City Council Packet - 03/25/1974 7 i G A R D C I T_ Y C O U N C I L REGULAR MEETING MARCH 25, 1974, 7,130 P fj, I ROLL CAL! PrFsent; ,Mayor Floyd Bergmann; Councilmen John E. Cook, Robert C. Moore, Charles L. Norton, J. Allan Paterson; 'City Attornay Fred Anderson, 'R.B. Adams, Chief of Police- mi W?r low Brooks, City Planner; Bruce P. Clark, City Adnistrator, Doris Hartig, C t Recorder; Nick Hiebert y Services and Facilities 2., APPROVAL OF MINUTES, March 11, IB, 1974 (a) APPr.'oved as submitted, 3- WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from Loaves and fishes Center requesting Finan ja1 support from City, City Administrator recommended letter be considered when preparing; 1974-75 Budgjt, 4• APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES & INVESTMENTS $11,237,86 (a) Mctzon t:; approve; (Councilman Moore; seconded by CounciTman,Pater5on, Appro.reJ by unan:rmous vote of Council, 5: MONTHLY REPORTS �a Adrciinrstrati, (( Sc r iry Library Planning to Police (f� - Public Services & Facilities (1) Motion to approve Councilman Norton, seconded by Councilman Cook, Approved by unanimous vote Of Council, b•. O•L-C-C, RENEWAL. APPLICATIONS Jim and Sally Kwong DBA Key West 11445 S,W, - Formerly Rain Tree, Pacific Highway, D.A. Application Geo George gi H and Diana y, Lee DBA tees Restaurant, Tigard Plaza. RMB Application (a) nef poli e stated his department recommended renewal of applications. (b) Mt tidnotorenewal Councilman Norton that City had no objac- man Cook;enewal of applications; seconded by Council- Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 7• AUTHORIZE REFUND MOB Mechanical Permit 74-24-M, issued to Sunset Fuel and Engineering, (a) City Recorder requested authorization to refund permit fee erroroneously collected. Mm (b) ; Motion to approve refund Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, B. APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE CALLING FOR POLICE a VEHICLE BIDS (a). City Administrator recommended specifications be approved and Council authorize calling for<bids' for 3 police vehicles. Council discussed specifications and requested item 1.1, SUs'a nsion "Heavy-duty Mon::,oe 500;Shock-Absorbers", be corrected to read "Heavy-duty Monroe 500-Shock- Ab�orbers or equal'.. (b) Motion to approve spFcificati:ans, as amended, and authorize ::ailing for bids; Counni.'l.man Paterson; seconded by, Ccunci.lman Norton, Approved by unanimous vote ofcouncil. 9. AUTHORIZE`EXECUTION OF SANITARY SEWER CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR, BARNUM PARK SUBDIVISION Lot No. 4 (a) Director of. Public Works recommended Council auth- orize execution of agreement. (b)- Motion hay Councilman Norton to authorize City Recorder and' Maycr to execute agreement; seconded,by Council- man Cook, Approved by unanimous vote of Council,, 10. RESOLUTION No. 74-19 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD'CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING THE TIGARD'AREA COMPREHENSIVE PEDESTRIAN-BICYCLE PATHWAY PLAN (a) City Administrator recommended plan be adopted as presented by Bicycle/Pathway Committee, (b) Motion by Councilman Norton to adopts seconded by Councilman Moore, Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 11. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard Request by City of Tigard to change existing County zoning within the newly annexed "Derry Dell" area to correspond- ing city zones. The City proposes to change County RLI-4 (old R-7), Urban Residential District to City R-7, Single Famil.v Residential; County RU-20 (old A-2), Urban Residen- tial District to City A-2, Multi-Family Residential District and County B-2 (old C-3), Community Retail Commercial Dis- trict and County B-4 (old C-2), General Extensive Commer- cial District to City C-3, General Commercial zoning. The subject area comprises 89.87 acres and is located on the northwest side of S�W� Pacific Highway between park Street and S.W. Gaarde Street. (a) 8:00 P,M. Public Hearing No Testimony - Public Hearing Closed. PAGE 2 COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 25, 1974 (b) C ty Admin;stratcr rec M.Irend.