City Council Packet - 02/11/1963 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL _ MINUTES QT rCETINC; rpYnnA111 li lc Present.: Mayor E. A. Wooc!arC; _ Counc;-1, _._ _ r, J. Cooper; F. II. Parcmartn; IlI. ,,. t,ohnsont n ne Attorney F. A. Anderson. Dieetincr called to ord.ei a✓ "flayor`�,7oodard at 7:30 P. 'nT Mayor Woodard requeste'. reac'inq of the b;i.nutes o{ the t e. Lino of rebruarr 1st. The x7inutcs were en react and upon call` for corrections or ohject.�_ons, none 7 ei-nc* n�fern ?, rtavnr Woodard -eclared the i•'.inutes to stangy aph.rovee?. as ream Mavor Woodard offered. Mr. 'Sellihen, front the au; ;cnce, an opportunit:, to --,Deal: to the Council ^llik.^_n is scllinc a line of'chemicals for use in sewage plants. r qvor <;ocdar a�tvised Council would consider the ratter and porhar_c set a time dor him tc - deca- nts of t-er. Mayor Woodard: We will now take un the question of the ';one change on Mr. Keesli.n5_' property, on .cite ocher side of the viaduct.- At this time we will call upon anyone :in the audience who would lil:e to talk either for or-ac*ainst this `:;one chance. _ k.r.-Vichael Stan was concerned about the bovnc_._v o_ f a r the proporty involved in this ;one change an(.. what type huiluling was proposed; whether Lr. P.eeslinc iiau stated. an,lthincr in this respect. Councilman Hanneman: Yes_ he has 'stated what lie proposes to buil there. I mi.g tt ash 2'_r.f/ o would correct-me if my information is not,up-to-tate. The proposal is o:- 12 units, apartment units, constructed over a peri oel of :two to `. three years, not all. 12 units building- at once and or courso we'would not mean to in.-_, that lie:woulc,"+_.,. e 'tree E,ears to build 4. units, 't would be the normal sequence of construction. That is the information I Have on the number of units. The area is plenty larcTe for that mama units, ;or siffi cient off- street parking and the owner:has statec7,. also I that ng- hopes to:put in a Swimming pool for the aI'lrtriG:ts. Further, that they will be two story in construction and that; I may have misunderstood on this score, but I"believe he stated %te would develop the street frc nio property to Greenburg Road, that is, 91st, which of course -mould be necessary to provioc access to the apartments. In this respect, ;we have at the present -J--me, a 20 foot right-o£-way from Greenbura'to Lincoln Avenue. If this then were developed that would mean that all hist. a few feet of the street would be'built as a uY ble street 'anr_'<. surfaced. That would mean also :that it would have to he widened to 4-0 feet.` I would like to point out there is this aevantage to the City, that we would be getting the street and tile property owner. 2-11-03 Page 1. would have vo dec zcr,_e to :J.7n_ City, c',eed '_o the City, 20 foot frontage in order to mal,_e the street. that ..._ + Mr. 1) E. Franzel also -no:,e about the wi;lth of the street an,, thought Council should Consider wore t tan 20 l.e:?t7, . 'o ..tl i.CR Mayor 11oo6aril ans*,ier.ed; there is 20 feet at the present anc7. there is supposed to be 20 feet r,ore". Councilman Hanneman: What : i _r. Franzel means is that rrovsion 3 � made for 50 fee'c anal this is a proposal for a 10 `oot riq_ht-of-wav, not 50 foot. mo,. rranzel : There was provrci.on co allo%, for 30 fee*_. Cnunc'i l,,,an Isannerian: well, this problem would- exist- on any such street. as 91st and there areacreat many e tiem.; we could not physically use a 50 foot richt-of-way. The houses could not deduct 30 sleet; they would 'have to cut oik portions of their structures or have the street richt to tho front door ,which would not enhance the property. This was the case on Lincoln Avenue; at best it would cut across front door-steps and,-not allow any front area, -I am sure this applicant could not deed, 'even if the rest could. Mrs. Earl B. Johnston, of 11775 S. 17. 