City Council Packet - 04/02/1962 T I G A it D C T m t C O U N C 1 1 Those present: Wf)'or Phillips, C-)unci.l.men F.znnem.=n, Verharen ,r�riu Auditor javage stopped by briefly to leave coPio�; o`•_ the, Pinanciai Statement July 1, 1961 through February 28, 1962, prem.:red after bringing the account books ur-to-d te, end itor the use of the Council in preparation of the 11362-1963 9udget. Minutes of the Dieetinc, of riarch 26, 1962 read :nd anproved. Mi n?ltes of the Meetincl of March 27, 1962 read and a+:proved. Payor Phillips c=all=ed on kir Robert Moore and Mrs> 7,aura Tohnson who =:aero present, to represent the Tigard Development Corporation in regard to the proposed cinder the via-duct egress to Tiq<�rd Main Street. Engine- ers Caulfield & Caulfield were also ^resent in this regard There was ,discussion of the plans that have beenconsidered, 'and Mr Moore and Mrs Johnson expressed that it is the decision of the Tigard Development Corporation at this time to proceed with the plan'to use Center treet' from Greenhurg Road-to'Co:Nnercial 'Street, then left on Commercial' .street to }lain Street, allowing the present left turn on Pacific Ni rn ay to re- main as it is. Councilman Hanneman expressed the need to be definite about the plan 7greed upon before presenting to the State Highway .en rt- ment, and was assured that the Development .^orporati'on oras n ,.3reement. Enc ineers Cautfield ,,, Caulfield were recluested to cht nae t?;eir rec�ort to conform to the use of Center ftreet descril-red above in'-readiness for Presenting to the State hichtzay PenartTnent for their consideration. Councilman Woodard zeor.ted that Engineer Carter has been ung''^ale to caet in touch with the,-TIHFz,; representative. Tt. is Engi.n-er n rterIs opinion that the present se e .lap caFacity mould be douk�led,ea?iich should tal=e care of the needs for 5 x:ars, ,nO brtag;in•; the 18 inch trunk l=i=ne to the plant, u:auld , l iminnte the t O li�t stations. i'hi would mean Putting in the two di,4 esters-and cl rhe l;z a311,' t,••auld serve' For the iresent, Councilman t'nod:�r a .:s of the opinion that En:ai.neer .Carter ;.should '-)e rerruestea toores .=re:the ,.1,-rures on cost of the nein rinnt using a Eeder7l rr nt ,and also re r din: Feder^I Grant on the 18 inch trunkline. t is e ,timcted th>azlrir�Az � 6±y�/L' �',i, +oul.d handle arFraximacely 5000 reople rt .jou.lrl be nece.sary to '.et a ma o.rity;of the landowners in erc^ted in o c"er t e �F+n "in`o the City and then the district could l.,e h ndsd' ;ngi.nce* ,t t ,in-te✓ fees Must be nairl by;the nron. erty'ol-nex-, anc Ped r-*ls ';rant could .bc; :-or''ked out before we had ,l i the m6nev. (7ounci_lm,n Ver'?aren e r;_re Pd that the. sewer ' ,lant is now worRins <; drain when v_ter ic, high; thigh bad. 4zyor rhi?l.ips e;-P essed'th?,, we must consider doul-+lin'r t-he plant cap r_ity'very Noon so that N,e have sorretb nk, to orcFer: -I,csr sic,a residents. Councilman Tinnnenan exoressed that the 'Ian Ippeardd to be ' R good one and 'once good f-Iit-h is:demonstrated the Feaeral 'rrant is pos ibl.e Fr Moore, from the floor , e�ressed th� t he would not like to o _end service until those :est side residents ace . r_ ty obli,,a:_ i tions ,nd that 'condition should be laid down first. �=yor' Phillips n_ar»re^secl that we would do everything we, could to .et them into tie City, 4-2-1962 " Page =1. NWA •0_ J.'yLEllci.l^`an rn -�fl", lVc-c q.iriC It'i-`A •'' :.'a. Trite; u,F :I `�'fE it""-. .t?.�l ';i, ;+-.-n 71 r,,, ,+- .-:�.L.F..