City Council Packet - 02/22/1965 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING: PERRUARY 22, -1965 AGENDAt 1. Cell.to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Committee Reports (a) Miring Committee - Bergmann Jb) ,Employee's Committee Shinn II 5. Correspondence 1 6. Requests From Audience 7. Ordinances (a) ^amine Chance - Walnut Ave® Apts. ❑ S. Councilmens Report (a) Woodard - Meeting with State Highway Department (b) Bergmann (c) Klock (d) Shinn, - Municipal Judge°a. Request For Petty Cash (e) Kyle - Storage shed - LuJon Suit 9. City Attorney's Report - Anderson 10. Planning Zoning Commission Report - Klock 11.' Announcer ata (a) Luacheon With State Representative XcGilvra 12 Noon Sat. Feb 27th - Texas Star Restaurant 312. Adjournment 3,. TIGARD CITYY COUNCIL e MINUTES OF MEETING Fr RUARY 22, 1.965 Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle; Councilmen E. A. Woodard; F. H. Bergmann; C. E. Klock, Sr., D. W. Shinn and City Attorney F. A. Anderson - The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Kyle who opened the meeting with the. pledge Of allegiance to the flag. He asked for corrections, additions or deletions to the minutes of February 8, 1965. None being offered the minutes were ordered to stand approved. Mayor Kyle then requested Counci.lment reports. Councilman Bergmann: ' The Hiring Committee held personal interviews Saturday, February 20, 1965. There were nine applicants and the Committee would like to recommend that a Mrs. Monnie Andrews be hired as City Recorder. She lives in Beaverton, 37 ,years of age and has a lot of experience in bookkeeping,account.ing_and public relations. I would move the City Council appoint Mrs. Monnie Andrews, City Recorder, starting pay $450.00 per month, employment to commence March 15, 1965. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present, Councilman Shinn: The Employees Committee met and I would like to ask Mr. Reid to present"the recommendations of the Committee. Mr. Reid: (from audience) There is an immediate need for some action and we have a recommendation for salary in- creases for some personnel. Later we will submit our recommendation for merit increases y annual increases or something along, that line. we would recommend that Mr. Batchelar and Mr. Roney be given an increase of $50.00 per month and Patrolman Goodrich an increase of $30.00 to $35.00 per month. All of these to be retro-active to.January 1, 1965. Councilman Klock: I move the following raises be approved; ' Chief of Police Batchelar $50.00 per month, Patrolman Goodrich $35.00 pearllmonth; Plant Engineer Chuck Roney $50.00 per month;/retro-active to January 1, 1965. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. Page 1 - 2-22-65 Councilman Woodard: I have a.letter from West Coast Furnishing requesting no parking 150 feet North on 99W from corner of Highway 217 and West 150 feet from corner of Highway 99W on Highway 217. (reading letter) I would recommend that we grant him this request and move that we have our attorney draw up an 'ordinance. Motion seconded by Councilman Shinn. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. Councilman Woodard reported no new developmentswith re- spect`to survey work and improvement of Main Street. (Reading letter from Mr. Nieman County Administrator) Mayor Kyle: We have an Ordinance granting a zone change from C-2 to A-2 with respect to lands of Lyle Goodell. If there are no objections from City Council we will ask the City Recorder;to read the,Ordinance three times by title only. Ordinance No. 65-4 was then read by title only three times being an ORDINANCE GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE LANDS OF LYLE GOODELL, BEING THE WEST 100 FEET OF TAX LOT 2100, 2S 12 BD, IN THE CITY OF TIGARD,, WASHINGTON - COUNTY,' OREGON. Councilman Klock: I move we adopt Ordinance 65-4. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann and roll call of vote resulted as follows: -Councilman Woodard, AYE, Councilman Bergmann, AYE; Councilman Klock, AYE: Councilman Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. Councilman Woodard reported he had looked into the pro- blem of keeping the City's Streets clean and general discussion by Council followed. Councilman Woodard will investigate further and Mayor Kyle stated he would contact the Beautification Committee for suggestions. Councilman Woodard:' I met with the State Highway Department in regards to the $20,000.00 grant and we checked over the Tigard area. The Engineer felt our streets were taken care of however, he left an application for a Resolution for the bridge and approaches for the Ash