City Council Packet - 05/11/1962 77 T I G A_R D CITY CO U N C S L MINUTES OF 14BETING MAY 11, 1962 Present were:: Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Hanneman,, Verharen and Woodard, and Attorney Anderson, add from the Budget Committee !-lessrs Pietila, Girod, Rutherford and Webber. Mayor Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M., andsince budget committee members were not all present, he called on Mr George Lewis, chairman of the Chamber Of Commerce Steering Committee for the proposed retirement home. ' Mr Lewis stated that the necessary comprehensive study needed prior to the making of any plans or any committments had been under way for 4 o_r_5 months. The Committee had studied homes in the,western part of the United States and checked some sites within the Tigard area. As is customary when such information is aired land prices have a tendency to sky-rocket and since the project is only an effort to provide living quarters for elderly people of modest income, it was necessary that costs be kept as low as possible and that is the major reason for keeping the project 'quiet. The Committee has scoured the area for suitable sites that could be served by public utilities. `While there are lots of open space, when it comes to land 'suited to such a project those available - are very scarce. There are several quite suitable but none within the } city limits of Tigard. The Committee had approached the Tigard City Council on one practical, site and are awaiting word regarding sewer be- fore anything further can be considered. There have been ro commit- ments, ommit ments, no options, nothing in the present status of the project to even suggest anything can be done. Mr Lewis asked, is it possible for the City of Tigard to make sewer available to this non-profit project which would place no burden on the taxpayer, Mayor Phillips' stated the City has no funds and what can be done legally will need to be discussed, and he asked if funds have.been set aside to provide`a sewer system. The Council would want to know what they have to>cohtribute 'to such a,project. Based on present ordinance 150 living units would figure about $37,500 plus additional for cafeteria, infirmary, and so 'forth. Councilman Verharen suggested the sewer`could'be run through an area that could be developed as ;part of the City. Attorney Anderson expressed that the Committee first get an option, ,that such a ,project would require' a lot of planning.' He suggested ;he Committee first pick-a site, tie it down as to location and then 'the Council would have something to work toward. It was agreed the Council would await more definiteword from the Committee Mayor Phillips then turned;the meeting over to the Budget Committee and nominations for chairman were opened. Mr Al Pietila was unanimously �i o�roa>r,mm;t4nn r7,a;+ �n , Mr-Bill Webber was unanimous- ly elected Secretary, and he requested the city clerk to take the Minutes. 5-11-62 Page 1 i r 7 x' Chairman Pietila requested Mayor Phillips to go over the items one by one, and then there would be discussion. ' Attorney Anderson pointed outtheneed to consider the proposed purchase ar of the vacant bank building. After discussion Secretary Webber MOVED the Budget be presented as a separate bm&Aet item for purchase and re- modeling of the City Hall. SECOND by Councilman Verharen and approved. s Secretary Webber asked if Improvement Bonds need to be kept separate as budget items,, and Auditor Savage and attorney Anderson expressed this is necessary in.Municipal budgets. Attorney Anderson expressed that it would be necessary to include the Johnson area bonds, which had not been included in the tentative budget until we would see what assessments due May 1, 1962, would t,P Haid, Secretary Webber asked if the $48,000 aaailable cash could be used to x. purchase Bancroft Bonds. Councilman Woodard pointed out this had been set aside in anticipation of the necessary sewer -7plant expansion. Attorney Anderson expressed the City can have a working fund the first six months of a fiscal year, the same as sc:zool districts. There was discussion of the office salary item, Councilman Hanneman dalary is $4200.00. Mayor Phillips said the pointing out the clerk's $4500.00 shown was in anticipation,of a salary increase some time with- in'the fiscal year, The vacation item of $175.00 was questioned, and Secretary Webber expressed tbare might be the need for,some part-time 00 clerical help. After discussion it was agreed to include the $175.a vacation item with the $4500.00, it to appear under. office salary, a total of $4675.00. 1 There was discussion of professional fees and it was agreed to reduce the ritem to $2000.00. i It„was planned Auditor 'Savage would redo the budget, first publication to be May 17, 1962, the second May 24, 1962, and Budget Hearing was set`for Thursday, June 7, 1962 at 7:30 P. M., by MOTION duly made, seconded and approved. '` Secretary Webber MOVED the Budget be approved as modified for publica- tion. SECOND by Mr Girod, and approved. Secretary Webber MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Mr Girod, and approved. Meetigg adjourned at 11:00P. M. Pia tf»l A s'i 0;_ fitted,, 72 Mark 5-11-62 Page 2. h. d