City Council Packet - 10/14/1974 r ME 0 TIGARD'CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1974, 7x30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES AGENDA. I. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES,: SeptEmbeT 23.'28. Oc.t:obrr 7. .197.'.. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS. CI_3 11)4.f,'� 7. APPROVE REFUND - Boyd Brown'6 S., s (a). R,cormcrdaticr_ of Bui.Ia_ne Off d•:t.a1, 8. APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIOS -`Off;, t (a) Reccm;iE dation of Dir_c for of Pub!,- Setvic.fand 9. APPROVE SPECIFICATIC,NS AND CA[.!- FOR PIUS -_C „p__h._,.aye Liao-'i tv 1n__ra.- t Bid Opening Nove-mbar 1, ?.974. (a) Recurmenda tlrn of f_;ty A _ f�y. 10. RESOLUTION No. 74- A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING AND COMMENDING THE RESIDENTS OF 79TH AVENUE FOR;THEIR INITIATIVE AND SELF-RELIANCE IN REGARD TO THEIR JOINT EFFORT TO SUCCESSFULLYCONSTRUCTAND s PLACE A BUS SHELTER FOR USE BY NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN. 11`. RESOLUTI0N`No. 74- RESOLUTION RECORDING THE DESIRE OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TO ACCEPT .A DEED OF DEDICATION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE SUCH IN BEHALF OF THE CITY - S.W. 112th. . (a) Recommendation of Dirc rer of Public Services :and Facilities. 12. RL'�U; ,UTION No. 74--_ RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER WITHIN A PROJECT KNOWN .AS CURL ACRES SUB- DIVISION SUBJECT. TO uEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) Re=miendation ct Ditec^r cf _,. S.Tvic_ts an...a Fa i ,.±a=s. 13. APPROVE SANITARY SEWER AGREEMENT - B & T INVESTMENT. (A. EL .,t is Ccmpsny; 14795 S.W. 72nd Avenue ). (a) Recc^:mendatior. of Dire. _r,r cf. PuLlic: S ,ices and Fac=litiec. 14. GREENBURG - BROOKSIDE LAND USE PLAN Consideration of Neighbor hood Plan #2 for tha C. =..=nburg dre:ksida area. The area is bounded on the N.E. by the Beaverton-Tigard EXP7esnwa.y (Oregc,M1 State }{ighwav 217), on the N.W. by S.W. Schoils Ferry Road (Oregon State 4zEFwav 210), on the west by Fanno Creek and S.W. TEideman Street n the S.W. by S.W. Watr.v:t Street and on the S.E. by S.W. Pacific Highway (0_sgon S ate HigF.way 99W). Tl r,_cposfd plan is intended to supers_.d_ the Tigard Ccrrnunity Plan.- which was adcpt:E'd in 1971. The plan is intended to pr::vide the basis fcr rsviswing zone cbar�e request<; subdivision plats, street dedicsticrs and oth_s -a'_t=ra requiting i ad use decisions in this neighborhood. _ . . 02111- (a) E - 4y r p (h) 53zO0 P.1,1. PuLLir 15. ZONE CHANCE APP?,KATION Appxzr_at,or, by rr;-,a inz C.•F' v r>f p,1-14_d rt1cation F cr from ex.t;t 5 R-7, Sinz is located 'lEl_ S.W. P t_. ,' .k»r_4 k R Meyer Shepp, f:zt-j. (T MaM-SI-I -,EDB !� �0 i A.f'' tlr• e -�y> Plannin:R:Cc.rrn.,. (a) 5.'00 P.M. P,t___ Heztr (1) StgfF p__✓*^i.. E tc' ' T�_st. :-ry L_,rr (e) C.r-3YdE;g1_icli7 t,v COL_-. ,j_, _(d) ORDINANCE No. 74-___ AN OR.D \ANCE ADOPT_ V? FIND15r5 WI'H RESPErT Tp APPLICA11.ON O= rR.E%D LEAS-NG COMPA.Ni OF.PORTLAND a` ORECON FOR. A (.FtcN.E OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM. FA.\t i v PES;.DENT AL, TO C-3, GF:t'ERAL:: WITP RFSrF T::'70 TAX LC`7 .`9i,:.TaX MAP - DB, MAN'INCC.4:-ON AND F_XI Nr F FII ..T'.VE 7A IE 1.6. ORDINANCE Nr. 7 '. AN fuD N4?:rr 4.4TTFi-Vs. ct N._ _ CO` R_ 'M-_ AND NF"GRD.