City Council Packet - 11/11/1974 .. �; .c t 4 3 TIGARD CITY GOTUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 11.,-1974, 7.30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AGENDA,. L, CALL TO ORDER 2, ROLL CALL 3, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, October 23, Ncvfavb -. > 19;4 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Land ,.cnse_vatior= & D-���i..p:era'G ,..is i..r - Deaf, G:,I. Stat: a (b) League of Oregon:.Cities Regarding W1 Li.r.s Nrvembar 1I !Q- 15. 1� ,q'. Q-5. APPROVAL OF EXPFNDITURES & !NVESTMENTS fj�Z99' 11 7 'RESOLUTION Nc< 7-- A RESOIUT!ON APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CITY COUNCIL - ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOISE. (a) Recommendation of Gily Ad..ini,s',rarol 8., RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION CONCERNING VACATION OF AN UmDEVF.!OPED 50 FOOT WTDE DEDICATED PUBLIC RICHT-OF-WAS' IN THE CITY OF TIGARD., W.ASPINGTON COUNTY, ORFGON. (a) Setting 5f P._bL .•.: Dec . 1, 23, L+' 8.00:P.M. '..% 9. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND-CA1t FOR BIDS Ptibli--' ks SF L B;ilds-7__ 12800:S.W. Ash Strtet (a) Recormeridation of Di.rectcr of Public. Services`& Fa_L-litiEs, 10. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND CAL!, FOR BIDS - Jack Park Irr:gaticc. Svstem (a) Recnir_me^dation of Director of PubL__. Services F, Facilities. i1. COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE BIDS (a) Recommendation cf City Adminlstrator. 12.. TIGARD CITIZENS FORUM FORMATION - Dis;.a==ion 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE. DESIRING TO SPEAK 1.5. ADJOURNMENT i } ma L/ T I G A R D C i T v C 0 U N C I L RE _•'_.4R MEETING, NOVEMBER 11, 197 , 7:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL.. Pres t� 'Mayor Fltyd H. B_rgmsnn; Councilmen John E. Cook, Robert C. Mac e A!-3n. ^i.ku I. Allan. Paterson; Robert Adams', Chief of PoLi e Fr_d A. 'And_._.:r, Legal Counsel; Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; 'Doris !-+artig, C_:ay Reccrdcr; ,Nirk Hiebert, Director of Public Services ana Fn:_i:iitie? 2.. APPROVAL OF MINUTESt Octotf.r 28, November 4, 1974. (a) Minutes apt::eved as distributed. 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a)' Land Consesva".ion & Development Commission - Draft Goals Statement` (b) League of Oregon Cities Regarding Meeting November 17, 18,`19, 1974. 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES & INVESTMENTS,., X580,299.11 (a).. Metian to :.pprr.ve. Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Cook. € Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 5. RESOLUTION No 14-61 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOISE. (a) City Administrator zeccmmended appointment of the following: Mike O'Neil,' Virginia Erick en, J. Allan Paterson, William McMonagle. :City Administrator has been unable to contactfifth member, however, requested authorization to call h_m and if he Ls not wLlling to serve contact the alternate name sub- mitted. Cocnc,l co^carredwith request. . li (b) Motion t^.a.pprove, C u ilrr>an Mcore. seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by %7a_.i.:roas vots of Council. 6. RESOLUTION No. 7L-`Y A RESOLUTION CONCERNING VACATION OF AN UNDEVELOPED 50 FOOT WIDE DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE CITY OF TIGARD,- WASHT_NG'TON COUNTY. OREGON. (a.) Setting cf Publico Hearing December 23rd. 1974, 8:00 P,M. (b) Mct.iontoadopt.: Ce^'.c:ilman Moor, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unam.mca vote of Council, 7. