Fa es A 1.4 Lc::t w r! +. . 1 rt are -}ia;_! ' pea. i&--i within t_h_ � est=c- '.e';t erF.:S a � Ir . .:e. Ce I(i !'c;Ct. ra:3.c, . . 'd Th, a�� e; s hsll hay .. a' . ter.-r•; tact, wit!: Na 1 91'.d tc : ,ic^ r,n. cdat� %ic:•.rt� Of r.hir. t.., ret,; a. ce ;. ,-hall cc-:t:r wh_•r, .or.:trc.:tion r •- the - . {at 0 r , or 3oait., Road is co~.c !e-::d, •�, ; ',-Lr( wit , req+.ire rc C.:a of till, �q tout .tT.ent 6e t'.or the cu'. I(__:ac to Hall 9: . .i „ .:jr: the „tiff.” C. ti ! c --r the Thi. ,r ttweer, rh_ cu: _(.Jc-sac and 'J:•..l }Z) .ai„ .J: : :ar,i:. :.:"a_^f i,W1 t1' ,nd a i d::c1�: t .�. � [.Yc „d pra.cr tc. ,"3- a: !dt rt urd_r. 05 o. tc u Gv r The r er:. rFyL. red h y �. .• w i C-1 i;l C,. } J. ::r; a 7.:1 . �. i w l C(: t!,.e i r.a.Ce:3 c;`, o arry .r c:c: _' e air, r.- ,ted ,. har;:e I'ht. ill 1,jil, idil- L jt-ct ic, dz- re. :ew. (b) ORDINANCE Nc� AN C'RD,tiANCE ADO='?; WITH RESPECT TO AN APPI.ICA71ON BY DER-14ART ASSOCIATES FOR AN AMENDMENT TO T"E 'y%': ZONIN MAP OF THF CITY OF T!:7ARD, CHAN^_•IN' THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND AT 1401-10 SW HALL BLVD. AND DEPICTED ON WA,NIN:'-_ oN COUNT TAX MAP 2S1 12B, AS ' TA.X LOT 1000 FROM CITY OF I I rtARD R-r TO R-7 PLANNED DEVELOFuENr S'N''i.E FAY_1Y RE51DFNTIAL PLANNED DEVELOP- MENT A\r) ADCPtI`:^ EX!?;a.1; "A" ,,,��, � "C” rRANT'INS THE .API1i1TCA7T(`.' AND F'IX.?N.I AN EFFECTI:•E DATE. 2 (e) Mo'.ion by Cour.ci;c, e. M .cke1 Cc :ed br Cour,C 1.-ari Cook to adept. ' Approved by u*ianj^:cua ot_� Coc--oil. i 3 14. ZONE CFANGE - Request i;yick: for a Zcr:._ Ma , A e;:d:-.ent f Family Res to C- P " �_ i ro^ R "Single ±• p�,rE ,-i.on3 fur a 1<01. acre parcel at } 7540 S.W. Hunziker (Wash Cc , Ti .'jY . S1 2DR; T3� Lot.: 1.0: and 102). t PAGE 4 REGULAR COUNCIL M>ti1�T_ES W. Jt:7,e r i �y ^.g Dl.rf:.ter ".C'.. ... . F:-i Cf.?T..i. - {L,l ORJ_NANCE iw. ORD-i ANCE A.DOPI'ING FIvDT1'C.3 WITH RE5,PFCT TO AN APPLJCA•- T?(" �V,' OSCAR N_ FLA—RV. rOR. tN . M,E.NDMFl,'T 10 THE 70NT-N'- Y.A.F OF rflB CIT!•- O,c 7T;ARD, CH_A i .0;, � THE ZUtiF. 1)73TR:CT' OF A TRACT OF i_aND AT 54,0 S,W. HUNZTl:ER AND ` DEFICTED ON WASHINC'TOIz CG(IN Y TAX MAF ',,SI 2DB, TAX LO:(':, FROM. "R-"l S1N-'-F. FAMll-y RESIDENTIAL TO „C.•p,., '.()'Y.FR.(.-,?AJ,• PROFESSIONAi. AND ADOFT?NC EXHIBIT "A", RA`T.IN T;4E AF'PLICATIO'_X AND FIX!"' AN EFFECTIVE DA'L'E. Co,.,p LT.LIri .•C'l.(".,. _:E'Ci^dP!� hy' rCU°-_ f^,Yi �ChE.'.k :.ri r0 ndv� . . 15. ZONE 4AN'�E - Regtie it i..y. A.-!-,:w He at C' fov 1 7crt Mlp ?-nerdc::rl;i- r R•-I5 N fora 2-1- ac.r: t rr _ _ S.W. ' i. ch Kurth uf 1. ke Terra:, =,m' ad?ace'..t sck Pork tWa '!, c. �_x M; 1.S'_ <R-" Tax Lct 100). (a) Planr_'n Director *t.nted i' ,, L Coy. �.c;-: rc-�c,- _ .:.Ir_d <c(,i:ri it ., {.= ORDIN„tiCE Nc. 7- _l 0R77N;AV'E A7(:It'IN '?.`;;,- WI '!? RESPECT '10 AN APPLICA- IO"• ?.ti ARk0'.:r HFAitN' FOR AN ANIENDMENT TO ZO' "1 Nqp �,:' P4E CIIY OF T' .aND r. fl;,ti, I� `lHE 10`11F D:.";fi (0-' :1 't+ .`: OF IAND ?)FI I-'!'ET) ON WASH114i;TON i, PROM "R-L . " TO RF'- T,•�.L AN'D ADOPFIN' EVIBIT :,PIN:-iV. (1+E AF'P1.. .A`IO" ^.�:[� .'IXI`i AN EFFFC[ IVE DN-F. Ic } u, , ; t,y Cour.=i?T.=in P"=ekc.. cn 'ei C !.r•,. ` i,• .,.. ... I. «o a•IohL. ZO";E j;HAV-F R-q%(.-:t r,yI`- C:hur; f Zc.._. V3 W,, to! County' RS--i to C; •R- 1C F.i _ Re idtrt ;a!” for a O .!crc: i+. 11930 >W �• � ac tI .r,. � AD, T_, L:,r 1700). PL. vnini� Directort F C `o the fo' :Ckit:g cot it . i.. -. ! , That. :0 fee.. tiE dF iscatel to t.hP FU';! ;c. Flo K S<-hk. il_ Ferry Rend frontage or :u-tr> !i'.,hwj. -,. That. the 7,01' lc :'-:c'ved Cr UbL31.;iQd fr:.,., the c'i.ty Planning Cc,~..,:.;-. io:, or C--,y C, il. �.i..rc ORDINA.NCE No, 73-L3 AN ORDIti:A' ADOPT7N?; FINDIN=S Wlifi RESPECT TO AN AFPLiCA?;0`. ?�' PRO,^.REBS BIBLE CH('RCFI FOR AN AMENDMENT TC ;HF r. .J ZONIN"' MAP OF TPP CITE OF 'TL^ARD„ CHA^(GING THE ZONE 3' zTRIrT OF A TRACT OW I.ND AT 12930 SW zrHOLLS PERR`' P0-!D ANO DEFICZ'F.D ON7 WASHIN;'I'ON COUNTY TAX �L=,P 1.51 33AD AS TAX TOT 1l.00, FROM WASHIN,:'TON COGi+TY RS-i TO (R-7) S,N':I.E FAvS.r,l' RF3JDEtit TAL A*:U AT)OE'T1.Q;� EXHIBIT "A"� ^RANTINC: THE APPLICATION AND FIXTN(. At! EFFECTIVE DATE. PAGE 5 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES a ;y :ours, 17.ar_ N3 ..k;. _sc: secet:ded �y Co) . _..:._.._ gook to adept. :app- eked by unanincncs -,o!: : of j 17. RFSOL•Ui 10N No, 78-47 AFPROVI%', THE CE` "ET; DECLARING THE AD „AI.OR X ' .PX LEVY --OR ?'HE :'UND AND M4KING FOR THE CaL YEAR FND7.N:3 .TUNE 30, 1979. (a) City AdnSr_-s.rator rer.o"r;--r ;F'i (b) :P'�LOr: 10 Cauncilr::atl r_y CULr'ci .".._. :i?Ckollso..I t.c adopt. r 4i.,7'_r..rove3 by unariimo❑s (C) V-3iC]' :i.?�}!CD read .:t_rt':r"...._ f` �(7'."l:._ 2-,! i . .'Ize-'.3 -.tat inn that T1i Srd ;hot:.ld be prepared re locl% i:i f.•C .ti•1.Li.C.j of 3 1)r0'verty tax IitT.i 1:.:71-- L.ior. ir: Orc?cr. I .::e re ' ,.h-:! .-ill. er cy-r it acaracies withir; ('itj Fhould`r,ot be IFI c-4 ,_.u.. .lI h f 1- CCriilit.C.i, Mioov Bishop di, state however, t3�1�+:•. ?i`:, r'.�_,-.:• - D ••_iL"'-;CL't 'it•1 iro?''C oft"ice vacancle which exi:t should ?>e iii;-.d, ouncil will cons'drr ;it. .'.t'yt Stlldy SeS-siorl. 18. RESOI.,. No. 78-48 A RL';ca;.T: ( G^ OF tHF. I'I•'?.RD C,--,' Y 1'011Nt`IL TRANSFERRING FOR Ti'E :FNr'RA1 WE'_}�ARf OF !HF CITY FOR ^_AL YEAR. (a) Citv AdtairziSrrntor . ..ger. ......J _ tr.. `r: ef !pi)roved for the t;-77-78 flsnail year. (h) Matiou by Courti'.nac CL.:k, _ .c.r„'_e,i 17v tc approve. Appre,- ed by una:Jmzou:. 19. CONSIDER.ATiON - SYSTEM '-,'!-.;ARD SE"','-,(!R !ii..;li Si::1400L REMODELING (a) Vht)_ Rice, repreaer-r e z.:rd °'0ioo! Di!;:ri.-: rraue te-J Council consider r<_f.tind on the Svst.er. Ds','r_ic: r-, mar e: .:hick i u)::eic! for the additional :3paces r-equi--d at t_n. I ,�r S r• r r,. }, hoc. ? . :F ct. T!1_ ^tnourt of the SDC (b) City A2inl istrato- rt.qt:e . _ I _ .: a:i i G1:t t .�r_ .._..urL i i11 '_ ht o; the fact ?gat there': would he *. a_?i t: -:�I .,-.0 encs, or _.._1:f:c. created by this (c) C,:• rtcil.:tan Cook req::_~t c _ar . ..•�ticn of ttis t.ate^:fsn.t wonderirg if the Y+ropose.d new grade s ho, .-I out I ,O... have are-c-w,-_r datio:_ from '}:e City Al nirtrator to refund the - te^ de-veloF,rer_t charF e City” Administrator �woulj rav-a rgCre tr-?it.0 Lmpart and he die} not �..Lc.il i to recuest a that t3P_Ce y ' (c) C—jncil:n.an Scheck.le requested Phil Ri--ic explair: wcy the school district took a ncu-pay:_,ent stand c-i the, iTpro':eTent. of SW Schcol S:r'eFt. ' PAGE 6 - REr- LAR COUNCIL MINUTES ?u:e «r, 197.3 k s Phil. Rice . t.ated tl t rl-c. 'nc) i 01 . .:"_._t C. r 1r;: c' G _ . 2Crri articiF:a_..CiT. 0rE'E.t ..".r :C (el Cour3c1l: .?m Mick.e:.scr. r''.c'rc'1 `o li%1! $1.0100 r..iU '_60;! tm, the School D-strict ar-1, $250.00 be applied re the _.`.provac::ent of School Stceet:, seconded ,y : our,cilrism Scheckla. ROL! call oL 'ii.,,`E :.., Y,y-or , D'.4 i AYE. M,:t- _., i led =or 1a:k. of j t�. "_v 0i i• C:lI?.L1 i'. i. v ._c_, t,� 3jc,r t:... S:t:i` :� ret,.r,d the hili i r.L of $i2501.00 Rcl1 call of vote a� `:.c, l w= 1Nx}or Ri�hc AYE-, Council :;rr. Cc. - F C euzicilmerr Mickel:;on and -,iotln ,4 We yct.i,n fair d for sack of i.3joii.ty. + ) *'ayor B16hop reque .red C1 tS- Ad­." . _. 'iter dl..cu.. ., -..tt' .r `urther with School Dist:r .ct. i 20. A1J R0 F. ,ETA SPECIAL .rRC.. E,T,. (a) City Administrator requested Carr,,.::. al1;re:'a!