City Council Packet - 04/27/1974 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR' (EETING; APRIL 22, 1974, 7 30 P.M. Charles'F Tigard G-ade School Music Room AGENDA I. CALL' l'O ORDER 2. ROLL. CALL 3. '' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, A.p it R, 15, 19'7 S. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) League or Oragon Cwt.ias Regional Mee—,,—,g for W—'3h:'"-J- g in County. 6. APPROVAL OF EXPEiNDITURES'a INUESTfMENTae $22,. 7 ..E 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a Adr._n si;,,at on (b Finance' (c L;brij (d Planning (e Po1ce (f Pu,biic SP_, c e s & F 'ie t, O. O.L.C.C. APPLICATION — N6,n hang: 'The ,Circle K, Corporation, 9930 S.W. Walnus, P.S. License, New owner Edna Naomi'Schoenwald (a) Recommendation of Chief of, Police 9. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM SEWER EASEMENTS - S.W. 115th (a)_ Recommendation of Director of Public Works 10. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM SEWER EASEMENTS - Mira Park Subdivision (a) Recommendation of Director of Public Works 11. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT — Aerial Mapping Ccm a;;v of Oregon (a) Recommendation of City Admanlstratar 12. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - Fletcher, Hansen & Parsons A request by Fletcher, Hansen and Parsons to chance an exi,=.tsng R-7, Single Family Residential zone to a M-4, Industrial Park zone and a P—D, Planned Development District zone. The site is located at the southeast corner of S.W. 72nd Avenu-a grid S.W. Varns Street, comprising 9.36 acre-;. ('Tax Nap 2S1 ID, ;ax Lot 900) Application approved by Planning co. .:_asion. (a) Setting of Public He,-acing May 13, 1974, 8,00 P.M1 13. -ZONE CHANCE APPLICA`iION City OF Tlgawd A request by the City of Tlqard is change an exink .0 to: r.sy RU--4, UrbanResidential Dle=Aut to a City R- s Single Faolly Residential zona in a newly annexed sres. Subjost propFvty comprises 39 a rem and in locats d ab 10865 ,W, 95th Ave (Tax;Map IS!'35CA9' Tax Lot 203) Appl_ ition-app i by Planning Commission, (a) Setting of Public Hearing May 131' 1974, 8;00 P.M_ 14. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION - Variance Request Request for'variance by R0. `Cray Company W allow construction of a building 20 feat from the propert=y line where a 50 foot set-back is required. Propos= building is adjacent to eastern property line occupied by.the Tigard Indu.trial Park (Tax Map 2S1 28A, Tax Lot ';3GO). Planning Commi:ssion,apP_ovow request with conditions. Applicant wishes to appeal a condition attached to the variance approval. (a) Public Hearing B 00 P.M,. (b) Presentation of facts by staff. Legal opinion of City Attorney, Testimony by Appellant.. 15. ZONE CHANGE'APPtICAT ON -`City of Tigard Request to change existing LounLy zoning to ,coRparabl. city zones,' within a newly annexed area. City reauests change from County RU-4, (old`R--7). ;Urban Residential District to City R--7, Single Family Residential District. and County B-4," (:1d C-2), General Extensive Commercial District to City C -3, 'Ce pra.l Commercial. Districts The area is located adjacent to S.W. Pacific Hwy. from S.W. 69th Avenue easterly; to Washington- Multnomah County Boundary. (Tax Map-1S1 36AD, Tax Lots '4200, 5000,' 5900, 'S901, 6000, 6100.>6200, 6300, 6400_, and 6390; Tax Map 151 36DA, Tax Lot 100), (a) Public Hearing 8:00 PQM. (b) Recommendation by staff, 16, APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE CALLING FOR BIDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS RADIOS. (a) Recommendation of Director of Public Works. 17. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 1974-75 BUDGET (a) Set date of May 13. 1974 and order publication of notice.. 18. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION - ZONE CHANGE A request by HoA. Andersen and 3oseoh M. Fought to change an existing R-7, Single Family Residential zone to an M-4, Indus- trial Park zone., The subject property comprises 1.72 acres and is located on the Northwestern quadrant of the interseckion of S.W. 72nd Avenue and S.W. 74th Avenue (Tay Nap 2Sl 10A. Tax Lot 800 ), Application denied by Planning Commission (a) Setting of Public Hearing May 13, 1974, 800 PQM. Page 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - APRIL 22, 1974 OTHER BUSINESS (a) Report on status of vehicle, purchase gids (b) Authorize defense of possible civil suits CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ADJOURNMENT Page 3 COUNCIL AGENDA — APRIL 22, 19.74 T G A R D C 1 T F C 0 U N C I i. RFGNIAR MEETI'ZG APRIL 197u 's30 P,Mz. 1, ROLL CALL, -+Presor, M•,y,, F1 yd a Bcng-crntr. Gur., iImen ?chn E. Co:,k. Robert C, M.<;;.'c-, J. Akan fairy Atlomtev F-ed Andcry�,tr, R, B. Adams, _ Chi-4 c.f Folr Wi,.,iczw f, Rr-.,c.Ic City Planner, B7:.e P. Clark, y.Ar7Tt ei>txat<i1, Dc,ety gar+_ib, Cf.Ly. Rc-_or der; Nick Hishr;-ft. Director of Pub)!: W<,.ck.;. 2. APPROVAL, OF MLNUlES, .April :y & 1?, 197L. (a) Apprcrr,d a:: uh^i laid. 3. WRITTEN COMM11'4CALIONS ta} L.agcs- ,.t O-=s_�,!i CLLi Rcg al M--t. LL for Washington CC.,,v^ty ter'-be 1.sld_Al .,'. ='9, lrl'u,. (b) Lar.d.C. n=c'varian 3,`.d Dl-pmont :iuzetin^.to ba held April 30. L9Z4. APPROVAL, OF EXPENDLTIARES ,C 'UNVESTMENTS. 5.22,392.62 (a): M,3ti,Dn t;, ,pprove' G,Ll7cilm.an Musa•-.:, sccconded by...Councilnian Cook. °PPr_-:cc•d by a inL,..,,t., ,`t C,uv•>i! fi!escnt. MONTHLY REPORTS - (a) Motion t.t, C.,vi ,;•,t;rt lark a.: r rots, seconded by C,, "I- F ) urctlman App ,y ht pit 6. O,L.C.C, APPLICATION - Ctrc:Lf K. Crap. ')930 SpW. Walnut.,:P„S_ License, Nrw Owner Edna Nao:%ai::Schoehwsld. (a) CJ.i1, ad t. 3t^r _t;oj,.d Pd'icr' D partmcnt had inv;stLgated and found m, rca on t.r,>r di�ipproval of application; (b) Motion by Gr.tri:ilman C>ok to fl:-ward to O,L,C.C, with no objection, se..ondcd he Appro'.Cd by ....._,..irnc+.: . vete. of Ccuacil pres,nt. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM SEWER EASEMEN"CS S-W, I15th and Mira Park Subdivision. (a) Director of Public Works rccrnt nded City accept easement and authorize City Record._- and Mavor to �es,�te. th:. documents. (b) Motion 1-z C:urcil., sa M^ore to ,ac.cr-pt r,aseneots and 3U t}tn rl2c'. eX�Cnfi.nn by Mayer and City Ree rde, cn hehaLf of the City; seconded by Councilman Cook. _ Approved by unanimovs vote of Cr:unc.il. present. B. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACe- Aerial. Mapping Companv of Oregon (a) City Administrator 'equestcd item be d_le' e,rl f Boot agenda as authoriza[irn had been approved by Council at a previous jrreting. 9. 'ZONE CHANCE; A'' ' ?:70N - I h-Lchrr, Hansen & Parsons A rc s. b t, t . Iia:as .n and Parsons tt, ehange In exi..Stung R-7, SingleFamily lt.::i. r�,. :; ^1-�, 1-dut.i:iai Park zone. and a P-D. Pla—'ed 1 , Devetepv,ent i) .c-:; i ne;. Ole is 1 c.ated rat the S.E, corner r.f S.W. 72nd Avcnue a--,i Varrts 4-recL, comprising 9.36 acres. (Tax Map ZSL LD, Tax Lot 900); App'-l- ;,'c appr,-cd by PLanning C:;rsni.ssion;. It 1 IM INS (a) Setting of Public Bearing May L3, L97,4, F,00 P.M. (b) MotLrn toy et public. hcartng, Chun LTtr,3!_1 Cork, seconded by Cr;unciLmari Paterson. Approvedbyu^.aniZt., vete «f C->WIGL1 present. 10. ZONE:CHANGE APPI!CATION.- City �1 'nig=.rd A request by the City if Tigntd hange An xL,ting County RU-' Urban Residential D.Lstrtct: to a City R S-in4!.v,Family>Residsntial zone in a newly ' annexed area. ,'Suhjr,it propc=-ty ea,p-iscs .39 a;res.