City Council Packet - 08/16/1976 CITY OF TIGARD JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE/ _ CITY COUNCIL MEETING (STUDY SESSION) AUGUST 16, 1976, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM AGENDA: 7:30 P.M. BUDGET COMMITTEE 1. Review of Proposed Tax Base Election Ordinance & Recommendation to City Council. 2. Other Business as may be brought before the committee during the meeting co o N rn rn 8:15 P.M. CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION 1. Public Works Development Act of 1976 - Discussion of possible project applications. 2. Status Report on Funding for Highway 217/72nd Avenue Interchange. 3. Discussion - Proposed 'schedule for .goals and objectives adoption, prioritization, organizational analysis and short and long range capital and resource programming. 4. Report on Pending Annexations. 5. Discussion on Sewer Service Charges. 6. Proposed Street Resurfacing Specifications 7. Information Dissemination - Federal Revenue Sharing Continuation CITY OF TIGARD JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE/CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1976, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM 7:3O P.M. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING 1. ROLL CALL: Com. ittee m tubers present: Chairperson JoAnn Grund; Cunriitte.- Mem- bers: Harvey Knauss, Stephen Robert.E, Wilber A. Bishop, John E. Cook, Alan W. Mickelson, Robert C. Moorc, Lynn R. Wsk m; Staff Merrlt%cr_e R. B. Adams, Chief of Police; J. D. Balle-y, Lngal Counsel; Edward T. Walden, Building Official; Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder; Arline O'L_ary, Admini.strativ:_ Asst. MaetinL, opened by Mayor Bishop in the absence of Chd irpirson JoAnn Grund. REVIEW OF PROPOSED TAX BASE ELECTION ORDINANCE & RECOMMENDAT.ION TO CITY COUNCIL C�rzmitte.e and staff discussed need for Section 6 in prc)pos<:d osd_nance. Cc,rrsni !Letn, staff and Legal Counsel discussed possibility of pr nting explanation a proposed tax base in the "Voter's Pamplet.". Coarnittec: directed Legal Counsel to review regulations, cost and d:.adlins for submitting material to be included in the "Voter's Pamp?et" and r.!.port back to Council. Ct.airpt.rson JoAnn Grund arrived at meeting. Furt:hr•:r discussion by Commi.ttee, staff and Le:ga'. C�,ur_!t 1 with rf:gard:, tr. Section 6 In projosed ordinance. Motion by Committeeman Mickelson, second4d by Coy.attr :woran Grund to delete St;ct on 6 from proposed ordinance. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. Discv_s5.on followed by Committee, staff and Legal Coups+:1 with regards to tax -ase explanation. Motion by Committeeman Cook, se.condrd by Con:nitta:.:man Wakem to revise t�xplanation on page 2 by changing first lint to read "tax rata is $1.47 p,--r $1,000 assessed valuation" and by changing and adding additional line to read, "$1.47 per $1,000 assessed valuation for the fiscal y-=ar 1977-78. This reduction in tax rate is based upon an anticipated increase in the total valuation of the City". Also revise page 3, sample ballot, ninth line to read "$1.47 per $1,000 assessed valuation" and change lint 10 to read "rate of $1.43 per $1,000 assessed valuation for fiscal year 1977-78. This reduction in tax rate is based upon an anticipated incresse in th total valuation of the City". Approvad by unanimous vote of Committee present. Mayor Bishop turned Chair over to Chairperoon Grund. Motion by Committeeman Moore, seconded by Cosrzrittetman Knauss to approve proposed ordinance as revised and recormnend Council approval.. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee pres_nt. Cormiittee suggested reviewing the ordinance written by the•- Fire District since they I.ad been successful in passing their special tax base Flection. City Ad-r:inlstrator to supply a copy to t-Iach Coag::�tte— m-T-:_:r, t!.n poll mem.bers ty t,=1,�phone• 't,::fore_ the regular meeting August 23rd,. D` _;cssion followed by Cormreittee and staff with regard.< to imcnding thv� last line of c.rdinance, page 1, to read "total tax l_ivy consisting of the tax base. and a sp=_-cial l::vy aln ady approved . . . . . . . . . . to Motion by Corrmitt.eeman Roberts, .secordtzd by Committr. :man Wake.m to amend rsrdinance as stated above. Di.=cussion by committee followed. D:.ni d by vote of 4 nay to 3 aye. C'-.a.irpr.,on Grund called for joint meting with Co.:n.L 1 for Mc:nda-y, A a st at 700 P.M. for the purpose of rt-viewing rcvisc.d ordinance-.. GT BIER c C ,.Girp: r::on Grund stated she would contact TG.,Ti Bric:n with rrs.trd� c - a:ti.vatit,g cumnk.it.tr.e to support the passing of sl:::cial tax ba-e. �:1-cticn. 5, ADJOURNMENT 8:30 P.M. �t30 P.M. STUDY SESSION 1. ROLL CALL: Pr�%zent.: Mayor Wilbur A. Bu:.hop; CuurcilTt:n John E. Cock., Alan W. Mickelson., Robert C. Moore, Lynn R. Wak<,m; R. B. Addms, Ch;.ef of Police; J. D. Bailey, Legal, Counsr_l; Edward T. Wald-n, B.ildin�, Official.; Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, Cit. Racordt.r; Arline O'Leary, Adminlstr.ativ<: A,_,t. 1. PUBLIC WORKS-DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1976 - DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE PROJECT APPLICATIONS (a) City Administrator and Council revitwtd ii:;t of po -it lam. PWE projc:c.ts. (.) L-ngth.y discussion followed by Council and =t•aff un project: ont. through City Administrator recommended projects 1, 4 and 6 as th-� most appropriate fvr applying for PWE funds. City Administrator further recorwcnded old _- t : of Tigard Sr:wcrag_ Pant for proposed Civic Center. CLty Administrator stated architect Ton: W`t!ACak�r, of Koch, Sachs and Whittaker, would prepare preliminary plan., and �pt.c.ificaticns fc•r Civic CLnLt:r for a cost of between $1,200 and $2,000. (c ) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by ^.out,czlc:an MoorL to authorize staff to contract with Koch, Sachs and Whittak_r to pr-part preliminary plans and specifications for Civic Center. Discussion followed with regards to practicality of Iccation and Council concurred that a high priority be placed on iTprovcni,int of B:_r.n1 am Str_et .ar:d continuation of Ash Street. Motion approved by unanimous vote of Council (d) City Administrator recommended projects 4 and 6 as propo=-.d PWE projects. PAGE 2 - BUDGET COMMITTEE/STUDY SESSION MINUTES - AUGUST 16, 1976 (c) Motion by Councilman Wakem, seconded by Councilman Cook to authorize staff to have applications prepared for a totalst.reet resurfacing and extension of Scholls Ferry sewer trunk line. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (f) Discussion by Council and staff continued with regards to possible projects such as - more parking developed at Cook Park and street light installation in various subdivisions without lights. STATUS REPORT ON FUNDING FOR HIGHWAY 217/72nd AVE. INTERCHANGE (a) City Administrator distributed memo with three alternative plans prepared by State. (t) Mayor asked about status of bypass. City AdmiaistraLor ,uggt-stad Council request status report from CRAG and the State. Council directed staff to prepare status request letter to be sent to CRAG and the State. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR GOALS & OBJECTIVES ADOPTION, PRIORITIZATION, ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS AND SHORT AND LONG RANGE CAPITAL AND RESOURCE PROGRAMMING (a) Council determined to consider item at another study session. 5. STARK-OLSON ANNEXATION STATUS (a) City Administrator reported he, Rick Daniels, Associate Planner and Don Carlson, staff member from Boundary Review Commission, had met with citizens on Summer Street and Summercrest Street Thursday evening to discuss their concerns on annexation to the City. Don Carlson of BRC stated the Olson-Stark Anni�:xation hearing would be continued on August 25th and would probably be approved without taking in the Summer Hill Park development. (b) City Administrator reported people in the area were most corx.erned with wanting to be in Tigard School District. City Administrator recommended Council consider supporting their stand to change school districts. Discussion by Council and staff followed. (c) Council concensus was to direct staff to prepare a resolution of support to be forwarded to Beaverton School District, Tigard School District, IED and the people who attended the meeting. 6. SEWER SERVICE CHARGES INCREASE (a) City Administrator recommended Council consider an increase in monthly sewer service charges to users outside City limits. Discussion followed and Council directed Legal Counsel to investigate legality of increasing service charges. 7. FROPOSED STREET RESURFACING SPECIFICATIONS (a) City Administrator advised Council that staff will be requesting Council to adopt specifications. l PAGE 3 - BUDGET COMMITTEE/STUDY SESSION MINUTES - AUGUST 16, 1976 3 3. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING CONTINUATION - INFORMATION DISSEMINATION (a) City Administrator reported it appeared federal revenue sharing would be extended. 9. STATE/CITY MOBIL HOME INSPECTION - CONTRACT (a) Building Official Ed Walden reported attending school in Salem with Building Inspector Jim Brien and passing tests for mobil home inspections. (b) City Administrator recommended Council's approval to authorize staff to contract with State. Discussion with Coundil and staff followed. (c) Legal Counsel stated even though the contract did not provide a no fault clause for the City - the contract was adequate. Council will consider contract at next meeting. 10. PLAN REVIEW FOR FIRE SAFETY (a) Building Official stated there is a duplication of work and fees charged for checking all developers plans for fire safety by the City and the Department :of Commerce. Building Official recommended Council authorize staff to explore the possibility of the City acquiring an exempt status, which would eliminate the necessity for City developers to send copies of their plans to Dept. of Commerce and the unnecessary additional fee charged. Council concensus was to direct staff to pursue acquiring an exempt status for the City. 11. FRFWING-GARRETT-BARNUM ANNEXATION STATUS (a) City Administrator reviewed proposed annexation boundary and explained that staff was unable to acquire adequate signatures for a triple majority. City Administrator further explained it would probably be necessary to submit application for three smaller triple majorities for Council's approval to be forwarded to BRC. Discussion followed with regards to remonstrance agreement signed by Fred Barnum at the ti=ne of Barnum Park development. City Administrator explained that the agreement had not been recorded th!:.refore was not on present home owners title. 