(l the changefrom. Wash:_ ington f;aunty;zoning to Cityr.in be :crted ';nd t ie City ,Attornay be instructed r,o p Pare an ordina^:ce for next Council meeting, (c) Motion by Cc.jncilman Paterson to approve ,F _ecom- mended zone designation and requested Lity Atr'orney to pr *carp an appropriate ordinance: motion ,ecorded by inci.lman Nortcn. Appro,red 'by unanimous 'vote of CQun:crL 12. ZONE CHANCE APPLICATION - City of Tigard Request;by City of Tigard to change existing County zoning uith .n%the newly annexed "Rolling H111s" area to coir=5-- par.di.ng City _,ones, .City F'ropc.:ris to change 'Cc.jnty RU-4, Urban Res ce ,t a1 D� .rl t 'to CityR-I, Single Family Residential and County MA-1 (old M-4), Limited ,Pao- turing-Production Di_trict'to City C-P, Comm,ercial 'Pro- fesrional zon.ing, Th.e subject_ area comprr :es 61 7 iacre.� and is.located on both sides of"S.W, 72nd A,enue between S W, Hunzikar Street and S.W, Sandburg Street- (a) Public Hearing 8,,00 P M, No Testj.mony --nublic.`Hearing Closed. (b) Planning prrr•r.tor rRquested staff report 1(b) be corrected to read "The exi=. ng MA--1, Limited Mar- ufacturing-Produt�tjon District, containing two office ctic4 t .res, to tn- a, lradustrial Par's LonaS. (c) Motion by' CorinCi.11'an'Paterson to aPprove`the recom- mended zone designation and reque:,ted City Attorney to 'prepare an appropriate ordinance; motion sPcondad by Councilmen Norton," Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 13. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard A change in zoning requested by the City of Tigard for recently annexed property on Paci.fi.c Highway (Tax Map 151 36D8, Fax Lots 500 and 501), the two parcels in question comprise 1.89 acres and are occupied by the Mr, Steak Restaurant and a vacant car wash building, Wash- ington County zoning now applies to the property as fol- lows B-4, General Extensive Commercial for a depth of 200 feet back from Parl.fi.r Highway, RU-4, Urban Res.iden- tial for the remaining rear portions of the two parcels.. The request is to change the B-4 zone to thr City C--3, General Commercial zone and the RU-4, to the equivalent City R-7, Single family Residential zone., In addition, the existing 200 foot depth of commercial zoning results in a small triangular shaped piece of residentially zoned property at the rear of Tax Lot 500 (Mr. Steak property). The City's request includes rezoning this portion of Tax Lot 500 to C-3, which in this case will place the existing Mr. Steak rear parking area in a conforming zone. (a) 8:00 P.M. Public Hearing Mr. Justin Reinhardt testified on hehalf of owner of Tax Lot 501, Public Hearing Closed, PAGE 3 - COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 25, 1974 (b), Planning Director requested Section l(c) of staff report be deleted from staff recommendation and that application be approved as adopted by the Planning Commission, City Attorney commented tnis procedure was a judicial change to corresponding city zoning (c) Motion to approve recommended- zone de igna 07 n, but excluding a triangular shaped portion of Tax Ing; #500, and instruct City Attorney to prepare approp- riate ordinance: Councilman'.Paterson, sec'ondea my Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 14. ACCEPTANCE OF PETITIONS AND ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT REGARDING A SEWER L�T-;D. ON A PORTION OF 5,L., `MURDOCK`STREET (a) , Director of Public Services and Facilities:_equested Council accept a 100% petition requesting 12Wer service and authorize preliminary engineering, (b)+ Motion by Councilman Cook to accept petition and order preliminary engineering report; seconded by ouncilman Paterson Approved by un._.._z.,_; Dote of ncunc Ll, 15. APPROVE SPECIE ICAi CON; ANO AUTHORIZE CALLING FOR BIOS FOR ANNUAL OVERLAY PROGRAM (a) D, rlctnr Of Public Services and Fac :.lit :e,, ,requested apl - 3val of-specifications and calling for bids, Bid= to be opened April 12, 1976, 4:00 P,Mo (b) Motion to approve specifications and call for bids? Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Norton, Approved by: unanimous vote of Council. 16. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN AERIAL MAPPING CO. OF OREGON AND THE CITY OF TIGARD FOR PLANIMETRIC AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING (a) City Administrator ;synopsized the uses and needs and cost savings of the aerial mapping program. (b) Motion by Councilman Paterson to authorize execution of an agreement between Aerial Mapping Co. and the City; seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council., 17, SALARY NEGOTIATIONS (a) City Administrator stated negotiations were being carried out within the terms of the employees con- tracts and requested Council schedule an executive session to discuss salaries after next; Council study session, City Administrator also stated the Budget Committee will meet April 9, 1974. 