`.NC.>!'NANGE IN �E OF ,E...C i OF:TI—'ARD BY Tt+E BOUNDARY.. C-J!%' S,\:: ORDFR-N 3:. Nvoi'v-\� [ANDS Or ". t t,;t S.W. t >,-...q '�'_ S_ Rr:;.e ' W-s Cv.; .7'-,. M a - �^., was t:N�TO'v !'0!)N.v; OREGON, itF,CORD_�S EF FE,--uvE D.ATE. AND ntiCS.AR?.vG AN EMERC.ENCY. 17. DISCUSSION S.W. HUN7.IKER STREET LMPROVDIENT 18, ACCEPTANCE OF 1973-7 AL'DT: (a) RecorrmEcdatioc: of Di. -tc� _f F.-a..,,... 19. OTHER BUSINESS 20. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR. THOSE DESIR.INC; TO SPEAK 21. ADJOURNMENT .W PAGE 2 - COUNCIL, AGENDA OCTOBER I9 TIG .0. RD CT_ TY C_0 UNC IL REOUL_4R MEETING OCTOPER 14, 1974, 7:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL; Present: M.aycr F'_ayd H. Berg.-nn; Councilmen Jchn E. C ok. Robert C. Mocre,'Ala_ Miekmison, J. Allan Paterson; Fred A, Anderson, Legal Counse-;''Robert`Adams,'Chief of Po1;ce R-'*hard` Bolen City Planner, Rassel Austin, Building Official; Dc=is Hartig, City Recorder; Nick Hiebert, Director of Public:Services and Facties. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 23, 28, Cctober 7, 1974 (a) -Approved as submitted. 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) 'None. 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES & INVESTMENTS: $113,194.59 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved 'by unanimous vote of Council. 5. APPROVE REFUND - Boyd Brown and Sons Inc. ;76.45 (a) Motion to approve refund: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6. APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - Offset Duplicator (a) Director of Public Services and,Facilities recommended approval of specifications with bids to be opened 3:00 P.M. October 25,1974. (b) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilmar. Paterson.` - Approved by _naciinou= vote of Council. ' 7. APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - Comprehensive Liability Insurance. (a) Attorney Anderson stated the specifications conform with state statutes and recommended City approve the specifications with bids to be opened 2:00 P.M. November 1, 1974. (b) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 8. RESOLUTION No. 74-57 A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING AND COMMENDING THE RESIDENTS OF 79th AVENUE FOR THEIR INITIATIVE AND SELF-RELIANCE IN REGARD TO THEIR JOINT EFFORT TO SUCCESSFULLY CONSTRUCT AND PLACE A BUS SHELTER FOR USE BY NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN. (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 9. RESOLUTION No. 74-58 A RESOLUTION RECORDING THE DESIRE OF THE CITY OF TIGARD ¢n TO ACCEPT A DEED OF DEDICATION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE SUCH IN BEHALF OF THE CITY S.W. 112th. (a) Director of Public Services and Facilities recommended Council acceptance of S.W. 112th. (b) Motion by Councilman Cook to accept and authorize Mayor and City Recorder to execute on behalf of the City; seconded by Councilman Paterson. t AFprcui by r__- to cP Co-_;ncil. 10.- RESOLUTION Nc`. 74-59 RFSCi? TON C? THE TIC ARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER W_TuIN A PROJECT;KNOWN AS CURL ACRES SUB D_V'IS_ION suB.iE: ro HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a): Motion to Co-_ �i'_ma.n'Mrare, .seconded;by Councilman Cook. Approved by unar..