City Council Packet - 11/04/1974 m._.,.��_ . .� _ �� � . � . �. a _ TIGARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION 'AGENDA NOVEMBER 4, 1974, 7:30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES 1. Plans '& Specs— Jack Park Irrigation 2. Pians & Specs - Shops Building 3. Status Report - Sidewaik/Pathways and Storm Drainage � m 4. Street L.I.D. Discussions .9' (a) City Share Recommendation. (b) Commercial Street - District boundaries & assessment method. (c) Hunziker Road -'Reconsideration of Assessment Method. 5. N.P.O. #2 - -Discussion of Pian. 6. N.P.O.. #3 - Discussion of proposed traffic analysis contract & Street standards study:contract. 7. Noise Control Committee -Selection potential members. 8. Fowler Jr. High School bond issue discussion. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION NOVEMBER 4, 1974, 7:30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES a MINUTES; 1. 'ROLL CALL: Present: Floyd H. Bergmann, Mayor; Councilmen John E, Cook, :.Ian Mickelson, Robert C. Moore, Fred A. Anderson, Legal Counsel; Richard Bolen, Planner; Bruce P.`Clark, .City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder; Nick Hiebert, Director of Public Services and Facilities, Russ Austin, Building,Official. 2. PLANS 6 SPECS - Jack Park Irrigation, Public Works Shop Building Attorney Anderson stated he had reviewed and.amended specifications. Council requested specs icatlons be submitted early in the week for their perusal prior to their next.Council meeting. ...: 3. STATUS REPORT -'Sidewalk/Pathways and Storm Drainage A. Storm Drainage City Administrator synopsized the citizen survey coupon returns regarding ' storm drainage and pathways. 77 coupons:indicated storm drainage problems,. °. and staff is working on other known problem areas. ' Cost estimates to recommendation will be made salve Problems will be given at a Tater date and to Council forsolving immediate needs where solution is fairly obvious . or storm drainage is causing property damage.. - B. Sidewalk/Pathway Needs Of the 235 coupons returned, 144 requests were on County jurisdiction roads. Information has been given to Washington County to establish priorities. .Majority of the requests received were regarding development of pathways on art,-rials and school routes. } 4.. STREET.L.T.D. DISCUSSION A. City Share Recommendation Staff and Council. discussed City Administrator's recommendation o`.20% as City share as general public benefit on any street improvement in excess R of residential street. Council also discussed the establishment of a street policy as a guideline for future street projects. Council requested planning staff submit recommendation for street policy for adopting guidelines. General concensus of Council was City participation on Commercial and Hunziker Street L.I.D. be 20% of the total project. B. Commercial Street City Administrator requested Council determine the assessment boundaries and assessment method for street improvement. Estimated cost for the project is $94,000 for 44 foot wide street with off-street parking. Council discussed .inclusion of trailer park in assessment boundaries and equitable assessment for - t. apartments on S.W. Ash and Commercial intersection. Council requested staff prepare boundaries and suggest assessment method. C. Hunziker Street City Administrator summarized previous discussions regarding street improvement.. Since Council tenatively approved assessment method five, two interested proprty owners had submitted alternative assessment methods. After re-evaluation e o£ all proposals, staff recommended new proposal for assessment based on assessed valuation of property. Fred Fields, from audience, requested Council consider improvement of S.W. 72nd Avenue Interchange, and stated he would like an opportunity to discuss with property owners the new formula. Council requested Mr. Fields to host a meeting of property owners, with City staff attending. Mr. Fields agreed to call a meeting. 5. NPO #k2= Discussion of Plan, City staff and Council discussed results of,publichearing regarding park sites, traffic patterns, realignment of street and rezoning. Council requested Park Board study NPO plan and propose `alternate;,park sites. City Administrator suggested Council review NPO-objectives-and at next study session consider objectives and Park Board recommendation. 6. NPO #t3 City Planner 'stated the contract was the same as used for:NPO #2 with the fee for this study $1,500. Mr. Buttke also proposed to develop a streets policy plan based on technical analysis for a fee of $600.; Council and staff felt street standards could be developed at;staff level at some future date." 7. Noise Control Committee - Selection of Potential Members City Administrator submitted list of citizens names who have indicated an interest in serving the City. The CityAdministrator asked for authorization to contact individuals in regards to serving on this committee. Council concurred and requested recommendation be submitted at the next regular Council'meeting. 8. Fowler "Jr. Nigh School Bond Issue Discussion. x � City Administrator synopsized proposal and brought Council up to date on City's current assets from sewer plant repayment.>. City;Administrator expressed concern regarding,cost of remodeling, site acquisition, leasing of excess office space, and operational cost to City upon completi;n. City Administrator requested Council consider.'going for bond issue inthe near future as the School District will receive'bids for purchase of property, in February. Mr. Wilbur Bishop', from audience, suggested that Council determine public opinion through citizens forum. If public opinion is favorable, the Council could go to voters for approval. -Concensus'of Council was to prepare cost estimate and facts regarding purchase and get opinion from citizen's forum. 8. Meeting Adjourned 11.50 P.M. City Recorder r, ATTEST: c Mayor 4 PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 4, 1974 -