City Council Packet - 01/09/1978��� �7��"����������'d������������������������ w � - ��\ ��\ ��} ��\ �� ��\ �� _ .�� \\ �\ ��. ��\ �� ��\ ��� �ƒ� ��. �«\ �� � \�} - � ��: � y� y ��� -\} �� ��\ ��� ��� �; ��\ �� ��\ - - ��\��)��������} '\������}�d\��������������'��������� ,R TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 9, 1978, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER •JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM 0 AGENDA- t_.. GALL TO ORDER au 2, ROLL CALL 3- FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 5, CONSENT AGENDA: (All matters under this hcadiro art- eo2sid, red to 1 by the City Council and will he enac te•d in (ane r:^CiOii in tl•e form listed below. There will be nu ,cpar_cte dist: , _:c of these items. If. discussion is desired by ar.v Cor-7r':r member of the audience, that It,-m wi.11 Lc Consent Agenda and will he (.,;usideitAd t_parat.cl.ti ) (a) Approval of Minutes - DCCUnb(:r 19, 1977 (h) Approval of Expenditur s a..d Invest.rent (c) Written Communications .. Re:ei.ve and FiIt, I ansmittal from Ci Ly- of D+rrttar� rL: t !a;! i�'C GSd LF: IS i:'1::•"t 1, t t ro Transmittal from Washington County rc ; Wavr:ic: A-,�,_x-,tJ, 5: ORDINANCE No. 77-LOI AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIT MING ANN +� THE BOUNDARIES OF THE :,IIS' (4 L•IGARD B': i iiE !>C U:`•:ir COMMISSION, ORDER.No. 11,-3, I%VOLVING 1.:+:'d:; : i;i Ki<liFA.t.R ANNEXATION (135TH NORTH OF ',;I�1"tiU r TIS, RI.W, W.M. , WASHINGTON c0`_-NTy, wE.-.OV, j2Ri;OKi)1' (: EFF'EC,r I VE DATE AND DELL ARI NG AN F NERCI VNCY� (a) Second reading of ordinance. 7. ORDINANCE No. 77-102 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT '1'0 AN APPLICATICN BY KEN WAYMI.RE FOR AN AMENDMENT OF THE 1970 ZONING titAl' OF VIE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A 'rRA .' OF' I AtiD DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON' COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 12fi, TAX LOT 00, FRO:( "R-7" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL •IO "R- 7 VIP SLNGLP: F'�iMTLY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND ADOPTI ;G TIIE ATTACHED EXHIBITS A, B, AIvD C AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DAI'E. (a) Second reading of ordinance. 8. RESOLUTION No. 78 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEIY.:[tiG RECE":P'l OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTIN(. FORWARDINr, TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Waymire Annexation). s (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 9 . RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COL"4('I_'•. ACK`OWfFD,!'•:. OF A TRIPLE t'IAJORI'CY ANNEXATLON PET?E10N CONSE'"'_ ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REOFE5 :':ti" TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL {;OVEB.�;MENT BO `:DAIRY COMMISSION, (Christ Clr.,rch Ar exa_icf ) (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 10,• AUTHORIZE PURCHASE T.V. SEAL TRAILER MOUNTED SYSTF,M (a) ReconunendaLion of City Administrator. :.i RESOLUTION No. 78- RESOLUTION OF `CHE TiGARD CI1'Y t:(" tiCII (,'0.V_; N(: 1'0 f- E: ANNEXATION BY THE TIGARD WA'T'ER UISIR i"(• of, LOCATED W1'IHLN '1'111; CIA)' OF LIc.Altll. {av ! S :i A. is ,i Recommendation of PL<roninc; D rc:c t..., P FILIC HFAVIti31, - Coaunencing at . ;00 P,M. NOT ICF . A'1 persons desiring +n ofi{r tr. +. ,c. -,v - ." ,I h!rhi it , ,•, i r. name as t1:c app. •priatr• .,i, n „p sh, c t Ptrrsons desiring to testifti' will t.l c:r.. he talk-d i _;wa iOv on the ind i.ca ted i tc°:n(<s). !2 SfRUTA' VACKLION - A _ ! 6J.de dedicated put,.. i... "l ;i't. ^�. l". t ( . '. ��t i .- -..i, Oi :_Ll,'.'. (L)Ctwecn SW , ",:'A t1\t .;S L' ...... 1 ;? E`.. . 1 ' ri 7 I'!ibl i c-.. Hearing �t-i Su•,rcativn :.y Plancrin� :)i. .:t.,, i'i.h'_ic Testimony Pr�ipnncnt.s Opp.:nc;-rts Cross Examination td) F(cccacuerdaticsn of Piannivi; T}i (e) PHcarinrr:L_ic Ciuscd (f ) Ccrtsiderati.c,n Ly !:; r i l (g) ORDINANCE: No. 7% - Ah VACAi , !)f;Ul.l , ,"1.$) i'i + . I':fi 1 i`!' . .')N (, S.W. BRAPBUI(Y ('HURT IN THE {":'I'; OF "I(:Ald) COUNTY, OREG )P . 13. STREET VACATLON - A request for Vaca ti<:n of a pc;rt,I -i of S W. M1rran, r;, a poz*.icri of S.W. North Dakote Strcet i:, thc: City of Tiganl, Oregon, (a 50 foot wide dedicated )^nr. tion of S,W Manzar.it.a R--d 5'F f p-.:blic right-of-way on S.W. North Df,kota Street) , (a) Public Hearing Opened (b) Summation by Planning Director Public Testimony Proponents Opponents Cross Examination (d) Recommendation of Planning Director (e) Public Hearing Closed (f) Consideration by Council PAGE 2 -• COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 9, 1.978 • (b) ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDINANCE VACATING DF ULCATED ',:NO1=h:^,iFD [SOK"i'i W! ;i! S .SJ. MANZANITA STREET AND A PORTION OF S.W, NORTH '.)AKOrA t'RE[:'. 1.'•: THE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINSTON CO'.;Nl , OREGON, ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDNANCE AMENDING THE `RAFFIC COOOF THE CI':Y OF 'E''.'