City Council Packet - 08/17/1964 August 14, 1964 Mayor L. A. Woodard Councilman F. J. Cooper Councilman F. H. Bergmann ` Councilman C. E. Klock Sr. City Attorney Fred A. Anderson AGENDA: PEETING,AUGUST 17. 1964 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL Prepare Ordinance, for Petition for { Annexation of C E. Janos Petition Hearing for Annexation Vance Lee Petition -Rearing for Annexation ..'Tim Willock Auditor Councilmen's Reports Draft for Paterson Sewer Parking Problem on 99W and Hwtr 217 Any Other I maortant Business That may Came Before The Council City Recorder, pro 'tarn s . . glis 112 i!:1 1 MINIMUM _t s t\� I c C Y ,. Cson;'. a',-1`.:'p1 - 'r .._ 7'e t I WZAS cal lc_ 27, co,rect.j-Jnf. '01',.1.:3s'Ons, wcr a:"o,L.: c'- rove;' as .:c jz:zl , __a,,- ,;re - _nitc nn rci n.^ a is at w;li.s tirrc. The foll.:;G 'nrr _..c 2 c 3 Ci ,.:-. _ =3U e z- ,-re 'U'yen rea6. Ari Vincent 11.;..a:ance .Cc. Jac!, Wric_1t &'=ssociates 33.00 Tom, _lrand,n Insurance C� 1140.00 _ Don 1Z. �r,iLi 70 Attorney .a._.;.o son: n., I-,,: alone wo:.1 ar;:car t iat Oregon I'-1 l:al tt^ich is Top`;;raco'on's oft ;c_, is thi— 1r.•,v !'1Z^er. I aSSll7 e t1lat Ore G'On L 17.tual S } .i to sL^cifications. 1'r rant'cin: les Councilman I`lccfw. I zr.a; a ?:urian' tie lo, *;tier be accept r" s>ui ject to the i to,ne, 's alproval. MoL on was seconcler' l Cot:nci-lman Coo1_er anti uron call .:or ve,.c _ii a _on was unanur.ously approved, majori_t,V of'Council s_e;.nc r,resent. payor Woodard: We have a petition ,',or an exation, the matter of annexa t'.on of Richard Lindner an(] Jc '- Limner. Th.is 4s the Propert,r Mr. Janoe .cants to annex on Walnut. Attornev 'Anderson: The law requi-reF you set a n a irc� ane have an ordinance. I have the ordnance prepared. Councilman Klock: I move we have the ordinance= b^-12:read by title only. V',Otion secondee? b*1 Councila:ian Derymann and upon call for vote the notion was unanimously approved, majori t;- of Council -beincr Presenia, Mayor Woodard read ordinance 64-12 :bv -title onlv'for the re- quired three tires. Page 1 - 8-17-64 Cor nc i.lma,7 Ia.:,c:?:: I 1-tnxo we ;1 t C. .i nancc. d.aite oX c -r: )i.. On :rr C..,nnc_ 1lmannr,,r.ann awl v.fcn cal, Fc- was : ae have .o .ar nn two for .annmat.ion, t.ce Vance annexaLt-.nn, " a'.., ., i-.�ia one on a,, zC corner oz F nw,.nq :n-o� n' .;e an tench have an,- conmients _i,a an.i<.:, t r,n. Mr. Ludv.ic; :fn�cr.aon If the annexati.(::n s. 1<' e ..enc". i.fso cot ld he 1,e sawn ;O the C ; the Ci.t�i Linuts and' accainst hc., st.:..>. Al so i.f_ h0c , rO], s^e C11, eTV3 the sewer line. Mr. an.. Y_-s. T. D. La-wsnn stair!; c i w,-k.1" _;o :e a ..etr.r:;eni_ t Sewor acroos, _1lo r,p o_ _ - i,iavov 6•Ioo0arc' I havn't heari .nyinc, a -11C se.Jcr. Discussion folle..ec between Yr. An�lers,.n, Lr. an' ....s. T.D. Lawson Counc J.l ],,Iz,,mbers anc 'Ctorne ,Pn+.B 1,sn„ i7,l . :.P.S},ect to anne::ation an,:'. z:utt'.nc• sewer lire ;.n r:c ;n;i. the };'r ,t erf_., owners wisneS - Councilman Cooper: I novo we accept tais anne;cation ri.vina t e Atto.rne- auinoiJ.t'% to_write up tiie Or,,inance to annex this property of Vance Lee. Notion second, a Ccunciln-.an Eergmann. Upon call for vote was t nani.r.a s't approve,,. , riajor.' ' of CounciA. present. !aEiyor Acodaa 0: 'He have ar,one ;.fcar;.nc on -.;ie annex,- ;.on of ,e W lloc'c 'I rol ez, which s a 1 ori :o,: "c:. 