City Council Packet - 06/14/1965 p TXGARD CITY COUNCIL MME'll JUM 14, 1965 R 1. X ll To Order U 2. pledge of Alle9i=cc :.o thO Flag 3. Approval sof Minutes 4. Correspondetwe S. rteliquents from Audience 6. ordirAnces 7. Coumiltmen PaDorts Lt (b) ftrillomann {o} Klock r>� (d) Shim (a) xyle City Atte y'ri Report -- Anderson 9. Any Otbar'Susimem To COM Before fte Cou=il Amouy"Vwntg L ik x P x Er-.. 345. T I G A R D t" Z P `< 5 O U N C I L. Ml.liTZ5 OI!` MAETING JUNE 14, 1965 FPresontz Mayor L, c>. Ky1e; CounctlMan F. H. f3argmann; C:. 8. R106c, Sr., D. W. Shi-R L. A. Woodard, and Attorney F. A. Anduc_: The meeting was called to order at 7x30 P.M. bil Mayor Kyle who opened the meeting with the pl.,=d,le Of allegiance. Mayor Xyle asked for corrections additions or amiss?.ons to the minutes of the meetin73 of May 24, 1965; M �j -:, 1965; and June 3, 1965, and ,lune 7, 1965, none bel., -offered the minutes were ths�n approved. Mayan `Kyle. We have an Ordinance 55-16 Granting a Z,,re change to Vance R. Lee and Ralph Peters. "If-there are no objections from Council we will have the City Recorder read the Ordinance three times by title only. The City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-16 three times by title only being an Ordinance- GRANTIXG A ZONE CN.ANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE LANDS OF VANCE R. LEE AND RALPH PETERS, Being PORTIONS OF LOTS 37 and 3 NORTH TIGARDVILLE ADDITION, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ORiGoy. - Councilman Klock; I move that wc, adopt Ordinance 65-16.; Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Roll call of vote resulted as followsz- Councilman Woodard, AYE; Cour -Iman Bergmann,; AYE; Councilman Klock., AYE; Councilman 6..' AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. ' Mayor Kyle: We have an Ordnance 65-17 Granting a Zone Change to,Ruth J. Godfrey. If there are no objections from Council we will have the City Recorder .read the Ord- inance three times by,'title `only. The City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-17 three times by ,title only being an Ordinance GRANTING.A ZONE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE LANDS OF`RUTH J. GODREY, BEING A PORTION OF LOT 6, NORTH TIGARDVILLE ADDITION, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, Councilman Klocks I move that we adopt ordinance 65-17. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Roll call of vote resulted as follows. fiouncilman Woodard, Ayr, Councilman Bergmann, ,AYE; Councilman Klock, ;AYE; Councilman AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. Page 1 -- 6=-14-65 Mayor Kyle. We have an Ordinance 65-18 Granting a Zone Change to 'Russell R. Ripley. If there are no objections from'Council w= wi11 have the CiA recorder read the 4 Ordinance t.hre times by title only. The City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-13 GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE 1y, " RUSSELL R. RIPLEY ET UX, BEING A TRACT OF LAND IN .t....l : i 10, T2S, RLW, W.M., WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. Councilman Klock: I-move that we adopt C.rdinance. 65-18. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Roll call c:f vote resulted as 'follows: Councilman Woodard, AYM; Councilman Bergmann, AYE; Councilman Klock, AYE; Council- man Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. Mayor Kyle: We have an Ordinance 65-19 setting a public hearing, and if there are no objections from the Council , we will have the City Recorder read the Ordinance three times by title only. The City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-19 three times by title only being an Ordinance SETTING HEARING WITH i RESPECT TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS OF PATERSON, ET AL, COMMONLY KNOWN AS WEST TIGARD ANNEXATION PROPOSAL." Mayor Kyle. The Public Hearing will be held Monday, July 12, 1965, at 8100 P.M., City Hall, Tigard, Oiegon. Councilman Klock: I move that we adopt Ordinance 65-19. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Roll call of vote resulted as follows: Councilman Woodard, AYE; Council- man Bergmann, AYE; Councilman K'.ock, AYE; Councilman Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE, Councilman Woodard;; We have a verbal complaint, which came from the office, regarding:Ball Ford parking ,their cars too far out in the street. I will ask the City Recorder to write a:letter regarding this matter. I 'have another verbal complaint regarding sidewalks at the Plaza. I=have a- report that a car was stolen from the Plaza Parking Lot. I have also had several reports asking why the city did not have the flag up on Decoration Day and Armed Forces Day. Mayor Kyle asked that Councilman Woodard contact the people on Walnut and Grant regarding the hedge which is 5 feet tall and a traffic`hazard. Page 2 - 6- 14-65 The Mayor and Councildiscussed how i spend the Road Grant money which is available at this time. Council discussed wiczenin9 Walnut and Greenburg Streets, develop- ing Main Street and, Ash Street Bridge, Councilman'Ber.rp,ann: I move that we submit the street proposals to the State Highway Commissions 1. Ash Street Bridge. 