- C hir1ri; two special projEet funded per-.on—i� . `.or i ! ::'r' i•-_r::;,d, T'is_ project will develop a i;urrenL Per onnel M-jn.:_il ", r�ri.c} 7:V02; rird the iVC +cticrn pro,,ram. (;•i Y?ora .�r. by Gourcilr.:ar; Cock cr ?F;' by C;ou'•. i l . t•. " :ck.r; ,oa to ipprove. Al i-c- c-d by unan i.%c; , cc tt' (.L _1 i 21. COOPERATION Af:REEME�T A.E^�RDI_R_; 1.OW ?_`�(:0 E �?0!;53'�r; (a) C;. ty Adriristrator . ._<+t .d Wi'._`­g'Cn ':ounty }. ip yl H-U.D, to enter into ars i­.:•u•:e hct.:41rL , T-c. c_ ey. The Hsrec.ment pr:; rrt_ed would rcquEst. IG icw 'r.r.c-.; h�;u= irg i.:r'_t to it di<Itr:,e-d through- cut the City of Tf ,ard„ (ti') ti,l"1C: ..1 quE':3tio::r•'.I 1... r'. .: lE. . :r..Liti:t. r.: SJt .h!.�:x;!(.'. �...U'ity l.ow � r.. r.� t .. d '_i.c C__y' , re,.t,0 i}pities for i the ho-mes. (c) uo!: on by CUttncilr^_.5r, C,cok. -c:'.+'ed t,y r,c.t;:.cilr:;t; "^: ckel;":on to authorize lla-;or. and C;.ty Records- c inn .7 ✓r<._ ..nt. Approved by unar_ir.ou vat.e c,: Cx.::c:i l „ 22. CONDITION OF 72ND STREET AND WASHINCTON COUNTY P,ESPONSIBTLTTY. d r j ;a.; Mayor Bi:,hOp ey.pre::sed zo* :.er-, regarding the co•';;lit:rrt of 72nd Ai-enue, peclally at the sou::her:. e:-i. t PAGE i - REI="LAR COUNCIL MINUTES Ju--:E 26, 1378 1 { r q `� t report o-ac . c,: 23� STATUS REPORT CV--y requires y ti L �( I CC r r:ti .'1`.S is ,j•.. .. -r.-,. 26. O't'HFk unvor Park. R,E'yUE- `, Nelson _ -?-t"i. i .a` `.1� C t�_'.c:�t.f _%nC, ...i)�6�T.,_..•ti !' - a, .1r ... •Si_.t , 01 7�T' •GUr C.10 'Trtd ',. _. . i .hL ..i 1 _ '. ti . ulC)P��r L. t - '1 YIcwe d.Tj `•.=L: Tc`.:i t t ?•� z ) ,? r ,.� ,i ).- :�i * t L C?. .?L0Pmen L _ t.. i.:. ..' 4 -L'"Li_ t... _.. .. _. Lh r-Llt.?air_ i' t-L.. =� hai r,:'.en ;riQn to .• ,1. } PAGE6 - h.FGtii.A.I Cr ' - q.8 -yFk ��11 figir cdcc i'i; on Ut!t IL the outc('--'.- is C 7z,-4 d h c,I d i i tr L or c,n tJ*r 3Dr- �. at c.; a-.j --jj.o .equcst :he d=,,,e I'Dper to 'or ing, b !::;St -tyj GF5LIch a pro-1 ec t '.o th.e .3 racnies orL Ll,"s S-chEck!,-, �j not. ap-rrc, r .am- i t pa. tic-'pate. t,)u Ly Ac 7,-I :.:TCidt^.T ... :C.'1 C c. At torr e -`rad cr odi f Le d an agreer.ert proposed Cit-V f-j S.:hool D: zriizt :carding a Sewer =W -ine 51 -t :or L.rie -,�w We. t. Tigard school sits , , y ccu,- Sch,-ckta to authori ze --d fli--j d c I- on StrLe 3 MEETINt' A with ('oul, t a-I ("r S,W., (A- L l-)ted Lht. Plalii'lill� r C The de%elolicr stat-I Mr. wo L;I!I rc� hE C- e; firE. proper.Ly CIO r5 the r1cce&sary si t u r ti U!. Ccr;k c Of Council C, 0-. u,,d-.r the prcvis4or,$ cf ORS 1;+2,660 to di��cdiscussCj-tY Q;C. ch:!-g(= of ,:j:-4riFtration in the FoliCe y�c-r,-ornel Council did not, hate full bers of the Mayor ci�enk�,j Ma).()- y4.1-hop and Councilman Cook th stated iv t,hi--- i fee; 'r,�v a s they re spec te-I I he t!)e;.r r". n- that could be. don(--, to ULt rather fel!- L' wa -Ole pt,lice al.d direction. Specific areas cited that irmproie the Department in thewa,,,, of leadar:�hip L urs, de of the department, having police needed wer-a - -L I e C completion r-f P-,+Iice Manu3- , x ess�ve persom-'e, le to - i .C- rurmin; the Department coc pared to the eA(-L-55 rel� 9 to t m nt and a other c- tics; i4,1 LdditICT.' ec ic he Depart ;e t regarding police activities. letter PAGE %"JNFTES junp 26, 19,i City S+ .. e.=,t :*-de•.i to the 1--L; as d_zc•u:_sed, City Ad?i ,r_rator suggested _ r. is refer c:,:; . ' sict_, tr; h ;'.n:r-cdi.at.-t�L' 'G: �r.t;�ctjgati.Q Ce�incit kc1 c,n a:1.n apo! r=d and Rated he withdrew his recommendation callir• for re i o:. Cc z .,�.ilmar.. Scht.cl•.'_ : wasupportive of the Police Department, especidl i. for t`]ei•r -hcrk with r--he yours people N : further spoke against City annexation policy Ps it exF ._,ds the regi,iretr,ertt For Ole 1i-:., Led City _ervices, City Ad.-.iJ:.iscr<.tor ._tared he did -ct: hace ;ust.ifzc.ati.on to cail Lor resignation or the e. Chief cr tz .L_e•�tr.o.s!;c., _ r Council :rad :>t.aff further. discur.sed cozrplaint.-- Staff to review tre statements and report h:: k. c.o Council '.n 50-90 days, Lt. Rea for ::;ari icai.icT o> the issue dt this time. Concer,sus of Council wis theder ax „t. was to rc gond to the .o. .•Laing: and Council was not requesting resigr_ati(jr: at this h::5 l.ezn re :ir:ded). i E:Kecut.'.tie Adjo.irtrIE�d 11.45 P.M. 11.46 Opr. SF•._sion„ i Concen.:u of c(,.z. :•ij. wa that any ?nforr-ation be public information for the press. MeetirLg Adjvarrtc- .. p.M. 1 City Recorder � L ATTEST: i Mayor -i f 9 t l d PAGE 10 - REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES June 26, 1978 J - o O p o 0 o m wm ; O ao CCO O O a' � o Lcy r4 n d Ln n o ulo IT A > U 1+ Q w Gl^ ' p n y a"1 n to m., C.•O V _ cy� .D 'C JA 3 0O N aD 7•.C1. +� 7 r Ln •d h ' C!1 ul u9 u PLv v v C O O O, H .•� n n a.) t m t4 M C E rl N en r•1 N C•1 P4 F m W N N m a cd w ti o> a w ., w ►. W W w cl � fA ZU 4Jh a w. .,. cD to w C7 S Ln N .s Ln c+ Ln n O Juno, n N�-•I.i ul n n p J N u • C D e•1 Q In r•1 N J u1 O V I- V C C m • . M W 7 4 7 •.� O. ^A fnG v a v V) rd U)+ w m ax7 M N W 'Cm F s+ C F w g w i u W C M M u 044 W W •1 "• 4JO w O m m Z w w y. L ..a •.O.1 Y L+ Yo• o. w C co K1 V 4Jw C u w w 4, +� C u C 'o C o.8 w m C m u um �v v w wo wm v in o 47a oa to u m •m o C I w m' m m E o f+ u w U w 7 C m C C W 7 mJC " C o o ++ w M W Cn O 6••� C C• C• w ,+ m O.+ ++++••+ m A C m E O O w to �"� o G. o 0, w u Cp L to U ++ C a E w a N O Q +•C w O U V C6 m w E l+ f+ u V •.� V Ctl O E O O w i+ m m u++ 'dC a u u Cy m.+ ++ f+ m w w O C7 s4 m " o + O.�e i'.v 3 o C w u w .+ w -A S w-+ w w w m M GU O C C C O 3 m " N 0 +i� M +J b > 7 7 o • O o O O w o C o w •.•C w M O M Ctl O 1 w O +, m.-+ rn Cr bo 94 wco .3 p.7 �w .No W IDI. 11.1 a. L, Mrn o�0 o F x ti a to. a: c� a 0 0 0 0 o n o o a. 0 1 o o 0 .O O. lO ••+ C O. O N Cxi o p O O r co .O C7 O O .•/ .O u) H H aD r•1 CP1 C o •. O Ln F r �ou lc> ~: 1 9, s Z N N N N N N N N N N N V •+�N N N N N N N N N N 04 N 5 J - �t • N •O C t••1 _ t!1 C 7 S t) b N 7 O ^ C%^ .-. S�•. N w J N - N O J i v v Ln v o •P J w1 . J.t •r4 N� p > S .. O H N A c) u) v .ro L U Q1 M � ro � V w m o ++ H o c4 a: en 1 C• N J.1 J � =1 M h 2 1 V Ct to G tT t` N r•i N.-4 d' L o.to •N • o.r- . H t+1 O -4 N � N to M C N M MO t t+1 N e+1.•i N M a E Z to en .o co n W .-1 oD m w � .r w _ ti �� a I. ro d O. M J N O > [[A+ h H t"!O N N "i .••1 14 ZZ a w a eu cA Ln r4 In W T �D a0 ep 4 In S to to m O �D N H1 M 1-4� �b ea M1 N en eb of to Stn e•1•-1 to 1`eb n to tnOtnh o DNerlMtn 91`tnOop . . . . • . . . . • . . . . f`O.o N Ct N N en N N t'e1 N Co M Oh N N t n t-1 N.•/ N N u M N . pq7 p re N M J v1 .•i N e1 J to .••e N e•1 S to V o G M 1 ' G o s M M M C M V x w ^•1 C u u u to o M M M M W L M L ro u V V V L H o H O C ?L m +•e G C O V M W M ro G e0 b0 .••e d eE9 e1 G G L' 7 u •O ++ m ro E G 7 > '•� O O o G .-e J N J co o H o0 00 00 O 7 W 7 0) •-+ J V•-+ O H V eY d N H•O b G ro a, ..e G f]. a N U) H H H C d d d t0 G n', m M >.7 m C ro V O O • O O 'o V g V w O C '•e O ro 60 M d A en J d gM u o d b a u H e 3 a 44 w G W W.••� o.•+ x u W M.••t $-M •p w Kf O I- O N O .� V•-t o ro o +� d 7 t7J o N .-e O O t0 Z Ht0 V] to to o,M O 7"0e 7 W 7.roi V >. M >1 H. L F Z m J n0 n0 M o0 O ro C e0 t�O W W •M O M H d d to oH e6 e0.] ca v! _ W 00 d •Te•N H 61 h Z W a 'O A .-e F < a a to In r N �Y .. to .-1 t` O t0 N S O • C ev01 N to P of to to to e'1 for .-+ O to to cn N N N N t•1 [.r N to t y to to r` e0 Ot O .-1 n. 1 S to .r tJJ O 1` 1` t: r` 1` co co a ;. Go oD O .