City Council Packet - 10/25/1976 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25, 1976, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. 5. PRESENTATION BY TWALITY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 6. CONSENT AGENDA: (All matters under this heading ar•e considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any Council member or member of the Audience, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.) (a) Approval of Minutes - October 11, 18, 1976 (b) Approval of Expenditures and Investments: $17,246.99 (c) MONTHLY REPORTS - Review and File Administration Finance Planning Public Works Building Library Police (d) Review and file WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None (e) Setting of Public Hearings None 7. APPROVE O.L.C.C. APPLICATION - Swift Mart #17, 9800 S.W. Shady Lane - Package Store Application (a) Recommendation of Chief of Police. 8. APPROVE REFUND - $279. Duplicate payment of urdergrounding of wiring on S.W. 115th Street - Donald L. & Muriel Osborne. N (a) Recommendation of City Recorder LnN 9. RESOLUTION No. 76- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL CONSENTING TO THE � ANNEXATION BY THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT OF CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. ON NG TION OF CITY OF 10. RESOLUTION No. 76�r77 TORHERMANIPORTERRFORIHIS PUBLICASERVICE ASEARD A MEMBER OF THE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSLON, (a) Recocrosnendation of City Ada.inistrator. 11. RESOLUTION No. 76`78 TORJOHNr'KELTINGEXPRESSING HIS PUBLICAPPRECIATION SERVVICES ASTHE ANCITY ALTERNATE�D MEMBER OF THE TI.GARD SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. (a) Recomrendation of City Administrator. 12. RESOLUTION No. 76-_ A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE SEWER FUND CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO THE SEWER FUND OPERATION & MAItiTEN.ANCE ACCOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING FOR AUDIT SERVICES IN EXCESS OF AMOUNT BUDGETED. (a) Recoamendation of City Administrator. 13. RESOLUTION No. 76-_ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A WAIVER OF FEES FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESSES HAVING OUTSIDE DISPLAYS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. (a) Recon7cendation of City Administrator. 14. ORDINANCE No. 76- AN ORDINANCE PERMITTING THE OPERATING OF GOLF CARTS ON STREETS IN SUMMERFIELD. (a) Recommendation of Legal Counsel. 15. PUBLIC HEARING - Commencing at 8:00 P.M. (a) AMENDING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 17 SUBDIVISIONS AND SECTION 18 ZONING as follows: (1) Sections 18:48.020 and 18.52.020 of the Tigard Municipal Cohide Lig adding certain uses as a conditional use in the "M-3, g Ir_dustrial" and "M-4, Industrial Park" zones. (2) Chapter 18.76 of the Tigard Municipal Code by adding an expiration date of one year for variances not exercised. (3) Section 18.60.100 of the Tigard Municipal Code to state which yards may be used for off-street parking and how close to the property line parking may be. (4) Section 18.58.080 (2) of the Tigard Municipal Code to state from where the front yard landscaping is measured. Tigard Municipal e to (5) changenof7procedureffor eplanned developments dreflect from aconditional use permit to a zone change. (6) Section 17.16.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code to require 14 copies of a preliminary subdivision plan to be submitted for circulation and review by affected agencies. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - OCTOBER 25, 1976 (a) Public Hearing Opened (b) Statement of Facts by Planning Director (c) Public Testicrony Proponents Opponents Cross Examination (d) Public Hearing Closed (e) Consideration by Council 16. ACCEPT 1975-76 AUDIT REPORT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 17. EXPLORER POST - Insurance Coverage (a) Report by Councilman Wakem. 18. LIBERTY PARK DISCUSSION (a) Official Name (b) City's Level of Participation (c) Planning 19. OTHER 20. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 3 - COUNCIL AGENDA - OCTOBER 25, 1976 Is T I G A R D C I T Y C 0 U N C I i �•. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1976 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Wilbur A. Bishop; Councilmen John E. Cook, Alan W. Mickelson, Robert C. Moore, Lynn R. Wakem; R. B. Adams, Chief of Police; J. D. Bailey, Legal Counsel; Richard Bolen, Planning Director; Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder; Theron L. Martin, Director of Public Works. 2. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. (a) No cna desired to speak. 3. PRESENTATION BY TWALITY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (a) Lloyd Schulze, 9965 SW McDonald, board member of the association, spoke of cc^crrns some of the homeowners in Tigard area have and explained the.two petitions presently being circulated by the Twality Homeowners Association. (h) Discus ion ry Mr. Schulze, Council and Staff followed. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 11 and 18, 1976. (a) Motion to approve; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem. Approv<,i by unanimous vote of Council. 5. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS; L17,246.99 (a) Motion to approve; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6. MONTHLY REPORTS Administration Finance Planning Public Works Building Library Police (a) Moticn by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to remove the Public Works monthly report from consent agenda - approved by unanimous vote of Council. (b) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to receive and file with the exception of Public Works report, to be discussed under "Other" latter in meeting. Approve-d by unanimous vote of Council. 7. APPROVE O.L.C.C. APPLICATION - Swift Mart X17, 9800 S.W. Shady Lane - Package Store Application (a) Chlef of Police Adams stated the department was not prepared to make a recommendation at this time. (b) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to table item y until next regular meeting. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 8. APPROVE REFUND - $279 - Duplicate payment of undergrounding of wiring on S.W. 115th Street - Donald L. & Muriel Osborne. ( ) C-'ty R'ecorde'r recommended refund. (b) Motion to approve refund; Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. OUNCIL NTING THE 9. RESOLUTION No. 76-79 ANNEXATION BY THE TIGARD WATER SOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY CDISTRICT OOFEO CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD. (a) City Administrator recommended Council approval. (b) Discussion followed by Council and staff. !c) M.tion to adopt: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem. Approved by unanimous vote of Cour_cil. TION THE 10. RESOLUTION No. 76-71 TIGARDLTOION HERMANRESSING PORTER FORRHISAPUBLICFSERVICETASOA MEMBER OF THE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION. (a) City Administrator recommended Council approval. (b) Motion. to adopt; Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 11. RESOLUTION No. 76-78 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TO JOHN KELTING FOR HIS PUBLIC SERVICE AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE TIGARD SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. (a) City Administrator recommended Council approval. (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 12. RESOLUTION No. 76-80 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE SEWER FUND CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO THE SEWER FUND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING FOR AUDIT SERVICES IN EXCESS OF AMOUNT BUDGETED. (a) City Administrator recommended Council approval. (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Wakem. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 13. RESOLUTION No. 76-81 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A WAIVER OF FEES FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESSES HAVING OUTSIDE DISPLAYS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. (a) City Administrator recommended Council approval. (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Wakem. i .x PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 25, 1976 (c) Discussion followed by Council and stair. City Administrator commented the resolution would remain in effect until rescinded by Council. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 14. PUBLIC HEARING - Commencing at 8:00 P.M. AMENDING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 17 SUBDIVISIONS AND SECTION 18 ZONING as follows: (1) Sections 18.48.020 and 18.52.020 of the Tigard Municipal Code adding certain uses as a conditional use in the "M-3, Light Industrial" and "M-4, Industrial Park" zones. (2) Chapter 1.8.76 of the Tigard Municipal Code by adding an expiration date of one year for variances not exercised. (3) Section 18.60.100 of the Tigard Municipal Code to state which yards may be used for off-street parking and how close to the property line parking may be. (4) Section 18.58.080 (2) of the Tigard Municipal Code to state from where the front yard landscaping is measured. (5) Section 17.08.070 of the Tigard Municipal Code to reflect the change of procedure for planned developments from a conditional use permit to a zone change. (6) Section 17.16.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code to require 14 copies of a preliminary subdivision plan to be submitted for circulation and review by affected agencies. (a) Public Hearing Opened. (b) Planning Director explained items (1) through (6) and stared facts and findings. (c) Public Testimony: Proponents - None Opponents - None (d) Public Hearing Closed. (e) Consideration by Council. (f) Planning Director recommended approval of the following amendments: (1) Sections 18.48.020 number (9) and 18.52.020 number (17) to read - Garden Supply Store, when in conjunction with a land- scape contractors office. t (2) Chapter 18.76 to read - When the Planning Commission (or, in the case of an appeal, the City Council) approves a variance the rights thereby given to the applicant shall continue to exist and to belong to the applicant or any other owner of the land ;z for a period of one year from the date of final approval. If PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 25,1976 at the expiation of one year from the date of approval construction r' of the structure, or initiation of the use, giving rise to the need for the variance has not begun, the rights given by the variance approval shall terminate without further action by the City, the Planning Commission, or the City Council. Such rights shall also terminate at or after the expiration of one year from approval if, though commenced within one year, construction ceases and is not resumed within 60 days. (3) Section 18.60.100 to read - Required off street parking shall be allowed in any yard setback not required by Chapter 18.58 or any other landscaping requirement of this code . . . (4) Section 18.58.080 subsection 2 to read - a minimum of the front 20' from the existing street right-of-way or the future right- of-way line as designated in section 18.12.100 shall be landscaped. (5) Section 17.08.070 - the substitution of the words "zone change in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18.56 of the Tigard Municipal Code" instead of the words "conditional use" as presently embodied in section 17.08.070 of the Tigard Municipal Code. (6) Section 17.16.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code to require 14 copies of a preliminary subdivision plan to be submitted for circulation and review by affected,.agencies. (g) Discussion followed by Council and staff. a (h) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to instruct staff to prepare proper ordinances to carry out recommended amendments to the Tigard Municipal Code. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 15. ORDINANCE No. 76-42 AN ORDINANCE PERMITTING THE OPERATION OF GOLF CARTS ON STREETS IN SUMMERFIELD. (a) Legal Counsel recommended approval. (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. (c) Legal Counsel advised ordinance would not take effect until signing was in place. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 16. LIBERTY PARK - DISCUSSION (a) Official Name: (1) Planning Director reported the Park Board and Re-Pac members recommended the name "Liberty Park". (b) City's Level of Participation: (1) Planning Direeter exp"Wed tasks that City saay participate in.. PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 25, 1976 (c) Planningt (1) Planning.Director presented landscape plan prepared by Assistant Planner Nancy Edwards. Lengthy discussion followed by Council and staff. (d) City Administrator pointed out the Public Works staff level is capable of only minimal maintenance and already has new programs added this year. (e) City Administrator recommended Council adopt the landscape plan and official name "Liberty Park". Administrator further stated staff would provide Council with dollar value of work proposed to be done by City at the next study session. (f) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt the name "Liberty Park"; the landscape plan as approved by the Park Board and Re-Pac with future discussion regarding City's level of participation be taken under advisement. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 17. ACCEPT 1975-76 AUDIT REPORT (a) City Administrator recommended Council's acceptance. (b) Motion to accept; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 18. EXPLORER POST - INSURANCE COVERAGE (a) Councilman Wakem reported City's insurance carrier advised that as long as the group is recognized as a troop in good standing by the City Council, the coverage would extend to all their activities. (b) City Administrator stated staff had found no official authorization or action by Council stating the City had endorsed the Explorer Post activities. Administrator recommended Council reaffirm authorization of sponsorship of Explorer Post #677. (c) Chief Adams read Resolution No. 76-82 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL, RECOGNITION OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPLORER POST #677, A DIVISION OF BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD POLICE DEPARTMENT. (d) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakem to adopt Resolution No. 76-82 recognizing Explorer Post #677. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. s; 19. OTHER PAGE 5 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 25, 1976 (a) Public Works Monthly Report - Jack Park Fencing Public Works Director synopsized survey of Jack Park residents to determine fencing requirements. Discussion followed by Council and staff. Motion to receive and file; Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Wakem. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (b) Chamber of Commerce Luncheon/Meeting, Tuesday, October 26th reminder. (c) Planning Commission Vacancy City Administrator advised Council the Selection Committee had met and recommends Marcus A. Wood, attorney, be appointed to the Planning Commission to fill vacancy created by Mr. Porter's resignation. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to appoint Marcus A. Wood to Planning Commission. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (d) Parking Strip on Commercial by Girods City Administrator advised Council S & S Garden Service has indicated to Re-Pac they would like to donate Norway Maple trees to be planted in parking strip area. City Administrator further advised that staff recommends accepting the donation and request authorization of Council to assign staff to undertake planting trees sometime during the winter months. Discussion followed by Council and staff. Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Moore to accept donation and authorize City staff to plant trees sometime this winter. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (e) City Administrator suggested Council call an Executive Session, at end of regular meeting to discuss pending litigation re: Berman vs. Wheeler and Killion. (f) Councilman Moore advised Council of the wording to be engraved on retirement plaque to be presented to Jack Murley. Chief Adams described plaque to Council. Council concurring with wording. MEETING RECESSED 9:25 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED 9:35 P.M. PAGE 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 25, 1976 EXECUTIVE SESSION �~ Council went into executive session under provisions of O.R.S. 192.660, subsection 2 (d) to discuss matters of possible litigation - re: Berman vs. Wheeler and Killion. After reviewing the transcript, Councilman Wakem expressed his concerns and reservations regarding the matter. Attorney Bailey and Council discussed the problem and suggested alternatives. Upon further explanation by Attorney Bailey, Councilman Wakem stated the action as suggested by City Attorney was acceptable to him. Council unanimously concurred that City Attorney should proceed with the matter and if it appears necessary to file a law suit, Legal Counsel will review the matter again with Council. Meeting adjourned 10:00 P.M. i t P a i 4 City R corder F 1 ' ATTEST: i r Mayor PAGE 7 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 25, 1976 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT OCTOBER 25, 1976 G; 'RAL FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Ch►_ck No. i 19771 Robert Johnson - Clothing allowance (16) $ 37.50 19772 Cascade Construction - Refund for deposit on bid packets (622) 6.00 19773 Oregon Asphaltic Paving Co. - Refund for deposit on bid packets (622) 6.00 19774 Tualatin Valley Paving - Refund for deposit on bid packets (622) 6.00 19775 Transamerica Title - Lot book service EDA City Hall grant App. (14) 50.00 19776 American Soc. Plan. Officials - Publication (14) 1.50 19777 U. S. Dept. of Commerce - Pamphlet (14.1) .75 19778 Petty Cash - Office supplies & subsistence (10) 5.00 (12) 37.80 (13) 5.52 (14.1) .59 (14.2) 2.99 (15) 9.00 (16) 29.94 (18) 2.88 (20) 1.00 94.72 19779 Dept. of Motor Vehicles - License Suspensions (11) 65.00 19819 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross (10) 205.47 (13) 72.59 (14) 60.29 (16) 571.04 (616A) 9.42 918.81 19820 League of Oregon Cities - Kaiser (11) 49.31 (12) 121.27 (13) 88.50 (14) 96.76 (14.1) 98.77 (16) 511.11 (16.2) 68.70 (616B) 31.08 1,065.50 19821 League of Oregon Cities - Insurance (10) 1.65 (11) .55 (12) 1.10 (13) 1.65 (14) 1.65 (14.1) .83 (16) 9.90 (16.2) .55 17.88 19822 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation (11) 4.89 (12) 16.99 (13) 8.00 (14) 9.49 (16) 115.61 (16.2) 8.13 163.11 19823 U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613) 3,332.60 19824 American Red Cross - First Aide Films (.16) 235.00 19825 Mr. C's Camera Co. - Film & Processing (16) 14.40 19826 Koch, Socks, Whittaker - Plan - Tigard Office Complex (18) 2,070.00 19827 Lanson/Tremaine - Book -Pockets & covers (15) 43.51 19828: Maryatt Industries - Laundry (20) 31.00 19829 Marine Discounts Inc. - First Aide Training Sup. (16) 48.45 19830 National Geographic - Subscription (15.1) 5.85 19831 National Municipal League - Membership (12) 15.00 19832 Nine-T-Nine Sales - Towing & Misc. Auto Repair & Parts (13) 13.20 (16) 27.50 40.70 19833 N.W. Law Enforcement Equip. - 2 Gross Fuses (16) 142.07 19834 Nudelman Bros. - Uniforms (16) 29.95 19835 Oregon Culvert Co. - Materials Grant Street Storm Drain (20) 1,124.22 19836 Portland Concrete Pipe - Catch Basin - Grant St. Storm Drain (20) 485.94 19837 P.G.E. - Utilities (15) 32.39 (16) 66.10 (18) 577.43 (20) 12.35 688.22 19838 Rentex - Laundry (15) 8.65 (16) 7.70 (18) 15.40 31.75 19839 Schwenn, Batchelor, Bradley, Bailey - Legal Services - September (11) 132.00 (18) 650.00 (20.2) 12.00 794.00 19840 Southwest Office Supplies - 2 desk signs (10) 14.00 19841 Don Thomas Petroleum - Gas (12) 6.35 (13) 9.10 (19) 23.33 38.78 19892 City of Tigard - Utility (16) 24.00 19843 Tigard Lumber & Bldg. Supply - Misc. Bldg. Material (15) 61.70 19844 Tigard Sand & Gravel - Rock - Grant Street Storm Drain (20) 293.01 19845 Tigard Times - Notice Public Hearing (14) 20.00 19846 Watt Welding Supply - Oxygen & Acetylene (20) 26.87 19847 Xerox - Equipment Rental (10) 54.13 (11) 2.17 (12) 38.25 (13) 12.19 (14) 115.59 (14.1) 2.65 (14.2) 1.37 (16) 199.51 (19) 26.74 (622) 32.80 485.40 19848 General Tdlephone - Utilities (15) 23.26 (16) 427.56 (18) 311.21 (20) 29.76 791.79 4184 Doubleday Book Club - 16 Books (15) 31.86 9 's9 Janet Lewis - Interviewing Agent (20) 76.00 (17) 36.85 112.85 650 Identi Kit Co. - Rental (16) 27.00 19851 National Rifle Assoc. - Insignias (16) 20.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $13,512.69 Bills Payable October 25, 1976 Page 2 �R FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Gt.-ck No. :`'19819 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross (103) $ 92.50 :19820 League of Oregon Cities - Kaiser (103) 141.94 19821 League of Oregon Cities - Insurance (106) 2.75 19822 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation (105) 23.94 19845 Tigard Times - Notice Public Hearing (328j340) 67.20 , 3252 Theron Martin -APWA Fall Conference (270) 206.00 3253 Pitney Bowes - Postage & Meter Machine Rental (206) 109.50 • 3254 Lyle Baldwin - Truck Repair Manual (210) 31.00 TOTAL SEWER FUND $ 674.83 ;'STATE TAX STREET FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 19819 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross (103) 92.53 (616A) 8.14 $ 100.67 '19820 League of Oregon Cities - Kaiser (103) 141.94 (616B) 8.26 150.20 `19821 League of Oregon Cities - Insurance (106) 2.773 19822 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation (105) 23.94 19823 U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613) 687.40 19837 P.G.E. - Utility (260) 107.28 19841 Don Thomas Petroleum - Gas (210) 49.36 19843 Tigard Lumber & Bldg. Supply - Misc. Bldg. Material (220) 2.65 (240) 28.60 31.25 =4181 A-Boy West - Pluinbing - Irrigation System (220) 123.42 4185 Doug's Auto Parts - Misc. Auto Supplies (210) 13.19 4187 North Coast Seed Co. - Pruneis (220) 13.32 4189 Oregon Asphaltic Paving Co. - Driveway Mix (220) 66.22 4191 Woody Froom Tire - Tires & Refund on Casings (210) 85.38 TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND $1,454.38 * FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 19778 Petty Cash - Office Supplies (21) $ 1.78 19819 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross (15) 60.29 (21) 145.18 205.47 19820 League of Oregon Cities - Kaiser (21) 24.65 <`'19821 League 6E Oregon Cities - Insurance (15) .55 (21) 1.37 1.92 19822 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation (15) 7.09 (21) 17.29 24.38 ` 19823 U.S. National Bank - Federal Withholding Tax (613) 332.80 -19832 Nine-T-Nine Sales - Towing h Misc. Auto Repair (16) .50 F19841 Don Thomas Petroleum - Gas & Parts . 9847 Xerox - Equipment Rental (16) 484.96 `:1 "4168 RogerThomssen - Recording (21) 36.88 g (21) 18.00 2'4182 Beaverton Dodge - Horn Switch #8 °,;'4183 Canyon Chrysler - Plymouth - Muffler #4 (16) 1.28 :'.4185 's Auto Parts - Misc. Auto Supplies (16) 54.50 Doug's PP (16) 52.42 4186 J. K. Gill - Caioniator {- (18) 34.95 :x4188 L. R. Ohlson - Signature Books 4190 Publisher Central Bureau - 28 books (21) 2.00 `,'4191 Woody Froom Tires - Refund on Casings (15) 32.71 I Miller's Automotive - Brake Repair Unit 5 & 7 (16) (9.00)(16) 304.89 TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUE SHARE FUND $1.605.09 TOTAL BILLS PAYABLE $17,246.99 October 21, 1976 MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: City Administrator 1 Subject: Monthly Report The bulk of significant occurrences this past month have previously been transmitted to Council by oral reports or are contained in.:the departmental monthly reports. These include such matters as progress on Special Levy approved items, finalization and receipt of the annual audit, finalization of our E.D.A. rant application,g pp , progress on allocation from the Mt. Hood Transfer funds for 72nd/217 interchange, creation of the Park Street Sewer L.ItD., coordination between State, Payless and City, and City Litigation matters. Other, less significant activities have included meeting with the director of the Codes Division of the State Department of Commerce to discuss attaining an exemption from state plan checking and related fees, several meetings as a member of a Metro-Area Managers subcommittee on C.R.A.G. and internal structure, Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Committee meetings and a CE2 certification session. Attendance at the annual I.C.M.A. meeting provided some useful information on work programming goal setting and objectives evaluation which will be shared with the Council following the November 2nd elections. MEMO �c T0: City Council DATE: October 7, 1976 FROM: Building Department SUBJECT: Monthly Report September's building activity included permits for 14 sign, 39 single family, 6 residential alter and repair, 1 commercial,7 alter and repair commercial, 6 miscellaneous fora total valuation of $1,544,299.00. Fees for 59 permits. $ 7,522,00 Fees for 14 signs 340.00 Plumbing Activity - 55 2,073.00 Mechanical Activity - 17 229. 