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - Public Works Shop Building 12800 S.W. Ash Street. (a) Dire.:.tor of Publi.r_ Services & Facilitiesreported specifications met with Attorney Anderson's approval and recommended call for bids to be opened at .00 P.M. Noveir.'rer 20th. 1974. Estimated cost, including architects fee, 4 Is 528,000. Council and staff discussed proposal as approved by the Budget Committee. (b) Motion by Councilman Cook to approve specifications and call for bids; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 8. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - Jack Park Irrigation System (a) Director of Public. Services & Facilities discussed the specifications and estimated th._ c;,st, including installation., to be approximately $10,000. Atto'r ey Ander had reviewed specifications and Director of Public Servi<_es & Fac.il.rties .ecommended bids be. opened 4:00 P.M. November 22, 1974. R^ (b'i M.9 `', p- if as and :all for bids; -cd ono ;h t M.. App_"ed ,bi _ - C" 9, AWARD OFCOMPRFi+Evq'CE 1:.i-tB!_ITy INSURANCE COVERAGE. (a) At-,,--- -v Ar 9= = - d_ ? d tk= tid- - c<_ved from. Ma-eh 6 McClennan, `G.p. P-.,ifs_ rje _ `_v a..d ! r.arca 'Asp_ sates Inc. representing f•is!__,_;e,.G*cup, `Attorney Ardcr5on `recommended awarding conk.act A<_;c_tatcs.:fc- >300.000 single-:Limi-, all risks: 1iahi!i'y',. OF-"7,n C p .yst,:a1'darage Option A) witl- ;1,,000,000 umbrella c.c; ase ..fF.i.. `r` 70 0tat p_esd:.m f"nr, 19, -:i.V 'i0'!!_5.00. (b) Motinn by c­. :ilman Cruk to award comrpreh<_ncive Liability insurance coverage, - to lnsuran,�. A- cctatrs L.nc., s.�,conded by Councilman Paterson. APP•r•.v_d by < ; v '.c .;f Cr.um—_iL, 10. RESOLUTION Nc - A RESOiVTTON CREATING A TIGARD CI-TIZEN'S FORUM,; ESTABLISHING P7RP03ES AND OBJECTIVES: DELINEATING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE. (a) City Al omTie_^de•1 adc,ption of =�'es =rd p cvedures to organize = fbwh i..4.t w<.I - -vey public`opinion.° Forum would u vry cps: . <g:r,dtng-`p,zchass� ^f the Fowleruinior High School. for future clvt, c.=r-.:R„ C-_-.A', a-d _afi discussed prc�,edure regarding soliciting. bid ,_i a::_- ':f ds, �r (b) r1'-"t_ C M:.ck cc+, s:crnded by Councilman Cook. Approved by Lv'.e of Ccunci'_, Ll. OTHER BUSINESS (A) Jack Park>T e -- C Adm.i_-: ,!:c? .p r_t=d !hat. *:P_�= is a t..-ee !�:­,se in Jack Park which _ `s.._'.;i socreo^.e be. i.-:jurcd. Administrator r`c::..e tir _ ,a.-1 _'d wisl',ed to keep Council. informed f ,.'i.�n,,s, E<,=t:_d �u--oanding neighbor- hccd be r.. +,fi.•-d c :te -: _.,s f_•t _his a_ t:. Staff has already verbally acted _iQht t^;..=v „,._. (B) Walrat. P'`_ Ccunc ilman C�-::kzr;0�,s of ;e.a.'.ir, ;hent. ,:,f S.W. Walnut Place. CQUn'LLMan Mr.;_._ sr -J h: had ro.:b.i.ng new tc report, however, will contact propei(:y cwner' to t•.e.•dv le a mef t;ir.g, (C) Towing Cf-,a!ae. t.nfo-tmati.cn regarding towing charges ar:d 1.cwing kcmpa-^-i.es, Staff cpo**.ed they have been working wi th L _ mp _ C-'aP i ! vc agre=d to charge in-city towing :...ate and e -tf •w ._1 .pct _b_ck rba_ges to keep rates equal. (D) Walort. 5 T_' a--37 Sts=et Ll¢_hrg C.0 Llma. Cook re.q: sled up-to-date report cn instalLati.on of street light and tmprc,vements of street.. Staff has contacted PGE and is working on the problem. (E) Co,znciliaan Pa cte.,i iiscussed action taken by City Administrator following an exec::.*-.i.ve Fnssion r--garding a Personnel Matter.: r. City Administrator stated he had el.e-.ted tc write: a letter and Follow-up with a personal interview as he felt it was t}e crc-ect Dracedure to follow. Cojncil had no further comment. 12 Meeting Adie c--riedo ,.- 5 P,M. ATTEST-. _ 5� ! ' / City ecrder BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT November 11, 1974 GENERAL FUND U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 15938 Eleaner A. Fisher - Jury, Fee (l.1) S 10.00 15939 Sandra J. Olson - Jury Fee (11) 10.00 ? 