--and is l�matcd at 101465 S.W. 95th Avenue (Tax Map ISI 33CA,.Ta< Ll:,tt 203) Appli ation apprcvr_d by Planning Ccrupt n. (a) Setting of Public--H,arirg May 'S", 191`t.,. S.00 P.M. (b) Motion. tc. , p;ibl.:. refiring: C<,e.r..ilr .L M:oree seccnded by Ccuncil:ran Pat, _.*'7.�_: Apprnvcd by r7aT.Jrvtc, .t C +.,_t'. p-e=ent, I.L. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIOIJ i- V,,.lance ft gees` • R.A. Gray, Request fcr vaxiaa::e by R. A. Gray and C,- ,patsy to 4ilow constru:tion of a - building 20 feet from the prop�_ty kine where a 50;foot set-back is required. ..'Proposed building is':adjacent:.to eastern prope'rty line occupied bi^tithe Tigard-Industrial Park (fax Map 2S1,213A, Tax l.,t 300). Planning Cctr L,sio n ' approved regricsst w;th'.c urdi t Lc:n. .Appl., .t 4 w. �e,..:vr app€:=al a cpnditicn attached to the va.iAn:Y apprcvai (a) Public Heating :;00 P.M. Presentation of slr ,,s and facts by City Planner. No fcstAmony fv:m at.j_on:r, a Public. hearine closed City At.turney d scus=ede.gal tamific:ations regarding conditional use protzsi,7ns and'variarce request with respect to requiring dedication of land to public. (b) Mayor Bcr(:;r;a^.n xr.per_ed th<_: put1L�. hearing at. the request of Mr. Gray who appeared late.. Mr. Gray testified regarding 1:b4.i.s v:ari.ance applLcaLion and condition requiring dedication of prcpdrty t, city. Public Hearing closed,. . (c.) Motion by Councilman Cock c-__,-{'.:c=ti.ng City Attc—ev to prepare recrrrdable document whereby R. A. Gray could agree to dedicaticnof property to the city at such time 'as th^_ final phase of the development is processed,; seconded by Ccuncil.r.:an. Ccok.. Approved by unani as vet - cf Co.mz%l present. (d) Motion by Councilman Paterson to grant a sideyard variance of 20 feet. .with no candi.tion.e; _ecended by Ccunci.lma.n Cc�.k. Approved by un:animcus vote of Ceunc.il present. 12. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard Bequest to change existing county zoning tocomparabl.e city zones. within a newly annexed area.. City '-quests change from County RU-4, (old R-J), Urban Residential Distri.c-t. to City R-7, Single Fami.l-v Residential District. and County B-4, (old C-2), General Extensive Commercial Dfst.rict_ to City C-3, General Commercial District.' The area is lccated adjacent to S.W. Pacific Highway from PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 22, 1974 F S.W. 69th Avenue ea<_terly to Washing Lon-Mu IrnomahcCounty Boundary,, (Tax Map ISI 36AD,Tax Lot.=. 4200, 5500, 5900, 5901, 6000, 6L00, 6200, 6300,'6400, and 6390, Tax [dap ISI 34,DA, 'Tax Lot 100 ti, (a) =Public Hearing:At00 P.M. 'C!,ty Planri. r gave ;tKi f _F ,cvu`,�d-iIJ t-n No test.imcny from ':.Public.Hearing.Clc- d.- (b) Motion by Coun:ilL-an-Mo,)te t:- dirc.v' stat[ Kcal City:Attorney tc, p--.pare app ropriat li nan!is app_tci.rig z c i'han,�e,' seconded by Ccunc Llm n_ Ccok, Approved by vote (-f Council ptcsent. 13. "APPROVE. SPECIFICATIONS .AND AUTHORIZE CALLING FOR REDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS RADIOS (a)-`Director of Public. Wa:-.rk- --cgt-el,ted several amerdmr-nts to proposed per-ifieations.:which �a!1 f�r bids f r f)ae..base station and crne rcobi.!f unit.- Dir,.ctcsr :f Puhli, Wo7:ks requested Council, approve specitrc.atinne, ` a= amend=d, stid auto-, ze calling for bids. (b) M„ti,,n,.by CeLinz iL-tyn C.. ,k t:- sppi—, and call f• t bid;,, .�c:.�nded by Cac.._i ii a..;..Pat x.,r'n, ,.Approved by .aairr,us 'vc.tu f.0 .tl present, 14 PURI.-'C HEARING ON PROPOSED 197 •; BUDPEI (a) Sett!**g cf Pt.bLic Prating f: x ,00 P.M., May 1.3. 1974 (b) Motion ko set.:pub!ic beo�ring� Coun_ilman Cook; seconded by Councifinan Pat.ersn Approved by unanusnus vete of Cnunc.Ll present.. 15. APPEAL`OF PLANNING COMbIISSION:ACTION' Z.>r. Chang[ H. A, Andersen.and JI septi M. Fought. - Request by H. A. Andy-sen and JIas.eph M. Fought t.e change in existing R-7, Single Family Residential =onsto an M-4, indust.rial Park zone, The subject property comprises 1.72 acres and is. 4:.ated cru the N.W. quadrant of the intersection of S.W. 72rvi Avenue and S.W. 74th Avcnuo. (Tax Map 2S1. LDA, Tax Lot 800). Application denied by Plan-tingCcmmi,ssi.cn. (a) Setting of Pubiit Hearing M..y 1.3, 1017a, Se00 P.M. (b) Motion to set public. hearing., C. t r.:.ilnian Cook, seconded by Co•ncilrlan Paterson, Approved by una-.mncu:; vote a,f Council prf..;,=rit OTHER BUSINESS A. Police Vehicle Bids City Adratnist-ator stated the local bids wert� higher than the State of Oregon bid and recunnended city purchase police vehicles t.hrt:ugh the State. of Oragon. The following bids were received, Gladstone Lincoln mercury - $3,48 .25 total. bid x!.0.455,75 bid bond enclosed. Knauss Chevrolet, letter of exception subTiA ted and no bili b:-n1. $3,876.1.2, total bid $LL.628.36. Council concurred with Citv Administrator's recommendation, PAGE 3 - COUNCIL. MINUTES - APRIL 22, 1974 B. 'CIVIL DEFENSE City Administrator reported city had several civil suits pendingagainst city employees. Council`, staff and City Att--nev di=.cussed matter of providing legal course!. t: defcrd city ernpleyees in cases where. the employee has been carrying out his official,duties and a suit, has been filed against the employee. Motion by Councilman Mcore to authorize defense of civil suit cas.s; seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by"unanimcus vote of Council. C. -U.S.A. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Councilman.Pate.tson':synopsized U.S.A. Advis,�ry Board meeting regardingallocation of'sewer permits. _ It appears the City will not receive additional sewer permits if the farce main to Metzger Plank i, n•_t completed. The sharing of installation costs has not been discussed with the U.S.A. D. 'WALNUT PLACE REALIGNMENT City received lc_ter from'Oregon State Highway Com. ission reccrm:ending realignment of S.W. Walnut'Place as well as c.ht:rch developing exit ont- li Frewi.ng Street. C;isrcilman Mc-,re will meet with property owners of car wash and requested sketch of prc.posed aria zt- to Walnut Place. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Bergmann and Ccvnc.i i."dt _,ase.l change: of procedure in setting of pub Lie hearings by Ccua:.i1:"lc,. zzo e changes and.appeals of Plar.ni.ng Commission.` action. City Att;rney to a,;.h the muter and report`back to Council. F. F.B.I.c ACADEMY' City Administrator informed Coun;i1 Police Chief Adams has been invited to attend the Academy from June 24th through September 12th. The Academy will pay all training and travel costs. Councilman Moore requested a copy of proposed classes and'Counci.l approved Chief's attendance. , G. ADJOURNMENT 9625 P.M. City Recorder. ATTEST- Mayor J - V PAGE 4 e COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 22,1974 ;3i LLS Pa,:,O..:NTE1:)'FOR PPYl,,._N'2 April 22, 1974 .NERAL FUND - U.S. NATIONAL 13AN11 _heckNo. 146313 Postraster Pcstal^ ter, : .4639 Stat=i Comp(ir:satipn - Payroll 3ene::it lr ' 14640 Manlaow�r - Service., Audr,_y L,indgrnn " 14641 Winslow' ir.00ks Travel 14642'. Floyd H. Bergtrana (coo,-ricil.) 14673 J. Allan Pat,rson - mnetin}s (C,un i.l) ', l 14644 John e_ Cool, - rr,?otin7s' (co inc'il; , 14645 Robert C. moore --reeti'n s ;Coun^il) 7 s 14646- Charles Lorton -'imetings ;rniynrij.) 