16. OTHER BUSINESS (a) Councilman Norton questioned :if the Planning Commis- sion conducted their meetings under the guidelines of PAGE 4 - COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 25, 1974 Roberts Rules of Order. City Administrator indicated affirmatively;and stated _t'eo were being taken to 'continue to do so. 19. ADJOURNMENT 8:40 P.M� City Recorder ' ATTESTt Ono Mayor PAGE 5 - COUNCIL. AGENDA - MARCH 25, 1974 '10445 'Si; C;ante-_rbury Lane Tigard. Oregon March 12, 1 Tigard 'City Council City Hall Tigard,' OroFson '.)(22?� Gentlemen: Attached herewith is our regl.iest for revenue shari.n 1'uncl.s tO l'teln us ol�erat<. the -T5 hard Leaves and Fishes Center, July t , 1974, t.O Jz[nc 30, 1 n75o ti,ill be most c. il] .i.nr to 'come ta:)rc t1i ti't`'Src tt or your; representatives c0n:cerzlin0 our Cent-er'ancl our request z t your convenience Very truly yours , 3'1CYARD LOAVES AD FISH},S CE E'R ,STiit,,IZ i�G Lucille INAASBbautq, Chairman Rias Z Ann Burke, T.r.ensurer TO CI'T'Y QIl` T t Ai ?i I5•!?U:, T1c;ARD L(1AVI!,S ;_1ND .Z Tz?arcl l.oa es and F-; s'tes Cel, t ex rec,�_ic s ts' ,�C�i1O to assist ill. ftinclinr0; the, Ce#16c r 1 fJci7 in Un:F Lel Press-Yter:ia.n ChUre}? in 1 1paro _litache(j :is a P"OPOsecl bLr7 ei. �a„ tllc v -;ix .1 u.7 1974 to JL"ii2( ;;? }orf _ 5v Frit}"i ara n_;{31 anat.oi`%r nal"rat,:iY1"c « ?'?20E'OS+-:D 73T.,J(sR `l' SCIIL l)I:7_; TIGARD LOAVES AND I+ZS fl,lS Ju:I y 1 y 1 977 -- Junin ?U s 1975 i i PERSON EL CJenor P7anar;e:r 111 }!! Center Cateress 111 W1 Payroll EXT)(;ilseS 0,3 1 t6C> Mileage all.owal.ice for Vclitniiec:rs C1 OPERATING EXPETNSES Food cosi, to Center, 72-30 Rent and lHaintenance 4515 Office 9 Recreat imia7 Sl pPl-less ilos ta,p {() Loaves al-lo Fishes r d-mi.ni- strative Costs 1 �r 60 > 81t J; -I"QJ7PI4 IqT K_i_tchon utensils , P.;.arno C)0 .Leased Van 515 t 1 i r '33`9 Tigard Loaves' and 'E'islres , 1975 I3L7f)U t�IT >. 1 .-'NT, V- P EiSC dil.;;., /Center-- Manager Ce-nter Cater.oss ,_.,� _� �,�_. �.. .. FICA, liort :reri's corzlP^nszit ior_, Con - a trtl�c-,ti_ot;s " --t .;is ex.t_. .,r:lely "rent,or .,, nr,1er (irlio a1.,wo PI-I . in �7an, ' „t.ra ;oiunteer., hours) take soma of the r..5^oirsihi_1 sties tlte' 1-olrliitr...7 s cannot 'bandle and to provide Continuity at, tlLe The cateress sup .rvisr.s careful and s,ani Carr ftr{ii.l i i,rt. ot'' all food at the (,enter, the pl-eparat;_io r of Meals on Wheels. ' FU,VE L i l.ca{,e allowance for some vol un to(c r s to -Cor e C'or- e :ara �a,soi_ino ::-ho cart-bo ,,-r wit-h t.r an norLat.i on, Outve ch , and Meals on Wbe-els. �3E�O miles x 1 i 1._ mos} ;rIo OPIt',RATTINTI r P,X.J`I,iNSBS Food roosts 'to Center (8i5 meals x >.50 j meal x 1" `mo 12 1110) 06'30 Consumable Supplies As: paper towels , 'oi.l. , 3ias , >oap, cl oa inrs (20/mo 12' .*Ito) )!lo ccnt,er Food SV-P17)1 ies AS *.r?ilt�, coffee, ten, `sr.,r,ar`, bu-ute.r, :.•o i 1 s (301mo K 1 2 mo) }�:U l:ient, and Mai.ntenancF� Jens: i.s' donated l:ry C �.l_vin T':e c.s7n-t cr:i.a.rt Clnarch (325/mo 12 mos) Utilities and Jani_to.c Service These e lenses are too much for one church to pay 1_n nddit:i_on to donated rent. (25/mo % 12 mos) `00 Telephone It has "become rzearl;,- impossii.l,-Ie, to carry on necessary bus-iness without a phone. _ (30. installation, 23.751-) -c 12 ;nose Office Supplies , Postage, Recreational Suppl.-Les Supplies needed for correspondence, records , monthly newsletters, and. postago for all these (40/mo x 12 mos) 4FCt Recreational supplies :for the Center (30/mo x 12 mos) 36o Loaves and lushes Administrative Costs (85 meals x 1 .00 x '3 days/w],: x 52 wks) 1326o 25",1;- I Tigard Loaves and Fishes, 1975 Budget Narrative: Brought Forward From page EQUIPMENT Piano is needed for entertainment and community singing by the participan s. Large kitchen utens`i:l.s should be added to the kitchen equipment :for food storage and for cook- ,. Storage shelves are necessary in the storeroom; at present; supplies are stored on the floor. having a 'carpet sweeper to use after meals t,i,_ll eliminate paying for extra janitorial service. Cost of these items is predicted at 600 Lease of a van for transportation of those unableto use public transportation. *with no 'personal transport- ation. available. 