91st, adc7resse(7 Council saying she felt she should have been notified of this heari.ny tonight, as she is on the same side of the street although she did not receive notification. She stated she was most definitely against any raultiple dwellings"and that further if any of her propertz, were to be taken .she ;7oulcl not have anv front yard left. Councilman Hanneman: I was under the impression that the property owners spoke for the full loncth r of the street when they said to me that they would all agree`to dedicate cate 20 feet to the City. Councilman 11anneman asked Mrs. Johnston if she owned the property and she replied they were b ,,,,ing, it. Councilman Hanneman: Do you have an- information on the part to Greenburg Road? Attorney Anderson: We must know; we can't take any chances on who are the owners. , Councilman Hanneman: They are down somedistance from Greenbury, this lot here is the second from Greenbury. Attorney Anderson: We have to obtain sicnatures of anyone having any interest whether by mortoac-e, deed or contracts. Councilman Hanneman: Is Dir. Henry, here this evening? (Nr. Henry answered from the audience.) on this 2.0 foot- frontage, -' 14r. Henry, from the Keesling `-place .to Greenburg Road, are you 2-11-63 - Page 2. the owne_ that pror0rt, all the a,•:: i"r Heni:, Yes. IsCOUII lzan tannezz n , a -- 'to ._ a _ t! i a _;n r ,. t n c z }r for Lno ,: ol.osai '-'r, enr,/: s 1 >ac ..c, last nirizt; r q an, r,'t ,a.n1. to to?, c�clor,..ent Jo.dr. Council an Itannci an: c un ciL Zn u:, zzi Jn � _11 "have this also; however, w can i c, z, aS=COY n,- l-J t�'1(` co, rp ohlcie:lce. I over to hi i these ag,.ee.tents wArn -1,a, Keesline 111.a _:r. cc, o _ Li.ra� Uci _Tou z 20 o)L ce .gat on to the City, in turn the city woulc i„-:provc• t-zzc Lrcc+ gay ttzat'we would G: dcu se, T ?,c, not pace anc, Curl the re-et, we <.aill as c�de are financially able to •1 -rove it, -z1r�e�e z proposal l.:ado t0 0U _'Or a This Wu til(? Z le. I want to make Sure Lhat is is physically possible to Co ,o ani it appears that _t '" I-=r.. Henry: r don't want to do t.zat at the c,_ neighbors: pense o f .,z Y Attorney Anderson: 1 acree 'You have to have a roac' into an apartment welling to accommouate the traffic. Mr. lenry, you own the 20 feet additional area teat the street? ;_s to be annexed to Mr'. Henry: Yes,: You own the area to the present street, youcankeep your neighbors from coming or going; is it a right-of-wayor t you have title to: it: Does each lot thatabutts yours have a right to use it? Mr. Henry: Yes. Attorney Anderson: To clari£j, we have 20 feet on the ,east side of the street w:zicl-i is dedicated; we have in 'Nr. Keeslina's property on the west side or maybe on the leer rs/ ftan" side, another 20 feet which abutts and ends Par. Keesling's land and runs to Greenburg. w 7�t 20 feet intervenes between each lot that lies betweenI --- and. Grecnburg; frr. I.eesling sayshe owns and he says further that each lot has an easement,to use it for a road; that's all I go by. Tile answer is to §et a title report on the 20 feet and find out who owns it. it could be conceivably possible that it is already dedicated by instrument for road purposes. Councilman Hanneman: I would suggest, Mister Dlayor, that the city's approval of alone change would be entirelydependent on the right-of-way and it could not be approved until a' right-o£-way was confirmed. Councilman Johnson: I think, whether we like it or not, we 2-11-63 - page 3. are c-oi.nc; to have to rlan for si,'r-walkF. 