15940 Betty L. Vincent - Jury Fee (11} 10.00 15941 Herbert J. Smith Jury Fee (11) 10.00 15942 Shirley Oster - Jury Fee (11) 10.00 15943 Lila Garner Jury; Fee (11) 10.00 15944 Anthony K. Tucker - Witness Fee (ii) 5.00 m. - 15945 Bruce P. Clark - Travel I.C.M.A. (12) 244.46 15946 Roger:Thomssen - recording (21) 17.00 15947 National Bureau of Standards - Booklet (13) 1,55 15948 Fred 'Meyer,; Inc. - Hand Calculator (19) 22.87 15949 Rob .,t Johnson - TravelExpense (16) 28.00 15950 R. e Sir<.anni Travel Expense (16) 4.00 15951 Northwest Natural Gas ->Utilities (15) 14.99 (16) 3.68 (18) ;15.70 (20) 43.39 77.76 15953 Revenue Sharing 'Advisory Service - Subscription' (21) 25.00 15954 Tigard Water District - Utilities (16) 8.00 (18) 15.20 23.20 15955 Anne flicks Meier & Frank - f50 Boons (15) 58.45 15956 Roger Thomssen - Recording (21) 24.00 15957 Clay Myers, Secretary ,of State - Notary Application (18) 5.00 ' 15993 Roger Thomssen - Recording {21) 33.00 15994 _ Cascade Specialty Car - Air Viva Resuscitators 1st aid breath. (16) 440.50 15995 Coopers & Lybrand 73-74 Audit Final Billing (18) 500.00` 15996 Dick Bolen - Travel Expense (14) 9.60 15997 Nick Hiebert - Travel Expense (19) 22.00 15998 J. K. Gill - Legal Size File Folders (18) 20.28 15999 Nine-T-Nine - Battery (16) 3.74 16000 Jackson's Parts & Supplies, Inc. - 2 hydraulic jacks (20) 65.00 16001 National Municipal League - Membership (12) 15.00 16002 Don Thomas Petroleum - (12) 7.73 (13) 4.39 (19) 19.10 31.22 16003 Simplex Time Recorder Co. - Repair Simplex Time Clock (16) 85.00 16004 Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc - 1 Book (15) 4.41 F 16005 Zep Manufacturing Co. - Parts Cleaner (20) 1.69.83 16006 Public Employees Retire. Bd. Social Security (10) 9.57 (11) 35.48 (12) 9.57 (13) 125.79 (14) 103.68 (15) 67.94 (16) 943.65 (16.2)237.76 (19) 65.81 (21) 110.23 (18) 21.29 (612) 1730.77 3,461.54 16007 U. S. National Bank - Federal PR Withholding (613) 5,019.36 16008 State of Oregon - State Tax PR Withholding (614) 1,591.16 16009 Oregon Admin. Co. - Insurance PR Withholding (619) 34.54 16010 Police Officers Assn. - PR Withholding (611) 169.50 16011 Wash. County Credit Union - PR Withholding (609) 298.00 16012 Anderson, Dittman & Anderson - Furter vs City of Tigard et al (18) 802.00 16013 Dept. of Commerce- Building Permit Surcharge (623) 21.17 16014 American United Life - Police Insurance (618) 100.95 (16) 13.50 (16.3).90 (16.2) 2.70 118.05 16015 Pargas6 - Set Carburation & Equip. Rental (13) 47.90 1601Travelers Ins. - Retiremen (10) 4.91 (13) 34.00 (19) 33.75 (608)206.48 (12) 4.91 (15) 26.50 (21) 56.52 367.07 16017 ICMA Retirement - City Administrator's Retirement (12)48.75(608)49.66 98.41 16018 Banker's Life - Payroll Withholding Police Retirement (608) 1,197.45 16019 California Electronics - Ammunition (16) 84.67 16020 Maryatt Laundry - Laundry Service (20) 51.25 SEEN GENERAL FUND - U.` 'NATIONAL BANK' (cont.) 16021 -Columbia .ntenance - Janitorial Service (16) 44.00 (18) 19b.00 $ 242.00 16022 Rentex - Laundry Service (15) 13.25 (16) 11.40 (18) 4L.85 66.50 16023 Southwest Office Supply - Rubber & Notary Stamp (16)4.50 (18)17.68 22.18 16024 Western Office Products - Repair adding Machine & Ribbons 36.25 (16) 7.00 (21) 29.25 16025 Commercial Communications - Radar Repair (16) 98.35 16026 Halray Auto Parts - Misc. Auto Supplies (13) 4.76 (17) 2.47 116.33 (19) 39.90 (20) 69.20 25.28 16027 Mr. C's Photo Factory - Bulbs &' Processing (14) 2.24 (16) 23.04 16028 International Assoc. of Police Chiefs Active Membership Dues (16) 35.00 16029 Management Info Service - Annual Subscription (i2) 75.00 90,05 16030 Marine-Lumber-Co. - Misc 'Bldg. Supplies (16)17.23 (20) 72.82 16031 Sales- Nine-T-Nine - Tow Charge - Impound Vehicle (13)12. 