140,0 Ix-pt. of Commerce - sldg. (r,rzrit, Surcharq„ (r:23; 3J, ' 14648 Smith; 'iso i3.& Ball - I eft;n_1 (G �.2 :3 14649 State of Oregon - Li .ensu Suspe,_. ion , f; ; 146.50 Roger Thomss an - R,>cor(li.nq 14651 Roger Thomssen -,'Recorcdiiq 121 .y 14693 Leagu,� of, Ore. Cities 'i31u�2 Cross (1 } 86.44 (1.Ij L2 ')9 {12) 12.09; (15) 12.09 (7.6; 249. (16.2) 2.6."1 (ls)) ' (616) 14G.:3 7 f.7 L4694 Leaguaof Ore. Cit.i,_s - K.iiscr, (12) 3'7.93 '1.1! 32.09 (14) ;64.18' (16) ,17'.1)3 (16,.2),-49.•.6 (16"3; (19; )C.92 !616) 19;.70 7^ 14695' L agu= of Ore. c.itins -`Tn;ur,_inc '11) S5-(12` 2.7: '131 (14) ;1.10 (16) 9.90 (16;2) 1.65 (16.3) .55 ;19) ,2.20 (17) ;.55 (1:5) .55 ,(10) 2.20 22. - 14696 League of G.re. Cities - Salary Ccntinuat.ien 11.1j 3.6F1 (12) 21)_;') (13) 2.39 (14) 17.04 (15) 5.11, (16.2) 16.64 (16.3) 5.74 117) 4-11 '!19) 25.-;? 1. +,>: 74697 Oregon A(3miu. Co. Payroll 1Y-^_d. Ins: 13; 2^ 14(-,?1-3 i:nthony Pelay - Judge (?') 3r-, ."''7 14699 Otto 'Sorg -, Rent (15) 170.00 (18) 2.50 L72.7�0 14701" Alloy West Plumbing Suppli� s '(16) 2.55 (17.2) 20,34 22.x$9 14702 - Addressograph - Multigraph - Repair'-Multi lith M.a4F3in., (18) 13.1,0 14703 Anderson, Dittman, Anderson Services March (11) 225.00 (18) 509.20 734"20 14704 Book, Publishing Co. -`Suppl^ment to Municipal _o_?e (18) 2 '23. 7` 14705 Case Power & Equip. Co. - Repair Case Dackhoe (20) 216.:,_13 14706 Larry Chisholm - Repair Radar =6 (16.2) 20.00 14707 Columbia Maintenance - J._initor Service (U3) 219.00 14708 Communication Enterprises of Ore. - Base Station Repair(16) ;5.00 147;19 J. W. Copeland Yards - Building Supplies (18) 15. 32 14710 Del Ball Ford Co. - Repair. Parts units 3,4,5,0 `16) 15,93 (16.2) 9.99 25^1j2 1471.1 Glamour Magazines - Subscription (7.5) 1.2_.00 14'712 Harris Uniforms - Baxter uniform replace ('i6) 14.20 14713 Herico Products, 'Inc. - in & Out Re( ist,cr (16) 3F:"<,;; 14714 Jackson Auto Parts - Core (i6} 0 1471.5 Marv's Line-Up - Front end Alit-+ned ., (16) 12.25 14716 Manpower - Audrey Lundgren Services- (13) 276.00 14717 Marine Lumber Co. - Bldg. Supplies (12) 9.81 (16) 2.14 (18) .88 (19) 1.48 (20) 11.30 213.F;1, 14718 Multnomah County-Office Supplies (10) 8.84 (11) .38 (12) (46.52) (13) 3.21 (14) 32.90 (15) 1.23 (16)35.55 (18) 5.36 (19) 2.59 44.04 14719 Northwest Law Enforce. Equip.- Replace Fingerprint Erruip. (16) 7.15 -4720 Pargas - Propane & Eauipment Rental (12) 24.37 (16) 31.0£3 1.15.15 1.4721 Portland Precision Ins. - Alum. Range Pole (i9) 1.9.10 14722 Portland State University Census Survey - perry Dell; Rolling Hills ;1.8) 300.0;) 14723 Power Rents - Rental Equipmz-nt (77.2) , 5.0 14724 State Accident Ins. Fund payroll Benefits OVY/M/41 y 14725 hell. Oily- Gas (13) 43.7`) , 42.06 (16.2) .186.7.1 (lc,} 69s.>1((1.9) 37.2[, 965.92 <_ 14726 Southwest Office Supplies (19) 32.27 (12) 7.20 33 Page.2 Check No. : 14727 J. 'Thayer - Binder Folder & -Frame (12) 20.07 1472.8 Tigard Auto Body - Repairs 16) G.00 14729 Tigard Community Center - Fall use (11) 112.50 14730 Tigard Sand & Gravel - Rock` 2) 12.50 14731 Tigard Times - Notice of Public hearing l7) r, � 14732 Valley Auto Parts - Misc. Fano Parts (16) 2.58 '(16.2) ;1(73) ._,6 (17) 2.63 (19) 10.89 (20) 12.95 30.83 '4733 Valley Petroleum - Acetylene Oxygen (20) 16.45 14734 Wash. CO. Dept. of Communication - Repair Radio Units and Base Station (16) ,134.62' (16.2) 17,50 152.12 14735 Western Publishing Co. - Books (15) 50.30 14736 Xerox (10) 76.07 (12) 51.76 '(14) 140.39 (16) 9.93 (11) 5.89 (13) 17.11 (15) .91 (,19) 16.75 319.81 14737 Xerox - Police Rental (16) 129.24 14738 Bruning .Division - Files & Base (14) 209.53 14739 ,Tones Photo Service - Photo 'Processing (14)' 2,60 Checks Written for Expanse Y9,679.41 SEWER FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check Na., 14693 League of Ore. Cities 31ye ;gross (103) 21.93 (616) 9.84 31.77 14695 League of Ore. Cities Insurance 403) 55 14696 League of Ore. Cities Salary Continuation (105) 5 f„ 14697 Oregon Admin..Co. - Payroll Ded. Ins. (619) .9i 14700 First National Bank - TDC (541.)` 356.34 14703 Anderson, Dittman, Anderson - Legal Service March (290L) 11.0.00 14714 Jackson Auto Parts - Core (230) 5.00 14721 Portland Precision Ins. - Theodolite - Tripod (312) , 3,419.22 2893 First Nat'! Bank ^DC (532) 8,914.26 14694 League of Ore. Cities - Kaiser (103) 32.09 (616), 15.50 Checks Written for Expense $10,891.99 STATE TAX STREET '- U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 14693 League of Ore. Cities - Blue Cross (103) 38.30 (616) 1.4.13 52.43 14695 League of Cre. Cities - Insurance (103) 1.61, 14696 League of Ore. Cities - Salary Continuation (105) 14.90 14697 Oregon Admin. Payroll Led. Ins. (619) 3,02 14717 Marine Lumber - Misc. Bldg. Supplies (L20) 7.20 14720 Pargas Propane and Equip. rental (21.1) 37.09 14726 Southwest Office Supplies - Lettering (220) G2.05 2652 Knauss Chevrolet - Lock & Striker Plate (210) 7.46 2653 Portland Road & Driveway - cold mix. (220) 92.51 2654 Sakrete - concrete mix (220) 27.92 14732 Valley Auto Parts (210) 3.10 Checks Written for Expense $359.33 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARE - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 2648 Harris-McMonagle - Professional Services - Iiunzikcr & Commercial. Streets !290C) 1,:474.50 TOTAL CHECKS WRITTEN = $22,392.62 FiE1l(3. A,,';D Ui j T ':` C? LED LI:-lC'I tr GLlF.. `:l t('le aE',.18.1t7S ni i1 L,i?i. 7r^,,F,?7'a "t,...._..�F, r. . jf31',.., Illi^ti�(tL� r c. „ �.;�- x 8�..th L!1Cj j. ,C.. 1rJCl " .i17. G. ... TO C i ti Council FROM Guiidine„ ,If, >c a} SUB--JECT: .M0ntlilepdrt - 13u 1 d i;r;'J_r inion This Department has trade a to;.a_ or" 10; callr>d-i , wiir.!-,r ns�e.t,ans ani /, spot;_nspect_ons, Oiie ,abatement notice t,iac harlot d liv,red t Cir, r . ,i ou . + _,r on <,r Piara atroot:-to r.iean up <,un,. ca__4 �r. 0'i"ara Street. '.!e have r_or tar.;,ed our businesab , qtr py re,^n r _em,D e In eir non-c0 il,iJ_.i'1_nrj „°tr -8m2t,p3 r .0 ,^ A . .<,.' .5!^>f C3.B Shop, Arc, Station, an,' onic apartiaon., There here 15 liCerISQ_ ?i.olei._ s, >>�� ok iah ci.ta{."or) was issued for Edwards Pa?n i i,,. T.r>' u;hei ?iu, ysee, were as follows: Rose lleati-(g Campocll Eloctric Join Leslie Chunie Rnni'i.rr 7liver Oceva Roofing Voorhees Sidirg Company Daan of Masonry 'Inc. John;,Miller Arid,r s Cabinet Shop Harvey Gurhett Dulldoz:n J. ii C. ;id::rrr liartin In'ai?r,)_irns Don Lang lohnsan"Homes There were two tonin: 'violations: Mr. Lin'<hart at l2e�l Brookside - Tool Shed nn property ' c Rentar of ho.jse on Gurnhari Street - couple l _n_> school bus (Commercial Zone). Advised to novo of , [Illy !St. Also contacted Mr. Miro W_nes regardlnr; raw scucraoe on surfo,:ce in his yard. This Department has issued 20 b_iildi,^,n permits: _ 7 Residential 4 Misr.e.11aneous She'd,,; Commercial 4 Residental Additions 1 Industr.al. Addit_on 2 Townhouse units in Summerfield Total Valua tior; fa- the past .30 d,-,,s oi� ;iC;'.00i Presently :,e have 14 sets of plans road to issue: 4 Commercial and Industrial r Residences 2. Swim Pools We have 5 Residential Sewer Permits left and 30 Commercial and Industrial loft w .th 30 e::tra pormits yet t--j be allocated by C unr.i.l. One Industrtal set of plane .is not yet issucci whirr r il.l. tnP:e 33 sender permits. Russel Austin Ouildnn Offi.cial FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES Date March, 1974 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO GENERAL FUND BUDGET MONTH DATE Cash on Hand 7/1/73 $130,541. $ 181,135 701 Property Tax-Current 232,728. 