00 miles x .11 fnii x 13 days z ;,'_ rhos 515 1115 73 So!,3 Tigard Loaves and Fishes, 1975 5 The Tigard i.oa%res and Fishces Center at CZ1vL?�. United Presbyterian Church onenecl � 1 cJ7 ,: The Center :i.s open 3 days p-,cr ire e.; '7 o*n f() r).m. for services and activities. T3y iceerai.n,m care- ful records ds the Center's Steering Coo t n:i ttee is assui:,erl that participant attendance and irivoJveriient have -i.zi- creased subs Lantiiall_v since 0rieri ijc:» Dr,3-,- anci tple % etch=r,l preserited here includes a vro,ie:ted -i erease bei.np, based on 85 par-Licirrarit meals per day. In acid tion to serving hot c1c.Atr a :i.otisi tti r.es t Center also prol � v�cles �t social. cont ict Ior the F�<t:rt;ic:i- pants and makesavailable 'Lo tine elderly tti a ericy, services which Lhey need. ilot ,moals. (? � I D 1817 N.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon X7212 (503) 200-0351 i.arch 13, 197L4 Bruce B. Clara: Tigard City;Adt;tiinistrator 12tt2o 'S. ,`. 'I=xain Tigard, Creon Dear tdr. Clarke close is she i"proposed income" pace for the bud-et recuect of the Tigard Loaves and Fishes ;'enter. It was inaavertentl left out of the proposal sent to your office last wee.c. Please'include this no—t to the "Proposed bud et" pa e. Thank; you very much. Sincerely yours., Carole A. Sperou T,'ashin;ton county Coordinator, Loaves ?.. ,fishes f US r1 s;rd, 1974 n^; ;'ED I ,C77 ,: real donations �G>r� ;7,29; (» /meal, 85 people, 156 'i—ay Donations--churchss or, an-�L,,,tion.s 3,000 Money-raising projects 400 Church rent (donated) 3 900 Loaves =• Fishes (Adrnini stration, 't1/mena. 13,2`0 Loaves Fishes ,(Z,ea.sin; o:,' van) 515 (110/mile, 3U miles meal clay) ,Tashin--ton County Cits Of Tigard 21000 °;33,'8c)9 zA SANITARY SERVICE P.O. Box 233 41 82293 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone 639-2((4 March 11, 1974 NIAR 12 197", (;IT`/ OF TIGARD Mr. ;Bruce Clark City Administrator 12420 SW ;Main St. Tigard, Ore. 97223 Dear Mr. ;Clark: Request is hereby made for an immediate rate increase of .254� per can at each residence and .25�: per can for each commercial account. This increase is necessitated by ,the recent dramatic increase in our cost of fuel. We are in the process of compiling operating statistics to support a general rate increase. This request will be submitted in the near future. Sincerely, herb Frank, President FRANK'S DISPOSAL SERVICE INC. HF:pr "Let Sanitation Be Your Guide t0 Better He€lth" TRI COUNTY �(! BOARD OF DIRECTORS METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION /(`` �l✓''` Mr.W.E.Roberts,President DISTRICT �' 1 Mr.John B.Piacentini,Vice President e OF OREGON Mr.Kenneth Lewis,Treasurer.. re Mrs.Angie Davis,Secretary Mr.George Brown: Mr.Andrew J Cook L� 1 00 'M(5 Onr.Stephen R McCarthy 4314 SE 17TH AVENUE r� PORTLAND,OREGON 97202 ,✓� (503) 233-8373 `\ March 7, 1974 The Honorable Floyd H. Bergmann Mayor, City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mayor Bergmann: Thank you for your letter regarding the special ` transportation problems of the elderly and handi- capped in Washington County. Tri-Met will be pleased to work with Washington County, and cities in the County, toward development of a solution to this special transportation problem. We have been investigating operational alternatives, such as the Lex Systems demand-responsive responsive service, and are prepared to participate fully in your area's planning and development of special service. Mr. Edward F. Wagner, Director of Planning & Research, will be our representative for getting this mutual effort underway. You may be interested to know that Tri-Met has recently begun serving the Loaves and Fishes group at Calvary Presbyterian Church with two trips daily from Tigard and from King City. This service was worked out at the request of Representative Pat Whiting in an effort to provide increased mobility for those persons in the group. Sincerely, T. S. King General Manger TSK:dd j BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT March'25. 1974 GENERAL FUND - U.S.' NATIONAL 'BANK Check No. 14454 Secretary of State'- Notary Public - Glover (16) 5.00 14455 Petty Cash-Mi.