10., C_ :ncil*nan IC1oc';: I rove wo accept i;ltisince. at`on an-,' ;:av`. ..1:P Attorna—,- lip '._Z._ Ordi:nanc_. i_o- anil_ _.o P_ o F tlne Wi.11ocL property. Iiotion secorc,e,�'; T�y Cocnci-1 an I.ergr)ann Upon call for rote was unanin:ousl,, ar rove', majority of Council present. l,a-or Woodard'c: Is tho e an-one in the au .-nude that has anything to ;bring before t:se Council? Dr. R.A. rissett: I represent the is,arc. eautif cation Committee. Wo had a meeting anCt the sc.;.ject of .'..i scuss;on was the Panna Creek area ar. of acro t1i o. _ire Fanno Crack wa114. We wondered whether her or not. the Cit of Ticar w,ul(.1, consider some netho(f of acquiring a par:-, c-.ounif in stria. `ash on and if a par:; were e.,Labl.:cs.,e.a wo x,1.1 volLnteersL be rillinu to create ana ,.a=:nL-ain all or 'hese 1_rorer.tEes wtzi.cs; .is ;presen'tl'y- in the Ci :, of<Tigard. Idayor Woodard,: The Cit,,,, have to purcnase GroL nuc. Dr. Dissett: It would have to become would: have to be purchased or donatec'., Icion'='„now. It '- Page 2 - 3-17-64 wol:zI .,ave,.. Cons c_<_'.. 0 ,.,o,,. ,.:.,.1. c, ,,,n. Was . ..c IIai': T.,:.'.al 1TL..Taal''Cr: I 4;.1 1....i..G;C,L G?.0.fiercC. The C1i." .ci iv _ @' .I � -o iir. F6 ne. lne r',oax. o, 1 _ tr_I.;c to_s w:, a re_._ i''. ,r, ,..:cc _._ . Cit,% C,`.;nd91 rec,,ost !.i•,e 5 .ate rra, A, . pc .,.._.i :.o cv.ren incj the tenter St_..r „n u•i re;ant--O Ie't tn,rns- 14-ayor t?ren ro;td- lc keY_ cor Cla.r.Ier Coi.l.itl-ce. Mr. ,lal.7,e Our vas tc, C ,n. _7_ to ii-r, tlTe S t ate ITT 1c r,%li, Dept t th,e tet c ..c_ ___r of w ,eni.ncr the center s E"rn u Lune_, on alp into - ,.ro,-' Y i.i Ci;_ :. .>,. tt.e viaduct on south. The matter was further ,, _..c -se _ ._..}. c." Council ant. Mr. Wal)rer Councilman •ercmann: I ..,ove we refer his .soresit-'on i.n recrarci to wiclenina the tra ._'ic lanes at intersections to State Highway Del-t. Bio .ion was seconcled 1::, Co,-nc,.lman Cooler. Upon call '-oz -vote was_unan:.mousl_y ar'i;roved, ma,or is, of Council present. Mr. John Wriclit of 12100 S.W Broo,;:siCe referroC. to letter written to council request]-nc, the street name not he chance'. Mayor Woocard read a letter s cn_d Irk, resi.c,en �'` „roor,sic:e Avenue requesting their street name re—c- r7'o7?,S:?e Avenue and not cbanred .to Wa1-.7,ins A enLee. Councilman-rerUwann: Have chanced tl:e narue. Mayor Woodard: '.tie surgeste ti the name ;dat'c,ins Arena usedbeing, the street connects now. Mr. Wright: We were unlnio.ri,,.ed, of a c*aancre. Discuss-inn followed as to when name:a scrc,ct was chanc;ec,. Attornev Anderson: If '_here was anti' action taken it was not properly taken. Ifi should go thr_ougiT .'ae Planniriq Commission and t rev should mai e a recommenc1a:_ionan,_' then refoz i L i:c the Cit-;. Councilman Klock: I ria' a :.o i.on we turn tLInis qu st_on over to the Flanninci Cor.vnlss on for>their stud,-_7. "lo t Lon was seconded by Col:ncilr-,:an „ergmann ani r son call for vot.e was :YnanirlC+usllr approves i.lajor`ty of Council,prnsent. Mayor Woodard: Next: on the ac:enOa is au,;:tor. i,_r. Kinn and'mr. Savage have tvrncd us own. T Lrieu to Find another Pace 3 - S 17--�54 - : r - - 7- !a ve rave 3,. a.