13,281 214,538: 102 Property Tax-Prior Years 81019. 567. 13,371. 703 Land Sales & Advance Taxes 160. -0- -0- 704 Trailer Sales Tax 780, -0- 9. REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 712 CigaretteTax19 848. -0- 16,724. 713 Liquor Tax 50,279. -0- 43,252. 717 State Subvention - BOR 42,613. -0- -0- 717 State Subvention - PEP14,630. 871. 13,671. 718 County Subvention -`USA 28,162. -0- 28,163. 718A County Subvention -'RIDE 39,023. -0- 19,369. 718B County Subvention - LEAA 14,012. -0- '6,265. LICENSES & PERMITS 721 Business 28,309. 440. 28,485. 722 Liquor 150. 55. 185. 723 Bicycle 175. 21. 152. 724 Plumbing & Heating 13,320. 745. 6,286. 726 Building 33;022. 3,363. 34,257. 727 Moving 50. -0- 5. 728 Street Openings 250. -0- -0- 729 Sign 545. 17. 337. FINES & FORFEITURES 731&734 Court & Indigent Defendants Def. 52,000. 3,494. 31,951. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 742 Telephone Pay Booth 35. 7. 34. 743 Interest 1,800. 646. 6,284. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 750.10 Street Sweeping 2,000. -0- 380. 750.20 Subdivision Application Fee 600. 88. 302. 750.30 Subdivision Lighting Revenue 2,000. -0- 540. 751 Zoning Adjustments 3,000. 475. 2,150. 751.1 Special Police Service 2,425. -0- -0- 751.2 Special Inspection Service 1,087. -0 162. 752 Document Sales 2,000. 78. 693. 755 P. W. Construction Fees 6,000. 1,660. 2,866. 756 Lien Check 1,200. 72. 626. 757 SaleofStreet Signs 750. 105. 340. 758 Library, Fines &Fees 1,200. 64. 1,018. FRANCHISE REVENUE 761 P.G.E. 39,699. 19,126. 35,857. 162 N.W. Natural Gas 8,978. 4,967. 11,694. 763 ,General Telephone 18,142. -0- 18,808. 764 Garbage 5,710, -0- 3,778. 766 Taxi 90. --0- 60. 767 Pacific Northwest Bell 100. 115. 115. i I a i NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE 771 Sale of City Property 2,800. -0- 3,806. 775' Unclaimed property Sale X100. _p_ 776 Donation - Library 1`000. -0- _0- 776.1 Donation Library Building 1 000 . -0- 288. 777 '. Park Development &Maintenance =57. 5>000. '_p- 210. RECOVERED'EXPENDITURES 83 Admin. Sewer &"Road 10,000. -0- 10,000. 785 Gas Tax Refund 600. -0- 755. 787 Nuisance Abatement 100. -0- -0- 787.1 Demolition of Building 2,000. -0- 10. 788 Other 2,000. 2,984. 9,300. 7888 St. Improvement - S.W. 115th 57,000. -0_ -0- 788ASchool District-Vehicle Maint. -0- -0- 20. 786 Reimburse Voters Registration TOTAL GENERAL FUND $886,432. $53,241. $748,326. SEWER FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $180,295. 175,783. USE OF MONEY &'PROPERTY' 743 Interest 7,500. 264. 7,836. 747 OEA & Others (New Project) 50,000. -0- _ -0- 744 Int- on Unbonded Assessments -0- -0- 34. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 753 Seaver Connection Fee 40,000. 1,726. 25,800. 754 Monthly Sewer Service 45,981. 1,548. 30,`469. 755 Sewer Permit & Inspection 3,300. 75. 2,871. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES 788 Other 300. -0- 290. 789 Unbonded Assessment 289. -0- 110. TOTAL SEWER FUND $327,665. 3,613. 243,193. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 40,000. -0- 63,196. REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 711 State Gas Tax 94,350. -0- 101,284. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 1,367. -0- 1,592. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND $135,717. -0- 166,072. iOAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 1,618. -0- 3,043. 714 County Road Tax 1,000. -0- 180. 743 Interest 25. -0- 7. TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 2,643. -0- 3,230. q 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND BUDGET MONTH DATE Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 72,556. -0- 77,383, 715 Federal Subventions 66,780. -0- 52,437. 743 Interest 500. -0- 3,222. TOTAL FED. REVENUE SHARING FUND $139,836. -0- 133,042. CROFT-BONDS 3,4,5,6,7,8 9 Assessments $ 32,000. 3,920. 15,383. Interest 10,979. 1,573. 6,289. USE OF MONEY' 743 Interest on Investments 1,000. -0- 4,089. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS 5,493. 25,761. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS s Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 15,374. -0- 4,923. Cash from USA 25,926. -0- 24,910. 743 Interest on Investments 100. -0- 466. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 41,400. -0- 30,299. TOTAL BUDGET $1,577.672. $62,347. $1,349.923. FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES 1973-74 Mo.=March, 1974 Year to Budget Current Month Date GENERAL FUND Mayor & Council 4,662. S S.6 4 2, 876.P3 9 Municipal Court 19,112. 1,419. 33 13, 253.39 Administration 68,177. 561.2.5 43, 280. 15 Building Dept. 31,728. 983,02 15, 705.07 Planning & Zoning 429781. 3, 151.71 29, 5;3.96 - Library 22,030. 2, 163.15" 14, 125. 99 Police 346,242. 26, 194.41 237, 805.20 Parks & Recreation 84,201. 836.72 13, 199.00 Non-Departmental 132,974. 3,451.32 418,777 .32 Engineering 59,642. 1, 957.86 40, 6366.43 Street Operation & Maint. 70,223. 120.90 7, ng 1. .93 Contingency 4,660. -0- Total General Fund $886,432. 59, 329.31472., 375.23 SEWERAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation & a ntenance 265,933. 1, 382.s2 22, 112.34 , Replacement &-Expansion 54,383. -0- r, 283.23 Contingency 7043. -0- -0- Total Sewer Fund $327,665.. 1,382.92 26, 395.57 STATE TAX STREET FUND Operation & Maintenance 131,317. 3, 084.96 65, 229.75 Contingency 4,400. -0- -0- Total State Tax St. $135,717. 3, 684•96 65, 229.75 ROAD FUND Uperatlon & Maintenance $2,643. -0- 1, 147. 50 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND-Bancroft Bonds . 3,49596,7,8,9 $43,979. -0- 27, 923. 12 GENERAL DEBT FUND eneral 0'51 gation Bonds $41,400. -0- 13,7.30.e3 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 5139,836. 495.50 57, 954. 95 TOTAL BUDGET $1,577,672, $55, 892.69 $664,756.95 N O A � C5 C0 lx1 L� h �C O O � 10 O O tp ( � I 1. I x Ql I O CO'. H 4- E V R F. m CO N 0 H ur 000 o s a r r N N N N d v CC N 1 ! ! I N N I` I N O O O C7 CC cocn0 1 1 O 0 a o l I r 1 a o `i I a N N N N tf3 ' cis H is : c^ I i ri i N h I CV N N p r♦ : 1 1 M 1 vl I M CO CC 4� M O ^` o +� a Cl) o '...co lC [O C N M h C7 M LP r 10.-d 1 a1 .-i 1 co O N!n O O CT, L^^. C:) �' C, y wr o ! h t n h CSI _ 11 r I f-1 N O O L) O h O u1 - N UO I i.O 1 N ri 1 O on ul ,y N Ul O u ll O In ul v; O Ln to O co m N O N -Y r I O CJ-4 vl d' u5 O Octi 7 Fa b •'a O\o N 1 Ln ri U r-i u� 4".`"M O CO O 17 N CO �. O CO•J'C 1 1 CD \C O r O 1n.--1 Ci' N N .-1 CO N r v! Lr) h o o h N N N N O O N V'` h l(; O N h O d'•-i a r-1 Cr O N i 0 .- M r4 1 � O O V* cr Q : W X 0 0 O N h \L+ fC N H tl' h�rl I h O •D Q h hEn 4- h h h cj rn ca N r E' fU N r--1 Rf lx b r,7 N N d M 4- HC/] �414 co v N ~ N N CC 4- 'Z. E W W I i S(Dr N O U) Md1 [O-1 F-3 r i m,�',+- 4- H a N C) w a.