City Council Packet - 05/20/1974 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 20,'1174, 7:30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, May 13, 1974 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from Muir Crittenden, Cbairman of Park Board (b) Memorandum from Park Board r (c) Letter from:P.E.P. Program,'_Stat�_ Department of H1--an Resources 6. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES &'INVESTMENTS, $43,433;92 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administration _ (b) Finance (c) Library (d) Planning (e) Police (f) Public Works Department 8. GARBAGE & TRASH FRANCHISE RATES (a) Setting of Public Hearing, June Lo, 1.974 -• 8:00 P.M. 9; RESOLUTION No. 74-- DECLARING AN INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT CERTAIN SANITARY .SEWER IMPROVEMENTS.WITHIN AN AREA DETERMINED TO BE A SEWER IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS "SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No. (S.W, MURDOCK STREET)"; DESCRIBING THE PROBABLE TOTAL COST THEREOF; _ DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED AND ASSESSED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR THE WORK AND ESTIMATES OF THE CITY'S ENGINEER AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF. (a) Recommendation of Director of: Public Works. 10. PROPOSED COUNTY CHARTER - A presentation by Councilman Paterson, 11. NPO #1 PLAN TEXT (a) Public. bearing 8;.00 P.M. 9 (b) ORDINANCE No. 74- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN FOR NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION NUMBER ONE AFFECTING THE ASH AVENUE - DOWNTOWN AREA AND THEREBY SUPERCEDING THE TIGAR.D COMMUNITY PLAN (Adopted by Ordinance 73-6) AS IT APPLIES TO LANDS I.N THIS PORTION OF THE CITY OF 'II.GARD; FULFILLING THE OBJECTIVES SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 227.090, OREGON REVISED STATUTES; AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 12. C.R,A.G. REGIONALCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN ('a) Public Hearing - 8,.00 P.M. (b) RESOLUTION No. 74 RESOLUTION'ADOPTING-POLICIES REGULATING THE USE OF- _. LAND'AND,STRUCTURES' I.N AND AROUND THE CITY. OF TIGARD OREGON UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE CRAG REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR UNTIL JULY 1. 1976. WHICHEVER COMES FIRST AND ESTABL:I:SHING PRIORITY USES FOR THAT PURPOSE. 13. SIGN CODE REVISION (a) Public Hearing - 8..00 P-M. (b) ORDINANCE NQ. 74- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'TITLE 16, TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, PROVIDING FOR INDUSTRIAL PARK IDENTIFICATION SIGNS AND FOR DIREC:TIONA: SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, 14, ORDINANCE No. 74- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION OF 11. A. ANDERSEN:AND JOSEPH M. FOUGHT FOR.CHANGF;OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO M-4, INDUSTRIAL .PARK'WITH RESPECT TO ASSESSORS TAX LOT 300, 2SL IDC,PGRANTING'APPLICATION AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE, 15. ORDINANCE No. 74- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FI^IDINC,S WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION - OF-FLETCHER, H.ANSE:N'-AND::PARSONS :FOR CHANGE OF.ZONE CLASSIFI- CATION FROM R-". Rs:Sidrnti:al ', M-4, ,nd;;strial:Park Zone' WITH ADDITIONAL FIND!NGS WITH RESPFCT TO COMPANIONATE .REQUEST FOR APPROVAL AND AUTHOR''_$ATION.FOR USE OF SAID LANDS AS A.PLANNED-'DEVELOPMFNT.DISTRICT-PROJECT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER_1.8,56, ;TIGARD ^'RNICIPAI_ CODE, WITH RESPECT TO TAX LOT 900 <1.=ID. GRAt�l'.N(, ZONE CHANGE AND AU'THORIZING'PI4kNNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROGRAM, AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE. 16. ORDINANCE No. 74- AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN AN AREA T OF THE CITY OF TIGARD HERETOFORE DESIGNATED AND KNOWN - t AS "10865 S.W. 95thAVENUE" FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY RU-4 URBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, TO CITY R-7, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, TO THEREBY BRING SAID AREA RECENTLY ANNEXED TO THE CITY IN CONFORMITY WITH AND SUBJECT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AND TERMINATING TIIE APPLICABILITY THERETO OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCES OR REGULATIONS, FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, 1.7. SUMMERFIELD ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - Lot 50. (a) Recommendation of Director of Public Works, 18. PROPOSED VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 19, RESOLUTION No, 74- RESOLUTION OF THE TI.GARD CITY COUNCIL TRANSFERRING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GENERAL idLLFARE OF THE CITY, (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 20. I.C.M.A. - Retirement,Corporation (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 21. OTHER BUSINESS 22. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 23. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 20, 1974 i T I G AR D C I r Y CO U N C I L SPECIAL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974, 7:30 P.M. Special meeting was called with common consent of Council as the 4th Monday is -a holiday and the second regular meeting of the month was cancelled, 1, ROLL CALL, presents Mayor Floyd H,,Bergmann; Councilmen John E. Cook, Robert C. Moore, Charles L. Norton, J. Allan Paterson; R. B. Adams, Chief of Police,; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney; Russel Austin, Building s Official; Winslow C. Brooks, City Planner, Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recnrder; Nick Hiebc-rt, Director of Public Works. 2. APPROVAL OF' MINUTES, .May 13, 1974 - (a) Approved as distributed. 3. ')KITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) 'Letter from Muir Crittenden, resigning as Chairman of Park Board. (b) 'Letter "from Park Board -reporting appointment of Fred Cooper as Chairman of Board. (c) Letter from P,E:,P. Program stating City had violate) terms of program an({ requested repayment of:$7,500,> City.Administrator-will respond to letter, 4 APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES & INVESTMENTS: j4;,433,92 (a) Motion to approver Councilman Moore. seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council,. S, MONTHLY REPORTS' (a) Motion to approves Councilman Paterson; seconded by Councilman Moor(,.. - Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 6. GARBAGE AND TRASH FRANCHISE RATES (a) Setting of Public Hearing, June 10, 1974 e 8:00 P.M, (b) Motion to set public hearing: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Paterson, Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 7, RESOLUTION No, 74-22 DECLARING AN INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT CERTAIN SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN AN AREA DETERMINED TO BE A SEWER IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS SEWER IMPROVE- . MENT DISTRICT FOR S.W, MURDOCK STREET; DESCRIBING THE PROBABLE TOTAL COST THEREOF; DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED AND ASSESSED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WORK AND ESTIMATES OF THE CITY'S ENGINEER, AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF, (a) .City Administrator stated 100% of the property Owners had petitioned for .the formation of a sewer improvement district and recommended setting a public hearing for 8:00 P.M., June 10, 1974, (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Norton, Approved by unanimous vote of Council. I 8. PROPOSED AMENDMENT WASHINGTON CHARIER (a) Council-man Paterson synopsized proposedamendmaonts and iequc,ted iousi,,Ll endorse the amendment..' Councildiscussed and concurred they indi,id,a!ly 'supported the amendments but in a c,)rdance wiLb COUMII policy endorse it officially, 9. NPO NF1 Plan 'Text (a) Public Hearing 8.00 P.M. City Planner Dick Bolen discussed addendum to NFO t>:xt'."as rcqur.,ttu 11 Council at their May 6, 1974 meeting, Cliff Ashley Chairman of NPO #1 'frstified in favor of adoptL(� .Public Hearing Closed 4 (b) ORDINANCE. No. 7•;-25 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A COMPREHENS!VE IAND Usk? '. PLAN FOR NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNINGORG.ANIZA"[LON NL51RbR ONE AFFECTING THE ASH AVEN(tE - DOWNTOWN`AkFA A14) 'THEREBY .SUPER.LEDING THE TIGARD COMMUNITY PIA'•. (Adopted by Ordinance 73-6) AS It' APPLIES 10 iA Jb I THIS PORTION OF 'THE CITY OF TIGARD. FULFILLING ':Nh OBJECTIVES SET FORTH IN CHAPTER-.227.0•I();.ORI(:r)', 'REVISED STATUTES; AND FIXING EFFECTIbF UAIE. Motion to.adopt-next as amended. Cotuicilman Moure, st^conded ,by Paterson.' Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 10. C.R.A.G, REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN i (a) Public Hearing 8.00 P<M, No 'Testimony Council and staff discussed plan and suggested staff-rtvlew and brinp back for reconsideration at the..June 10th Council v.eeLing. (b) Motion by Councilman Cook to continue public hearing: second_d by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Counc:il.. 11. SIGN CODE REVISION (a) 5;00 P.M, - Publ.ic. Hcaring No Test.imonv Public Hearin., Closed (b) ORDINANCE No. 74-26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE L6, TIGARD 'ILN'I(:1.PA CODE, PROVIDING FOR INDUSTRIAL. PARK IDFNTIFICaCION SIGNS AND FOR DI:RECTIONAI. SIGNS WITHIN THE CIT', OF T'IGARD AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion. to adopt: Councilman Cook, seconded by Council+an .... .on, Approved by unanimous Vote of Council. 1.2, ORDINANCE No. 74-27 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDLNGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICAI'loN OF HD A. ANDERSEN AND JOSEPH Me FOUGHT FOR CHANGE OF LONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7, SINGLE FAMII,Y RESIDENTIAL 10 '• INDUSTRIAL PARK WITH RESPECT TO ASSESSORS 'TAX LOF %00, 2Si. [D(:, GRANTING APPLICATION AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY 20, 1974 (a); Motion to adopt. Councilman Ceu<; A},proved by 3 L vol of Cou r A 1. ut Moo�,re, NAY,.Ccnnc rlua; V>ttoii. v,r, Cou�ciLr,.. C,, 1r C�1 „ Paterson, AYE, Mayo, Bi.rgmann, AYE. A� crdinanc.e did n,tt...rc,c—ivF inar,.t„u ;o+r,',t :mil l �o--:d lOth.Ccu,_r_il rrec-tiny.,. ' 13.. ORDINANCE No.-74-2S AN ORDINANCE. ADOPTING FINDINGS tar 1 E I tC r 1,0 11 f t C. tr .OF f r rTCHLR HAN,3EN AND PARSONS FOR Cria^GO. O('- FROM R-7 1t t,gL, F rt.Liy R Ldc:nt ! t:, t+-.,, aadt :I Zone WITH ADDITIONAL F1.NDLNGSI RLSPECI CQ r 0. Wtt 1 .I. PAreItr.Alt REQUEST-.FOR APPROVAi AND AUTHOR 7_Al UKNI EOR USE, UI S2,tO AS A PLANNED DEVI[01 MENS DI S'L[{I C1' PROJCC'P PI•IISI AN r 10 C.i•AI I LK ls.56, TI(ARD MUNICIPAL CODE, WI"rH RE,SPPCr ro iAx to, rJ , 2SL ID, CRA 'TING ZONE CLIANCI AND V•THOlt(t. .P'1)'II,�•'{til+fin DISTRICT PROGRAM, AND FIXING Elil t,CLIVE.DATE: lal M('tIon to sdopt: CeuncitiRan N _t.rn; s'�':oTide;¢ by f:.,.•cii._.._ ': I__c.�.:k 'Approved by 4-1 tote of Ccuncl7. 1,,611 , i!l r1VOLo, Cook, AYE; Counc>i _:.n'Px Moor,— NAY: Coot, lrian'N,. t✓u,� t �' Al'E; Mayor.Bergmann, AYE. 'As urdinanae- did not reCrtvC unbninloos tote it i,rtlt a,r :e x,l .r ain at Jute 1001 Council meeting. , .ORDINANCE No, :1=29 AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING CERI'Ak 5 LAND t7tt!ila A2: AREA OF 1111E CI r'i .Ot TTGARD HERETOFORE DC r NAI'ED tND RPL wA' AS 95th Avenue ' FROM WASHINC.roN COINit i'- RRAN R FSIDE I111 DISTRICT, to CITY 11-7, SINGLE "tl r RE !Lt_,11Ar Zr TIIERCBIBRING SAID AREA'RL.rNTl.Y ANNEXED "IO THE CITY t`. CONFORMITY WITH AND SUBJECT TO;yNE' ZONiYC, ORDINA C u�'.VD REGULA'TION'S OF THE CITY OF TIGARD A:.J)T'RMI`A i'1NC' THE APPLICABILITY.THERETO OI' WAS..IINGLU; COL` \ ZONING 0{tDI!d,1",(E;i OR REGULATIONS; FIXING AN E:FFECIIVa DATE AND DL'CL EMERGENCY, (a) Moticn to adopt- Courtci.lm.an Cook, sec.^de;ri Ly Ccunc.tj .an P Approved by unanimouS vote of Ceut:c.il,. 15. SUMMERFIELD ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - Lot 50 (a) Di.ec t-or of Publ ic. Warks reviewed the $i t:u•rtion an•:I author L!c execution of the penn7.t.. Cit..v '%ttorney rcce.dcd in Washington COUnLV deed rceords at. t.lu_ espen.�e. of (b) Motrr,a to approve Councilman Pat ,son: Approved by uoanimousvote of Council_ 16. PROPOSED VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICC (a) City Admr.nise-ratr,L reported Washington Cet:nt-y L r7t & ¢tos.lurt•, ;.o.t.t.ra. distri;.l.. Cir:Y ABr:ini..;r '' •-: on record to opposition to participatjtj-- in thr - oil record in cppoSItion to creation of th is. div:�i.a_t. (b) Moticn by CouneiIrrian Cook that Ceter_i: fc r,,acd r.4tv'sar_i. parricipatLon in the district and opposit;iOn to-) tit- fo -ation c t thr district; seconded by Councilman Moore.. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. IlGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY. 20, 1974 17. RESOLUTION No. 74-2233 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CItY COUNCIL TRANSFERRING APPROPRIATIONS FORS-THE GENERAL WELFARE OF'I'HE CITY:'. (a) Motion to adopt; Councilman Norton; seconded b,, Councilman Moore; Approved by:.unani.mous vote, of Council, rM 18. I,C;M.A. RETIREMENT PROGRAM' (a) City Administrator requested Council authorize pis participation in the I.C.M.A, program. City Attorney had .reviewed document and had ncj objection to plan. The Proposal consisted Of' a.Master Trust Agreementbetween rhe City of'Cigard designating L.C,M.A.,-.Retirement Corporation as agent fcr the, Citv:and a - Deferred Compensation Employment Agreetnent;:betweea the City of Tigard and the..pr@sent City Administrator. Under the terns of thi proposal, the Citi• determines to pay the City. Administrator during ,he f..iscal. year 1974-1975 $18,900 rather than SL9,500, the _ 600,00di(ference to be deferred compensation. A1so,.:the City determined topay ther`City Adrr.:r,iskrat<%rthe equivalent of 3`/, of $19,500 forretirement benctits Its(- to be deferred compensation. The total figure is-equivalent to 0;25i „f S18,9pG. 't7,e neL effect being that the City Administrator is E. ffectivnly r.l.tntribuling sboo ,00 and the City is contributing $j81,00 based upon. tnr 197a-.75 salary. In addition, the City would agree W pay an'add1Liinel ,2;5.0o t.,..,jediately. to cover the East 6 month period during which the l..i_tl rmaoe no payments toward the administrator's retirement a2i3.G(i rc-preserlts '3"' of administrator' salary_during,:thatper.iod. s (b) Motion to spp_ove retirement and deferred compensation pregi-rm icr..Citr Administrator;' Councilman Norton, seconded by Cciut-CiIMan Cook_ 'Approved by unanimous vote of_Council. 19; OTHER BUSINESS (a) :Councilman Norton requested status of. S,w. 1.L5th, Huneiker and Commercial City Administrator responded that Uunriker and,.Ccr*m:ercial. were ' behindschedule due to slowness of the engineering fire and that 115th is on schedule. 20, ADJOURNMENT - 9;10 P.M. City Record; ,�'-- ATTEST; Mayor PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY 20, 1974 May 17, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: City Administrator Subject: Monthly Report AGENDA ITEMS 1. Budget Transfers Resolution - This resolution is necessary to reallocate financial;,resources within departmental budgets in:order to reflect conditions which have changed from the time of budget adoption to present. Despite such markedly changed conditions as a new Administrator, less than .anticipated revenues, skyrocketing inflation and imposition of unanticipated costs by the 'state legislature, constant supervision of the budget during the,year results in the need for only minor reallocations. 