12. City Adminstrator reported hiring a new Public Works Director, Theron Martin whose experience includes - Assistant City Engineer, Bellingham, 1961-1965 - Director of Public Works, Beaverton, 1965-1973 and Director of Public Works, Bellingham, 1973-1976. 13. Council expressed concern with regards to use of James Aiken's vacant lot and adjacent building on the corner of 99W and Johnson. Council directed staff to review conditional use permit and establish when the building is to be removed. Staff to report back to Council. PAGE 4 - BUDGET COMMITTEE/STUDY SESSION MINUTES - AUGUST 16, 1976 } f 14. Council expressed concern with regards to Utility Equipment Company's (Hunziker Street) elevated utility vehicles being fully extended when in parking area. Council further stated one extension had a sign on it and directed Legal Counsel to clarify what consitutes a sign. 15. ADJOURNMENT 10:20 P.M. j City Record6r' ATTESTS: /��Y� C•(� /�s%�+.-rte.• K-iyor i '-t ,f f j PAGE 5 -• BUDGET COMMITTEE/STUDY SESSION MINUTES - August 16, 1976 i i �.{ G, J 7 FISCAL ASSIST.'%VC,: T11E:1-D:•Ei':S Oc' 1976 Tha R..v_nue Sharing cxt_nsion bill, which ,irnvidcs !j'-.C,5billion r.--r year for the 3 3/4 year period beginning next J-nuary t 1, v-h.:n th-- pr_scnt pr^gran nxpircs, has b^en pissed avtr!ahehring-ly 1 by '_h R—Iur.e of R--pr;:s-::ntatives. T'Ms ups •.econpli s'lied after 'c- fent3ng a mirab,:r .-f crippling amendments added in the full Governm_mt Oper.;c•i�ns C~,mmittee by an 2xtrcmcly unsynpathctic C-mmittcc 9 Chit e ra ;.n. The .sura is new bc;fore the S.natc, :•:here prompt favorablc action is expected. alloc�ticn f:•r-hula far distribution cf funds uncharged in the 11• usc-passed bill. T:) reduce fcx:_rzl strings; the ?gill c:lininats+s the priority c.xp..nditur= c•atcgc•ries for which 1-�ci1 g^•vcrnmcnts hnvc fj�-on rzaquira,1 t,:. their revenue sh-tring rllotmzmts. It also Oliminr.tes the restriction against using r.2mmuc sharing tc pr-:vide lrcal matching funds for nth:?r rr.gr-ms. T , zssure -ccount-ibility in the -bscnce -f f; :rally-i critc:rir_, thO 11 .use : nddod roquivmnts fes lnc�l purlicrti�n of the plrnncd us,:s for rc vzn'uc sharing funds and f-r hearings to permit the ex»rc:ssinn of lnetal Public concerns r.nd r,ugncstions. F-,+rth;_r, explan-.ti-:ns ;gust hs rr.:vi_L6 tr :account for the cx»_nli- turc c f funcs f. r uz�s 1�t:)cx tL,,n thnsc pr.:-viclad in t proposes: use r:.pert submitted by rich l,�,cal gc.vern^cnt. (T' ;: use -lsc 3 strcngth med r_stricticros ag^.inst 'iecriminnti•�n in prc•grpms funO,:d by rcvcmuc• sharing) . ile the hu`:•lic :->rin; rcquir•.:ns nt is nn a:9'::c bur,: n t- l--cal q-)v,-:rnn_nt, it als^ can 1-oc:imz if Wisnly uscd r:n opp:rtunity to enc^urrg., public invn?.ven:nt in tho cxt• neiturc �.f th.s•� funr'_s. a pr^cer'urc shows 1-cn1 novc•rnn. -nt c�nc•:rn f.,r public c,_ainicn while builainC supe^rt for furthcx •_xtonsicjn f �f r:.v nue sharing bcyonC tho Scptanllor 30, 19;0 s:"irati^n data prc.vid_:; in this bill. - I R venue sharin;j is -n s•.ntiticn-mt progrsr.., ?ra?riations hill is nac:ensrry. r •rthcr, sine the .rministrstipn is n strong suppat�;:r c,f th= r:;vc-muv shnrinT c.ncs:pt and the original bill that I -Csprmsored, a vete seems unlikely. j l i I 1 1 C POSSIBLE PROJECTS - PUBLIC WIORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT 1976 Construct Civic Center on City owned property. •Application to include demolition and site preparation of Treatment Plant facilities. Proposed modular construction would allow flexibility. Architectural services necessary to "flesh out" existing plans and specifications. Ties in .,ith eventual Ash Street extension, Hill Street to Hall extension and Burnham Street L.L.D. Would solve long range problem for City at no taxpayer expense. Could rent space very minimally to other governmental agencies. 