City Council Packet - 07/08/1974 r �� T-I G A R'D C IT `i C 0 U N C 1 L REGULAR MEETING JULY h, 1974, 7.;w F M 1, ROLL CALL: '-P_•esent: Chair..an Robert C 't ; C;` „, } E r.. cl, `Charles L Norte,n; Fred a A^•!. _ 4;,! i'r Austin, Buildi g Official; Wife lu- C .tN; F". _ B—�cc- P, Clark, City Ad u._-tr tc Do i. �, r - Nick 0±ebert, Director of `Rra, Fb'_Lck: Lie,,tenant- 2• APPROVAL OF MINUTES, June 21, 24, 2i „1.,. (a) Approval as sobr.:itted• 3 WRITTEN COMMUNT_CAT IONS (a) Letter f-.omcWashingt . Cc•_:iry Bo,r:i! uf e the City to designatc a representative to F c_t Roads Financing Co:r.ittee. - CoaaciL t..Sazatru ?e;ir, citizen participation and 'regi:ested Ci'_-v.Ad i .isCi-at._ to George Le,ais and George Penrose & r q..c.:t"then; tc;. will be he'.d over'fcr study sessicn.., (b) Letter from Multnomah County _e,;arding de�Le_i..._ from CRAG hudg5.t ' of the public corranunication pr6gra7- C ui._iiman Norton rr,que t'.' item be discussed at next study ess_cn"axil Cru. af.tit_er3 4. APPROVAI. OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMLNrs: (a) Motic-i to approve: C.un_:lr:an Nerttn, src:or•.drd b:, r r , ,ar Cc.ek. Approved by unanimtw, vo+.c of C,;tjCj! 5. RESOLUTION No 74-33 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEiPI OF TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCA!: GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION - S,W. Barnum Drive - Ash Avenee. (a) Motion to adopts Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote cf Council prese::.t. 6. RESOLUTION No- 74-34 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL, GOVERNMENT BOUN- DARY COMMISSION Sw-:th of McDonald hetwcer: S W !()2nd and 95th Avenue. Contains 12:'_3 ac sr: (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Norton; c:onded by Ccr ei Lra• Crtk Approved by unanimous vote of Ccuc:cil pcaser:t. 7, RESOLUTION No. 74-35 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION AND RECOMMEND FORWARDING TO PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COI•LMISSI(,N - 3,W. C;rr.er r,f tiW M;:Donald a:r Hall Blvd, Contains 13,:;t) atrrs. (a) ' Motion to adopt: Councilman Cook, secocdtd by Cou•+ !mad Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 8. RESOLUTION No. 74-36 RF.SOLUIION OF TIGARD CITY COUNICIL ACCEPTING THE PURI IC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTED WITHIN VIEWMOUNT SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS 8. (cont,) (a) Motion to adopt- Courcilman Ncrt: ny sccLz,,7c,i ice- Approved by snanimrzz,s vnte of C.„.. 9. RESOLUTION No. 7-14-37 RFSO r TION APPROVI' - 'f"E' CO i Ew1I OF It F ta,D .ioL m MANAGFMENT PIAN FOR THE C-11' OF ttr� Rii, (a) City Adrifiis:r3tor ec mmFilded ,th! + ., b• City Records= and Ct_inaa.-: of the t t be i the _esol%tic-n. (b) Mcticn tc adopt and a th,--Iirr Cock, seconded _randed by Cou..,,iLniz- Nrre:;r., Appraved by neui!rj^t _15 vctc c AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT REGAP-Dl4^ be'II,1)iNt- COLE E^IF'ORCEuE`;; - KING CITY (�) City Administrs.tor stated Attc7Mry Ands -..rr nad and found 3t to be a c ah Th CttvG Ai rcvL _ pt. mist atoms approval and recormnended exe.,atiw. of th,_: ag rtemeni, (b) Motion by Councilman Cook to appriavo t.hr e reetrtent and i.,,,,,.,k. Chairman of the Council and City ReroLd.r.; tc: execute the i ..eear.ch.t, seconded by Councilman Noxten. Approved by r.nan.jmcus vote t;[ Coun,- p-e.