=ARD AND DECLARING AN EMERGEN--Y" (a) R_ccrrLmerda t.icr. of City Attorney. .5., RF.SOL[IT"lON No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE T'IGARD (:I1''. i:Ut'NCI[, LIBRARY ACTION TO SEEK GF-ANT F'JND5., a; R--: , rm,e:ndatic r, of City itecor.•der. !. WATHFt DISTRICT ANNEXATION ON BULL MOUNTAiN - R._-qct S+. t (aj R.=zccmr.endation of P a—nnin; Director, AF'F'R 1'At. OF TWO CARI. BU'I`fKF? CONTIL4C'['S _ `il'r:) ;t, ;` ( ; F ' 1 1 s,s its. t;;:rr+e:zdaticrn of Pla:nnin.; Dirac tt>r . RAIL 1- FIVE YEAR REVS\UE AND t:XE'Fa;;P: t'ROJ}.t it): I<.. : ;• ;r: i ' ! ( : • ,: (a) Rc of Citv Re(ocder, Pete Kollua� kail-r;_ad (a` P,-quested by Mayor. 20, 01 HER , 1 Rrcupti-n for Mt , krl: Fcicr: k, Hark(-. , Cit, Ai !,. i 1 t..n 5 P.M. 21 , ADJOURNMENT PAGE 3 A COUNCIL AGENDA .JANUARY 9, 1978 T I G A RD C IT Y C O U N C I L REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, JANUARY 9, 1978, 7:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Wilbur Bishop, Councilmen John E. Cook, Alan W. Mickelson, Kenneth W. Scheckla, Lynn R. Wakem; Robert Adams, Chief Of Police; J. D. Bailey, Legal Counsel; Dick Bolen, Planning Director; Raeldon Barker, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder; Aldace Howard, Administrative Aide. 2. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. (a) No one appeared to speak. 3. BRIEF WELCOME SPEECH TO MR. BARKER, CITY ADMINISTRATOR BY MAYOR BISHOP. 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - December 19, 1977. (a) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 5. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS - $149,312.73 (a) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - Receive and file. (a) Transmittal from City of Durahm re: Urban Growth Boundaries. (b) Transmittal from Washington County re: Waymire Annexation (c) Motion-* 'CounCilman'Cook "'seconded by Councilman Wakem to received and file. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 7. ORDINANCE No. 77-101 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RECORDING CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION, ORDER . No. 1143, INVOLVING LANDS OF KRUEGER ANNEXATION (135TH NORTH OF WALNUT STREET) SECTION 33, TIS, R1W, W.M., WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to approve Ordinance No. 77-101. Mayor Bishop, Councilman Mickelson, Councilman Cook, and Councilman Wakem voting aye. Councilman Scheckla abstained. Motion passed 4 to 0 on second reading. 8. MAYOR BISHOP REQUESTED SPECIAL EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS MATTERS RELATED TO PERSONNEL FOLLOWING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Council concurred. 9. ORDINANCE No. 77-102 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY KEN WAYMIRE FOR AN AMENDMENT OF THE 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 12B, TAX LOT 500, FROM "R-7" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO "R-7 PD" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND ADOPTING THE ATTACHED EXHIBITS A, B, AND C AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt Ordinance No. 77-102. Mayor Bishop, Councilman Mickelson, Councilman Cook, Councilman Wakem voting Aye. Councilman Scheckla abstained. Motion passed 4 to 0 on second reading. 10. RESOLUTION No. 78-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTING FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Waymire Annexation). (a) A letter from Larry Frazier, Washington County Planning requesting deferral of annexation pending outcome of Urban Growth Boundary issues was discussed. (b) Brief presentation by Staff outlining annexation. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to approve Resolution No. 78-01. '"Cuur-i i. . . , Motion passed by 4 to 1 vote. Councilman Scheckla voting nay. 11. RESOLUTION No. 78-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTING FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Christ Church Annexation) (a) A brief staff report outlining annexation. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded Councilman Wakem to approve Resolution No. 78-02. Passed by unanimous vote of Council. 12. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION. (a) A request for Vacation of a portion of S.W. Bradbury Court, a 30 foot wide dedicated public right-of-way in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon (between SW 72nd Avenue and Interstate 5). (b) Public Hearing Opened - 8:00 P.M. (c) Summation of issues given by Planning Director, Dick Bolen. (d) No public testimony was offered. (e) Planning Director recommended approval of Street Vacation. Page 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1978 (f) Public hearing closed. W. VEIF S (g) ORDINANCE No. 78-01 AN ORDINANCE BRADBURY COURT AINTTHE ING DITYCOFEUNOPENED PORTION TIGARDASHINGTON OCOUNTY, OREGON. (h) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt Ordinance Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 13. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION. t and portion of (a) A request for Vacation of a portion offSW• nZWashingtoneCounty, Oregon, (a S.W. North Dakota Street in the City oTigard, 50 foot wide dedicated portion of S.W.DakoMaStreet).ita and a 50 foot wide dedicated public right-of-way (b) Public Hearing Opened. (c) Summation of issues by Planning Director, Dick Bolen. (d) No public testimony was offered. (e) Planning Director recommended approval of Street Vacation. (f) Public hearing closed. ( ) ORDINANCE Na. 78-02 AN ORDINANCE VACATING DEDICATED UNSPENENW. ORTRTIONDAKOF STREET g — MANZANITA STREET AND A IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. (h) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to adopt Ordinance 'No. 78-02. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 14. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE T.V. SEAL SEWER TRAILER MOUNTED SYSTEM. The following bid was received: Northwest Sewer Equipment Co. No Bid Received P.O. Box 23086 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Cues, Inc. Primary Bid - $26,500 Optional Equipment: 4 3261 Northgate Blvd. 25.00 Auxillary Monitor..$ Sacramento, California 95833 Data-view... .. . .... 3,450.00 Power Winch........ 2,950.00 stating his(a) A brief presentation by City Administrator d istratorsearke ,of system from fCues,aInc}. with the equipment and recommending The City Administrator recommended purchase ofequip of entid wto include $29,450the optional power winch for $2,950.00. Total p It was noted that this is over considered budgetin by yna a asupplementalObudgetlt oun was recommended this be Page 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1978 (c) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Wakem to accept the bid from Cues, Inc. in the amount of $29,450.00 which included the power winch, and to consider $640.00 in a supplemental budget being prepared. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 15. RESOLUTION No. 78-03 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION BY THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT OF CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD. (SW 135th Avenue). (a) Dick Bolen, Planning Director, recommended approval due to the fact that this property is within the City boundaries. (b) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt Resolution No. 78-03. Motion passed by 4 to 1 vote. Councilman Scheckla abstaining. 16. DISCUSSION OF RAILROAD CROSSING SAFETY PROPOSAL. (a) Mr. Peter Kolleas, 10855 S.W. Park, Tigard, Oregon, presented a proposal to eliminate several railroad crossings in the area through joint use of tracks by Southern Pacific and Burlington Northern Railroads. (b) A letter from Edward Warmoth, Washington County Traffic Safety Coordinator was presented to Council outlining this proposal in detail. (c) Mr. Kolleas was praised for his creative efforts in this regard. (d) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to direct City Administrator to draft letters in support of this proposal. Letters are to be sent to Washington County Traffic Coordinator, Public Utilities Commission, State of Oregon, Southern Pacific Railroad, and Burlington Northern Railroad. A letter of appreciation is to be sent to Mr. Kolleas. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 17. ORDINANCE No. 78-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TRAFFIC CODE OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Legal Counsel outlined proposed changes relative to updating the traffic code, in accordance with Oregon State law. (b) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt Ordinance No. 78-03. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 18. RESOLUTION No. 78-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTING THE LIBRARY ACTION TO SEEK GRANT FUNDS. (a) Presentation by Doris Hartig, City Recorder recommending approval of Resolution No. 78-04, allowing library to seek financial aid through County Library Network. (b) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Wakem to adopt Resolution No. 78-04. Page 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1978 Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 19. WATER DISTRICT ANNEXATION ON BULL MOUNTAIN - Request by Boundary Review Commission for a recommendation endorsing request initiated by Tigard Water District to annex approximately 340 acres on Bull Mountain. (a) Presentation was made by Ms. Mary M. Zednik, 13995 S.W. Bull Mountain Rd., urging approval of this request. Mrs. Zednik presented a letter to Council from Ms. Barbara Lasselle, 12175 S.W. Bull Mountain Road, Tigard, requesting endorsement. (b) Planning Director Dick Bolen suggested that the Urban Growth Boundaries have not been set, and that the service issues need to be resolved. The issue is development on septic tanks and the need for a sanitary sewer development in the area was discussed. (c) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to request that the Boundary Commission table this annexation request until the issues of development and sewer installation have been settled by the County and the City of Tigard. Motion passed 3 to 2. Mayor Bishop and Councilman Scheckla voting nay. 20. APPROVAL OF TWO CARL BUTTKE CONTRACTS - NPO #7 and Public Facilities and Transportation Plan. (a) Planning Director, Dick Bolen stressed need for a Traffic Engineer for NPO #7 and the Public Facilities and Transportation Plan now being developed. (b) Changes were suggested in the contract as follows: Allowance for a 15-day response instead of a 10-day response applies to the contract for the public facilities and transportation plan contract only. The removal of the 10% retainer clause relates to both contracts being considered. (c) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to approve the two contracts as amended between the City and Carl Buttke. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 21. RATIFY FIVE YEAR REVENUE AND EXPENSE PROJECTION - (a) Letter from Mr. Donald L. Jones, Administrator, Intergovernmental Relation Division, State of Oregon, requesting compliance with 1977 legislative action relative to providing revenue and expense projection for use in State revenue sharing for cities of 10,000 population or more. (b) City Recorder recommended the projections for the City of Tigard be approved. (c) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to ratify the projections as outlined. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. Page 5 - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1978 22. OTHER. (a) RESOLUTION No. 78-05 A RESOLUTION MAKING APPOINTMENT TO THE TIGARD BUDGET COMMITTEE. This resolution appoints Floyd Bergman to the Budget Committee, for a term expiring December 31, 1980. (b) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to approve Resolution No. 78-05. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (c) RESOLUTION No. 78-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MAKING APPOINTMENT TO AN UNEXPIRED TERM OF OFFICE ON THE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION. This resolution appoints Gene Rossman to the Planning Commission, for a term expiring July 1, 1979. (d) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to approve Resolution No. 78-06. Motion passed with 4 to 1 vote, with Councilman Scheckla voting Nay. (e) RESOLUTION No. 78-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MAKING APPOINTMENT TO FILL AN UNEXPIRED TERM OF OFFICE ON THE TIGARD PARK BOARD. This resolution appoints Sue Graves to the Park Board, for a term expiring December 31, 1979. (f) Motion by Councilman Wakm, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt Resolution No. 78-07. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (g) Barker reception to be held January 22, 1978. Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to approve expenditures for this function. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (h) Councilman Scheckla requested action on School Street, noting that he had contacted Deb Fennell, School District Superintendent. Councilman Cook requested study session item to include discussion of City-County jurisdictions of streets within the City of Tigard and S.W. School Street will be discussed at that time. 23. RECESSED 10:30 P.M. 24. Council went into executive session under th,. r_ovisions of ORS 192.660(1) (b) Page 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1978 to consider personnel matters relating to Police Department terminated - employee. Council requested City Administrator to review the matter and report back. Meeting adjourned 10:45 P.M. City Recorder / ATTEST: Mayor Page 7 - COUNCIL MINUTES- January 9, 1978 Da Zan. 9, 1973 AGENDA ITEM 12 I wish to testify before the Tigard City Council on the following item: (Please print your name) Item Description:S.W. cation Proponent (for) Opponent (against) ame, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation r BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT GENERAL BUDGET PROGRAM January 9, 1978 Community Protection Check No. 3,700.00 5279 Bill Olinger Lincoln-Mercury, Inc., Invest. Unit (1.4) $ 131.34 5310 ICMA Retirement Corp., Retirement 5311 Traveler's Insurance, Employee Retirement 41.62 (1.2) 25.13, (1.5) 16.49 1.1) 62.40 5313 Western Life Ins. Co., Police Insurance 5315 Oregon Dental Service, Dental Insurance (1.1) 479.37, (1.2) 38.27, (1.3) (27.16) 682.59 (1.4) 107.34, (1.5) 84.77 5317 Public Employee's Retirement Board, Social Security (1.1) 1,110.33, (1.2) 130.44, (1.3) 13.15, 1,835.46 (1.4) 319.11, (1.5) 262.43 1.4) 82.40 ( 5318 American Institute of Planners, Dues (1.2) 27.50 5320 Barbur Blvd. Rentals, Equipment Rental 1,325.00 5321 Beaverton Printing, Printing (1.4) (l.l) 153.00 5322 Bentson Reloading, Ammunition 5323 Mr. C's Camera, Film & Processing 125.82 (1.1) 101.82, (1.4) 24.00 5328 Doug's Auto Parts, Auto Supplies 110.55 (1.1) 83.15, (1.2) 27.40 (1.1) 519.08 5331 General Telephone Co., Utility 1.1) 25.70 5333 Greenlee's Pontiac, Parts for Unit �k5 (1.1) 20.04 5334 Harris Uniforms, Police Uniforms (1.4) 24.48 5335 IBM Corporation, Ribbons 1.1) 48.50 5337 Intl Assoc. of Chiefs of Police, Publication (1.1) 11.50 5338 Knauss Chevrolet, Auto Parts (l.l) 10.95 5340 Law & Order, Publication l.l) 8.78 5345 Mobil 9-T-9 Sales, Misc. Auto Parts (1.1) 22.15 5346 Northwest Natural Gas Co., Utility 1.1) 25.00 5348 Oregon Assoc. Chiefs of Police, Dues (1.3) 432.00 5351 Anthony Pelay, Jr., Judge 5354 Portland General Electric, Utility 891.67 (1.1) 62.52, (1.2) 829.15 1.1) 44.25 5355 Portland Transmission Parts, Steering Pump (1.1) 1,515.00 5360 Setronics Protection Specialists, Armour ( 14.06 5361 Southwest Office Supplies, Office Supplies (1.1) 5364 J. Thayer, Misc. Office Supplies (1.1)27.76, (1.2) 1.62, (1.3) 1.62, 55.09 (1.4) 18.69, (1.5) 5.40 5365 Don Thomas Petroleum, Shell Gasoline 660.19 (1.1) 542.30, (1.2) 39.61, (1.4) 22.38, (1.5) 55.90 1 (1.1) 5.00 5366 City of Tigard, Utility (1,1) 20.00 5367 Tigard Arco, Car Wash (1.1) 115.20 5369 Tigard Radiator, Radiator Repair (1.1) 8.50 5372 Tigard Water District, Utility (1.2) 391.00 5373 Traffic Safety Supply Co., Letters Retire. 