City Council Packet - 01/22/1962 T I G A R D C I T T C O U N C I L MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY92, 1962 Thode present: , Mayor Phillips, Councilmen .Hanneman, Verharen and Woodard, and Attorney Anderson. Minutes of meeting of January 15, 1962 read. Councilman Woodard questioned the striking of the two delinquent 'sewer -service accounts (Chamnpas and Morgan on Highway 21.7), stating that ad- ditional information disclosed need for further discussion.. C6Uncilman;Verharen MOVED that further'consideration be given before said two accounts be stricken, SECOND by Councilman - Hanna-an and approved. s Mayor Phillips, introduced Mr Carl Heffley and George Lewis of Washington County Planning Commission, who .presented colored - slides of the Lomita Terrace Sub-Division on S W 90th, proposed for re-sontng at•.tho request of Contractor Chet Clock. > Mr Heffley explained that the permit for the sub-division had been approved and one month later application had been submitted -for-zone change from H 7 (Single Family Residential) to A 1 and A 2 (Duplex Resi- dential and Apartment Residential) respectively. This request had been approved' and presented 'to the Court 'and to Tigard City Council %d.th recommendation for approval. Mr Heffley explained that it was the oppinion of the County Planning Commission that V ' duplex and multiple family dwellings provided a good •"buffer zone" between commercial and residential areas. He explained also that the number of units built would be governed by the CC�Mission's maximum density restrictions. yor Phillips opened the Hearing ,calling on those in favor of the change to express their oppinons . Contractor Clot Clock and son explained that it was their intention to build single ,family dwellings on the North end of the Sub-division: He explained that the .questioned roadway-was really an 8-foot "walkway^, between the A'1 and A 2 areas; that it was their`understanling from Mr Otte of ��..*..«e +�5 4--t- +-+- OL--'.. Sect, uw.�3 --ant .-117 be +R used fora eraial iaproYemaate. o ap slid "sere:, Ar Tom Riversaa 11541 S V:90th, ,Yx Tom Boll, 11500 $ 90th, Gertrude Pastor, Hi ay 217, Anna Brazil (repre- senting her sister Mrs yoley who owns property on Highway 217) , Mike Brazil, 11505 'S W Highway 217, Mrs Carl and len Riverman, 11695, S V 90th and Mr Carl SchasEoui', 11565 S W 90th (by I letter -: read by Mayor killips). Mr Riverman questioned that the sewer , woliold awye that many, patrons, and ;it was° explained this was a matter to be •determined by the City Engineer. All of those opposing disliked the added traffic past their homes, _gwestioned 90th-Street,- ,, k• could carry"stere; traffic and wanted the area to remain zoned 'for- single orBingle family residences. • Xayor Ibillips explained r that the Council "mold proceed with regular eo and vote would- be- taken at the close at thor meeting. z x, c ' aej r 2 .. The matter of having Auditor Savage ssg aithe bwqU a January 1 1962 was discussed. It was the understanding _that the Council was awaiting ,a letter ,setting forth the fee for. this service. Mayor Phillips turned this matter over to ? Councilman Verharen for follow-up. Councilman Verharen reported on the Civil Defense meeting- in gillibore regarding pall Out Shelter supplies which will be arriving Frew the Government shertl�r after February 10, 1962. F He stated it; would be necessary to 'locate. storaige space,- approx- ,, i tel* 175 tabic feet, roughly 5` feet x 6 feet by 6 feet, and the need to appoint someone to be responsible for same as ,out- lined by the c3overnmoAt. It was planned Councilman Verharen would consult Ivan Jack to establish whether. or not there was such space available in the Community Hall and report' at next' ` meeting.' Councilman Woodard reporting for the Sewer Department stated E that.accordin to Mr .Otto thedis s arba a gg t disposal considered for the reataurantt at the Tigard Plazawouldnot be installed. Re SON ME garding the�Nalley inspection, Mr Ed Lynn, State Sanitary Inspec- ahad ad expsainea that ,galley•s had-called him and that it was not within his jurisdiction' to work for individuals, that the test should be made' by :the Superintendent and ,the Engineer. It was pointed out by Attorney Anderson that Engineer'Carter should have a copy of the Halley contract in *order to check with the contract = provisions. Regarding the dentist officeto be located at the 2 gard Plaza Councilman Woodard had advised Mr Otte that the . 'baaie connection fee would be L charged !or each outlet.. y®r Phillips asked the; cler. about the manner of handling sower 8oea bg the two collQction a3ationcs, Rtes Phand`` Tigard Pharmaey. Since it appeared T1gard •Pharmacy was `ured very,,infre- Patly, the Clerk was instructedtowrite letter .liscontinuing , that 'pmy station. This :brought,rip the question of whether or not the pay stations were cove$ by B®aid in Quant of theft or break�- is, and Attorney Anderson was recuosted.to eheeb the comfy purchased'7aithful Performance Bond to learn-whether pay stations are covered. hs clerk: reported the litters to delinquont *sewer service. and � sower assessments-had not been written butwould go out this week on the neer Citq-o! Tigard stationery. LL o-` The clirk was instructed to send the "9O day letters" to•all- sewer accounts when 2 aonihs past due.