City Council Packet - 06/24/1974 T I G A R D C I T Y' 'C, O U n7.n J I, REGULAR MECT:vr;r .JUNE 2L,: L9'_. } F'.v1. 1, ROLL CALL, PIE=nn ; M11" Floyd H, B g J!'-'), Ccu�._!!rr,_� Robot C. Moorr, Jcrn E. C,ck, ' I Air 3., AnJt;s, — f.l!a•lc L.'..Sn ti•n,. Fred A. Lez Cnunsr+, 120.- F. Ai, trr, But!dinz Officia_, Wtn,Icir 6,e> ks, Cil}• Plan N D _ts a F C!.ar6, Clay Ad,,I,istra�rf, 3t_�, .CIty R•x ,•r1er, .Ni k lii:aLc Di, ,ro"',,,f.Publi, Works;. Donald.L. Rc.-j, i,c'1 �nre `2APPROVAL OF MINUTES, Jrrnc .10 & 1 !9;, (a1 App.-oved as ;ubmitted, 3, WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS � (a) Ne-e, APPROVAL OF. EXPENDITURES & INVEST:MCNTS" S1 ,.qy,.I� (a) Mr,Tii;n t(' adb pT, Cc+n_i:,,�dn Mx.,e, _Cor.drd by Courciluar_ Approved by wta^irrouc v, to cf Court,il, :Y- MONTHLY REPORTS !a) Mntiny. by C0unLIrma:'W­t,,n 'c r,kixp, Ci t_Y Al ini a.•>_: f^t.drtr ! } r _P lata-nrdcr i. 2. ofatt+ 1001 J be r tdn r'=I r pan ... hrz .rr:rigr., n� 1- b) M ten to ac-:.pt •rcnch'.,rscc� 's -pc Part� (',-' c_i'rrarr ti- r -ee•"r„j-d !� r. � : iiF- Apprr.v,.,l byto rfEt, Ccup.- _ RESOLUTION No,. 24. 4 RESOLUTIONFFrIT!ON!NO • "`" 1'kIF. BOARD OF ('01'N'ry � AS THE GOVERNINC BODY OF e tO E,%CY TVFR .F 1"t!F UNIFIED SE'WERAC'L n6ENt.c' TO IMMEDIATFLY`.PROVIDE INTERIM,SEWACE.COtLECTI:ON AN,) 'TRFAT•• MENI FACILITIES AND I OCATION OF.COSNEC'rI,ON PERM I.TS TO SERVE LANDS IN THE I':ICARD'.AREA THEREBY TO RECOGNIZE IN AN EQUITABLE`DEGREF THE RICHT OF THE TIGARD COMMUNITY TO SHARE IN THE BENEFITS PROVIDED BY PUBIIC FUNDS ON AN EQUAL BASIS WITu OTHER COMMUNI.TIFS IN THE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY .JURTSD.I.CTfON, - Moti.On. to adop tz Coun r ,,.r: Nc'rcnn. ' c. r,;ded by r'cunc ft•- _ uan Cook. Approved by unani.meus vole of Cnuncrl.. 7. RESOLu'PI.ON No. 74-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE 'PICARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED.WITHIN CLYDESDALE SUB- . DT VIS ION, SU B,tFcr TO HEREIN SPF'CIFIED CONDITIONS, (a) Director of Public. Work tr-.ommended adeption of re,olurlot) which will provide= accrptanc-L i.site d 1c, public in�.pro.•Ert�:er.tc subjecr t0 the' complutirn of the six i.tarns (h) Motion to accept: CounciLra❑ P.t,, Approved by trrtar•i.mous vote of C•:•un• i!.. . .`• S• EASEMENT ACCEPTANCE.- Clydesdale St:bdivisi x +) D!rectnr of Public Work- stated ti wiry +, the 01:19inal dedi hc= ec.Jit!c::i! ea ;c•c". .cation and rec::_Rc.,cnded (b) Motion to au tborire ac.cep Lan,.r, Council mail Nor Inn;c. ,cconded by Courct1- man"Paterson. Approved by unanimous vete Cf CourcLt_ 9, RESOI:UTION No. 74-30 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING rHE NEED FOR AND REQUESTING THE OREGON':STATE DEPAR"[RENT OFTRANSPORIATIOM .TO ESTABLISH A NO PARKING., ZONE ON A PORTION OF S,W VILLA RIDGE:ROAD IN'. THE CLTY OF:TIGARD, OREGON. (a) Director ofPublic.Works stated the State'Highway.Department hasrcquesled the City to adopt the reso Lu tion which would prohibit pailcink, from S.W. 72nd Avenue northe3sterLy'to Pacific highway on both sides of Villa Ridge Road, (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Cook. `:..Orded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimcus vote of CcunciL, (c) Attorney Anderson questioned as tc whi.;h entity has the legal right t.o 'enforc:e the no parking prevision. Since this ection of 1 Id within the City 1ini;ts it was his re, m.,:er.dation..the City adopt :an ordinance pr.ohibitAng parking. Council r.equcsted staff tc revicw and bring back in ordinance form, and to do the came for a peertic^ of Hall Boulevard that was handled pcevi.�u�ly by Tesotutien.:' 10, JOINT RESOLUTION No, 76..11 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY 'BOARD OF,COMMIRSIONERS 'TO REFER THE MATTER OF FUNOiNG ROAD AND:STREET.:CONSTRUCTIONy RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR TO A CITIZEN'S ADVISOR'(COMMITTEE. AND TO PROVIDE FOR. REPRP.SF,N"PATRON OF THE .CONCERNS AND INTERESTS OF THE CITIES OF WASHINGTON COUNTY 1N THE COMMITTFE"S DELIVIRA I ONS AND THE U1,TIPIAT'E DECISION .MAKING PROCESS. (a) Motion to adopt: Councihnan'.Ccok, seconded by Councilman'.Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 11. RESOLUTION No. 74-27 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'f HE CITY OF TIGARD, _ OREGON, RECOGNIZING MERITORIOUS.SERVICE:OF PIUIR:CRITTENDEN, - JANE 24, L974, (a) Motion to adopt. Councilman Paterson, secondedby Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 12. ORDINANCE No. 74-32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16, SIGN REGULATIONS, SECTION THEREOF; ADOPTING THE 1973. EDITION OF THE UNIFORM SIGN CODE AS PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL. CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS AND REQUIRING COMPLIANCE THEREWITH; - PRESCRIBING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY., (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Norton, seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanLmous vote. of Counc.i.!.. 13. ORDINANCE No. 74-33 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING TITLE 1.4 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO CHAPTER L4.0;, UNIFORM HOUSING CODE. AND CHAPTER 1.4.06. CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF.DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, ADOPTING THE 1973 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE. AND ADOPTING THE 1973 EDITLON OF THE UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF. - DANGEROUS BUILDINGS; ALL AS PUBLISHED BY P?7 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS, FIXING AN,. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Building Official stated agenda items 14, Li. 1.6 would bring the City .into conformance with 1973 edition of the. Uniform Ponding Code as amended by the State of Oregon. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 214, 1.974 13. Continued. (b) Motion by Cormei1 .3n Geek tc rdJ prl,:,1 !,t App'rove(I by unat t •r•:s vote cf Cc 11. ORDINANCE No. 74-34 AN ORDINANCE'AMENDIN'r CHAPTER 1_0- OF !�[E';.[I(',ART) MPNIC'1FAL CODE BY ADOPT!NC: .THF.` S FO:rj(ON-OF THE r%lFORm'.BC, CODE AS PUBI,I4HED BY 'F-'R INTFRNA1 ZONAL COtiFERENCE 4F BUILDING OFFICIALS AS AMFNDFD BY IHE STAFF OF ORFrON STRUC:T17RAT, SPECI.AIT1I.CODE- F!RE AND !IFFSAFETY.CODF, MFCHANtC'AL SPECIA!<TY CODE. AN!) MFCHANICA! FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODE,..AND AS'.SO AMENDED AND SI PPLEMENTE[t,. ADOPTED BY THE STAFF OF OREGON F2'RSL'ANF TO ORS .'.�0 r0 (DESIGNArEO "STATE OF OR[-,ON tn-S'B111DINC�CODE-!.'AND ADOPTING (HAPrFR L-,OF I'IE APPENDIX WIFP Rt7SPEC! 10 TYPF 7-3 F'.YNM BI:ILDT^,S AND CH.AFTER ;0, ...EXCAVATION AND.CIRAD!%(:, OFTHEi97ls.EDITION.OP THE! !%JERNAT.!ONA; CONFERENCE OF f. BUlD:_ OFFI.CIALS.ttN:FORM Bi'IID:NO CODE, PRESr'liIR4N(; FIRE:ZONES IN RELATION TO .IAND USE CIASSIFICAI10NSi ADOP77NG PENAIT'. PROVISION'S AND DEFINING VILA AtIONS, DFSIGNAT�NG All OF .THE FORFC{1LNG AS "THE C'.r:TY• OF TIGARD UNIFORM B11114):N16 CODE. OF 1tt<5•': I'13C1NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ANDiTECLARI,,NG A ' EMEItCi.ti!:Y_: (a) Motion to -)&,pt• C-inti! M,,r.tt r,.c—d,d by Cc:nn. ilra;i Cook. Approved by unania.ou;-ctt. rt. 4uun�,1. 