2. Garbage & Trash Franchise Rates - As of Friday morning (17th), no rate information from Miller or Schmidt has been received. A public hearing on the proposed rates should be scheduled for June 10th with the anticipation of adoption of an amendment on that date or at the next meeting to become effective July 1. Council might• give consideration to granting an increase less than the amount requested on the basis of the overall profitability of the Frank franchise plus the possibility of greater profitability if rate increases are granted in other co.mnunities. Council may also give consideration to the concept of having Tigard's rates slightly lower than the surrounding County. 3. I.C.M.A. - Retirement Corporation - The City Attorney has completed his review of this retirement program for the City Administrator and a copy of his memo indicating legal concurrence is included. Council had previously approved this concept subject to review by the City Attorney. 4. County proposed Vector Control District - At the request of the County, this item is placed on the agenda for consideration by the Council. The City is requested to indicate its interest and approval of a mosquito and rodent control district to be proposed to the Boundary Review Commission. Staff strongly recommends that the City continue to provide its own mosquito control outside. the City will only enhance the City°s existing program. Finally, costs of this program can be supervised locally under a City program whereas effective control of costs by the County is not possible. PERSONNEL 1. Clerk-Specialist Glover has been dismissed from her duties for several reasons after several counseling sessions. This position will be filled by the promotion of one of the dispatchers and the dispatcher position will in turn be filled by the hiring of one of the law enforcement interns who have been working as part-time dispatchers for the past year. The capability of internal promotions based upon proven performance and experience demonstrates the value of the interni program. Page 2 2. Sally Armitage, Municipal Court Clerk, has resigned from City employment due to pregnancy. She has determined to not return to work after delivery.,` Her position has been filled by Linda Witter who thus far has displayed a strong capability for performing the varied assignments associated with this position. 3. John Swank, who has injured his back, has yet to be released by his doctor for work which has seriously affeted the Public Works program. A temporary replacement has been hired in order to attempt to keep the work schedule current. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Building Code Adoption Schedule - The new Oregon Building Code becomes effective July 1. Staff proposes the following' schedule to adopt this code.'" Draft ordinance prepared by June 10th to be presented to County at study session on June 17th and adoption on Jure 24th with an emergency clause. We have provided this schedule to'King .City and will be providing the draft and final ordinance form for concurrent adoption. In a side note, the Building Official has detailed a 'departmental program; which includes several steps which will increase the efficiency, ;reduce paperwork and provide for responsive service to requests for inspections and other necessary activities. Under a this program, reverijes are anticipated to increase as well. 2. Chamberlain Reservoir - In response to Council's request both the County Watermaster andtheState Engineer have inspected this facility. A report from the. State Engineer is forth coming in the near future. 3. Tualatin Development Corp. Summerfield - As a result of a meeting with City staff, Summerfield staff and the City's legal counsel, it was agreed t- that T.D.C. would submit a detailed site plan for the remainder of the project, thereby eleminating the need for the ongoing hassle of requiring a variance for each aspect of the P.D. as this will be handled all at once in a "grand swoop". 4. Social Gambling - The Attorney General has been requested to provide an opinion on the state law. No response as of yet. 5. P.E.P. Program - The City has been cited by a field auditor of the State Division of Employment for an alleged violation of the criteria for involvement in this program. The potential liability is approximately $7,800. Staff has commenced appeal procedures as it is our contention that the law was not violated during the period in question. (72-73). 6. Tri-Met Bus Service - As reported in the Oregonian, staff met with T.D.C. and Tri-Met regarding expanded bus service to Tigard. The result is that Tri-Met will look at slight route modifications presently and that any major expanded service would occur only in the future after the park and ride program schedule has been worked out. Page 3 7. King City Services Expansion - Discussions, at Mayor Carroll's request, have commenced revolving ,wound the possibility of Tigard°s"Public Works forces being available for road repair and other activies when problems occur. Our problem with this conceptrevolves around both the value of this service and manpgwer considerations in light of the high level of public activity contemplated in the 74-75 budget. Further reports, will be forthcoming. 8. Grant Assistance and Policy Information Center - Staff has been involved in the formulation of a private grant assistance project which is designed to provide professional' staff; assistance in obtaining •federal and/or other grant assistance to the suburban communities in the Portland Metro area. It is also designed to provide lobby and current status knowledge assistance directly with Washington D.C. This program is being spearheaded by Brad Skinner, Assistant City Manager, Vancouver, Washington. The proposal is to use private grant funds for two years and if it proves successful we would be expected to portic.ipate: in a continuation of the program either directly or as I anticipate, a program element of C.R.A.G. i C C cl co C7 Ct G C.r L7 C L C C. car c C s r c c I C,c•o('Dr L be crgc c (_ ctcic:G Clc c- c C d.cLi C C tT C 1•.-r L C 1,7C L C `..c ` .. h G' C H r { CF N 1-/.t' C [7(Z) CD ..7 M C C:;r L 1_� N 0-Cr(P.N n M lb Cl.-(✓C r l`f t; r( C.,C iJ �.( iJ`rn �J L7 •,-(•ti It TJ c, T t fz 1'n _ L L (17.1J N Ci (J'L J U CY•i i fP_ t7 R, la.Cr' Lr 1 c1 U ��. ; 2 C C L �. _ (J L ( .,. II Ill 1) i {:.: (-. f S• PJ 17 J iJ ( 0 it ] ] Ci L(' ..� i f) C _) Zn 1 -C 71 r Li i 7 ! G t to Vi-0 c In C TJ J G G 17 ul LJ C. -� ci ^i N Ff n G > �J:.- c t� r •tet C3.. { S W CJ _ C (, U r, \' CJ (y N ul i N N w.4 7 . t,c� L� W G7.+.i41W .J 1J C 7 J O GI I:CI L• CJ H H 4a C_'i0 t:7-'{(a ..J .{ �L;.• C7 ( r.�.-i•-1 C:.Cl04-1 H.-{ . ... G ')C 7 L7 L7 '7 •+ J' C7 ')f:l U l U.:7 I Gl 11 i7 1 7 tM1 t- Tl U)C1 C.C:3 Ci 11 L70 C. IS ii CDC C7(. yc- •. �T. N•7'C tt7 h V. Cl. Oj U C 7 V)C t C 1 tC}1.:)C7(`,N [ ( i C (t C L) C)Ot CJ N N Ci Ot H C a. .1,U-t) I .-{H[']C7,C (111, (T7 C- C: C) _Ji H r-1.-i .-.{H�.i H^i H.1.-{r-{._�•--i}"-^'r--1.-i.f r' E E 67 (D E L ' D O rJ O p N W h'v > N N %� c) V7 Gl N 7 C W (D Cil W zi " ^ 0 C7 -t O o L7 Gi Z/ C'J O W t1•.y.--i(C.`J.t` n nY C w c)L"]'CI Q C C r. W N W p J t� S i t- O C -.-+{-+ F E L C C CJ iil 1J 77 RJ Ci.u: C- (.J L.: _ u1 . i -1 ' .. Cil W L S_ Ol y•y i M U[.] Cl O(_7 E" 3.i ( 1 L1 0 0 C CJ C:7 F f C C N C' • W [(1 Y H H L:CC (L aJ r.. E CJ W 3 3 is W.,.{ t> lv W�!9 - U H H W - H.-i•.1•_i L (p -t-` fil j.-1 .'C:? W Cf; CD Iv CJ CJ CJ W W .c W L7 G�G:.-i CJ r-7 F-f,C_1 C.J L V; F--!-- 7-O L,•- W Cil @ O.0•.i ',T 7 7 C C 0 A- 'a FINANCIAL STATEi.ELT REVEI:MES' Date >April 1974 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR To GHIic, LAL FWID BUDGET MONTH DATE :nsh`on Hand 7/1/73 ',130,541. v - 0 - $181,135 701 Property Tax-Current 232,728. 1,131 215,668 702- Property Tax-Prior Years 81019. 