=anr.. !? PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 18, .7 OF TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE TO A),iOW rlRf. RETREADING AS A PERMITTED USE 1N AN M-G, INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE, (a) Setting of P>ibl?c Hearins, 8:00 P-M. .t.`_y'22, I9j,;, (b) Motion to set public hcarirg. Cot:rcilrwn b dtcr FcCnnd,2d by Council an C.;ok. Approved by t Y.imcus vr,te. of Council pr_srr.t. 12, ORDINANCE No. 74_-�39 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 18,12,120 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL. CODE TO THEREBY ELIMINATE AMBIGUITY RESULTING FROM THE AMENDMENT BY ORDINANCE Ne. 7,-34 OF SECTION 14.04.070, TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) M.,tion to adopts Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman No:t+:r., Approved by unanimous vote of Ccunci.l prescs:l. 13. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard - Katherine Street Asea. Request of change of zone classification fr�;M zoning C u try z nH t- r-c'r.parable City zong for property generally located on both sides of S.W. Kathe_ine Street between S.W. Tigard Street and S.W. T.iedeman Street and ;.crnprisin¢ acres. (Tax Map IS1 35C, Tax Lots 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, lne>, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111 aad Tax Map 1S1 2BB, Tax Lots 1.00. 200, 300, .`OG, and 600). Existing Col-nty zoning RII-4, UrEari Residential District CL Bering R-7, Single Family Residential. (a) 8:00 P.M. Public Hearing Presentation of facts by City Plsnnc.r. Mike Mayernik Sx, Questioned if this wa --perable Adaministrator stated it was. Public Hearing Closed. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 8, 1974 13. (cent.) ORDINANCE t No.74-40 AN'ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING CER LAI N-I N_Dz, W L1 tl i`i AN AREA OF THE CITY OF TIGARD HERETOFORE I)F>iGti,AlEh'AND K�Owh AS KATHERINE SPFEET`AREA FR(M WAS0!NGIO AND USE CLASSIFICATIONS lO.F.(1;'AL AND COMVAR.AH1 E'ZON>'.AND USE CLASS IF!CATIONS'OF THE CITY OF TI-,ARD IHERFB1 BRINGING SAID AREA,RECENTLY ANNEXED TO THE < .!`sOF 1{Ah11 INTO CONFORb1I rY WIT'.t AND SUNJEC'I 10 THE ZO!.j _; OF.D1 ANCF AND REGULATIONS OF.THE C L'TY'OF 11GARD AND IdE" APPLICABILITY THERETO OF`WASHIN:TON COUNTY.LOClml ` ORDINANCES OR REGI!L.ATiONS; FIXING.AN EFFECfI F. DAH AIND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (b) Ffatlwn to adopt. Co l'.zibrar \__toil, ` Approved by unanir.ot:_= vote csf Cou;°c_x F t 14. RESOLUTION No, 74-35 RESOLtiTiON OF TIrE TiGARU 4Wlt. 11:vC1L MAK_ti, TO THE PARK BOARD. (a) City..Adsr:inistrator White to t rrs Of'cff.iL:: to expire Ju:.c;30, 1975. (b) Motion to edi:p t: Ctitin..ilmar. (..::k, .,Bonded by Coui,..iLr,a;r. Approved by unanimous vote or Cann^il P eseut. 25. RESOLUTION Nc 74-39 RF.SOLUI1GN OF THE TIGARD CETT COUNCIL MAKII\G APPOI 'IMENrS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (a) Ci.Ly,Ai»tinLst_al;c• rzc ;r:,erdc.d rc.app-intment ,f R.l,c_'t Ball and Edna'Sakata>to t._rills of cff.ice Lo expire July 1,=1976. (b) Moticn by Coinciltran Nortc .. table _ -.lciti_nt..til ._cxt icgulez meeting to consider ,:itizell i-_se:ntcry applicaticns c Inti sul:;it ted; seconded by Councilman Cook. Appioved by iMani.t:;,us vote of Ccun3ll. present. 