=Office Supplies (12) 5.50 (14) 5.20 (15) 7.10 (16) 16.31 (18) 7.09 (19) 3.25 (29) 2.65 49.10 ;.4458 Washington County Tax Maps (19)'' 37.00 (12) 14.00 51.00 14459 State of Oregon - License Suspensions (11) 130.00 14460 - League of Oregon Cities Salary Continuation (11) 3.64 (12) 24.62 (13) 2.99 (14) 17.04 (15)-5.11 (16) 95.65 (16.2)' 16.64 (16.3) 5,74',(17) 4.41 (19) 25.72 201.`6 14461 League of Ore. Cities - Insurance (11) .55 (12) 2.75 (13) .55 (14) 1..10 (16) 10.45 (16.2) ,1.65 (16.3) .55 (19) 2.20 -(17) .55 (15) .55 (10) 2.20 23.10 14462 League of Ore. Cities - Kaiser (12) 89.98 (13) 32.09 (14) 64.18 (16) 177.03` (16.2) 49.46 (16.3) 16.5€3 (17) 24.73 (19) 56.82 (616)` 195.70 706.57 14463 , League of Ore. Cities - Blue Cross (10) B6.44 (11) 12.09 (12) 12.09 (15) 12.09 (16) ,279.97 (16.2) 26.21 (19) 52.42 (616) :165.27 646.58 14464 Oregon Admin. Co. PR Deduct Insurance (619) 39.38 14466 Richard Bolen - Travel (14)' 33.50 14467 State ,of Ore.- Dept. of Commerce Bldg. Permit Surcharge(623) 20.82 14468 Anderson, Dittman, Anderson - Feb. Legal Services (11) 315.00 ;(18) 312.90 627.90 14469 Arrow Heating - Brackets (16); 8.50 14470 Bastin Business Machines Maintenance Agreement (12) 122.85 (13), 20.47 1(15) 17.55 (16) 58150 219.37 14471 Butler Tirer:- Contract - Tires'>Admin's vehicle (12) 57.98 (16.2) 40.00 <(16) 160.00 2.57.96 14472 Congressional Quarterly Reports - Subscription (15) 20.00 14473 General Telephone - utilities (16) 117.00 (18) 683.72 800.72 14474 Jackson Auto Parts - Tube, Oil`- Repair work (16) '82.77 (20) 56.92 139.69 14475 Jones Photo Service - Processing (14) 2.6, 14476 Lanson-Tremaine - Books (15) 511.15 14477 Manpower - Audrey Lundgren Services (13) 405.38 14478 Maryatt Industries - Laundry Service (20) 56.00 14479 Marv's Line up Shop --Repair & Align vehicles (12) 53.05 (16.2) 59.80 (16) 207.90 320.75 14480 Kenneth Eugen Baker - Witness fee (11) 5.00 14481 Chad Bartmess - Witness fee (11) 5.00 14482 Multnomah County - Office Supplies (12) 15.63 (16) 63.16 (18) 5.86 54.65 14483 Nine-T-Nine - Tire Repair - Bulb Replaced (16) 2.70 14484 Pargas - Propane (12) 49.89 (16) 272.45 322.34 14502 Roger Thomssen - Recording (12) 10.00 14529 Plywood Center - Paneling, Moulding, etc. (18) 76.25 14530 Portland General Electric - Utilities (18) 1,774.74 14531 Shell Oil Co. - Gas (13) 1.40 (16) 709.82 (16.2) 352.43 (19) 1.31 1,064.96 14532 Roger Thomssen - Recording (12) 18.00 14533 Times Publication - Notice of Public Hearings (14) 130.44 (12) 7.63 138.07 1.4534 Union oil Co. - Solvent - Diesel (20) 124.15- 14535 Utility Equipment - Cabinet - Engineer's van (19) 116.00 '4536 wash. Co. Communications - Base & Unit 6 Repair (16) 14,00 (16.2) 35.00 49.00 14537 Whitcher Printing & Stationery - 2 part register forms (16) 36.30 (12)87.35 126.35 14538 Xerox - Rental (16) 174.03 _ 14539 Zellarbach Paper Co. - Teleprinter. Rolls (16) 69.00 14540 Anthony Pelay - Judge (11) 362.50 14541 Otto Sorg- Libary Rent (15) 170.00 (18) 2.50 172.50 14542 Robert C. Moore -- Parking (18) 75.00 14543 Kilham Stationery - Drafting Film (19) 222,30 14544 Blake Moffitt, Towne - Paper - Manila Tag (16) 47.88 Checks written for expense 10,317.07 ' Page'2 SEWER - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 14460 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation 14461 League of Oregon Cities - Insurance 205) 5.64 14463 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross PR Benefit) (203} •55 (616) 9,84 Health (193) 21,93 14464 Oregon Admin. Co. PR Deduction Insurance' 31.77 14468 Anderson, Dittman, Anderson (519) 91 1.4474 Jackson Auto Parts -;oil - Legal Services (290L) 64.00 ' 1482 Multnomah County - Office Supplies ;(201) 1.65 1202 (210) 45.23 2887= First National Bank --TDC ) I8.co 19.65 356.94 Checks written for expense $520.69- STATE TAX STREET - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Cheek No. , 14460 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation 14461 League of OregonCities - =nsi (105) 14.90 14462 League of,Oregon:Cities (PR Deduction) {103) 1.65 14463 League Of - Kaiser (103} 32.09 (616) 15.50 47 g_ 6 Oregon,Cities - Blue Crosti (103) 38.30 (616) 14.13 14464 Oregon Admin. Co.' - PR Deduction Insurance619} 2.02 _ 14474' Jackson Auto Parts - Brake Fluid 14484- Pargas - Propane (218) 37.95 14531 Shell Oil Company - Gas: (210) 95.70 2741; Knauss Chevrolet - .Lock` (210) 2.6.36 2642 City of Portland - Lamp` (210) 5.33 2643 <' Tigard Sand & Gravel -Rock (2203) 1.92 (220) 113.25 Checks written for expense $400.10 TOTAL CHECKS WRITTENFOREXPENSr' $11,237.86 N March 22, 1974 MEMORANDUIM To: City Council From: City Administrator Subject: Monthly Report During the past month the administrative effort has been directed primarily in the following areas: 1. Recruitment and interviews leading to the appoin traent of a Building Official, 2. Review and analysis of mapping proposals. 