City Council Packet - 10/22/1962 K t , TIGARDCIT Y COUNCIL MINUTES OP MEETING OCTOBER 22, 1962. Those present: mayor Woodard, Councilmen Cooper, Hanneman and Attorney Anderson. Councilman Sitton ; was reported as ill and unable to attend, Mayor Woodard called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M,, and requested reading of the Minutes of the Meetings of October 8th`and'15th, 1962. The Minutes of the Meeting of October 8th, 1962 were read. Mayor Woodard: Are there any corrections or objections? Attornev Anderson: On page 6, ,the second line, should read; "I suggest" instead of "I will require". On the fifth line, the word "present" should read "precinct Mayor Woodard: If there are no further corrections, the Minutes will stand approved as corrected. Please proceed with the Minutes of'October 15th meeting. The Minutes 'of the Meeting of October 15th -were read. Mayor Woodard: Are there any corrections or objections? Hearing none, I declare these Minutes approved as read. Mayor Woodard: Before we hear from the visitors, we,would request Mr. Peter Wo Heintz be sworn in as Councilman by Attorney Anderson. (At this point, Attorney Anderson administered the Oath of Office to PeterIT. -Heintz, whos then took his place as Councilman.) Mayor Woodard: We will now hear from anyone who has something they wish to present to Council. Mr. Russell Struchen,, of the Betty Kies Realty Company, spoke in reference to a piece of property, 8.23 acres, 'south of Tigard Street and west of the City limits. He stated he needed a Zone change and thought it necessary to annex to the City of-:Tigard; he felt the property should be Zoned b:-3 and sought information as to learning the possibmlity of securing the Zone change upon annexation to the City. It was explained to Mr. Struchen that', it would be best for him to follow the regular procedures with respect to annexation and then 'make application for a Zone change. Attorney Anderson � went into :the matter fully and suggested Mr. Struchen secure from 'him the necessary form for annexation :and then follow the orderly procedure for Zone change. The general discussion with respect to the duly proposed use of the property and it's location, was entered into by all members of Council and Attorney Anderson. ,Superintendent Janoe advised the property-is across the creek and goes to the railroad right- of-way and is adjacent to the City limits. Mr. Struchen 10-22-62 ,- Page 1 mom advised he was not aware of the detailed proposed use of the property but understood it was for the assembly of parts shipped in from other sections"of-the country but that it was not heavy assembly work. The question was raised with respect to the sewer and City superintendent Janoe stated he had informed Mr. Struchen that at the present time there were no facilities for sanitation but the City has been thinking of a trunk line up there. Superinteddent Janoe informed Council Tigard Avenue was deep enough and it would go doom Tigard Avenue on gravity flow. Mayor Woodard sucjested to Mr.' Struchen start out;by gettinc the necessary forms from the Attorney, following the regular procedures,advisinq it would be up to him to put the sewer in the location. Attorney Anderson: I will need a legal description of the area. Mr. Barris Hansen, ,President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce then addressed the Council stating, the organization would like to,assist in whatever way they can in promoting the Charter; that it had been reviewedd and it was felt by the Junior Chamber of Commerce to be a good Charter. Attorney,Anderson: I think that is very fine, I think one of the things is that you havereviewedit carefully and anything you can do to keep it before the people will be very fine. Mayor Woodard and the Council expressed their appreciation toward.Mr.-Hansen's efforts. Mr. E. G. Kyle then addressed the Council: I am also from the Junior Chamber of Commerce. I am very happy at this time to present to the Tigard City Park Fund>a check for $30.00. I am very sorry it can't be for a larger amount. This conies as a result of the "Tigard nay" celebration and we hope the Council will again cooperate with us in the next years' celebration. AttorneyAnderson: If the Council"thinks it proper and if you feel I can be of any help to show low important the Charteris, maybe I could come out and present that in a much more simple manner. Councilman Hanneman: ' At the last meeting I&Was )requested6o secure the presence of Mr. Lind of Securities Intermountain to clarify the matter of the proposed Retirement Home in Tigard. ' I received a letter as follows`: (reading letter) I might add t-o'that, -that the decision that the matter is closed is a surprise to the entire Council as I believe) we el were not:advised that it was closed, so to answer Mr. Lind's letter I`will merely state those facts and offer to him a copy of the Minutes of May llth, which was the' last 'the Council heard from the sponsoring organization on the 10-22--62 - Page 2. Retirement Homeand the final statement appearing in our Minutes was "It was agreed Council would await more definite' word from the Committee";more