16, ORDINANCES AMENDING GARBAGE FRANCHISES REGARDING SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS (a) City Administrates rca;aun•_nded thPt the Public Hearings on the: three franchise ordinance Items be held at the same. tirr:e. Th c. proposed amendments to the ordinances would increase the garbage rates and define salvageable material fr^m, the existing; ordi.nanecs. (b) Public Hearing Those, who testified against c Ll(" tion of srtvageat)e c�a to ial. by private individuals. Roger uarcns, representing F'rank's Su A terry Servlce ami ML1Lcc'a Sanitary Service. Herb Frank of Frank's Sanitary Se.rvicE, Mr. Carl Miller of Piiller's Sanitary Service, Those who testified fur collection by private colLectors Douglas Gordan representing Fred Meyers Inc. Public Hearing Closed (c) ORDINANCE No. 74-41 AN ORDIN)iNQE AMENDING ORDINANCE hb-1 AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE Nc. 71-21 (Garbage Franchtse Grsntei to Frank's Disposal Service In,...) DEFINING AND F1XCI IIDi.N(: SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL FROM THE PURVIEW THEREOF, PRESCRIBING REVISED RATES FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSABLE SERVICES THEREUNDER AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 3, 1974 W,rm' 16. (tont.) (c) (1) Motion to adopt: Councilman Cook-, secrnded by Council and staff discussed advantages .,rad di tijt n_a�es �t 3i1 w .5 individuals to pickup salvageable it m. oc h:,Ul1 the City place the operation under the ocntrol Of tl-e f;a bl e2.° ordirar.-fs. Motion to approve ordinance 74-41 •lt,� pp raved kv 2-1- c ,)cri.zv vote of C�,,uncil.:present.. R-11 Ca"1 of t•.te as fall."r Cci:i._.ilna�i: Cook, AYE-, Councilman Nor on,,NAY, Ch:atriran Morse AYE. O�dinarce will be real -c__ recd tilrne at next r.zular C •c ii ` meeting. (d) ORDINA:"CE No. 74-42 ^N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE t.o. 57-22 AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE No. 7L-25 (GARBAGE FRANCHISE � GRANTED TO MILLER`S SANITARY SERVICE, INC.) DEFINING AND EXCLUDING SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL FR(IM THE PURVIEW THEREOF,;PRESCRIBING REVISED RATES FOR Cor-'ECT1ON-AND DISPOSABLE SERVICES THEREUNDER AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (1) -;Motion rto adopt; Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by majority v9te of Council present, Roll ",—.11 of vc-te as'follows. :Councilman Cook, AYE; Councilman Noruzn, NAY; Chairman Moore, AYE. Ordinance will he reed fcr sscc-d time at next ra ul.n_ Cc... i1 meeting. (e) ORDINANCE No. 74-43 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE Nc. 72-36 w;- (GARBAGE FRANCHISE GRANTED TO JOHN SCHMIDT SANITARY SERVICE) DEFINING A_D EXCLUDING'SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL FROM THE PURVIEW THEREOF, PRESCRIBING REVISED RATES FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSABLE SERVICES THEREUNDER AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Hsu (1) Motion to adopts Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by majority vote of Council present. Roll call of vete as follows. Councilman Cook, AYE; Councilman Norton, NAY, Chairman Moore, AYE. Ordinance will be read for second time at next regular Council meeting. L7. ORDINANCE OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL PROHIBITING PARKING ON S.W. HALL BOULFVARD AND VILLA RIDGE DRIVE. (a) City Administrator recommended adoption of ordinance as it would reaffirm the resolutions previously requested by Council. Councilmen Norton questioned the elimination of parking on S.W. 72nd near the American Legion property as well as no parking restriction on S.W. Hall Blvd. from S.W. Pacific Highway southeasterly to Fnnno Creek. (b) Motion to table tc next regular creeti-ig and discess further at stuiv session.: Councilman Norton, seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, PAGE 4 COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 8, 1974 18. CALL TO AUDIENCE Mrs. Leiser presented her claim for reimbursexcnt rf:u-st_ aitb resPE;j. t her sewer hookup problem. Staff will review-and di -.