1 am Buie 1. ice,t t fere will be people in ,_i.i.s ica,l tir1._ r7vvcllincc ;:hat will lave to -rave so:net.iinc to 'kal;c on hosice e crr st;l,l thin]- wo arc! r-_"...c: to .. -n o have r id:c ;il -s hu 7,,re we coins to zr -;rove a or are d e c,u nc to ta1., a1 . Counciliran Johnson: I thin'!: we .h zA6., in to "t,t,, re, in - -iinc., like this, plan enough room =or a cnr.> .-Ind a _ida4.al;:. I thi nl: ;Here shoul0 '..,e siuewalRs on both s .< es. Councilman Tanneman: Por the nurrlose o-- tl,,is nearing I wo!A, rsuccest that the _arinq be re cnec'uleCt at a later -?ate, until such time as sufficient richt-o:=-w.av can nrovic,e i Por the pror,erty, to justify a streci. Mayor Woos:ard: Are there an.y comments from am� o!-.ier. Councilman? CouncilmanCool er.: I think wo woulr;" be wrong in .?o.i.nc anvthinc until we have all the Facts. T t:i.n:_ it shquld. be rost.roned but it shon.lc2 be taken care of as soon as possible. Councilman Hannen.an: I woulJ 1..':.e to make t'hi.s stater+crit; it was,the City's assumption that these plans had been foa:nulated as to right-of-way into t1ae property, obvi.ousl,,, no attempt. was made to provide the right-of-way. Mayor Woodard: I -vent over to Keesling's w t'n you three or four weeks ago. It was my understanfincr the ric_n -of-way was decides: and we could go ahead with it, accorcUnc to the tonight, we are not sure. Councilman Hanneman: We certainly are not. R ayor Woodard: I would also state, that we should go ahea,,i and see if Lhe riabL-of.-way can be approveO before we can act on this lone change for Pr. Keesli.ng; after t•iat:is none we will, notify these people again, scheduling another hearing at a later date. Councilman Cooper: 1f.,gg..t that this lacy's name be put. on the list. (Theiname�-o of krs. Earl B „ohnston of 11.775:S. S'T. 91st, was added to the list.) Councilman lianneman: I think the notification of the heari_nc, should be published; it should be carried as advertising i.n the paper, "i.nstead of local news. I would suggest for the Tigard Times' information, they should call the City Office for more information. Councilman '7ohnson: Could we also ;put _n the legal description and also give the address of the propert,�c Mayor Woodard: We will ,.o ahead now and aet the right-of-way :for 91st Street straightened out and'- ,:hen we will again call`for 2-11-63 - Pace 4. a hearing* on this n.l notify-you in'nlent, of tire. "7C ci11` dispense with _urther trcarinc on this m�,tte.r enrich`, as ,..,e have insufficient in,ornation ^or. au,, Councilman Johnson, have �,,ou awithinq to o,fear Counc'lman Johnson; I "sr.i two th i nes, one or' ;vizi c:r I no,.,, withdraw. T'ie o`I e_ i_;,, we are involve-1 in'a private street that we shoul-' spent iaoney on, S:cl_e.nzie. T iat toes' fro-­ to ro-to Grant. That's z Private street, and we have a complaint from St-. Anthonv's Church. I think if i oy were to reams' thein; deed., I think they woulcl fin,, they own that street. Th, • >_s a ather i,i:_i ul citing cb 7o, I n!Z want' to cet tnto pro rle„- with St. Anthon;-'s Chu,:rh; on she other han•' I C link, -i in reason the lent_th of tiros_ it has been upe,, as a ',reef ic'rt mate it public property, ,.lt:houcjh it was never eedec• to ''he' Citi ;or County. I an he.sitant to use public func's to'repai.r that Street. The other one I hat. was 95th from Commercial to Greenburg; that is full of chuck-holes I 'snow tine,.n is a creat deal of traffic. The bi.c_' we got was .550.')0 for 4:axine care of that; I would move 'hat we allow tliat expense. 