City Council Packet - 02/26/1962 T I G"A R D CITY COU N C I L MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 1962 Those present: Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Aitken, Hanneman and Woodard, Attorney Anderson, and Engineer Carter. Mayor Phillips introduced Mr. 'Larry Johnson, Manager of the new Tigard Branch of First National Bank, soon to open at the Tigard Plaza. Mr Johnson asked tht support of the City and an opportunity to take dare of some of the City business. Ms. Johnson pointed out that in the past First National has purchased some 1,$00,000 of Tigard Bonds, evidencing their confidence in the locale, and the new-bank-will welcome a call whenever they can be of service.' Councilman Woodard reported having talked with Nalleyts,regarding the tests to be made, They are now awaiting word from their Tacoma office after reporting the approximate cost of the testing. Mayor Phillips called on Engineer Carter who discussed the problem of expansion or new sewer plant facilities. He touched on the Tri- County program, the possibility of Federal Grant, and stated he would like to halre the housing and home financing field man from Seattle look over'the area and give his point of view. He is still of the opinion that the activated sludge;type plant is the best available. He estimated the cost of a new plant at approximately t40perperson served.- Mayor Phillips requested Engineer Carter to prepare some de- finite suggestions on how best to proceed, and have this ready for consideration at Council meeting March 26, 1962. By then the results of the Metzger Bond election will be known. Regarding the proposed industrial exthnsion on S. W. Hunziker, Engine- er Carter has sent the State Sanitary Engineer the;maps and profile (copy of letter herewith');. Councilman Woodard 'pmmnted out the possibility of the lateral to the West of the Lift Station being plugged and as soon as there is a good rain the Superintendent will have the TV Scanner :out to make a-check. Councilman Woodard reported having visited the Coin-operated Dry Cleaning Plant at;Oswego to learn what' regulations are necessary. He had then checked the new Warner plant and it had checked out;good. In"regard to the stopped-up storm sewer? apparently from Fowler Junior High ;past Mote's Pharmacy, Councilman Woodard reports the County, Engineer states the County is not responsible, that this is the(responsibility of the property ;owners. Councilman''Aitken suggested the possibility that the Roto-rooter might be:able to clear the drain. Attorney Anderson expressed thatsincethe storm sewer pre-existed the City, the:City has no responsibility, point- ing out the evidence of the broken in curbing. He suggested getting an estimate of the ,cpst, <presenting it to the three interested pro- perty owners;' the cost to:be divided between them=under a'written ;agreement. Councilman Hanneman requested verification of the legality of use of a portion of the ;Gas Tax Funds for:the Parks and Recreation project, and Attorney Anderson expressed :that this is ,entirely legal. Mayor Phillips reported the clerk has been relieved of any duties for the Water Board, and would be taking care of the City I s work rather than jointly;as at first planned. A meeting/of all cities in the County had been attended by Mayor Phillipsrin an effort to standardize a plan which would enable the County Planning and Zoning Commission to serve the cities, each city to bear it"s share of the cost. This seems equitable and-a second meeting is planned at Hillsboro on March 2,_1962. Mayor Phillips read a letter from Portland General Electric regard- ing-cost of Contractor Klock's proposed lighting on Lomita, the street,in-his Lomita.Terrace Sub-dividion. This information to be forwarded to Mr Klock. A letter from John R. Davis, a builder from Salt Lake City, propos- ing annexation to one of our super-markets and asking for informa- tion regarding planning and zoning, had also been received by Mayor Phillips. There was discussion regarding the vacant United States National Bank building on Main Street, Attorney Anderson and Mayor Phillips having looked over th e;property. The lot is 90 x 46 feet, with 15 feet of space in the read of the building. The building is in good repair except that some interior re-decorating might be advisable. The Bank officials are cognizant of the City's financial position and willing to work out some kind of plan. As soon as there is something:definite available on the budget picture, it should be pos- sible to come up with some plan, hopefully enough-9 for a down payment. Attorney Anderson expressed that as soon as the Budget is passed a serial levy would be possible authorizing possibly 5 mills for as long as necessary to pay off the balance. Mayor,Phillips,anticipates tentative'budget figures should be ready for consideration at meeting March 5, 1962. It was planned the Council would look the building over as soon as possible. Attorney Anderson reported the West Coast Telephone'Company attorney has been ill,' hence';the delay in completing.thit Franchise. The Northwest Natural Gas Company Franchise was presented the Councilmen for study and consideration at March 5, 1962: mee:ina. Written Agreement for the Mote collection station," and Resolution ]. ding that Sub- dividers bring streets up to standard to be prepared for next council ' meeting. The clerk was instructed to proceed with notices of Bancroft Bond Assessment and interest due March 1, 1962. Those in arrears one year or more to be notified that payment be received within ten days or account would be given to attorney for action. Regarding the three past due sewer service accounts given 10-day notice:February 26,,;1962, ;the clerk was directed to turn these over to the:Water Board Superintendent for discontinuing water service until-accounts are rpaid. Mayor Phillips called attention to the joint,meeting February 27, 1962 I ith -The Beaverton and Tualatin Rural Fire .Districts. Councilman Aitken MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Councilman Woodard. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M• Respectfully submitted, Clek l - �/L A r 2 ELDEN W. .^_AP TER CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER .OREGON BANK.BLDG. ` 919 S.W.WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND 4.OREGON iz'Fsbl'i:&ry 22 b:9Uti' adr•. Kea�r�®t1i ii.�.Spies Deputy State S nitary Lnginaer Oregon :Mate 8&ritary ALtiiority i'. U. Box 231 iortland '17, Gr•c:gon Dear jdr.. Spies: 80bmitted 'here iti. for YOLr 1'6vietii and annroval are two prints of a map snowing the plan a:�d prefile Of the industrial sew/�r extension on .t+. hunziker St. in the Cit;, Of Tigard. The seuez, will be eonEtrtaeted by contract under oLr standard specifications and general SLnervision with field inf,pection by the City :3uneriratendent. Yery truly yours', rldea� Vd. Carter, k-ngineer L'itY Of Tigard �Ylt3 0 A