50 Business Licenses - 47 2,091. 96 $ 12,256.46 Sewer Permits - 42 $ 26,300.00 Sewer Inspections - 44 1,100. 00 King City Activity: 1 single family, 10 miscellaneous, for a total valuation of $37, 194.00. o G c1O O o 0 o G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o G O o 0 0 p p o 0 0 0 O O O 0 o O o O O o 0 OOOOOOOMOOOMOOQMOOO0000000000000000000000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C O to O 00 O OO O 00 O o O O O O O 00 o Mr- N m r ,-.i O O o O O o O o o o O O o O tj Or-lm OOOOOOOOm 00000 tnaOOO � ,. M �00000 U701f) 0000000 ,� IIID MOOLnQNNQCDm0000 OOQtDCT tTMMU3OOt OMkD 0 = 000OCIO _ -P w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w m HHNHHiT w w w w w Ln LD LDLnNOCT W t- MM OINr: CDcw� Icw�. i riOw Q MQQmOD .= N N MMQC� M H NNNMNMN MMMMMMCV m > to H N H N to N H to �tS •lS H •ti -8 -td N t4 .d H tr .8 m to -i m m m -) -ti m -i -d m m m HH H H ,..Im mHmm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m U U U •.•I•r•I U U•r1 U U U U U •ri •r1 U o U U U U U U •-1 U U U U U U U U U C C C U U C C U C C C C C U U C C c C c C C c U C C c C c C C c C (1) CD m to Nmmtommmm0to 94m mmmmmmmkmm mmmmmm m 'a 00 '0 m m 'O 't) mvvv'ov m (D 'o 10vv13v-0o m -0'0 vvv -Ovv m m rl•rl C C•.1 C E E -4-H E -.i-4•r•1••-1 •-1 E C E -HC •rl-4-r4•.i-H--A •r1 E •r•1.,i C C C •r1•.i •.i •-L -4 -H •.q 0) co Cnrnm rnE E m M E m m m m m E O) E m CTM m M M M m M E m m a) rnoM m m m m m m m m•rl•ri (D•r•I O O Lt) m O m m m m m 0 --1 O m •r1 m m m m m m m O m CO •.i•.i •.-1 m m m m m m m •i� H H m CO k CO U U t+ H U t+ t+ N to k U M U N M to P to H 14 to to U N 44 m M m k k P to N k to cn LD F r• ►1 Oi �r-I tL' • • • • • • O W O CL . 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S� L".ri r-1 S� $� $� • r Z x to as cc toN q • G Q'Q'CTiU . ¢Fm Q •Qs:: z v ro T ''C7o :5 Q•rQGGGQo0 � oBw S~ w Qocsmow U E-t Ei E-1 E-f N►U CU W CQ CC W W E-4 E-f<4 cL�1•7 Z:) 0 �-D L) -I N N F� 000000000000 000000000000 C1 [000 Lf Lt OONOIf;4 ,-101O17TdLDlZr ,-rNON01 l� ,--1 N t)0 01 14 ,-1 01 N O co 1-1 w .-w N M •,-I U , 4 tU rn -P c O •.1 F- Y f+ f4 fa k f-1 S S.i H fa F+ O .6 •tf •tf .8 •t) •2f •tf •Lf •tf dS 4- C13 tU N N cu N tU ro to co a) (1) a) O (1) a) (1) a) a) (1) U U U U U U U U U U ID C C c C C c c C C c U a) a) a) a) a) a) a) 0 a) a) C M 'D _0-D -017 _0M'O _0 Al .,4.,1 1 •••1•,-I •,i•,i -4 •.1•,-f ••-I. 0 fQ co N U) to to to to N to a) a) a) a) OO (1) a) a) 0) a) f.• f4 (-1 N N k H H P H $4 m C • • • 1 z d; 41 • UU >.T C t0 a) CU 0 f4 CU 01- > -013 3 3 0•r1 U01 0) cc f4 k O _0 -Y Y fr ,-1 a) tU tU m f•4 m N P 0 O '-1 a) 3 3 -4 tO 01 tU IU 01-►-1 w N C -0 'D L " 11 CL fa U M m tO C l.1 W U O O •-1 I-W L < L •.A a) T T 0) =� Hm U a) O USt' 4J•1-) Q E: C U U -4•--1 C ct W (31 a) C C oo01tO tU oa) L.J I- C m •.I•,i C C C T>. C a) 0.O. •.i 7 fa W •.i•.I •,-f O 0 •rf W Y Or Q O. t, Y `.L = w `.L C3 U t!) Z 3333333333 3 H U9 t17 Cf) N U7 tr1 U) N Cf) Cn C!7 J motomomOmO ,--Im H m NNmrN -1d'N mm d I- LO Il') Kt t^, o Q 07 t)f- m katD NN10NNLDtl) Nt17 ,-i,-f,••I .-I .-I,-i ,--I �4 O U 4 C m to C- CL a C)v -N .-+ O v rn.-1 In fr m m O O•.-I••1 LLJ E > •03 (44.. E Cr C O. p 0 3 k-0 E W 'O O a) O :U a) 3 fa L C a) 0.-I >- O m-0 tO cc C •.1 0-4 (D F- C 'O C P tO J fr c C + H U •-1 -C=4.) •U O a) tO U E:+> > N7 O. a) a) C3 O °:' a) a) 0t G3 f_r C,-1 f w•,r! • C U fa • tO Z C 0 Z N O L•r1 O 43 U > H 0 3 r.• to fa O'-1 a) k •.-1 Y f") mcc0ct J W r,r,J :iV"u`LS Date September, 1976 1976-77 CUR=HNT YEAR TO LAERAL FUND BUDGET !i0?`Jl�H aLTE " Cash on?-;and A/766 s-------16 000. ___ _0- --1122437 701l X rouerty Taxes - Current-6,o _ 507. -0_- --- -0---- 1 Fr uert Ta;.es - Services & Eauin.___— -701.2 S'�?�ZtX- - _— - 5.000 -0— ---=4=----.� 17n3 �.��Xc+us�h Services —_ �- ------- --- 701. 3 Ern-11ant'-T-axe-3702- 703 0?703 Land Sales -- Revenue From Other I;cencies: 312 Cis arett _ T_ax _ 27,�.q0. 2,136 713 Iiouor Tax _ _ ---- `��_• 6,681,_.—_-13. 95 717 State Subv_ent_on__�B_O�.R. ----- -+20�_ -0- — — 717,1 State Subvention-- 717.2 ubvention -317. .- S.ta �ttrv�ntion — '0=--- 718 County—Subvention �_ ULA,-A,_— —__—__ ?�,"1g��---_ -�-_ -- -Q- -� ._?_ Cove Subvention - _-- __ 3.000 2. �S_ttx_ L: 01?�l.�n - ?x,12.'=?�X-���v�'------ �+gQ, -=0= 25,996_ ____ 718.1 County Subvention - R. I.D.E. -0- 500 Licenses & Permits: _. 5�O0Q. 2,092 27,108 _ 721 Business ------ - 2<<5� - l0 _ 20 722 T i nuQr •_ 3 27 ---- 72; Bicycle - 24 Plumbing & riea,a n __]�.5Q0. _. _ - - -.— ----- �L -o- -0- � 1-2305 1 --- [2'j Ijovin — _ • 2_��2•----- _ 357 .._— QO'�, - 340 _ -- 67 5.-— Fines & Forfeitures: 731']31 & 1,632 3,701 Count_«_ ndir�nt—Defgndants Dmf, —?_��00��-- _ —Use of I•ionev & ProoertV: 1.0 -0 -0 513 844 Charges for Current Services: Street S,rreeni nz _ _ —1,600 _ 80 2� — �Q.:.��._._ " 437 1,437 _ 750.20 Subdivision - Aoplicat on_Fee 2,000,- 901 1090 — ,7�50 30 Subdivision - Li kiting RevE ,ue 000 275 3,705 751 Zoning Adiustmante _ �'- -' 3,7 751 ,1 Soecial Police Service _0_ _o_ -- -0-751.2 Soecial Insu�acti�n Service — 112 - —1,446 �? Document Sale 2 1,236 7,368 75 P,;; Construct '. Construcion Fees 000: 128 1,035 •!57 Sale of Street Sims 400, l�-tines tees —T, -o- 54 1976--77 CURRENT YEIR TO Bb-D zET I'.jONi 7A'-E Franchise Revenue: 3-61_____ ":_5.5.669. 27,834 _..._2z $3.4_ .762 N.',.*.. Katural Gas — 35j-�4, 15.681 15 681 7 General Tele-ohone Co. _ Garbage 7. 153---_-_-- _766 Taxi '�0 =� _ _- —60-- _767 Pacific Northwest Bell Non-Revenue Receints: 771 Sale of City Property 500_ -Q=__� _775 Unclaimed Property Sale ?711 -- -Qom 776 Donation - _-- 235. .776.1 Donation - J� ' ry Bui ding 776.2 Donation .- ..Li ry- - ? - 777 park Develoninent lei i _-40 1©g Recovered Ex-oenditures: _783 Admin. Seieer & Road 11,000, -0- -0- _85 Gas Tar, Refund — 1�7�2y -__=0- _�,701 _ 787 _-1 u n0-c Abatement -o- tai -n -D-L_B-v-Udin _ _ 5._0�� -Q- _— -o=-----_ _7819 _—Sther - 778-.-------1,5.9 ---- RRC; c_,tnc2t Im rI ovemc-nt - S.W. Hunziker Ig 989, -o- 789 Unbonded Assessment — —__ 200. -0- 170 GE14ERAL FUND TOTAL 1,C49,232. $79,861 $343,797 SE,i7ER FUTdD Available Cash 7/1/76 _78,$R4. -0- 148,656.-__-_____ Use of Money & Pro-certy-: 70 In Brest 5�OQ0, —_469 1,870 744 Inte est on un�onded assessments -0- 1 Charges .for current Services: 3 Sewer Connection Fee _ �28_.670.__`_-_ 6,100 _19,801 4 'Monthly Setts er_vice_ 4£;,8�_ 1,450 _ _ 1z,147__- 755 Sewer Permit & Ingpectio1190. � 816 __L276-- .Recovered Eroenditures: 25_y _Other 8,000. -- 789 Unbonded Assessment -0- -0- 16 S~✓•,:ER FUND TOTAL ")174,579. _ 8.835 ,$185.767 Page 2 - Financial Statement - Revenues - Late September, 1976 �h s 1976-77 CL RENT yE.AR TO 1-'.ONITH bU'�G.,T DATE— STATE TAX S`.:!EET- FUND __-o---------.___7.4,.64x►--- A ailable C - Revenue ies: ,711 State Gas Taxl_28�Z0,--____._____12,362 Use of i�,Oney & Proaerty: 4. _----—4L1------- ---815. 25. -0- -0- 788 �1 --_---- r„��., 72 $12,778 $103.969 STATE TAX STREET FUND TOTAL 1930 • ,� FEDERAL REVUE SHARING FUND 45 129 Available Cash 7/1/76 41•'79.5s _----=o- --------- '----------- 6?�63. ---- _-0-_- -------___---- 23,81.3_._._..._ �� Fedr_a�Subven_ ions 2,OOO• 316 718 743 Interest —_______ -- FEDF.RoL-RgVr.NUE SHARING FUND TOTAL 106_163, 316 69 660 BANCROFT BONDS #3.4.5,6.7,8.9.10,11 Unappropriated Cash Ba7.ance 7/176 -- 979Asssments 1,350_..--- - ,�nterest --------- Use of i•IoneY: L000 193 986 743 Interest on Investments 176.9+6. $ 5,522 X136.394 BA WCROFT BONDS r JATD TOTAL -_ GELZ16RAL OBLIGATION BOIMS ------ �h 2;,433 -0- 707• 93 216 --interest u7, investments _— -- GEP4ER4L OBLIGATION BONDS FUND TOTAL L51-062. $-9 3 1 264 Total Revenues All Funds , 1.750.854 X107,405 5870.851 L.Ae 3 _ F .;, :eci al Statement - Revenues - Date ____$opts:,,��� 'g76 ` Available Cash As Per Audit Report 7-1-76 $ 531,692 Revenues To Date $ 870,851 � C FINAINICIAL STAT.F,.'L'-1 E)ILPENDITURE 1976-77 I.10. September, 1976 YEAR TO CS-NERAL FUIdD BUDGET CURR",idl' i i7id TH DATE Mayor & Council _--- ' ^Q,22- -----$ -1,1►1089_.-__------- $--2,2�Z_.23_ I,'unicinnl Court __-- ----- 24,7.73. l,ba44__.--°----•--t�,8.42.51 -Administration -- 3 5?9. --4,2�2.z4 _-L0_,5.34_.4O 3,ildin.g 610t------4,2-2-0-4 5 1O�ZL4.18_- �.�n_r_ _Planning_- ?: C-,�,C• _ -__.�9=�95.---------4.,44403--------------9,26040-- _1'1a�t1�. --ZZ1-_Crz_a'•Zt ---_ ---- 232_.24--- ---- 483 46- _T i� �l - _-_- - ---------- -- -- - `7,6? •-- - --__-SZQ�_30---------812.24_ ?,ibrary County Levy___ ?r 9-3 4 584..93----------------------_6Q8..44- ?o ice_-_-- - -�'�� }ORS_•--- _ -- 34.