City Council Packet - 02/08/1965 CITY OF TIGARD TIGARD, OREGON * ME.9.2636 AGENDA: Tigard City Council Meeting: February 8, 1965 1. Call To Order' 2. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag 3. approval of Minutes 4. Committee Reports (A) Annexation Committee — Kyle (B) Public Brochure Committee Bergmann (C) Hiring Committee - Bergmann (D) Employee's Committee Shinn (E) City, Hall Partitioning Committee - Klock 5. Correspondence 6. Public Hearings (A) Zone Change - Walnut Ave. Apts. (B) Planning & Zoning ordinance Change 7. ordinances : (A) Zone Change -`Walnut Ave. Apts. (B) Planning;& Zoning Ordinance Change (C) Annexation - Poulin Proposal (D) Library Board' 8. Councilmens Report (A)' Woodard (B) Bergmann` (C) Klock (D) Shinn (E) Kyle 9. City Attorney's Report 10. < Requests From Audience Any other Business To Come Before The Council 12. Paying Bills 13. Announcements 14. Adjournment T I G A-R D CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 1965 Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle: Councilmen E A. Woodard; F. H. Bergmann, C. E. Klock, Sr., D. W. Shinn and City Attorney F. A. Anderson Mayor Kyle called the meeting to 'order at 7:30 P.M. and opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance to the flag. He then asked for corrections, additions or deletions to the minutes of January 25, 1965. None being offered the minutes were ordered to stand approved. Minutes of the special meeting February 8, 1965, were requested to be read and after reading, upon call for corrections or omissions Mayor Kyle called attention to paragraph three which should read "we 'allow a 25% progressive tax rate schedule establishing payment of the City millage,". With this correction the minutes were ordered to stand approved as read. Mayor Kyle: We will now have Councilmen's reports. I would like to report the Annexation Committee met to develop some plan or policy for any person in the Tigard area wishing to annex to the City of Tigard. We would first advise them to meet with the City Attorney to receive the .necessary-legal ramifications involved in annexation and that we would be happy to meet with them as a Committee and inform them of all the .ramifications. We also discussed the Poulin annexation of which a ,special meeting was called for on Saturday;morning. Councilman Bergmann reported the Hiring Committee had six applications for the position of City Recorder and hoped to have a recommendation for the next meeting. Councilman Shinn: The Employees Relations Committee met February 8th,and will have to study the matter further before we can make a .recommendation. Councilman Klock: In regard to the City Hall Partition- ing Committee we feelsuggestions from the employees who would be using the rooms might be helpful and would suggest we get together at a work session. Councilman Woodard: I received a letter from the State of Oregon in regard to the "$20,000.00 grant and will meet with their- representative on February 18th. With respect to Mr. Mason's letter about keeping the streets 'clean, I will look into the matter of street sweeping ;and report back to,'Council. I have taken the matter of storm sewers up with the County and have' nothinu new to report. With respect : Page 1 - 2-8-65' Mlm to the storm sewers on the Tigard Plaza I have takan the r<:tter up with them and we will await further developments. Councilman Bergmann: We should officially establish the pay for the 'City Recorder Pro Tem. I make a motion we pay the City Recorder Pro Tem a`salary of $350.00 per month. P-+otion second_cl b",, COUne:i.1;•ian 'Klock.' upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council all members being present. Washington's Birthday is a-State Holiday and City Hall will be closed. I would like to ask members of Council and their respective Department-Hoed to prepare a rough draft of proposed expenditures for the budget year 1965-1966. Councilman Klock reported he had talked to Mr. Wally Johnson with respect to Mr. Sit-ton's complaint at 12525 S.W. Grant Street and Mr. Johnson agreed to cooperate and correct the situation. In Mr. ChriF7ttanson's case he had been unable to contact him. Councilman Shinn: I have a letter from Police Chief Batchelor requesting City Council give consideration to hiring additional personnel. (reading letter) I feel it is something Council should consider for the City's a protection in the future. Mayor Kyle: -Mr. Hugh McGilvra, Washington County State Representative, desires to keep the City informed by sending the City copies of each house_bill concerning City government. Also Mr.'McGilvra has expressed a"will- ingness 'to meet with:Council or any citizen to explain any pertinent legislation. I£ there are no objections from Council I would like to suggest we invite Mr. 'McGilvra to have an informal luncheon Saturday, February 20th and we could invite the people of` the "City to come and he could at that time explain some of the ramifications of the local government legislation. I received a letter from Candeub, Flessig, Adley and Associates. (reading letter regarding urbanrenewal)I also received a letter from Harstand and Associates who offered a complete comprehensive master plan of :the Tigard area. If there is no objection from the Council I`,will try to arrange a meeting to see what they have to offer. We will now have a public hearing in regard to a z03Je change:on S:W„Walnut Avenue from C-2 General` Commercial to A-2 Multiple Dwelling for the property;'known ` as° Tax Lot 2100 North TigardvillelAddition. Since there ly was no response the public hearing was then closed. We will now have a public hearing in regard to changes in Planning and Zoning Ordinance concerning Page 2 - 2-8-65 variances additions of section 2301, 2302 dealing with procedures and authority to grant or deny; Addition to Residential District of R-7 and R-10 zones;Addition of section 1903-38 to establish conditional use for contractors equipment storage and office zones also consideration of Ordinance providing subdivision standards and regulations. Since there was no response the public hearing was then closed, We have an Ordinance setting a hearing on the proposed annexation and-1 would like the City Recorder to read the proposed Ordinance three times by title only if there is no objection by the Council. Ordinance 65-3 was then read by title only three times being AN ORDINANCE SETTING HEARING WITH RESPECT TO ANNEXATION PROPOSAL CONCERNING LANDS OF A. J. POULIN ET AL IN SECTION 2, 10 and 11, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST, W. M., WASHINGTONCOUNTY, OREGON, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS THE "S. W. PACIFIC`HIGHWAY ANNEXATION"`. Mayor Kyle: ` This Ordinance prescribes' that we will set a public hearing to be held March 15, 1965, at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall of Tigard. Councilman'Bergmann: I move we adopt Ordinance-65-3. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard and roll call of + vote resulted as .follows: "Councilman Woodard; AYE, Councilman Bergmann, AYE; Councilman Klock, AYE; Council- man Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. Attorney Anderson: With respect to the proposal to appoint an ex-officio member of the library board I find it is not proper to prepare' a new;ordinance. The statute says "the board shall consist of five members and it'provides that not more than one elected officer of the City shall serve at one time as°'a member of any public library board. It;provides for,no ex-officio members. However, if someone from the Council wants to attend the meeting can see no reason why they cannot do that under the present Ordinance without any change. I believe one member of the Council is always on the board. The ex-officio member would have no standing anymore than just attending as an interested party. Mayor Kyle: We were hopeful of taking the Council member ;off as a regular member and make him an ex-officio+member< And in"that way we would have five working members.'` Attorney Anderson: Under the present Ordinance it is not necessary that a member of the Council be a member of the Library board. .They may a member. It says "not more than one" elected member, you could have none, therefore you could make a Councilman an ex-officio member and you would have 'five other members Page 3 2-8-65 Councilman Bergmann: I suggest we appoint another member, _ to the library board. Twill attend these meetings but it would relieve myself of the work load of working in the library.. We will get recommendations from the library board to fill this position. recall Attorney Anderson: As most of you will/we had litigation concerning an easement regarding the old Tigard Sanitary District and that litigation terminated in a non-suit. I"since then have a letter from the opposition proposing - to file a new suit on a different theory and asking if we would like to settle this for $1250.00. I recommend against any offer of settlement unless the Council wishes to make a nuisance proposal. Mayor Kyle: - If Council is agreeable I would like to look into this matter further and report back. Wayne Adkins (from audience) asked Council whether it was desirable to put all ins-fictions under one department. He also questioned whether all inspections could be assumed by one departmei ', whether the cross-over from building department to sewer department could be handled by one department without action by Council. Mayor Kyle: I believe this was only a suggestion, this was not adopting a new policy, we are looking into the feasibility of thisbutwe have taken no action. Our next scheduled Council meeting will be February 22, 1965. Councilman Bergmann: I move we instruct the City Attorney to prepare Ordinances for the zone:change on Walnut Avenue and the changes ;in the Planning and Zoning Ordinance. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. Upon call for vote motion was'unanimously :approved by Council all members being present. Councilman Bergmann: A copy,of the bills has been distributed, are there any questions. Several items were discussed whereupon Councilman Woodard made a motion the bills be paid. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. upon call' for'vote motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Councilman Klock: I move we appropriate the necessary revenue to add another phone to the city Hall. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon call for vote ? motion was unanimously approved by;Council all members being present. Councilman Woodard: I move we adjourn. Motion:seconded by Councilman Bergmann and unanimously approved by Council. Page 4- 2-8-65 I Adjournment taken at 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, City Recorder Pro Tom ATTEST ay t' Page 5 - 2-8-65 l�il 11 1 all !Ili T-I G A R D CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 1965 Present:- Mayor E. G. Kyle; Councilmen E. A. Woodard; F. H. Bergmann; C. E. Klock, Sr.; and City Attorney F. A. Anderson Mayor Tyle called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. and announced this is a specialmeetingcalled for the purpose of.discussing.the Poulin Annexation, also if a. tax ratio should be established on new annexations. The matter was discussed by members of Council and Attorney Anderson with the following action being taken. Councilman Bergmann: I-move that the Tigard City Council' establish the following policy; that this body is pre- pared to consider,the taxing ratio of all areas to be annexed based on the services that will become available to the proposed area and the lengih of time involved to provide these services pursuant to OR$-222-111-2 which provides for 100 per cent immediate taxation or a pro- .. ".gressiveratio. from one to ten years. Motion.seconded by Councilman Klock and upon call for vote was unanimously approved by Council majority members being present. Councilman,Bergmann: I move on the Poulin Annexation we allow a.25% progressive tax rate schedule establishing payment of the City millage, first year 25%; second year 50%; third year 75%; fourth year and all years thereafter 100". Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved,by Council majority members being present. Councilman Bergmann: I move we set the public hearing on the Poulin Annexation for Monday, March 15,'1965 at 8:O0 P.M. and the Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved by Council majority members being present. Councilman Klock: I move we adjourn. Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard and unanimously approved by Council. Adjournment taken at 9:10 A.M. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST mayor City RecorderPg Tem 2-6-65 /