5374 The Travelers Insurance Co., Employee 61.06 (1.2) 22.35, (1.5) 38.71 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT Page 2 January 9, 1978 Community Protection Check No. 5375 Tuality Community Hospital, Injury not covered by SAIF (1.1) $ 38.70 5376 Valley Communications, Inc., Radio Maintenance for January (1.1) 147.51 5378 Washington County, Signs (1.2) 69.45 5379 Willamette Industries, Inc., Misc. Bldg. Mat. (1.2) 21.80 5380 Xerox Corporation, Equipment Rental (1.1) 231.96 5383 Mr. C's Camera, Processing (1.4) 20.85 5384 Thomas D. Hastings, Municipal Court Witness (1.3) 5.00 5385 Dwight W. Averill, Municipal Court Witness (1.3) 5.40 5386 Tigard Community Center, Rental (1.3) 82.50 5387 Banker's Life, Police Retirement (1.1) 13,065.00 $ 26,907.05 Home & Community Quality Check No. 5302 R. L. Thompson, Mileage (2.1) $ 17.55 5311 Traveler's Insurance, Employee Retirement (2.1) 77.53 5315 Oregon Dental Service, Dental Insurance (2.1) 202.18 5317 Public Employee's Retirement Board, Soc. Sec. (2.1) 628.18 5323 Mr. C's Camera, Film & Processing (2.1) 28.75 5324 Cascade Architectural & Engrg. Supplies, Engineer (2.1) 18.18 5326 Columbia Ladder Co., Step Ladder (2.1) 77.33 5328 Doug's Auto Parts, Auto Supplies (2.1) 167.52 5338 Knauss Chevrolet, Auto Parts (2.1) 78.00 5341 Maryatt Industries, Laundry (2.1) 67.01 5342 Montgomery Ward & Co., Tire repair (2.1) 21.00 5350 Pargas, Propane & Equipment Rental (2.1) 175.46 5353 City Treasurer-City of Portland, Wiping Rags (2.1) 44.00 5356 Power Rents, Inc., Equipment Rental (2.1) 110.00 5361 Southwest Office Supply, Office Supplies (2.1) 29.23 ' 5364 J. Thayer, Misc. Office Supplies (2.1) 23.58 5365 Don Thomas Petroleum, Shell Gasoline (2.1) 268.25 5370 Tigard Sand & Gravel Co., Inc., Rock (2.1) X37.54 5374 The Traveler's Insurance, Employee Retirement (2.1) 48.56 5376 Valley Communications, Inc., Radio Maint. for Jan (2.1) 24.26 5377 Valley Yard Supply, Bark dust (2.1) 9.00 i. 5379 Willamette Industries, Inc, Bldg. Materials (2.1) 180.39 $ 2,393.50 Social Services Check No. 5292 Children's Book Council, Books & Pamphlets (3.1) $ 51.45 .5293 Oregon Dept. of Economic Devel., Directory (3.1) 12.50 '. 5311Traveler's Insurance, Employee Retirement (3.1) 34.24 5315 - Oregon Dental Service, Dental Insurance (3.1) 71.52 BILLS PRESENTED FORS, iYMENT Page 3 January 9, 1978 Social Services Check No. 5317 Public Employee's Retire Bd., Social Security (3.1) $ 151.50 5329 Frahler Electric, Temporary Service & Ballast (3.1) 20.50 5330 Gaylor Bros, Inc., Library Supplies (3.1) 97.35 5339 Lanson/Tremaine, Books (3.1) 300.46 5344 Newhouse Press, Encyclopedia (3.1) 11.50 5357 Public Document, Book (3.1) 23.35 5358 Publishers Central Bureau, 9 records, 32 books (3.1) 183.83 5363 Supt. of Documents, Subscription (3.1) 4.00 5364 J. Thayer, Misc. Office Supplies (3.1) 1.62 5374 The Travelers Insurance, Employee Retirement (3.1) 23.86 $ 987.68 Policy and Administration Check No. 5284 Roger Thomssen, Recording Fee (4.3) $ 3.00 5295 Mayor Wilbur A. Bishop, Fees (4.1) 177.52 5296 Kenneth Scheckla, Fees (4.1) 150.00 5297 John Cook, Fees (4.1) 150.00 5298 Lynn Wakem, Fees (4.1) 150.00 5299 Alan Mickelson, Fees (4.1) 135.00 5303 Lynn R. Wakem, Convention (4.1) 299.66 5310 ICMA Retirement Corp., Retirement (4.3) 329.26 5311 Traveler's Insurance, Employee Retirement (4.3) 5.50 5315 Oregon Dental Service, Dental Insurance (4.1) 27.17, (4.2) 13.59, (4.3) 119.05 159.81 5317 Public Employees Retire. Bd., Social Security (4.2) 34.66, (4.3) 146.04 180.70 5336 ICMA, Information Service (4.2) 105.00 5349 Oregon Dept. of Revenue, Budget Manual (4.2) 10.00 5361 Southwest Office Supply, Office Supplies (4.2) 2.40 5364 J. Thayer, Misc. Office Supplies (4.2) 6.19, .