2._ Main Street Improvement. 3. Walnut and Green- burg Road Improvement. Motion sc .r..ie. b�; Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote the m.,tion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Councilman Woodard reported that Mr. Edwards and an assistant would put the tar paper over the manholac i-�ile the County works on the streets. This work should approximately 5' hours. Councilman Woodard feels that the Sewage Plant should be charged for the manhole work but Mayor Kyle feels that this expense should be charged to the Road Department. Mayor Kylet We will now have a public hearing in regard to a petition to annex to the City of Tigard. The property is located at 9735 S.W. Frewing Avenue, Tigard, Oregon. Since there was no response the Public Hearing was then closed. We have an Ordinance 65-20 Annexing to; the City of Tigard. If there;are no objections from Council we will,havetheCity Recorder read the Ordinance three times by title onlg. The City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-20 being an Ordinance ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, " 5 OF HAROLD W. PARTLOW'ET AL BEING A PORTION OF LOT 22, FREWINGsORCHARD TRACTS, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. Councilman Klock: I move that we adopt Ordinance 65-20. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Roll 'call of vote resulted:as follows: Councilman Woodard', AYE; ` Councilman Bergmann, AYE; Councilman Klock, AYE; Council- man Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle', AYE. Mayor Kyle. We will now have a Public Hearing in regard to the Budget for the City of Tigard for the !fiscal year 1965-66. Since there was no response the Public Hearing was then closed. Councilman Bergmann: " Y move that the City adopt the Budget as presented, certifying the lev p to the State and signed by the City Attorney. Motiosy seconded ' Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was ' unanimously approved by Council, all members being presart.' Page 3 - 6-14-65 E IN MIMI Councilivan Ei..x3.;''ai:n r>p,oct-ted that novr t:,at we have the roof'i.lg c.or.ttaet far City hail, we Bhuuld authori.zc. the Recorde t: an.d,ti�a Mayor to negotiate the contract. Councilman B.L,.r,a,:n� L nir)ve that,�ti authorize tile, mayor and the City Recorder to negotiate the contract for the root repairs for City Ball.- Motion seconded by Council man Klock. upon call fur vote th arc was unanimously appioved by Council, all members t:;i..<3 -,Oresent. Mayon Kyle rt,.port.ed that two of the Planni.ng and Zoning meribers terills will expirt4 in July of this year. Mr E. C. Phillips and Mr. John Perry have been _ontacte 3 both would like to serve for another three year pe. Councilman Klockr I move that we appoint Mr. B. C Phillips and Mr. John Perry, for a three year term, t:o serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion seconded by councilman Bergmann.' Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members 'being. present. Councilman Klock: I would like the City Recorder to order the new publications for the Uniform Building Code. Courncilman Shinn- According to our Budget we are to appoint a new Police officer at the beginning of our fiscal year, July 1, 1965. Officer Batchelar,- I believe:, has an individual, Mr. Murley, whom he is recommending. I,will make-a recommendation eat our next meeting. Mayor i(yle.s it :was decided at the last meeting' of Council that a-12" sewer pipe line be placed under the Beaverton-Tigard Highway, but the pipet size has been changed to 1511, and Mr. Meigs of Stevens and Thompson, Inc. has notified the Highway Department of this change. I testified'before the County Commissioners along' with Mr. Bissett last week, and I would like Mr. Bissett to ;give us a report on the expressway at this time. Mr. Bissett: City-County Commissioners passed a resolution to the effect that they would sign an agreement with the State Highway Commission only with regard to the initial segment of construction on the expressway between Progress and Tigard. They would also do scme rough wading. This construction is due 'to begin this sununer. S spoke to several members of the State Highway Commission in Salem on.Wednesday to see if we couLi reach some kind of an agreement. The primary questions= were the interchange at S.W. 72nd Avenue, and there were some provisions in the contract uthich require the City to give authority to the,Highway Commission to close any streets that are not presently shown on the Page 4 - 6-14--65 map and there is the possibility that the Citwould have to various utilities. The main factors ix considering the Tigard Area were. The Intercl-rige' at S.W. 72nd overcross (shL:,v...ng map) would be c,.ang.