1--lotion seconded by Councilman Hanneman. Mayor Woodard: It has been properly mocec' ane seconOec that we allow an e,cpense of $50.00 to repair 95th from Greenburcr to Commercial. Upon call for vote, the motion was unanimously• approvec by Council. Councilman Johnson read a letter from Dir. , . T. Serec.a of 9280 S. W. Electric Street, Tigard requesting a "dead-encs sign be placed on S. W. Electric. Councilman Johnson suggested the placing of a ''dead-end" sign on this street and after some discussion itrasagreed t al-. one of thetwo remaining "dean-end" signs in stock and place one on S. W. Electric St. Followino this there was cons i_derable review and discussion about the condition and responsibility for repairing' McKenzie Street, which review was entered into by I-'ayor Woodard, <Counci.l- men Johnson and Hanneman. The discussion centered around the fact 'that Councilman Johnson felt that if:Council repaired the street it might mean paving it eventually and the possibilit.y of demands ;by residents on other streets, :in like condition, to have repairs instituted. Councilman uanneman stated that his suggestion made to private property owners on a deicated street, to pay fifty percent of the cost of improving the street, he thoucaht was a bargain to the public, but the;public = wouldn't go 'along with it and there was only one person, D'r. Phillips, that cooperated. Councilman Jchnson fell: that the letter having been civen to him by the Mayor, as no doubt a' legitimate job but that basically Mr. Cagle and the Church owned the street. Attorney Anderson suggested Council should go about Glatt:int that street legitimatized; the first thing to do is survey _ it, determine where it is, get'a line on each side, ?sake up 2-11-63 - Page 5. `' ease ani., cio ,.,;n. t ll; R' 1...._.� a .' a.s;. c,V..7,..,,' .�_„ ;._n icn _ tc o pn.,lic or i_ci'f.-e C'it l.i,n .e C_tv .munch can accept the pti:oot in 1n�, ccn(Ut on. T ;:n; _ - .i.s u.lu s to ac ort t"J.13 rrohle"hA c•I Ien Ou .)tre o .mer. ;t. An:hon-'45 is * .vax`e >> '. an nn t rh l o.. .n!") t .' IMC soo .it2rn t an-,.' cr ceCtl �_OJ E:. Jl. .i +.0 c'e, ..la'`. strep". iI-I'Lo a Cit tr C,ovnC l...an On.insfn: T can i''.. ^Al'i•C•>C-`-'., c?1 d17. J:Ticoli, Lr. Cac-1 ;.. i.s,_. I I co at t1aj s, _ ,..i.. to aY,e 1t to 1, :-,1e v s i,c 11 1 o UiL Cl.a . proper" anc', must we .ascr_ ,1-.00 :,n. other const a ti ons, i_ t -Or rxt Attornev Ancj-ez-son, -ou are, ra a.J.J r _: li',, an- con -rapt to be Orvalue riils,t- "lave cons ir',era t i ons. T.ae polls1 ,]ati.on can ' e Until -,ou hate be r;•,onet,• r o,al.se or- >.ot Esc .ritn t,l,� ,. i.t si ned, r;-eu have (--,onsicerati_on in e.i,ectunc• 1'oi Jon"4 have to o ice thee, a p oll ar and r:necan' _ „r o: it, .-V-lo say ,in hanc is«irQ". it eel' not ,-)e E,. cu;a clan. c"ee., should be a "bargain an' `salo" Cee':. Mayor woo-arra: You., Councilman Jo=lnson, ;can c_re aaea 1 ,anr�, do that Councilman Johnson: I will ao aiieaC, an(f, t.o t11at ane- See we can get it settled. Councilman Berccmann: 'lL,ul J we have- to take anv street in concl.ition, or can vnu s,a,_, nrr,n_ rent r n cot our co'1?_ ._.:..r., first' Councilman Hanneman: The ozistinr brivate roa' 'ways, at the: time of Incorporation, 'they were to be r.ra3uallv:accepted, one by one, on the basis of financial ability to do sorothinq with them; how many do we have to maintain that we have accepter', Attorney Anderson: You mi-a-ht even approach it this warn, if you ;put it up to the people; we will moi- this street or do certain things if you will bear 15, 20 or 25 percent of the cost of this street. You get a policv, if you put UP so much money, we rill take it over and co what we can with it. Councilman Johnson: I'would like to make a