° w q vi Ul r4 wo U U ppW NNS, (4 0 vel N V fZ x W W co CJ CJ 0 H } r (: z be of MW-Qh��7 Mas in r A r I l' 1 i toucw 6 M1 t_ April 19, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: City Council` From: Planning Department Subjects Monthly Report for April Zo�i?in Subdivision Administration For the month of April, the Planning Commission considered the following items: Zone Changes 4 Conditional Uses 0 Temporary Uses 0 Variances 1 Preliminary Plats 1 Subdivision Standards Variance 1 Site Design Review 1 Miscellaneous I Ordinance Revisions 3 Although zoning and subdivision activity was relatively heavy for the month of April, there appears to be slackening of 'activity. This is probably due to the lack of sewer permits. Normally, at this :time of year, developers are anticipating the building season. As yet, we have not experienced 'this historical seasonal increase in activity. Hopefully, this will continue and the staff will be able to devote increased amounts of time to Neighborhood Planning and other special projects, NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING The staff has devoted considerable time to revising the plan text for the NPO til Ash Avenue - Downtown Plan. The revised text has been submitted to NPO #1 for review and comment, has been revised according to their recormendations and is now ready for Council review at the next study session. Carl Buttko'has begun work on the NPO #2 traffic circulation analysis. His analysis has required large amounts of data to be collected in the field. The staff has conducted traffic counts at numerous locations within the Greenburg-. Brookside Neighborhood, utilizing Tigard High School students for assistance. The subject Analysis is tentatively scheduled for completion the week of May 12th. ORDINANCE REVISIONS The Planning Comission hes recommended to Council revisions in the Sign Code and the M-4,,I,ndustriaal Park section of the zoning ordinance. The fire zone revision is being discussed With the building department and a recommendation will be forthcoming in lay.,, The draft flood plain ordinance is currently being revised and will be accompanied by a short report explaining its features and rationale. This is ache duled .for presentation to the planning commission and public during May. i April 19, 1974 Page x Monthly Report d Planning SPECSAL PROJECTS Substantial progress is being made on a "Street and Road Policy". A preliminary draft will be submitted to the Planning Commission at their April 23rd steady session.; The staff is attempting to increase its coordination with other departments within the City and to maintain relationships with Washington County, CRAG, the State Highway Department and surrounding cities. All Washington County planning professionals ,are row,attending a =nthly luncheon meeting to distress our common 3. problem. This is beipg sponsored by. the County with;Our staff suggesting that this group discuss the respective role of cities and the County in the planning process. The planning staff feels this is one forum whert the cities can express their concern over,County domination of the City's desire to plan within their planning spheres of influence. When this item appears on the: group's agenda, the Council'will be notified so they might have the opportunity to attend and express their views to the Washington County planners. .ti lw POLICE DEPARTMENE CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REVORT FOR MONTH OF= MARCH --1974 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL AVERAGE _ NUMERICAL STRENGTH - _DAILY ABSENCE IfI AVERAGE, EI F(:1tVE SIRFVG :1[ E - nd of Same - ---r--- me N---- - - ---- - This I >Samc �I Thi; LarT-� -Sar,eY this Month Month f Mon t_h i Month I Mon�fi I M - Month Last ' Last Year ear i . I rear TOTAL PERSONNEL -�1 ---� --�- •-- Y 23 22 _ 8.4 9.7 14.614.6 I 12.3 --------- - ----- CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 1 �.6 { .3 1.4 1.4 ,7 --- SERVICES DIVIS. 6 6 I 2i2 1.7 j,� 3.8 4.0 4.3 - PATROL DIVISION 9 '1k __ �•_---�- ___ 3�7 7.1 5.3 t 5.6 i 6.9 TRAFFIC DIVIS. 3 0 �1.0 ! 0 �2_0 1.5 ! 0 INVEST. SECTION 3 1 .3 FORCE ONE 10 •� 9 3 _ 3._8 I� 6.5 6.3 9 8 _ 5.2 � + -- FORCE TWO 39 __0 _3.7 �I� 5.1 501 FORCE THREE 4 5 1 Q2.2 - ' - -- -- ----- ---- -- •_Y 2..Z 4 3- 3.0_ 3.2 2.8 - CHANGESIN PERSONNEL I DAILY AVERAGE PATROL. STRENGTH 1, Present for duty end of last month 24 --�- --- --- --------- -- -- ----- Thi.: Sage Month 2. Recruited during month 1 -�__ Mr?nrh j La.c Year Y_ I --- --r-- -- 3. Reinstated during month 0 1. Total number fi.el.d Y officer_ 12.0 i 14.0 Total to account for 25 �- -_ 2. Les., Agents As i?- 4. Separations from the service: ned to InvestLk�-t. -0- (a) Voluntary 0-(a)-Voluntary resignation 0 3. Average daily rebs (b) Retirement 1 ences of field off- (c) Resigned with charges pending 0 icers owing to: (a) Vacation, cusp- t (d) Dropped during probation 0 ension, dav� off, comp, gime, etc. 2.5 i 3.4 (e) Dismissed for cause 1 (b) Sick injured 1.3 ---' (f) Killed in line of duty 0 (c) Schools, etc. --- 9- ---2.5 (g) Deceased 0 Total average daily absences i 4,7 7.1 Total separations 2 - - 4, Available for duty e 7.3 _ -- 6.9 ----M Present for duty at end of month 23 Pace nnn CRIMINAL AGU 1T"' SAME MON- 111 "-- -1 - TOTAL TOTAL - offenses MONTH' �_ LkST YEAR I _ THU, YEAR _[,AST YEAR j _ __—e ----- _ _ ----- --- ----w-� ---- 130.` CRASS T_ ------- __ _ 53� - - 181 GLASa II --83 -_-' -- 761 -- _ 836 _ MISG, NON CRIMINAL 273 -------- -- -- ---"-- ----288 ____------------ Casc,s CLeared b_V CLASS 1r___-__ -� X13 114 � _ 31 I--------------- CLASS LI. I 38 —� - - 88 75 LNV EST LG AT 1 V F: 11 LON' 245 207 GASES RECEIVED _ 92 - -- # CASES CLEARED e __40 _� 21 41 _-_- 4._ a # CASES SUSPENDED_ ! 39 63 b- _-------110 GASES ASSIGNED m�o� --35 s 30 94 PROPERT Y �- — --_�14 120 _56 ! 16 623 06 �_ I 41,267.99 91022 'S8 PROPERTY LQSb 1 PROPERTY RECOVERED $,337 69 y! _ 5.538 00 181588.72 14,©57.95 TRAFFIC S ACCIDENT'ACTINITY ---� ACCIDENTS r 20 27 --_--_ +_-- _-----60---- ------- -59_ I ------- 'INJURIES -__---6--��_{ --- 16 --- 14 -- -31--- _ ----j----------------- 846 ----1 jCIT.AT.LONs ISSUED-Y� I ---_293 ---.___ 322 ------ — - -- - VEHICLE OPERATION TOTAL MII:EAGE 1 15,824Y � ie_I2 339 1_ 481407 —_. LOST PER MILE ----1 10.430 6.92c _------- ----9- --�� - 6�57�-------! PATROL DI:VI.SI.ON TOTAL HOURS ---1 988.1 ------j---6,00840 OBLIGATED HOURS � _ 957.0 -_.250.Q_ wa___ 028 8 ___� 9,367 0_-_ NON-OBLIGATED HOURS — 1 -1,031_7 R 916,0 __--------- SERVICES-DIVISION _------SERVICESDIVISION ------------------.----------------- _ 962.5 1 026.0 2A87 5 2 116 8 TOTAL HOURS - - 1._ ___..___�_ _+_—__�_ -- !TOTAL DISPATCH HOURS _272.0 _A44,g TOTAL TELETYPE HOURS — 72,0 4712 CLERICAL DUTIES HOURS 563, 67.6x 6 does not include January total POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND (L J (2) (3) _— - e;4).--------------_ S. t ---- ---- f�j--- - -- NUMBER OF OFFENSES -1 NUMBER OF - CLASSIFICATION 1 REPORTED UNFOUNDED NUMBER OF CLEARED Br ARREST t OFFENSES OF OFFENSES REPORTED OFFENSES ACTUAL _ ill- tO�4iN -i B� (PART I) THIS REPORTED OFFENSES i- - I ARREST OF i JUVENILES TOTAL MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH 1 '.UENl.1.E5 I THIS IONTH IpRRESi -� -- ------------ — ---- -- - -----i ----- --- 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE i it a. Murder & Nonnegligent ' l Manslaughter _— ------ t -- - i --------- b. Manslaughter by 1 Negligence — ---- -----�---- ---i- ----------E-___-------- 2. FORCIBLE RAPE — i+ a. Rade by Force =----- t ---------- — ! ---- — — _---- t-- -� -•----- t b. Assault to Rape --- _ ------ Att.empts ---1— -------i---- --h--- ------h--- 3. ROBBERY { 1 a t a. Armed _ Any Weapon - ------ --+ -------- -�—_- --��____---_- _ - b. Strong Arm - No ' Weapons ---- - + F----- ---�-----------'-------- 4. "ASSAULT - Total / 5 a. Gun _ _ +--------- - --- b. Knife or CuttingY ? i Instrument __ �----- _-�-- ---�- --�--- ---- c. Other Dangerous i t weapon F----------- 1 --------------d. Hands, Fists] Feet, .