• .-In this connection Attorney And expressed that cast due items could be sued on open account in District ewithout aid sof attorney. u The Clark 'reported receipt of Continuation Surety -Bond on Elmer Beck.' X ` Councilmn, Hanneman reported he is preparing' a letter to the State gightirap Con stission, requesting portion of the State Highwayfloods . for 1963' whether ,or not Tigard could qualify under the liitations, t � �w s t ., 3 .. is not clear. He hi s• heard nothing further from the County re- garding the _Fano Creek Bridge; nor.about the requeeat for the . .other road mark. McKenzie Street is badly in need of; repair and carries heavy-•tsraffic,.. but Councilmen Woodard pointed out that since the sewer is to go into that area it might be well to hold' off work on that street-u„ti1'the s-z"W ,r is, in. Planning and zoning was discussed. Since there` is the possibi-lity' the County Interim Ordinance might be defeated in the May„1962- election. the City Cduncil will neeue{ � red.' (;n the xtantime, a•. d, the City mill; C un��'manning Com- on the Wasis of 50# per capita, (approximately 1750 x 500 ;r -divided by 12) amounting to some '70 Q per month. Building per site will be issued by the City and permit fees retained b the 1, City, thus the service should be ,self-sustaining. air infjey expressed that the County is presently considering revie{on of . .` permit fees upward. The County inspection' covers only the build- Ing, not electrical norplumbing installation. 'ittorney Anderson reported conferences with West Coast Telephone attd Northwest Natural Gas Companies regarding Franchises. Hope- fully both ordinances will be written up and ready. ,for next Council meeting.. The budget was discussed and Attorney Anderson is to write the League of Oregon Cities for information and re- commended budget forms for consideration. It. was planned that a meeting of ,the Council about the middle of February would be given over to study of the budget;. ' Mayor Phillips called for. a VOTE an the. a of zoning in the Lomi to Terrace. Addition on 90th, and :here was unanimous approval. AttorneyAnderson to prepare-the Ordinance. Council sion Yerharen MOVED for adjpurnmient, SECOND, by Counp n q` r esting,,6AJourned at 7.®Sl0.Pe. X. Roo ctfa su mi.tted, . rr l�rh ; 1 �$F15b35q*I.Y..,azF4k"h«ees'avy`+.cy" •. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS STATE OF OREGON HILLSBORO OREGON STATECOLLEGE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENTO EXTENSION SEPVICE O CULTURE grvU AGRICULTURE, H(MEECONOMICS: WASHIryGTONCOUNTy, COOPERATING - : AND 4-H..CLUB WORK PHONE: MI 8.1111 /� �`S•6� aanuary 18, 1962 Gs� Mayor of Tigard Tigard,',Oregon Dear Sir: : at1y a tax and 00niV9 ,study cQ=dttee hw been 0stablished as a Part of the COUatyr MrLennion Planning Council. and Ue Area De elor, tint Cottee, 7-aiz c=mittec is initial3,y a k t finding study . . ._ W-0 6iv1:C vlU7i'pidila row tate most :efreotive and ec6nomicaj3y sound WIMbill6ton OmmAy I=d resource developwnt. In order to include all mor interest Voups x3ae 3mpresentatives of basiness, industry, ==icsipalities, ,alllOUtuxe others oho are i�r d in order4 pla and decal0pawrG of Washington Coin are being invited into mazabership. Your Or8misatim in asked to be represented on this ecmittee. we we -1mit1mg. yOu tO hM sam=e atter the next meeting,of the gmaT fahwinbe belsUmdW,mming, -Tm=T 22, 3t 9.00 a.m.' at the fuer Weshir)gtm'e stir hom oa the Tualatin;''VaLUy Hiy., Guest:akar falx.UU semi= vinbe mrs. uslen Am,es mink, Comty r, who gill the 'present U=.gena with us. r etu�Wj* V&Urr oume d0vb10Pm2nt is being formed and Pill met so=. If.you d"Ue hex inf mmtic n corning tbis arc up, pume can the cmnty icsa, cxMce, in 8-1111. .TCG COX Room 206 NQTICE OF'PUBLIC HEARING Washington County Court House I itl.SHINGTON COUNTY Date: January 11, 1962 Number: ZC'52-61 PLANNING COMMISSION M.Qting Time: lte^ Timr : 8:00 Y.M. � 8.30 P. M. ASite Inspection: 111 111��� PC OUNTX COURT Date: � Timer. A public -hearing will be helrl on the following item on the date and at the time in- dicated above.'. The actual item time may vary either way. The decision made by: the Planning Commission on the item below may be appealed to the County Court,by either the applicant or those oj)po.singg the applicant. Such appeal must,be made in writing to the Planning Commission wi hin ten (10) days after said Planning Commission meeting. I£ you desire further information, please call° MIaway 8-1111, Ext. 261. 4- Zone Change 52-61 R-7 to A-1 and A-2 (Multiple Family) (a) Location: 150 East and North. of 11600 S. W. 90th Avenue'g rd 9 (b) `,Legal Part of Tax"Lot; 2900 "lS1 35 DA and part of Tax Lot 3600 1S1 35 DD W. M. , Washington County, Oregon (c) Site Size: A-1 - 31,400 Square Feet, more or less. A-2 - 106;165 Square Feet, "more or less. (d) Size Requested: .Same (e) Applicant: C. E. -Klock & Son' P. 0'. Box 6312, Tigard (f) Present' Zoning: R-7 (Single Family Residential) (g) ' Sponsor' s Proposal:: A-1 '(Duplex Residential District) and A-2 idcnti�l n;stri^t ) (AF,aLtmen t R - ` . (h): Use: Applicant proposes bui.ldinIgcduplexes"and apartment"units. PLANNING COMMISSION'ACTION I� r . I . ! I I n 3 i" VI V'I .r 1 ' t Qj ot �R 4 11 f�`U Z2 fr, I rk � l r i t� {