+.,cus v,_te c.f Ccuncil 11. APPROVE SANITARY SE14ER AGREEMENT - R& T INVESTMENT (Ace Electric Company, 14795 S.W. 72nd:Avenue ), (a) Director of Pebl_c ..arvices and Faci.iities recommended Council authorize executicr of ag .c+tent. (b) Motion to auth:rize Mayor and City Recorder to execute agreement: Councilman Paterson, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by uran_r.:,._,s vote of Coancil. 12. GREENBURG - BROOKSIDE LAND USE PLAN Consideration of Neighborhood Plan #2 for the Greenburg-Brookside area. The area is bounded or. the N.E. by the Beaverton-Tigard Expressway (Oregon State Highway 217); on the-N.W. 'by S.W. Schclls Ferry Road (Oregon State Highway 210); on the west by Fenno Creek and S.W. Ti:dr=A.ar. Street; on,the S.W. by S.W. Walnut Street; and on the'S.E. by S.W. Pacific Highway (Oregon State Highway 99W). The proposed plan is intended to supersede the Tigard Community Plan, which was adopted in 1971. The plan is intended to provide the basis for reviewing'zone change requests, subdivision plats, street dedications and other matters requiring land usedecisions in this neighborhood. (a) City Planner gave syncpsi.s of formation of the NPO, proposed changes regarding street patterns, Land use, 'opc. space and development of neighborhood park site. Mayor Bergmann introduced Chairman Ery Schacht and members of NPO 02. Carl Buttke consulting e.s_.,_.c-discussed his report regarding the traffic' flows and patterns. Mr. Bettke recommended traffic alternate #2. Public-`,Hearing'8.00 P.M. Those who t..tlfied are es follows; Kenneth Chapman, 1.18-10 S.W. 95th Carl Bu;;holz Ery Schacht, S.W. Greenb+stg Paul Doll, S.W. Greenburg Joyce Beaman, 11595 S.W. Greenburg Mrs. R. McCaven,.Tigard Ave. Marvin Winters, S.W. 95th Bob Hiatt, 11,900 S.W. 98th Mrs. Clark, S.W. Tiedeczsn & Walnut Mike Stan, 11735 SW 95th, presented 2 petitions, one for and one against the suggested park site. Petition contained no signatures for recommended site and 30 signat+ares against. Fred Parish _ Barbara Freeman, S.W. 90th Mabel Desimine, 11835 S.W. 95th Public Hearing Closed (b) Council, staff and Carl Buttke discussed the proposed railroad crossing and other traffic_ problems. Council requested item be on study session agenda and recommended that after Council formulates ideas and concerns the matter be referred to NPO #2, and Planning Commission. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 14, 1974 s 13. ZONE CHANGE A. _:CAr'0N Application by T_.nd Leasirg Cc:rpar.y of Pcctiand frr a change of zer.- _las_ fication from existing R-•7, Sing1- F-ami y Resider.tal to C-3, General Cornrecciaj, Property is located at 11°Li S.W, Pa-Afi- Hig}.,ay between Mr. Steak Res*32ca-r and Fred Meyer Shopping Center, (Tax Map 1S1 36DB, Tax Lct 501). Applica'i n avp7nvad by Planning Commis_.=.i^:. (a) 8,00 P,M. F..h_.c Hearing ` City Planner gave h._kz,. .d cf facts and showed slides _f area .rd=i _de_ati-,n. Those wl,- t_tifj_d f:re Jack Thcnpe-n cf T-er.i Lsazlng Y Trr__e, whi tet 'fj•rd aga sL^ Daisy M r__s,11. 31 S.W. P_,..t_c Highway Mrs. Fc.=d Well-EL, 1164-3S.W. Pacific Highway :Mrs. Caste. Lucy Maye-"tic k, 16790_S.W. 113th -Judy Martin, 1.1030 S.W. 74th Mr. Martin. 