-,t '.'f^_`- i�:-i. '1•; ;n..i >n ,.r,� '41 E" :`. 4. a ttl - CO c a 'n ' t _ D n'." -'i ni >u `C_fin l ,nfent: n-, - hzd ?Darn.l. lt,it ,t 1:1 �1;, - c t n n. h,n t t,e .-r ec "2,e s �r. T t1_ta. Torr`r(_. 1,7-.- t-crn in _ar•t-e1, rut t+. e e. .•gin,- _o� ,,, n^ frry t "tr ]oc h�tf nc]=. '-;een cei�Er rh +-c .te r ten- > ash lEaa sno�n 6 :70 cu-ic tent o �,te u_ ::d, 1,ut. -- t-rte motet. could he tp,mpernd wltt-, -nc, th_s taouhcl 1 e r_.-ec'.c c? %.itn thc, r.^.. ater T't.: .-ict. Counc_ilmon Taoodzrd al^a rr- tee tY,t the ent- -nre. to t s in ve ], d =h.,,re no In--1 been eve incr in':tal'a tion -F ncc ee,{er, I hi s w G c`7'ri ficc by 7-1 11. councilmen. our _,t}t d there holt near his d ivet zy hich should al n hc. to},en cr e )r aunts I man woodard ,=;}v_ that sir n:en St , nyler }]e hired to ger 4.r the entr<:noe to '�_cNenzi.e c,tr-.et and also at the Bob neo->r.e pro-'erty. Council. tan Verharen =.rid approve,°t- . In ret:and to Street Jnts, Ccuncilat..n lvcodard ._c.*:or.-ted there had ti;een sc'ne `oul-tlx; recrarc-iin the ?C+,OQO 7•ur,en T,ir;lits to 1?e ier,laced l5y 55,00(1 Lumen Li.,,hts;on MainStreet, that the 20;000 1,umen Li*hts remover rom i•aim Street were to h ve,been placed on omaercial _reef in -ccor0pnce `r,7.th a:.signed contract with Port-lane, General'.. :1ectric. 'Coi.lncil.rtan -`•cinc;- ard is to check into this matter with "r Pcrrine Of Portland Cenerni !�lectri.- Company. Mr Otto's reply to our letter reuarrUn r the in,n,ta'Cation of the . h..ae d sposal. at the r'i.ld Rhino .,e. . ;tu ant a, rend, lir" the cl t t: es re- uested to s.rite I�'.r,Cetanese� of the ttestaurant sending him .00zes of both letters and rejuestin;, his -cooperation. Councilman Verharen had heard nothin' further re,,ardinr. Frei ht rates but reported 'a tearing was to he held Anril '2">, 1,962, and we should be ]Tearing; something alter that. fie had been doinir, some cher_ >n<, in ?r7- ministrative, help and honed to come ur ;with sone budget roto-- nenda- tions in this retard. i~layor Phillips requested Councilmalt -erhiren to mace a study of tau^i- tress licenses of- gid acent cities,and r_erort for budget: inior_, ;tian. Councilman Hanneman reported that the li,ht at the intersection of Greennury Road"and P ci.fic' FIi hway iii still not operzatino, and he will aciain G,.rj.te the StOttO .._c ,waytopee-artmentre,.arc, nc this, also regarding the Citv Limit Si, Regardinu the Fanno'Creek Bridge Councilman Hanneman had ':lee-rnei, from Bngineer r4cKinstry that the, reason for the delay is the need to ,Tait 3 weeks for the treating of. the heavy timbers, and diirtn this interim' the crew is building another brid 4e. It is hoped the I'a.nno Creek Bridge will be commenced about z%pril. 16, 1962. Councilman Hannoman called'attention of: the Council to the ,-year County Road improvement Prdfran which will be presented tothe voters at the 4-2-62 Paye 2 May 1$', 1962 primary election. The important g:.�,:+ of the pro. rttn is that some 44 percent of the entire program would come from Fe6er,,1 Aid to secondary roads, but to obtain this the County 7aust aut un,approximately 201,, [.roles: the County can provide its ,hare it will lose the additional funds now accumulated to its credit. The City would also benefit for roads within its boundaries based on the assessed valuation so that Tigard would stand, to gain some $%000.?0. Councilman Hanneman urced that the Council do all it could to present the program to all citizens so_that_the whole pro,jrzm be aimed at gettine.