(4.3) 24.16 30.35 5365 Don Thomas Petroleum, Shell Gasoline (4.2) 14.24 5371 Tigard Times, Notice Public Hearings (4.1) 3.96 5374 The Travelers Insurance - Employee Retirement (4.3) 3.67 $ 1,910.07 City Wide Support Functions Check No. 5283 Girod's Supermarket, Towels (5.1) $ 33.60 5319 Arrow Heating Co., Parts old sewer building (5.1) 28.50 5325 Clark Lumber Co., Joint Cement (5.1) 4.73 5327 Columbia Maintenance, Janitor (5.1) 364.00 5329 Frahler Electric Co., Temporary Service & Ballast (5.1) 10.40 5331 General Telephone Company, Utility (5.1) 476.55 5332 J. K. Gill, Letter Opener (5.1) 14.97 5343 Robert C. Moore, Parking Rental (5.1) 125.00 5346 Northwest Natural Gas, Utility (5.1) 668.18 5352 Pitney Bowes, Rental Postage Machine (5.1) 37.50 5354 Portland General Electric, Utility (5.1) 228.49 5356 Power Rents, Inc., Equipment Rental (5.1) 8.00 5359 Rentex Corporation, Laundry (5.1) 30.35 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT Page 4 January 9, 1978 City Wide Support Functions Check No. 5362 Southwest Ready Mix Co., Readymix (5.1) $ 97.50 5364 J. Thayer, Misc. Office Supplies (5.1) 185.90 5368 Tigard Automotive Supply, paint (5.1) 6.60 5372 Tigard Water District, Utility (5.1) 114.00 5379 Willamette Industries, Inc., Misc. Building Mat. (5.1) 248.37 5381 Allied, Repair Furnace at City Hall (5.1) 146.10 5382 Frahler Electric, Wiring & Svc, Sewer Bldg. (5.1) 796.64 $ 3,625.38 Debt Service Check No. 5280 U. S. Bank, Coupon Interest (7.2) $ 52.50 5291 Dept. of Finance & Admin., Interest (7.1) 857.50 5300 U. S. Bank, G.O. Bonds, & Interest (7.1) 13,402.50 5301 1st National Bank, Interest (Coupon) (7.2) 212.50 $ 14,530.00 Refund Accounts Check No. 5277 U. S. National Bank, Payroll Federal W/H Tax (613) $ 1,382.24 5281 Tigard Credit Union, Payroll W/H (609A) 53.06 5286 SNS Development, Clydesdale Subdivions Bond (622) 311.80 5287 Douglas Smith, Street Opening Permit Refund (622) 500.00 5288 Donovan's Custom Paving, Refund St. Opening Permit(622) 500.00 5289 James R. Harris, Appeal David E. Farr (622) 50.03 5294 Tigard School District 23J, Refund appeal (622) 45.03 5304 U. S. Bank, Payroll W/H, Fed Tax (622) 4,558.30 5305 State of Oregon, State Payrol W/H Tax (614) 3,352.49 5306 Tigard Com. Federal Credit Union, Payroll W/H (609A) 649.16 5307 Wash. County Com. FCU, Payroll W/H (609B) 635.00 5308 Tigard Police Officers Assn., Payroll W/H (611) 213.00 5309 Tigard Employee Assn., Payroll W/H (604) 26.00 5311 Traveler's Insurance, Employee Retirement (608B) 198.00 BD U. S. Bank, Paryoll W/H, Savings Bonds (610) 75.00 5312 Oregon Administration Co., Payroll W/H (619) 62.98 5313 Western Life Insurance Co., Police Ins. (618) 7.15 p 5314 United Way, Paryoll W/H (617) 10.00 5316 Traveler's Insurance, Payroll W/H (608B) 1.99 5317 Public Employee's Retire Bd., Social Security (612) 2,795.81 5371 Tigard Times, Public Hearings Notice (622) 7.% 5387 Banker's Life, Police Retirement (608A) 1,715.94 $17,150.92 Sewer Fund Check No. y 3387 Unified Sewerage Agency, Contract Payment (753-755.1) $ 19,403.61 BILLS PAYABLE $67,504.60 Payroll 62,404.52 TOTAL BILLS PAYABLE - - $149,312.73 CITY OF DURHAM P.O. Box 23483, Tigard, Oregon 97223 (503) 639-6851 MAYOR, Robert B. Percy COUNCIL MEMBERS William F. Gilham Paul E. Goldbeck John Sattler Mazy L.Taylor January 2, 1978 Jeanne Percy, City Recorder Mr. Wilbur Bishop, Mayor City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mayor Bishop: We are in receipt of your letter dated December 20, 1977 regarding the Durham Urban Growth Boundaries. Please be advised that the City of Durham is very much aware of the City of Tigard's Urban Growth Plan. Previous to the appointment of the Durham Citizen's Advisement Coemittee in November, the City of Durham had no reason for input into your plan, since several years ago the Durham Planning Commission had designated the Durham boundaries as the present city limits. Several citizens from Durham had attended the NPO #5 meetings held in your City, and we were aware of your plans for the area, and had no reason to oppose your planning. After the Durham CAC's decision to suggest to the Durham Planning Commission and City Council to include the area bounded by the-areas of property owned by the petitioners for annexation to Durham, the Planning Commission voted to recommend to the Durham City Council that this area be included in Durham's planning area. The City Council has taken no definite action as yet because there was not enough infor- mation submitted as to actual boundaries; there was no in-put received from the citizens residing in that area to see how they felt about it at this point, and several other factors which must be considered. The citizens residing in that area north of Durham who had petitioned for annexation were supposedly contacted and informed of the meeting to be held at Durham Grade School beginning at 7:30 P.M. on January 4, 1978, and we hope they will appear bofors the Durham Planning Commission and make known their views at this time. We are not so sure they still wish to annex to Durham, and of course, the annex- ation would have nothing to do with the cities of Tigard and Durham planning for the development of this unincorporated area, which is shown as Urban on the Crag map, and with which we agree. It is the responsibility of all cities to plan for the unincorporated areas next to the city. We can certainly work with yourplanning department and Wash. County Planning Dept. by agreeing the area should be developed urban. As to whether or not Durham can provide services for this area is up to Durham to determine. We understand, from talking to several property owners in that area, they did attend the NP0#5 meetings, made recommendations which were considered by your planning department and which