-s at sti:1y Mrs. Leiser requested City respcnd by lettera Mike Mayernik Sr. expressed his support ::f the: City budget en9 recu:.rrcnoed " there be no reduction in the police depart.:enc budget. Mrs. Ja. Lccp also expressed her suppa_t of the police dcpar.mrnt c_Jget. 19. ADJOURNMENTr 9.55 P.M. i r � Ci y RE__.ia L� ATTEST. J / .,Mayor PAGE 5 e COUNCIL MINUTES e JULY 8, 1974 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAY2?ENT July,8, 1974 GENERAL FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 151�tty Cash - lunches, office supplies, etc. (12) 16.01x, 75.17 (13) 13 92, (14) 3.20, (15) 10.79, (16) 18.61, (17) 3.501 (18) 5.4'x, (l9) 3.75 15185 Roger Thomssen - recording (12) 4.0" 15186 U. S. Post Office - box rent (18) 80 15187 Tigard Water Districe<- utilities (17) 31:60 (18) 12.40 44:00 15188 U. S. Post Office - postage (la) 700.00 15189 Doris Cooper -:Election & Counting Board (12) 32.50 15190 Barbara Memovich - Election & counting Board (12) ':2;50 15191 Shirley Nashiff-- Election &' counting Board (12) 32.,,0 15192 Mr. C's Photo Factory- photo processing (14) 3.1_t (16) 26,59 30.0` 15193 Beulah Butterfield - Election & counting board (12) 32 5C; 15194 JoAnn Grund - Election & counting board (12) 32;50 15195 Halray Auto Parts - auto supplies (16) 97.01, (20) .63 97.64 15196 Ken Humke Co, small tools (17) 144.56 15197 Line-Up Shop - align steer gear #3 (16) 3.50 15198 Northwest Action Enterprises'- tooting 16) 31.00 15199 Northwest Natural Gas - utilities Ra) 5:;.68 1.5200 State of Oregon - Att. General's Report (12) 5.00 15201 State o£'Oregon - 3 Plymouth`vehicles (16) 10,129:x5 15203 Pargas - propane` (12), 19.36 '(16) '64.::! ;� a7 15204 Pet In Pond - aquarium set and gerbils (15) 55:95 15205 Portland General Electric -`utilities (17) 22.41 (18) 220.27` 242.'68 15206 Rodua Paints - Paint BOR Cook Park restroons 17.2) 105.21 15207 Times Litho Print - election ballots R-)) 50,55 15208 Ivillamette Higrade concrete BOR Cook Park 14.54units (17.2) 287.2+6 15209 Wisdom Tree - casette recorder (15) 5c> 47 15211 Petty Cash lunches, office supplies, etc. (12) 5.75 26,57 (13) 4.37 (14) 2.05 (16) 9.50 (18) .10 (19) 1.80 (20) 3.00 15212 Multimedia Ser-.icenter - 5 casette childrens tape (15.1) 12.50 15213 Times Publication - notice of public hearing (11; 13.90 15215 Robert C. Moore - parking (183 75.1;0 15259 Public Employers Retire Bd. social security (11) 20.69 4,032.94 M) 258.02 (13) 117.29 (lt4) 146.95'(15) 54.53 (16) 950.73 ) 39.90 (19) 223.53 (612) 2016.72 (16.2)155.21 (16.3)9.37 15260 U.S. National Bank - federal withholding (613 5:,077.00 15261 Oregon (State) - state :withholding (614 1,626.06 15262 United Good Neighbor - Payroll, `.1HO6173 31.50 15263 Police Officer's Assoc. - payroll IdH (611) 194.50 157.64 State Accident Ins. Fd. - benefits & payroll WH (11) 6.44 2,275.02 (12 40.61 13) 66.52 (14) 37.49 (15) 18.49 (16) 1385.00 (173 69.63 �19) 111.25 (615) 192_.0£; (16vol)36.19(16.2)237.73(16.3)73.59 15265 American United Life Ins. - PR WH & benefits (61.8) 109.35 130.05 (16) 17.10 (16.2) 2.70 (16.3) 90 15266 Oregon Admin. - payroll withholding (619) 43.02 15267 Travelers Ins. Co. - retirement (12) 58.50 (13) 16.80 399.20 (15) 22.56 (19) 92.07 (608) 209.27 15268 Bankers Life Co. - retirement (police) (608) 731.80 15269 U.S. National Bank - bonds (610) 131.25 15270 Wash. Co. credit union - payroll withholding 609) 352_.00 15271 State of Oregon Employment Div. - un6mployment ins. 605) 2,143 12. 