421 73,792 703 Lind Sales & Advance Taxes 160. -`0 - - 0 - 704 -Trailer Sales Tax 180. - 0 - 9 REVEi:UE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 712 Cigarette Tax 19' 848. - 0 - 16,724 713 Liquor Tax 50,279. 0 - 43.252 717 State Subvention - BOR 42,613. -'0 - -, 0 - 717 State Subvention - PEP 14,630. : 873 14,544 718 County Subvention - USA 28,162. - _0 - 28 163 718A County Subvention - 'RIDE 39`,023. '' 4,448 23,817 718B County Subvention -`LEILA 14,012. < 2,000 8,265 LICENSES a: PERMITS 721 Business 28,309. 54'1 29,026 722 Liquor 150. 5 190 723 Bicycle 175. 19 171 724 Plumbing & Heating 13,320. -681 6,967 726 Building 33,022. 3,912 38,169 727 Moving 50. - 0 .- 5 728 Street Openings 250- - 0 - 0 - 729 Sign 545. 34 371 FIKES & FORFEITURES 731&734 Court &.Indigent Defendants Daf. 52,000. 4,392 36,343 USE OF MOITEY & PROPERTY 742 Telephone Pay Booth 35. - 0 - 34 743 Interest 1,800. 2,408 8,692 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 750.10 Street Sweeping 2,000. 640 1,020 750.20 Subdivision Application Fee 600. - 0 - 302 750.30 Subdivision Lighting Revenue 2,000. - 0 - 540 751 Zoning Adjustments 3,000. - 0 - 2,150 751.1 Special Police Service 2,425. - 0 - - 0 - 751.2 Special Inspection Service 1,087. - 0 - 162 752 Document Sales 2,000. 83 776 755 P. W. Construction Fees 6,000. - 0 - 2,866 756 Lien Check 1,200. 104 730 757 Sale of Street Signs '750. 0 - 340 758 Library Fines & Fees 1,200. 166 1,184 FRARCHISE REVENUE 761 P.G.E. 39,699• - 0 - 35,857 762 -N.W. Natural Gas 8,978. - O - 11,694 763 General Telephone 18,142. - 0 - 18,808 764 Garbage 5,710. 195 3,973 766 Taxi 90. - 0 60 767 Pacific Northwest Bell 100. 0 - 115 110,11-REVENUE RECEIPTS 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH _D_ YZ 771 Sale of City Property 2, 800. - 0 - 3,806 775 ' Unclaimed Property Sale 100.' p 0 288 776 Donation - Library 1,000. - - _ 288 776.1 Donation - Library_Building 1,000.; _ O _ 57 777 Park Development & Maintenance _5,000.: - 0 - 210 ECOVERED EXPENDITURES 783 •- Admin. Sewer & Road 10,000. - 0 - 10,000 785 Gas Tax Refund 600. - 0 - 755- 787 Nuisance Abatement 100, _ 0 _ _ 0 _ 787.1 Demolition of Building 2,000, 0 _ 10' 788 Other 2,000. 315 9,616' 7ggf3 St. Improvement, S.W. 115th 57,000, - 0 - MR School District-Vehicle Maint - - 0 - 0- 0 - 786 Reimburse Voters Registration - -0- 20 p - 18 TOTAL GENERAL FUND &886,432. 22,368 770,69",. SEVER FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 0180,295. 175,783 USE OF M014EY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 7,500. 2,993* 10,829 247 OEA & Others (New Project) 50,000. _ 0 _ /44 Interest on onbonded assessments _ 0 _ 0 O_ - CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 34 753 Sewer Connection Fee 40,000, 1,7Q,0 27,500 754 Monthly Sewer Service. 45`,981. 6,878 37,347 755 Sever Permit & Inspection 3,300. 177 3,048 RECOVERED -EXPENDITURES 788 Other 300. - 0 - 290 789 Unbonded Assessment 289. - 0 - 110 TOTAL SEWER FUND $327,665. 11,748 254,941 STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 40,000. - 0 - 63,196 REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 711 State Gas Tax 94,350. - 0 - 101,284 USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 1.367. 1,069 2,661 TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND $135,717. 1,069 167,141 ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 1,618. - 0 - 3,043 714 County Road Tax 1,000. 32 212 743 Interest 25. - 0 _ 7 TOTAL ROAD FUND E 2,643. 32 3,262 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR YO FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND BUDGET MONTH DAA Available Cash 7/1/73`2Y 9 72,556. - 0 - 77.383. 715 Federal Subventions 66,780. 17,871 70,308 743 Interest 500. 1,234 4,456 TOTAL FED. 'REVENUE SHARING FU14D 5139,836. 19,105 152,147 BANCROFT BONDS #3,A,5-!6,_y - Assessments S 32,000. 1,714 17,066 Interest 10,979. 432 6,752 USE OF MONEY 743 Interest or. Investments 1,000. 1,389 5,478 TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS 3,535 29,296 GE14F.RAL OBLIGATION _BONDS Available Cash 7/1773 S 15,374. - 0 - 4,923 Cash from USA 25,926. - 0 - 24,910 747 Interest nn Investments 100. 309 775 ' T"TAL OBLIGATION BONDS S 41.400. 309 30,608 I S TOTAI: BUDGET 51,577.672. . 58,766 1,408,089 i - FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES 1973-74 Mo.= April Year to *Budget Current Month "Date GENERAL FUND Mayor & Council 4,662. 740.35 3,617.24 Municipal Court 19,112. 1,490,35 14,743.74 Administration 68,177. 5,533.99 53,814.14 Building;Dept. 31,728. 2,295.17 18,000.24 Planning"& Zoning 42,781. 3,807.84 33,311.70 Library 22,030. 1,407.12 15,533.11 Police 335,680. 26,168.25 863,973.45 Parks & 'Recreation 84,201. 1,223.13 14,422.13 Idem-Departmental 132,974. 6,226.58 55,003.90 Engineering 59,642. 4,802.59 A5,669,02 Street Operation & Maint. 70,`223. 420.40 8,402.33 Contingency 4,660. -0- -0= Total General Fund $875,870. 54,115.77 526,491.00 SEWERAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation & Maintenance 265,933. 3,311.60 25,423.94 Replacement &Expansion r 54,383. -0- 4,283.23 Contingency 7,349. Total Sewer Fund $327,665. 3,311.60 29,707.17 STATE TAX STREET FUND Operat on & Maintenance 131,317. 2,887.06 68,116.81 Contingency 4.400- -0 -0- Total State Tax St. $135,717. 2,887.06 68,116.81 ROAD FUND Operation & 'Maintenance $2,643. 0 1,147.50 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND-Bancroft Bonds 2,4,5,6,7,8,9 $43,979, -0- 27,923.12 GENERAL DEBT FUND General Obligation Bonds $41,400. -0- 13,730.83 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $139,836. -0- 57,954.95 TOTAL BUDGET $1,567,110. 60,314.43 725,071.38 !ti z W Oi o H C N O M cUN V' CA � OI O W '. N d N GL7 '+q d H r H U G9 H M O ul O co co CoIF. h0 W 'N W I N A In Ol M 1 O1 co I W co .1 ID H H VY CN v OWi d0' coN H 1 1 d. ' -O. co ,MOO O H Iq ! OI O v 1 i H N N N, N In lain co E1 -P cli r.W t0 N (1) V• :W tO M I. W r :QI N W voM O O .V O M O co OO HM s. ! N O �:. Ua H Q1 01 01 M 'N W W O M 0.. , V' W H L l N 'O N W V to.'TW' � M N A Vm H � r l,Q N to Ol N M O W ry C4Ln co In H IDHM ''N N 'O N N N G3 N N W 0 W tn c0 L, r r,M I 1 H M 1 W e-4 CO M OCPI Ln O •O N O W N 1 OI H M i W H a) c>~ W •N4 m a sts V N W H M H 1•'I T M W H trJ W W COW t0 �O O W Ig 'C7Ln CO Or r N ,+ N V' V' M N C. V' V't0 W 10 O 0 r N p (D N r O O U N d'H W n N 1!) M N H O C•�'1 4* N N N H O H Q1 co N M O ON N N H O O O H N M W 1n W O co O r W W r r en r, C14 C1 p O r O O H .1 r r r .-0 C co of .r r H r r r ra d N O ar m °a >~ r m HON co o R7 ro mr4 cu •4 C 1 ..1 2 N 'r WUl 4> •r1 O N 1. :1O '.7 r-Oi O H CO a p vr1 v m`a w m -H ra N V v V N to c= as U H LIBRARY REPORT FOR APRIL 1974 Spring has come and Little y'eague has started. Books are down,' gardens are more important. The Total for the month came to 4,417 books- still an increase over last year of 800 books. This month we checked out 3'times the amount of adult books over children's which should change radically as soon as school is out. The total fines for the month came to $81.07 and the new cards totaled $60.00 for a grand total of 141.07. The 'back room is coming along nicely. The walls and drop 'ceiling are in. The electric wiring has been completely changed through- out so we will now have more electricity than we can handle. Mr. Sorg is putting in indoor-outdoor carpet wall-to-wall in the children's room for warmth and ease for the children'. It will be beautiful. We are still waiting for the approval of HEW but ` we have signed the papers so that everything will be processed immediately. Everything has; been ordered so that we may open as soon as possible, 3 The Tigard Library is on the board of the Washington County Library Network representing the 'small library'. There will soon be a study made within the county on library needs and ways to cover everyone in the county with service. MEMO R A IDUr'i Ma„ 17 197 TO: Tigard City Council FROM: Tigard Planning Commission SUBJECT: Monthl . Report For May ?