City Council Packet - 12/09/1974 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 9, 1974, 7:30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD'GRADE-cru00r ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, Nc,veinfcr 25 a-rid December 2. 1974. 5.`; 14RITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES i INVESTMENTS,. $60,4+1.19 ` 7. 'REFUND REQUEST •- TUAL.ATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. BUILDING PERMIT FEE.r Permit No. 74-5-", $295-0, p,--rmit No. 74107, $96.50. 8. CONDITIONAL USE APPEAL -. By NPO #1 members regarding John Setniker, 13340 S.W. Pacific Highway, Tax Map 2SI 2CB, Tax Lot 2000, Zoned C-3, General Commercial. Appeal of Planriing Ccnmx,.icr. approval to -perate an automotive repair garage. (a) `Setting,nf Public hearing 8,00 P.M. December 23, 1974 New Fowler Jr. Nigh;School Lecture Room. 9. AWARD CONTRACT - JACK PARK IRRIGATION SYSTEM (a) Recommendation c,f Difsct kr of Public Servicesi& Facilities. 10. APPROVE ADDENDUM - COOPERS & LYBRAND AUDIT CONTRACT, 1974-75 Audit (a) 'Recommeni__ic:- f C y Adminisixator. 11. RESOLUTION Nc. c74-•_; RESOLUTION OF"THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN PENROSE TERRACE SUBDIVISION, SUB.IEC'T TO COMPLETION OF SIDEWALKS THEREIN. (a) Recommendatic:n of Ditect.or of Public Services&Facilities. 12. RESOLUTION No, 74- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN SALEM FREEWAY SUBDIVISION AND THEREIN A DEDICATED PUBLIC ROADWAY KNOWN AS S.W. SAND- BURG STREET, (a) Recommendation of Dirac.t�,r of Public Services & Facilities. 13. RESOLUTION No. 74 RESO'LU'TION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL DECLARING AN INTENTION TO ti3ONSTRL'CT CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN AN AREA arm DETERMINED TO BE A STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS "STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No. 1.20.2 (S.W. HUNZIKER STREET)",=, DESCRIBING THE PROBABLE TOTAL COST THEREOF, DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED AND ASSESSED, APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WORK AND ESTIMATES OF THE CITY'S ENG-NEER, AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF. (a) Setting of Public Hearing, 8g00 P.M., December 23, 1974, New Fowler Jr. High School Lecture Room. (b) Recommendation of City Administrator. � y 14. RESOLUTION No. 74- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO A RADIO AND ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS OF PORTLAND OREGON. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 15. RESOLUTION No. 74- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING DISTRICT SUPERVISORS FOR THE TIGARD CITIZENS FORUM. (a) Recommendcticn of City Administrator. 16. RESOLUTION No. 74-- A RESOLUTION AMENDING A TRUST AGREEMENT WITH THE I.C.M.A. RETIREMENT CORPORATION BY SUBSTITUTION THEREFORE A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN" AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE SAME. (a) Recommendation of City Attorney'.' 17. RESOLUTION No. 74- A RESOLUTION REGARDING BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES RELATIVE TO FLOOD AND FLOODING CONSIDERATIONS. (a) Recommendation. of City Administrator. 18. PUBLIC OPINION POLL - FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH ACQUISITION e (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 19. STORM DRAINAGE DISTRICT'- Washington County e (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 20. STATUS REPORT - Taxi Franchise. (s) Report by City Recorder.' 21. ,OTHER BUSINESS 22. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK. 23. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - DECEMBER 9, 1974 T I G A R D C I T REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 9,' 1974, 7.30 P.Ma L. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Floyd H. Be grvanr.:. G _ncilme^. Jchr F„ Cook, Robert C. Moore, Alan Mickelson, J. Alla- Paterson; R,DberL Adams, Chief c.f Police; Fred A. Anderson, Lega1_Ccunsel., R_s-:el A .ti'n, Building Official;_Bruce P. Clark, City Adccinistaator, Dcris Hartig,'City Recorder; Nick Hiebert,-Director of. Public Sirvices & Facilities, APPROVAL OF MINUTES, November 25 & December 2 1974, (a) Approved as submitted. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) None. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS: $60,994.73 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Cc_ncllman Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council,3. 3 REFUND REQUEST - TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO, INC, BUILDING PERMIT FEE. Permit No. 74-54, $296.50; Permit No. '74-107, $96.50. (a) Motion by;Councilman Moore to approve refund as .,gt�<sted, seconded by 5 Councilman Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6. CONDITIONAL USE APPEAL - By NP0 #1 members regarding John Setniker, 13340 S.W. Pacific Highway, Tax Map 2S1 2CB, Tax Lot 2000. Zoned C-3, General Commercial. Appeal of Planning Commission approval to operate an automotive repair garage. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. December 23, 191-4, Nr'w Fowler Jr.' High Lecture Room. (b) Motion tosetpublic hearing: CoL cilman Ccok., seconded by CcunciLman s Mickelson: Approved by unanimous vote of Council. AWARD CONTRACT - Jack Park Irrigation System. (a) City Administrator stated the following bids weer._ suhmitred: PRE BID Q T.41,. BOND NAME ITEM lil TTFM Ip2 TOTAL _ X Not Aichele Landscaping Inc. 13,600 M Req. 11360 S.E. StevensA #1/16,920 E Portland, Oregon 97266 _ X ..Enc. American Landscape Corp. $4,996 M 54,827 M $9,823 2409 N.E. 136th 51,239 E $ 420 E 11,682 Portland, Oregon 97238 X Enc. Leonard Bernhardt Landscaping $3,353.63 $4,024.35 7340 S.W. Miller Road $7,377.98 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 + other alternates X Enc. Landsystems, Inc. -0- $12,744 M P. 0. Box 25376 + 1,545 E $15,400. Portland, Oregon 97225 r B_G _L9_,, BOND NAME: i _V vk '-TOTAL R Erl;co Pa.__i.c N.W. Landscaping 10, $_2 =3J�60 P. O,;Bex 30S Lafayette_, Oregon 97127 X Eno. Tr"_f . -rigation Co, $2,895,63 S3„000000 r. S,F3 530 Ful-Vue Drivc A #I/St,.002„13 M Ewguts, Oregon 97405 A #2/56787.33 E A #3f$92u--o00 E N t Enc„ Oregon Toro $3,264.73 M -0- 7100 0=7 00 S.W. Sandburg A #1/$3,353,63 E Tigard, Oregon ' 97223 A #2/$3,715;13 E A #3/$5,529.26 E x Not. .Dee°s Landscaping A #1/$3,264„73 M A Oi/S3,500o M $6,764.73 _ Rcq, 13025 S. Mulino Road A #2/$3,711013 E A,$'L/'$39$00, E Portland, Oregon A #3/53;353063 M A #3/'$3,600, M $6,953.;63 A #4/$3,80.3.63 E A 41-!$3,900, E $7;703.63 A 415/$5,060,46 E A 415/$3;900. E $8,96046 A = Alternate M = Manual E = Electric (b) Staff recommended accepting bids ubmitted by Turf T c gaticn Company for Alternate 413, a fully automatic system, in the amc,nr_ Of $9 X4„00„ (z) Motion by Councilman Cook to accept _he bids su5r. t eH by Turf: l:�r.gat_ion in theacacunt of $9,444.00 and es_hor'Tae the Mayc_ and City,Bec -d=--' execute the contract on behalf of trl City;, seconded-bv Coun<--i.'_mar Mickelson„ Approved by unanimous vete of Council, APPROVE ADDENDUM - Coopers & Lybrand Audi'; Ccs a ;:, -19,f-:5 Audit­ A dP_ re,q rd the e _ i f r !v, c, wi h:his 'ceque_: ” Q. RESOLUTION No. 7A-65 RESOLUTION OF THE 'TIGARD C `%' COUNCIL ACCEPTC 114E -s PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITYIN PENROSE 7FRRACE SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF STDEWALKS TPEREI^7, t Di.,tctDr cf Public Servicers & Fac---s .c m=_^ts and adoption of. resolution„ `b) Motion by C tncilman Mickelson to acceor c,;3r.d by App=owed by unanimous vote of Council, i0o RESOLUTION No, 74^66 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PU.BLTC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN SALEM FREEWAY SUBDIVLSION AND THEREIN A DEDICATED PUBLIC ROADWAY KNOWN AS S,W, SANDBURG STREET, (a.) Di euros of Public Se;.