15274 A-Boy West- pipe & wire connectors M) 17.87 15275 Air King Mfg. Corp. - rental fork lift (20) 20.00 15276 Butler Tire Service - Firestone tire 16 42.40 15277 Mr. C's Photo Factory - film processing X163 28.17 15278 Leonard Cook - academic reimbursement ((19) 66.50 15279 Floyd Bergmann - council fees (10) 120.00 15280 John E. Cook - Council fee 10 12.0.00 15281 Robert C. Moore - Council fee 10 12_0.00 15282 Charles L. Norton - Council fee 10 105.:70 15283 J. Allan Paterson - Council fee 10 120.00 15284 Durham & Downey - maps ` 14 368.00 15285 Nick Hiebert - travel 19) 11.90 15286 David Frost - political sign refund 1622) 100.00 15287 Mr. J. Masters - political sign refund (622) 100.00 15202 Paper Mills Agency - Paper (14) 246.28 P'�ge 2 .)E,1 �� 15288 ti'�i-3:1 ars YraAhaei4 - political sign refund562_2) 100.00 15289 Gaylord Bros. - book cards, paste, tape (15) 19.95 15290 J. K. Gill - file (16) 25.38 15291 Marine Lumber - stackes, blade 220 ft. 1 x 4, cement - 36:04 faucets (17)(.29)(17.2) 2.8.82 (20) 7.51 15292 Maryatt Industries - laundry; (20) 36:0() 15293 Physicians & Surgeons - physical - Pat Samuelri.ch (le) 12.50 15294 Rentex - laundry (15) 3.35 (18) 24.85 28.20 15295 Thayers file & file cards, columnar sheets (12) 20.70 76.6- (13) 55.93 15296 United Pipe &Supply - sprinkler system .ssy (17) 43:1.7 15297 Valley Auto Parts - headlight & fitting (16) 1.78 (17) 2.3 4.13 15298 Columbia Maintenance janitor (18) 242.00 152.99 Xerox. - equipment rental (10) 30.04 (11)1.40 (12) 53'.:69 194.13 (13) 18.80 (14) 50.36` (15) 1.00 (16) 2. (6; (17) .92 (19) 35.16 15300 Dept. of Commerce Surcharge Bldg. Permits (623) 68.96 15301 Addressograph-Multiggraph Masters (12) 24.40 (18)36.42 60.82 15302 Pargas - Rental (12) 5.00 (16) 5.00 10.00 15304 Robert Adams - Travel & Education (16) 450.00 15305 Pargas - Repair Propane Meter (20) 34.45 Checks Written'`for Expense32,802.83 Payroll" 23,540.29 56�343.12 SEWER FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 15259 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (101) 76:33 (612) 76.33 152.66 152.60 U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613) 182.20 15261 Oregon (State)'Withholding (614) 68.30 15264 State Accident Ins. Fund Payroll 'rTH &-Benefits (102) 144`.92(615) 7.52 152.44 15266 Oregon Admin. Co. - Payroll Withholding (619) .91 15267 Travelers Ins. Co. - Retirement (104) 24.87 (608)16.58 41.45 15271 State of Ore. ship. Div. - Unemployment Ins. (605) 90.45 2911 Unified Sewerage Agency (753-755) 26.288.77 Checks written .for expense 26,977.18 Payroll 947.52 ��_ STATE TAX STREET - U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. h-di c "ck- 151�8-F Petty Cash 0:�€.i_-oe--Sl�Zfpghes- (240) .83 15203 Pargas - Propane (210) 40.75 2694 C & H Paving Inc. - Slurry Seal Streets Rolling Hill(290) 4,210.85 2695 Traffic Safety Sup. - Signs (220) 41.60 2696 Union Oil Co. - Diesel (210) 66.20 2697 Power Rent - Rental Compressor,Hammer Jack, Etc. (214) 90.00 15259 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (101) 90.22 (612)90.22 180.44 15260 U.S. National Bank Federal Withholding (613) 193.60 15261 Oregon (State) withholding (614) 69.20 15264 State Accident Ins. Fund = Payroll WH & Benefits (102) 162.53 (615) 8.91 171.44 15266 Oregon Admin. Co. - Payroll Withholding (619) 1.82 15267 Travelers Ins. Co. Retirement(104)22.56(608).15.04 37.60 15271 State of Ore. Emp. Div. - Unemployment Ins. (605) 129.39 15274 A Boy West - Pipe & Wire Connectors (220) 129.78 2700 Al's Sweeping - Cleaning Streets (214) 123.75 2701 3 M Company - Sheeting (220) 178.80 15302 Pargas - Rental (210) 15.00 Checks Written for Expense 5,G-81.05 Payroll 1 153.10 Total Checks written for Expense 65, 41a.06 6',934.15 Payroll 25,o40.91 91. 