= the vote o£ the entire County. It :gar ?donned a meetin<-, would 1be held A-pril 26, 1452 at the Community hall, ',' o uncilm=r ti, nnc man to arran.;e for a speaker with Mr Scott Foster of the Citizens Com- mittee of the County Road Prog-ram. Councilman Aitken was unalble to attend the meetinc; but was to make -plans for the Beaverton Rural Fire District ren resenta i*'es to meet with the 'Council on Wednesday, April 11, 1962, to submit their pro ' posal recjarding_Ti,rard fire protection. 34 Mayor Phillips reported e check for fire plucs at the Tigard Playa had disclosed only two, one in front of the Trailer court Tigardone near Tigard Pharmacy, which he Pelt inadequate to give the necessary one tion in event of fire. Councilman Verharen expressed that the Metzger Water District is aware of the problem and are having an enc;incer ` sur- vey for more :Eire plucjs in that area. v Mayor Phillips reported a meetino with Mr Frank of Frank's Sanitary rv•„ Service and Attorney Anderson, and that Franchise would be presented { at the next meeting of the Council. The Franchise would be for a 5- year period with provision for neuotiation each year, the fee to be $100.00 per year., and the City Council to approve or disprove any changes in rate charge, and the rubbish for the City to be collected without charge. Mayor Phillips reported a meeting on County Planning and 2.onin:l was held in Fillsboro on March 29 1962,; with reference to 'securing a planner to be used jointly by the cities and cnuiities, ? fee of 30t moi., per person was believed-a fair charge to the cities for this;proposed " service_ Further discussion will be held a t t' t join meetings in the 'CountyCourt House. Mayor Phillips presented copies of the Lake Osuego Ordinance for Sub- divisions for each councilman's study before one is drafted for Tiyard. Mayor Phillips brought up the question of weekly meetings and whether or not it miuht be well to have meetings scheduled every other Monday, r' After" discussion it was'-MOVED by Councilman Hanneman that meetings be 5, held;the first and third Monday-of each month unless special meeting's are ,necessary. When special meetings are scheduled the clerk to notify each councilman-in writing. SECOND by Councilman Woodard and approved. �. Eill5totalling $3857.64 were approved for payment'. Councilman Woodard MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by councilm11 an Verharen. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M. Respe` fully tted, " 4-2-62 ` Page 3 er� r W C�!�( B.i.1ls for t.; oval 1nr;1 196?- U1C�` /.2-r- Tigard ,Vater Board - Refund ClOrk Salary I.-1, to 3-1-62 262.50 ' /3C C _r., Janoe W r.ch 167! :salary less deductions a 10,6', B J Edwards M.:rch 'L52 Salary less deductions 193.31 Pearl Brandon Salary Match '62 less deductions 274.22 Public Employes Retirement Board - March 1962 6a,>5 =l` C F Janoe March 1962 Truck Rent 70.00 Petty Cash (Postage ;1.20 - Supplies 72!') 1 .9, The Lazy Suzan Office Supplies 5. 6 % 3 J K Cill Company office supplies 16.10 fz Con's Machine Shop - repair manhole grate 11.65 Monroe Sewer Service - Clear Sewer Lines 112.50 /• Crane Supply Company 33.2 Scientific Supplies Co (repair Sewer. meter) 37.20 /,3•� Pennsalt Chemicals Corn (300 lbs chlorine) 37.50 / Portland General Electric (Lighting District;;;.l) 185.80 /✓c Atty Fred AAnderson - Services 2-5 thru 2-27-62 166.25 ✓�/ L Delplanche,Co.Treas.,Bancroft Assessments collected 1,948.05 L Belplanche,Co.Treas.,Bancroft interest Collected 45.78 3,857.64 Ai rr 'k t gg �'r