11030 S,W. 7'th No Rebuttal Public Hsa.irg Cicsed. Council ydi z,.ssed c_.cf+_ > regarding'protection of the adjoiningresidential- area. (b) 'ORDINANCE N:-. '74-5c AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING'FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION OF TREND LEASING COMPANY OF PORTLAND OREGON FOR A CHANGE"OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7, Single Family Residential to C-3, General Commercial, WITH RESPECT TO TAX. LOT 501, TAX MAP 1S! 36DB,;GRANTING APPLICATION AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE'. (c) Mc-_,n vn ai p.s Cr.r,il,.an Mcc:e, seconded by Councilman Pa-__sor..� a APPrtied by -.ai;-T.e vcc= of Gv=cil. f C .n. -i'_- .q..csted pra* .ng staff inform Planning Commi_si,. of thei>' c_ncern.-: and to ccnzid=r add _tin.nal screening over and above-what"is on the p__Ci.£'sd :..Lc. p'-an. 14. ORDINANCE Nc. : AN ORDINANCE EL4TIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RECORDING CHANGE IN THE PCUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION, 1 ORDER No. 761, INVOLVING LANDS OF Roger Held, 10450 S.W. Johnson' Street. Section 2, Township 2 Seuzh... Range 1 West, W_.L'acette Meridian, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OR-ECON RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Motion `:.: adopt- C,-;:.:,..ilr,.an Mcore, seconded by Ccuncilman Cock. App-cved ty u-anime'is vote_ of Council. 15. DISCUSSION S.W. HUNZIKER, STREET IMPROVEMENT (a) Cc ncilman Pat_ _. c_ _ stat=d he had reviewed assessment methods and recommended method #5 as th_em;^st equitable. It was his suggestion Council go into public hearing to get citizen input. Council discussed City share of participation and requested staff study matter on basis of City paying engineering expenses. Director of Public Services and Facilities stated the engineering fees would represent approximately LO% of the estimated cost. (b) Motion by Councilman Cock to proceed with the public hearing using method #5 for basis of assessment; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES -OCTOBER 14, 1974 f ME-- 16. - ACCEPTANCE OF 1973-74 AUDIT (a) Motion to accept the aad=te C ^ilman Paterson, seceraded`by Councilman Cook. Approved by vcte cf 17. OTHER Councilmar. Pate_;,on"s'--ted r, had been receiving a number of complaints regarding motorcycles -__.d Noise. City Reorder comsier.ted that per Council's request the staff is working c-'fo=ation of ccmr.ittee to study ncise`abatement and requested Council reccmend nares of ci_izen> who 'sight belwilling'to serve. Ccuncilmar Paterson stated he wo_Id be twilling tc nerve. DERRY DELL ANNEXATION SUIT' Attorney Andersen reported the Derry Dell annexation suit filed against the City,, had been dismissed. Adjournment. 11.00 P.M, a c n � `c City Recorder e ATTEST- Mayor, PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES- OCTOBER 14. 1974 V AFFIDAVIT O� PUBLICA TIONCITY OF TIGARD`'"x NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice-ts h@a'etsy,. ven;thati.paibtic , STATE OF OREGON, hearings wilt lee he cly the C�y CcSjua- ss. ceI at .s ar$ Elementaryaid I i ?i COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, ✓tb0olAdministrative. Off+se •.1 197 S: J.Faeisie 13igiatvay11 Tisa ter gori, ors. r 1974t Eat P nth i e xgct td the,foilov€d ag: OPTION OF GREEIVSIJRG being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the