�48Z.66---------- 44_.34.9_.4D- �rl: ----'0=-------------.------------__-o-------- T.�,on=11ei?artmenta ------------- ---1 �..7. _6s - ------2,552,9 -----------Engineering Q1- —._- �Q15�_-_ - -- ---248.._15--- ---- --455_..44 -_ Street Onerat on « 1aintenance - F , 278. _- _,_ _-- 9 _6?-7 75 Contingency 29,261. -0- -0- pya GQD_Qrl��a --- --_-_—'� ����� �2�-------- 60,796.32_.-----$170 - SF,-.-:ER FUND ntenm-ic.e _ S,127 - �S rk ar,, nn�-__� -0- 4,283.50 _ Continency - ��,4 j3, -0- -0- --- otai am-,, ' ??�c3 --- ._--_ -_ :-'1 7�t,579�------$ 6,207-48---- $ 38,665.72 STATE TAY. STREET FU14D _160 ir,' . --$10,623.02 $ 32,268.72 ContinEency ?t 92 -0- - ---- -0= — To t,-il ,S t-ate_ T_ ::-S_i rem Ftz�,d :,-1-98,072. 10 623_02 32 268.72 FEVEN'UE Sj--iARING FiTM T.� a�,v I)kp2rt^ent_- 2_0,611. 1L322.94 -_� 4 461.64 Folice D,nart,.tent - Pari:s _ _ -----`�-� ?,, --- l4n 49 _1,640.92- - I•:on-Dej?2:cmnnt�,� 25.n9 -- 472,l3 ---4-,&ULD& - Ce-.. P-P-rtunent L:�,'�56� -3,51254 •10,086- Contingency - 0 - -0- -0- Total Revenue Sharing F+znd =?066163_ $ 6,569.53 $ 2�;94_q 21 SPECIAL ASST SSI-TP-,T DEBT FUT_1D Bancrof't Bonds ;,4,5,6,7,8,9,?0 - 11,12 376 1 $6,10 3 1? $19,734.96 G EI CE RAL DEBT FLUD __G_=npral Obligation Bonds " 45,--,62. - $ -0- $ 11,318.75 TOTAL BUDGET e.-11750,854. $90,299.47 $296,732.57 H CC iG p N .-I n P M ID P U zU P rn of N n, M s n z W M N o P 1 In n I W ui N M + o D o o n Q1 n v1 Io ID J N O a) w at aal a) a; tr, CO a) trt N to J o 0 0 C7 0 o P P P rq IT H O O P O IT O O P P W Q 1 1 1 1 1 V rl r-1 ai ai a; era CO. a; a) se '� HH In lo M lo In (z7 In n IO n J IO J H Lk� o n M n 1 coINn o r ro N = D O 1 I HN .Pc .N-I N In OD 1J+1 co a) a) W V) W C4 V3 t) a? VI c7% r4 r4 IM+1 J .01 P D In ^+ 1� 4' .4 J O co J O J J aPD IT J lo O � P O h un'1 941 1 Ln P N .+ .r J ID Q M M .-I O •-I Vi W 6i Vt M N V) VS 4> V) d' .-1 00 P N ID o0 N en In IV P n M 1 J •'-1 1 O n 1 n O N O ID M O P P O o0 T (f] 1 ; 1 1 A M en J I11 O J Vt CO 4) W. at W V) Vi VA at i i a In P J M O M J ID ID M O o0 II1 O M P :3 '('((.t[[yj��ttt�•.7��]�].II.7 v1 aOD of ol In t+1 O O 10 N O O r — S O l P M ID n o00 IND V) a) tr} Vt I•n'I � O J O oNO O O OW NW j Qn .D M m O m co ID O IA H s In P n O oO P Go O ao O p Ln J r1 O N = N co N H J D d s + P n D P .r In n n M M J M Ln v *" v1 ai p% 47 a+ as WS N V) a: I { H ly. ^ +� D is ^I a rn �' y cc z r4 c co ca p Ct N H p cO 4 cc C!1 o y ( +�+ 2 z v) a/ C7 H to y H 6 Lp. 1 FI O "J• � O Q c c Q° b Q1 H H Q Ho w H c.) c°} °i u) m 6 O to to -i J U C: G3 ¢ W U U U U EA LIBRARY REPORT FOR Si PTEMBER 1976 r September was a quiet month for our patrons. The weather and cannin�T took un much of their time so we were able to catch up with our -:�iork. The amc-Nznt of books checked out was 5.713 and adding magazines and cassettes the total for the month was 6,026. The fines collected amounted to $89.29. The story hour started in September with our new employee Pat Kehoe who is also working on the new adult programs. 1 During The month I attended the C E 2 seetingto become aquainted with the program for this year and the new students. On the 13th the Professional Library Hoard of the County met, and we discussed the possibilities of trie county purchasing a' projectors and film libraries for each major library out of the AV budget since our cassette libraries are quite com- plete. On the loch the 'Tigard Library Board met and approved the ideas for programs for the rest of the year. On the 15th the library was presented with a IBM Executive through the efforts of the Friends of the Library at- a Tarty and presentation by Ella Baurer on her 88t� birthday. Also on the 15th the Washington County Library let% ork met. at Sherwood. The featured speaker was the new State Librarian who spoke on regional and state-wide services for the future. Each city gave their programs and services and statistics for the following year. On the 16th the Friends of the Library met to discuss their plans for the year and listen to a lecture on the English islands. On the 18Lh the party was held for the summer readers with prizes being pocketbooks suitable to each' s age and bookmarks plus { pictures. Edwards Activity Center came twice during the month. Otherwise it was very quiet. Enclosed is a calendar for the first 4 months of our adult program: f tio b q \zz t ..Fp Q j sy .cQ t d • ,.. ,_K .. iC �� .W IL O IL A N Ic 4! \\ s ar o d to EW i r0 C]. C• <• is I a-+ 1a � '� G Lt It 0 14 W " CQ z '\•� \ W A. C < r.I k �i .fir L^'L� �0 Id CI � Ci\� Vdo Hl rf Ca ♦ 1 N k \r4 Te. `t RR 't e� Lo C4 & 5E O E4 P4 ed cd G \ - o ,gs i POLICE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1976 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL AVERAGE NUMERICAL STRENGTH DAILY ABSENCE AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STRENGTH End of Same This Same This Last Same this Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Last Last Last Year Year Year. TOTAL PERSONNEL 22 21 1 8.1 8.2 13.9 14.1 12.8 CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 2 .7 .7 1.3 .9 T 1.3 SERVICES DIVIS. 4 5 .6 1.5 3.4 3.6 3.5 PATROL DIVISION 14 11 5.7 5.0 7.3 7.5 _ 6.0 _ TRAFFICDIVIS. -•----- ----------------• -------- ---------- -----------M.............. INVEST. -------- ------- -------.--------- INVEST. SECTION 2 3 1.11.0 1.9 2.1 2.0 FORCE ONE 11 10 4.4 4.2 6.6 _ 6.4 _ 5.8 FORCE TWO 6 6 2.0 2.5 4 0 4.0 3.5 FORCE THREE 5 5 1.7 1.5 3.3 3.7 1 3.5 CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL. STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last month 23 This Same Month 2. Recruited during month 2 _, _Month Last Year 3. Reinstated curing month 0 1. Total number field 11 Total to account for 25 officers 13 2. Less Agents Assig- 4. Separations from the service: ned to Investigat. 0 0 (a) Voluntary resignation 3 3. Average daily abs- (b) Retirement 0 ences of field off- icers owing to: (c) Resigned with charges pending 0 (a) Vacation, susp- (d) Dropped during probation 0 ension, days off, comp. time, etc. 5.0 4.5 (e) Dismissed for cause 0_ (b) Sick & Injured .5 . (f) Killed in line of duty 0 (c) Schools, etc. .2 (g) Deceased 0 Total average daily absences 5.7 5.0 Total separations 3 4. Available for duty 7.3 6.0 5. ,Present for duty at end of month 22 f . Page one CRIMINAL ACTIVITY i THIS SAME MONTH - TOTAL-- - TOTAL — O.ffenses ! MONTH� LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAR__] CLASS I t 76 -----71 � 608 CLASS _ _ 578 _ CLASS II 64 58 MISC. NON-CRIMINAL _ 397 --�_—__ 361 Cases Cleared by Arrest CLASS I 11 - —15—-------------253—_—__ 1_--156--_rl CLASS .II ��2 r 35 — ----_ ---�---310--- INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION CASES RECEIVED I 132 ?�--__104 ___ e_1x075 16 CASES CLEARED 35 # CASES SUSPENDED 5 52 __��� k48 # CASES ASSIGNED 71 -_ _ .44 _ 518 .-------482- PROPERTY 18 _._48?PROPERTY PROPERTY LOSS G0.95 16 183•_38 __206,970,52 _132,469,15 PROPERTY RECOVERED 9.887 ,60 4 817 54 84 066.29 TRAFFIC S ACCIDENT ACTI.VI.TY ACCIDENTS 32 :INJURIES !_ 9 67 _6_ —= --- --- CITA_TIONS ISSUED I 105 _? _ 104 _Y ___�__ VEHICLE OPERATION =TOTAL ! 11.978 ,450 _�138 09j� I (COST PER MILE 8.490 9i51C --$. --- i PATROL DIVISION TOTAL HOURS 1,602,74 1.530.9 15 528.6 OBLIGATED HOURS 1 005 2 896o5 8,973.47,613.3 NON-OBLIGATED HOURS 1 597,5 1 634.4 6,555.2 L 7,128.2 SERVICES DIVISION TOTAL HOURS 696.0 846 0 7.540.0 _ ! 7.514 5 TOTAL DISPATCH HOURS 226.8 323 9 _ 2568.5 i 2.719.5 TOTAL TELETYPE HOURS7 73.0661.8- _169 „5 ;CLERICAL DUTIES HOURS 1 373.8 396.6 3,701.6-3458- .7 r v POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND (1) _ (2) (3) (u) (;) NU, R OF OFFENSES NUMBER OF OFFENSES UNFOUNDED NUMBER OF CLASSIFICATION CLEARED BY A EST OFFENSES REPORTED OFFENSES ACTUAL ! OF OFFENSES i Th-1- ht TH i BY THIS REPORTED OFFENSES - --� (PART I) TOTAL ARREST OF JUVENILES MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH- A_RRES —�IUL'EN I l E_S_ 'CH IS MONTH _ 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE a. Murder & Nonnegligent I 1 Manslaughter b. Manslaughter by j Negligence ' 2. FORCIBLE RAPE --I�-- -- - -- -+--- -- a. Rape by Force b. Assault to Rape - 1 Attempts ---_-� ---- 1 __ — 3. ROBBERY a. Armed_- Any Weapon b. Strong Arm - No — Weapons 4 ASSAULT — ---- — -- i -----` -- - Total L-81 a. Gun ------ b. Knife or Cutting Instrument c. Other Dangerous �Weapond. Hands, Fists, Feet, i etc. - Aggravated e. Other Assaults - Not Aggravated 6 6 1 3 5. BURGLARY - Total / 15/ a. Forcible Entry 9 1 8 b. Unlawful Entry - No Force 7 7 1 _-_-- c. Attempted Forcible Entry1 6, LARCENY - THEFT (except Auto Theft) a.