-vices & Fa ., err rr.anded a ep'.�. p.bl:.c improvemnrzls subje..t to th_ s _ iinti (b) t,� accep Counl-"T.e.a M.�,. ,:, _ -..'.=.d by C. r Pa Approved by unanimous vote of Council; PAGE 2 COUNCIL MINUTES s DECEMBER 9, 1974 11. RESOLUTION No. 74-67 RESOLtI.I'N CT RL ,:. COvV."' ,N'LNTi0\ TO CONSTRUCT CERTZ,+ S'TREEC 1MYROVr`LF.NT� WITHIN AN' AREA DETERMINED TO BEA STREET IMPROVENI,Nr ASSESSMENT DIST`RI.CT, TO BE KNOWN AS "STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Ne., L„20.2; (S.W. HUNZIKER STREET)", DESCRIBING THE PROBABLE TOTAL COST THEREOF; DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED AND ASSESSED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WORKAND:ESTIMATES OF THE CITY'S ENGINEER, AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ANDDIRECTINGTHE GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00 P.M., January 13,, 19;5, new Fowler Jr. High School, Lecture Room. (b) City Administrator stated adoption of the r solut or weld declare Council's intention to form an L.I.D. or. Hunziker Street. Es_amatFa cost is $187,x,00,00 with 80% to be assessedagainst all lands within the district and 20% of the coats paid by the City in recognition of a general City:wide benefit. Council requeated>public<hearing be set for 8t00-P.M. Janua--y<13, 1975 at the new Fowler Jr. High School Lecture Room. (c) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore, seconded by Coancilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 12. AE$OLUTION'No. 7468 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO A'RADIO AND ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS OF PORTLAND OREGON (a) City Administrator requested authorization to execute contract on behalf of the City. (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. - 13. RESOLUTION No. 74-69 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING DISTRICT SUPERVISORS FOR THE TIGARD'CITIZENS FORUM. (a) City_Administrator stated the proposed individuals would be willing ta-SeAll and recommended adoption of the ._solution, (b? Motion to adopt: Councilman Cook y _ .c,u i d by Cc..-...iicran Paterson. ` Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 14. RESOLUTION_Ne..-74-70 A RESOLUTION AMENDING A TRUST AGREEMENT WITH THE I.C,M.A. RETIREMENT CORPORATION BY SUBSTITUTLON THEREFORE A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN" AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE SAME, (e) City Attordpy commented he saw no reason why the City Should not approve the amended documents. (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Mickelson; seconded by Councilman Paterson. t"roved by unabimous-vote of Council, 15. RESOLUTION No. 74- A RESOLUTION REGARDING BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES RELATIVE TO FLOOD AND FLOODING CONSIDERATIONS. (a) City Administrator requested item be set over, Council concurred with request. .o. PUBLIC OPINION POLL - FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH ACQUISITION, (a) City Administrator reported on meeting with Wilbur Bishop with respect to properipg factual statement followed by a series of questions, City Administrator proposoa specific statements and questions be used. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 9, 1974 (b) Motion by Councilman Cook to app.