3.- Investigation and activities relating to personnel administration. 4. Research, analysis and meetings with representatives of the two employee bargaining units relating to salaries for fiscal year 1974-1975. 5, Information gathering, analysis and review of departmental budget proposals, organizational cons iderations, workload evaluations, revenue projections and other related activities precedent to the preparation of the budget proposal. G.' Interagency coordination and cooperation activities which included the County, the School District, Tualatin, King City, Durham, Beaverton, Hillsboro :& Forest Grove, the Boundary Revicw Commission and several city boards and commissions, as well as commencing service of appointment. to an ad hoc commission charged with defining the appropriate future structure, organi.zatioa and direction of the Metropolitan Service District. 7. Meetings with citizen groups and individuals regarding sewers, streets, pZ'rks, and other related subjects. C FINANCIAL ST.ATEFa2BR' REVENUES Date February, 1974 1973/74 CURRENT gE?.R TO GET--r.AL FUND BUDGET MONTH DATE Cash on Hand 7/1/73 1130,541. -0- 181,135. 701 Property Tax-Current 232,728. 2,775, 201,257. 702• Property Tax-Prior Years 8,019. 1,269. 12,204. 703Land Sales & Advance Taxes . 160. -0- -0- 704 Trailer Sales 'Tax 180. -0 9. REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 712 Cigarette Tax 19 848. 5,671. 16,725. 713 Liquor Tax 50,279. -0- 43;252. 717 State Subvention - BOR 42,613. _0- ._0_ 717 State Subvention - PEP 14;630. 877, 12,800. 718 + County Subvention - USA 28,162. -0- 28,163. 718A County Subvention - RIDE 39,023. 6,000. 19,369. 718B County Subvention - LEAA 14,012. 1,255. 6,265. LICEi:SES & PERMITS 721 Business 28,309. 587. 28,045. 722 Liquor 150. 100. 130. 723' Bicycle 175. 95. 131. 724'' Plumbing & Heating 13,320. 1,010. 5,541. 726 Building 33,022. 1,890. 30,893. 727 Moving 50. -0- 5. 728 Street Openings 250. -0- -0- 729 Sign 545. 22. <320. FIKES & FORFEITURES 731&734 Court &.Indigent Defendants Daf. 52,000. 3,737. 28,457. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 742 Telephone Pay Booth 35. -0- 27. 743 Interest 1,800. 2,466. 5,638. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 750.10 Street Sweeping 2,000. -0 380. 750.20 Subdivision Application Fee 600. -0- 214. 750.30 Subdivision Lighting Revenue 2,000. -0 540. 751 Zoning Adjustments 3,000. 350. 1,675. 751.1 Special Police Service 2,425. -0- -0- 751.2 Special Inspection Service 1,087. -0- 162. 752 Document Sales 2,000. 104. 615. 755 P. W. Construction Fees 6,000. -0 1,206. 756 Lien Check 1,200. 70. 554. 757 Sale of Street Signs 750. -0- 235. 758 Library Fines & Fees 1,200. 120. 954. FRANCHISE REVENUE 761 P.G.E. 39,699. -0- 16,731. 762 N.W. Natural Gas 8,978. -0 6,727. 763 General Telephone 18,142. 10,144. 18,808. '764 Garbage 5,710. 1,117. 3,778. 766 Taxi 90. -0- 60. 767 Pacific Northwest Bell 100. -0 -0- t' , , 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR 50 1701,1-REVENUE RECEIPTS BUDGET MONI H 771 Sale of City Property 2,800. -0- 3,806. 775 Unclaimed Property Sale 100..` -0- -0- 776'- Donation - Library r' 1,000.' - 10. 288. 776:1 Donation - ;Library.Building 1,000. -0- 57. 777' Park Development &'Maintenance 5,000. , -0- 210, RECOVERED EXPENDITURES 783 Admin. Sewer & Road' 10,000.> -0- 10,000. 785' Cas Tax Refund 600. -0- 755. z 787- Nuisance Abatement 100. ' -0- -0- 787.1 Demolition of;Building 2,000.` -0- 10. 788' Other 2,000. ' 424. 6,316. 77ggggBB St. Improvement S.W. 115th 57,000. -0- -0- 788A School District-Vehicle Maint -0- -0- 20. 786 Reimburse Voters Registration -0= -0- 18. TOTAL GENERAL FUND £886,432. 40,093. 695,085. SEWER FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 1180,295. -0- 175,783. USE.OF MONEY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 7,500. 3,130. 