15,' ORDINANCE No. 7435 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER lo,%K VARIANCES, OF THE 'F.IGARD MUNICIPAL CODE AND SFCTION I , '0.01.0 rHFREOF CONCERNING REFERENCES TO SFSTIGNc 15.E-01 0 AND OF THE. TIGARD MUNIC:IPAI CODE TO.CONFORM SUCH RFFLRENCF'S TO REVISIONS'ADOF'rF'D 13Y ORDINANCE N, , '4-1 FIXING AN.EFFECTIVE DATE:AND DECLARING ANEMERGENCY. (a) Attorney Anderswa stated item L7 and 14 cn tJr, a4end4 were housekcepi.ng ordinances and would amend th n,rr,b,rs in ttte Tigard MLusicipal Ccde. (b) Motion to adopt: l:=::.•t,.iln�e•t Mr,orc, ccnds-.d by Ccun:.i],an Cook, Approved by unanimctr-_ e::r!.e of Cot:n,:,1, 1.6. ..ORDINANCE No. 74-36 AN ORDINANCE. AMFNDI.NG CHAPTER t3.-.72 CONDI.TI.ONAL ['SES OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE AND SECTION 1P.2-2.0'.O THEREOF CONCERNLNG RETERF:NCL:S TO SECTIONS 1:I.84.010 .AND !l.q1.0=0 OF THE TIGARD MCN'C!PA!, CODE TO CONFORM SUCH REFERENCES TO REVISIONS .ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE Nc. ?4-1, FIXING AN EFFE,CT!VE DATE: AND DECLARING AN.EMERGENCY, (a) Motion to adopt.. Counci rook, ;.=i,-r1t-.i b,, G�unc i t.mar %I(_.!f,. Approved by unanimous vote of Ccun.:_1.1. 17. ORDINANCE No, 74-37 AN ORD!NANC.E CONFIRMING AND RACIFYING THE RESOI.I'TION OF THE CI'T'Y COUNCIL OF RAv 20. 19- WITH RISPF.CT 10 "S W, MURDOCK. STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT"� APPROV RATIFYING AND ADOPT ONS AND ESTIMATES _ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANT-FARY SEWER SYSTEM' DECLARING RESULTS OF HEARING HELD WITH RESPFCT "IH[[RF`l DIRECTING SOLICITATION OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION, PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, (a) Director of Public Works stated Lhe rc so Lu:ir•n wcul,l confirm th• of the City Count:i.1 and calf for bids fer muking improvomrrt.., PAGE 3 - COUNCIL M1NuTES - _UNE 211, 10 ,. 17. Continued (b) Motion to adopta Cos^r.ilman hf:.. .r;,end,d by t`,r•_A Ltan Paters", ..Approved by unanimous vote cf.Ccur`:1;. ]8. GARBAGE AND'CRASH FRANr1lISl- RATES (a) .City Administrator rugoestrd Council ioa,Lruc t atatf to prepa::,^ erdinanec ,r for amendingrate schv(hiLe,. t^" (b) Motion by Councilman CcbR Lc prepare ordin,nce wiry t`e rrqu rd cute „increase basr`d..cn $3,2, per month poi can, seconded'by Cc�•::i?mer ¢foL:e Approved by unanimousfvote of Council. 19. '.LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR. "R" LICENSE -:Evet- c, M„ Wfb,.r X5620 S.W, Pac Lf icc:Highway.. (a) City 4driiinistrator P,.Lice D=Part ,crit h-id rcvi•-wsd tr,C: ppricatiun Wand found no reasons tot dcnv appLicati;rn, (h) M_ c�ri t:) infa_rr O.L.C,C. City had n tl:j.ctic-n r fie i .:war,tr of the ai cnsr. Ccunci:.Lr,.an Nr<rr, =cernd,d b% Cr urictl.ma , Nc.r t .u. Apprc,ved`by una :_ u= v; e c.0 20. S.W. 118th STREET CHNNGF. WORK ORDER rO DELETE SIDEWALKS ON.WEFT SIDE OF STREET (a) Director :f Publ vc, W, ks :ra� cr.d C,ut,.iL .:th�rirc staff rc�. is ;r changc...work otde- To drrL c..drwa!k ftcn. ^hf? wc.st >i:dr ,f r.hc street. . (b) Motion -ixo i�=ue>, ...gF r.o k a•d, c TO :1-t to sirlcaatk on wcst..5ide of street, -,r.d1tior,d upon i Fn-i;r t!,- `tdu. ti<ii 'the (,nt.`act pri:.cc, Councilman NorL;in. scccnd d by C un il. n^. Mucro, Approved by unY,riimc.s vete of Coucci t. 21, r-ZONE CHANGE •- City of Tigard Request by the Cit of Tigard `_o changetf:;ting -aunty zcr.tng to ccmparabLe City zones within a newly annexed area. Cit.yp_opr:ses tic change existing County RU-4, Urban R.esidenti.aL, ku City R-?, Single Fan;ilv. Residentiil District, The subject arca comprises of 1.6.:5 acres and is gs-nerally Located on both sides of S.W, Katherine Street, Ind S.W. Tiedeman Street. (a) Motion to set: public hearing for Ju Ly 8, 1,974, S? 00 P.M.; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. -Approved by unani.mcus ecce of 22. RADIO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT' (:i) .City Administrator requested item be .-et: ov r to rhe ..extstudy essi.oa, 23, SEWER ALLOCATION POLICY (a) City Admini=trato.- rcccmjnended tt remz ni.n persitc be alLccafed is f011.t)wS5 (I) the po'.icy remain unalterfd as it r !.aCes rr• cc ,.ercisl pt mi.. fi'.Fi corre-first. served basis; (2) tliat 4 r.csident.i.-s 1. p-c^'itis be sta.it ed emergency category to make a total of S cmri :cri-y pers.its; (3) the •.c�-ii^i=g �. 24 residential permits be issued for eiig,ie. Lmilvr--n_r-,, .tion on first come-first served basis but with a ti.mi.t: r,f 2 p : h,•i.'.a '.Iliging the current policy of limiting permits to pre,•so!.d - , _ :.-n and a1_=wine builders to proceed with construction that. CouL2 be ti=_ed eitb<r a� or for sale purposes deti.ng con=tructicn peri.cd. PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 24, 1971 I f 23, Continued (b) Motion by Councilman'Moore to accept reccriu;�cn:iatiari of City Administrator„ secondcd by Councilman Ncrton, Approved by unanin.ciis vote of Ccuncil 24. COMMISSION VACANCIES (a) Ciry Adminisc-a'„r rc;quf=ted iLarz, he r t`vfr t r next sVrd,v =sion. 25. TIGARD LITTLE LEAGUE (a)_ City Administrator rcportcd' It-, Tcurnam,,nt fcr ti—, Di._,trt,r Lrtt!e. League will be held at Cr -k Park. July I�ith tt,.,,%__h.•23:d_ : 26, AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF SEWER CONIRACT - Rc c• !i, I,1' (a) Director of Public Wotks stated this agr eme t r �i_d a!i,ti.N erviir for a 'residence wLc-e .rptic tynk had failF-d, A„ -,ane-xation pri,,!c.ti t,as also been filed, .. (b) Motion to auth .Iry ',xccur_ion Cou.ciLrin Mocrc, 1ea Paterscn., ;ndrd h ��o:i loan - Approved by unar,irrcu.s...vote of Ccun i..!.. 27, RESOLUTION No, 74-32. A RESOlPTION AL'CIIOR?Z!NG CONTiNFANCE OF CITE' FUNCTION_ AND PROGRAMS ON AND.:AFTER :JULY j_ PENDING AN. ELECTION ON A.QtiES!ION' OF LEVYING TAXES IN. EXCESS OF THE 6. LIMITATION-, APPROPRIATINGFUNDS THEREFOR. AND - AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES, (a) City Administrator stated as City does n;rt have approved budget. the proposed resolution would allow City ;to spend money within-the tax base and from othernom-Lax resources, (b) <Motion to adopt; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore_, Approved by unanimous vote of Cnunr_il, 28. CALL TO AUDIENCE (a) Mrs. Leiser requested Council reimburse b,..- S1.28 for costs incurred to repair damage to her sewer Line, Location of problem is at property line, Council requested Mrs. Leiser submit- a WILL for her expenses and a claim substantiating City liability and for staff to inves-ig.,e and make recommendation, (b) Gabriel Berg representing Oregon Paper. Fibers di,cu;scd with Ccuncil. prnposed amendmcnt. regarding the. hatiLing of silvag Administrator eabLr material., City stated he would Like some a prance that the garbage would not be mixed with aLvageable matFrLal and would like someevidence - that this is going to be done. Coun,;L requested staff and .Attorney Andersen meet with Mr. Berg to „eselve the pro.bLem, 29, ADJOURNMENT - 9.L0 P.M. ATTEST. / PAGE 5 T COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 2c, 1974 }. BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT June 24, 1974 GENERAL FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 1507-Knne Hicks - 6 'books 15 17.88 15073 Washington County - saps 19 21x40 15074 'Rogene Regehr. - Election Board 12 9.00 15075 Madeline Fiddles Election Board 12 9.00 15076 Betty Wachter - Election Board 12 9.00 15077 Darlene 'Fisher - Election Board 112 9.00 15078 'Andersons