-�--_-__ ,1 �------.-----_ i etc. - Aggravated --------t -- e. Other As s au 1 t s - Not Aggravated ------------- --�-----�—_. Aggravated 5 1 —_--a-- --_ _z_i-_—_____- -s------------ 5. BURGLARY - Total /16 / a. Fo r cib 1 e En tr 7 - !----- ---i`-1- - -;-----------------_- b. Unlawful Entry - No I i Farce 9 2 -- ---_ c. Attempted Forcible Entry 3 1 --- 2 ---__ ----- - ----------- 6, LARCENY - THEFT t -- (except Auto Theft) a. $50 and Over in Value 17 17 - b. Under $50 in Value 26 1 -25---- -- 6 -----$ 1 fi - 7. AUTO THEFT f — 1 4 4 4 __ [ TOTAL 72 5 67 — 17 131 12 i 8 SUMMARY OF ARRESTS SUMMARY OF CRIMINAL ACTIVLTY 'IULTS: Male K Month Month 5'ear Year. Female 1 1974 1973__ L 1974 1 197_3 _ Total 5 PART I — 67 _— 55 ! 1_6_5_x- 13Q PART lI� 83 53�- _ 1.81 _ 145_ MISC, NON-CRIM ;2$ i -763 -_ - JUV; Male — 273 — Female 4 � —�=-- FemTotal i2 GRAND TOTAL 423 396 1,107- Lr111 — --�--- POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHL`,' REP,?R I CRIME. INDEX AND POLICi ACTIVITY" TREND (1) - (2) (3) __ NUMBER OF OFFENSES i NUMBER 5 OFFENSESUNFOUNDED j NUMBER OF t CLEARED t3)• ARREST --� OFFENSES CLASSIFICATIONS REPORTED t OFFENSES ACTUAL i ____TFIS70NT�1 _ R5• OF '%FFENSES THIS REPORTED t OFFENSES I:TOTAI: -�q ARRFST OI' _ .JUVLNIIES {PART II) MONTH THIS MONTH THIS MONTH ARRES 5 t )UVEN11ES t THIS MONTH 8. HARRASSMENT 6 6 .1-_.__ _ ___�_----_ --_i_�_---- ----- "' t t 1 • 9, ARSON W -------- ... 10. FORGERY & COUNTER- 2 ---_2 1 tt-_------_-_---_-_-__-_4ati ------- FELTING ------------ 11. - -------11, FRAUD ---------- 12, EMBEZZLEMENT j�------_--_ -1_�t __-_---_z__--__-_ -- --- 13, STOLEN PROPERTY: BUYING ------ 3 RECEIVING; POSSESSING9 1 � 3 —jti _-��--_--_-_._�6$ -----j--214. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF __! -- - - -`---�--_- --- 15. WEAPONS: CARRYING, POSSESSI.NC, ETC. 3 ---1-—-—-—-- - __ 3 16. PROSTITUTION & COMMERCIALIZED VICE __ _j---'--------i----- 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT t t t 2 AND 6) ----t_ _-�- -- --- 2 -�-- --- -- 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS ----- -- --- i 19. GAMBLING t I LO. OFFENSESAGAINST THE t FAMILY_AND-CHILDREN -- 2--------------�_Jl�--_ ----- t----- -_ __---------1------------ t 21. DRT.VING TINDER THE0 t t t 21 21 t 21 2 i i------•----- INFLUENCE %� — -_ 2 22, LIQUOR LAWS ---- __ _ ----- - -�---- t I 23. DRUNKENESS - ------- -- -`--------- 1 1 24, DISORDERLY CONDUCT— -- 25. VAGRANCY ----- ------- - - 1- 29. 26. ALL OTHER OFFENSESi(,EXCEPT TRAFFIC) 3. 3 2Z27. SUSPICION -- -----------�---- -- ----- 1 t28. CURFEW AND LOITERING 33 RUN AWAYS 10 10 --- --2 -2 -----2 _-_- 2 ------ B4 --- 1 — ---- TOTAL - SUMMARY OF ARRESTS _ JETS: Male 20 JUVENILES: Male 7 Female 7 Female Total Total Page three POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MISCELLANEOUS COMPLAINTS c« ACTIVITIES NUMBER --T----_-_ --- ---l- \['MBER pF------ - NUMBER- NON-CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS -- — I REPORTED UNIOHNDEU _ 0 ACrU"AL COMPLAINTS THIS MONTH j THIS MONTH itILS MONTH 1. Alarm —_ _7--------------- '-- ---- - -- -- ------NTH _---__ 2. Ambulance/.First-T17____ _ -_- __-- ------------ -- ---- 1---- -- -�- -_ 6 d 4 3, Animal Probim 12 ---- -— ---_ --4 ---- 4. Assist A` encu 25- -------------------- 4A. --- ---.� — _-------- ------ 13 25 4A. AssiSt-Citizen --�- ---- _---- ' --__ i _%3 i 13 -- - 5« Check Buildin ---- --- -- 7 --- ----- 6. Check 'Occupana�----- - --------------- -i-- -- -- ------_-_—___- ----- -- ----- --- ---- 7, Civil Matto7--_---= rt---------------- 4 ----' -- — —__ —�_r S. Deliver Mcssa _ 9-- — --- -'- ---- --- --__- 9 Dog Bite -- - __ - _� -- --- -_--_ ---5--- -- .}--.- 10 Disturbance --�--- ---- --, ____i --- lI Hazard -_ --__ __ems_ 12. Juvenile Problem - 5 ------- �— -- ---- _. _?___-----g------ -- ----- -- 13 at Noise Abated -- ----- -• ---- ---- _ 2 _ 14. Person 5 15 Standby on Moveout t---_- ------- -------1 --- -e - 1b �Su_-SpjciOus Circumstances24-��------" --- 2 i �---- — ----------- 17. Towed Auto __t-- �_.._._ 22 .--- 1S, Traffic Problem_ _ 8 _ --- 1 ------ ------ =------ 19: Unfounded Call 14 20. Wire Down ---- -- ----- 21. Other — ___ ---- - ___ ------- ------ --_ _��— 22 ---�-` Found Pro crt _-� -�---------------------- 22" -r—__ ---------- 2.3, ------- 2.3, Lo s r P rr5�_e _ - —--s—_--- - -2---_----I_----rri ---------_---_—_---_---------_-_- - -_-•itfI•----------1_3522 _, F I:_—__ --- --- - ---- - _ 32 1 32 25 Dlarcotir. Lnformati.on — --^ --------------------- 326 Lewd/Harassment Phone Calls - ---------- ----------- (REFER - -------I TAPT I1 27 Traffic Arrest Reports 3 28. Vacation Chccks/Prcow—�__ _ -- -- -g3 ------ - --�-------------- }----- 33-------. 29. Warrants, Subpoenas, Sumnonc Served ------" _ -_---- T----- _-3--------- --- ----�----i---____-_�------------ 30. Drunk Person(s) ------�______..__1_------ 31, ___- 3l« Family-EL11 t s - --�` 2 --"-- r----------------- ---- 32 Fires _ -�-- 1- ----------_--------t—__—_----i--_----_-_----_-_-7�-------- 2- -_---_-_-_-_-_- e ---2----- ---- •33 Losrso ow -s ------ - --------4- ----Q----------- � 35 Suicides and Attempts- 3 — —=-----L-�-_-=---===_—=___----��--r---- 36. Suspicious Autos 7 _ TOTALS281 $ — --------_� ---273 PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED Type of Property Value of Property Stolen _S t_o 1 e r ro�rn ---- - —v ered A. Currency, Notes, etc, - —$ 41 00 -_— $--- -------------- B. Jewelry and Precious Metals. ... ..... n ---'-- ------ - ,,. $ C. Furs. ... ........ .........S -____—_— ---__—_ -------- D_ Clothing.... .. .., S� 90.99- ---- 5-------25.99-------- 90.99 Locally Stolen Automobi.les.. .... .. ... „� _5a290,OC__--_ -----8 150,00------ F, Mi.scell.aneous. - --__ A150.00 ---- 8.674.57 ---- 5------161.70----- TOTALS.,......5_14,120.56 S__8,337.69 Page four POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT VALUE OF PROPERTYSTOLEN _— -----NUMBER OF '---------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL VALUE OF _ OFFENSES fROPERT)' STOLEN ROBBERY ---- A"s Highway (streets, alleys, B. Commercial House (except C, D, F), -- a---------- C. Gas or Service Station.. , . ��� ------ , D. Chain Store E; S tore. . Residence `(anywhereon ------- F. . - - >----_-- Fs -------- G. _ - Bank...,..o,..,. ',,...o =------- -------------__.___ Gs Miscellaneous, -------- _ _ TOTAL ROBBERY ----- - BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING A. Residence (dwelling) 1) Night____... 7 710.00 , ... .. 2) Day.. ».o' ... --- - 710 ----- 3) Unknowns.....,,., - --- -- .,...,,,>,...,.. .,.,.�; �* B, Nonresidence (stone, office, etc,) ------- ---- 1} Night,...... 2) Day....,.. .. ... ------ - 7_ _106.20 3) Unknown,. ... TOTAL IBURGLARY LARCENY '- THEFT (except auto, by value) e A. $50 and over... 17 $ B. $5 to $50., — _-- -3,2210.97Y_ C. Under $5.. `,... , ., . ----_ 408.12 TOTAL LARCENY �6--- $- -- -- AUTO THEFT.......... ......... .. 4 _ $ 5,290.00 GRAND TOTAL S — 14,120.56 Nature of Larcenies -- -- —_— A. Pocket-pick.ing.,. .,o,. .......,... . $ z B. Purse-snatching., . .