� V z N N N I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ( L G o :n u 4 N O C i 000o O q ty U A U C) O U N .0 L u1 u1 •C 110 C6= U� 'q0 L G^ 11 o 7•.Oc•c d 1 tt M h ; C O i Y ?�01 M C • r•/M O E 1 134 o + w <w � co c1") Cd 0 W P M U W 17 4 a • w W a1 co m In ., VY .••1 O N P O N IA S V Y .D N O N .II'1 10 c0 In 00 rl M 00 n %D N h O ••4 P M O A N49 N m N • 0 c •i r•1 •-1 •-1 .••1 �•i .-1 •-1 -1 iN co enN N O 1- Irl M u1 G O S 0 O .T N j�c c N N N .••1 L M 7 t. O .�S •i N Irl v V J 11 M 01 d N 7 C u La q d M W • C M .1 y • C 8 R of W O. O M O u q D3 .0 N E.Y •.fit of M O'•-t G C Y Y C tt M > qt�� U 1] d l+ O w w • O• 7 .2J O 11 d V C O C U M Y 1. it u Y L C L a1 Kf 0)M Y In rn 1. M 7 Hq q q 7 q q q ++ Cal U V O M Y W 9 '..I w 01 C H O C to > W O D. � D. cL Ow N Y J W4•Iy Y M q d W . O O M M 0 Co 01 q U c/ C J M Y W $1 m W 01 0 8 J U V V w m u.0 O C 0— O U••+ A fA M 0 = • O U 3 �. Y U coAJ AJ 44 Cd 0 41 N H J 'd+y1 H W IV 7 7 q C 9 7 m O H .d +1 / Y q CL M w 8 q 0 - 0L 6•-I 4 d Q til G O 6/ • •27 1 1 O tt 0 7 N 0f ..W E w M Y ...I w 7 C q M O b -M H H m Y �j ,..1 W C .0 M r1 01 q J m Y W.-1 0 00 0)w S. N C Y d 0.0 0.0 C V�+ U q �.q 6 C d/,IL W u O q - W .0 L M 1 d .5G e� .0 M .-1 O M Y 1.1 O 1.q C M 00 M 00.0 00 O 00 M boc: .•t,' C3 ca C2 0 -1 w V W CE mE .-I'7 0m 0x 7m 7oE :3 I= 7.+ 0S W .-•� M q 1t 10. q O O A O S O m m ' m m V V V V V d O d O O .-1 O O 0 o P1 00 a v'1 14 �D O N. 00 O ao O n O O N N n N P Y I11 ei N e-1 O O O N •ei In S O SV .f1 S In 0 1` S N O N .p 1. cn Q CO 17 co y0% 0D n N r1 N .••1 �D d .-i S 1� O .••I O I% •ei u1 .t ed E -�= 10 00 P O .••1- Ne•1 S Irl %0 1� 00 P O U co c0 00 P P P P P P P P P P O U O S d ? S S •S d S d• S S S .r v1 •_ NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N V N N cV N N N cV N N N N N N N N G+�t97',�`��1 +,:,�C '4tY it�S�Y�•�rr45'a d"ti�� .., __ �,-'. a -a' t � - y C ? 00 w V P > A w N a y -4 C60 O.•O u CQ O w � O M.y< ^^ N tn 3 c tn c� u •i h tri Ll. V v . Iz co h M • d y '•t N •••I 1.t W h V M Mo C .-t•'t fh N N z O O•a o O W O O 14 lo Coco 46 V ENol (pD� w P ••d c) ' W 1 `p N ,[WTA to w -� ,y ,� .••i .. W N W w en C ee P .h0 ti H n R v '� ch y a K+ to HI V C7 OH 14 cl Cn t•1 ul N � J ++ F M • C 7 O v • w; P V w '+ y w o �+i vg H y s.t wM O w w M C w O ~ O C O• ^� •"� C u V W w ~ �y y ++ 3+ u i+ U W V • T d ~ M O L g O •.Ot --L N O O V N w O N to y M w ? o w O b tdO C q w E+w4 M awl 3 w +t ~ ti— O•O O co bo M C C O w H W O.M P w ""� C)•'� • W to W? w N j M•Y tQ.•t SM y w M Y �W O JJM 'M�L L� L V o w O O O M M ? w d +� w w P V W W .-•� O o O w H O C O C ty to H .••� O w L •O O• •., X C ? Ca C O .� w w wm wZ toW ?.W C7 M W• bW wN PrnU co++ V on. w H W' W V C7 3 , 6 t-t• a i••t on u1 O, h O J •O O O O •O O` h O Ot P N, ul• .D O J O O � � J .D O �:: y O to .-1 O tT 1 O h .? h h t+1 to h co .O h M N N .N' co tn. "C-4 t0 7 .•/ Ot U O O O O O O O O •� h t V O to' u1 to to n to to wl to u'f N N N N N N N N N N N V N N N N N N c4 N N N N N N x-44 N as pp.. 7 O U • A > O H v W 13.O e3 O V c0 th n W to n .••1 yAjIn.l Pl •3 O 10 O� N N - y 7In M U) In V • O N eel en .rl n U'1 C'1 J en r4 Aj h H V M 0c••1 N c•1 ((rr 6 'Z. J + • p�y�•! en w �1 CM co N W i0 r- M U W O. H I- , Q � W.C7 N y .� WW W C N cncn N C a In U1 AI y� V ~ e-1 N J N y'L. •H C7 � O O O• u'1 O e•i N 0 O T 10 O p v1 J n O co ol Go M O 7 eiNMJen .1 � e•1 N rc N V y � G ++ V M .c V L w w L3 W C O 'W.c to w 'O w O M ..Oi u ~ k7 o. A V O Lto 84 erUi G GO„ q w N C R ,a 0 m W C fy+ N of w �C e0 > w E E W V O W +e O >. O d W t1. W 3 W O C7 W u o u W w W •.. W w.-1 w W p O M (L .0 C e0+e W W F +� A W •Ci 40 C W O w G W .p 41 W^-1 .0 w rn en awi 0 c. G bo .�.1 N aTi ;+.c to .-Wi•�•e w q o w w 3 •�+ E O ryw r e0 eo W o 3 O o o•v ups w� 3C vw`s CF EF mo Isow .u ti ov u oto e•1 O O r^1 O n O N �D co e•1 h _ p �..1 N O V �' e•f 14 r` N J .N-1 J to N CR .� .O M O T t0 7 e e1 '� N J J .-1 N N . +� O N O ..L In n 00 O. O �"1 nl N •°,".tV N C-4 N U J .D Ln e-c -4 . N N N en 6 1r1 to �n In • U O rl' en an en en N en N N N N t4 N .0 er1 em N N N N N N N N N N N N Qo Nu In D. m rn L J 7 D bo W U of w a o 0 m tri U N a+ •.� J a > av 0 co �' Ln o c `o vw In o O aD M o 'O L O n M H •N cn o. Zr G O S M e•1 O� , D` 14 L d S • Oi M N v v v • U • G O OO MN N ri O p O O o M N Kl tJ r1 MM TJ 14 O H h N 1.4 + J� �m N M G N M O f t M N M rl N M a v W .D O% rl N a m `n 'n M W co o M 0 N O n o > rq C •••I •-1 �-1 0, tow O o lO O M O N OW! a S G J N 1O O O o RI W ON T r/ N N N O U a P2 14 Ili d 1cIn co s ON O o In OM.D ort O in T O O o n o f n S M h�n SDN o S of o M •hhei M S u n .D.D en rt n = M h • G ! L 7 rl to .-1 N M 1n r4 N M S v9 rl U n d O U u m H H m u H o 7 $- H m G am+ u m m O D. m •.Oi �!f 7 C E omo v ?. b 7 u m a) u m ar .+ G. .� o u ai .+ 00' ,°� 14 � mo r+ w o �+ a a to - o + y, u m m H aJ Hy.+ G 7 d u m ++ 8 O% .'�+ `�M W o.w � o +�+ O 7 N d M Lu a m .+ •4 v m w .�+ w m w <— Q u CCO u Mu md .J >, w •aG m O 7 X O H G 7 H G H d m " O O $- 0 O N u O.4 Er H V o0md $ wu U + U U .•O O O O G aG9 -.•a� m H u .D O •.� m G w G.W X++ m G F. O o H.-1 to v w • O G O .G•.•� +J mv W O H u 7 O W m +� y w U. ou mtG to H{q m fn uE� m E�O Hp. N ++O 0 a+ S oo a > 3 3 3x y 5 O !!] o O O O O O o •D - O •D O O h N r/ M v1 •O o S —4 n to M T .O i p0 O N N .-4 M h lD ri o O h N O S .-n r1 M lD ri Il iE+4� M o � J u o T O ••i N M S Ln lo. h o O\ .0 LO LM L N h h •LMn Lm N to to en en N 'tn Ln U. N N N N N N N N N N N N ' N ...N -04 N N N N N N N N N as memo 1111, moan J C-- MEMO TO: CITY COUNCIL DATE : JUNE 8, 1978 FROM: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF MAY 1978 May's building activity included permits for 5 signs, 37 single family residential, 7 residential alter and repair, 4 commercial, 14 commercial alter and repair for a- total valuation of $3,780,495.00. Fees for 62 permits $ 14,392. 75 Fees for 5 signs 50. 00 Plumbing Activity - 50 2,321. 00 Mechanical Activity - 36 614. 50 Business License - 41 516. 82 17,695.07 Sewer Permits - 51 $ 83,400.00 Sewer Inspections - 42 1,160.00 King City Building activity included 5 residential alter and repair for a total valuation of $4;941.65 and fees of $50.00. C o • • • • • • • • s • • • s • • • • • • O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m O 00 H 001000000000000000 i O I CD CC) 0000000 O 1 0000 0000 °-t O 00 4-) O � t+) LOC3cIO � Ln 10000LS� 0C) C- C)OtDt000N -' 00000001 LO U3 OOOUOUOd dM '.0 w w l w l w w w w w w:-w w l 7 LA Cr)N C;LA O - O O k0 N Lr;v CC) O UO r- O O LS) Lr tO 0 Dl �--i r 1 0 r-1 r I CD0) M �yO f r-1 r-i lzt Nm 'IT 1-tEl- Ln ON dlztU) "It --It r1 � � r-iLn Lnz' LU ir--I ;i i 1 H ca H H H H H H H H H H •ti .