��^'!Ir�G ,e• C:i}i�DIU-i �Itt�'1 i,D('1IP;I:7 T R''Al 1 For the, moat'-,, of M, y, th^ Planning Commission consider this Following ,tams: Zone Changes .j Conditional Uses n Temporary Uses ,; Variances 0 Minor Land Partitioning 2 Preliminary Plat's .:.,ubdiuision Standards Variance ' ,_r _0 ite Design Review 7 r Miscellaneous 0 Ordinance Revisions Sign Code Appeal O Zoning activity has continued t-o 31acken while Site Design Review activity has increased substantiall, with the advent of the constructlori season. T`te "P StE,i is anticipating initiating zone Ghana_ es in the i;at:.,hprinv Street annexation area to comparable City zones. NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNINIG The NPO j:l Ash Avenue Downtown Plan text and map are now in Final Form and are awaiting a Final hearing and adoption by the Council. Upon adoption, the revisions of the addendums will be incorporated into the text, a report Format selected and a cover and map designed For inclusion within the report. The Plan will then be printed and made available For distribution to the public by July 15. Carl Buttke now has all data requested for the NPO ,- 2 traffic circulation study. He is now evaluating this data and has told us that his analysis will be completed by June 1. His analysis is taking longer then expected i clue to the need to evaluate the larger amount of data isquested by the consultant T ha 3wno 1 no 3„ ?c tion date is well within the contract completimi -date of June 22. Upon completion of Mr. Ruttk_,? s analysis, the staff -`W';.11 .draft plan text. F('}.£ +.4tii..i 2 review. it is anticipated the NPO $3 will Begin 'i n the era ;Dell Pleighborhood during July. ORDINANCE REVISItONS The proposed Flood Plain Ordinance has boon gi,E+an an informal review by the Planning Commission and is currently 'being revised by the staff. A public hearing on the proposed Flood Plain Ordinance has been scheduled before the Planning Commission on dune 4,, 1974. This droinance Will receive top staff priority, Upon adoption of the NPO „'1 Plan For the ;ash Avenue, Downtown Neighborhood, the staff will draft aHighway Commercial': one to P.l'able implementation oF the NPO 11 Plan. SPECIAL PROJECTS A draft "Street and Road (policy" was submitted to and reviewed by the Planning .Commission at. their April 23rd study session. The :staff is now revising the original draft to incorporate the ideas brought out the study session and to also incorporate new ideas concerning street and road standards. The staff .is exploring, with the Public 'Jor :s D-partrient, the advisability of adopting new street standard specifically applicable to Tigard conditions, E POLICE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF APRIL 1`i 74 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL: M� tMr) - -- --- -NUMERICAL STRENGTH DAILY ABSENCE AVEYAGF E} E( I'1` F �iRENC"iEnd of Same This I Same This -,t laT ISamc this Month nrh ' M7nth i Mc:nth 1 Mon ih'! M 'nth Month Last t Last +i ; { Ly=t Year i 'xear. 3 I YE a' 14.9 `14.6 i 13.1 TOTAL PERSONNEL 24 22 I 9.1- -8-9--- --- ---------- --- _--- ---- CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 .6 -1.4- j 1.4 SERVICES DIMS, 6 6 1.9 i 1,8 f 4,1 Y__3.8-_ 4-?_ -_ -------- -_-- 5.5 5,3 E 7.7 PATROL DIVISION 10 ' 14-- - 4,5 6.3 I{ -----_4-_---------- TRAFFIC DIVIS. 3 0 1.2 I _ -Q--- _' -1•$_ --2.0__f INVEST. SECTION 3 _ --�-- 1 �, .9 3 2 1 { �2..1_ ._ 7 _ FORCE ONE 11 LO 4.2 _4.2M _iiS.8- 1 6.5- ----5 --_ -_ FORCE TWO 8 6 N___ 2z8 2e8_a__� ----.- _-- - FORCE THREE 5; 6 �,1 1.9 u� 2 9- 3.0_ _-_4 1- -= CHANGES LN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last month- 23 - _ - - -- `Ihi^ _ Sa � onth Mr.nLh La _t. Year.----- 2. Recruited during month ---1 ---- ---_� -.__-- 1. To ra 1 number t i.e. LFA 3. Reinstated during month 0 _ offLcer, --13.0 1 14.0 Total to account for 24 -1---________ - Less Agents As-.ig- 4. Separations from the service: nod C.o Investigat. _-0 L-0 _- (a) Voluntary resignation 0 3. A-,-oragv daily abs- 0 enccS of field off- i (b) Retirement _ hers owing t-n (c) Resigned with charges pending 0 _ Ca) Vacation, usp 151.(.)n, day= off, (d) Dropped during probation -0comp. time, etc, 3.5 i 4.6 (e) Dismissed for cause 0 (b) Sick. & Injured (f) Killed in line of duty 0 (c) School-, etc. Total average dally (g) Deceased 0 absences -5.7=J======6.3 _ Total separations 0 7.3 7.7 , Arra i La b is for du t�- ----5.7 _ ------------------ Present for duty at end of month 24- t Page. one POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND ! OFFENSE ` UMBER O OFFE SES � NUIMBF.R 'OF' CLASSIFICATION SI UNFOUNDED NUMBER OF' ! I CLEARED fir 'A ! OF OFFENSES REPORTED OFFENSES ACTUAL ! _. hlr, LST OFFENSES H (PART I) THIS � REPORTED E OFFENSES !- - _ —! BY ! TO[AL ARREST OF JUVENILES MONTH i THIS MONTH ! THIS MONTH ! -- __- __--__-- _ lARRFS THI SMONTH1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE --`--�- -1 --- -------}----=------- a. Murder & Nonnegl.igent Manslauu h. eri b. Manslaughter by Negl i.gence ! ! 2. FORCIBLE RAPE --- ! -----------$ -----------l----- ----i----------- -----�� a,_R42e by Force _ ! b, Assault to Rape - i ! ! � 3. RAt a'P is — 2 OBBERY --- j----------�----- ------+--1 --Z-N--=-__- -_�__---------- a. Armed Any Weapon -_ _ ---------- ---1_—__i —1_ --1-1-----------i-`----.--.--' b, Strong Arm No � ! {""- ! � Wei ons i ! 4. ASSAULT - Total ___��---- ---- ----�-----------_� _.�-------__ a. Gun ! b. Knife or Cutting —._�--- --_.'-'�M-- ---�------------------- Instrument j c. Other Dangerous --------- Weapon r d, Hands, Fists, Feet, 1--�-- —�_�_�—1_----i---- ---�---- ------------------ et.c, - Ag ravated 1 ! ! e. Other Assaults - Not� I --4------ ---+----------�- --------__- A,�Zr-avated— 3 I - ------(--- - ?_SBURGLARY Total a. Forcible Entry ----- -----! ----- ----- 9 1 _�- -$----�--2- --1-C--- -----F- -1---- b, Unlawful. Entry - No ! ! ! i Force 7 ! ! -- ----! ----- ---- --- -- -t---------- c. Attempted Forcible (� ! ' �------------ Entr I ! € 6,. .LARCENY -.THEFT -----•�--- --! -- ----� ----i------------ (except Auto Theft) 9 ! a, $50 and Over in Value 23 b Under $50 in -- 23-----� - 2 1-i------ -----! -1------ Value 21 7. AUTO THEFT _---1------21--- ( 7 5 i 5 TOTAL ----,-----------�----------- 72 I71F_-- _17 _ll 11 ! 6 SUMMARY OF ARRESTS SUMMARY OFCR IMLNAL ACT IVLTY ADULTS: Male -M ,nth Mnn t h-------Y'ear Y :a r --_ —_ Female _1934 _19_73 — ��1974 _ f 1973 2 Total PAR-T I _ 71 47 f 236-1 177 _—PART 11 67 - -- - --- ---- 44 248 _ I89_ ..JUV: Male MISCO NON-GRIM,=�(tQ Female 313___ _ 1 149 — -- Total 11 GRAND TOTAL i I 407 404 1,514 , 1,515 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHL REPORT ,} CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND NUMBER '01' OFFENSES i NUMBER OF CLASSIFICATIONS OFFENSES UNFOUNDED { NUMBER OF CLEARED B!- A EST I OFFENSES REPORTED OFFENSES � ACTUAL TH IS M Thi B't OF OFFENSES _________ _______—{ (PART II) THIS REPORTED OFFENSES TOTAL. MT77F( i('V NI ES MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH – ARRES > i VEN I LES { TFi '010NTH 8. HARRASSMENT 5 9. ARSON -- - - - - -- - - - - -+----------- �-- -- - 10. FORGERY & COUNTER- i FEITING _ _p- _--- ---- --- -- -- ---i --------- - 11 FRAUD 5 5 1- -1 i-_ 12. EMBEZZLEMENT _ _ _ { � 13: STOLEN PROPERTY: BUYING r RECEIVING; POSSESSING 1 1 0 ------i ---------- 14. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 33 — - _ -_ _33 — __3_ _2_t - 3_ 3--__---_ 15. WEAPONS: CARRYING, POSSESSING', ETC. - -- - --- --------- 16. PROSTITUTION & COMMERCIALIZED VICE �__ — �_, _ _ .___. ------_---__ 17 SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT I 2:AND 6) ------ 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS ------- 19. GAMBLING --- 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE I FAMILY AND CHILDREN 1 1 �0 21. DRIVING UNDER THE iY INFLUENCE 10 10 10 10 22. LI UOR LAWS 23. DRUNKENESS 1 I ----- -- 1 1 ------ 24. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 1 -- i_---- 25. VAGRANCY _—_.--_--- --_____-- 2.6. ALL OTHER OFFENSES � (EXCEPT_TRAFFIC) 5 �`_ 5 _—_ _ 10 5 27. SUSPICION 28. CURFEW AND LOITERING 1 — 1 -__ 4 1 -1___-- 29. RUN AWAYS 5 -----5 -- ---- --- ----------- ---------- TOTAL 69 2 67 31 22 15 ; 7 SUMMARY OF ARRESTS "LILTS Male 15 JUVENILES: Male11 Female 1 Female 4— ' .K Total 16 Total 15 Page three POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MLSCELLANEOCS COMPLAINf:S 6 ACT{ IIIES - -- — ----NUMBER _ — u('MBE _-- - --T -:\( ----OF NON-CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS REPORTED 1 L'ivF0UNDED1 ACTUAL COMPI AINTS _ -- -_-- THIS MONTH j TH IS M0^:'CH r j I H 1S MONTH ---- 1. Alarm ----7---------------7----------------•----7-------------------- —� _- 11 i p -=----- i------__7 1-____--__ 2. AtUulance/First Aid0 l -- -q� --13 --- - ---------- , T ------------ _3 Animal Problem0 13 4. Assist_Agency �-----18-_- �______.—Q------•---__�:..�.------_-LSA--_._-- ------------ 4A, Assist Citizen --- 23-------i-----__ ___------ t--------23--------- 5, Check Buis 1 d i n$_�— ___------ i 7 �- - --- --- 7 6, Check Occupant t------1--_ 0 t -r-7 Civi l—M_--a-L-L r ------- ------- -----p -_------ ----i? --------Q- ------- --rt -- -g 8. Deliver Message 1 - ----i r --------------- ----------- 4 p 49. og Srto ------- 10. Disturbance I ----- - •- 11, Hazard ---- -- - — -------- --- 1 - --- i 0 3 _ 12 Juvenile Pr»blern2 16 1'3 Noise Abatrd ---- -�---__--_—___ r 3 i w -_O_-------._rv_ - -3 14 Person 0 _ 12 15. Standby on Moveou t I 3 --- ------------------------i _ 3 16. Suspic�Ou_-Ci;zcumstances -- - --f---17 -- --- ------3---------- -------1.4�------ 17 Towed Auto _ _ r _3 j 0 18 Traffic Problem _ --_ --7 -'---`-i-- - -- --- 6 --- 191 Unfounded, Call — -- - 10 -----� 20. Wire Dowi?' -----r----i----- -- -------- ----------rt------- 1--- ----- 21. O t her =-�_ 20 __�__-___ 20-__-------, 22 13 Found Propert _- --Y-------------------�—__ -- - ------ 0 --- - - -13 23. losr Pxo ty ------ ------- ---------- , --- --0 - ------_rtr_ 1 24. F 1R` - ------rt ------ - _ _ aop— ------_- -- _------------------- ---- {------__12 .25, Nar"coir^.s lnformati.on 4 -- 10 4 -_ ------ --- Lewd/HarasSirent Phone Call (REFER TO FARC if (RiMCS� I _ ------------- ---------------- 2i Traffic Arrest Report<.- ,-'_-5— -----i-------Q-----------•-;----- 5 - --- ---- }-------- 28., Vacation Checks/Pr.owl Checks — -" � -_-7--'-'------�----�--____. - - _______------ ----2 2 i 0 1 _22 -- 29, Warrants, Subpoenas, Summons ----`- —______----- i--------0--------- - -------30, Drunk Person(s) -------- —3_-! ------- 1 �. 31, Fam i 1 F i h t s -___-------------7------------------ -r Y� _— ------------ ---11--------� -_-_ -- __--_1 ------1 1------_- 32 Fires - 2 ------- ----- 0 �- 2 33 Lost and Missing Persons _ _ p 3'4. Prowlers O __-__---------'------------- --- __ — ----_ ------- ---- --"__ ---------- --------•------------ . and Ataempts p 35. Suicides i 36. S u s p i c.i.o u s Autos _----- 5 --------;-----0----------� - -5------ TOTALS -_ --- 276 ==7 -==-=269 PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED Type o.E Property -------_-� - -----G'alur c,C Prroert .' Stolen Stn en - ~---� Rec:A, Bred A. Currency, Notes, etc... . . . . .... . .. ... . . .... ... ...$ 2,140_.50 ---$------- _260.00 ------ _ __ _ B. Jewelry and Precious Metals.,.., , $ X12.50— 5� — 9.00 C, Fur.s,, ,�.. ........ ..... . ,. . -------------- -- ----_- _ ------ S _ D. Clothing.. .. ..... .. .... . .... . 5_-----43.97--- 1 - ---__--1 9 ----- -------- 8_9 7 E. Locally Stolen Automobiles. ,. .; ,��, _, ,,., ,, ,,,$ 5,550.00 �___ F Miscellaneous,.. . . $----48876.97---- $-----—------------ - TOTALS.....,.,5— 1.2,623.94 $ 361.60 Page 'tour POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN --------- ------------------ --- --- ---NUMBERyOF--- -- VALUE OF CLASSLFICATION ACTUAL OFFENSES PROPERTY STOLEN ROBBERY < A. Highwav (streets, alleys, etc.). , .,. . ,,;,,......, B. Commercial House (except C. D, F)___. _.. C. Gas or Service Station.. ,... .....» < '.,.,....^ D. Chain Store.... .. . ,>-» , »» j -` E Residence (anywhere :)n premises),... . . ...... F. Bank...... , S --- 00 _ - -- G. Miscellaneous» » 1- 260_ TOTALROBBERY _ _ 260_00 RAPE BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING` A. Residence (dwelling) 1) Night-......... , . , .;'»»„»r., �.�_2�_�_ - 359.00 2) Day..... ...>.._....,».» ,. 2 - - 3) Unknown......`..,....»».. ». , , . .„.. -_5 _,_ T' 609_.50 B. Nonresidence (store, office, ctc.) 1) Night. 3 _ _1,177.00___ 2) Day, _15 _ 120_00_ _ 3) unknown, . ---2 _ r 138p00 _ - TOTAL`- BURGLARY _L5____ 5 __ 85200 -- LARCENY - THEFT (except auto, by value) A. $50 and over.... »:a»�, ,. ..... ... ..». .'» 23 -N S3.611.45--- B. $5 to $50. ...... „...... ».,o'».,.. » 15t4 q 3�5 - C. Under $5.. 6 5 - --, 12.75 TOTAL - LARCENY �� $__ 94 —_ AUTOTHEFT,. . »».. .. . , . ..». ..... ..., »» „ <, 4 S 5,550.00_ GRAND TOTAL $ 12,623.94 Nature of Larcenies A. Pocket-picking» ..., . . , ..< . .». ,.,». ..,,. . < $ — --------- B. Purse-snatching.... — 1 -11—.11. 1 --- C. ----------- - --,Shoplifting...,.... ...»....».». . ..»,»., . -�4 _- S 36.60 _� D. From Autos (except E). .._.. .....».»»» .» - _13 _- �— _1,285,39 E. Auto Parts and Accessor,ies., . ,,»„ _—_ 6 $____2_9_5.50 -- F, Bicycles>,.... .» ..,_ ..,.»» 9 _- S --___8_2_5.45.___ G. From Buildings (except C and H)-. , ». --_3 --- $__---_644.00 -_ H. From any Coin-operated-Machine- ....-_ _. — - __ > __�__ I. All Other.......... .. .,...». . .... .. _ 9 - $ 86_3_.00 TOTAL - LARCENIES 44 $__1j949.94 Automobiles Recovered A, Number Stolen Locally and Recovered Locally . ..... 0 B. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered by Other Jur..isdi.c-ti.ons.., ,....... 0---_ _ _ _ C. Total Locally Stolen Autos D. Number Stolen Out of Town, Recovered Local.ly..»,..,.».,, »»..,.o page five POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT' TRAFFIC/ACCIDENT SUMMARY - ---------—---------------------------_P�_�_��_ ACCIDENTS THIS MONTH � THIS EAR TO DATE This Year Last Year J�- --ITh---scar--_t-_---_Lisr_lear _v 1 ACCIDENT TOTAL 22 15 i 65 i 48 -Fatal 1 --- ---� Q _—� ---------1 --------�-----•---0----__---- Personal In'ur 4 -- —12 -- -- -- 12 -- ---�--� -30 Property Damage 2 0i 52 Pedestrian 1 �_—_-0 w —u _ _ 1 I 0 Hit and Run I Q 0 57 --- _I -2_� ENFORCEMENT TRAFFIC TOTAL -189 j 326 641 852 Hazardous Violations 127 238 428 i 594 Other Violations 62 88 I 213 I 258 Parking 71 58 DWI 10 8 36 - I 24 Hit and Run 0 _ _0 2 I 0 Arrests, Citations or Custody at Accidents '13 6 38 i 24 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REPORT Operational Cost Summary UNIT # 1 5.53`Cents`Per Mile $ 65.61 12.09 MPG UNIT # 2 7.62 Cents Per. Mile S 177.38 5.77 MPG UNIT # 3 8.56 Cents Per Mile $ 254.81 6.71 MPG UNIT # 4 7.82 Cents Per Mile S 271.13 7.28MPG UNIT # 5 12.77 Cents Per Mile $ 245.08 6.81 MPG UNLT # 6 10.36 Cents Per Mile $ 230.20 6.20 MPG UNIT # 7 7.22 Cents Per Mile $ 124.05 11.25 MPG UNIT # 8 4.29 Cents Per Mile $ 13.27 12.88 MPG UNIT # Cents Per Mile $ MPG ------------ UNIT Cents Per Mile $ MPG TOTAL OPERATLNG COST $_` _t 81.53 --__--- TOTAL MILES TRAVELED 16,119 AVERAGE COST PER MILE 8.570 page six s POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION ACTIVITY TIME ALLOTMENT HOURSQUANTITY General Patrol.. ` ,.....,>'. ...,.<o ....,�, ., 495.1 Traffic Patrol., r --- ------- - 315_9 _ Criminal Investigaf onao --- _ 85.2 Accident Investigation... _ --- ___ 5 Traffic Enforcement. 