-,,vt by Administrator; seconded by Approved by unanimous vote of CGurc_,, 17. STORM DRAINAGE DISTRICT Washington CounE._v P (a) City Administrator reviewed lettRr "tom Washington C ,'-_y _q-es ng ,h,_ C� approve,.eei%ept of,developing a comp ,_he_.,= e st -r d e p- -.d d an au41wriee appointment of member to the ad hamc Ci.y Adm s=t„zt,; recomnanded Council approve in prirc_ple h e devet p. ^t'^f a _ m F < storm drainage master plan for urban and t.-ban is radia e pert, n, of- Washington County, as well as within the cities and ft_4`f._ •s ,a rh„ ; appointment of Nick Hiebert to an ad hoc a ,_.hnicar edea: (b) Motion by Councilman Moore to approve the ocrm da__,.., of e C_:_y Administrator; seconded by Councilman' Paterson, Approved by, unanimous vote of Council, 18. STATUS REPORT - Taxi Franchise (a) City Recorder reported no complaints have been received and the'Broadway Cab company has complied with all requirements of the City,crdinance. 19. OTHER BUSINESS (a) City Administrator;requested CouPcii calla special ccunc m, t rg 1:0 be held at 7:30 P.M. December 16th and some of the items to be dil-,ussed would fall under executive session criteria. Council cone _red. (b) NOISE COMMITTEE Councilman Mickelson requested Council consid�,r the appo-tum nc .of the f:ft` member to the Noise Committee., City Administrat_-r r=_pot`.P' committee met with Mr. Jim Asp andec ,.-Tided he be appollnt<_d. e Motion by Councilman Mickel en f,v appe r!_ M-. Jim A�p tor V seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of CcLr.cil. (c) COUNCILMAN MOORE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Councilo- -om app. ed C;n Moore requested approval c be » f C,ur ! r,ee g; Decembe 17th through March ist. Cf _ by 'on o -c�-, _ man Moore's request. ' '`- (d) FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH Mr. Charles Bodford inquired abc thF purchase of ah= Fcw!. r B"gh 20. ADJOURNMENTt 8:30 P.M. / CitCy y Rec:rd=__ ATTEST: l Ayor PAGE 4 COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 9, 1974 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT December 9, 1974 GENERAL'FUND - U. S NATIONAL BANK Check No. 16127 State of Oregon - Code Book - 1 & 2 family dwelling (13) $ 5.00 16128 Leagjeld 'Construction Bid deposit ;return (622) 25.00 16129 Gene H. Settergren - :Bid Bond Return (622) 25.00 16130 Westwood Construction - Bid Bond Return (622) 50.00 16131 Frahler Electric - Bid Bond Return (622) 25.00 16132 Donald W. Seabl'om -'Witness Fee (11) 25.48 16133 Samuel 'Lyda - Witness Fee (11) 8.52 16134 William Joseph Seridan - Witness Fee (11) 5.00 16135 Columbia 'River Chapter - Membership (13) 5.00 16136 The Crest Print Co. Business 'Cards (13) 11.50 16137 General Telephone Co. - Utilities (15) 21.95 16138 Maryatt Industries - Laundry (20) 30.75 16139 N.W. Natural Gas - '(16) 5.47 (18') 55.87 (20) 65.24. 126.58 16140 Roger Rook - handbook (16) 32.00 16141 Marine Lumber Misc. Building supplies (15)< 17.80 (18) 4.32 (20) 4.49 26.61 16142 Daily Journal of Commerce - Jack Park Irrigation Call for Bids (17.1) 55.25 16143 Washington County - Maps (19) 7.00 (21) 7.00 14.00 16144 Richard Bolen r Travel (14) 14.80 16178 Dept. of Commerce -Building permit surcharge (623) 10.22 16179 Rentex - Laundry (16) 12.85 (15) 6.55 (18) 13.95 33.35 16180 Southwest Office Supply -' 5x8 cards (14) 15.15 16181 J. Thayer - file frames (16) 23.17 16182 Girod's ' Paper Towels (16') 14.50 (18) 14.50 29.00 16183 Public Employees Retirement Board - Social Security (10) 7.37 (11)x26.59 ,(12) `7.37 ('13) 111.53 -(14) 103.39 (15) 66.07 (1,6) 862.39 (16.2) 162.53 (16.3) '67.94 (18) 21.29 (19) 65.84 (21) 96.98 (612) 1599.29 3,198.58 16184 U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613) 4,855.86 16185 State of Oregon - State Withholding (614) 1,575.76 16186 American United Life- Insurance (16) 13.50 (16.2) 2.70 (16.3) .90 (618) 100.95 118.05 16190 Oregon Admin. - Insurance payroll withholding (619) 34.54 16191 P.O.A. - Payroll withholding (611) 164.50 16192 Washington County Credit