-1 •2i di H •a •M -8 •2f dS H -2S -d H •2S ro U ro ro •t5 ro ro ro roro •L cu (U •ts ro H ro cu ro -4 W r-I -4 r-1 r-1 r4 r-I a) Oa) a) Na) Ecoa) a) cU (ua) roa) a) a) roa) roa) a) Wa) a) a) CUa) a) 0) mroOcUcaa) (Da) a) va) a) (ll U U U U •11 U E •r1 U U•ri •ri U•ri U U U •ri U •r1 U U U U U U •rl U U U •ri •r-I U •r-1 •ri U U U U U U U U C C C C U C O U C C U U C U C C C U C U C C C C C C U C C C U U C U u C C C C C C C C m a) a) a) H W U " a) a) H H a) H a) CO m H a) H a) m a) a) m 0) H W a) a) H H (ll H H a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) "O O O •0 a)_0 a) -O •O 0) O 'O a) -0 -0 'O a) •O a) 'O -O •O 0 -O O a) '0 "O O a) 0) •O a) W M a •O '0 "O '0 M-0 Q) •r1 -1 -H •-I E -A E•r4 •r1 E E -rq E•-1•-t•-1 E •-i E •r1 -r4 •r1 -H •r•I •r-I E -H•r4 •rI E E•r1 E E •ri •ri •r1 •r I •r 1 •ri • - to E E N E E Cn m cn •r CO 00 CO CA E CO H E cn Cn E E rn E fn CO CA E cn E CO cn Co M cn co E m M cn L-I to to N m tv W m O N a) O a) a) O O a) O a) a) O O m O a) N m a) a) a) O a) a) m O O a) 0 0 0 N m N m a) W a) -N H r-t H H U H 1 U H H U U H U H 1-i H U La U H H H H H H U H H H U U H U U N H H H H H H H •N C N r-1 N 0) ca ca cu U Ln 3 3 . a) 3 . H • LU O 01 C O. 01 O H 1-1 CD 'D 0 'O CU _0 O 'O N O L1 N C C r-I J C O (1) r-1 C to F- • O O - m . >. . O J C . m (1) C >. f-+ -Y N -N H E E O O H 3 H E H • ro 'O -1 CU 3 £in +1 N O a) U O cU rot- • O - 4-) m0SO • LU m -O • O 4-3 -J C= •LOJS m N U U O E .,4 .,4 0) O m U > a) •r1 > H a) U a) tv a) W 01 H O CO r--1 O O H > 3 > Q >. U >%> O Q O > H -Y • :. H > a) -Y U . > -N >4-) C>_r-•1 ro ro L M C Q C a) 4 C 4 ro r4•r1 -4 ct (s.- 2 a) C ;4 -P W 4.) 0) cM Cn H •r-I .I.) Q U Q L) C C +3 H m 0-Y1-114 O C L) H " H -CL4-� E W ro U U-Y ro ro " LLL u) L3>- a) a) 0) m Cn >.0 4-) U U•r1 •O 43 -O a) C a)•r1 N -0 U •c.) (0 L CO > E •-I •O-4 E •r1 4-) a.) 4.) LLL L Z Q H H r-i -O C CD t) d CU ro N C N C H N L U L C cU CD H 4•) N a) '0 C C C N C r A Z) U CO CO I N 4-)►-C£ a) a) Er-I •rl4•3N E --1r-I CN ON 0)N E ro ENriO4.3m $4 -P C O O O CN•r1 C cUOON a) UDN UO t` O CO Cn ro Q ]G cn N ro m m 7 t` U N L)r-1•r1 O-•r1 N m-4 cn CO U ()7 ro > > > 3 N > to n.-i r4 r-1 C CO m Coco J = S S Y Y .J Q d Q 2 J !-4 ►-� 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0) cnm :a Encncnan3cnEn3cntnLr) cncn3 «) 3Lncncntncr cncn33333u)En3cncncncn3tncnenu) m N c!•i cnto cn Cn N cn Mcn to cn cn a) Ln Ln O O LA O 0 0 O O O Ln Ln O O Ln O Ln O Ln O LA M O O Ln 0 0 0 0 H L-UOLS) UDN000LnNnC3U) tOuln * Cr10 �Y0Lnl--:;:rn c kD LnMLnLn0LnOLI- OroOL- OIOt) Ln M NN M a)on m tn a) u3r• NCOC� 04 %D 000- - I;ttO tMLl- UDMON0003kDQUO .-Idcc) Lo �* u) L)taCpC- cc) - , - - 'O MLnm Lnr-iLMN -400 (n10 .-I UDLS)NCC) -q cot000Ln Ln n n V) 00 CO COritOMM -?OONUD :' -' -7� ro -4 r-I m r4 r-.1 r-1 r-1 N r-1 r-1 N r4 r-I -4 r4-4 m r-I M r-I r-I-4 r-1 --1 r-I -4 r- m a) m to -4 r4 N r-I ri -4 •-1 0 -4 r-I .-1 r-► H • a) O -I•� U C m 4J U • O C a) -4 C ro U E H ro ► c . H H rI C O.O-H -P a) . . O O H C O a-) H 01 U O C C Z d� 4J 43 a) •. O 1-4 U iP H •ri C ro. •r-1 co O U U +1 U In • O 0) C O O 00 O a) CQ 0) a) 4-+1 O L L 1 C C W ro CU •-I In O W a) C U U U U U • • W > LC 7 :O -r-I G) U 4.) U 0) 00 • • H H • (31 Cn O1£ Cs.- a) . U E'.E O -P 4J a a)+3 13 T3 U 3 co ca 7 U U+) 4-3 4.3-N 4•) C C Cl •ri C31+) D O Y H m O 0)•.4 O C C C N H r-4 0 C31 C O £ (4 k cn 0) C C 00•-1•r•1•4 • U H Cn a)S S 4-)-P -P 4.3 4-3 O C C a)r-4 O H O 0.-P 1-4 H O O cU W-P 13-O C C 00 C C C C C31 ro 3 C > O Cr) co to CA 0) 4-) O O C•r•I C U H 4-3 •-) C m WE:.0 E ro-4 C 0 0 0 O D U O cU La ro t) O.m 014E E H C C C C C U U U O-C-H >,4-) H H O ro 13-13 M O r4 r-I ro 00 D U U S S S.-4 U O a) ME: O O 00 O ;# rJ n M 4J 4J N ca a)•r1 m O C £S r•I•a m 33 • • t I 1 m a) a) X N H U U U U L) H C C CU O•*4 S S cn 3 a) -O •ri £ H H-C-Y O O a) -N•ice +) H Cn m CD cm-8 {) m a)-4: •r-i a -» • H • .Y ,a) O-N • m a) U U w • H Ca a) m N -,J,94 H • CIO a) a) a) a) m c vv £ rttnEEOrnE 4 •a-C > H >,cn > > m m33.0EEE m ' aUCc .-ir-Ir-1-1r-I O W (a•f i ! 3 •.-1 +1 a) ••rt.O-4--4 O O O ••r4•ra H H • • co O O O C '.. .m CO • O O H co co m co O U L-7r-)mL)1-'0 LLJn UM.1-te= J£Zi-l-70m1rmm000nUUu:eWL7cnr7£££0000 0 c O o 0 I oo o o Q O o o O Q O o o o o o Ln •ri oOOOOOOOCE) LnoO000O3oorn -P C:) %,D I OL- L- lO Lr) kO LI) ONON CDM N ODI CO w V,31 C Lw Nw Llw Lw 1;r:O -w Vw Cw ONw r-i Ln M M d d M N ­1 I-t 4 Zo- Ln 1 In roN O � w M iP H H H ro di ro •t3 ro .6 ro ro ro -4 —4 ­1 ­1 ra c m m ro ro m 0) m m m m w m cu m ro m m m m c O OONtn U U ­4 • 1 0 0 0 U U U •ri U •ri U •ri U U U U O c c U U C C C c C c U C U c U C c C c ri 0 0 0 0 O r-I to O) N 1.0 C) m H f•+ m m m m m m H m H m H m m m m d-) 0 0 0 0 1 0 _P 'O •O m m -a 'O O "O •OZ7 a) -a mO mm 'O "O -a CO • • . O • ro Ln C) LTLOOri m •ri •H E E• 1 . 1 •ra •ri••-1 •r•1 E • 1 E • 1 E• 1 •ri •r1 • 1 O OOo Ln I Ln 7 OO m0IM �Y N m E E N N 0 N m m E m E cn E ro 0 O O .-I o o N L- r1 m co .-1 r1 m m m m O O m m m m m m O m O m O m m m m ro rl to 1D N co w w w > -4 r4 ­4 � mi0 iii O ''1 co W >. >. T m r- =3 z 3 3 3 r•) c m U cor- Cn • H O. CL £ 01 F- 'O 'O -a •N•r1 "• O O O O C O O N • OJ J O >1-a >` ro m m m Q U E ro E E 0 • •0 1 . •p 3 m ro C J cn cn-a • ro •aJ co (a +) rl O a) c= . 01-0 --0 • L ^1 S £ C TO O ¢ L+- I m •H > •,1 ••ivUm3 > ippwmHm +I cUmm O C r 1 H CC H U 3 0 > O > C 4 > > U -P L+- Q 6m+ L) (; m co cnrn a m .H co mC... ocn m ou- ¢u.. ¢ O U ¢¢ •-+ £ p c m m x I-rl -Y ro Y -Y rt c H H L_C L c 4-) 4-3 £ ;+ 4- 1-4 L U rI E U U L m m m C -P •.i -N m LU = COL m •0•O • 1 r1 -C m 41 Cn p1 C F- £} r/ LU rl O ro ro Cn H E•O ­4 ''7 N m m H 4-3 H -P H E C C U .-I +/ m C C C •r1 Z pCcr LO r1 coC -1ri• 4 m E­4 CON C O H +) m -Pm O E N N ro 3 C 3 0 -,1 -r4 c� O W£ m mx XU M En 3 ¢ £•-•I 3rIL7LnmU7m 4- IOL-LI- CL 0 p £ YY CL £ CL 333J3333O333 333333 r1 3333 33333 L+"1 LO CO Cf) cnEn3cncnmm3mU)Er) 3cncs•unLr)cncn co N 3cnmmLn H m mcncnmm H m OInONLnLnLnL mmm MmLommu,) Ln O m �CnOOO tL m MOM d -4 O H m OOOr4NITtMlnO � rlLn ITNr_gmC3Q F- H NQ)NOOI H OltnCn � O J L) C t�t� Mmm0O torl- OCtr4COmm �DL� Ln O IpL� M MN r1 0 LO [D MNLn O ti _0 4 ON nm mmin 4M NNm= r4Mmm �Y OIlOLOLnr4 (a co LOtO NNN O (ar4r-1r-1Nrlr-i r1rImrir1r1mr-Ir1rir1r1 . 1 co mr4r1 _4r-I O co ririrl r1 .I J m F- F- C) F- 01 m 'r'I lT •O ,_.I r1 . 3 O O T £ m m U U co Q •2S 1-4 r1 C C H r1 I ::I 1 m m m M H 7 3 E E m } O • m m O.L1 m O Q• O H m e a) c T Ln 3 C r O U C pl r4 • 3 CO E C L) -P U £ H c m N U M-0 O O m m -N H C O m H C L1 c tr ro C r-1 H E H . to CO > > LA w 0 = O cn m L-1 m 01 W -0 cu 'O m • O O-N.Y -C C m m C O_U • 1 W G) O E F- O O ­411 C £ LU O C H •-3 x S 0 U U m O O O (n T M m m m 0 r t H E Cn cn H m H r1 m O O C•ri •.1-P U 1 0 r1 E E E • 1 £ O ¢ H C >- O 0) LA m•ri CO 4-) C E M O r-i r1 H m C C U •-•1 O O O O L Lr •N (D1._4 m F-43 H H L C U O ro••-1 U�.4 LU LA•ri•.1 E LU•rir1 USSSU W U H L +� u U £ co U m COU H L m m £ 3+)_pLU H > 0•4 CL LU m C H -HU co m m H H tT E m 2 S LU ro LO L£ m £'�m m m T H > m Q) O C H Cn-a r1 •O O d-) m O 3 H 7 r1 r-1 Cn C m m tD H Z 1� m Y L-4-3 •ri Lrf.4� HO HO OT to c rI c r1 S C C tU LU C • C E E C C C H L7 C H.-i Cn U E - m H L r1 V O lU O O LU O O Cri. 3 7.4 H m O •ri m m LU m L-L O O LU-.�{{ m 3 O U 0F_UEn00nWF-F-m£YI— MLr0: cn U L_L_ .CU f' £ UJW it . .•-1 y r LO+.) u u O O O O I A 7 7 O O. O 0 0 Q a U• N Vl r- 4j 1 1 3 30+ C/ N 7 7 rn N lo ID rn O N � M o O ON M Oo O Or N C D4 ur U H (�W Q co, C7 qr N Ln - Isn '-I r•1 r•1 N � t0 N fry Oo J' J M Ln LnJ U Ol 0 O N w Ow N N ol O m cl � ^. Cl 0l O O• M N 0 0 ^ w w Ow O J N .-1 O. O O O to W N coIn lo N In N .N-r r- P J • M � OD G?L C� 000 / O O O R O; O Yl M W' N w In N n � P C b O 4j Ln W u.�/ ('.,b O Ln rt1 wd w7C. vl N In H H N d W •••r r, w O U Q O W N Oo d N Ki r 4 4jp/ it O d 1.1 d O Ln Mco -+ O +� ^ In N Ingsa � o � N V U•,,,� N F M o o q M N n O O M C � c3, a Woo � ri V P4 44 w 4j y O In Ln In u J Of a a! K O N E 1 o .-i 17 N 1 O v H GIM� 1 M �••. ca O v1 M d O/ $4 1 M WaUG VAiW v .-1 `O N T O• J H p IOD N N M .moi T d w N n J M N w C7 •••1 .-1 M rl M N T J W O �7 f� O .-1 �O Q` M O O N O� M N N %D CO 1(1 O N O .••1 N M O O O .? M O� M O O M • rJ'1 w w .• w J 1, O• a0 O• .D O M ,p V V n N .--1 .-a .••1 M ..1 .•-r Lr • In q bo d i� l) d � a O q N .