7,572. '4447 OEA & Others (New Protect) 50,000. ' -0- -0- Interest on Unbonded Assessments -0- -0- 34. CWtRGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 753 Sewer Connection Fee 40,000. 540. 24,074. 754 Monthly,Sewer'Service. 45,981.`; 1,363. 28,921. 755 Sewer Permit & Inspection_ 3,300. 21. 2,796. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES' 788 Other 300. -0- 290. 789 Unbonded Assessment 289. -0 110. TOTAL SEWER FUND 5327,665. 5,054. 239,580. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/73 40,000. -0 63,196. REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 711 State Gas Tax 94,350. 55,520. 101,284. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 743 Interest 1.367. 540, 1,592. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FS.TND $135,717. 56,060. 166,072. ROADEM Available Cash 7/1/73 1,618. -0- 3,043. 714 County Road Tax 1,000. 55. 180. 743 Interest 25. -0- 7. TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 2,643. 55. 3,230, c f�• ( k 1973/74 CURRENT YEAR TO FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND BUDGET MONTH DATn Available Cash 7/1/73 $ 72,556. -0- 77.383. 715 Federal Subventions 66,780. -0- 52,437. 743 Interest 500. 942. 3,222. TOTAL FED. REVENUE SHARING 'FUND $139,836. 942. 133,042. BANCROFT BONDS X34 ,6,7,8,9' -" Assessments, $ 32,000. 1,137. 11,463. Interest 10;979. 550. 4,716. USE OF 'MONEY 743 Interest;on Investments 1,000. 239. 4,089. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS `' 1,926. 20,268 GE14F.RAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/73 S 15,374. -0- 4,923. Cash from USA 25,926. -0- 24,910. 747 Interest 'nn Investments 100. 90_ 466. TOITAL CBLIGATION BONDS 3 41,400, 90. 30,299. TOTAL BUDGET $1,577.672. 104,220. 1,287,576. r. �Y CD CD NLn O N .-1 coN .-1 In N '.�. co N M r cu W -It ,4 ui C rn V'1 C3 G E U co Vi 10 O ico CC) <r M CD N C U 01 �D N -1 O N u, O nl N N N r in N C O 0CN j co co $may N Ln ('s�l� O O G � O C. (V N N O r1 C�iD O u� k N In o rn -o r M ri t ccdd 1 E 4' M O O CO O G' N �D -.'O O tD O M. 'NUt N N {a S. co +- O W O N O m EO cis O Cl0 O l0 1.0 N r tf1 N r 1 N -4 LO r':: O M. tT� d d Cn � ::O 'D O N N N r Ol O p� f_1 Lr) O Yyr U i ri In N N 1 N N (D Q) Oi It to m N O O CO b LO V7 O\ Ol Vi C I lD Ul _ ul O Ln r r co r r r N trl O (V In rco O M C r O rl �D DN U1 1•+ b Q O1 Cb N r- 0 O r-1 O� w 'WY.� o r r V1 O + D G r c T r D O r (\I N N N O O i O N O N O O Ci O H G F-I to L l OC O 'i O O r-I N O O w O ID to N CD 10 HLr) lD O� O d* to r .� ` O O O CD O co N n-1 co b E r rl V`UJ. cY a) kn N CO h N - V3 m 4- co MM M G iii N N r-! ri EO 5. 4 a N �& H cri � N 4 m N C CL) v A w M 4 � 0 F7 Ga F+ N O r1 ON. H H O {' a.iS ,p.� � O m 11 H q -4V •H p Ap 03 N G co O RI N � ll'' W 0 t>~. W W. U V U V E. _ y _ ; . ID ; z. • _. March -22, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Planning Department Subject: Monthly Report for February and March Zoning' & Subdivision Administration ' For the month of March, the Planning Commission considered the following items: February March Zone Changes 4 4'- conditionai, Uses1 2 Temporary uses 1 p Variances 9 2 Preliminary Plats p 3 Subdivision Standards'Variance J 0 Site Design Review 3 2 Miscellaneous 1 1 Ordinance Revisions J 0 The Planning Commission spent considerable time hearing and acting upon, City ;initiated; zone changes in newly annexed areas. Thisactivitywill continue during the next two months. ' It is anticipated that zoning and subdivision activity will increase as the construction season begins and sewer permitsremain available. NrAghborhood Planning Much staff time has been devoted to preparation of graphics for NPO #1 Plan presentation and to revision of the Plan's written policies. A meeting to discuss the Plan policies and the text is scheduled with NPO #1 on April 9, 1974. After review by NPO #1 of these revised policies they will be forwarded to the Council for review and action. NPO #2 has temporarily suspended its meetings until the completion of Carl Buttke's traffic circuI.ation analysis of this neighborhood. This analysis is s !hedu.led to begin mid-April; consecqur!ntly, there is a need for the Council to approve a contract and expenditure of funds for Mr. Buttke's services. The staff has been actively gathering traffic data for Mr. Buttke's analysis. Ordinance Revision The Planning Commission will hear testimony on April 2, 1974 related to fire zone and sign code