motion that, as a policy of this City Council, that we accept- existinc private streets intheircondition as o, now, provided the interested parties give us a deed to those streets. N.otionseconded by Councilman Borgmann. Attorney Anderson: One comment; ownership' sometimes has something to ao with it. de have no responsibility. If r` someone hurts themselves on it if it were the City's, the 4 City-would be open to suit under the ;Charter up to $500:00; 2-11-63 - page G. that is one of the most prevalent ,hint s. I c"111' sucgest you woulrl not want to accept them carte blanche until =;ou determined they were in safe conciti.on. Councilman IIannernan. 0ou1' i.t not ?ae !.c ce;. `o accept '.-.i e item by item as we procaed, ,:eKaz,i_e r.irsi.. Attorney AnO-erson: I won er if it z:;ic iL no' „e -- am then you determine what streets we are talkinc about, we ;'ollow ' you take sue to carry out f in this catecory, .hen one U�,' one yo your policy. Councilman Johnson: ply motion has a lo'- of roles in it, if someone would like to close those ,poles Jt ai.1.l be aprrec ate— Icant the,policy that is o?_ay with the Council, so that I can proceed and get these streets UI 1at are privately own C, under our control so that we:can pave them or oravfe Thera as it con es along; we will have the right for crater and sewer, tine sewer lines can be put i_n without having a lot of p-robl<e..Vs' and going through a big "wrastle". Mayor.-Woodard: If we go ahead with your motion as stated, then before we accept that particular street, we would. have to grade it before we write it up as our street, so it will be safe when we take it over. Councilman Hanneman: It seems dangerous, to ire, to adopt a policy',by motion of. this Council, that we will accept private_ streets An_v one can come to us and say, we have a private street. Councilman Johnson: we will adopt private streets as of now, in ti:e future we c,on until ..h`„> u e brought up to our specifications. This street is 30 years ol,l and'son•.e of them are around 10 to 15 =gears old. Councilman Hanneman: I-am talking about the private roa days in this City, which is sufficient; every foot of those two miles can demand work from the City unless we have an "i_ron-clad" policy set up and not a policy to accept: all the streets as or now, which is 2 miles of street, I cannot see that. We s7hould clarify it according to our feasible or planned program of adoption; the policy to adopt the private streets based on the City' plan of adoption. Attornev Anderson: ' Would vou'want to state this in terms of a program that ,you undertake= so: this could be an e.rpression of purpose without committing you definitely so no one could point',a finger at'vou. There could be ways lightly traveled. I think we can all understand we are afterµan expression of purpose; as these streets seem to have a public justification, ` you will undertake them on a planned purpose. Councilman Johnson' suggested that if Councilman Bergmann would f withdraw his second to the motion, he would:withdraw his motion. 2-11-63 - Page 7. This was accoaaplis1c.C' ;w Cr,uncilT,an Docrag nn with:?rae*inc his sccenc' to the motion an(' Counci.lt'..an ---)Ianson with(?r-awi.nc his ,aotibn. ayor Woodard:: I will as;: our Ai.C:oiney ':o r, to i n oic_, that will:f!.t...in as c;•e t.nule want at. Councilria n Johnson: I 'cavo only thin one nine, if it !.s all .a.ctnt t.ztn Lie Council, I will j,ut up a "dead-enc, s>_r.n on S. W. Electric. 