or less to clarify with him my reasons for asking him, to attend. Councilman Cooper stated in his opinion the information should be more specific with respect to those ina.king the statements reflecting on the Council and the details with respect to the sewer costs, Councilman Hanneman Thanks to the Junior Chamber, not all of our ;honey is "out-go". I received the bill for pavinc.,, $7,904.98, turned in last week. As far as this new access to the City of Tigard, known as the "Caulfield Report", I believe we will allow that to wait until the ne�rt meeting, until the Council rets a chance to read it over. Other than that, Mr. Mayor, just a couple questions to Attorney Anderson. is there anything further on the park case? Attorney Anderson.. No, there is not; we are going to ret together with Mr. v attorney to work out a description. Councilman Hanneman: Our "No Parking" Ordinance? Attorney Anderson: I have one roughed out here but since I am not sure I understood these drawings, I will need some nypl_anatipn 1—fc-a T.finally prepare the ordinance. ._.- this point Attorney Anderson and Councilman Hanneman checked the drawings and arrived at the proper locations.) Councilman Cooper: There is one thing I would like to bring up and that is Fowler Junior High; the number of children that are darting between traffic. Mayor Woodard: There is a pushbutton signal there. Councilman Cooper: Would it be possible to send a letter to the Junior High principal, asking, him to remind the children to use the lights put there for their own,safety. Attorney Anderson also expressed his knowledge of the conditions there and having seen hoi the children sometimes disregard the lights. Mayor Woodard: Would you be willing to write such a letter? , Attorney Anderson: Yes. (A copy of Mr. Anderson's letter to Mr. Delbert Fennell, Superintendent and Mr. Darwin Shinn, Principal of Fowler Jr. High School is on file with the City Clerk.) Councilman Cooper then brought up the question of a traffic light at St Anthony's School and Councilman Hanneman said he would appreciate some assistance.: Mayor Woodard: I would 'suggest that Councilman Cooper work along with Councilman Hanneman to see what can be done. Councilman Cooper:• I would like to ask Mr.' Hansen if his 10-?.2-62 organization would do something about that. Page 3. Councilman Hanneman: I would like to suggest it be handled by the City with the Junior Chamber's support. Councilman Hannernan: This check from the Tigard Junior. Chamber for $30.00, 2 would propose it he deposited in the U. S. National Bank, in the Park Fund., separate from the City funds entirely. Councilman Cooper: I have been trying to contact Mr. Savage, he has been out of town. I will try tomorrow evening to get him again. Attorney Anderson: I have a matter or two I might mention; The City of Tigard may have to defend a suit brought by " Wally P•.. Johnson, around the laying of the sewer. I suggest I should be authorized to;represent the City in reference to this and do what I think is professionally necessary. Councilman Cooper: I move that Attorney Anderson take the necessary steps to pursue this matter to a conclusion. Motion,seconded.by Councilman Heintz and unanimouslv approved by Council. - Attorney Anderson: (Addressing Mayor Woodard) I handed a copy of a letter to you, I do not have any contract between the Fire District and the city. The othew—atters involve only the election; I know we have done everythingnow, everything this week in order to get the election in proper persl cctivc. The Ga,t,la ballot :should be .ceady''Thut's ay. Twill have to have the names of the candidates as early next week as I can and get then on the sample ballot and also gettheballots'produced. Other than that, I'do not think there is;any problem on the election. The Bancroft Bond issue is approved with some minor additional proofs required by the bond examiners and we will have them printed by November 1st. I'have not forgotten about the Vouet and the City office matters. ' Mayor Woodard: Did Mr. Carter see you about the sewer going through this property? Attorney Anderson: He sent-me some data and I.intend to get together with Ed Wheelock and take whatever'steps I can to get the thing in proper perspective. Mayor Woodard at ,this time read a letter from the Tigard Water,Board. Mayor-Woodard: The answer there is that you will have to take it up with both of them before doing anything. Attorney Anderson: Mayor Phillips told me to prepare this agreement, I was not sure whether he talked to the Water People or Fire people, I think it is:merely a matter of proper liason, they now feel they should not have anything to do with it. 14 do not know what the Water Board's attitude is. At this point, City Superintendent Janoe went over the full 10-22-62 - Page 4. history _and present situation with respect to 'the buildincr and statins that a meeting of the Fire Council would be called for nert month an,9, Iie felt rAprosentatives of all the, Councils should-sit clown and restate tine position with respect to this building and that the buildi:nc_ floes not belong to the Water District. Attornev Anderson said lie