=d to read on and off ramps going both North and South from the freeway. The.other alternative would be a half" diamond interchange with on and off ramps on the soutrst:^1. aide of S.W. 72nd Ave. The Highway Department adm. _ q.' c;.at they had down- graded the original from an interchange to an overcross. They agreed to reconsider this.intercharge with the idea of providing one or two alternates There is a question as to whether their budget would permit the design a full four-way intersection at this late date. 11 final decision was to ;amend the County's agreement to the effect that they would not include any reference to street closure- beyond ..h_t 1 ed station- ..�.. closures �.. calied .. .,tom:,.. :30 and this is just at the corner of Tigard City Limits. The next meeting of the Highway Commission,is July 13, 1965. Attorney Anderson: I note that if there is anything done by way of developing,a complete interchange at S.W. 72nd Street that,it will take at least a third of the Phil Lewis School grounds. The State wants to pay the School District $2200.00 for which it will cost the School District $8900.00 to replace. I merely mention this as a consideration when you are in a bargaining position for an interchange at S.W. 72nd later. This would render the school a non-standard school and create a considerable problem because there is no other l of a feasible nature that can be added to the School District at this interchange. I'cannot wholly agree that .the Cc-�nty has as much muscle as Mr.` Bissett indicated.` I see nothing here that designates or givesthe County the authority to designate: where there will,be an interchange, However,' there is a provision here which gives the City the right to designate interchanges. I think the S.W. 72nd Interchange should be settled now while we are in"a trading position.' I think we ought to go over this carefully. In regard to the;potential water and sewer crossing on S.W. Pacific Highway, this would be the time to raise the question-- how are we going to accommodate the area beyond the Free- way? 'I think we should have an audience with the State Highway Engineers and go over this clause by clause. I am not ready, at this time, to recommend this contract to the Council. Mayor Xyle: I talked to Mr. Anderson in regard to presenting a 'contract to the City regarding the Bonita Page 5 - 6-14-65 Annexation. L also met with the 11d. Water District and their only concern in serving the area is the fact that it is presently being served by Metzger. Mr. Meigs scow, June 15, ,19c:_, is the deadline for applying f.... a 'federal grant for Sewage Treatment Works: Councilman Woodard- I move that ,t.._ 1: .y of Tigard make application to the Government for a raderal grant in the amount of $16,539.00 for the construction of existing pumping station additions and new pumping_ station and force main. The project is to be constructad in ar -,rdance with state approved plans and specifications, is conformity with the State Water Pollution Control ple: submitted pursuant to the provisions of Section, 5 of the Federal Water Pollution Control fic,c, as amended. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Mayor Kyle; We will now have the paying of the bills. Councilman Bergmann: There are a few changes on the bills. The May Receipts in General Fund should read $1,771.37, and the balance should read $15,886.61. Also the book balance should read $13,311_57. There is a correction in the May Receipts in the Disposal Fund, and the new amount is $2,202.85, balance 'should read $13,060.88, and book balance will read *11,998.81. The other correction is Sewage Disposal (First National Hank) May-Recei- and should read $228.00, .the balance then will read . ,.(0. Councilman Bergmann: I move that we approve the paying of the bills with corrections. Motion seconded by"Council- man Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Mayor Kyle- There will be an ExecutiveSession with the City Attorney, Mr. Meigs and Mr. George Lewis Monday, 7-30 P.M., June 21, 1965,' City;Hall, -Tigard, Oregon, regarding the Lujon problem. Adjournment taken at 9-45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST City Recorder Mayor Page 6 -' 6-14-65