110-yor ,ioo _a.r staff_. ,; i- was okay-anc Council agreed. Councilman Hanneman: If �,ou will recall, we had directed. our Attorney to write an Ore n nce for our r ild nc n: ;oninc Codes; tnas would ue a roucl>: raft and 7.r it a.G available ;t would be wonderful. (At tilis time At.tornep Anderson rresente7. each Councilman with a rougi-A draft ct two Orci:inances) . Several:thinc;s have core up that certainly need I2ulalic airing. We want to obtain I rinted cor es of the lonino Corte prior to enactment of the law and'I have'contacted the County in consideration of getting this worn, done and have talked to our Clerk anCt I believe we will arrive at sore solutionthere. As far as the,Building Code, as mentioned ,previously, we would get copies from the Build.inc• Official's Conference. This of course was based upon payinc a memliershir fee to the Conference of $40.00 per year. I will now recommend that we do not join that Conference 'lecause we are to+mall a City to ever hope to have the resources to send a representative to the Conference meetincs and keep,rwith the status of that. I`have Pound out also twat we can adopt this code, we can write our own amendiients"to the code, which of course would be `costly if we fid because we would no longer have the code in it's entirety and we would see more complaints than the.,several that the contractors had about the 'building permit fees and I will suggest, however, that we;will possibly ,ust continue the County fee basis until we fi.nc' out what our costs should be 'anC' I believe the Duilding Department should operate on 'a "pay-,as-you-go" basis. This will depend upon t_ha tire lapse between now and the enctrent of the law. ` In the mcantire, I expect to get a list of the fees charged by various Cities in the State o,_" Oregon as a basis to go by. I would imagine that or Ordinance then would imply define those fees, ,,s s being an e:.ceution to the Code. in these, the majority of Cities in Oregon do not appear to use the fees found in the code. Also, to`'mai,e the Building Code wore-able we must :lave competent inspectors and several possi_biliL-ifs are beim,. consi6ere'. I` we cannot determine "those fees, then I would 'suggest we continue with the County fee basis. Councilman Johnson: ,lave you explored `•:he poss._.;ilit,r of using the County inspectors on a fee basis.` councilman Hanneman: Yes sir. 2-11-03 -:Page 2. mom COlInc r lro-zn n1in o , eeo _*• m nn -e.enc .in 7_ �c . .on �n c, .. t, 1� ;-nc, , o clear LIT',. I c nul 1.4.,;e co l e Cl c 'ere the ru'ber s z3rl 5 '. (.tz lx s n lrn r 03 . b-on o>de,en ,_nee hat boe-n ei4 an _urne , :o cost of Cnun au la_ ii1 u�ret" n,z h.^ 1" ai - Tr n n _l, n' of the Cil the Count, has o n_e; t, 30. : , < e % u...J agog ?: owei. C'nunc 1 'a"1 'Sr .r.. y Copt._. O_, taleC_, '.e t,.le C�.t Counc4lna'1 iannoe_n.s.G "011 —)O e. c;J-1 '. _1 1e CL volu3�r_s one an-! i.lzre`, ,'li.,, erics, ttornay An rsor q a t I P o was,, z i S ,S i ile la:, andprovu:.e l zatY a Cit,, , Ordinance a�' _ a c. L_ as it lata 1r�r pthxi eaeJ Stan .Zrc: Ccc _ chit n the C.i.t, 0. ;-ic, e L s_ haveon _ lr,^ be o ! 3 ac'oT _e le< _h:ee copias. Counci..lran I-Iannernan: Z. ,u. 31a,s ` one o 1 ,, �. �� o_L ey ��o 'need the ottlers. ..7e :vi_11 Pcr the Counc_1's cons is pati ont1l a r Code rlculr_z we n _ a='ro used laih,�? ,r_ tha Cc--'c tsc .l s sinc is ,s belnc T i•.:oul l k to ma":e a motion that our `_03 tat he instructed to draw M up an O cl;nanee a opl.in� lae ate lcctr Code. Inasmuch cal s "'r are us nr Stat inspectors on e ,a• of she State code, s's ta,..: rer•ta on 'h re-write it: I would chin i't Would . in or ^_r to recon c the motion, h:atign secon1 r - Councilman Johnson. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimouslzr approvecl by Council. Councilman Hanneman: I would like to as': the city 1;ecorc'er to return Mr. Elton C. Phillips' check on the Lincoln:Avenue` Improvemen proposal. t Fund, since there was no other response to the One thing more, it, isn't;in my department but a complaint this week on the p I n Lomita p n� baslcetbail stop erected on Lomita Terrace; I'do not nave the address of the 'aouse,r;it is up at the end of;Lomita Terrace and the basketball stop i, erected: and unfortunately faces;the front window of another house. T' could not specifically tie it down to the Provisions of the Nuisance Ordinance. The complaint was not presented in writing as I requested, so I can't be specific about referrinc it to someone else but to be aware of it,if it is submitted in wra_tinrr. Mayor Woodard: Until it is in writing we should not act upon it, 2-11-63 - Page 9.` Councilman Cooper: The Reco_ er has letter from the 'lctinc Director of the Census, I would li.l.e nir;, to rea., (1^ e :.t. T;ecorder '_-hen read. the letter.) I Would like to move that t.ne Recor(.'cr })e ,nstructe•' tc arrange: for and proceec w.th the census enum=_ration rn�l we proceea with it in.m01iiateiy, nayi.na t'ae em.—_,ator $0.10 a head and th-is to be conplei-en a,i ce to he state �_, Oregon by the 2.0th of ,Tune of this year. .`3tion seconCcc' bv. Councilman IIanne..an and upon call for vote was unani.rcously approved by Council, Councilman Le g' nn gave a report OF n_:s visit ,o the State Fire Marshall's office, tnL information he 1 acl cathlera, with respect to no map+vailable showinc ire _iyc:+.rantS and also advised on Business Licenses Le had contacted various Cities and was setting up a meeting with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce to hear their 'views and complaints on this and reported he has just about com letecl tybino the list of business houses in the City. - Councilman. Cooper "I certain1v don't think it shoul-d be submitted to the Chainber of Commerce to let the,, write t oi.r own t._cket. Councilman Bergmann: It was to cet their i.c:eas on J_t anj then I will come back and continue d.rawinq up the ordinance. Councilman Cooper: if tizey take t'.e same attitudc. on ".hese licenses as they do on other thincrs in respect to Cite Council I think it r..ight hethewrong approach in cettinc this set up. Attorney Anderson: I would surcrest a public hearing as a proper approach.' Mayor Woodard: There are very few members of the Chamber of Commerce who live in the City o. Tigard. There was considerable discussion and review of traffic fines charged by various Cities and upon the question of jurisdiction of the streets, Attorney Anderson suggested., "I would "hold that the City has police ,rowers anywhere in the City regardless of ownership. We should consider and perhaps enact a tine schedule because the Ordinance I drew on 'No Parking' has no penalties. We should sea,:, up'a schedule and enact an Ordinance and charge them whatever you are going to 'charge them;and it o ul_S2 apply throughout the City unifoimly'. There was some further review of traffic tickets, atter which Councilman Bergmann moved"that Council accept the parking ticket that Beaverton uses, with their fee schedule". Motion seconded b, Councilman Johnson and upon call for 4vote,;the motion was unanimously aprroved by Council. Councilman Johnson huggested that it might be well for Council t. 2-11=63 - Page 10. 