City Council Packet - 04/01/1974 AGENDA TIGr'RD CITY COUNCIL, STUDY SESSION - 7:30 CHARLES F. TI.GARD GRADE SCHOOL, ADMINISTRA'I'ION OFFICE APRIL, 1, 1974 1. NPO #2 Traffic Circulation Analysis Agreement. -2. VehicleBids 3. Executive Session (a) Emplovee Compensation & Personnel Evaluation (b) Evaluation of Administrator TIGAt D CIT`f COUNCIL EXECUTIVE /.SESSIO'` ADMUISTRATION OFFICES CHARLES F. TIGARD GRACE SCHOOL April. 1, 19?4, 8:30 P f9. 1 ROLL CALL: Pre sont:'Pla;,nr '?.oyd H 3ar3m _nf,r o• .') E. Cook. Reber t C.-MooTs,^Chart..s, c lorton,;'3. Allan Paterson Bruce P. C,lark ;ty r;dm . Doris Ha.ti„ City "e:..OrciIor Members o= Press: Linda toy rtd Nla; Domicil 2. City Administrator. synopsized' nea bilin „ with S _;ii and TE=. Associations.' Under the 'torms of lie en{ f"oyc.., cui';,,. t: a cost of l.iv �r1 increase of n based oi� lhc. ,,a;U2 'Eli rcnu u l:auor Sta istics 'index for thc,, Po_,.1_ ,<r_ .ea r :-ll 6'e applied, as well 26 ad,jUStraents in earl, >s?<._; ra _e 'u- p a-, ,ea:h foh class.F icaI,ion;: based upon a su.2 ey U C a r_e sc n- City Administra-tor d_sr.us ed proposed ma apemen'- and reconmended addirn0 3 n'eu �--rriplo cc,; in to T/, .c,dr-,c,t. Councils recommended only tuo not.i emplo c us ac` ed 1`3-/,i-71 3. Council discussed aril adjusted Gil. Acm..,,i tz4 .nT 's-.:alar}, yr 197A-7E to ;19,":�)0:;annu.-n1ly. 'iloeti nn, adjourned 11:01) P.M. G. c'y Record r ATTEST Mayor 1 5. TIGrARD CITY Cnupc!L STUD`( SESSION CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOGL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES ' APRIL 1. 1974, 7:30 P,M. 1 ROLL_ CALL: Present: Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann, Councilmen' John C Cook, Hobart'C. .lours, h,r ie:= L. `.ortun: J. Allan Paterson; Frpd A. Ander .on. City „tta ney; R.S. Adams, Chief o. Police; Winslow.ow Brooks, City Planner; Bruce P. .:i. :; City Administrator; Doris Hnr' :g�.< City Recorder 2. NPO ';2 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION AUALY:IS City Administrator requested Council authorization to ;roe ri with NPO "2 traffic' analysis and that City Attorney y prepai. an agreement with earl t?ut'.,I<e for consideration at next Council meeting. Estimated cost of analycis is apprqximately visno.' Council concurred with Cit, Administrator's rvau^men- dation. 3. POLICE VEHICLE ENDS' Chief pf Police e reported car dealersarea had given informal quotes an intermediate size nolice vehirlus. Chief also re- ported Multnomah ported;Multnomah Coo and City of Portland weru bidKing = 7 .rger cars and State of flrey, was bidding ;n intermodinta. size cars, however, thN clasinq date ror subm nu. order ';o Stateo; Oregon had been moved ug n da nr? 11 1974. If the arm tad a purchase arner 0 State n'' Oregon for an 7. . erme_intE size car and 7ecuiv2dv -a From a local '-rr dearer the city q_ruld hove tKp option to ron- col the „tomt : u.chase oder. Council . c_, ` , _u ,_tf,n , a purchase order for n intermediate Slav car to State d' Oregon es well as MQWSting Lida from local Oanler3. !,. City 'Administrator adv-s, Council v monti5q of i ; be the lWashington Count, Board o ,.m. . 'ir , April l Oji � , discuss toe proposed ,ad serial levy ish "III appeor _,r the May 2Pth primary ballot. 5. City Administrator reported the O.L.0 . Class A apps cat i.e;: for Lee's Restaurant had been refused by t , . Crugan Liquor Commission. 6. Councilman Moore requested city staff uork Yith rel nho _ .umn parry to correct the traffic hazard caused e r�plo e - ees working at inLersuction of Tigard and Cora it, ltreeQ. . City Attorney reported he lmd filed motion to _ . ._ some of sh- allegations on the Derry 0&1 '_raw ri a i a ti State had KlEd a demurrer on behalf of the 'oundary 90 ries,; Commission, Mr. Anderson also stated he was :in contact i- ,.h our insur . . e company attorneys regarding other suits Pilot against "he rity. 0. Adjournment 8.1:, P,M. 1,- 1 , y Hccorder f ATTE y: l Major .coummi unders'tf :�ollowt'nG Co is(ions in rc-+u z.n rl L G.!' CC1l��1C�ti'lC C1�Ct O��Sc?YVti")G: tl)E �+© - 1ttS61 p C-121 'scussicryl ©r Qroeee�1�Gs e.�`t l f be �re.yx,Y��1, c1 tsc.�csse�l mac, I _cll7y. LO-� —tc�rl5"ori+}��c� r� cln� ��hen etas Cm �U7YC E,:ar -the C�Jct xni, ►��rc�dot c u�E�;1 5o. DU: eco-') a �E?� �.ec.t i c yard t � �_ Suc} -fin s euc-4 4ha -V-ie zcwersi )e_1 `1X1l I rW4 the .�- t sacSs j on. C�:' 4h-e._ awyove nink bv cJ CJ l a n -_ ccy4ch II cc( we re ] S hall stoo �.Crm-n 4l66 JC-gI d?ca Jcs jnoA�._�e,Z"c v