publisher ------------------------ F3ROOIi SIDE LI�NI?USE FLAN a of The Tigard Times, a newspaper of general circulation, as defined Consideration fib Neighborhood Fly=F #2 forAhe.Greetaur -l3rotskside 3reac c by ORS 193.010 and 193.020, published'at Tigard, in the aforesaid county and N.E.bThe.affected-area £pounded on she ' g y the 13tavectcilsi-'1'3ga�rd Express-; way (Oregow4stAte Highway 217)= an state; that the legal notice, a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was the northwest by;S ZfiT=SoTtoUs,Ferry, road(Oregon State Sgh**2111);on ' published is the entire issue of said newspaper for ....__:.2_ . . the west Finn Creels and S.W pie-. successive and by. Deman Street,-on the S.W by- y'S.W., consecutive weeks in the following issues _.__. -- -- -- Watncat`St star onthe S by S'vV ----- --- - - ------------ - Pa,^.iric t^Iigta�vasy (pregon'�taEe=1$#grca= ` 5 October 3 & 1 O 197 4 way 99W).Land use desdsions'affeou% �.. - - -- ---- - ----- -' — - ----- = --- — - this area are preaentiq being guided bt- the / Tigard Communi Flan which+xas adopted in'1971.The ropusozl,p1ai is f (Si nature intended to supersede tt;if s arlrPx'doeu- - rnefit and,provide the,basis for revit - Subscribed.and sworn to before me this----------_ 10th - tet®zone.''change,reQuests.`5ukadi isi6n j day of---..._. Plats, t dedications and other mat- ters requiring land u., decisions in;this i neighborhood by,tthe City Qf R igard. ZONE''OttAI'.+t rid r-,;PIaCATIoX' �a _.yam✓ FooArt%otos gi o of-zone encclaass:fi- ---• --- - ---- ------------- - cation'from exis'ting -7; -Single Family i Notary Public of Oregon Residential to C�3� General Commer` ciat. Property is located"at 11511 SAV-1::` JZ 2 ti S/ Pacific Highway between;,Mr. Steal, M commission expires _____ __._ _ _...: 19.7- . Y -------..�- f 12estaurant and �etl I�leyer Slroppa Center.,(Tax Map:ISI 3515$, Tax 1Ot' 'All interested persons-may appear and he heard'hi favor of or against the sold`proposal. BY1ORJ3ER OF THE CITY,COUNCIL Boris Hartig City Recorder, (TT 2193 `Publish Oct.3,:1fl,1974) , BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT q October 14, 1974 GENERAL FUND ,,- U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 1575 4 Coopers & Lybrand = Progress ' 15755 g Billing Audit (18) 2, 500.00 American Society of Bldg. Officials - Membership (14) 2 15790 U.S. Nat'l Bank - Bonds 00- 15791 U.G.N. - Payroll Deduction (610) 131.25 _ 15792 Wash. Co Credit Union Payroll Deduction (617) 25.50 - 15793 ICMA Retirement Corp. ->Retirement (12) 48.75 (608) 49.66) 178:00 9$,41 15794 Travelers Ins. Co. - Retirement (12) 3.9.25 (15) 26.50 (19)` 33.75 (21) 27.09 (608) 149.81 15795 AUL Insurance Police Insurance (618) 103.05 (16) 14.40 276.40 s (16.2) 2.70 (16.3) - .90 15796 PoliceOfficers Assn. - Payroll Deduction 121.05 15797 Ore. Administration Insurance Payroll {611j 17,) ;0 15799 Bankers Life Ins. Police Retirement (619) 34.54 ' 15800 Halray Auto Supply - Drill bits, ignition, wire & tire (608) 1, 179.70 Patching (13) 11.22 (20) 9.04' 15801 Public Employees Retire Bd. - Social Security 20".26 (11) 34.57 (12) 94.39 (13) 125.79 (14) 175.41 (15) 65.65 (16) 1,023.1 (16.2) 165.69 (16.3) 56.45 (18) 21.29 (19) 65.81 (21) 110`.23 (612) 1, 947. 99 15802 U.S. Nat' l Bank Federal WH 3. 