• so:n as Lo. Coi2rc:1t,ar. lxr;:: ? 1 :-. . -1-1i Veva _, 1. it „`11r" l C" ... n at; c. C, 1. n .. „r ice. . ,._ _ " <.,1 ilk:. P t• '1SJ,1.. ,•Zeit a_ nex:: i.-ec L _aj. - a,oa_ ca_d .,,c,ti ?. o.c7. a 1. .:_.:,_ •r-r, r I ar,r`-ng an' .,oninn c,,..mi. s t.on rec,.' ::t n_ ',SCJs n_ ..Y an_ _ t' uncwlr:an ,l.loc'�: , 1 ;ai a. _ a t-: a� n jai .�_ ..e;- 1z'4;a`_or Ilie H,T_ "fisher _.ole r_Ila n,e. .z ,,s✓'s ^u'�' , - 0�ium,c. 1. an _c rann Pn on ca.'_; foi io._ .+zan :: _,a..l: ��rri?ve,', ; � �l' C•-z'anr ,?_ _.���t,;,. I.ayu U a r d: ]n ec,a,." Lo no 1 a-Nitr- on tiwi,-. ) , anc; 991} .^Test. Coas i t' z"n Ls ?n. and ,? ri e E, cza tixree ic,,,wa, c-i'lcr, n. looi: oma,_,. _ie s_tu,aL "Te ,"rld M'r. ,Iun'lems, ant one re vaa:; a "no sirn on 9 7 -nc, i." en "tie _L.c •: t to .7_ ;a> nev_z r... it 'oac. . :Ie" ell when e went _,ac,t o ti.e "o__ ?.� ie would c:zeci; on it`-an t s mere t o_> iroz;). . ,t ,.t'2 ac7 44e liavn't heard _-`co., t-i-a Councilman Hergr,';a.nn: The sate, the' 'thorc_th<. we ).oulc: re-move "no parking" sign fro-m ;in back of Knauss on 217. Mayor Woodaxu: The .t ngcst on' utas rna,.e s n `z. .z t-"10 lar'.;3nq on flwy 217 in front of lloffar: cr, anc' lir. Di.ssett . These peorle axe wil:lznc_` to iiave .he two :,omr parlc:inc. Dr, i:.Zi. s,zssett a e 4i e co'.*�'.enk when Ii.,r•; iI7 zra yi, eiie the state one n,° the ac_uan'cages given I-rolert.- owners would be to have ava i la;,1e r arlciny for, pu;A i c nGe. At. present, },ar}cine ,space is .>elr1G, itsed by bus`.nesses in area Page 4 - 3-'17- 4 C,.:' a 7 1 .. _ ,. te r..r : aa_ 4:'.;t� int::i ;t o` I1 .:,t. Wes t C,.-. Service Sta.ipn ancl :,a:. ,,, -,ta,_e the c<orne.r to +:.h dri ;x.. -_ w t Sk00 A—% t.n 5:^0 1 ,;, :, excey t .,..m,. n:- rt l n, , nil t :e prrl rt-v..nn ;T,c•n-. 21.7 fir, ;.h_ nr:­ -.,,gin - 11 llof a,ber i�royer.t.. to Re a. om c �C art• n alsn 7F-,nmYi1�, Cla.ei`rolei- l-is._ -'rzc_..� � nror err t 'r c,c 6 e' C r n 4 l: an C n call -vor.e was .,r .n n n1 a1- a:,-1 no:l , }reseni . Ya_:nr `Fawn Wo,. %,ill n.,w ,a,c_, til t nzl }Tr..e.^. elcc} s Counc i lrsar 7I7rjr;iann: 1 have: a note F -,r ' Po1� Chie r �c request-nq l,crni��scn to ns4:z17_ a r'ra: e recto er ,t„ moniter l;nn _. an6 - W „l. .nc ton Co,nt'es {reading rletter f roe, c1. e_ _ Pr_-licn) *t �a111 'co a ont $90.00 ani, is la:i L:7?n ,}L a rir.et. Mayor Woodard: :.Wi 11 net an O.-.F- fron-. .l tm)m .,. Co^nt- Counc}l: an Percinann: I WA,11 b•:� coon i nr. Z make -i motion we a , :jos_2e ex, _nai Lure r ur.mase roceiver i}°on ,T-nrnval Mul tnom h C ,znt."_ Mc, ,ecnnae„ by Cm-once loran Klock and .,l•on call. for rote was r a sset h-, ma;jortt'_� members of Council. Cr:ounc.-l.•-anCc_oper sot^ncx poo. Mavor woodare: 1 rece,-vec} a; letter s <cneod b, 7? l e•nrd.e that was ao ,,Iresser', to r0at-or and G:tv Coun�.t 1 re�t..restinc name of C F. Janoe to _ll une irecl t rm of -D N r i hn- son:. (reading latter) We are going t-1 get Counc.11 .'te7^he-rs tocietber next M(,nda-; evening at 7:,30 r.M. in sen what -..-e can do about a new Council member. on Fade 5 - P-17--64 Co:_ncLlman r'icc':-: C in. .1.na. oanon ' ;,nkn 1 .-ac, a . A:i,,,.;n:,.,en t a «t 10 c D'; P t^ �,l.l• +t e,j: C v cnn'r, Pace 6 - ,8-17-64.