City Council Packet - 02/05/1962 '../... TIGARD _ 71 CITY COUNCILL MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1962 Those present: Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Hanneman, Verharen and Woodard and Attorney Anderson. Mayor Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. Since Attorney Anderson could attend for but a few minutes, his re- port was first on the agenda. He stated reply had been sent ,to Mr George Lewis, denying his request for $200.00 refund of the original connection fee at The Birches, in accordance with the Council's decision of January 30, 1962. Copy of proposed West Coast Telephone Company Ordinance was present- ed for the Council's consideration. - The Ordinance granting Zone change with respect to Lomita Terrace Suis-division, prepared by Attorney Anderson in accordance with the Council's vote at meeting of January 22,.1962 was presented. The Certificate ofResolutionand Certified Statement of City em- ployees was presented to,be completed by the clerk in accordance with the Public Employees Retirement Insurance program requirements. Minutes of meeting of January 29, 1962, read and approved. Minutes of meeting: of January 31, 1962, read. Councilman Woodard requested deletion in last paragraph,Page 1 of "the $10.00 permit fee icharge". January 31, 1962'Minutes approved with that deletion. Mayor`Phil lips called on Contractor Chet Klock, who requested to know whether he could put lights in the Lomita Terrace Sub-division paying for them himself,) cost;of same to be added to tax statements as is:done in Lighting Districts #1 and #2. It was suggested Mr Klock take this matter up with Portland General' Electric Company. Mr Klock stated he is getting ready to record Lomita Terrace Sub- division Plat, having left his check for t!6.00 with Washington County Planning Commission, payment to be held until plans with the City and the ,County 'Planning Commission-are completed. Mayor Phillips asked Mr Klock if he is being held up in his project by any delay in completion of those plans, stating that the County Commission with 'City Council approval could release tract lots;if any ;should be sold. Mr Klock"admitted that'ther e:had been other personal matters 'which have held him up, and that the combined:pro- blems have been frustrating. Councilman Hanneman reported he had received Resolution to be ap- proved requesting State Highway Funds to repair streets suffering from excessive wear due to sudden increases in population. Counitil man Hanneman had determined that under the limitations only Ash, the East end of Lincoln and McKenzie Streets are eligible. Courd man Woodard MOVED for;approval, SECOND by Councilman Verharen and ap- proved. Resolution to be completed by the 'clerk and returned promptly. Councilman Hanneman plans to attend a County road meting in Hills- boro on February 14, 1962. — Mayor Phillips reported the meeting with Beaverton Rural Fire De- partment had been moved forward to February 14, 1962. On February 79 1962, Mayor Phillips and Attorney Anderson are scheduled to meet with Mr Carl He£flev of the County Planning Com- mission to set up the mechanics for operation of the Commission's work for the City, fee to be agreed upon, also the matter of Mr Heffleyts acting as consultant for the City. Mayor Phillips also reported a meeting with Mr Herb Frank, regard- ing Sanitary, Se„vice Franchise. Consideration had been given to com- bining the ombining`,the rubbish collection fees with City sewer fees, this could mean more money for the City ;than under a permit arrangement, in'ad- dition to eliminating the disposal of rubbish in unsatisfactory manner. Mr Frank had pointed out that not all residents of the City are San- itary Service patrons, and that he is set up to do the combined billing. It was learned some cities' revenue is based on $25.00 per truck per year, the disposal site being owned and maintained by the collector; other citi es r operate on apercentage of the gross take, and only 7 cities in the state collect their own refuse. The matter is being considered further and definite information provided as to just how many;Sanitary Service patrons there are within the City. Councilman Woodard presented Engineer Carter, and the problem of the necessary testing attheNalley plant was discussed. Experience there indicates the potato chip industry gives a heavy load, but that there has been less difficulty since,Nalley's treatment plan has improved. The problem now is vvhien' tests can be made that will be fair to:Nalleyts as well as to the sewer plant, and it was expres- sed the Charlton Laboratories, an independent service might do the testing since the State prefers not to. Presently Nailey's are not running full time, and Superintendent)Janoe felt that March through September,would be`:their peak season.: Engineer Carter felt that tests'should be taken atl'the manhole where the plant discharges dur- ing the day and at;their clean-up period, which apparently "slugs" the plant pretty hard at times.` Engineer Carter recommended attempt- ing some scheduled;agreement since Nalleyts have been cooperative. It was agreed Engineer Carter would write Nalleyts with 'copy to the Council, requesting when a typical test could betaken, since it would oem-that minimum_,-:could be established at this ti Tree The problem of future planning 'fcr expansion of the sewer plant was discussed. -Engineer Carter stated that the;present plant is a°good one for it's size,';but 'there is:the expansion problem. The activated sludge type, combining raw sewage with oxygen, which combine quickly, has been accepted by many new plants, and is in use at"Hillsboro. He suggested the Council;visit the Hillsboro plant. The activated sludge type plarl be readily enlarged and if considered score use ` could be made of the present plant; in Engineer Carters'opinion it might,be possible to use about "80% of present plant equipment.' It was .expressed that Tigard cannot ,grow until the sewage 'system is im- proved. The possibility of joining with Metzger was discussed, and it was agreed this mould be approached after the Metzger bond elec- tion. Engineer Carter stated,that Federal Grant is available. It was agreed doubling the present plant` is not the answer. 2 The question of Contractor Klock's requzst to use "Y" sewer connec- tions;was discussed, Engineer Carter pointing out the problems that arise in maintenance of the system and the City's responsibility to maintain the system outside the owner's property. In his opinion it is best tomaintain standard practice of separate laterals to each lot, said laterals at least 10 feet apart, sewer lines down the center' of the street, and 'water lines on the South or East side of the street`. It was agreed the Council would consider the problem aril w.ite Mr Klock their decision. The matter of`sewer construction deposit was brought up by Mr Klock, this is to be considered, legal opinion obtained and Mr Klock advised of the Council's decision. Councilman Woodard brought up the matter of the City adopting other Sanitary District ordinances, and it was planned-he-would discuss this with Attorney Anderson and present for the Council's -further consideration: i Mayor Phillips read a letter from MrEdwardBrady, freight rates consultant, regarding standardizing freight rates to Tigard,: and it was planned he would'meet with the Council at the February 12, 1962 h meeting.' z Letter 6f complaint from Mrs Julian Hutchens regarding Church-goers parking,in her driveway and on her laws was turned over to Council- man Hanneman;for fallow-up. Councilman Verharen MOVED that the Resolution for continuing the , ; Public Employees' Retirement Insurance besadopted, SECOND by Council- man Hanneman, and approved. After careful consideration:it was MOVED by Councilman Hanneman, SECOND by Councilman Woodard that standard practices in regard to a sewer and water lines be adhered to: i.e. sewer lines down the center of:the street, separate laterals to each lot, 'at least 10 feet apart, and water lines on the South or East side of th a street. Council- man Woodard to convey this decision to Contractor Klock by letter. Councilman Woodard MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Councilman Verharen and approved. ` Fleeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Respectfully submitted, As rk •;. f. F> ss 1110 11111''I'l 1111l: �� - 3 -