City Council Packet - 05/01/1978 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDA May 1, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut 1. ROLL CALL 2. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS - POLICE STATION ADDITION 0 Ln 0 3. AUTHORIZE REPAIRS TO STREET SWEEPER ~ w 4. ODOT - PRESENTATION - 6 Year Plan 5. REVIEW CONTRACT TO RETAIN ARCHITECT FOR BAND STAND (Cook Park) 6. FINANCING - Small Projects Without Bonding 7. SEWER LID LETTER - Re: McDonald Annexation 8. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING St. MARY'S WOODS STATE PARK 9. OTHER 10. ADJOURNMENT 1Vi TI GARD CITY COUNC T. I. STUDY -QF.SSION MTNUTES MAY 1 , 1978, 7-30 P.M 1. ROLL CALL- Present: Mayor Wilbur Bishop (arrived at 7:35 PM); Councilmen John E. Cook. Alan W. Mickelson, Kenneth W. 8checkla Lynn R Wakem; .Toe Bailey, Legal Counsel; Raeldon R Barker, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder; Aldace Howard. Administrative Aide; Loreen Wilson. Clerk III 2. ODOT - Presentation - 6 Year Plan. (a) Bob Bothman. Administrator of the Metro Branch of ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation), presented the 6 year highway plan which ODOT has pre- pared, showing the different priorities for improvements in the state acid the different funding needs for those improvements. A brief synopsis was given regarding the specific projects planned for the Washington County; Tigard area. (h) After some discussion, Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook moved that the Tigard City Council go on record in support of ballot measure #5 which will appear on the May 23rd election. dealing with funding for ODOT. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 3. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIOS • POLICE STATTON ADDITION (a) City Administrator stated the specifications for the bids were ready to be sent out pending Legal Counsel's review (b) Legal Counsel noted the following changes should be made in the proposed contract language. (1) PAGE 5 PARAGRAPH (k) • delete awarding agency at the end of the seventh line and beginning of the 8th line. and change to read "City". (2) PAGE 6 PARAGRAPH '' . - .Add to the end of the paragraph , "In addition, the City may withhold payment of sums equal to the Contractor's liability under paragraph R of the contract." (3) PAGE 6 PARAGRAPH 8 a.dd to the end of the paragraph "In the event contractor fills to cofrr. lete the work within the time allowed by this paragraph.. Contractor shall become liable to the City in the amount of $50.00 per day as liquidated damages for the period between the last day allowed by this paragraph and the actual completion date " (..) Motion by Councilr+an lHickelscn- .seconded 1-y Councilman Scheckla to approve. '0 ..t11'01 ze :i ty Ad-.Inl strator to request bids. Approved by unaniTcuc vote of Coanc{l 4, AUTHORIZE REPAIRS TO STREET SWEEPER. i (a) City A i<:.`i.=• tr.y car :t&ted ci ty:` 9-year old street sweeper was not in oner .t, a, due to major repair work which needs to be done- The estimated cost f ;r :. •; re.pa..irs would be approximately $1,200.00, (b) Mot. o Counc11:2<n Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to purchase ;part.; c r ;.a ir.s from the contingency fund. 1 Al>h 'y u-r ,ni^:c;us vote of Council. (c) RF: +' - to authcriLe specific araount of monies tra -sferred will be su!.. :.o Counc; I a . future meeting. 5. REVIF::; f;;r„ ?0 RETAIN ARCHITECT FOR BANDSTAND (Cook Park) (a) r1 stated the contract language was all right, and noted the i 0c sign. would cost approximately $450 00. (b) { '`' A -i scrator roted the Park Board recommended William B. Gordon, t.1:1.c•h the C_.t.v plans to retain for this project (c) " '_� ucheck=.:; moved to authorize execution of cont_r•act to retain I C! r thr s+r,u: land in Cook Park. Seconded by Councilman Cook Appr.:ti• -i ';� c:ra_n.i.r.:oas votc� of Council. 6. FIVA`;.ItiC' r:,l.l. 11rc ;ects Without Bonding. (a) A(!m.:, .;'--ve. Aide stated the City had checked with the Local banks rc' ,c �adlrs, of small projects without bonding and found the banks would furl a+uch projects.. but the formation of an LID was required no r o , a A: t_. ; .:,_,: ,-t,t}od,; ic; }1 be di.str.ibuted to Council in the next meeting :crd ::ill be discussed at the May .15th Study Se�s:;ion. 7. SEWER LID I,:'?` F. - Re. McDonald Annexation (a) Adr:ii• . ;,­.:;At-'.ve Aide su :mi tted letter for Council perusal, which stated the C: would allow an LID to be formed for sewer improvc-ments to the cot'm,rr_5t.; il' the property were in the city limits. This letter had been rPgr. =tt.d vy- property owners in the recently considered McDonald annexci tc,., vr.opo;3al . (b) Aft.e_ itr. thy discu.,s.ion between Council and staff regarding annexation P01icl- d wordage of the letter. Administrative Aide was directed to check t.