50 20.88 16032 Pargas - Propane (11) 60.00 16033 State of Oregon - License Suspensions 16034 J. Thayer Co. - 1975 Calendar Order (11) .81 (13) 2.60 (12) 5.40 SG.48 (14) 6.29 (16) 17.73 (19)` L3.60 (20) ,1.80 (21) 2.25 (2G) 22.00 16035 Tigard Lumber & Bldg Supply - Roofing Nails 16036 Times Publication - Notice or Public Hearing (24) 4.73 16037 Valley Petroleum &'Welding Supply (Acetylene) (20) 59.000 16038 Ward Harris, ,Inc. - Sony Microphone (14) 27.50 (21) 27.50 (16) 240.45 16039 Peter's Office Supply - File Jackets; (17.3) 78.79 16040 Casey Tractor & Equip. -Equip. Rental 16041 General Telephone -' Utilities - (15)'22.25 (16) 400.10 (18) 289.34 711.69 ' (20) 4.34 16042 Frahler Electric - Electric Supplies 5 16043 Tualatin Rural Fire District Rent Sept & Oct (11} .fl Bank Drat U. S. National - PR Deduction US Bonds (610) ' 1331,255 Checks Written for expense 17,641.09 Checks Written for Payroll 2.1,327.40 38,968.49 SEWER FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 4 16006 Public Employees Retire Bd. - Social Security (101)243.55 487.10 (612) 243.55 16007 U.S. National Bank - Federal PR Withholding (613) 541.70 70 16008 State of Oregon - State Tax PR Withholding (614) ?.21.33 ' 16009 Oregon Admin. Co. - Insurance PR Withholding (609) 108.00 16011 Wash. Co. Credit Union Assn. 148.83 16016 Travelers Ins. Co. - Retirement (104) 73.71 (608) 75.12 (291) 4,408.00 2966 Aerial Mapping - Service October, 1974 (753-755.1)22,026.21 2967 Unified Sewerage Agency Checks Written for expense 27,994.87 Checks Written for Payroll 30,904.81 - . FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING (312) $2.724.00 2826 Motorola - 3 mobile units STATE TAX STREET FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 15952 Portland General Electric - Utilities (260) $ 3.1.8 15954 Tigard Water District -Utilities (260) 51.20 15999 Nine-T-Nine - Tire Change (2101) 2.00 16002 Don Thomas Petroleum (210) 6.45 (210P) 399.88 (210.21) 627.28 220.95 - Super Shell 16005 Zep Manufacturing Co. - Ice Melt Aerosol (2101) 34.58 STATE TAX STREET FUND' - U.S. NATIONAL BANK (cont.) Check No. 2815 Case Power & `Equipment - Back,Hoe Filters (210) 7.82 2816 Harris Uniforms - Uniforms (280P) 85.25 } 2817 Miller's Automotive Service - Overhaul Carburetor (210P), 31.40 2818 Valley Communications - Replace Mike Cord (291P) 28.00 2819 Woody Froom Tire Co - 5 steel radials (210P) 213.25 2820 Xerox - Rental (202P) 153.85 16006 Public 'Employees Retire Bd. - Social Security (101) 282.32 (612) -282.32 564.64 16007 U.S. National Bank '- Federal PR Withholding (613) 638.80 16008 State of Oregon - State 'Tax PR Withholding (614) 235.84 16009 Oregon>Admin.' Co. -`PR Withholding (Ins.) (619) 5.46 16011 Wash. Co. Credit Union - PR Withholding (609) L56.00 16015 Pargas - -Propane Equip. Rental (210)106.20 (210P) 56.68 162.88 16016 The Travelers Ins. Retirement(104) 68.01 (608) 54.02 122.03 282`1 Valley Auto Parts - Head Lamps ,& Air Filters (210P); L5.44 16026 Halray' Auto Parts - Misc.' Auto Supplies (210) 110.48 (210P)225.73 (240) 26.29 362.50 16030 MarineLumberCo. -`Mise. Bldg. Supplies (220) 9.00 16032 Pargas - Propane (210) 90.29 (210P) 180.67 270.96 2822 Harris Uniforms -'Police Uniforms (280P) 84.00 2823 Knauss ChevroletAutomotive Parts (210) .3.64 2824 NW LawEnforcement - Beacon Light _(210) 30.00 2825 Tigard Sand & Gravel - Rock (220) 42.40 2827 Portland General Electric - Utilities (260) 68.56 2828 S.O. Western - 12.8 gallons gas (210P) 7.19 16041 General Telephone Utilities (260) 26.82 g 2829 Portland Concrete Pipe Co. - Pipe for Johnson & Grant (220) 25.20 2830 Willamette Hi Grade Contrete - 8.01 ton asphalt mix (Ash St) (220) 79.70 R 2831 Millers Hardware - Tune 'Engine" 1 & 7 (220P) 82.32 Checks Written for expense $4,281.19 Checks Written for payroll 31420,62 $7:701.81 Total Checks Written for Expense $52,641.15 Total Checks Written for Payroll E7,657.96 Total Bills Payable $80,299.11