2. 50% local match for Cook Park and Jack Park B.O.R. projects already approved. 3. Construct restrooms at Cook Park on new addition. Plans and specifications are all done and could be submitted iuunediately. 4. Resurface all City streets for which this treatment is appropriate. `tight not ue eligible because re-surfacing is primarily a maintenance activity. 5. Construct Commercial Street. Engineering work done and plans and specs could be finished in time. Presents equity problem for other future L.I.D. 's. 6. Sewer Trunk Line - Scholls Ferry (Upper Bull Mountain Trunk) for area cum-ntly under consideration for annexation (Meats, Stark, Sunamoto, et.al.) U.S.A. states that they could accomplish engineering work within 30 days and are interested in this application. 7. Continuation of Main Street beautification. 8. Others mentioned but probably not feasible due to lack of engineering, plans, or ownership include: Ash Street Bridge Main Street Bridge Widening Continuation of Inflow & Infiltration Program Liberty Park Greenway Construction Engineering Triangulation Program Undergrounding of Pacific Highway Lighting s rj O" Z'•7' .":acted ov ,: the rresident's v •to, t:li:: '.)lll -„tC "J1 i3.•S .S5 billion in iu':-!: _ :.orks construction, court^r'.l-iicsJ. ,i to lnc.�l governr,ents, a.' Waste ,rater trr.at-ant ic:ciJ.ity c::::_traction. Since the t is rely cin a _.loz natio: of :n:it::z^s t' actual fun:' -ill not _c avail.:;, �,; - ' 1:. ,til an r•ror)z, tio:l.. encta r c -..:, : .on, C' ai,. =n of ta•:, C Mitt::;., }lis ,,o;.iscc nrly :•ct?cn .an x:: , 1 ?rc:ssional [?,d?at solution in y 11 r i: . . t for this •-ap:;rc-:>riit:ion. Titla I ^f t?,a '.et .�uthori.� ' illien f c.'.'sJ.i.c : _ �:rs =cm struction •?rojicts on whicil •1.:�. nl Cr.^::l t;. G7: ': '.;ill �rY, ;C:. 90 of , ^ r ants to ?rovila full o r-'. ,nts to cor..pl.�!tu ft?ndinc for of 1 c: •r . _ ..::a r•:•1 1,^,.�1 ..tC)i 1:1:';' ?.°',,:',:_ 'r. }:• -. .- _ `1.:. J r•r? ...0 .`9 c^V;... :.itI'.:.r tt':1 st _ - �uir._.,,.:,t. (' .:t ot�l) j. .. ._. r . _ �t_ aFa n,_ . r r. nc,�, ti��n, rr_ ' % on, '1_r j 3r�AIr nr o° _ --nts e,-�• )' fa �rcai.-.ctu 1 c ^-i i7 ., i a 1:nnin;, ry for , ci' wh.:r arclitcctur�l . . ::ian or : q r- .._.. _ _ .ate_ -nc f,:r intcn_.~_-• - f'r _.s ..« -i­r: .r will �+... c•_ :14n r. Must he T . zj-_ nc :'. ., - :. Z. - dv-lc->: by tr.a -r.-'7-3cc :•.•? r, - r'-_s?. :i:. �, �3 ^,,lic=_ti:.n ..;r-... ,••_il . . - , ._- � _ ._• -:?1st 33. 1 -:?^lic tic ,s ` r.. ri�t_ tc , y z Oi ficL. F :r furt`:cr: tiJn -na rk it ,i'- 1 _ o_rr _ --il zinc_ ..ttl.., shinct^n 471°019 i=tic II ut.l^ric_� JJ.^25 =-•i71i':'n f•-'r c"u-t v^1_� -itn Tinirlu of strinas !tt"'Ch-I' t^ 1..c--tl ,.• ,"�C :i-:1 j= .. ;, 2lcv:�_nt .rc�s t'� rclp riintiin rvia s, i3 Ii" = v:_lc�•� t!,_ nave f:.r ttr. incr_^s:s. �'.is _st-�n. _ -ill '. : utrAnitic-.11y fro,, thc, ?e _ q-rt ��^,r-= r'in -1, C. 1"•C71 Ung--�1-^p^?_-'t _-t:s ...-.-.. ..,.;. ..•r+: --t1, ? _ Ut?i.^rl�:� �� __ii-el f..r t.C7_ C'..?''�'.`-_{ a �..'_iiCi•. t t _. 171t. _ ...