-- $50 and Over in Value 20 20 4 4 b. Under $50 in Value 30 30 1 1 7. AUTO THEFT 6 3 3 1 TOTAL 80 4 76 8 111 0 0 SUMMARY OF ARRESTS SUMMARY OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY DULTS: Male 8 Month Month Year Year Female 0 1976 _1975 1 197_6 I 1975 Total 8 PART I 76 71 638 646 PART II 64 58 578 608 JUV: Male 0 MISC. NON-CRIM. 397 361 717 3-085 Female GRA'N'D TOTAL 537 490 I 4,933 1 4,339 Total 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) _ (6) NUMBER OF OFFE SES NUMBER OF CLASSIFICATIONS OFFENSES UNFOUNDED NUMBER OF CLEARED BY A EST I OFFENSES OF OFFENSES REPORTED OFFENSES ACTUAL THIS M TH BY (PART II) THIS REPORTED OFFENSES TOTAL ARREST OF JUVENILES MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH ARRE JUVENILES THIS MONTH 8. HARRASSMENT 3 3 r-- - -�-�-- 9. ARSON — - �Y--- -- 10. FORGERY & COUNTER- FEITING 6 6 __- 11. FRAUD 19 19 12. EMBEZZLEMENT 13. STOLEN PROPERTY: BUYING RECEIVING• POSSESSING 14. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 14 14 _ 4 3 4 _ 2 15. WEAPONS: CARRYING, POSSESSING ETC. 16. PROSTITUTION & COMMERCIALIZED VICE 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 6) 2 2 1 1 1 1 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS 3 3 5 4 2 _ 1 19. GAMBLING 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMILY AND CHILDREN 1 1 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 2 � 2 3 22. LIQUOR LAWS 1 1 4 1 1 23. DRUNKENESS 24. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 1 1 1 1 25. VAGRANCY 26. ALL OTHER OFFENSES EXCEPT TRAFFIC 2 2 27. SUSPICION 28. CURFEW AND LOITERING 29. RUN AWAYS 10 10 3 7 3 8 TOTAL 64 64 -201 22 11 12 SUMMARY OF ARRESTS ADULTS: Male 4 JUVENILES: Male 6 Female 0 Female 5 Total 9 Total 11 Page three POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MISCELLANEOUS CO_M_PLAINTS & ACTIVITI.ES NUMBER - ----- NON-CRIMINAL COMPLAINTSREPORTED UNFOUNDED ACTUAL �- NUtitBER OF ACTUAL COMPLAINTS THIS MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH 1. Alarm --- - -- 2. Ambulance/First Aid 18 1 - --- _ 18 _ 3. Animal Problem 4. Assist A enc 3*- -1- 0 -- r 3621 4A. Assist Citizen 4Check Buildin - 40 6. Check Occu ant 6 Civil Matter 48. Deliver Messa e 3 -- 4 Dog Bite 1 10. Disturbance 30 11. Hazard _ 7 - 29 12. Juvenile Problem 2 -- 1 ---�-- 1 23 -- ---T---23- 13. Noise Abated 13 14, Person - ___ -- 15. St and§ Moveou t 2 on 5 - 1 _ �_ __ 4 _ 16. Suspicious Circumstances 39 -""-�-- -- 17. Towed Auto _ 2 - 18. Traffic Problem 1 19. Unfounded Call 15 M- 15 ---- ------ 20. Wire D10 own 10 21 Other 22. Found Proper - 11 - ------ 23. Lost Pra ert _-- _- 24. FIR's --- 638 ---- - _ 25. Narcotics Information 26. Lewd/Harassment Phone Calls (REFER TO PART 1_I CRIMES - ---27. Traffic Traffic: Arrest Reports 28. Vacation Checks/Prowl Checks - -_ 29. Warrants Subpoenas, Summons Served 26 -- _ ------ -- 26 30. Drunk Person s) 7 31. Famil Fi hts 1 6 32. Fires 8 - 8 33. Lost and Missing Persons 2 2 34. Prowlers 6 6 35. Suicides and Attem is 1 - 36. Sus icious Autos 4 1 TOTALS -4 403 6 397 PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED Type of Property Value of Property Stolen A. Currency, Notes, etc... ...... Stolen Recovered B. Jewelry and Precious Metals..... ............... .•..•.. . ... .... $ 683.25 $ C. Furs.. ..$ 4,231.00 S D. Clothing.... ..•.............:... ........ ... ......$ S Locally Stolen Automobiles ""' „ ". . ..$ 22'99 $ Miscellaneous.. .. """" "$- 4.950.00 $ 8 400.00 .... ............ .............. ..$ 7,973.71 S 1,487.60 TOTALS........$ 17,860.95 $_____L887_60 Page four r- POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN NUMBER OF� VAIUE OF CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL PROPERTY STOLEN OFFENSES ROBBERY A. Highway (streets, alleys, etc.). ... . .... ... . ... _ $___-_ B. Commercial House (except C, D, F).. ..... .... ... _ C. Gas or Service Station............. ........ .... D. Chain Store... • .. . __ $ - ------- E. Residence (anywhereon premises).... . ..... .. . F. Bank..................... G. Miscellaneous.. ....................... .. . .. . —�— $------------ TOTAL - ROBBERY $_____`__ BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING A. Residence (dwelling) 1) Night...................... ..... ........ .... 1 - s -------515.00— 2) Day.. ............ ... ............ ........ ... . $ -----— - -- 3) Unknown... 4 _— ? ---6.021.25-- B. —_6.021.25 _B. Nonresidence (store, office, etc.) 1) Night. ....... .............. . .... . .I..... . .. . 3 -- $ ----236.00-- 2) ----236=00 _2) Day... . ............................. .... . .. . $--- -- 3) Unknown...... .... .. ............ .... ......... 1075.00-- TOTAL - BURGLARY LARCENY - THEFT (except auto, by value) A. $50 and over.......... ..... .....I.. ... ......... 20 $ 4:459.68-- 8. $5 to $50........ . . ....... .......... ....... ... . 21 592.57 _ C. Under $5... . _ 9 $ _ _11.45_ TOTAL -LARCENY —5D _ $_=5 5.70 AUTOTHEFT.......... ... ..... ...... ...... .. . ..... . . 3 S_ 4,950.00__ GRAND TOTAL $ 17,860.95 Nature of Larcenies A. Pocket-picking..... ... ..... . ....... ..... ... . $ _ B. Purse-snatching.... . .. .......... ....... I.... $ _ C. Shoplifting........ _ 3 $___ 86.62_ D. From Autos (except E)....... ................ 15 5 2.558.00 E. Auto Parts and Accessories. . ........... ..... 7 $ 208.50 F. Bicycles...... .. ............................ 7 $ 634.98 G. From Buildings (except C and H)..... ... ..... 2 $ 326,00 H. From any Coin-operated Machine.—..... ...,. 1 $ -0- _ I. All Other.......... ......................... 15 249.60 _ TOTAL - LARCENIES 50 A063.70 Automobiles Recovered A. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered Locally.. ...................... .. 2 B. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered by Other Jurisdictions... .. ...... 0 _ C. Total Locally Stolen Autos Recovered. ........ .............. .... ...... 2 D. Number Stolen Out of Town, Recovered Locally....... ................. 0 page five POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORI TRAFFICfACCIDENT SUMMARY ACCIDENTS THIS MONTH THIS YEAR TO DATE___ This Year Last Year —_—Thi_ Year �— — La,t. vear ACCIDENT TOTAL 32 20 — — 227 206 Fatal 0 4 Persol Injury9 6 67 —_ 54 na Property Damage 6 1 ---- ___34---_'— ---~25 Pedestrian 1 __ 1 �� _— 3 —_�_ --------- Hit and Run 42_ �� _ 19 ENFORCEMENT ---- -----------"---t_ ----- --�-- TRAFFIC TOTAL 105 104 _892 _� 1014 Hazardous Violations 81 85 _ 693_— _--_740_---- Other Violations 24 19 _ 199 --t— —_274 6 21 --- _ 81---- ------- 190 90 Hit Parkin 58 DWI 3 10 ���--------- ------_ Hit and Run 0 0 -- -----4 -- '--- —-----A --Arrests, Citations or 5 3 87 i 108 Custody at Accidents --- VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REPORT Operational Cost Suam3ry UNIT # 1 10.34 Cents Per Mile $ 100.76 — 8.32 MPG UNIT # 2 6.98 Cents Per ,tile S 261.24 _— —8.47 MPG UNIT # 3 13.15 Cents Per Mile $ 89.72 7=07 MPG UNIT # 4 10.09 _Cents Per Mile $_126.75 8.46 MP(; UNIT # 5 7.59 Cents Per Mile $_ 209.D_ 8.09 MPG UNIT # 6 13.17 Cents Per Mile $ ___1.15 1 _ 7. MPG UNIT # 7 6.15 Cents Per Mile MPG UNIT # 8 Cents Per Mile $ 10.27 _ __ MPG UNIT # Cents Per Mile 5 MPG UNIT # Cents Per Mile $ MPG TOTAL OPERATING COST $ 1,017.51 TOTAL MILES TRAVELED 11.978 AVERAGE COST PER MILE 8.490 _ page six POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION .ACTIVITY TIME ALLOTMENT HOURS QUANTITY xGeneral Patrol.. .... .,... 5-^rraffic Patrol 87.3 Criminal Investigation.................. 8_1.9 — Accident Investigation.............. .... 37.0 Traffic Enforcement. ....... .. ........... 110.0 Court and Jail................ ...... .... ` 25. x ---------- Transport Prisoners..................... —_�.� — — Assist Public.. .. .... ........... ........ 29.9 --------- Assist Other Agencies............ ....... 10.7 — Assist Other Officers................... _ ,31.7 -- Calls Answered 113.0 -�--- F.I.R.'s............. . ..... ... ... 6.2 '- Dispatch Duties. --- ...... .......' 183.0 Office Duties / Briefing.... ..... ....... 41-5- Report Writing....... . ,,... 116.9 .. .... ... Special Details 79.9 t 3 Training.. ........... 127.5 ----------- i Patrol Vehicle Service............ ... ... 31.8 yAuthorized Breaks. ............. .. . . ..... Vacation Checks........ .. ............ .. .. r -- Vehicle Impound....... ...... ..... . — 1.1 - 0 - - .2 _ Administrative Duties. .................. 111.6 TOTAL HOURS. ... .... ... ... ..... 1,602.7 Total Obligated Hours 12005.2 Total Non-Obligated Hours page seven POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION Page 2 TRAFFIC Quantity Hazardous Violations...................... ................ 70 Operatoe-License Violations........ .. ..... ................ 4 Suspended Violations.. .. ................ .......... ........ 8 Vehicle License Violations........... ..................... 18 Equipment Violations..... ............... .. ..... ... ... ..... 2 Hit and Run..... .................... ...... .. ..... . . ....... 1 D.U.I.L.L.. ... .. ...... ... .............. .............. ..... 2 Parking Violations...............o. .. .a... . ............... 6 TOTAL CITATIONS....... ....... 111 .............. ....... ....... . TOTAL WARNINGS.. ..... .. 88 . ............. ...... . .... .. . ...... CRIMINAL ARRESTS Felony..... .......... ........ ............ .. ............... 6 Misdemeanor / Traffic .................... ..... ... . ....... 26 TOTAL. . . .. . . . ... ...... ............... ..... . ...... .. .. ..... 32 PREVENTION Open Windows.. .. ......... .... . ...... ...... ......... .. ..... 1 Open Doors.... ....... ........ . ...... ..... . . ....... . ....... n Street Lights .... .... ...........0.... .... . ....... ... ..... Suspicrious Persons............ ............ ... ........... .. 126 Suspicious Vehicles... .. ...... .... .. .... .. . .... .......... . 201 Signals Out.............. .... ................ ..... ...... .. 1 Signs Down................... ............. . .. ... ..... ..... 3 Neglected Property.. .. ..................... .... ... ........ 2 Street Defects..... ................... .. ... .. ... ..... ..... 7 Dead Animal... ........ ............. . ..... . . ............... 0 Abandoned Vehicles............ .... .. .. .... . .. .. . ... ... .... 4 Fires....................................0 .. ....... .. .. ... 1 Other Hazards ............................................ 9 Vacation Checks.......................... ................. 111 TOTAL..................................................... 376 page eight i POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION Page 3 _ -- F—ARRESTl PER_I_SSONOUSVEHI.CLESOFFICER CITATIONS WARNINGS _ _ OFF. LANDIS _ 5 22 OFF. FEATHF,RSTON 204-__�------13__----- ____-- 8___-- OFF. MYERS __— 4 - ---1---- -----�---- ------13------ -----39•---- OFF. KILLION _ 6 ---- ----2---� ---- ---- ------8-----�_ _ OFF'. MERRILL 45-------- -- - - ----- ------�--- ---8------ -- ---------- ----- 2-�-----�----- - OFF. SIRIANN I — 0 ------1----�------ -OFF. deBRAUWERE _-- 9 ___-- 10 ___ ------�---- ------�------ -----��----- OFF. NEWMAN--- 7----- ----- ---- -----�---- ------ ------ ------- 3------ OFF. ------ ----- ----- --- -------- ----- ------ 0------ OFF. JOHNSON 0 0 01 SGT. NEHTMAN 0 ' __W_2 �_ -----4-- -----0------ --------4------ SGT. JENNINGS 6 18 _ 5 27 44 SGT_. WHEELER2 -- - - -- -0_ ___--6 ._ -_-6 __-- PATROL TOTAL _- _ _ 105 - - 88 _ 2_ 126 _ _ 204 _ -- RESERVES --, _-� ------- ------------ ------- -- HOURS -- --------- —--- ------— - ---HESKETH ------�-- ---2------�- 1 ______4---- -------------- ----------- _ 102 _ —TETERS ----- --- 1 { - -- ------- 88 —FISHER 23 GILL -- _ WOMACK 3 1 22 2 80 -- HAMMES MILLER --- ___-_---- --------- --------------- ------------ -- - _- TU10ND.S _ ------------ ------------ -------- SWEET ---------SWEET -- ------Q---- -----__ --- ------3- -----�-------- ----�---54__ --STIMLER _---�__-- Y_BERRY — -- --------- ----------- ------------- ---9- RESER_?E TOTAL - F c.Rf�KD_TOTAL_ 111 -- 99 --- - 36 129 206 page nine POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT TRAFFIC REPORT { Conviction Ratio Citations Officer Issued GlUity Not Guilt Pendin.2 Ratio I. 1. HAUNSPERGER 8 5 1 2 83.3% 2. MERRILL 25 19 1 5 95.0% 3. MYERS 7 5 2 100% 4. LANDIS 3 2 1 100% 5. NEW14AN 9 7 2 100% 6. SIRIANNI 6 2 4 100% 7. SGT JENNINGS 5 3 2 100% 8. FEATHERSTON 24 20 4 100% 9• deBRAUWERE 3 3 100% 10. SGT. NEWMAN 2 1 1 100 f 11. KILLION 6 5 1 100 12. 6 100% 13. MAgTIN 2 1 100 14. 100 15. HAHMnS 1100% 16. swEET 1 100 17. 18. 19. 20. TOTALS 110 76 2 32 97.4% ENFORCEMENT INDEX 910 f. `i POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT INVESTIGATION DIVISION Month_SEPTEMBER 19 76 2 C�"� sification Number Cases Number Cases Number Cases Cases Cleared Total Number Of \ ` Received Suspended Assigned Arrests Per Case PART I / Patrol Invest, Patrol Invest, Adult Juv, Homicide Ra2e 1 1 Robber A . Assault Theft Under 50 2 22 Theft Over 50 20 12 2 3 3 2 Auto Theft 6 7 3 1 3 2 Burglary14 4 1 10 1 3 PART I TOTALS 73 40 10 24 7 7 5 2 / PART II / Assault & Related 8 4 2 1 1 Check Offenses 17 2 1 ForgeryEorgery & Related 517 4 1 Weapons Crimes 2 5 Sex Offenses 2 2 Narcotic Offenses 1 1 1 Prostitution 1 Liquor Offenses Gam blin Offenses Stolen Property Crimes Vandalism 14 10 3 4 Other Part II 5 Crimes 12 2 6 9 1 P T II TOTALS 59 18 12 25 14 7 2 7 P T I & II T S 132 5822 49 21 14 7 y Total Cases Cleared 35 Total Office Hours 211 Total Training Hours 9 Total Cases Pending Patrol 22 Total Field Hours 99 Total Court flours 2 Total Cases Pending Investigation 49 Total. Overtime Hours55 Total Other Hours 0 Total Warrants Issued 0 Total Cases Presented for Warrant Issuance 2 Total Misdemeanor Arrests 12 Total Court Case Heard & Dispositions 1 L. Branstetter, Det. Sgt, Investigation Division Commander page twelve i i POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SERVICES DIVISION DUTIES TIME ALLOTTED Dispatch Duties 226.8 Cards Typed/Filed 106.9 Letters Typed —. 24.5 Reports Typed 130 Special Details 153 6 Aid Other Agency/Person 68.1 Teletype Operation r 57.9 _ Handwritten Reports 7.7 Authorized Breaks 37.5 TOTAL HOURS 696.0 page ten �^ MONTHLY REPORT +_ PLANNING DEPARTMENT September 27 - October 25, 1976 i` Zoning and Subdivision Administration Zone Changes 2 Conditional Uses 2 Temporary Uses 0 Variances 0 Minor Land Partitions 0 Preliminary Plats 0 s` Subdivision Variances 0 Site Design & Architectural Review 4 Miscellaneous 1 Ordinance Revisions 4 Sign Code Appeals 1 Comprehensive Plan Revisions 0 Non-Conforming Use Expansions 0 Neighborhood Planning Staff is presently working on a preliminary draft of the Neighborhood Planning Organization #4 Plan which will be ready early in November. The NPO #5 Plan was nearing completion but has suffered a major setback with the sudden controversy over Durham Road. L.C.D.C. This program is preceeding according to schedule. } Park and Open Spare Planning (701) The basic inventory phase of this program is nearing completion in conjunction with the LCDC program and the park board has begun a regular meeting schedule to assist staff on this program. EDA Grant The application has been completed and will be submitted on the October 26th opening date. October 21, 1976 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Director of Public Works Subject: Monthly Report The 1976-77 Street Overlay Program,as approved by the Council, is essentially completed. Several areas of shoulder restoration and general cleanup, however, remain for future scheduling. Our storm drainage/pathway program is underway with substantial progress shown in the Grant Street project now under construction. When completed the pathway will be separated from the vehicular traffic by installation of a series of traffic buttons. If our negotiations for a small triangular easement (at the Walnut Street intersection) are successful, the pathway will be separated by a full curb section at this dangerous corner. Phase III of the City's continuing sanitary sewer infiltration/inflo program has been completed in accordance with the 1976-77 budget proposal. The T.V. and grouting work was performed by the GELCO Grouting Service Co. under an extension of their agreement with the City. a Final.costs on the Hunziker Street Improvement have been determined, the assessments computed and the final apportionment process is underway. The C.R.A.G. Board at its meeting of September 30th delayed the final decision on the Highway 217/72nd Interchange funding until its meeting of November 4th, 1976. A survey of Jack Park residents to determine fencing requirements was completed and staff is preparing necessary bid specifications for completion of the Park fence project prio•..