City Council Packet - 07/26/1965 Tigard City Council Meeting July 26, ;1965 AGENDA: 1. Call to order s 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag J 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Requests from Audience 5. Councilmen Reports: (a) Woodard Li1 (b) Bergmann Insurance, Renewal of Time Deposit (c) Klock (d) Shinn - Application for membership - Chief of Police D (e) Kyle - Sewer Plant Expansion Contract Extension 6. City Attorney's Report - Anderson ?_ 7. Engineer's Report - Meigs 8. Any other Business to come before the Council 9. General Round Table Discussion 10. Announcements 11: Adjournment Please remember the meeting Monday, 7; P.M., Ju� 26, 1965, at Art Ames Realty, Voget Building. Also the meting J 27, 1905, with the Tigard Water District and the Metzger Water District, City Hall, 7:30 ( yu X t� 1 P TIGARD CITY C C .7 N C I L MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF :,UZ,Y 26, 1965 Present: Ma;n• le. G. Kyle, Cou_u.:z3.ren S. A. Woodard? E F. H. PargmannI C. X. Klock, Sr.? D. W. Shinn and City Attorney F. A. Anderscn The meeting was called to order at ;' =" F.M. by Mayor'Kyle who opened the meeting with the 1.1 . ':Ye of allegiance. Mayor Kyle asked for corrections, additions or omissions to the minutes of the meeting of July 12, 1965, and July 19, 1965. gone being offered the minutes werethenapproved. Mavor Kyle asked if there was any correspondence to - brought before the Council. Councilman Woodard read a letter front 15all Ford, and they wish to cooperate with the City of Tigard by moving their cars back on their own parking lot. Mayor Kyle read a letter from Mayor Terry D. Schrunk, City of Portland, regarding, the Second Western Regional Conference/ Civic'Committee(Town Affiliations and/or Sister"City) meetings August 29, 30, 31. - Mayor ,Kyle will represent the City of Tigard at this Conference. Mayor Kyle read a letter from the Tigard City Club, and they approve and"endorse the hiring of a City Administrator for the City of •Tigard. The Mayor and Council discussed the improvement of Ce;.t�?r Street, Councilman Woodard: 'I move that we ask the Engineer to draft specifications for the improvement of Center Street. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Councilman Woodard: I would,like to mention again the rubbish in the'yard on Johnson Street and Walnut Avenue. It has been reported that there are rats in that area now. Councilman Bergmann: ,The official census count for the city is 2005.,2�?63 We also have an Insurance payment that was due'July 7 1965. Councilman Bergmann: I more that:we approve the eXeena?.ture of $291.01 to Jack.Wright & Associates for the Sewer insurance, third and final install¢nent.: Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Upon call for vo< __='the motion was un- animously approved by Council, all members being present. Councilman Bergmann: We also have a time deposit that,ex pires July 27,-1965. Does the Council wish to redeposit this money? 7-26-65 r Page 1 C:ouncilm ti �c ac7 g, mcvr that we reds--posit tris mere-ty gSS,G<...no ?_h the :1.: , Kair 10.MaI So of Tic;ard. 0,1. I for vote; eta Motion was ux ^.' T_ , g�_�r.:ped by C.., r_ .a, .11- membe�e� beir:� prase'nt, Crrxx .yl.ni 7..i t err a e;�a.h,s . c em ?.h.p. :Chse.f of Polios nesecistiol: of e hit` �Ea...?;..'A1 .y. £SJ S' �e9ti :=�7t,:�xJ r. 4ti'a� 731$•a;:�r.4. . ,�,.,..r. ,.^�11 aL..•.� Z�:og of police, 1,-. Moi:9.nn .?