Dittman, Anderson - Legal (May) (11)135.00 (18) 917.50 1,052.50 15079 Farmeraft, Inc. - fertilizer 17) 427.50 15080 Copeland Lumber - birch door 13) 5.95 15081 Kay Woolen Mills - first aid blankets 16 80.00 15082 Kearney'Bros., Inc - concrete curb 17.2) 3,014.00 15083 State Court Administration - subscriptions 16) 35.00 15084 John T. King clothing allowance 16)) 120.00 15086 Schulz"Sanitary Service - chemical toilet 17.2) 89.50 15087 Washington Water Power Co. - gas code book i13) 3.68 15089 International City Mgr. Assoc. - retirement 12 255.00' 15090 Beaverton Printing - budget cover126.00 15091 ' Bonnie'-Burton`- witness fee 11 7.24 15092 Carl'B9ittke - engineer fee :; 14 920.75 15093 ATutnicipal'Court -'reimbursement on bail 620) 6.00 15094 Roger Thomssen - recording 12) 10.00 15095 Bill besh - refund political sign removal 622) 100.00 15096 Pat Whiting -'refund political si removal 622) 100.00 15097 General Telephone - utilities (16623.03 (16) 117.00 740.03 15098 Meier & Frank (Anne Hicks);- 11 childrens records (15.1) 21.67 15099 Shell Oil Co. - super Shell (16) 447.69 (16.2) 115.99 (19) 18.83 582.51 15100 The Wisdom Tree - 12 Story Tellers & Records (1:5.1) 19.10 15101 Oregon Toro - repair parts mower - 17) 62.86` 15144 Lef Ore on Cities -Insurance PR Benefita 20 ( ( � 5 (( 165 ( 9 510 ?22.75 14 1.10 16 j9163) .55 1 220 23.10 15145 -League of Oregon Cities -'salary continuation PR Benefit (12) 29.99 (14) 17.08 (16) 93.68 ((16.3) 5.74 (19) 25.98 (13) 6.49 (15) 5.11 (16.2) 16.93 (17) 4.64 205.64 15146 Roger Thomssen - recording (12) 4.00 15147 Lea�ua of 0regcn Cities - Blue Cross (10)) 86.44 (15) 12.09 (16.2)26.21 (616) 137.01 (12) 12.09 16 239.64 (19) 52.42 565.90 15148 League of Oregon Cities - Raiser (12) 89.98 (14) 80.23 (16.2)41.31 (17) 32.09 (13) 80.22 (16) 209.12 (16.3) 16.58 (19) 56.82 (16) 241.42 847.77 15149 Commercial Communications - radar repair (16) 32.00 15150 Continuing Education Pub. - AWPA specs. for public construction 19) 25.00 15151 Dale's Send & Gravel - grading Jack Park B.O.R. 17.1) 2,292.50 15152 John Hagman, - mileage 19 6.00 15153 Nick Hiebert - mileage 19 23.80 15154 R. L. Thompson -- mileage 19 5.43 15155 Feenaughty Machinery - parts for line painter 20 9.60 15156 Gaylord Brothers - displayer & occasional stand 15.I} 181.15 15157 Grolier Educational Corp. - 2 encyclopedia sets 15) 288.50 15158 Richard Bolen - mileage 143 6.30 15159 Winslow Brooks - mileage & registration 114 22.40 15160 Helfrich Equipment Co. - hose fittings (line painter (20) 33.00 Page 2 15161 Jones Photo Service - film processing (14) 2.60 15162 Lanson/Tremaine - 180 books, cards & covers (15) 164.03 (15.1) 587.17 751.20 15163 Line UShop align #3 (16) 8.75 15164 MotoroYa Communication & Elec., Inc. - base station and mobil unit (20) 1,994.00 15165 Multnomah County - file (4 "drawers) (19) 88.00 15166 Municipal Court - State of Oregon - license suspensions (11) 135.00 15167 Oregon Blue Print Co. - lettering & chart pak color tapes 15168 Oregon State Board of Fealth - plumbing code man- ual (19)) 5.00 15169 Portland General Electric - utilities 18) 2,041.12 1:5170 State Engineer - permits for irrigation 17) 3.00 15171 Paras - propane - rental-repair meter (12) 28.40 (16 107.36 135.76 15172 Carl Rhode - plan check - Dunkin Donut Taco Bell (13) 154.00 15173 Shannon & Co. - 18x24 sheets ((14) 15.00 15174 Tigard Sand & Gravel - rock 17.2) 13.75 15175 Times Publication- Notice ;of public hearing and specialelection 12) 50.17 15176 Timmerman & Co. - bookstacks 15.1) %2,363:70 15177 Truck & Ind. Equip. - Ko!-,ler engine 17) 310:00 15178 Xerox - rental 16) 178.11 15179 Anthony Pelay - Judge 11) 362.50 15180 Otto Sorg - library rent (15) 170.00 (18) 2.50 172.50 15181 General Binding Co. - cerlax binders (14) 119.40 15182 Paramount Peat Control - mosquito (May, June, July) (18) 24900.00 15183 City of Portland - wiping rags (20) 34.00 Checks 'written for expense 23,215.11 SEWER FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK 15144 League of Oregon Cities - Insurance payroll benefit (1031 .55 15145 League of Oregon Cities - Salary continuation (1105 5.64 15147 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross (103) 21.93 15148 (616) 9.84 31.77 Cities - Kaiser (103) 32.09 (616) League of 15.50 47.59 2907 Feenaughty Machinery - high velocity sewer cleaner 312)) 7,600:00 2908 First National Bank - sink fund 541) 356.94 Checks written for expense 58,042.49 STATE 'TAX STREET FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK 15099 Shell 011 Co. - super Shell (210) 8.13 15144 League of Oregon Cities - insurance PR Benefit (103) 1.10 15145 League of Oregon Cities - salary continuation PR benefit 105 10.49 15147 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross 10312.09 15155 Feenaughty Machinery - parts for Mayne Sweeper 240 471.97 15171 Pargas - propane 210 86.82 2684 Casey Tractor & Equipment - repair parts tractor 1210 132.25 Page 3 2689 Tigard Water District 2693 Proven Post Products, Inc.. - 25 site posts �220� 26.48 212.50 Checks written for expense 961.83 ASSESSMENT FUND - U. S. NATIONAL BANK 2685 U, S. National Bank- Coupon Interest 2686 First National Bank '- Coupon Interest 5 143.75 2690 U. S. National Bank- Coupon Interest 6' 115.00 2691 First National Bank - Coupon Interest 822.50 2692 First National Bank Bonds 6 192:50 5 2;000,00 Checks written for expense 3,273.75 TOTAL CHECKS WRITTEN $35,493.18 June 20, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: City Administrator Subject: Sewer Connection Policy As of Wednesday, June 19th, there were 27 commercial sewer permits left and 30. residential permits and 2 emergerxy permits. There were plans being processed which will use up approximately -8-10 commercial permits, 2 'residential and I emergency leaving: 17 commercial permits 28 residential permits 1 emergency permit It is recommended that: (a) the policy remain unaltered as it relates to commercial permits (i.e. first come-first served); (b) that'4 residential permits be shifted to the_emergency category to make a total of S emergency permits and that (c) the remaining 24 residential permits be issued for single family construction on a first come '- first served basis but with a limit of 2 per builder. This would changethecurrent policy of limiting permits to pre-sold construction and would allow hard pressed builders to proceed with construction of units,that could be used either as models, or for sale purposes during this construction period. If this recommendation is adopted, staff would propose to call all known builders advising them to submit plans if they desire a sewer connection permit. g i fni O _ r1 73 .1_17 TbI r1 ir ,., �.rnc, L (va2u3i..; n 0,"5 7 1 r ��'U � I Iiii 4 7r' t, rs'J€iris :1t r, •}� ,� - ? 4 x.11` tett s €1F I +J. _n h c ai:.r ;(j r',;. e r oy fii;it .nd 27 F'i7c,t1, r pr , ne,w F)0:>L _, ice, apart,i-9Frti rji (� Baa CDmCD m CD C:Cs c.C-m m 0c0o` Cc r_.r c r)�c I-- Cn tJ C7 C C C,1-1 C- C C 1 7 0 CJ C C C7.^,.p iC,C'• `C-,EJ :C-1 P:C,m 1-- [� LI to C:)C)CJ ,i.I-E-.-i rk.CJ..;,G;•O,t t CT,(-i 0,a,t- c 1. t;C i. l�C. ,.i C ci f e, 10.]Cwt .e 1 ,Fl1-4i.(� trrcI r`•• � ,! •,.. c•a as c�c•.c. "C^i'c. c 1 rj jz (7 J i ed 1., a _a is c3 a rN .J c t r_ u N c41f , z c ) 73 7 O C ) 1( 0 1 1 .-icjci CIO .) u ci ol r f W it `�. t t- J r, t`l -.t . w { it �^ •i Cr H � f'^ "til !ai :'� :, • C -{ r c7l ir. c ca c;1 c s n .. - L:' •.