91 ..o think about the prob1e111 a re Corart .ent inspections ane' Councilman Berorann i-•en1_, that^the r,.c .. A ocpart:�ent erlployees co out ancd inspect properties. favor 1100(31aro suck _ t' Pore . _ tat Conn�ill;:a�? inn r.nt in tni,c^ _ with Chief Parnorover an' see if ti .le nsi-ect an, rlaco^ or if , taey will do i.tJan' see «inat he has to say al)out it. It wouI be a goof'.. idea to have, sere Off these places i.nspectecl. Do you have agytni ncr to .. Attorney,Anderson: I ciaverile Ree r,l,et a letter to t^ Librarian d`SS the Suprer,e Court ,Libra:y an,. the i].S117i.es ought to say it wry mailee sn i_hat , co,,,I.,1{ wakh chat l:rovisronr l law- I also sent some printed C;iarters to the r.uni.cipal Research nureau, (The letter to the Lib rati.an and the nri.ntee pamphlets of. the City Charter, with the properly signed certification and tl,c City seal placed thereon, were forwardeli to the Librarian by the f o17.o:vino mail.) Mayor 1^7oodard reporter.', the City received a voucher :icor the PCE for our share of the franchise for one-hal? year, 52,771.5C; also that he had a meeting vitro !`?alley's representatives and rc9_terated the stater-ent that they would have to live un to their contract eaith the City until suet- time as our plant e.rpansi_on night warrant .any increaseabove. their contract specifications. Councilman Hanneman: The County_Plannine Departnent can assist us in the future zoning of Tigard and since they have offerees their services I would like to request a meeting with them, primarily Larn, Bissett, for an evening,t'iat will be suitable to all of us. blight I suggest the :peek of rebruary 15th since there is no Council meeting that week. After discussion it was finallzci,I.et, mile etin« would be bele mu s lay evening, Pebruary 19th -A 7:30 P. Ii. in the Community Center.. ZOn//Ne7 Councilman ianneman: in the rough;Graft of this code there is a statement of enactment in here, does that nean' that the Ordinance' will be included in this Code? Attorney Anderson: This code *.•sill be incorporated in the Ordinance by reference. There will be an official code annexed to the Ordinance as a part. Councilman Hanneman: 74-11 it be possible to put riinor changes in an addendum. .fit this time it would save us many hours of work, I would n'tk. nt to say "strike out Planning Co^.mi ion those words should e out of there and "Washington County shou.lr- be out of there. WOL110, it do to co through the printed sheets an,' ttype on those': Attorney Anderson: Basically you are interested in aettina one official copy, if people wanted a copy they could :lave a corrected copy) corrected in any way. Xou merell want: to have one coIy. WE 2-11-63 - Page 11'; Pin ""� � .u_ r'• cn " t ,anC i'l "'le 11 7 17 t'} r.a• zr.. � �. ---- c c cn a lnEl r ,tiit• man,aol a Zr L^ oto r ( ) 'LIT) n wa„ tu.r'. r 1 r,r... n �a an , a e rl" l1 a a -1 .i0 (;) )uiir apyro ilt,att ly Cil. r 7: 1 Oa:' Heavy roc. into t.a.-1,nu_ on •ae ._ .a.pe C c,e ;r soutn si?r c= br. . 1'r 00 =n _.ii`a'-n st.rec'. I wcul_. l.i;ce :« as?, Council's Pozmi..s ton to c�; a�iea anC. -these jobs a notion prod o have L1110 Councilman Hanneman: • - work cone as ;.termec 7_y I ayor Councilman Cooper and.: upon call for vo4e wa+n .n1'.r ously spprove& by Council. Councilman Cooper raised ,:he c.,uest.a-on about ?r .s ieinc ;oo a , a w le ha(' thro�:vn into P'anno Cree7c 3'10 Mayor . , written sometime ag, t:i property. ov-nerz mond, tile Cree,",. about the con0ition. Favor ?voodard: V7e t,ill now procee<= to Pa" the' b -1 Councilman Cooper read tine bi]-1 s an` upon compl ait on of tha reacl .ng councilmantr ;anneman mpvecl 'r.1?e bills be Fa--d astrto motion seconcled bCouncilr;an Cooper anv^ upon being p ,ote`wa.s unanimously approver by Council. Councilman Cooper movecl for a0iournment, seconded by.Council man=`Bergmann ant; he mo..i.on was unanimously approvers by Council. Adjournment taken at 10:4-0 P. x Resprlaa ully submitted: S czz'r RECOPDE ATTFS . n'AYC1R_ 4'r 2-11-53 -,Page 12.