Street Bridge over Fanno Creek. The State would not act on the application before July 1965 and if it would be granted it would be 1966 or 1967. General discussion by Council followed. Mayor Kyle: We have until July 1, 1965 to apply for this and if there is no recommendation from the Council we willdiscuss this another time. Page 2 2-22-65 Councilman Bergmann: Budget time is approaching and I would'like to have a work session with Council March 1, 1965, at 7:30 P.M. With the new City Recorder coming in, what is the Council's feeling with respect to an audit at this time. Following general discussion Councilman Klock moved we have a preliminary discussion with the auditor in regard to performing these services and his approximate fee. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. Councilman Klock: One thing I would like to bring before the Council is a-little better care from the janitorial service,for the City Hall. The wall and ceiling in the Council Chambers need attention. Following discussion by Council it was moved by Councilman Shinn we instruct Councilman Bergmann to correct the appearance of City Hall. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. Councilman Bergmann: The Municipal Judge feels that if he had a $50.00 petty cash fund he would be able to make change for paying of violations on the nights of Court. Councilman Shinn: I move we establish a $50.00 petty cash fund for the Municipal Judge. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. ;Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. ' Mayor Kyle: In regard to the Lujon Suit, I have met` with the engineer and it is the engineer's feeling that by reversing the plumbing in those two units that they could connect to the sewer line. However, we will have to get together with those people to see if they are willing ,to do this now. I will discuss this matter. with Council again when I have more information. We are presently under :a plant expansion plan down at the sewage treatment plant and the plant,engineer; brought to my attention that perhaps it would be',a good time to establish some sort 'of a storage shed for the keeping of equipment. Or if we wanted to go farther on this there was some discussion ofestablishing a pump for disbursing gasoline for city vehicles, also a shed to:store vehicles. With Council's, approval I will tell the engineers that the Council is "interested in such a proposal and to`bring;back some plan or definite recommendation. Page 3 -,2-22-65 Mayor Kyle reviewed several bills before the State Legislature which would effect iacalcity governments. Attorney Anderson reported he was working on the Plnnninq and zoning Code with Mr. Phillips. Attorney Anderson also commented he had been unable to obtain all the signatures on the road dr.dic.ati.on with respecr to tho. Martin Annexation. Mayor Kyle: I would like to ask the approval of the Council of a Mr. George Chambers to work as an assistant down at the plant. Fie was hired by Mr. Roney for the sum of $200.00 per month. It was the understanding he was hired at 20 hours per week to do the work at the plant and also be available to the City .for any other work that might be necessary for this same salary. Councilman Klock: I move we approve the hiring of George Chambers as assistant at the plant. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. Mayor Kyle: We have three members of the Budget Committee up for reappointment. If the Council has any recommendation of'a person they would like to appoint or reappoint these gentlemen please,be prepared to act on this at our next meeting. Councilman Klock: At the last Planning and `Loni..y meeting they had no zone changes. They had a general discussion and 'made a:preliminary'review:of past actions and found out'special meetings did not prove to be very successful. At no special meeting the Planning Commission had, has anything been done about it. They also are making a graph showing their "hits and;misses" so to speak on zone changes and the followup`afterward, if construction or something happened on that zone change. The Planning Commissionattendance is very poor and Mr. Phillips will check into this and notify members of the necessity of coming to the meetings.` Mayor Kyle: I would like to announce a luncheon to be held Saturday, February 27th at the Texas Star Restaurant with State'Representative McGilvra. Councilman Woodard: I move we adjourn. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann and unanimously approved by Council. Adjournment taken at 8:50 P.M. ATTEST Respectfully submitted, j, City;Recorder Pro;-Inm mayor i Page '4 - 2-22-65