-! • � l,) -iv '' '1.:"L'�7 ,i��'�,TI'ii'D-moi r' lJl y at` E:-_@ CS M J+t0 1 .L. ..41 V• )+� __C'T:'L 1 C .r_ti, L IL1 0 C-n-))--f is-1:l (:; -1 :. Vi r-1(V co C .1141,..-t...{.�,I ._{..{.. ..i :-1•.{.,ti.^t._:•.-f 7 [.:!'-: ;;I CJ 1. _�C-I-- _-T- :1 r . • e e v • r • . _ (n ~V{n to U%,C".4)fP,Cl IIS(n(f)(n(,Cn U'%Cn U)L7 Lr(-. .. M, - W 4 L ".!!1 LS CoC C_"C:t13 O In C M:l l is U'1 ti?C5 a'Cl C). r-_* (ti-I(-r-C�CD I^,u7�'G\N CO L:r--t'7 M Cq L':Cr:CQ C+-c c5 c, .'t CJ Lr,h G,.--1.-!C,1: r'7,:'-1 "IN c-" C'` C -1 c'•c•t• O •-t r)C)c`J t;;47 C,.-.I._..a Q C:r C';O 6 c'm C.t_:]C'a_ .-i('J Cl L'.I F-.-,r-1.-3 fi.N'-i.-,.--I r-i.-i.-i.-{.-!•--i.-1.-,.-r ti,-t .-�,-i ( O G O J UC_". ll(..5:..7 CJ Ll L'+U L UC_5 C C C c- = t4 c C C C C C t m m m miv .> m m c: n; m e c>; N• �i- R C1 C o •--I O_ o R C1 C_R C.O.C ^.U o O O =J"� _ CTC� O c)O O C? : O O r.? O O CJ J L' Ri N c, D U c, U'. C; 91 C W U N (-+•�I ) n) (V N (P CJ 91 !:) fP C;. (P o co_.: li) CJ Q) 'r1 a) ;,5 G; Ci C) � N 3 O i' CJ C f„-.-i�I G+ t� C - C -L+.L) s+.,5 OL'tO (-+_CQ C'QnCi L7 Ca C?O cl C.] O G� ( ..-{ n - n m D(. r_ c :5 ; V�l c c 1:r) r_ cl I- �r In z- to+ :+:ae: e.s-s+s+,+s.;:4�+3+>-IA..J1 4;.-+ r_ m r 1.(-� v; (0 N N m J C c. @ rJ w til tt1 Cu' - h �•,`X !.] CD.-1.-t r o_-!.,.-i H r-i.-i.--i.-I.-f.y:--1 r-1.--1 U c77 at U N 07 (y all t4-:-i Ll () Nat N Na; !C f9 Rl t0 ((7 C m•rf f-+ C 7 :3 O C) Cil = 7 O 7 ; 7 -? O 71:7 Cl nJ @ S. •�I O O U _J o m FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES Date May, 1974 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO GENERAL FUND BUDGET MONTH DATE, Cash on Hand 7/1/73 $130,541. -0- 181,135 701 Property Tax-Current 232,728. -0- 215;668 02 Property Tax-Prior Years 8,`019. -0- 13,792 703 Land Sales & Advance Taxes 160. -0- -0- 704 Trailer Sales Tax 180. -0- 9 REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 712 Cigarette Tax 19 848. 5,789 22,514 713 Liquor Tax 50,279. 11,747 54,999 717 State Subvention- BOR 42,613. -0- -0- `717 State Subvention - PEP 14,630. -0- 14,544 718 County Subvention - 'USA 28,162. -0- 28,163 718A County Subvention - RIDE 39,023. 565 24,382 718B County Subvention - LEAA 14,01.2. -•0- 8,265 LICENSES & PERMITS 721 Business 28,309. 234 29,259 722 Liquor 150. -0- 190 723 Bicycle 175. 17 188 724 Plumbing & Heating 13,320. 1,160 8,127 726 Building 33,022. 1,997 40,166 727 Moving 50. -0- 5 728 Street Openings 250. -0- -0- 729 Sign 545. 93 464 r FINES:& FORFEITURES 731&734 Court & Indigent Defendants Def. 52,000. 3,816 40,159 USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 742 Telephone Pay Booth 35. -0- 34 743 Interest 1,800. 861 97554 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 750.10 Street Sweeping 2,000. 20 1,040 750.20 Subdivision Application Fee 600. -0- 302 750.30 Subdivision Lighting Revenue 2,000. 540 751 Zoning Adjustments 3,000. 25 2,175 751.1 Special Police Service 2,425. -0- -0- 751.2 Special Inspection Service 1,087. 36 198 752 Document Sales 2,000. 153 929 755 P. W. Construction Fees 6,000. 3,091 5,958 756 Lien Check 1,200. 54 784 757 Sale of Street Signs 750. 1,005 1,345 758 Library Fines & Fees 1,200. 136 1,319 FRANCHISE REVENUE 761 P.G.E. 39,699. -0- 35,857 762 N.W. Natural Gas 8,978. -0- 11,694 763 General Telephone 18,142. -0- 18,808 764 Garbage 5,710. 1,153 5,126 766 Taxi 90. -0- 60 767 Pacific Northwest Bell 100. -0- 115 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS BUDGET MONTH DATE 771 Sale of City Property 2,800. -0- 3,806~ 775 Unclaimed Property Sale 100. -0- -0- 776 Donation= Library 1,000. -0- 28EI 776.1 Donation Library Building 1,000. -0- 57 777 Park Development &Maintenance 5,000. -0- 210 RECOVERED EXPENDITURES 783 : Admin. Sewer & Road 10,000. -0- 10,000 785 Gas Tax Refund 600. -0- 755 787 - Nuisance Abatement 100. -0- -0- 787.1 Demolition of Building 2,000. -0- 10 788 Other 2,000. 369 9,784 788B St. Improvement - S.W. 115th 57,008_ =0- -0- -0- 20 9-- }8 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $886,432. 32,121 802,815 SEWER FUND" Available Cash 7/1/73 $180,295. -0- 175,7.83 USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 7,500. 113 10,942 747 OEA & Others (New Project) 50,000. -0- -0- 744 interest on Unbonded Assessments 34 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 753 Sewer Connection Fee 40,000. 700 28,200 754 Monthly Sewer Service 45,981. 2,359 39,746 755 Sever Permit & Inspection 3,300. 171 3,219 RECOVERED EXPENDITURES 788 Other 300. -0- 290 789 Unbonded Assessment 289. -0- 110 TOTAL SEWER FUND $327,665. 3,383 258,324 STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 40,000. -0- 63,196 REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 711 State Gas Tax 94,350. -0- 101,284 USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 1,367. 209 2,871 TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND $135,717. 209 167,351 .?OAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 1,618. -0- 3,043 714 County Road Tax 1,000. -0- 212 743 Interest 25. -0- 7 TOTAL ROAD FUND 3 2,643. -0- 3,262 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUDID 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE Available Cash 7/1/73'- $ 72,556. -0- 77,383 715' Federal Subventions 66,780. -0 70,308 743 Interest 500. 71 4,527 All TOTAL FED. REVENUE SHARING'FUND $139,836. 91 152,218 BANCROFT BONDS `3,4,5,6,7 89 Assessments $ 32,000. 8,927. 25,993 Interest 10,979. 887 7,639 USE OF MONEY 9,814 33,632 743'' Interest on Investments 1,000. 214 5,692 TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS 214 5,692 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 15,374. -0- 4,923 Cash prom USA 25,926. 1,015 25,925 743 Interest on Investments 100. 122 897 TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 41,400. 1,137 31,745 y TOTAL BUDGET $1,577.672. 46949. 14,550.39 FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES 1973-74 MoYear to Budget Current Month Date GENERAL FUND Mayor &'Council 4,662. 162.19 3,779.43 Municipal Court 19,112. 1,426.93 16,170.67 Administration 68;177. 5,293.91 59,108.05 Building Dept. 31,728. 2,394.96 20,395.20 Planning & Zoning 42,781. 2,983.41 36;295.11 Library" - .22,030. 2,057.65 17,590.76 Police 335,680. 28,427.96 292,401.41 Parks & Recreation 84,201. 5,027.13' 19,449.26 Non-Departmental 132,974. 5,142.32' 60,146.22 Engineering 59,642. 4„805.33 50,474.35 Street'Operation & F—int. 70,223. 858.68 9,261.01 Contingency 4,660. -0� -0- Total General Fund $875,870. 58,580.47 585,071.47 SEWERAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation & Maintenance 265,933. 13,829.24 39,253.18 Replacement &rExpansion 54;383. 40.26 4,323.49 Contingency 7;349. -0- -0- Total Sewer Fund $327,665. 13,869.50 43,576.67 STATE TAX STREET FUND Operation & Maintenance 131,317. 17,562.11 85,678.92 Contingency 4,400. -0- _0- Total State Tax St. $135,717. 17,562.11 85,678.92 ROAD FUND Operation & Maintenance $2,643. 1,495.50 2,643.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND-Bancroft Bonds 2,4.5,6,7,8,9 _ $43,979. 12,472.25 40,395.37 GENERAL DEBT FUND General Obligation Bonds $41,400. -0- 13,730.83 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $139,836. 2,712.50 60,667.45 TOTAL BUDGET $1,567,110. 106,692.33 . 831.763.71 r DO M r-i)D)D d' O co N O q:lG v O M C a CD cc[ V' d'W CD h T CV h a• fA O V.