- to the December 15th deadline. i� 6 ^i 'b I•�___ fir,.. t. \ �� _ `i 1 r - ,•A a I Lf� SJ ^ C _ 1 � ' �•t r1 --- 5 •j E a u-� - - - l� MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Dick Bolen, Planning Director Subject : Liberty Park Date: October 25, 1976 At their last meeting, Council directed staff to propose the amount of City involvement which would be feasible for the Liberty Park improvement project. The City crew is capable of accomplishing the work to be done provided that enough time can be squeezed from their schedule. Following is a list of the work to be accomplished: Task Responsible Party Street realignment Contractor Removal of pavement in park area Contractor and City Filling and rough grading Contractor and City Final grading City Irrigation installation City Pathway construction Contractor Topsoil for lawn areas City Planting City x The above list assumes that the Council wishes the sidewalk deleted from the north side of Alain Street and placed in the park. Doing so will reduce the project cost while providing a superior r walk than could probably be financed through the Liberty Park improvement fund. The Park Board at their September 28 meeting recommended use of the name Liberty Park which the RePac members voted to recommend that the City Council adopt. The Re Pac members also agreed to assist the City in their efforts to see this site improved. ; �i 1 CITY OF TIGARD P. O. Sox 23557 12420 S. 1ti, Main Tigard. Oregon 97223 October 18, 1976 Dear Citizen: The City of Tigard is presently developing a Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan as part of the City 's comprehensive planning process. In order to adequately plan for the future needs of the community for open space and recreation a Public Opinion Survey is being conducted. This is a two part survey. The first part will be a personal interview conducted by students from Tigard High School . The second portion of the survey will be a questionnaire that the students will leave with each resident they interview. This questionnaire is to be filled out and returned to City Hall in the stamped envelope provided. The information collected will help guide Tigard's Park and Recreation Board and planning staff in develop- ing a Park and Open Space Plan based on the community's needs and desires. Your assistance in completing the questionnaire will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about the survey or planning process, please feel free to call the Planning Department at 639-4171. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ���• Ben J. Altman Assistant Planner BJA:sf r . A of Partici ant Freguencv _.Lorat.ion �^ N Cb �O Activity — t Golf T,.r-ais - - Track & F; ' ld .to^�^in Bas•.ba'_1 Softball - Football i Baslk a that l i PHYSICAL Soccer - FITNESS Handball ' i �lI(at ba11 Badminton -- Squash Fencing Yoga K.a-ate # i Judo _ Hock r y Ice Skatin Roll_r Skatin Picknick:ng - Car,.P_n - OUTDOOR Walking/Hiking RFCREATION our tai-ti .I imbi r_ - Trail Bike Horseback R' :n CWMrTi.r -n �r — — Swi-rs:ing in Pool - -- _-- -- at_r Skiing - WATER Si.in Diving SPORTS otor Bc^-ting — iiL a-irg ianoc^iS — Ace of Particj .ant Fr f urnc LvCatIon 1 •'� 1 1 CC'�'� Q G=AF 4 c • ' ti iso loo ,`� ro i i � � � � " •��"�; ,oma ,r E.�o�.�ti a'a,� a2.•�,�� c� J Activity o N �� JTr ¢, ���•°^ yJ ��C=kcQ•�T .° Fishing Rowing ------------ TARGET Rif?;/Pistol SHOOTING Archery - - - - -- -- - Nature - P of gr-aghy Wild Berry - — -- - - - NATURE c STl'nY Plant - - - - - - --- - •mi ng,----- F I ower a g._-Flowers Vegetable Community Garden INDOOR RECREATION Bil ? iards Tabic Tennis/ -- --- - - Drru:roe e �- .%w.:I ry Making --- Lcatn, r Werk Print Making Dranw�zug & ---- -- — Mod+-1 Building Wood Carving _ ARTS AND Furriture CRAFTS `=:�inb_�_ _. - -- --•- — -- -- -�-�-------- - Sculpture - Photography -- - -- --------- - -- -- -Macrame W_a_ving -' Cooking Ftswer Arran U i O kCtlV1ty C h Marionette Sin in _ - I I --�-------------_-_ Co*rlmuni t Band Chamber Grout — - -- Amateur Theate - - -- _ - ---- -_- MUSIC AND Bal let --�!_ -`-I -` ----- -------- DANCE -1 Modern Dance - - i Social Folk Dancing1---1 j --- ------- -- Tap Dancin Belly Dancin - ARE THE Z ANY OF THE ABOVE AC IV TI S/ RO RAI`�S T 4T Y U P ESE TLY 0 NTP RTI IPATE IN, --_ BUT WOU PARTICIPATE I I T EY WERE D -- 4Il.A�BLE. S,'IOULD PAR ?.CIP 'PE IN. � -_`______•,_ W DESIR D CT. VI IF5'PR GRAM 1 U --_-_ � PLEASE DIST BELOW _ _ - -- - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. --- 9. f 10. I - _� -- --- I _ _ -1 ---- L-------- 0Pi•N SPACE PUBLIC JPINIU:v _vFc-EY ho'-"E APT. MOB. HOY,E 1. AGE SEX (Estimate of age group in #4) `. 2. HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN THE COMMUNITY? 3. DO YOU WORK IN THE TIGARD COMMUNITY? 4. HOW MANY PEOPLE IN YOUR FAMILY ARE IN THE FOLLOWING AGE GROUPS? E (A) 0-4 k (B.) 5-12 i i (C) 13-18 k (D) 19-24 E (E) 25-39 (F) 40-64 (G) 65 + ; 5. DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FEEL THERE IS A NEED TO CONSERVE OPEN SPACE IN THE TIGARD a COMMUNITY? YES NO j 6. WHAT RECREATION FACILITIES/PROGRAMS WOULD YOU LIKE THE CITY OF TIGARD TO OFFER? t (A) Outdoor Sports Facilities (E) Art & Theater Center (B) Indoor Games (Rec.Center) (F) Swimming Pools i i (C) Indoor Sports (Gym) (G) Picnic Areas } k (D) Bike/Pedestrian & Horse Trails 7. WHAT IS YOUR GENERAL IMPRESSION OF THE OVERALL (CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT) RECREATION FACILITIES. Excellent Good Fair Poor AND LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE Excellent Good Fair Poor 8. ARE THE PRESENT PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED F03 YOUR USE, IF NOT, WHY? 9. ARE YOU rP-ND YOUR FAN-ILY I.i t tivti Jt "D, :v-ti 1Y .SCR A!I0� i�.•=t ii vR SEVERAL SMALL FACILITIES SPREAD THROUGHOUTr THE CCi.'•ii•IUNITY? (NUle!BER ACCORDING TO PREFERANCE) Large Center YES Several Small Facilities YES NO NO l 10. HOW WOULD YOU PREFER SUCH A CENTER OR CENTERS TO BE SUPPORTED: User Fees Property Tax Special Levy for Specific Projects Park and Recreation District Building Permit Fees 11. CAN YOU IDENTIFY ANY SCENIC VIEWS OR HISTORIC SITES IN THE CO,'1MUNITY WHICH DESERVE IDENTIFICATION AND PROTECTION? INDICATE ON MAP (0) (Indicate Repeats 1A, 1B, etc.) 12. DO YOU KNOW OF ANY SPECIAL NATURAL AREAS (e.g. PONDS, GROVES OF TREES, ETC.) IN THE COMMUNITY WHICH SHOULD BE PROTECTED? INDICATE ON MAP ( ) (Indicate Repeats 1A, 1B, etc. ) 13. CAN YOU IDENTIFY ANY SPECIAL FISH OR WILDLIFE HABITATS IN THE TIGARD COMMUNITY WHICH YOU FEEL SHOULD BE PROTECTED? INDICATE ON MAP ( ) (Indicate Repeats 1A, IB, etc. ) 14. ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE CITY OF TIGARD IS PLANNING FOR A SYSTEM OF NATURAL OPEN SPACE (Greenway) ALONG FANNO CREEK AND ITS TRIBUTARIES? YES NO 15. DO YOU SUPPORT THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPING A PEDESTRIAN/BI KEPATH SYSTEM WHICH WOULD CONNECT THE GREENWAY WITH SCHOOLS, PARKS AND SHOPPING FACILITIES THROUGHOUT THE TIGARD COMMUNITY? YES NO 16. DO YOU FAVOR THE CREATION OF A PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT WHICH WOULD PLAN AND FINANCE RECREATION FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS FOR THE GREATER TIGARD COMMUNITY? YES NO 17. DO YOU FAVOR AN INCREASE IN BUILDING PERMIT FEES OR SOME SORT OF DEVELOPMENT TAX, WHICH WOULD BE USED TO FINANCE OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS? YES NO o CO "C •r1 N O 2S I Ao LrIl �• IV> n ) rJ 1 0 ►+ .-� co _ --� ca oD co h ca 00 H •-4 r i - a � cn a -o moa '0 H V ax n cc w I O u H c n C) E- z -4 3 -4 } -4 n > n n E. 3 `T� —.__ -- --- - ------.._ --.._ - -------- - - r _ .-1 .•� N c9 .4 .-4 o� a o r _ .1 to U 0 z .7 W •n _ l z C en o .a cn -a c7 O >0 •.1 O N C'1 V z w f V N H H rV v t4co W U h ��JJ 0 z a W 1' ►a to a a o0•.� W aG e0 ca o0 cn LLJ .•� w w >, A •o a >, > a >1 >,a b a W >, 1 a w • 4 co ca O •4 m z H L j c r OD n4 -4 04 p V p, .•a fl, .._1 0, O H 1 ca W .0 to I W ca W .-•c V N W O 3 :i. HO •4 V O3 xH0 �30H E' ' wriF aa 0 rnO c7H cn cor� z o u � C7 r` cn � r:: rn 'r- r- v _ _ _- cn ..•� •r1 + —•try :D > •j; En1 c.1 U) •-4 W •-4 z .-4 to N .-1 v N Z .-4 v OD C G to •4 v O ..a v -4 O -4 C U H u V W V V •+-� U 7 Z7 i^ V > V V .a F V L v wa d O •+ S d O H z ai S+ .a w -4 V a 3 co o 0 0 o V c � o 0 < w o o -.1 ch rz. cn ru O cn c") G. z O cn r., CLD- Co • II t` d -4 co z c r N N W w I z > .' 7 z a � W cn -'J z ¢ H r U p E- L) r _ t , .a z 0