15., -"'-------- v__�-- 419 ---- Court and Jail...,0 5415 Transport - ___3_9, Assist Publico. � -- - -- AssistOther s.. 2912 --- - "- --- Assis t Other Officers. - gL0"e - - - - , Calls Answered....... F � .I.R. s.. X3_3 9 L Dispatch Duties,,.. W --- ------ Office Duties o e.o 5- -- -- / Briefing.. Report. Writing., 715 ------------ Special Details.. - - -- ..... __L4_1_.2 116 4121169 Training............. - _-__--_---__ ............ ....... Patrol Vehicle Service,,.... l�- � -------- Authorized Breaks.... ---`------- Vacation Checks..., __ .. ,.... 1 .Vehicle Impoundo, -- .6 - Administrative Duties, , . .•Yep a• ^ 11�-- TOTAL HOURS........ ..... 1�881.8 Total Obligated Hours 941.0 Total Non-Obligated Hours 940.8 page seven Now- POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY` REPOR'- PATROL DIVISION Page 2% TRAFFIC - ---------------- Q ant i.t:v Hazardous Violations,. 120 Operator License Violations.. ...... 13 Suspended Violations - __5 Vehicle License Violations., 34 _ _- Equipment Violations., 7 Hit and Rijn., Parking Violations - ` 10 _ TOTAL CITATIONS» 199 TOTAL WARNINGS 199 CRIMINAL ARRESTS Felony, Misdemeanor /;Tratific _52 TOTAL, ---- 57 PREVENTION Open Windows. .,, . ,,,,..,. __ 1 Open Doors,,,,,,,,,,,, Street Lights - Suspicious Persons. ,. ,,, 88 Suspicious Vehicles..,........ . 121 --- Signals Out,...,.,... . -` „ 2 Signs Down,. . ...... --------- 10 Neglected Property. . . .. . . . .... �_-6 i Street Defects.,. - --- Dead Animal, . ..... -- Abandoned Vehicles. ... -- Fires, . ,.,,.,,, .. ------ Other Hazards ., ,.. ... ............. . .... .. . ..... .. .. ,_ 2 --- g Vacation Checks,,. — - 30 TOTAL. ....,»., 293 page eight POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION^ Page :3 OFFICER CITATIONS WARNLNGS ARRESTS PERSON'S VEHICLES— WHEELER 5 -- ------0 - -10 -- --- 0-- - ? 0--_---- BAILEY` 1_ 0 � '_---- ` 1 0 t S IRIANNI 9 7 3 -- ------Q------ I L � JENNINGS 15 1.4 14 12 JOHNSON 3 32 1 3 _i 48 1 MYERS 4 1 � i ------------- -r----------, - -7--------•6--------� ' — ` —�o_� -----6-•------- � 3 ------- SGT. NEWMA_N 53 SGT. F1�.RMER 13 � ---- 1 -----4---�•---- --3Y-------- SGT. BOOMER 7 26 0 8 12 -------------- -------------- i PATROL TOTAL �62 3 84 38 V--78---- -----108-----� _ ------ -T--- ----- - --------------•-I LAiNDIS X41 33 __ 4�i----- 4 MARTIN 54 A 58 _ 1 � _6 10 FEATILERSTON 42 -24W_- 15 0 3 i _----__ - f---------------� TRAFFIC TOTAL 137 J 115 20 ! 10 13 RESERVES HOURS MERRILL 1 1_ 52 HESKETH - -- 5--- S ITTEL hicKEREGHAN -- —�- -- ---�------------- --- 7__- -- - - ------7-------------- - NORD UIST 3 32- - D1ICETTE -- ------ ---- —�_Z—A_ 31 NEWM414 _1 i i 25 TETERS 0 r10 S IMMONS 15 -- ------_—__ e--______--- ------- RESERVE TOTAL 0 1 0 4 2 177 r. AND TOTAL 199 200 1 58 0 92 123 + page nine 9 f POLLCE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT° TRAFFIC REPORT ComActrian Ratio Citations — 0— Officer Iasued Guilty Not Gui 1Lv Pencil- Rat s 1. MARTIN 48 26 1 0 22 I_ ioo - 2. LANDIS _-77 --_4Z _ I 0 1 36 i 1007—_—__-- 3. FEATHERSTON 61 25 ' -- — -- ----36----- 1001 -- 4. BOOMER 13 2 0 i 11 1007 —�-- - 1 I 5. FARMER 15 4 _ 1 _ 1080% _ 6, NEWMAN 3 1 0 _ _-1 -- _2 -- 100% 7. _ 7. JENNINGS 21 1 1 2 18 _ 1 66.6% - � 7 1 ' 0 4 1007 8, WHEELER 1l _— _ E 9. JOHNSON 29 10 1 0 — _ 19 100%_—__ 10. S IRIANNI 1.7 14 0 11. LAYERS 0 _0�' 0 _ 1 0__— •--�--- --— �Y 1 12 i 13. — -- ----------_ 14. -- --- ----j�----------- ----------- 16. _ — — 17. - --- - 18, —--- — 19. 20. T------ TOTALS 295 131 3 i 161 97.7% ENFORCEMENT INDEX 31.75 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT INVESTIGATION DIVISION Month APRIL 19 74 Number Cases Total Number Of — C—ssification Number Cases ! Number Cases; i Cases Cleared ` i Per Case Assigned Arrests Received Suspended � � ! � ! ,Patrol lnve=t,IPatroll Invest.- Adult i< Ju;-, / AR iPT I /: ------+------ - --------� ------ i Homicide 0 Rae 2 -- -- -- ---2-- +_----+---1---------Z--_i� _—_____ Robber ------ Agg. Assault 2 _�_� � !+__-- 1 t 1 3 t Theft Under $50 19 14 ! 3 2 -g--- --- ___ -------t- ------- j� Theft over$50 2 2 6 5 I �`------*_--------------+-----2-Theft - - --- ---- = - 6 2Y _ L ! ! i —? Auto Theft � 4 � 2�_ 1 --�-~-----�---- 1 -�--- ---_�^^ - BurglarY—_ 15 11 PART i TOTALS 68 49 --rte g-- i$ - ! 12 6 11 -_ / PART I I. / Assault & Related 10 !_ 4 _ 52 2 4 Check Offenses 2 2' 3 3 ' -� -- _�_-i -- ---- `Forgery & Related 1 ___---— % � --- ---------- Wea ons_:Crimes —. 1te � - --- - -=r --r_------ = -----= Sex Offenses _ - Narcotic Offenses 5 __— - rr--- ----- -- i — ----- - Pros t i to tion VO i---- 4--- --1--i--------r------- Offenses --- -iOffenses 0 _—�`'----I- ___--- -----�---- ----r - --' - Gambling Off en s e s r--- 0 ----_-t- - - � _j --' --- -T---- -- Stolen Property Cr © - - i __; ®---7- ------------ Crimes �� -- V an da l i 33 r- 22 19 sm - --- }------- r . __ ! Other Part II - - �---r----�-�-- Crimes 10�_ 2 1— 5 ! ! --3---1 4 PART II TOTALS 62 24 24_ 19 12 10 ! 7 ! 10 PART I _J=�_ & Ii TOTALS 130 73 33 37 24 Lb 13 21 - Total Cases Cleared 40 Total Office Hours-253_ Total Training Hours 0 Total Cases Pending Patrol. 33 Total. Field Hours 102Total Court Hours 10 Total Cases Pending Investigation _37 Total Osrert.i.me Hours49- otal Other- Hours 0 Total Warrants Issued 9 -- --- Total Misdemeanor Arrests 24 Total Cases Presented for Warrant Issuance S -'-- Total Court Case Heard & Dispositions 3 - Tnvestigation Divisi.on Commander —L. Branstetter, Det. Sgt. page twelve POLICE_DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SERVICES DIVISION DUTIES TIME ALLOTTED Dispatch Duties 327.5 Cards Typed/Filed 74.7 Letters Typed 14.2 Reports Typed 52.6 Special Details 275.2 Aid Other Agency/Person 80.2 Teletype Operation 79.2 Handwritten Reports 16.7 Authorized Breaks 58.2 TOTAL HOURS 978.5 page ten POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT EXPENSES (Includes R'.I.D.E. & L.E.A.A'.) 1-16 ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 100 2,886.00 -0- -0- 2,886.00 106 291.00 19.80 223.20 _.67 80' 181 8,000.00 480.00 4,872.45 3,-127.55 182 2, 045.00 -0- -0- 2,045.00 183 3,060.00 210.00' 1770.00 1,290.00 140 ' 15`744.00'- 1.312.00 13 120.00 2 624.00 142 54` 947.00 4.590.20_' 44 948.00 91999.00 144' 99,644.00 8`407.07 87,004.40 12 639.60 145 14 106.00 1,178.00 11 720.00 2,386.00 146' 25 552.00 1970.00'' 21 653.73 3898.27' 147 13.800.00 1150,00 11 500.00 2.300.00 101' 13 859.00 1'128.94 10-892.87 2,966.13 102 AO 102.00 -0- 4 `889.38 "'.5,212.62 102 Res. 259.00- 6.88' 189.50 69.50 103 ` 7' 806,00 530.86 5,523.14 2,282,86 104 13,029.00 1,238.95 11 341 47 1,687.53 105 1.581.00 109,42 ` 1,076,02 504.98; 107 -0- 519.66 2,180.38 180 38) 01 ' 1.500.00 430 77 1,617.82 (117,82) 20 30 0 147.81 1,983.51 316 49 203 50,00 -0- 5.90 44.10 205 50.00 -0- 55.00 (5,00) 207 1 160.00 15.00 144.30 15.70 210 14 748.00 1 842,30 12 928.66 1,819.34 220 1.412.00 87.99 626.05 785.95 240 500.00 13.68 274.01 225.99 251 -0- -0- -0- -0- 270 700.00 25.35 249.54 450.46 271 550.00 -0- 517.15 32.85 280 2,510.00 227.75 1,847.35 662.65 291 3,704.00 525.82 3,554.26 149.74 300 2,570.00 -0- 2,381.90 188.10 310 13 910.00 -0- 2 825.00 11,08 .00 312 4,270.00 -0- 2,058.46 21211.54 320 35.00 -0- -0- 35.00 TOTAL $335 680.00 a $26,168,.25 $263,973.45 $71'706.55 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT EXPENSES '- R.I.D.E. ACCOUNT N0. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE. ( BALANCE lOb 32:00 2.70 28.80 I 0 181 1-800.00 195.19 I 1 774 17 i 25 83 144 24 372.00 3 455:71 44 076 30 (19,804,'30) 101 1,531.00 156.38 E 2 464,10 (933.10) 102 1'.115100 =0- 1,011.20 x.03.80 203 1,097.00 77.32 794.55 5 104 '1,439.00 187.12 2,808.12 (1,369.12) 105 1bb.00 16.64 290.73 1 124.73) 210 l `51'2.Op 882.69 1 3.422.98 (1.910 98) 220 200.00 -0- -0- i 200`GO 251 1,900.00 135.92 1,360.52 539.4 280 350.00 -0- -0- 350:00 201 1 400.00 -0- -0- 1,400.00 202 200`.00 -0= -p- 200000 312 s 800.00 -0- -o- -5,80-0-00 . 107 -0- 73:62 344.71 (344.71) -183 TOTAL 42 414.00 5 213.24 58,436,18 $,If 522_.18) EXPENSES - LE.A.A. ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE I BALANCE 144 -- 10$1128-00 1 036.35 8.181.15 1-946-85 101 592.00 49.37 401.40 190.60 102 420.00 -0- 180.24 239.76 103 270.00 17.13 145.60 124.40 104 557.00 59.08 509.$4 47.16 105 69.00 5.74 49.35 19.65 106 11.00 .90 8.10 2.90 310 3,260.00 -0- 2 825.00 435.00 R2 3,422.00 -0- 1 370.58 2 051.42 181 -0- -0- 25.55 25.55) 107 -0- 23.24 92.97 92.97) 291 -0- 4.56 87.06 (87.06) 184.57 667.84 667.84) TOTAL $18,729.00 $1,380 57 $14,544.68 4 184.32 May 17, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: Tigard City Council From: Director of Public Works Subject: Monthly Report Engineering ,- See attached report. Street Section Due to the limited manpower available this month, the essence of work on streets was spent cutting road side grass, ;sweeping 'and sign maintenance and repair. Maintenance Section Only one major repair was made this month, that was the replacement of one brake drum on the street.sweeper. Other work performed was general' maintenance. Park Section in general the majority of work performed this month has been in the parks. At Cook Park the remodeling of the rest rooms has been the largest project. We now have all the concrete block worts completed. The rafters will be received May 17, 1974. Weather Permitting, we should be completed by June 1, 1974. The ;curbing was scheduled for this past week` but 'the weather did not allow the construction. At Jack lark all the preliminary excavation has been completed, final grading will be done as scon as the weather will allow. Pre-construction Job Conference regarding S.W. 115th Avenue There was a breakfast meeting held May 16, 1974 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:45 a.m. at Denny's Restaurant. The following is a tentative schedule for the work: 1. ) Kearney & Hiebert - public contact - Tuesday May 21, 1974. a. ) Clearing operation b. ) Undergrounding (tag cost onto assessment) c. ) driveway relocation 2. ) Monday, May 20th - 'R/W clearing - Kearney Brothers centerline at 25' . Jubs, culvert, PKs and curbgrade - Wilsey & Ham will set, 3. ) Tuesday, May 21st - begin relocation- Tigard Water District (f 7 days) slope stakes C 50' East & west side - Wilsey & Ham will set 4. ) Wednesday, May 22nd —begin grading &culvert - Kearney 5. ) Wilsey & Ham - set storm sewer control stakes Kearney - begin storm sewer installation Page 2 6.S Wilsey & Ham -- set curb control stakes Kearney - begin 'curb ,& Street installation P.G.E. - undergrouanding I May 17, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: Director of Public ;Works From: Supt. of Engineering Division Subject: Monthly Report During the past report period, highlights of divisional activity were as follows: Administration - Inventory of consumable materials and supplies and requisition of replacements; approval of one employee's annual vacation request (July 5-12),; opening of bids for base and mobile radio equipment (Motorola being low bidder at $1, 944.00) . - Preparation of two storm sewer easements; preparation of fifteen street dedication documents and sixteen temporary construction easements; preparation of one petition for a street vacation request; preparation of one easement encroachment permit; preparation and execution of contract documents for the City's aerial mapping project; preparation and execution of contract documents for the asphaltic overlay and preparation of contract documents for the; pending slurry seal work (CascadeConstruction Co. & 'C.B.H. paving, 'Inc., respectively); preparation of one legal description for the Katherine Street area annexation. Drafting `- preparation of alternate sketches for consideration for realignment of S.W. Walnut Place; design and preparation of a plan and profile drawing for one storm sewer extension; completion of the City street base map revisions, with subsequent forwarding to CH2M to produce contact prints and photo reductions therefrom (for City use) ; commencement of composition of a master street sign { inventory/reference map. Surveying - Conducted one preliminary location survey and one con- struction final-grade/location survey for a storm sewer extension; conducted one preliminary location survey for a possible street realignment; set grade stakes in Sack Park for final excavation work therein; checked one residential sanitary sewer "proposed connection" for adequate fall. Inspection —Completed asphaltic concrete overlays (the slurry seal work is still pending); construction work has primarily been active in Summerfield development project (other major projects, fifteen of which are still open have been more sporatic in such activities) ; to date (this year) 104 sanitary sewer, 62 sidewalk, 79 driveway and 25 building inspection requests have been conducted by the division; traffic counting has continued to progress also with 72 stations counted (this year). 9 PROPOSED VECTOR CONTROL DISTRIC, 1) Would include all cities requesting to join the Dis-o 2) The definition for vector would be "Mosquitoes, flies, ro,lents and other Public Health Vectors". 3), Service to the cities would be extensive. 'Cities that ;ai'n the District would be asked where their problem areas are. The District wn+.+Ld setup priorities and begin control immediately. The District, if passed in November, could possibly get to all problem'areas in the County prior to summer of 1975. 4) 1The District does not intend to go into the rodent :md insect control business. Literature would be available for private individuals that have problems. The district would beinvolvedon an area basis not individi+al homes. 5) The cities would receive as much service as is needed to control the rodent and insect population. MPS:bjb 5/16/74 F n the Matter of Approving the :Formation )` f a°Vector control Service-District_ ) LSOLUTION AND ORDER ursuant to the Authority of ORS Chapter ) 51 and by the Initiation Procedures ofhe Board of`County Commissioners ofashington County; and Setting`Forth theoundaries of the City"to be so Includedithin the Districts' Boundaries. } , The above-entitled matter came on before lh- City Council at a meeting of 1974; and It appearing to the City of IJ-ah there is a`need for a hector Control Program within the bo>>? lar of the City; and It appearing to the City of tike ORS 451.010(2) (f) authorizes the creation of a service district to provide for the control of vector; and It appearing to the City of ORS 198.835 authorizes the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County y to initiate a proposal to•create the aforesaid ervice district by Resolution and Order; and It appearing that any city`who approves,the formation of a' 'vector Control Service District must submit a •,R-i't.fied Copy of a Resolution and Order stating they wish to be in,.!rded within the Districts' boundaries as pursuant to ORS 198.72f)M and it appearing that the City approves the Eormvtion of a Vector Control Service District and wishes to be included within the Districts' boundaries; it is, therefore RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City of approves the formation of a Vector Control Service District -�t+nrsuant to ORS Chapter 451 and by the initiation procedures by the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County as authorized by ORS 198.835; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City of has a need for a Vector Control"Program within the bo 6 of the city and that the City shall be included within 1;•- -- oresaid Districts' boundaries; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy )C this Resolution and Order approving the formation of a Vector Control District and requesting the inclusion of the City of within the boundaries of the District, be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County to be made a part of the Initiation order forming the District as authorized by ORS 198.720(1) . DATED this day of 1974.