were not accepted, therefore, they wished to come into Durham. bow true this is remains to be seen. Page Two - Continued: January 2,1978 Mayor Wilbur Bishop City of Tigard, Oregon We have been in contact with Mr. Art Schlack of the Washington(bunty Planning Dept. who stated they would be attending the meeting at Durham School on January 4 and explain-,',.the ramifications of extending our boundaries. What the decision of the Durham Planning Commission will be is questionable at this time, since after receiving information which he has to present, they may decide to change their minds. At any rate, your statement that this decision does not conform to state, regional, or county planning requirements for intergovernmental coordination is simply your opinion. If there had been anything to coordinate, you can be sure you would have heard from us. The picture has now changed with the formation of the Citizen's Advisory Committee for Durham, who are working on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Durham, and I am certain that you will be advised of their activities along these lines, ars they have indicated they feel Tigard is not the only city to plan for thatarea, especially in view of how the citizens residing in that area felt last March and April. We shall await the outcome of the meetings in the future by the Durham Planning Commission and Citizen's Advisory Committee on this question. Yours very truly, CITY OF DURHAM f John E. Sattler, Planning Director JES:flp ccs CRAG-Jeff Gibbs LCDC - Larry Frazier-Washington County Mr. Dick Bolen,Tigard Planning Director Darb Planning Commission Durham CAC WASIUNGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING — 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO,OREGON 97123 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RAY MILLER,Chairman PLANNING DEPARTMENT BILL BLOOM LARRY K.FRAZIER,AIP,Director VIRGINIA DAGG January 4, 1978 15031 543-8761 MILLER M.DURIS RICHARD C.HEISLER F1L C Tigard City Council �f/r OF P.O. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Sirs: The following comments are made in response to the Waymire Annexation proposal . The parcel under consideration lies within the Tigard Growth Management Study Area which is now being considered by the City and County. Based upon the information contained in the staff report, several questions exist concerning the availability of services to the site and the need for more Urban land in the City of Tigard to meet the immediate population growth. Since the Growth Management Study is the process by which the City and County are addressing the questions of the timing of Urban Growth the Washington County Planning Department would recommend deferral of the annexation request until action is taken by the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners on the Urban Growth Management Study. If you have any questions concerning the Planning Department recommeniation on this proposal please give me a call . Sincerely, i Larry K. F azier Director LKF:Jit/kf cc: Dick Bolen Don Carlson i Draft Letter to Boundary Commission by Richard Bolen, Planning Director City of Tigard policy has been to appose annexations to the Tigard Water District of parcels outside the City limits in order to dis- courage development prior to provision of full services. Proposal #1172, involving 334 acres on the north side of Bull Mountain, would therefore be contrary to this policy. The subject parcels are designated Urban Intermediate by the county Framework Plan and are zoned RS-1 (Suburban Residential), which permits one unit per acre without public sewer and water or two units per acre with sewer (public or septic tank) and water. Because the area is part of a Critical Groundwater Area, development would require a public water supply. The subject parcels are completely surrounded by territory already within the Tigard Water District. The City and county are jointly developing a Growth Management Plan for the area under LCDC Goal #14 and the CRAG Framework Plan - which may affect requirements for development. The process of developing the Growth Management Plan is not yet concluded, but it is likely that most of the area will be designated Future Urban- izable - available for development before the year 2000 but after 1985. The Tigard Planning Commission has expressed deep concern about the downhill effects of septic tank developments on Bull Mountain, and has recommended that sewers be required in future developments there. Should the subject parcels be annexed to the g Sam Tigard Water District and this sewer condition be adopted in the Growth Management Plan, then the availability of sewers will be the major factor determining development. However, if the sewer re- quirements is removed from the final, ;jointly-approved Growth Management Plan, then previous annexation to the water district will have removed the only other impediment to development - lack of water. The present tonin g would thereby permit this area to de- velop on * acre lots, providing that septic tank approval can be obtained. The commission must also be