Union Payroll withholding (609) 298.00 bank draft U.S. National Bank - bonds (610) 1.31.25 16193 T.E.A. - Union Dues (604) 18.00 16194 I.C.M.A. - City admin. retire (608) 49.66 (12) 48.75 98.41 16195 Travelers Ins. - Pension (10) 4.91 (12) 4.91 (13) 34.00 (15) 26.50 (19)33.75 (21) 56.52 (608) 206.48 367.07 16196 Banker's Life - Insurance (608) 1,193.28 16197 Mr. C's Photo - film processing (16) 42.28 (19) 17.28 59.56 16198 Pargas - propane & meter- repair (13) 75.76 16199 Truck & Ind. Equip. Co. - mower parts (17) 42.37 T 16200 Columbia Maint. - janitorial (18) 198.00 (16)44.00 242.00 16201 Beaverton Printing - Gas Tags, Occupancy & Plumbing Permits (13) 273.65 16202 Bro-Dar t- Book Packets (15) 32.10 16203 Hal-Ray Auto Parts - Misc. Auto Parts,& Supplies (20) 28.36 Checks written for expense 13,425.43 Checks written for payroll 212224.73 $34,650.16 9 BILLS - -Page 2"- acember.9, 1974 SEWER FUND - 'U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 16183 ' Public Employee Retire. Board = Social Security (612) 226.06 (101) 226.06 $ 452.12 16184 U.S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613) 554.40 16185 State of Oregon - State Withholding (614) 207.80 16190 Oregon Admin. - Ins'. Payroll Withholding (619) 3.33 16192 Washington County Credit Union (609) 108.00-' 16193 T.E.A. - Union Dues' (604) 24.00 16195 Travelers Ins. - Pension (30) 73.71 ('608) 75.12 148.83 2975 A-Boy West -Galvinized nippler (240) 15.00 83 2981 Aerial Mapping Co. Mapping service (291) 6,715.00 2982 Marsh &"McLennon - Audit Billing Comp Liab. (298) 140.00 2983 Title Ins. Co. - Title Reports ) 28.00 2985 Unified 'Sewerage Agency (753((340340) 8,048.71 Checks written for expense $16,445.19 Checks written for payroll 2,656.49 $19,101.68 STATE TAX STREET FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 16183 Public Employee Retire Board - Social Security (101) 208.03 (612) 208.03 $ 416.06 16184 U. S. National Bank Federal Withholding 16185 State of Oregon - State Withholding _ (613) 696.60 16190 (614) 239.04 Oregon Admin. :- Insurance Payroll Withholding (619) 5.46 16192 Washington County Credit Union 16193 T.E.A. Union Dues (609) 156.00 16195Travelers Ins. - Pension (20) 68.01 (608) 54.02 (604) 24.00 16198 Pargas - Propane & meter repair (210) ``35.90 (210P) 72.34 122.03 108.24 2857 Canyon Chrysler Plymouth - hub caps -.2859 Tigard Auto Body-- Repair Unit #4 (210P) 16.00 2860 Tigard Water District - utility (210P) 16.50 2861 Traffic Safety Supply - Sign (260) 6.00 (220) 56.25 2862 Knauss Chev. - brake pads 2863 Traffic Safety Supply - Sign (210) 3,52 2870Wood Tire Co. - Tire (220) 6.55 2871 Columbia Equip. (210P) 42.65 q p. - sweeper parts (240) 220.00 2872 Tigard Lumber - bag of sand (220) 2.75 2873 Tigard Sand & Gravel - Rock (220) 13.75 2874 Willamette Hi-Grade Concrete - Asphalt (220) 238.80 16141 Marine Lumber - Misc. Building Supplies (220)8.35 (240)6.35 14.70 16203 Hal-Ray Auto Parts - Misc. auto parts & supplies (210) 13.80 (210P) 107.36 121.16 2878 Valley Communication Radio Repair #4 (291P) 30.30 Checks written for expense $ 2,556.36 Checks written for payroll _ 3,559.97 $ 6,116.33 _ BANCROFT ASSESSMENT FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 2856 First National Bank Coupons (9) $ 425.00 BILLS - Page 3 December 9 1974' FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND - U S. NATIONAL BANK Check No, r 2858 J. K. Gill - Lamp (300) $ 12.90 2875 Portland Concrete Pipe - Burnham St. Storm Drainage (390) 263.62 2876 Tigard Lumber -'Brookside Storm drainage (390) 39.90 2877 A-Boy West - Brookside Storm drainage (390) 333.14 16142 Daily Journal of Commerce - Bids Shop Building (320) 52.00 Checks written for expense $ 701.56 Total Checks written form expense $33,553.54 Total Checks written for payroll 27,441.19 $60,994.73