-i%D m Ln to O In ca +> o H U to n co a'co `.0 14 to -4 r{ C . 1D C0.10 C. n T n n co t fti h0 W ,n 0 0 :O M CO M N •ri n "m to(14 N .-1 .'U) 1 In -1 N A w w I w 14 4 O O O O O co b V• 1 1 ,n 1 CO CO I I CO 0 N O O m O r-I s4 O O 1-1O N 1 I d' I )D to I I w a N .� n COO)M m m rn n o Lz N -.h Ul lO.. M itl. 0) M a) 'H i) N N r4 n 'zr * rn r- -* :.r11D O ,ID 10 '..N 1 CD 1D Cf) Di ID r Ln 1-4 v 1 a ,-i m .•-1 CO. :O co .. ss m m a,n d1 h dM h a) 0% 00 a In Ln ID , mIno N h rn U N ,O)m n b h )D I r1 h O co to 1f1 N d d'.. CT 1 lf) d' N N 1-i N N 1O O ttl N to 1D N t 1 iG�. m O.-i N O O O i O 1 h.-I t u-, v o 0 o ,n 2i to 1-I N O d' T O ri O T O 1D N O`N 1• h M O M h co N O O]CO h Ln Ln N to to fy 'd O U)N N tD a, W N co O) (D O h CO N T O M CD CO O N W m %D M N ri !n N ri O to CS m CD tD ,n +4 In a '-1 N N -4 N N co N W O %D to O .i )D ri N h V O 1D CO O O ,D 1-� N N,n%D -1t O1 N M .-i a, O CO CO N d' (1) n N N ON (ItD CD CO OD r- (7) (7)N n .-t M V' h m H m t!).I-In O m CO d' (I ID h h to N 0 n (D PQ u C per, M CU +' .8 cTj E� f. F O N N H U fY1 a'ti, 0 fn � M •.i q Z cU N tri 'vS of O ca «t +.i k U W W W U U U U H Tigard Library, Report for May 1974(and a little bit of June) The month of May passed very quietly while waiting for the okay from Bs IV so that the State Library could send the grant check. This they did the 100 of June-- just after we received the 31,000 check from the;Tigard Lions. Thus the money for the grant is all here. We are still waiting for the shelves. ` The books are ready for use. In May we checked out a total of 4,278 books of which 3,032 were adult., a slight drop from April due to Little League and gardens. The total fines, however, were 579.47 and the new cards totaled 19 for 338. We made two speeches during the month-gone to the Lion's Auxilary and the other to the Loaves and Fishes. Went to a Library Net- work Board Meeting and the regular Network meeting. The periodi- cal lists from the other libraries will soon be available for our use. Our prodect for this month is the bookcases. t _ _ .. .__.. _ _ _ _ s r_ i . POLICE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF 1A 19 74 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL AVER.ACE, NUMERICAL STRENGTH ' D_AILf .ABSEN_C_E_ A`>'ERA(,•l= E4`=E ..1"t'E End of Same This Same Tbis ' La ,r- i Same _ this Month Month Month Mnnth 9 Monch Month Last Last Year Year Year. TOTAL PERSONNEL 24 22 9.4 0.0 14+.6 i 14.9 _ 14.0 CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 i .6 .3 1.4 t 1..4 .7 SERVICES DIVIS. 6 6 2.4 1..5 3.6 4.1 4.2 PATROL DIVISION 10 11 4.5 4.3 I' 5.5: 5 1..5 X7.7 TRAFFIC DIVIS., 3 3____ 1.1 1.O 1.9 1:.8 .O INVEST. 'SECTION 3 1 .9 6 ! 2.1' 2.1 .43 FORCE ONE 12 11 5.7 4.5 6.3 6.8 6.2 _ FORCE TWO 7 7- 1.6 2 2 L 5.44- - 5.2 -- -4.9 FORCE THREE 5 4 2.1 13 _ lM_-2-9� CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERACE PATROL. STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last month 24 _ _ bi -�- Sime Month 2. Recruited during month 1 --- - -_ _-_ M^nth Las�Year -___- 3. Reinstated during month O 1. Total number field - o:fficers 7.3 14. Total to account for 2 2. Less Agents A si.g- 4. Separations from the service: ned to Inve ti.gat. 0 0 (a) Voluntary resignation 0 3. Average da:il.v abs- (b) Retirement 0 ences of field off- icers owing to: (c) Resigned with charges pending 0 (a) Vacation, cusp- (d) Dropped during probation. 0 e.nsi.on, days off, comp. time, etc. 4.0 - 4«1__� (e) Dismissed for cause 1 (b) Sick & Injured 1.6 I (f) Killed in line of duty �0- (c) Schools, etc. ,0_ .2 (g) Deceased 0 Tot-al average daily absences 5.6 5.3 Total separations 1 4. Available for duty _ 7.4 _ 8.7 5. _ -5. Present for duty at end of month 24 Page one gil'i. AM CRIMINAL ACT LV I.TY VtY, 1974 THIS I SAME MONTH .__ Offenses i TOTAL TOTAL:. i �`---- MONTH 1_ LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LA,T FEAR I CLASS .L — 78 44 - --------T---= - 314 -i---- -• 221 I CLASS -I1 -! -- _--__------ - - -- -t---- __ _ CcLA-s-s-�-.L-L�--.._-.------_-----_--------.-�___-_--�-L----�------- --'---?-_3__=---__---_-_--v-t ---- -- ----- ----- ,31-7- ---- __--_------�-,y2_4 4 342 91MISC. NON-CRIMINAL 2 Cases Cleared by Arrest IASS - -_— ---- -- -------- 11 _-----i i L2 1 56 48 ----_-- 46 _- - - 143 LNVESTIGAT]_VE h.Il�?S.iON' :CASES RECEIVED _ i 103 ' 73 '�3 i Tk CASES�CT EARED j V 4 20 _ TF CASES SUSPENDED ���19 �` - 33 1 2d2 159 _ CASES ASSIGNED _-- -- ---------_. ____-___ �1k 7 3 17 237 117 ' PROPERT4 PROPERTY LOSS _ 9,551..43 — 4 743 lU 73 443 36 -tFt 4.43 11 PROPERTv RECOVERED - 2 087.481.037.80 19 419;59 TRAFFIC '& ACCIDENT ACTIVI.P ;ACCIDENTS "_�t—�-- - - 24 --- i i5_ 1dbIINJUR E9 IES `F 22 j _ - CITATIONS—ISSUED -- ----- -- __- _---�--------------- ----------=--- ------- = �__—_ 21��---=-__---�`3�' 934 VEHLCLE OPERATION TOTAL, MILEAGE _ — - 16.883 ---------- J_ ].4 949 _ 8 .409 ---- I COST PER MILE - - -p 12.8c -_- -5„57 — +�- 4,, -�-'-- - PATROL DIVISION TOTAL HOURS I 1,830,5 2. ��0J6?_36i------9�366612OBLIGATED HOURS d311?�}----- NON-OBLIGATED HOURS 891.6 - 1I 948.9 —ls043 — 4,51_0.6 i 4 704 ----�® _�- __-- -----------s----------� SERVICES DIVISION TOTAL HOURS T 062 ;--------------------- -----i 871.5 ��.._. ..... .5 +�— 4,737.5 - 4.270.1 90TAL DISPATCH HOURS 314.9 481__,_4 1 467.3 --4- 2L(,) 57,3 TOTAL TELETYPE HOURS --�— _"- g-------- --_—_ ---._ 77,6 77.2 �I—� 443.0 ��—__25_8.0 'CLERICAL DUTIES HOURS +..�- — 432.9 2.623.1 65;,0 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND OFFENSES UNFOUNDED NUMBER OF i NUMBER OF OFFENSES i NUMBER OF CLASSIFICATION REPORTED OFFENSES ACTUAL CLEARED BYAR ST OFFENSES � OF OFFENSES I I ! Mcg 'H BY THIS REPORTED OFFENSES I-- -1 (PART I) TOTAL ARRE,T OF JUVENILES MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH IARRES" _ I IIVENIIES I THIS M(7NI'H CRIMINAL HOMICIDE _— —_— __ �_------+ ---- ----�-=---I LES - HIS MONT11-- a. Murder & Nonnegligemt Manslaughter. b. Manslaughter by Negligence - ------------�--- -------- -- r----------- 2. FORCIBLE RAPE _ — ---�- a. RUe by.Force _�—— ------- T----------•---�- F ---- ----�--------- b Assault to Rape Attempts' — I ---t -- --- --- i 3. ROBBERY - ---�-------- I - —�I----------- a. Armed Any Weapon 1 i 1 i b. Strong Arm - No -----�----- -- - — ----� ___�_----_-- --- Weapons 4. ASSAULT - Total / 4 a. Gun 2 I Z 1 1 { b. Knife or Cutting --- -----_— i 4 �'- Ins trumen t c. Other Dangerous i I Weapon d. Hands, Fists, Feet, -- i ---- i i -------J etc. Aggravated e. Other Assaults - Not Ag g r ava t o d 2 2 ' --------- 5. BURGLARY - Total / 20/ I I a. Forcible Entry 9 2 7 b. Unlawful Entry - No Force 1212 c. Attempted Forcible -- ----- 1 6, LARCENY - THEFT �- ---�!---'---- ------ (except Auto Theft) I a. 50 and Over in Value 26 26 b. Under $50 in I Value 23 1 0 22 9 6 _ 6 4 7. AUTO THEFT -- -- - -- - —� I --- ---- 5 5 l 1 1 1 TOTAL 81 3 p 78 f,4 11 I 8 i 6 SUMMARY OF ARRESTS SUMMARY OF CRI.MI.NAL ACTIVITY ADULTS: MaleM"nth Month Year Year Female1974 19731974 I 1973 _ Total 6 _ PART I 7850_ _ _3_14 - 1 227 PART IL 69 SO 317 -- 23_9-- JUV Male "`-5-- NfISSCC. NON--GRIM 234 442 1,264 591 Tot_ 3 GRAND TOTAL 381 542 1,895 12'057 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONiHL' REPOR7 CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIC'IF7"_TREND —_ �— -----_--- I-NUMBER-OF-OFFENSES - { _NUMBER OF CLASSIFICATIONS OFFENSES LINFOUNDED NUMBER OF t CLEARED B1 AR EST ()FFENSES OF OFFENSES REPORTED OFFENSES ACTUAL t { TH1S MOXTHBYTHES REPORTED j OFFENSES TH- I-TO---- _ ARRESTvOF j IUVENI1ES (PART II), MONTH THIS MONTH { THIS MONTH{ { - t ti�VENlIES t THIS MONTHa_ARRE ---x 8. HARRASSMENT _ 101_0__-- 3 3_i_____1 ___-- _______ 9. ARSON — ---_-- -I--- - 10. FORGERY & COUNTER- FEITING I t I t 11. FRAUD _------- ---- --- ---=1--------- � --__- 12, EMBEZZLEMENT ------ --------- -= ---- ---- -_ _- _ 13, STOLEN PROPERTY: BUYING t RECEIVING, POSSESSING _- 1t t 1 t 3 __-j----1------------- 14. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 15 i 15 t 4 t i -- _ —�-- t-..__ _-_ 15. WEAPONS. CARRYING, I r { POSSESSING, ETC. _--_-_--_—' -------------- 1.6. PROSTITUTION & — { COMMERCIALIZED VICE _ -------_t 17, 'SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT I { { 2 AND 6) 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS 3 _ 3 { 9 3 t a __-- ------- ------ - ----- ---- ---- _ �_- �--- ---= --- --I -- 19, GAMBLLNG I --- --- -__--_---�- _ i ------------ 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMILY AND CHILDREN 1 1 t----- ----a-----—____a_____._------ 21. DRIVING LINDER THE INFLUENCE 23 _r t ------t----?3 ------t 23 23 I --------- -------- �_=' �_�___ �__ 22, LIQUOR LAWS _— 3 3 ---------- 23. DRUNVENESS _—_ —____ --------- 24; DISORDERLY CONDUCT - -------_ --_ _—_----�--- ---- ----------- 25, ----------25, VAGRANCY1—------—__ 26. ALL OTHER OFFENSES (EXCEPT TRAFFIC)_ 12 1 11 t 20 I.0 i 20 I g 27. SUSPICION ------ } `1L----------- ----------- 28. CURFEW AND LOITERING 29, RUN AWAYS ------ --- ----------- ------ TOTAL 70 1 _ 69 _ -- { 67 46 13 =--_ SUMMARY OF ARRESTS ADULTS: Male 32 JUVENILES: Male �2�u��_ Female 4 Female 5=- Total Total 37_y Page three POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT' MISCELLANEOUS COMPLAINTS d. ACTIVITIES -- - ��--NUMBER -----_r_-�_Nt EtRER-- -----I--- til^iBER OF^----- NON-CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS REPORTED ! UNFOUNDED { ACTUAL COMP[HINTS THIS MONTH j THIS MONTH j THIS "•LOUTH; 1. ALarm 9 t 9 2�Ambulance/First Aid ---- -Tse-- 1 ----- --------- ---- -t -- 1 - —. 3, Antmal Problem `- 5 --- �- 5 --- — ------- --------- - -------- 4. Assist:-Agency --------�-- ---:1� j ---- �-- 1 f3 _o— - -- -------- 4A. Assist Citizen _- -- 15 _ -- --------15- 5. Check Building1010 6. Check curant ------------j ---- --- 7, Civil Matter 8 — ---�— --- _-8_ 8. Deliver 'Message -------- ----- 9. Dog Bite ---- ___-~ - --- ------- --------- -'t------------- --r--------- 10. Disturbance 13 t 1 i� T� 11, Hazard 12. +Juvenile Problem T 9 � � _ i 7 _ 13. Noise Abated Y t t --- ---;-- -------------7- ---- -- -------------------- - 14. Person G t , 6 T-5 7 S andby on Moveout 1I I L6. Suspi.cious Circumstances 9 t 2 1 7 17, Towed Auto t 1 18, 'Traffic'Problem __ _ L9,` unfounded Call i —_ 11 Z — — - iit 20. 'Wire Down 21. Other t 7 --� 22,,Found Property 30 i-'- 70 i -- -- 10 ---- ------------- 2.3. Lost Pie r ty �-- 3 t --------t 3 24. F LR` t----_34:_------i----------_ �_--_--- 4--- ----------7--------------- -----------------_-r-------=------ -- 25. NarCoLiCs I:nformati.on t 4 26. Lewd/Harassment Phone Calls (REFER TO PART JI_CRIMES j- 27. Traf f Ic. Arrest. Resor.is _ _—� 13 -_-_ �i_ ----- -�-- -�-13 _--- - - _ _ __ __— — �_..__--__ _ -�_ 28, Vacation Checks/Prowl Cheeks _ _ �- - ----- -- 3 3 -- t t 33 29, Warrants, Subpoenas, Summons Served _4-_ � - _4__ 30. Drunk Person(s) _ _l _ t -- 1 3L, Fam:i 1 y Fights --_- - — 2------ ---- --------- ---- - --1----- 32. Fires - - 2 ---�--- -1 -�- -1- 33. Lost and Missing Persons _2 t 2 34. Prowlers1 _ 1 _ _ i 0 35 Suicides and Attempts - �_ — - -- 1 -----{------ ------- -�-- ----1---------- 36. Suspicious Autos _ - -�---- --- -� ----- ---^ ------- --- - --_r------ - TOTALS 2.41 7 PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED Type of Property --- ---- -- ------Value of Prop(-rte' SLol.en _ Stolen -- -_ Re cu\,ered _ A,; Currency, Notes, etc __... .....$`-- 819.00 --- ----_------------ ---- B. Jewelry and Precious Metals,....,,.,. ..,.. ..... $ S C, Furs., .._. .. ... . , ...... ,.. . ,S ------------------ Clothing.. .. ..... .. . .... . .... . . ... . ... . .. > >. .. .$�_ -- 777.11- 5 �------44_.11 ---- L. Locally Stolen Automobiles........ .... .... .. ... . .$ 3.150,00 _} $_ 1,560.00_-__-- F, Miscelfaneous.. . ..... .. . . . . . . . . .. ..,. .. .. . . . ... . .$ $______543.37 _ POTALS.,...,.,$_ 19,551,43 $ 2,037.43 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT' VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN _~— NU��--�MBER rr_y—__��_f ------------------- - OF ' VALE OF CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL PROFERT)' STOLEN OFFENSES --- ROBBERY A. Highway (streets, alleys, etc.),.,, _..._,.• $ __ B. Commercial House (except C, D, F.)_........ ------.-_- -- C. Gas or Service Station..,................. D. Chain Store. . ... .... _^,_^ ^.....»•.==s`. ,• 1 �_-- --0�--- E. Residence (anywhere'on premises).... ....... .,. _ ,____-_-.---__---_ F. Bank.... ...,o..o.. '_ -------- - G. Miscellaneous`. - $ ----- - TOTAL ROBBERY -1, _-- --------- BURGLARY - BREAKING GR ENTERING A, Residence (dwelling) --- - ------- - _- y 5 3,63 .00 1) Night;.=. a 3) Unknown.. C'__ _ 2,7 EQ_0O- - _ B. Nonresidence V(store,;�office, etc.) l.) Night., -�}` --- -541.00 2) Day.. - -- $---- --- 3) Unknown...... _ ----5.000 00_x_ lw—_ $ TOTAL - BURGLARY 5 LARCENY - THEFT (except auto, by value) A. $50 and over. . . ..= 26 5_____- -543_25--- B. $5 to $50.,..0,.= ................e ,. 1-b —_ -- ---- - -- � _ .x£38.23 _ ...; C. Under $5..V .... ...... 6; — 7.95 -- $- 4 ��_ TOTAL - LARCENY —� _ - AUTO THEFT,=.. .... . . _ 5 $__3,150.00__ _ GRAND TOTAL $_ 19,551 [< _ Nature of Larcenies A. Pocket-picking.­'­ ­... . - ----- B, Purse-snatching... ... .. ... ......».._ .•• _ _ C. Shoplifting.. ­ ....................... 6�--- �� 9638 -- D. .From Autos (except E). .._ .......... ...^_ �13 $—___12042.50___ E, Auto Parts and Accessories.... .. _ 3 —_ $ _ ?.65_00____ F. Bicycles... a . ......._.. _ 111 -_ 5----12067•?5--- G. From Buildings (except C and H).= ,,. .••^ 10 $`_ ___22306.22 H. From any Coin-operated Machine.^.....^._• .,. 1 __ ? 123.00_-_. I. All Other., . .. G $-----_33.3+__ TOTAL - LARCENIES Automobiles Recovered A. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered Locally.. ......... ...•_, •^ ------- 2 0— B. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered by Other Jurisdictions— C. urisdi.ct.i.ons ..C. Total Locally Stolen Autos Recovered—... ,.__•• D. Number Stolen Out of Town, Recovered Locally...,.,,.^. .. • __.._•__•_ - _ 0 page five POLICE DEPARTMENT NT N MOT REPORT POk" TRAFFIC/ACCIDENT SUMMARY ACCIDENTS THIS MONTH THIS YEAR TO DATE This Year Last Year _ This 'Year -,t Year ACCIDENT TOTAL 24 15 37 64 Fatal — 0 —_ -----_1 --� -------.1___- --- ----- i- --- Personal Injury 4 _— -- 6 — -- 1 ------- ------3 6 --- __' Property Damage 1. 06 �_--- 2 o —�--�— _—__ ---- --- ---- ------- '.Pedestrian.,.. 0 0 � � '.