•1 -4 H Q ^OJ _ FNN•• oO eO11 7 • d +aO+ co .WO ara� ooc= u 9 o In v mao oo ".m,luua au V m > L d U O M V H •?1 L .rdj d U M O O W 1. d a. d W O •./ Q 'o "4 R EA od a C O d H 8 1n w cr F N w u 3 Y Aj M v a, u ssli u ate' v o `2J M w v w u w w O C: 4i '7 07 H 'O 00 U H A d q LI O - d C +4 3 W .00 u H •p G u c N u o 0 o u O M a co in! o sol a' i o ., a e v ca z `� C W I -4Co O aHi F w o 0 0 0 3r C 00 A U H O i . 0a j . 4j 04 Ln n U X N O O .p Ln .i N C. • a/ U H w V. c o J N .D Q. v1 N J Ln O In J �l ' O O Vl N tn 0% cn N M 1 . H n W b 'ocoN .•� J M N da c O N co M J W g Ln CN cA W ^ c0 Ln O co 1�v v1 R • a. p O MO N Go O R O O O .r 60 /b M W ' 0 M 1 1J O 31.••4 ?C Cep H H O) W PI O Ca 0 OD co N N � a b ..ttap0 u U O 0411 00 ► V "U. wow N w vii c`�a W W N N O 77 ' M M U H W O v N o �e �n .t C7 a+F H a n vpi N y1 C13 N M p 4 7 t. O c0 P w a w `'' M M M .-1 M .•1U'f 1� �O co H C N N O a0 u1 n d � co Y1 1- N D a0 .-1 N v J Q(} J .••1 O O, 00 O N M In O M Q. M Ln 00 10 m In WO p O O� .p O M c0 V1 M d M r•1 w w w vN 00 .-1 N N N ci O1 b hcn L d 43 � e0 d A GIca � VAW d En O C m.�i aCi vNar�� •7 C. w b W N 6 G X F .Oi .r 3c+t e+1i u .-Oi m w +' d d.. ?1 H 6 d H .b•1 y r0,1 .O.1 O f" H d M n d Itl +1 Cl Oi H A A O d W O a q co a W W N w X O C +1 C W d p a n b o a o m n w 01 o a. '{ o .i°i b go R G U a � O d d O O 10 "1 v � 2 6 c x az to 3 $4 E i ,' 0 n w ! .o 0 CD OA6V 4 N L•d H wv y 94 60 a r. a aoi .or w c.4 ' u .1 H i° Jeo w Y U Y 0 J cd 0 a w n O a N a .4 A.1 oami ay v "4 naw {q� In c`gi ' G W N l� •pz,�'d A R M py"W{r.�,'O o0 w �••� 1 O N JC: jj U f+ q N y W eV N � G .4 w bO ¢) w aY •'O Y ed e+N1 V G W OwG'[i - In - W •••1 q•0 M .••1 T .•+ h S h J eT h P J O S H C• en V7 O h ep eO co u1 Q. N Og N P . •D N O . N O� eD W J N J w h .•� S P lD O• u l u1 N lD J d` •D N O N In N .D .D .-1 en N N. O• Ol .-e Gth .•+ J O+ .•-1 h N J J h S T h Ol J O J •� w r-1 m lo T h h .•1 N O N ••d h co CO co V7 P N f• N •D N e'1 eL t+1 h N P nD % S N J Oo—O h .1 N S O. •D m T P 1 N u'1 uY •O S O lD N N P 1e'1 In N N •D •D .•1 .-1 try e•1 N e1 •••� T V In .r N N bo w o < O1 a D H H etl w v) i R C u• N to gg 0 o o W > X w o O +1 -1 G aw u W w w O 4 X w ..1 H C �+ +J C C w w eo ' H H w o w ea 43 XN > O av w > > o .>o b .�•7 S V GI WW e0 +• E+ w w' O D: 7 7 to vol 4 en o0 F e0 a +' x � .. 9 y N R ea G H H h w H >. o '% >. N w . �' •.r w w H w w H O w ++ H H w w u u H w G .O U •O H en o o ,wC �00 C' b � Ny w u a. C G w N •.•1 E w .•a w b w e0 7 7 t C w N z ++ .0 w H H u w u -.4 w u O O w u u O O " w 7 = u x a. a O a to V wa N V 1S W N N V V O e.V7 to a Mca O { H ✓ u 0 14 oA¢Q •A N 4110 J. U CI C C U N O 7 w v36 @ W N co }+ ID C, � .O S ul O�' 60 co S b Mb Jncn aJ ' W M 0 •--1 N O y C • v ' v o CC 4J1., 0o fpajn� x d > 6 F W C) l P. u A O W O '..� Z~ -t 4J 0 4) ri Y'w o.ow' � o q cn P. 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N N H 0a 0 osp� , w' 0 vzu i a) Xairo H H ^ aQ N N ca In ar 14 to Q 44 O W G?3 M Q � P4 P4 N r/ ^ W ro J J S n O J O •--� n Cn ' YI .FJS P• �O Ol N .O .•1 .O P•1 FS J � u'1 N a0 1� N n •--, w N rl .•�j �r .-•1 N 1 1, O O N lo �-+ ID O N gvp o N J O� N 1. S+ 1 u N ++ +J d m w 4--a R v 10 u) ^ a) N A ? N W w W O N to +� O e0 O (6 O M t0 H a) ro O ?.G 0 o Z o R a d u C H a +� ►. o w .+ ll w w m u E O ar > tq a 7 w 93 co W H PZ Q W W o V O P. t z odl z ca oto c ro of w a U W M W M al H w 10 H fN C N awl H > 1. a! p al Y M a al w ar .4 . W (.. V 0 u N w o y >o. O• JG .-1 . a z v v o a o oo 41. w o v S a N N N N M V) 4.b M M M J v d Ff G ol V N o) 7 • cn ay �w co v y ID w to w 'oM-O J O J M Vl M O cn I!1 O M Q f: v d N 0 a y N H v O.P. N aa'Q0 a H d J v N M O q N V P+ 7G•� d to d N N Z q O Q w o w yo. a H O B en M H p 0 N v Ig 14 d � HHN4 H a� FI W c ? 13-0 O O O $4 C) d H OD 000 000 M d ani.oC O V1 V1 JM1 O a �D O• co o, M co Ln . 01 1, 110 Lrl 10 hw D w w M d 7 N T .D J h •� co n N ,fT. rn J J h W J D• N D, 'o T wh M p , , .D J N 'D O .D O O w O J O W^� •� J J ao J M o� J n •••1 n N o+ D, M .P•a v1 D` O` .D h .1 .D .D J .•-� M .D Dl J J J a0 b v ° .. 3 do y w aHi .�Gi V. d d o H W d m so. +� X u a o W . �tf a ar ►+ o v W .+ w •• lu ca u M H �tJ L N Z w O o o G r x O. N C N y u u X O u X uv n u +� +1 d ?PC• o m of e�'i W a1 O W O NG a Wc xL/ V M O t' 6 O 7 � W M M i+ O uW r1 .4 0 M w o ff H� H w w � ami o A# w w > • a v .,vi u .p ovU u ►`a. f`a+ o c) Eo• H vo O C 'o 7 .moi 7 d T 1 .14o A E' X H E. m ►a C w c4 F. P. Gi a °6 L co 0 93 .C 00 C) V H a Or. A ¢� M N J.1 ro U v C C tta �w ' ar ro v � to w q cx 93 to M W N ' C u C13 of v v F to :C U >14 14 V M 7 acc. 0) 0 w a H ri iI O 0 L CO u w tova tJ C1 C OPG p. d rn HOS H d u x 0ro m u E w C co ..I N N O Ww YI C M C7 w a w M O J n M O N1 J N Oro M r+ 0 r t+�l e^+1 J C O WW N f� C, N •--� C7 ro .^w .G C !n J N O N Cl H .I O V y Y W ..CI d 14 41 N M Q) a 14 bo H s H ea .i v c y d CI .Ul F p u G C d d m a x x -4 o o .a > u w > >� ro o H E M m d > o +� a A A 7 7 C u H W OG O 7 7 to N A N 00 C OD H to to N d •CIL -C+ M W N Cl H 7j N . $C4l u u C vC d N7 +Ct A8 UC! -0 .+tCCo O. Od O 7O y uO a O W u o O w :3a O > y V oV S W W o �) O Zvi en 04 toCIS w O ti j w 1 .n O O o A0 O a s In w IN N C� ' i -H N a.1•O '• ' t u w F C v w vl w O C) 10 .° cn 00 00 Ul) H 0 N h 1n to W -� W C C�C C ' >n°vCi W .r to ' C C V � Y"d C'C .NO O O N ?E d >[� C 7 �. 000 a, O gp.W auO ►� a ,4 u 0 0 v co voi JJ 10 H w "'en to ca w a W E-{µ��d o� O W q W W N O ~ � � X w '^ s 41 N 7 ii tn h w F N M O r4 w 00 N w w DH1yy Caa warn �+ o� LM 00 O J h w O 't7 a0 V7 1f1 tC w yO t'7 .-1 %0 CO t0 Ln O Ul O Y1 M N M C• h th N O V rn w H C y w W t) C O p N 41 N u u O .+ m C C b a1 w A H C C H jj w In m u U E +1 E •+ Cw W w w w w 10 w w w w L1 V n.w t0 j M o1 S W u W w CO CL l� O M O M M w N 41 .M.1 y C3 w W M M C .0 H .w H C :3 W q 0i C H a M ai � u w W ,� A A Q O O u w t0 7 W N u >u L w v W C Q v ° ° H +°i b G M a>i w w w w O B00 00 w O w C O m m 41 Aj W M G V rn P. >.10 >.10 5 W w .'F. w w > to E to L to L Z +1 00 H M H M mC H M M w 10 V iMt+ M w w w M w w w " -14 Y w> ° AJ 4JLW3 w O C C to Ci y >, ca C: Vo to to to W Q. O w C* Cj L C e0 0) O H Q oawc0 cq M N ✓ro o v C C V] Q, W ro 00 cn W 00 N DD ' C vl O C M a ~ cn y • C. C O O O 43 x ci w > @ D 10 00 H H d 0 W a ami A ►� W z .1 ✓ Pi O N 19 d Q d` —" cn W N Od H W . Inva o N Hro 93a J OD Pd P4 N U F 93N co N r B +% x d ro F. G F L03 H� cn H O f�W e1 p�7 N 8.4 Cd d 0 H C waU3 �..� O, N 0n co n In Lr rn J C N M T J O 00 -� J V. N C 6 N1 c0 M w�-1 Ln !n P .•-1 N 0 OD N al H 1 ✓ of M ✓Q. J 01 A H C C d M y aJ O7 Ol a d ✓O » G N h 7 m W W W O tQ ✓ O! ai O d O M a H 0! ro O a C7 d w 4 v > 0 C d M w O > t: A >0 94 u Vl W 0 oG . '� T o0i ,Z at boC ' ro a!W a ✓ W M W H 0i H 0 al H 5. C H 00 p Ol d .0 s OG a Z V CO! O C .M7 O u W O V W 0 a 14 1 G oOd I 00 M N 4J'D M M M 0 ca as C/3d W .O S O1•O �O �O .O .D M cn In Ln M M J J3 W N N N ' 6 93 ' y W p 0 ' V Q M ) y N t w cp 4j 4 4J ��00 l 0 02 dM p M 1_0W-4_ J i .F+ y O N N O Un u P. �94 n In O 04 b a W vi V O f1 H u co41 O to F N W O� O� P .O HV) M M M N N M 044 W i. 0 00 N N N P W a "J J J J .r N p 441 p ap co O W 0) OI 144 V W ,N N N N N �,•� �D n .O J c0 n N O '+ J N ap O J Vl J 1n n n M .-/ � S O .O Ln n n n Oi P O .O N " W .O O a0 O• O� J 93 94 Nrl P u1 N 10 J 10 co co M M O C7 'O .O .-1 n .O J c0 n N O .••� J N 00 S c0 N O c0 w O Y1 S In n n. M ..