>. " ------ C. _-5_ __ 5------- - - D. From Autos (except E). „ ..,o. . E. Auto Parts and Accessories,. ... _-17 -- $! : _ 1 702.52 4— _------- F. Bicyclesa, --- --- $ 3_ 7 G. From BuildingsQ(except.Coand VH).. .... . -- -- $— --- 6 12,�00_— H. From any Coin-operated Machine.., - --- ----542.85 1. All Other... ... — ........... . 7 ----- �_ TOTAL - LARCENIES -' $ —768.60 ---- _-L2__--. $ A,h3f.36-_ Automobiles Recovered A. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered Locally. ..., B. Number Stolen Locally and Recovered by Other. Jurisdictions____ Total Locally Stolen Autos Recovered„,,, ----- D. Number Stolen Out of Town, Recovered Locally,,,,,,,, 2 page .Five POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT TRAFFIC/ACCIDENT SUML ARY THIS MONTH TH 3 S YEAR TO-DATE _ ACCIDENTS — ---- _ ' _ -- -- V This Year Last. Year- Th.._ Yeax i Lam[ Year -- --------- --- i ACCIDENT TOTAL 20 27 ----- 6�- _ --- _-- -_--SD ---- Fatal 0 0'-- ------15 Vii—r -- 32 Personal Injur �.6 16 — — 5-�—_ Property Damage 3 - Pedestrian 1 0 -- Hit and Run ENFORCEMENT -- TRAFFIC TOTAL 293 322. 733 844 Hazardous Violations 206 236590 _..� - -- X2 49934__r._----i--------.254 Other Violations 87 _--20 --.20 --_-- Parkin 10 2 ------ 69 _-------- ----29 --=- - 13 ;DWI ` _______ ------ --------•- --------1 Hit and Run 1 1 -----3------'._.-- ._.-------=-- Arrests,Citations or20 p 37 i 38 Custody at Accidents - 14 -- VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REPORT Operational Cost Summarl UNIT # 1 4.83 Cents Per Mile $ 69_66 _ 11.9 __ MPG UNIT # 2 17.71 Cents Per Mile S 368.13 —__ ___5.3 MPG UNIT # 3 7.60 Cents Per. Mile $.__335.37 UNIT # 4 20.54 Cents Per Mile $_____L7 5.7�L____ _- 6_.4 --- MPG UNIT # 5 7.63 Cents Per Mile $ 169__-__45 �7�2 MPG UNIT # 6 14.59 Cents Per Mile $� 349.94 UNIT # 7 3.22 Cents Per Mile $ 60.15 _—_ �12s8 —___MPG UNIT # 8 2.10 Cents Per Mile $ 12.31 X19 0 MPG UNIT # Cents Per Mile UNIT # Cents Per Mile TOTAL OPERATING COST $_1740.79__ TOTAL MILES TRAVELED —� 16`824 AVERAGE COST PER MILE _ 10.430----- page six POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PATROL DIVISION e ACTIVITY TIME 'ALLOTMENT HOURS QUANTITY General Patrol .. -.-.--., � ,,.._,_., 507.6 --------- ------------ Traffic Patrol=. 388.3_ — Criminal Investigat.ion.. 50.8 _ _ --------_ Accident Investigation........ Traffic Enfor.cement,„..... .._... ___ • 97.0 585 Court and Jail. 17.3 _ --------- Transport Prisoners =... ..o„ __ 4-$L2— — —43---- Assist Publico. . ... ...=�a.e= ....=.=a. 21 t9, ------------ Assist Other Agencies_- -- _lb s3 --------- Assist -- -Assist Other Officers.. Calls Answered.. _ ------------ 77 _—__ --_ _ Dispatch Duties.. — office Duties / Brie'f Lng...... Report Writing.., ....., ___--__-- Special betails..=. ....._ ,`..„. 79..1- ----------- Training= . ..e ------------ Patrol Vehicle Service...... Authorized Breaker.... .... ..•^_• _ 1 .� __�___ Vacation Checks._-...-..--...... Vehicle Impound=.... _. 2.2 — Administrative Duties.... _ 121.7 TOTAL HOURS. . .., ...•,= 1,988.7 Total Obligated Hours 957.0 Total Non-Obligated Hours 1,031.7 i, page seven POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHI' REPORT PATROL DIVISION Page 2' TRAFFIC _ o Qi.,�tn t i.tv Hazardous Violati.ons.. 199 Operator License Violations., 14 Suspended Violations.. 3 ' Vehicle License Violations.. . 30 Equipment Violations. 30- Hit and ...... ........ D.U.I.L.L.. 35 Parking Violations.—........ ..........u... _r...... .. 15' 302 TOTAL CITATIONS.. . _____ TOTAL WARNI.NGS.. 283 CRIMINAL ARRESTS`" Felony'................ .. ................`,.,,. . ____ _ 3 Misdemeanor / Traffic 48 TOTAL.' .................. , .. ,. ..,.. .. 51 PREVENTION Open Windows............................. ...,... ...-- --------- Open Doors........ ... .... Street Lights ........>.. . _Y_ Suspicious Persons., ......... o A ., 77_._- Suspicious Vehicl-es.. - 124 _- Signals Out...... .......... ............... .... ...... .... ----I-- Signs Down.. ................ . .. ., ... . ,.,... 10 Neglected Property...... ........... <.. 4--_ Street Defects... ..... ...... ,...., _ 49 _ Dead Animal. .... .... ..... . ....... .. . ................ 1--- Abandoned Vehicles............ . .... ...... ... „ 6�__ Fires. . ..,,.. ...I.... ..... ....,, .. - 6 -- Other _—Other Hazards ....I.............. .,..., .,. 14 Vacation Checks.. . . ..., .. ......, _ 29 TOTAL... .............................. .... ....... 332 page eight POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REFORF PATROL DIVLSION Page .3 --�11;PIC10i -- j I r OFFICER CITATIONS WARNINGS _ _ARRESTS-1 PERSON-) � V EEH ICLES WHEELER 11 0 r` 7 _ _6 �7 JENNINGS 21 _ 16 10 � _ _.._r23 -- i �- 19 6 -- — --- -- -- -•-7 SIRIANNI 17 �---- 12 --- 6 7 JOHNSON 29 - ---44 --_ 9, i 2_ i 2 CORBRAY_ 10 ---6 --i 3 7 i 12 MYERS * �0 _0 _0 0 0 ---- --_-- - -i —�— ----- ----------- -----t-- --- --� SGT._FARMER 15 ------'--- — 1 __—_ ��—trh-- ------{----=----- 7 -----5--- —7r-- 22 ---- ---------------- 3 _ — 7 9SGTBOOMER 14 22 ---- --- _- SGT NEWMAN 3 36 -- - i ' -------' -- ----- ---- --r-- ---- -----r * Academ r i PATROL TOTAL 120 _ 108 _ —_35 1 _61—__ �__-1I4 _ LANBas 7690 �.r._.__ 2 ' ' o ;__ 0 0 MARTIN 40 _66 1 i _--16--- -- 9 r FEATHERSTON 66 19 _ _ 1_3 i �— 0 � -- 0------------ i r TRAFFIC TOTAL 182 a 175 �� -16 _ - 16 RESERVES HOURS MERRILL 0 1 0 i 2 _ , 0 29 HESKETH 0 0 OY i 0 j 11 - - - NORBQUIST 0 0 _ 0 _ 0 i 1 j 26 -------------- --- -_--- McKEREGHAN 0 0 I 0 r 0 r------©-- --- r_---3--- NEWMAN 0 0 0 0 0 56 BUCETTE 0 0 0 0 --- 0---- 22 — —_— _----- ---------.-- --------------T-----•--- TETERS 0 0 0 0 i 0 i 0 SIMONS 0 0 0 _ 0 i 0 ' 78 SITTEL (ON LEAVE) _ r RESERVE TOTAL 0 1 0 2 1 { 225 ---- GRAND TOTAL 1 302 1 284 51 79 — 124 -- i page nine POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT TRAFFIC REPORT Conyi.C.Li:Gn Ratio Citations Officer Issued Guilty j Nnt Gui lTV - Pe,dire Rat iu _ 4100!_ 1 FEATHERSTON i 33 5 0 _ 28 _ _-- __-- 2. LANDIS —_29 0_—14 _ —0----- - 15 1007 ---- i 3. MARTIN 40 12 0 28 100% --- 4. ---4. WHEELER { 17 _ 7 ' 1r_9. _ 9 _ 6 5. JENNINGS IS ® 0 18 ----_---_--- 6. CORDRAY 10 1 0 ---- 9-- -� -- 10 ---_ — 7. SIP.TANNI 44 =— 10l 1 ---Y Y33 +-39.9%—_—_ 8. JOHNSON 15_�_—�_�� s t 9. 0 0 9 AIYERS 9 �—_ i R 33 12 — �0 FO, B ---------- ---21 _r _ Q —�-_ OOME _ -- ----- � � 11. FARMER -12 __Z' 0 _ ' 20 „__� 12. 14EWHAN 4 _ 1 _ 0 i i I ' 14. MCKEREGHAN 1 1-- �--_© — ---1— ��14 G—---- 15. MERIIiILL 1 _— lRQ7 16. RES. NEWMAN 1 1 0 0 1007 _17 -- 18. — 18. 19. 20 —_ -- — — TOTALS 267 70 3 195 97.76' ENFORCEMENT INDEX 34.337. F k POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT , INVESTIGATION DIVISIONMonth 1jARCH __1974 Number Cases i Number Cases Number Case - -� t�Tnta1 NvTber C C ssification ! Assigned Cases Cleared I Received � Suspended i tg � l I Arrests Per Case ;Patrol Invc_st. Patro It invest, Adu I t i Juv; / PART,L / - -- ----- -------- --- ------------ Homicide0_ 0 ` 0 0 0 0 Rape -- 0 � ._._ ----- --+-------_.�.