�`'--- ,4 e Hit :and Run 3 0 ------h-'----- S' _^ -�__--_ 2 ENFORCEMENT TRAFFIC TOTAL 215 _ 434 853 1,285 Hazardous':Violations 158 175 YW 58 ------------ -------- ---------I—�_ Other Violations 59 15 Parkin ----------- -----30 79 - - 23 -----15 58 , - �----- DWI ------ Hit and Run 0 - ---= _--=� --i------- 3_9__----- Arrests? Citations or Custody at Accidents 10 13 ± 48 1 37 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REPORT Oparati.onal Cost Surmniry UNIT 7k 1 3.50 Cents Per Mile $ 43.34 12.65 MPG UNIT 2 12.70 `Cents Per Mile $ 206.3 -- ----5.95 Y MPG UNIT # 3 9.99_Cents Per Mile $ 340.64 e_ -_--6.80 MPG UNIT # 4 11.63 Cents Per Mile $�_ 338.63 _ 6.46 _MPG UNIT # 5 21.36 Cents Per Mile $ 389.65 X7_51 _ MPG UNIT # 6 16.36 Cents Per Mile $�- 556.£3 ___ —_ 6_63 _MPG UNIT 7 12.46 Cents Per Mile $�M 274.53 —11.57 MPG UNIT 9k 8 4.37 Cents Per Mile $ 12.11 — -- 9.79 __-MPG UNIT # Cents Per Mile $� ----- ----�___ MPG UNIT # Cents Per Mile $------- — --- ------------MPG TOTAL OPERATING COST $__21162.31 TOTAL MILES TRAVELED 161883 —_ AVERAGE COST PER MILE 12.804 page six POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL. DIVISION ACTIVITY TIME ALLOTMENT HOURS QUANTITY General Patrol.. 516.2 Traffic Patrol„ 316.7 Criminal Investigation.° 80.3 _______ Accident Investigation... 15.3 Traffic Enfor.cement... 7116 420:------ Court and Jail.. 51.3 Transport Prisoners„ X46.6 81 Assist Public.. 43.8 -------- .------------ Assist Other Agencies°. _ > 10._4_ ------------ Assist _Assist Other Officers.... Calls Answered.. _ 70.2 F.I.R.'s............. ..... _ «.3 702` ___-_ Dispatch Duties,. '19.2 Office Duties / Briefing`.. 2.1_ Report Writing„ 159.3 �.—_--__ SpecialDetails... .... ... 108.8 _ Training... 7.1 A--- Patrol Vehicle Service.....,__ _.., Authorized Breaks.....„..,aOe _ 116_.0 �~- Vacation Checks., .. _ 5.6 _ 54 Vehicle Impound., 5 Administrative Duties... _ 108.0 �- TOTAL HOURS... ..,. 7.,830,5 Total Obligated Hours 881.6 Total Non.-Obligated Hours 948.9 page seven , POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION Page 2 TRAFFIC Quantity Hazardous Vi.olati.ons`.. 158 Operator License Violations., 7 Suspended Violations, 11 Vehicle License Violations—. ....... .. 13 Equipment Violations. 5 Hit and-Run., 0 D,U.I.L.L, 23 Parking Violations. LE TOTAL CITATIONS... 221 TOTAL WARNINGS .'.... . ., . 169 CRIMINAL ARRESTS Felony...`......,».. ,.,.. », �.. , ,,,..»,, .,,. ,, ----7-- Misdemeanor Misdemeanor / Traffic 79 TOTAL. ...., . .., ,.. , .. .., .'. ,. .,,,,, 86 PREVENTION Open Windows.... .. , , , . .... . ... ......... .. ..,... .. .... . .. _�10�-- Open Doors...,..»„ ».,,. , , .,.... -- 6_-- Street Lights Suspicious Persons. .. 107__ Suspicious Vehicles. .... . .... . .... .. .. .... < ,,, , . . , .,., , .. 154 Signals Out,.. .., ..,, ,,,. ,» 5� Signs Down.. ..—.. ..... ......» ., .,.. , ..,,, . , ,,,. , . 12--- Neglected Property.. .. . ... ... ... . .... . ... .... .. . .. .. ... 11 Street Defects,.... ,.... .......... . ,< 13 Dead Animal. .. ..... .... . . .... .......... . .. . .. . ,,. 0 Abandoned Vehicles. . 3 Fires. ......., . . .. 1 Other Hazards ..., , . .... .... .... . , Vacation Checks.... ..... ..--...... ..... ....... 54 TOTAL.., ................. ... .. 372 page eight: POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION Page .`3 �`- �-----�---------t-----------� S`.i S P I N CSI;S - j M a OFFICER CITATIONS WARNINGS I_!—ARRESTS 1 PERSONS � VEHICLES 1. JOHTvSON__ 11 I 20 =15 47HEELR ------------= -- --- --- - -- - -- - - -- _ _ a MYERS 12 - 1 _ - 5—- - 13-------I BAILEY 2 -- --- ----z I 5? 1 ---- -- -? 1.0 ---- [ -'i ---- SIRIANNI ___--� JENNTNGS 17 - 'r--------------•T-----_,_:3___--_-_-i -- - ------------- 104 10 -__—_-- ---------.-1 I SGT. BOOMER 14 72 3 21 j SGT. F ARHER 15 SGT. NEI-MAV 1 h r----- ------ ------ ----_ t PATROL TOTAL 89 6953 � 63 I � _`----- ---�-----1?.. - t - - - FEATH�.RSTOi3 40 - 16 G-__--- --- 14 ---i 3 -- -- --t 12 LANDIS 55 47 15 -------1 tL4ItTIN _ 36 _ 36 --I---__ __ -- --17--- -�-- -' ----i TRAFFIC TOTAL 131i 9 9 3 3 9 ---- �'-----I _ RESERVES HOURS NERRILL ____ 1_ __ --------34 HESKETH �__ '__------- -- -_- i - 17 MORD UZST �------•-------- 4------ --- ----__ --— ---- 1 1 ?7 t1cICEREGHAN _ _ ;---------- __ --- NEtJ IpN _-----r-------------- --- ---rnj Ired - 1 DUCETTE - - --—�--- ---- — --_- (__----------_�-- ' 4 ----- - - — I 16 -- ------------- --------------- -- -----'--------- 1 --- --- ---------- - ------------- Z ------ 1. ------�-------- ------ RESERVE TOTAL 1 1 ! 154 I — _..AND TOTAL 221 169 86 103 - — -�---15 5 page nine POLICE DEPARTMENT MONIHLY REPORT TR.AF:FIC REPORT Con.%,I c t i„n Ratio, Citations — _---'- — — Officer 15sued Glint Not Cuilry Pending Rats . 1, LANDIS --- 39— 15 23 1 __----- --------- ---- ----- _ 94% 2. 4j2. FEATHERSTON 41 15 MARTIN ?---------I- 24 87% 52-- 28 _ 2 I --- 22 93% 5e WHEELER - - 3 _ __ _ ---- ---- - 5 — --- 0 6. BAILEY ------_ -- © 0 —' ---------� 100% 7 JENNIIdGS —13 5 8 100 ie__ 8, SIRIANNI -+ 6 -- - -- - -- _ _ - 33 -- 9, tifYERS —��'---0 ----- _- ------- - 100 4 Q' Y --_---__ 0 4 �---100%— 10. JOHNSON 3 -- - 1 _ 100% ]12 . 3G'P. FARMER 13 ° -- - a — - -- 0 -�_ — 8_ 100% i SGT. BOObfER --- 00% 13. SGT. NEWT•Al's _ 4 3 i ------- - - -- 14. _— --- 0 1 100% 15. -- - --_ ------- 16. -----16. -_ ---- 17 18. ------ 19. 20.TOTALSL991 186 82 5 97.4% ENFORCEMENT INDEX i 25.31'/, POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT INVESTIGATION DIVISION Month :,lY _ 1.9_71, Number CasessNumber Cases Number Casey( -- — — 1^Tntd1—NuTber Of� C ssification Assigned it Cases Cleared Received Suspended g Arrests Per Case PART Patrol lInve_t.Ir+ Patroli Irest, I Adti Ldull .� L i 7u , / T / --- ------+-------- -+---------- Homicide 0 —�- -__-- —_ —_ t t Rape 0 _`-_ -- +- -------- -+ Robbery 0 I 0 —Wil_—°F0 ! 0 Theft UndEr EJE 50 __ - ------�-- _- - _- +---- $_ 221g Theft Over $50 —_27 e '2 f 2 --�---1 --�-Z--- - - - -t--- ---t--------- Auto'Theft —5 0 2 0 - ------?-- ------t- ---- --- ---_ —_ _ ----- Burglary 20 I S __-- - 0--_I --2--i _ i----�---�----�-- -- - ----- - ► --I—2 t--- -- 6 PART T TOTALS 75 — 16 { -4- _1 S- _9 1 _t _ 3 i 1-4 / PART II: Assault & Related 13 2 ----- ___ { --1-----' Check Offenses Q -- —'�"- �----�---�- 0 Forgery & RelatedQ_— -_-----i -_---- T-_—_-- --- _- ---- Wea on, Crimes - -- Sex Offenses 0 I --- Narcotic Offenses p -- �"-------�- -- -- -�--------- Prostitution --- Prostitotion --- Liquor Offenses~ 0 Gambling Offenses Q I �M_ - ---- -�---- -- Stolen Property ------ ----- -_ t t Crimes 0 t i Vandalism 15 --- ----- - -- — - Other Part II - _ 0 I --�-- 0 s- Crimes Q �---- ------_ I I PART II TOTALS 281 C_ 2 t (} 0 t c I 1 PART I & II TOTALSL 103 19 56 17 13 0 1 U iS Total Cases Cleared 14 Total Office Hours 144 _Total Training Hours 0 Total Cases Pending Patrol 43 Total Field Hours 197Y Total Court Hours I2': Total. Cases Pending Investigation -16Total. O-vertime Hours12.5Total Other. Hours 0 Total Warrants Issued 6 — --- Total Misdemeanor Arrests 16 Total Cases Presented for Warrant Issuance 6 - ------ Total. Court: Case Heard & Dispositions 2 I:nves tiga O-TD .isi.en Commander L. Branstetter, Det. Sgt. page twelve POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SERVICES DIVISION DUTIES TIME ALLOTTED ------------- Dispatch Duties 314.9 Cards Typed/Filed 73.2 Letters Typed 21.6 -------------- Reports Typed 22.8 Special Details 212.4 Aid Other Agency/Person 42,6 Teletype Operation 77.6 Handwritten Reports 10.3 ------------- Authorized Breaks 46.1 TOTAL HOURS 871.5 page ten POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT` EXPENSES (Includes R.I.D.E. & L.E.A.A.) ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE BALANCE< 100 2.886.00 106 -291.00 19.110 181 8 000:00 24243.00 4S.00 935.37 5 807.82 2 192.13 Z82 2,045.00 183 3,060.002 045.00 744,00 225.00 1 995.00 065,00 140 15 1 0 14 L32.00 r 1 312 J 7 142 -54 947.00 4.590.20 _5`408.SQ 144 99,644.00 9 034.00 96' 033.40' 3 60 .60 145 14,106.00 1,169.21 12 889.21, 1 11.6:7ri 146 -25.552- 0 2,196.37 23850`.i0 l 701.90 147 13,800.00 1,150.00 12 `650.10 1>"150.00 101 13' 859.00 i 205 90 1.2.093 77 l 7t 0.23 102 10 102.-00 102 Res. 259 00 4'889.'33 5212.62 103 189.50 69.50 7 806 00 576 69 6,099,83 1,706,1' 104 13 029.00 1 291 '01 10512 632,'8 396.52 1 581 00 115 22 1 1:91 24 389,76- 1.07 -0- 45386 201 1 500,00 2 634.24 a 634.24) 202 68 46 1,686,28 180 28 2 300.00 180.13 2,163.6A 203 50.00 136,36 '0- 5.90 44 10 205 50.00 -0 55.00 5.00 207 160.00 10.00 154.30 5.70 210 - 16,248. 0 14 748.00 2 457.39 15,386.05 861.95 220 1,412.00 191.61 .240 817.66 594.34 500.00 18.58 292.59 207.41 251 -0- -0- -0- -0- 270 700. 00 7.50 257.04 442.96 550.00 517.15 280 2,510.00 6. 013.85 32.85 291 32704.00 362.56 2 496.15 3002,570.0031916.82 2.12.3'1 -0- 2 381.90 1.88.10 3i0 13 910.00 -0- 2,825.00 11. 085,00 312 2 805. 0 42270.00 690.60 2 749.06 55.94 320 -0- TOTAL -0- -0- -0- $335,680.00 $28,553.46 _ 1292,401.41 $43,278.59 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT EXPENSES - R.I.D.E. ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 106 32.00 2.70 31.50 .50 181 1800.00 426.74 2,200.91 400.91 144 24,372.00 3,531.04 47,607.34 --T-23,235.34) 101 1,531.00 169.93 2,634.03 1;103.03 102' 1,115.00 -0- 1,0111.20' 103.80 103 1097.00 77.32 871.87 225.13 104 1,439.00 203.33' 3011.45 (1,572.45 105 166.00 16.65 307.38 41.38 210 f 1,512.00 556.83 3,979.81 (2,467.61 220 200.00 -0- -0- 270.00' 251 1,900.00 1.35.92' 1,496.44 403. 56_ 280 350.00 -0- _(;- 3TO.'0 201 1,400,00 -0- -0- 2,-:,C 202 200.00 -0- -0- 2-00.00 312 -5 800.00 -0- -0- 5,800.00 183 -0- 30.00 90.00 90.01?; 107e -0- 80.00 424.71. 021,.-;1) L, 542.914.00 5 ?30 46 v3,66G.6[s s $20,752.64) EXPENSES - L.E.A.A. ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 144 10 128.00 885.04 9,066.19 1 061.31 101 592.00 49.37 450.77 141.23 102 420.00 -0- 180.24 239.76 103 270.00 17.13 162.73 107.27 104 557.00 59.08 568.92 (11.92) 105 69.00 5.74 55.09 13.91 106 11.00 1 .90 9.00 2.00 31.0 3,260.00 -0- 2 825.00 435.00 312 3,422.00 525.00 1,895.58 1,526.42 181 -0- -0- 25.55 (25.55) 210 -0- 274.83 942.67 (942.67) 107 -0- 23.24 116.21 (116.21) 291 -4- 87.06 87,06 TOTAL $18,729.00 $1 840,33 16.385.01 $2,31,3.99 June 21, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: Tigard City; Council From: Director of Public Works Subject: Monthly report Street Section The overlay program for the 1973-1974 Budget has been completed. The Rolling Hills Subdivision Slurry Seal was completed last week. The City crews have been cutting roadside grass, painting crosswalks and parking stalls. We have been spending two days per week on street sweeping. Maintenance Section Major repairs this month included gutter broom shaft on the street sweeper and engine replacement on the national mower. Parks Cook Park This past month, all the concrete walks and curbs were placed as per Baur B.O.R. Grant. This should complete the grant. Other work included remova? of all sprinkler heads to remove silt; this was a result of tie last winter's floods. " . Woodard Park - Mowing was the essence of work. it should be noted that construction will begin next week on the master sewer line through the park. Jack Park -• All excavation work has been completed. We will be starting on the fine grading and irrigation within the next 2 weeks. Engineering During the past report period, highlights of divisional activity were as follows; Administration - Completed scheduling of all divisional employees annual vacations, to prevent excessive overlap; completed one employee's annual evaluation; completed closing of all outstanding requisitions and purchase orders for the past fiscal year (one 3 drawer file cabinet from Multnomah County Central Stores has yet to be delivered) ; all personal vehicle travel (mileage) reimbursement requests have been submitted, to close the fiscal year. Legal - Have received eith (S) of the fifteen (15) required street dedication documents, nine (9) of the required sixteen (16) temporary (street) construction easements, and all three (3) of the necessary storm sewer easements for the S.W. 115th Avenue _L.T.D, Project; prepared one (1) access easement, one (1) park dedication document and one (1) resolution of acceptance for Page 2 Clydesdale Subdivision; prepared two proposed annexation legals as per a petition from the McDonald street area; received the executed contract documents from C.B.H. Paving Company for our slurry seal reconditioning work; prepared acceptance resolution for Viewmount Subdivision; prepared two (2) alternate sanitary 'sewer easements for Clark 'residence septic problem; prepared;descriptions of County Roads .for jurisdictional transfer to City; prepared one street dedication legal for a tract of land located on ,S.W. 'Tiedeman Avenue; prepared one (1) ordinance and (1) construction specification/ bid packet for S.W. Murdock Street, L.I.D. Drafting - Prepared a.-proposed, L.I.D. assessment map for the S.W. 72nd Avenue area; received mylar contact prints of' our';City ' Street Base Map, from CH2M Hill, and have subsequently replaced the old base maps therewith; prepared a 'general utility location map for Main Street, for planning office use in Main Street beautification; updated the 200 series Address Map Cepias; updated the survey sketch maps and the recorded survey index; updated the 200 series Section Maps; revised C.R.A.G. 's proposed area development map to reflect City input; continued to compose a' master street sign reference. Inspec'tion ''- Completed the slurry seal streetreconditioning work; completed 1:9 sanitary sewer, 28 sidewalk, 38 driveway, ;4 storm sewer and 1 curb cut inspection requests this period; have assisted the building department with 7 building;inspection request; completed circulation routing of one proposed L.I. D. construction plan, and one proposed sanitary sewer construction plan, received for circulation/approval two proposed subdivision construction plans (Englewood, revised, and Lake Terrace) . General. Comments' We have :3 boys working with us on the Neighborhood Youth Corps Program. This additional help should aliviate some of our work load. MEMORANDUM June 20, 1974 TO: City Administrator FROM: Chief of Police SUBJECT: Liquor License Application RE: Everett M. Weber DOB: 8-2-25 Location: 13620 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Tigard Residence: 18600 S.W. Pacific Hwy., ;Sherwood Request O.L.C.C. Class R License (Restaurant) The R License provides for the same conditions as a class B restaurant license: must serve bona fide meals to the public; no package sales; and beer consumed without meals may,not exceed ;four per cent of alcohol by weight; and wine withoutmealscannot exceed fourteen per cent (14%) alcohol by volume. (Refer to` O.R.S'. 471.250, Sections 2 and 3). ' Investigation into ,this application request has developed no derogatory information which would preclude a license _approval`. s It is recommended that this application be approved. K.B. Adams Chief of Police RBA:ac