� 1O J O .O v1 n 00 O M d J IliO, O .D N N CO .D O O O• u1 W M M cO .0.1.' p J n O, Ln N �O S �O co M J M n 6 0 'n J M co 00 N W O + N V q b 07 7p7 m 3 N W p y M a p 7 M d O v) p 0) FHpWy, cc WH O c� Op) M > X aW y O u pz~ > p f a, 0) S+ 94 -A O:W oG a'ri Wu' Z W F t+ C9 O 's7 p a H p O a F7 a, ..i of .-� r�a ai p a) v a) a) u v N 7 0) V a~' y E.xx W O O O Cl. p F d >� p C7 p W o d p or p C eO0 [�W a C u >. w m o w y v Z W W V 4 a M •.a 01 'O W t0 O W 01 p 1•�WC N +) O p 6 7 P4 W M N H 0 0 W .0 a y w FO tW 7-4 W 9) +d .+W +C vO O O p 0 p F F V O. .a u a b Fp o m O ++ 0 O p > uR6 EH-4 .0 OA - Au . sd w r a0 c� a w a °� v w x 03 u w w FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES Date: May 31, 1978 OPERATIONAL BUDGET 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 1. COMMUNITY PROTECTION POLICE SERVICES 1.1 1.1.1 Patrol 336,670 33,107 303,478 1.1.2 Investigation 90,056 7,643 77,383 1.1.3 Communication & Records ::8,500 + 95,332=103,832 7,807 80,255 1.1.4 Administration 58,687 5.664 53.913 r TOTAL *8,500 + 580,745=589,245 54,221 515,029 PUBLIC WORKS 1.2 _1 2 1 Street Lightine 42.440 2,866 41,545 1.2.2 Traffic Signing & Marking Sig. 17,575 1,232 15,721 1.2.3 F.neineering 37,883 2,855 27,785 1.2.4 Administration & Clerical 16,849 1,429 5,959 TOTAL 114,747 8,382 91,010 MUNICIPAL COURT 1.3 1.3.1 Arraignments & Trials 11,867 958 9,377 PLANNING AND ZONING 1,4 1.4.1 Current Planninp- *770 + 37,685=38,455 2.636 32.093 1.4.2 Advance Plannink 1.4.2(1) N.P.O. Program*1,940 + 11,835=13,775 1,298 7,911 1.4.2(2) L.C.D.C., H.C.D., & 701 Programs *1,813 + 43,104=44,917 2,900 31,778 1.4.4 Support Services (Clerical) 12,984 933 10,766 Program Admin. 16,551 1,314 14,347 TOTAL *4,523 + 122,159=126,682 9,081 96,895 BUILDING INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT 1.5 1,5.1 Plan Checking 13,731 1,025 11,485 1.5.2 Field Inspection 45,652 3,263 37,857 1.5.3 Support Services (Clerical) 8,733 7,976-- 1.5.4 Program Administration 10,482 686 7,620 TOTAL 78.598 5,674 64,788 2. HOME AND COMMUNITY QUALITY PUBLIC WORKS 2.1 2.1.1 Weed Control 3,000 -0- 1,475 2.1.2 Sanitary Service 94,157 4,718 62,985 Streets and Roads 89,875 14,637 _84788_ Parks %'::552 *5,410 + 44,443=50,405 10,614 41,601 2.1.5 Storm Water Control 452669 1,496 8,255 2.1.6 Special Projects 30,088 2.080 22,876 2.1.7 Ancillary Service 38,684 3,019 31,192 _ 2.1.8 Engineering 35,894 1.545 16,175 2.1.9 Admin. & Clerical 15,649 1,429 6,040 Insect Control 3„0500_ -0- 3.300 TOTAL **552 *5,410 + 400,959 - 406,921 39,538 2782787 . EXPENDITURES Da May 31, 1978 OPERATIONAL BUDGET Page 2 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 3. SOCIAL SERVICES LIBRARY 3.1 3.1.1 Technical Services 24,444 1 413 19,980 3.1.2 Community Services 12,673 966 10;842 -3.-1.3 Operations & Maint. *3,500 + 3,870=7,370 (I.-- ) 4,973- 3.1.4 Administration 14,314 1,047 12,097 TOTAL *31500 + 55.301=58,801 22236 47,892 YOUTH & AGED SERVICES 3.3 3.3.1 Loaves & Fishes 5,000 17 4,177 3.3.2 Youth Services *7,500 + --0- =7,500 -0- 7 500 TOTAL _ 12,500 17 11,677 4. POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION MAYOR AND COUNCIL 4. 1 4'.1•.1 policy and Direction 13,812 264 8,738 CITY ADMINISTRATION 4.2 4.2.1 Management Functions **5,000 + 5'17R=30,178 337 25,587 4.2.2 Staff Functions 'Q 720_+__1.1.625=12,345 492 9,255 4.2.3 Ancillary Functions 3,164 11 2,446 TOTAL * & .**5,720 + 39,967=45,687 840 37 288 FISCAL ADMINISTRATION & RECORDS 4.3 4._3.1 Finance Program 42,308 4,405 39,158 4.3.2 City Records 19,223 1 ,585 16-973 4.3.3 Management Support Services 7.414 612 6.723 TOTAL 68,945 6,602 62,854 5. CITY WIDE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS NON-DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTIONS 5.1 .5.1.1 Legal Services 18,500 (755) 14,754 5.1.2 Insurances 35,650 15 41,439 5.1.3 Utilities 64,150 844 13,170 5.1.4 Rent 6,525 400 4,970 5.1.5 Postage 6,6-25- 3 5,807 Audit U -0- __ 5.46 N.1.7 _ Memberships 8,153 _ _ -0- 7,898 5.1.8 Codification of Ordinances 1.300 1,467 1,467 5.1.9 Stationery & Supplies 1,100 120 22119- 5.1.10 Bldg.& Equip. Maint. & Repair-.*-.'-800+1.800=2,600 -0- 3,206 5.1.11 Contractual Services _ *4 500 + 5.875=10,375 1,969 9,216 5.1.12 Unemployment Reserve 13,000 -0- 9,750 -5-.T-.13 Donations 2,000 -0- - - 5.1.14 Publicity & Community Rela 2,500 -0- _ 326 5.1.15 Materials & -Supplies 650 -0- 175 5.1.16 Microfilm Program 12,500 -0- -0- 5.1.19 Contingency *61,189 ''•(6,352) + 143,723=198,560 - - -0- TOTAL ':65,689 **(5,552) + 329,451=389,588 4,063 119,757 *Supplemental Budget *ferransfers L TI CAPITABUDGET Dater May 31, 1978 Page 3 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 6. COMMUNITY PROTECTION COMMUNITY PROTECTION 6.1 Sidewalk/Pathway Construction 26,214 4,975 5,936 HOME AND COMMUNITY QUALITY 6.2 Road Acq. & Development 314,000 1,107 12,467 Parks Acq. & Develo ment*20 000+31 584=51 584 -0- 57 Storm Drainage 109,736 771 81,007 DIVISION 6.5 Donations 2,000 -0- -0- TOTAL *20,000 + 483,534=503,534 6,853 99,467 7. DEBT SERVICE 7.1 General Obligation Bonds 24,000 -0- 74,non 7.1.1 General Obligation Bonds (Int.) 2,535 175 2,534 Unappropriated Balance 21,783 -0- 21,783 TOTAL 48,318 175 48,317 7.2 Bancroft Improvement Bonds 360000 1,000 25 000 7.2.1 Bancroft Improv. Bonds (Int.) 11,345 633 8,832 Unappropriated Balance 115,846 -0- 115,846 TOTAL 163,191 1,633 149,678 140,537 1,641,554 Supplemental Budget *115,842 + TOTAL 2,516,594 = 2,632,436 C ' MEMORANDUM " June 13, 1978 TO: 'Library Board City Council FROM: Head Librarian 1. Administration: a. The Library Board held its regular meeting on May 9. Minutes are attached. . b. A volunteer meetin was held on May 9 at 7:30 P.M. A filmstrip was shown illustrating use of the Library's new Encyclopedia Britannica. c. On May 17 the Head Librarian and a CETA staff member attended a benefit tea for the Tigard Friends of the Museum. d. A great portion of the month involved disseminating information on the Washington County Cooperative Library (WCCLS) tax levy which was passed May 23. 3500 informational brochures were distributed through the school system and another 3500 were distributed in the Library and by volunteers. Special presentations were made tp various groups. Staff members and volunteers from each public library donated time to conduct a story-telling marathon at Wash- ington Square on Saturday, May 13. Governor Straub held a rally supporting the levy on May 16 at the Hillsboro Library. Attending from Tigard were the City Administrator, Administrative Aide, City Recorder, Library Board Chair- man, a volunteer , one staff member and the Librarian. e. The Library received , as a gift, 5000 copies of a general information brochure for distribution to newcomers and users. The art and design work was donated by Richard's Studio and the printing was donated by Multnomah Printing Co. The logo is the permanent property of the Library. f. On May 26 the last of the furnishings purchased with the state mini grant was put in place. ' It should be noted that Public Works Department was at all times generous with scheduling #, personnel to unpack and assemble the ,;: .,,•.�+.•.. furniture as it arrived. The Friends of the Library plan to hold an open "7• A elou:;e marking the completion of the project. g. Librarian attended the WCCLS professional board meeting on May 31. vs •. Of interest: Librarian was elected President-Elect of board for the coming year. h. The City Attorney made final revisions to the rental lease for 1978- 79. Two copies were sent to Otto Sorg for his signature. 