• crude l ':: 1.njt cne,dard. Upoaxr.z?.1 fcr t:te mot-u:c*."was tiyn:i^:saalr approved by Cc aancc3.1, all :n',e::bera beir:g p •e 5&nt< ^n tosx�< Ir.;aw St�'c_m� ns e er, 3d likes to tar '3>.i.:�cr+'�r or, the unifoj7ni Allo.a'azce for t'.res Police it tae,t up fo Y50.0n per ye=ar for �h IG-1- ." C'o'LrY,.i•lmzxe K .o"ka I xisa�w>~ that ws enais.`a:�n. t:he rUeCaE: maximum yearly frr uniformn for each offIcaar, -Motion sa onded Aer3mar•n. UPOA gall for .rote the Mot.jon -,raj 'e:nini.mously approved by ti.ou vi1, 5.11 m6r.kDsr e be:.in,3 Attorney And-:Tarin expl•ai.:ied the: terms of tY.e Seurat reat.ment cont_xct to the Councilman shin^s I. move that we allow 24 addi.t.ioxml days time for performi of thf, 5r er Tra,atmsn` Yorks contract. or a. t: tal of 384 calesndar days. t*oE•ion s�,orde:d by Council- man Klozk. 1,pon call for vote the m.otion goes unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Mayor jiiI u The ?a]ce that was crenated, from a wxt:e= le-k, in front of the Tiqx d Cleanerz.has ba®n corrected due to the +I,;fo:is of the city. :This leak ^M asthe entire fawet of the Water 1)epartment and not the Gas now- any. Mayas' Kyle; We have an Ordinance 65-23'Satting Hearing with respect to An.nexati,on. if 'the=LY are nes objections from Council, tett will have the City Recorder read the Ordinances three times by title only. ;cher City rze:cor_der then ieid Drdinar 65-23 three times by titla only, being an ordinance 39T`TING H�R?2�1k� WITH 'R&SPRCT TO THV 'AN-&,rr.A'!`,70N CT LAMS-OF `!`HRODORA M. SWA3t, T DX, DI Eti eR F `J(3A.}'c13•i XLLX ADDZTTON, WASIlI1nY '"_`ON COUN--:f, ii OF Councilman Bergmanns I move th-i2- use adopt Ordiramee- 45-73. motion gacoxnded by co+,..nAlman '±:'lock. Roll call of raguil ed as 't11s}wa; .a 5e. T..�...';ia.r,, t, ny'�g Z°onxs%ci1TBi:-, Berelrean , Ayr. yoaxxnoilma'x 1.cck, a.T� Fruncilman Shinn, AYR'S Mayor 'kyle, AYS. Mayor ryleo Tl.a :t'o'ol ie. Hearing on this A=mexation will be held Fa.guat 23, 1965, 8 p.M. in the Council chambe4a City Ball, Tigard, Oregon. ?�' 7-26-65 - Page^. 2 Mayor kyiag Mr. Meigs :x unable to be hese this evening. However, I 'andezar3nd than the plains r the eerier extension that is to 7C., t},,# hiahvay tr. Mrr,-�,r-2ld and beyond is coming along VeVY ;xir,Oy,and we-, --b-ould hxvn the final plans for the next met—Ung. Mayor pivlini r..' 1; oMmissior. has recommended to Council the w :nxr xe: n Prs4_Ktrary 2ah Divisiaas pl.at (Meadow) with ,ar.ec*iar�m which waa L1,mit.te d by T1ro J. R Paterson. The ,Sub n.ivi-ion P:La.t was ounoil, Tor. S owzy, Attoranev Dkxsder3on and Atter nav --unci l n KI,o'ck; 7 njovrj that rare srAejII .i :_`a thw Pla-tnirg �%nd Zoning mn jai.. tr«rc,x: z�r before w• tN)Ie x:ry ac'n`en o'i� this Sub [zi-,!s.feae Plaf.o Motion senonded by Councilman ».n,, Upon call far vote the motion was, unanifflously approved Council., all, men:bfrs be:i:,,g p.esento Cauancilenx:n A-Iock- It has ht-A-ft discussed with most of the peOP3e on r:�--nte,r Htrev t and all the peopla on the test side Of Ce-At*Ameet that it be reistricted-to pa=kjincg because of the": &,vy traffic. This w&s discussed, and it was de- cided that this matter could be diucuased agJ. �t the next ways xf;il Mf sting, August 9. 1965." Mayor Xylea A speciAl meeting will be held tomorrow, July 27, 1965, regarding the"approval Of the Preliminary"Plans for the Sub Division Plat (Meadow) Adjournment taken at 9 P.M. l Rape;tfully submi, ���f.2GLVi ���1�4eY/It6U-S ATTASa- City Recorder i-3 ayor 7-26-65 v Page, 3