aware that recent legal opinions by the Oregon Supreme Court, LCDC, and the state Attorney General have created some uncertainty regarding approval of annexations in areas lacking approved Urban Growth Boundaries. Some Clari- fication of these matters can be expected in a few weeks. Therefore, we request a tabling of consideration on Proposal #1172 pending: 1. Resolution of the legal and administrative procedures to be followed in the annexation of areas lacking an approved Urban Growth Boundary; or 2. Joint adoption of a Growth Management Plan by the City of Tigard and Washington County so the City (and the Boundary Commission) will be aware of the timing and density of development to be permitted in this area. { i �a 'i Thank you for your careful consideration of these matters in your deliberations. cc: Bob Santee, Tigard Water District Larry Frazier, T-lashington County Planning Director T 4 WASHINGTON COUNTY TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-150 N.FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO,OREGON 97213 OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY December 29, 1977 ROOM 408 (503)640.3467 Mayor Wilbur Bishop City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mayor Bishop; The members of the Washington County Traffic Safety Commission recently reviewed a railroad crossing safety proposal from former member Pete Kolleas. His suggestions to remove some tracks through rerouting and "joint or common track usage" were approved in concept as a valuable augmentation to past railroad safety efforts by the traffic safety body. A copy of the proposal is enclosed. Further, the members requested that railroad officials and other related bodies be contacted to explore the feasibility, problems, and costs which would be involved to implement an idea of this kind. We have sent letters requesting written camnents. We would like to have your observations and comments on the proposal so that this information can be included in any future discussions which may develop. Sincerelyyo s, ,��w Edward Warmoth County Traffic Safety Coordinator cc: Ferd Moreno, Chairman, Traffic Safety Commission Ray Miller, Chairman Board of County Commissioners P /4-L- -CITIZENS AND OFFICIALS WORKING TOGETHER FOR SAFE AND EFFICIENT MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE AND GOODS-MEMBER OF NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL- ' pk Y PROPOSAL To ELIMINATE SEVERAL RAILROAD CROSSINGS_ (By Pete Kolleas; Past-member Washington County Traffic Safety Commission - Professional truck driver - Tigard resident.) Part 1. Move the joint usage of tracks from North Dakota back to between Bonita Road and Durham Road. This would eliminate double track crossings on Bonita Road, Hall Blvd., Main Street, Tiedeman Road and this abandoned right-of-way could be used for industrial use with railroad service. The Southern Pacific and Burlington Northern Railroads now use joint trackage from North Dakota Street to near Lombard Street in Beaverton. Part 2. A study should be made into the possibility of Burlington Northern using Southern Pacific tracks jointly into Portland by moving over onto the Southern Pacific tracks between Bonita Road and Durham Road and entering Portland from the south. This could be the greatest safety aspect of all the programs. It would eliminate Burlington Northern from going through Beaverton completely. It would save 512 million dollars as proposed now to move Burlington Northern onto Southern Pacific tracks to accomplish this. This would abolish four very bad crossings in Beaverton: Lombard, Broadway, TV Highway and Cedar Hills Blvd. This would utilize the remaining trackage from Cedar Hills Blvd. west only for industrial switching and downgrading it from main line status to local freight, which would result in fewer and shorter runs with slower and less night time usage. Historically the use of joint trackage use is not new to this country. It goes back many years. tri is used quite exte�siNvdely in Oregon and Washington; with examples A&ppthe Columbia River tween Portland and Seattle, ands oamath Falls- Some uses are relatively new. Part 3. If you want to go even further with this crossing elimination, let's look at the Southern Pacific tracks between Beaverton and Hillsboro. This is the route Southern Pacific takes to Tillamook and return. As of now Burlington Northern will begin using Southern Pacific tracks near Banks to enter and leave Hillsboro-Forest Grove area and eliminate the tracks on Washington Street and the underpass. Would it be possible for Southern Pacific to use Burlington Northern tracks to its own at Banks where they run parallel to each other and go to Tillamook? Planning may tightly limit industrial development south of the railroad tracks with preference to housing, which means there would be little revenue in this area for railroad freight. And look to the amount of crossings this would eliminate, saving a tremendous outlay of money for future signalization and the possibility more crossings would be needed to accommodate these large open spaces yet to be developed.