70 Library Monthly Report - May - '2 Z 2. Personnel: i a. Volunteer hours totaled 157.5, averaging 5,25 per day. . b. Kathy Tremaine attended a workshop on preparation of public relations materials at Portland Community College, Rock Creek, May 5 and 6. a 3. STATISTICS: a. Circulation 7024 Adult 4815 Magazines 227 Other 28 Juvenile 1754 A-V 143 Interlibrary Loans ' 57 County 22 other 35 b. User Cards Issued 137 In Town 57 Out- Toon 80 c. Average attendance at` programs: Story Hour 20 per week ( two sessions per week) Spanish 17 per week (two sessions per week) d. Books added to the collection 305 Adult Fic 27 Juvenile Fic 45 Adult Non-Fic 73 Juvenile Non-Fic 27 Adult Paper back 124 Juvenile Paperback 9 e. Materials withdrawn 148 f. Money received: Fines $1.50 Donations$1.29 Lost/Damaged Books $8.00 4. Programs: No special programs were presented during Nny. There will be reekly activi t ties for children 6-12 years old through the summer months. The two story hours will be continued. The Spanish class will be discontinued when CETA . employee's timme is up July 3. TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD May 9, 19 MINUTES Call to Order The regular meo m of the Tigard Library Board was . ..tin� & Roll Call ess at 1:45 P- called to order by chairman Yvonne Burg All members were present. Reports. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Librarian presented the monthly report. In discussing attendance at Oregon Library Association conference, the•Librarian reported having seen the film "The Speaker." She offered to review it in detail for any members who wished. She also recommended articles which have appear- ed in library periodicals. The Board reviewed the slide and sound show prepared to nformation tool prior to the be shown to groups as an i serial levy vote on May 23. New Business; The Librarian announced that a new publication , LIBRARY TRUSTEE NEWSLETTE4 is available for $19.00 a year. Nancy Stimler offered to write and ask for a sample copy. The Librarian indicated that some of the county librar- ans had considered having a WCCLS sponsored trustees workshop. The Board indicated great interest and re- the fall. �^•=i^' quested that it be sometime in .'•w - was adjourned at 2:35 i'.iI. eting Respectfully Submitted, Irene Ertell Approved as read: Approved as corrected: MONTHLY REPORT PLANNING DEPARTMENT May 22nd to June 26th Current Planning: The following projects were approved administratively by the Planning Director over the past month. Design Review: SDR 43-77 Union Service Station Applicant: Union Oil Co. Request: Review of a remodeling to an existing pump island Site Location: 14030 S.W. Pacific Highway Action Taken: Approved SDR 19-78 Tigard Senior High Applicant: School District No. 23J Request: Review of a 5 classroom addition Action Taken: Approved SDR 20-78 Hector Greenhouse Applicant: Carl Hector. Request: Review of a 1.4 acre nursery Site Location: 15300 S.W. Pacific Highway Action Taken: Approved SDR 18-78 Appleman Professional Building Applicant: Ralph Appleman Request: Review of a professional office on a . 29 acre site Site Location: 12555 S.W. Hall Blvd. Action Taken: Approved SDR 12-78 Advance Interiors Applicant: William F. Hawken Request: Review of a parking lot Site Location: 14725 S.W. 72nd Action Taken: Approved SDR 23-78 Peters Office Bldg. Applicant: Ralph Peters Request: Review of a 512 sq. ft. addition to an existing medical office building. Site Location: 12405 S.W. Main St. Action Taken: Approved SDR 15-78 Cain Dental Office Applicant: James L. Cain Request: Review of a 1200 sq. ft. addition to a dental office Site Location: 14300 S.W. Pacific Highway Action Taken: Approved -V a MONTHLY Rte_ ORT PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 2 SDR 49-77 Fewel-Comer Offices Applicant: Fewel-Comer Co. , Inc. Request: Review of a 25, 387 sq. ft. office building Site Location: Northeast corner of S.W. 72nd And S.W. Sandburg Action Taken: Approved SDR 17-78 Harley Adams Warehouse Applicant: H.R. Adams Request: Review of a 10,500 sq. ft. warehouse/office planned development Site Location: Intersection of S.W. Katherine & Tigard Sts. Action Taken: Approved SDR 22-78 Tangelo Court Applicant: Gordon D. Carpenter Request: Review of six duplexes Site Location: 11790 S.W. 98th Action Taken: Approved Subdivisions: Plat Name: Angelynn Applicant: PMike Mahon & Leon Bruneau Request: 9 lot subdivision Location: S.W. 95th north of Commercial St. Action Taken: Approved Plat Name: Gallo Vineyards Applicant: Herb Morisette, Builder Request: 14 lot subdivision Location: S.W. 113th Avenue & Tigard Street Action Taken: Approved Plat Name: Waverly :Meadows Applicant: Waverly Construction Request: 44 lot subdivision Location: 8065 S.W. Bonita Rd. Action Taken: Approved Minor Land Partitions: Applicant: Robert Randall Company Request: Partition a 1.79 acre parcel into a 7912 sq. ft. & 1.61 acre parcels Location: S.W. Gaarde and 110th Streets Action Taken: Approved Applicant: Bill Godwin Request: Partition a . 36 acre parcel into two (8050 & 9840 sq. ft.) parcels Location: S.W. 98th Street east of Scott Court Action Taken: Approved 4 NO MONTHLY REPORT PLANNING DEPART14ENT Page 3 Applicant: Gerald Cach Request: Partition a 1.65 acre parcel into three parcels (14,000 sq. ft, 10,000 sq. ft. , and 23,250 sq. ft. ) Location: 8115 S.W. Bonita Road Action Taken: Approved The current Planning Division will be seriously under staffed in the month of July. There have been three resignations, Planning Director, Associate Planner and Planning Aide. In addition, Nancy Chase will be in England the first three weeks of July and if T2ayor Bishop and Councilman Cook have their way she will not have a job to come back to. This leaves one person in Planning to write all staff reports, meet with developers, provide public notices, prepare minutes of Planning Commission meetings, answer the daily telephone and counter inquiries of developers, realtors, and the public and carry out the various and sundry daily tasks of running the Department. This remaining person (apparently Ben Altman) will be attempting to do the work that five people have been directly or indirectly involved in. Given the high level of development activity in Tigard, this one person will be lucky if he can keep up with the phone calls and counter work, let alone all of the other duties which will become his responsibility. ITN POLICE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT FOR i MONTH OF MAY •• 19 78 { DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL --- ------------------- AVERAGE ---- --- s NUMERICAL STRENGTH -__ _DAILY ABSENCE _ AX'E_R_4_G_EEf'_F_EGI_TVE SIREN_C_I'H_ End of Same This Same This Last- Same this Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Last Last Last Year Year __ _- _ _ Year TOTAL PERSONNEL 28 24 -_ 12.0 9.5- 16.0 16.1 _ 14.5 CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 2 1.1 1.2 .9 1.0 .8 ` SERVICES DIVIS. 7 _6 - 2.7 2.4-_ 4_3 -_4_2_ 3.6_� PATROL DIVISION 14 13 6.5 5.4 7.5 8.0 7.6 TRAFFIC DIVIS. 2 -0- - - - .7 -0- 1.3 .8 -0- INVEST. SECTION 3 3 - .9 ; 1.0 2.1_ _2.0 _ 2.0 FORCE ONE 13 12 5.5 5.3 7.5 7.7 6,7!~ FORCE TWO 9 73.2 2 6_ 4_8 4.5 4.4 FORCE THREE 6 5 3.3 1_.6 3.7 3.9 3.4 CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last month 28 This Sdme Month 2. Recruited during month 0 _ _Month Last Year 3. Reinstated during month r 0 1. Total number field Total to account for 28 officers 16 13--- 2. Less Agents Assig- 4. Separations from the service: ned to Investigat. 