~,� la_.t sentence in paragraph 4 regarding the USA hook-up charge for hc,,:,f-6 constructed before and after 1970; and to also include a section in the .letter regarding the estimated cost of ar. LID in the City of Tiyr1. It was suggested this be based on the Park Street LID which was rc Ently formed. (c) Legal Czunsel suggested the City Council consider the type of funding and r_he approach used for figuring the costs of an LID and adopt an crdinar:r-c setting policy. PAGE 2 - STUDY 6ZSSIO` MINUTES May 1, 1978 t. IF (3 (d) Motion h� Coarci_lr:au. W t.a ar:.a_d Co;�-.ci? :a a Cook to pprove .ette_r with m,1 n'o C}:groes t r _::.a. 4 cr: and . _t-horize Mayor Bisti_op to sigr. in behalf' + the Courcil . } Approved by majority •d ,tc- of Courci:i.. Counci.lm.an Scheckia votl^g NAY. 8. RF°OLUTION SUPPORTING ST. MAP-I'S WOODS STATE PERK (a) City Adm_ni.stratc•- cc-..__-:t;,d rrat at: ttie January 30, 1978 C0UrIC�1 Meeting., he was directed t.r, d;'i=t the C! L1' of Beaverton by letter cf the Council '.. support t,i the project . a.-erton is now requesting Council pass a cr,.al res , _ ^d z,;.:n= -he City will not seek BOR furv-S for r In c-dt _ _._ il•: ^.et. .,., ,,t So to the State Par.k. (b) Cc;ok �tr.tee a rec E.r' T: ,,,�i_aper article stated *,I c. City ), T r�, t'..r,st Giov'c, <,,:d chc 1'�._.latin Hills Rezreation Dist.r".ct frr--m W:._hingtort County BOR funds Cit,. A.?r^.i- <.tr.ator noted t"b:it thi had not been a formal application but mi1v .i prr�! iminary reque.�k s.E=nt. out to ;ce if funds were avallahte for iL r Ip;z;t -;, i.ddi t ior. l ._..: :',r:n i. i tion, and re Lroom construe tion at Ccs>k Pert:.. (c) C(�r;,:cr,:" f C: !!n: i ! �;_:.: !-o dir_,,L t_ City Adrainistrator to check on statu•, of 1'1*1-ocs-�;;1 rrque"c 5OR funds befc:re adopting, a formal r(2-solutic.t. 9 OTHER. (a) City Ad:r. _.. t.r:-:.:,r. rt:qu- t:.d C:.u^elt authorize City to go out for hid on the rurc �.ra.,e of a rrxctor, with -cower & tiller att.achmi:nLs. This itE:n; h.io i-)c:e.n included ... !he - !uppler•erttal budget. Motion hr Councilman WaG::r., o;^d=.c1 by Councilman Cook to authorize stc.tf+_' to advertise for bid, or true trbctor and attachments. Approved by unanzmou:; dote c f Coun.11. (b) Administrative Aide toed thAt 5 single lot annexation applicationwould be presented for Coun_ii r�>eiLw a:,d action at the May 8Ch regular r:eetint, (c) Mayor Bishop noted ths.t Council should be. careful what is said to the press. 10. ADJOURNMENT - 8:30 P.M. i i ATTEST: City Recorder - City Tigard Mayor City of Tigard PAGE 3 STUDY SESSION MINUTES - May a , 1975 I %ZARD ' U A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER BURNHAM STREET GETS THE WORKS. Monday we will start work on Burnham Street. It is anticipated that 'the drainage will be installed on the Hall Blvd. end, that the street will be widened as necessary and that an overlay will be applied by the end of May. BANDSTAND AND A SIX YEAR PLAN. The Park Board is working on a six year parks plan for presentation to the Council in June. Mr. Bailey is reviewing a contract between the City and an architect who has agreed to design a bandstand for Cook Park. Council wilt be briefed on this matter soon. BALLOT MEASURES. Oregon statutes require that a portion of the dedicated state road user revenues be apportioned to cities for local road and street purposes. It is anticipated that Tigard could receive substancial monies over the next six years from this fund sharing. Program "B" is based on present tax rates and forcasts our share to be $168,192.00. Program "A" would mean our share would be $217,771.00. These figures are what we could receive yearly. However, for the City to receive the larger amount, Ballot Measure 5 and 3 must pass on the 23rd of May. It may interest you to know that the 240 city governments in Oregon are responsible for maintaining almost 6,000 miles of streets. POPULATION. The latest population figures for the City of Tigard (March 31, 1978) indicate that we are 11,899 persons strong. This figure reflects our normal growth rate of 12% plus the population of lands annexed to the City during the past year. BOUNDARY MEETING. Tigard and Washington County Planning Commission will meet on May 31st to discuss Tigard's boundaries. This will be an importer-at meeting. NATIONAL SECRETARIES WEEK. SPECIAL THANKS to the Secretarial Staff of i;he City. We all appreciate the work you are doing.