101..97 WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-150 N. FIRST AVENUE °WE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 (503) 648-8681 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS B I LL MASTERS,Chairman Room 418 VIRGINIA DAGG RAY MILLER ROD ROTH June 28, 1974 BURTON C.WILSON,JR. The Honorable Floyd H. Bergmann Mayor, City of Tigard City Hall P. 0.>Box' 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mayor Bergmann: In accord with recent discussions with city officialsfrom Washington County and 'subsequent action by the County Board of Commissioners, I am sending this letter to request your assistance in forming a"City-County Streets and; Roads ,Financing Committee. This will be an advisory group created for the following purpose 1; Review the needs for improvement and repair of the County road system and City street systems and the relationship of these systems; 2. Analyze possibilities for financing road and street needs with any one or a combination of financial resources such as a gasoline tax, property tax levy, and any others which may be determined through research efforts; 3. Study 31ternatives for allocating any new financial resources in an agreed and equitable manner between the County road system and the street systems within the Cities; and, 4. Submit for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners and the City Councils of each City a comprehensive recommendation to resolve the fiscal problem relating to roads and streets, including recommended steps to be taken to implement and a timetable for such implementation. The potential for an expanded summer road work program for 1974 is almost gone. The loss of a viable program for 1974 because of lack of funding increases the need for financial solution to the street and road problem so a program can be adopted and made operable as soon as possible. It is my hope that the Committee can be organized quickly, meet regularly to achieve a thorough evaluation of available data, and report back to us with a well conceived recommendation as soon as is practically possible. Mayor Bergmann 2 June 28, 1974 Each of the twelve cities in Washington County are asked to designate a representative to provide abroad base of community feelings (it is suggested that no more than four be Mayors or City Council members). Five members will be named from areas outside cities by the Board of Commissioners. A card is enclosed for your convenience in designating a representative or you may 'call the information to the Board of Commissioners' Office (648-8681). We would like to get the appointments confirmed by Monday, July 8. As soon as all names and phone numbers are complete, telephone calls will be made to arrange the organizational meeting date, time, and place. If you have any questions or wish to make further suggestions, please contact me or County Traffic SafetyCoordinator Edward Warmoth (640-3467) who will Drovide staff assistance for meeting arrangements, agendas, and minutes. Technical information will be:available from the Public Works Department and other County personnel. Sincerely yours, Bill Masters, Chairman Washington County Board of Commissioners WJM:ams Enclosure ­00RAM, 1112j