0 _ 0 (a) Voluntary resignation 0 3. Average daily abs- (b) Retirement 0 enccs of field off- icers owing to: (c) Resigned with charges pending 0 (a) Vacation, susp- (d) Dropped during probation 0 ension, days off, comp. time, etc. 6 1 3.7 (e) Dismissed for cause 0 (b) Sick & Injured _:4 _.6 _ (f) Killed in line of duty 0 (c) Schools, etc. .7 (g) Deceased 0 Total average daily Total separations 0 absences 4. Available for. duty -87.2 5.4.8-_- 7.6� 5. Present for duty at end of month 28 -------- Page one TIGARD POLICE DEPARTMENT �. Monthly Report I. Calls for Service: This Month 548 Year to Date 2,837 A. Obligated Time 1,379.5 B. Non-Obligated Time '1,075.8 II. PART I CRIMES No. Cleared Arrests A. Homicide B. Rape 1 1 C. Robbery 3 1 s D. Assault 3 2 1 E. Burglary 8 F. Larceny 28 8 7 G. Auto Theft 3 Totals 45 12 9 III. PART II TOTALS 55 32 31 TOTAL - Part I and II 100 44 40 IV. TOTAL PERSONS CHARGED: 40 a. Adult Male 22 C. Juvenile Male 9 b. Adult Female 6 d. Juvenile Female 3 V. WARRANTS SERVED 7 VI. TOTAL PROPERTY LOSS $ 15,121.36 TOTAL PROPERTY RECOVERED $ 7,896.63 VII. TRAFFIC a. Accidents Investigated 33 Injury Accidents 11 Fatal 0 b. Citations: VBR (Speeding) 43 Yield Right of Way--.!— Following ay9Following too Close 5 Red Light 21 Stop Sign 3 Improper Turn 9 Reckless Driving,--O— Careless riving0Careless Driving 10 Driving Under the Influence 9 Driving While Suspended 5 Other Hazardous 17 Non-Hazardous 83 Total Hazardous 131 C. Enforcement Index 11.90 d. Traffic Enforcement Totals Citations: This Month This Year 214 Year to Date 877 This Month Last Year 174 Last Year to Date 518 Warnings: This Month This Year 199 Year to Date 594 This Month Last Year 95 Last Year to Date T89- NOTE: 8$NOTE: - Part I Crimes (Major Crimes) Clearance Rate 26.7% Part II Crimes (Minor Crimes) Clearance Rate 58.2% .^ VIII. �'RAINING A. Police Academy. Officer Jim Hedstrom is attending the Police Academy at this time, obtaining his basic certificate. He is scheduled to finish the first part of June. i B. Hostage Negotiations. Sgt. Newman attended further training at Washington County Sheriff's Office on May 30 on hostage negotiations. 1 i IX. PUBLIC RELATIONS A. Station Tour. Lt. Rea talked to six Campfire girls on May i 18, giving them a tour of our police department, and having them meet with our officers. B. Highway Safety Committee. On May 24, Lt. Rea met with 25 adults at the Hi Hat Restaurant, to discuss ideas to improve highway safety. C. Alert Dispatcher. On May 13, because Dispatcher Mattingly took a few extra moments to use the capabilities of our CRT, a subject was found to have an outstanding warrant for armed robbery out of Ohio. This subject came to our station requesting a driving record check; Lawana decided to check him for any wants, and came back with a hit. This subject was arrested and transported to jail, thanks to a little extra effort on the part of our dispatcher. D. See attached for Officer Martin's community service work for May. "q t bo H 11 iJ iJ 4.141 4J dJ } iJ 41 W cc cccw0 wN cci c cc (H0 Z t` tT co 14 N cn h cn M. JJ • V %0 ci %0 %O %D 7 %0 O� • W .�. 'AG. '.�. Q x 1 OO 01 �.d w ' U N a co J°J .4 O P,. u 3 cn H tl1 47 H d 0 cc m U U c t: .4 O 112 0H od q awi N w 14 +�+ V >4 a '' v p .0 cd °1-4 Occ a CJ U ...4 41 � � �4) U W t+0 "4 w O) d W >% N 4 A H N to tq w >+ O O w ..14 • b Q .4 .t G41 cc H ar w >, s �3 O. 4J 10 w w H �.1 iii v) • a H A bo .bo M°° v M 3 ti �O H H E- U) C H ra W W W b W .3c 7 to U U U ;e. U to W W co 00 •cA c0 Co co co d n n 1 i t 1 i i i A 1 1 cn .p n a% cn .•a .4 .4 N N N h cn Y'f cn cn to Y1 v'1 c[1 l .$A"�"�R ' •��y � 'i�� � d ^ F�� � ,7� l,fa�y-t+���1..s{{�}�,, �j� ry � ri -�Y}y (� ' ...'f � � � t`�i+ f� '.`�`r �.�✓�� �� ���,w chr'� g����J �' �1,�':rL� �'„� 4:�.t` ✓f �i���'V Nrfr�,yJ'�°ty., ... t> / S' 1 r .v. " Y s {, ;�,�p � C N t¢}:'Wd j9 9�� '� _.'s 4. fi 1 ✓ p w; - 4 1 x�_#'�'c�.•T t`�-x' ,4�",K,s��hrl<�"U°"< t :F{' �y�. ,yw 1' ;why:-.d�"�b��."r-k.� r'E�'rt;�i^`"" Mu, ...r.-s.�.r.�-9�>.�a ,ef� F. .,.4;� t i-,R..` !r,> '.� .,.,rr.d _ "�-�'L-c•-yti l "'"�-'��--G[�x-��.G' /U.�y ,iG;��Gz.�LJ��.-t�c..c•� ci 2.iyi'��.-t,. s ' Wilb-.-, Bishop 1229b 'SW Main St. Tigard, OR. 97223 Phone 620-5399 6/26/78 STATEMENT TO TIGARD CITY COUNCIL AND TIGARD CITIZENS AT MON. JUNE 26 COUNCIL MEETING BY MAYOR WILBUR BISHOP 3. 4 Responsible elected officials must put personal and political i bias aside and face u to " p present moods awl dictates p�he. tax-cutting i demands of their constituents. Californians have rung the bell. We must a e realize we are also "for whom the bell tolls." And just as certain, so are the states and federal government. 4 I I must support Portland Mayor GoldschmidIs call to freeze city budgets, 'spending and replacement of personnel until we can assess the possible impact of the 1io property tax limitation in Oregon. 9 !'his recommendation not to fill vacancies would not apply to the planning department as the council has already cut one position for the first half of the fiscal year and a second position for the second half of the year, or the building department which cannot handle the building boom with only one person in the department. In all other departments the council should be consulted before filling vacancies due to resignations. However, I would like to give Tigard citizens a piece of good news. If the 11% property tax limitation becomes law in Oregon, it will have only a mild effect on the city's available general fund revenues. Even though tax experts have + xP predicted that it would cut local tax income by some 42o, Tigard would hardly notice it compared to its neighboring cities of Beaverton, Portland, hake Oswego or Oregon City. It's the old adage of when you subtract something from nothing you still have nothing. Tigard's tax rate of about 610 per $1 ,000 a' y 2-2-2 24ayo tement sta .Aja of assessed value this year alaounts to practically nothing compared to Beaverton's $$5.90, Portland's $7.95, Lake Oswego's $6.52 or Oregon City's $9.90. A 42;6 out in the property tax would only cut $74,000 out of Tigard's general fund revenues, whereas in Beaverton, Lake Oswego and Oregon City it would cut as much as a million dollars or more, and more than $5 million in Portland. Tigard is better prepared to live with the new 'tax revolt' , but I can sympathise with our neighboring cities which could face serious economic problems. The Tigard city council's recommendations the past week to streamline the planning department, now that most LCDC mandated programs are nearing completion, and the recommendation for admin- istrative leadership changes in the police department have been for the purpose of providing greater efficiency and productivity from the departments with the possible necessity for reduction in personnel. This has been an exercise in responsible leadership by some of those councilmen elected to run Tigard's city government. It is hardly ever popular to recommend the termination of any established public employee but those of us on the Tigard city council who have supported this move sincerely believe it is in the best interest of the future of Tigard. As mayor I stand firmly behind these actions. rt}t+� •t t rt 7r.r; ii(, r jl5 ri ' J