805.98 15804 State of 'Oregon - State 'wH (613) 5, 203.46 15805 State of 'Oregon - Unemployment Ins. Emply. div. (614) 1,668.14 R.M. 'Wade & Co. - Rainbird (605) 585.44 15807 Braniff international - Schooling (17) 25.16 15808 Multnomah Co. Stores - Paper & Fusees (13) 261.28 15809 CRAG - Assessment (16) 53.24 15810 Doubleday Bargain Book Club - 12 books (18) 3, 226.00 15811 Mystery Guild - 8 books (1S) 34.28 15812 Marsh & McLennan - rerating fire ins. (15) 18.46 15813 Roger Thomssen - Recording (18) 20.00 15814 Wink Brooks - Mileage (�1) 7.00 15815 Butler Tire - Refund Zoning Adjustment (14) 17.70 15816 Roger Thomssen - Recording (751) 50.00 15818 Portland Community College - 10 week course for Austin (21) 9.00 & Brien - Schooling 15819 Russel Austin - Expense - Schooling Texas (13) 60.00 15820 Roger Thomssen - Recording (13) 157. 50 15821 Community Press - Subscription (21) 28.00 15822 Jones Photo Service - Film Processing (14) 6.00 15823 Kearney Bros. - 2 hours cat time (14) 2.60 15824 Darwin Shinn - witness fee (17:x) 44.00 15825 William Bailey - witness fee (11) 5.00 15826 Larry Klang - Court appointed attorney (11? 10.00 15827 N.W. Natural Gas Co. - Utilities (15) 5.53 (I6) 3.68 (ll) 50.00 (18) 4.07 (20) 7.71 15828 Pargas - Hose, Propane - rental (12) 5.00 20. 99 Tigard 15829 Ti d Times (13) 25.69 (20) 10.50 41.19 - 15830 y Street Vacation Summerfield 44 Valle Communications -- Repair Mobile & Base Unit (10) 80"91 (13) 77.00 (19) 180.00 15831 Owen Synder - Refund deposit Street Vacation 107th257.00 15832 Roger Thomssen - Recording (622) 57.22 15833 Columbia Maintenance - Janitor. Service (18) 205.00 (21) 4.00 (16) 44.00 249.00 Page 2 15834 Secretary of State Election Div. Precinct Books ` Charter Amendment (10) 26.73 15835 Tigard Feed & Garden Supply - Fertilizer (17) 13.95 15836 A-Boy West - Misc. pipe fittings (17) 16:61 15839 Portland General Electric - Utilities (18) 178..13 15838 J. Thayer & Co.- - 6 x 9 index cards (13) 9:18 15840 City ,of Tigard Utilities (16) 9i00 18 15841 Mick Hiebert - Travel Expense (19) 15.80 15842 Multnomah Central Stores Office Supplies (10) 19.32 (11) .85 (=12) 5.87 (13) 2.63 <(14) 30.38 .(15)_ 3.50 (16) 13.03 (18) (24.23) (19) 1-1'9 (21) 6.04 8 .55 ` 15843 Maryatt Ind. - Laundry 20 5a88. 8 15844 J. Allen Paterson - Councilman (l0) 90.00 15845 Floyd H. Bergmann - Mayor (10) 135.00 15846 John E. Cook - Councilman (10) 135.00 15847 Robert C. Moore Councilman (10) 135,00 15848 Alan Mickelson Councilman (10) 15 ;00 15849 J. K. Gill - Paper (18) 29.70 15850 G. I. Joes ' -16' extension ladder - car top luggage (13) 42.98 15851 Rentex - Laundry (15) 9.90 (15;) 27.90 (18) 17..1O 54. 90 15852 Valley Auto Parts - Rubbing Compound, Turtle Wax & Gates Belt (17) 2.47 (20) 3.89 6..36 15853 Xerox Rental ;(10) 51.33 (11) _6.56 (12) 18.66 (13) 10.58 (14) 51.38 (15) .10 (16) 1.68 (19) 9.68 (21) 9. 98 159.95 15854 Roger Thomssen - Recording (21) 6.00 15855 SAIF Payroll WH & Benefit (10) 1.93 (14) 37. 55 (16.3}120.59 (11) 9. 16 (15) 24.68 (19) '13.87 (12) 20,20 116) 2,313.70 (21) 23.50 (13) '135.41 (16.2) 355.14 (615) 179.68 3, 235.41 15856 Employee Data Forms 1975 Data Calendars (12) 11.18 15857 Paul Peterson - 'Jury Fees (11) 10.00 15858 Robert A. Greenwood - Jury Fees 0.00 15859 Elaine Leflar - Jury 'Fees (11) -0.00 15860 Donald Tournier - Jury Fees (11) 10.00 15861 Janet H. Christensen - Jury Fees (11) 10.00 15862 Ellen G. Ryzner - Jury Fees (11) 10.00 15863 Tigard Automotive - Repair parts traffic counters (19) 7.98 15865 State of Ore. Dept of Mt. Vehicles - Lic. Suspensions (11) 45.00 15866 Valley Communications - Radio installation (12 ) 69.00 (13) 40.25 109. 