City Council Packet - 08/16/1962 I I C A R O CITYy C. O U N C I L 6SINUTES or SPECIAL 1„EYING, lUGL'ST 1.6 1�6?_. A Special '"eeting of the Council was held at thh City Offices on S. W. Commercial Street-, Tigard, Crenbn, August 16, 1962 at 8:00 P. m. Toll Call revealed that Mayor Phillips and all tile Councilmen were pres�n'-. This 'being a. Special Meeting, the rea0ina of Minutes of previous meetings were waived. Tile matter caf the impending resignation of the City Clerk, Mrs: Pearl C. Brandon, was discussed and the matter of arranging for a replacement City Clerk was considered. A candidate for the said position, Mr. Ralph V. Symons, was present and was interviewed by members of the Council. After due consideration, motion was made by Councilman Woodard, seconded by Councilman Hanneman;and unanimously passed by Council, that the City Council employ Ralph V. Symons as City Clerk,,to enter upon duties as such on August 27th, 1962, at the rate of $4200.00 per,annum. Res ectfully sub. ' ted: �cC C Acti g er I, Edward A. Woodard, acting as Clerk of the Special Meeting of the Council, August 16, 1962, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript of the proceedings conducted by;the Council at said meeting. (/r l,Cc etLlr� ` Edward A. Woodard. - t