felt what Sumeri-ntendent Janoo stated was correct, the water District holds this buil(linc in trust, there was a question *whether tlicy would deed the lot or hold it and become ':ru^tee. I t.in% it would. be, well if Superintendent , oe is c;oing to call a meeti.nc o3' the Fire Council, to have ever-vbocly sit rinwn and review i-{t again. Attorney Anderson further said that maybe rre can work out something whereby this buildin:: can be re,Cdlicatecr to it's orir_inal purpose; it should be brought into proper perspective before we necrotiate, Councilman Cooper: I suggest the City request Attorney Anderson to attend this ineetinq to take care of the interests of the City. Mayor Woodard: 'That meeting w^uld consist of the Water a oar(,, Fire council and the Ci-tp Council. Could we hac_n this meeting on a S'onday night when ..c ha-vc- no Council r.eetinc^ Superintendent Janoe: I must call a special n:ectinc;. Councilman IIanneran: I would make,a motion that Superintendent Janoe call the parties for this r,;eeting, a representative of each croup be there together with Attorncy Anderson, to r-et abetter understanding o3_ the build-inc. Seconde by Council- man Heintz. Unanimously arproved by Council_ Mayor Woodard: :I have:a proposal here from tile Fire Council; this should have been'brouc]it uP by Mr. Phillips in regarr! to paying a charge for;our night ;neetings. i•r.` Phill:i.ps has never brought it?up; 'now we are asked to 'pay for meetings from January 1962 to October," as listed, 39 reetangs. Ordinarily the charge would be $5.00 per meeting but we should not be responsible for back �,r ls` since we were never notified, ;my understanding was/were' cetting this at a free basis. I suggest that if we paid $75.00 for the year, it would be proper. I would;like to hear from the members of Council. Councilman Beintz: You are fi.curing on paying $5.00 a- meeting as of now? Mayor Woodard: No, I ficruredon paying $75.00 for this year, 1962. City Superint8ndent Janoe: I think $75-00 would be agreeable;with the Fire Council and the T-anacinci Committee for this building. 10-22.-62 - Page S. October I8, 1962 Mr. 'F'. A. Anderson, Attorney at Law 1.2035 s. tni. PacificHighway Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Andersons The County Clerk's office, for the County of Washington, in the State of Oregon, hay i Comet ansa of the assignment o the following precinO s in the City of Tigard, for the forthcoming electi on the 6th of November, 1962: Precinct # 96 a 'Tigard u ity 8841 C9. C mmsrcial Street V Precinct #159 — t Church, 45 alnut' Court Precinct #158 `igar ormunity Fall:, Comftrcial Precinct #159 or ,junior High school, 2080 S. W. Main Street In accsdance;with your directions, notices' as l prepared by you--w 11 be posted at or in telae above mention precincts and Z will telephone your offic soon as this has bee e as : n acce�znplished. Very truly youres, City of Tigard p11.ph is- 3 F �J. i October 17, 1962 Mr. Ralph V. Symons, City Clerk Tigard, Oregon Dear Ralph: Herewith find original and four copies of Notice of City election, one of which should he posted in each of the voting precincts within the city, preferably at the polling puce. The hrnind-gr es of the precincts or the location; of the polling places may be determined from the County Clerk. These notices should be posted at your earliest convenience, .and thereafter you should sign an affidavit of posting for the official records of the election. I will prepare the affidavit when you have posted the notices; if you will advise me of the locations thereof. The original notice should be retained as part of the official files of the City. Ver truly yours, Fred.✓ A. 'Anderson. FAA:jk` Enclosures. t S `E- NOTICE OF ELECTIOTd CITY OF TIGAU' November 6, 1962 NOTICE IS HE'P.EI;Y GIVEN-that at the general electioii to be held in the City of Tigard, Oregon, on November 6, 1962, between the, hours of 8:00 a.ri. and 8:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, at the official polling places, there will be submitted to the legal voters for approval or rejection; TAi> BASE PROPOSAL SUBMI'"TED TO THE, VOTERS LY THE CITY COUNCIL Purpose: To provide a tax base for the City of Tigard, Grego . 51 CITY OF TIUR%. TAa L-ASE. PWPOSZL: Shall the City of Tigard establish a tax base in the sum of $155,000.00, there being no present tax base? CHARTER PROPOSAL SUBMITTED To THE VOTERS EY THE Mly L NC L: Purpose: To provide a Home Rule charter for the City of Tigard, Oregon. 52 '' CITY :OF TIGARD CHARTER PROPOSAL 1962: Shall the City of Tigard, Oregon, adopt a charter with provisions'for mayor-council form of government and to provide for the exercise of authority over matters of municipal local concern? On Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 1962,` at the official polling places within the city of Tigard, 'a general election' will be held for the purpose of electing three councilmen for the i City of Tiaa d ,--?hose terms shall begin at the first council, meeting in the year immediately ensuing the year of election. By order of the City Council of Tigard, Oregon, duly passed on October 8 1962. RALPH V. SYMONS City Clerk