25 15867 Dept. of Commerce - Bldg. permit surcharge (623) 14.39 15868 Anderson, Dittman & Anderson - Legal Services September (11) 211.50 (18) 429.00 640. 50 15869 Tigard Water District - Jact Park 2" Water Meter (17.3) 750.00 Checks written for expense 26, 965.49 Payroll 22, 587.22 $49, 552.71 SEWER FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 15792 Washington Co. Credit Union - Payroll Deduction (609) 108.00 15794 Travelers Ins. Co.-Retirement (104) 73.71 (608) 75. 12 148.83 15797 Oregon Admin. - Payroll Deduction (619) 3.33 15801 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (101) 256.47 (612) 256.47 512.94 15802 U.S. Natl Bank - Federal WH (613) 617.80 _ g �s Page' 3 15804 State of Oregon - State WH (614) 230.80 15805 State of Oregon - Employment Div. Unemploy Ins. (605) 189,74 ` 2948 Postmaster - 'Postage Meter (206) 583.50 2949 Unified Sewerage Agency (753--755) 4,677.56 15855 SAIF - Payroll Deduction & Benefit (102) 338. 54 ,(612) 31.52 370.06 2950 Aerial Mapping - Services September (291) 5, 000.00 2951 Portland Concrete Pipe 6" Grade Rings (220) 63,04 . Checks written for 'expense 12, 505.60 Payroll 3, 081.81 15, 587.41 STATE TAX STREET U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 15791 U.G.N. - Payroll Deduction (617) 6.00 15792 Wash. Co. Credit Union Payroll deduction (609) 104:50 15794 Travelers Ins. Co. Retirement (104) 68.01 (608) 45.34 113.35 15797 Oregon Admin -, Pay-roll Deduction (619) 5.46 15800 Halray Auto Supply - Points & Straps -(210p) 18.31 15801 Public Employees Retire. Bd. Social Security (101) 259.71 (612) 259.71 519.42 15802 U.S. Nat' l Bank - Federal wH (613) 614.10 15804 State of Oregon - State WH (614) 210.84 15805 State of Oregon - Employment Div. Unemploy. Ins. ` (605) 43.79 15828 Pargas - Propane - Rental (210) 74.43 (230P) 187.40 261.83 15839 Portland General Electric - Utilities ;;t_. Ligh: t� 1, 950.22 2769 Cascade Const. - 501 Tons Asphaltic Concrete 74-75 Street Overlay program (390) 38, 575.64 2770 Harris Uniforms (Sgt. Farmer) (280P) 46.40 2771 Owen Snyder - Grade Streets Grant, Katherine, 98th (214) 250.00 2772 Portland General Electric - Utilities (260) 73.21 2779 Tigard Auto Body - Steering knobs (210) 1. 18 2780 Butler Tire & Battery - r radial tires (210P) 170.60 2781 Gillespie Decals - Decals - (TIGARD) (210P) 32.37 2783 Tualatin Halley Glass - Repair rear view mirror (240) 2.50 2784 N.W. Law Enforcement - 4 sets mounting brackets (210P) 37.00 (310P) 51.85 88.85 2785 Millers Automotive Service - Rotars turned, Install rear end and align front end (210P) 113.70 2786 Tigard Water District - Utilities (260) 6.00 15855 SAIF - Payroll Deduct & Benefit (102) 408.94 (615) 22.08 431.02 2788 Willamette Hi Grade Concrete - 130.06 asphalt Walnut Bike Path 1, 268.22 15864 Standard; Oil Calif. - J.R. Farmer. Gas (17.3 gal). 9.31 Checks written for expense 44, 916.82 Payroll 3, 137.65 $48,054.47 Total checks written for expense $84, 387.91 Payroll 28,806.68 Total Checks Written $113, 194.59