ordinance revisions. A draft flood plain ordinance has been prepared, but needs additional work before it can be presented to the public and the Planning Commission. Page 2 Special Projects Due to an increased zoning and subdivisionwork load and con- tinuing ;neighborhood planning work, no substantial progress has been made on "Street and Road Policy" formulation or "Planning; Commission Procedure. "Street and Road policy" has the staff' s priority and when time is available work will commence on this policy formulation. A report to the Planning Commission, con- cerning "Street and Road Policy was ;submitted by Alan Mickelson. reviewed by the Commission and will be used as a basis for policy formulation. March 21, 1974 MEMORANDUM To• City Council° From: Director of Public Services & Facilities Subject: Monthly Report (Building -` See Attached Report) Street Section A lot of time has -been- used this ;past month in the repair of roads. Hunziker is one of the major problem roads. we have placed approximately 20 tons of asphalt on Hunzi.ker this past month. Other tasks this past month included painting of cross walks, street sweeping and sign placement and repair. Park Section Due' to the high winds this past month the crews spent a lot of time cleaning up branches and downed trees. We have been getting.a lot of donation shrubs from the King City residents. An 'open letter of thanks should go out to all persons that have donated shrubs and trees to our 'park system. Maintenance man John Swank injured his back while moving shrubs; he :has been off work for seven weeks. I have been informed that it may be four to six weeks more before he will return to work. Sewrer. Section Routine checking and maintenance was the essence of work this past month. Maintenance Section The only major repairs performed this past month was the re- building of the power take-off on the street sweeper. All other work was minor repairs and tune-ups. Engineering Division The division has continued to actively process a variety of administrative and drafting tasks, some of which were detailed in last month's report. Of primary concern this month, is the noticeable increase in field construction activity; ensuing requests for field inspections and other construction related problems have already, this year, created a manhour drain. It has become increasingly difficult to spend sufficient time on any one task to ensure accuracy or satisfactory completion. f- March 21, 1974 MEMORANDUM To: Nick Hiebert From: .Tim Brien, Building Official Subject: Monthly Report (From 2-19-74 to 3- 20-74) The building department has plan checked and issued seventeet-1 building permits as follows: 12 Residential valuing $271,884.00 2 Townhouses Summerfield valuing $224,750.00 1 Commercial Addition (Standard Station 1 Commercial Remodel (old. Grants store) 1 Residential Addition We have issued: 8 Mechanical Permits 38 Plumbing Permits 5 Sign Permits' This department has made contact with: I. Shell station on 99W regarding open storage of wrecked vehicles. 2. Hudson station on 99W regarding their trash in ditch. 3. Fred Meyers Automotive regarding trash blowing .into neighbors yard from their trash container. 4. Ile have sent ten letters regarding sign violations (A-Frame type) . The building department was down one day for a short course school. There were five business license violations with one citation issued. The five violations are as follows: 1. Park Place Construction 2. Johnson Homes, Inc. 3. England' s Floor Covering 4. Richardson's Excavation - Cited 5. Property Management, Inc. There was one building violation at 12790 S.W. Marie Court. Addition to house -- no building permit; permit was obtained and not action was taken. There was one zoning violation: Northwest Action Towing - Vehicles in yard - ikon---conforming use citation was issued. Building Monthly Report Page 2 This department has made 113 called in inspections and 3 spot inspections. Plans in stock for plan checking; We have the following: One industrial set of plans to be plan checked and seven commercial. Three apartment buildings in King city. Six residentials - checked and ready to issue. Sewer, permits left to this date: 5 permits on the Metzger. system. 12 Residential on the Tigard System ' 52 Corrimerc al and Industrial on the Tigard S,.%sterr, 5 Emergency on the Tigard System