�� ---- -- 0 �---Q o 0 + ---o � ---- Robbery t-_----------- - - 0- p1 0Assault0---0 C t +-- ---------- -------_0 p 0_ - 0 -0 1Theft Under $50 17 4 4 0 TheftOver $-50 - -- 4 2 0 2 -- 0- `� --- Auto Theft g 5----- -- ---- _-- - I----i---1----+-- 0 �--- -3Burglar ---- - --+- 5 Q----- - 6 t PART I TOTALS 42' 17 i `°__ 13 - 510 i 3 i 7 = -- - E IT r / PART I �/ t Assault & Related t--- 9 1 2 2 2 { 5 Check Offenses 2�� _ --r------ Z--- ---o-0- Eorger_y'& Related 2 0 �1s_M0 ` - -- --------- --- - ----1 ---� -- U0 0 _ -------- Sex - -- Sex Offenses yN`_ --p—r- -p- ---e-r0 NarcoticOffenses 0 0 �Yj000 0 0 0 0 0 0-r-o L tui o n ------ c 0 0 it--- 0 _�-- 0 }---0,.F--0----- T --------- Lj; Of[enses� 0 0 - o--r_Q -� C -- 0 ---T�--Q---�-�-Q�--- amblina Lenses 0 — - 0 ---- �--�_ _ _ -r__�_—_ Stolen Property 0 -r---0-- -- ----�__ �_� _-_ Crimes 0 I ® r I 9 Vandalism 30 _ r 18 �t `-,--p- 6- -- ---- ---- Other Part 11. ' � ----Y---0. ---------1--o----1--z�_�� Crimes _ 5 -- --- `2 2 0 0 i 3 i _0 j PART II TOTALS 50 - -.- 2 2 _ 13 5 _9 PART I. & II TOTALS 92 3917 1 1$ ; 14 26 7 �I 32 ' Total Cases Cleared 40 Total Office Hours-202--Total Training Hours 0 Total Cases Pending Patrol 3 - Total. Field Hours 204 Total Court Hours - 33 Total Cases Pending Investigation 13 Total Overtime Hours 99_Total. Other Hours _ 0_ Total Warrants Issued 3 J Total. Cases Presented for Warrant Issuance 4 Total Misdemeanor Arrests 22-�-_-- Total. Court Case Heard &Dispositions 1 Investigation Di.vis.i.en�Commander L. Branstetter, Det. Sgt. page twelve POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SERVICES DIVISJON DUTIES 'TIME At_1OTTED Dispatch Duties 272,0 ------------- Cards Typed/Fil.ed 78.1 Letters Typed 23,9 -------------- Reports Typed 21,2 Special. Details 33.5.2----- Aid ,2Aid Other Agency/Person 95,4 Teletype Operation 72,0 Handwritten Reports 9,7 Authorized Breaks 55,0 TOTAL HOURS 952,5 page ten POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT EXPENSES (Includes R.I.D.E. & L.E.A.A';) ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH; TO DATE BALANCE 106 291.00 ` 20.70 203.40 -j` 87.60 181 80000.00 257.88:' 4,392.45, f 3,607.55 182 -2 045.00 -0- " 00_ 2.045.00 183 3060.00 210.00" 1,560.00 1,500.00 140 15.744.00 1312.00' 11808.00: 3,936.00 142 54'947.00'" 4,590.20 40,357.80 14,589. 144 ' 99,644.00 1 92340.89 78,597.33 21046.67 145 14.106.00 1 178.00 10 542.00 3,564.00 146 25552.00" 1,818.60 19,683.73 6`368.27 147 13 800.00 1150.00 10 350.00 3 '450.00 101 13 859.00 1,178.20 9,763.93 4,095.07 102 10,102.00 1,635.88 11 889.38 5,212.62 102 'Res. 259.00' 48.21; 182.62 76,38 103 7'806.00 561.90 ' 4-992 28 2,813.72 104 '13 029.00 1,243.77 10 102 S 2 926,48. 105 1'581.00 118.03 96660 §14.4Q- 201 2.900.00 205.33 1 187 05 1,712.95 r 202 ` 2,300.00 17403 -I 835 70 464' SL 203 50.00 -0- 5.90 205 130.00 5.00 55.00 75.00 207 160.00 -0- 129.30 30.70 210 11 760.00 2,261.1.4 11 086 36 673.64 220 3,513.00 47.15 538,06 2,974.94 240 500.00 111.13 260.33 239.67 270 1.550.00 13,50 224.19 1,325.81 271 550.00 -0- 517.15 32,85 280 3,860.00 -0- 1,619.60 2 240 40 291 3,704.00 166.00 3.028.44 675,56 300 2,139.00 -0- 2,381,90 (242.90) 310 13 910.00 -0 2,825.00 11 85 312 -11,491.00 -0- 2,058.46 4 a320 2,000.00 -0- -0- 2,000.00 251 11900.00 -0- -0- 1,900,09- 107 -0- 546.87 1,660.72 (1,660.72) TOTAL $346,242.00 $28,194.41 $237,805.20 $108,936.80 POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT EXPENSES R.I.D.E. ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 106 32.00 2.70 26.10 5.90 181 1,800.00 10.96 i 1.578 98 221,02 144 24 372.00 4..071 01 40,620.59 (16.248.59)' 101 1`531.00 150.75 2,307.72 (776,72) 102 1115.00 214.48 1,011,26 IQ3'80 103 1.097.00 77.32 717 7 104 1'439.00 180.39 2 621..00 (1.182.00 105 166.00 16.64 "- ! 274.09 (108,09) 210 1512.00 531.33 "2 540.29 (1.028.29 220 200.00 -0- 0 200.00 251 -1 900.00 135.92 1,224,6( 40 280 350.00 -0- I -0- 350,0Q 201 1,400.00 -0- I 0- 1400.00 '92 200.00 q0- 0- 200.00 . .12 5,800.00 -0- 0- 5 107 -0- 68.54 ,271.09 (271.09)' 183 -0- 30.00 30.00 '(30.00 TOTAL 4 n L� : _ ._. ^5_ 53 222x89 w�. 10 3rJ8,89 EXPENSES -`L.E.A.A. ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET CURRENT MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 144 10 128.00 970.27 7,144.80 2p983.20 101 592.00 74.06 352.03 239.97 102 420.00 70.00 180.24 239.76 103 270.00 17.13 128.47 141,53 104 557.00 59.08 450.76 106.24 105 69.00 5.74 43.61 25„39 106 11.00 .90 7.20 3.80 310 3,260.00 -0- 2 825.00 435.00 312 32422.00 -0- 1,370.58 2.051.42 181 -0- -0- 25.55 (25.55) 1 -0- 23.21 69.73 69.73) _91 -0- -0- 82.50 82.50 �21 ° -0- -0- 483,64 483,64 AL $18,729.00 $1,220,,39 $13,164.11 $5,564.89 11.pril 19, 19'7A To: Tigard City _­our;ca..3. .From- Director of Public <gork:s Subject; Monthly Report The employee that:injured his back 1,_)st rrorttt; ,r.i'll not b,a back to work for a couple of months, John Sara xk .c3s operated on last reek; the operation appears to be. successf-al. The shortage of this man has been very noticeable in the additional work load, Street Section The asphalt overlay for this budget Year has been cotriplo 4-ed. Th,_ following streets were overlaid: I. Pi nebrook - from :1all to 92nd 2. 87th from Pinebrook; to Cul-<'3e Sac S, 98thfrom Pihebrook to cul-de--Sac 4, -Ash Avenue from rrewing to ' trill. Strrec_t 5, Village Glen Priv. - 50 feet South 6. Lincoln Street to 300 fact South of 3reenburg Slurry Overlay will be done someti . - Other work in;th�� department consisted mast'1y OF sign ins , ,11 xt ion and replace rent. Park Section A lot of time has been spend in Cook Park this past trosth. ^h crews have completed tht- foundation and floor far the restr.00r:; Ypansion. The plant areae, have been w•__=_tided and co-, erect with barkdust. 114owing and trimming is in progress no,,. Maintenance Section Major repairs consisted of a broken brake drum ora they street sweeper. We are still awaiting delivery of parts. Other work consisted mostly of minor repairs and tune-ups. Engineering Division This past report period has been active with a variety of administrative> and field tasks being accomplished. Those of most interest being: notification to various improvement project developers (Brookway II, Viewmount, Lang Hill, 114th Place, Bonita & 76th & 1.1eber Sewer Ext. ) of progress deficiencies therewith; notification of improvement project (Summerfield Drive, Suwmerfie>ld II & III-', fees due; sub- mission of thr-, divisional 74-75 budget proposal; completion of a form format and operational processing procedure for the new street opening permit ordinance; specification and bid packet preparation for this year's asphaltic overlays and for proposed radi-o equipment; miscellaneous data (boundaries, survey records, sewer location, etc. ) assembled and divan to Aerial Mapping Company to assist in the aerial napping work; various storm sewer and sanitary sewer easements Page 2 prepared and processed, notably those (three) storm sewer easements pertinent to the upcomming work on S.N. 115th Avenue L.I.D. proj;.ct: ; r listing and resolution r.✓as prepared for the tak,=oNrer of various county roads; notices Caere: posted for a proposed annexation and for a proposed L.I. D. project; site plans were revir,wed for (five) <,arlous construction proposals; etc, Aliso of prim: int!>rest this past month th,_, di�,,isio n has ccmpletec-I updating of our City street map and index As soon as is po ssi.a to a `contact print and two photo reductions will be rade; these being used for handout maps; and "sale" maps. P;11 rel vane city mops have been updated/revised .o reflect' this past ye. is developnc rpt and growth. Traffic counting and field construction inspection has been continuing in an active r,tannfar. Most of the field inspection r,-�qucsts are re- lated to improvement project ;pork which initiall.z, ?5^_clan l:ist y-ar.'