Resolution No. 04-59 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON RESOLUTION NO.04- A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BULL MOUNTAIN ANNEXATION PLAN AS APPLICABLE GUIDELINES TO ANNEXATION OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS WITHIN BULL MOUNTAIN TO THE CITY OF TIGAR.D WHEREAS,City staff has drafted a Bull Mountain Annexation Plan authorizing a possible approach to annexation of the Bull Mountain area to the City of Tigard;and WHEREAS,the annexation called for in the Bull Mountain Annexation Plan would add 1,376 acres,including approximately 7,600 residents living in 2,600 homes,from an area of unincorporated Washington County known as Bull Mountain to the Tigard city limits;and WHEREAS,Bull Mountain is located within the Metro Urban Growth Boundary;and WHEREAS,urban services to the Bull Mountain area will be provided according to the Tigard Urban Services Agreement;and WI-IEREAS,the Annexation Plan states that the City of Tigard can serve the Bull Mountain area without a significant reduction in city service to Tigard residents;and WI-IEREAS,on December 16,2003,the Council adopted a resolution that directed staff to schedule a public hearing and to form subcommittees of Washington County representatives,and Bull Mountain and Tigard residents;and WHEREAS,in accordance with the December 16,2003,resolution,the City Council held a public hearing on the Bull Mountain Annexation Plan on July 27,2004;and WHEREAS,the City Council received additional written comment until August 3,2004;and WHEREAS,the City Council has reviewed the testimony,submittals,and staff report on this matter;and WHEREAS,the City Council concludes that the Annexation Plan provides the best approach to annexation of the area and that annexation of the area is needed to comply with Goal 14; i NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: i SECTION 1: The Bull Mountain Annexation Plan,a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference,is accepted by the City of Tigard and shall be used by the City in providing guidelines for annexation of the Bull Mountain area. C:\DOCUME-1\j=.\LOCAIS-1\Temp\BMRESO-1.DOC Resolution No. 04-5`I Page 1 SECTION 2: This resolution is final andeffectiveupon passage. PASSED: This 16 th day of /7 2! za-G � 2004. Mayor- it of Tigard ATTEST: and Jane McGarvin,Deputy City Recorder i i j i i C;\DocumE-1\janeUACAIS-1\Temp1BMRES0.1.DOC Resolution No. 04-59 Page 2 EXHIBIT"A" THE BULL MOUN'T'AIN ANNEXATION PLAN r � . arrw�w.ao - A STEP TOWARD COMPLETING OUR COMMUNITY s CITY OF TIGARD JbE Y 12,2004 i i i THE BULL M O U N T A I N ANNEXATION PLAN JULY 2004 - PRODUCED BY: THE CITY OF TIGARD IN COLLABORATION WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY CITY OF TIGARD 131255W HALL BLVD. j TiGARD,OR 97223 I 503/639-4171 I TABLE OF CONTENTS ExEcurlvE SUMMARY I.INTRODUCTION 1 II.ANNEXATION PLAN CRITERIA 5 A LOCAL STANDARDS OF URBAN SERVICE AVAILABILITY 7 B. SCHEDULE FOR PROVIDING URKANSERVICES 10 C. TIMING AND SEQUENCE OF ANNEXATION 13 D.EFFECISONEXISTINGURBAN SERVICESPROVIDERS 16 E. LONG-TERM BENEFITS OF TBE PLAN 19 III.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 21 IV CONCLUSION 23 APPENDIX A.GLOSSARY APPENDIX B:FISCAL ANALYSIS UPDATE APPENDIX C:TAX RATE TABLE APPENDIX D:TIGARD URBAN SERVICE AGREEMENT,NOV.26,2002 APPENDIX E:EVALUATION CRITERIA FROM 2003 ASSESSMENT REPORT APPENDIX F: LIST OF PLAN AREA ROADS BY TRANSFER STATUS FOLLOWING ANNEXATION APPENDIX G:CHANGE IN SERVICE LEVELS BETWEEN COUNTY AND CITY FOR SERVICES WHERE PROVIDER AND SERVICE CHANGES UPON ANNEXATION TECHNICAL DOCUMENT B(AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Draft Faalitia aryl PuHzcS&-ucs Assasmw Rq,"t far the Bull Ma =mAra%,2003. 7lx Bull AfwrainArm=aticn S&*2001. EXEcunw Summ ANNEXATION PROPOSAL The Bull Mountain Annexation Plan is a Guy of Tigard proposal to annex 1,376 acres of Washington county known as Bull Mountain through the annexation plan process.With voter approval,the entire Plan Area will be annexed effective July 1,2005. The plan area is generallybounded on the north byBanows Road,on the east by Tigard City limits,on the south by Beef Bend Road,and on the west partially by 150th Avenue and near Roy Rogers Road.Map 1 on p.4 of The Bull Mountain Annexation Plan denotes the specific boundaries.The proposal does not include the UGB sites_63 and 64,but their adjacency to the Plan Area was factored into the analysis. Upon annexation,the City of Tigard will be the service provider to the annexed territory for the following services:building and development services,water,street light maintenance, road quality maintenance,parks and open space,street maintenance,police,long-range planning,sanitary and storm sewer. Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue will continue as the fire protection and emergencyservice provider,TriMet will continue as the mass transit provider,and school district boundaries will remain the same. ANNEXATION PLAN FOUNDATIONS Twentyyears ago,Washington Countyand the Crtyof Tigard laid the groundwork for bringing Brill Mountain into Trgard's citylimits(annexation).Although cattle and farms shared the mountain at that tone,the Counryand City recognized that the area's inclusion within the Urban Growth Boundarywould eventuallylead to urban development.State land-use planning goals require the UGB to contain a 20-year supply of land,and,when conditions warrant,lands within the boundarymust be available for urban uses.Washington County and Bull Mountain residents developed the 1983 Bull Mountain CommunityPlan,which assigned urban densities to the area but did not provide for all urban services. Statewide plana na Coal 14 directs local governments to have a plan in place to allow for an oniedyand efficient transition from rural to urban uses.In 1983,the Countyand Cirysigned the Urban Planrruig Area Agreemeru(UPAA).The UPAA established Bull Mountain as part of the City's planning area and paved the wayfor the Counryand Ciryto joindyserve the area At the j same tune,the Cites 4ong-term vision for land-use and development in Tigard(rhe comprehensive Pian)encouraged the annexation of all uuriincorporated areas.The City j acknowledged that it shorild.provide urban services to its own citizens-once areas require urban i services,residents should receive afl the benefits of citizenship,including representation. i I� Today,Buff Mountain has grown bey ond its renal roots,and become an urbanized area with streets,sidewalks,and urban service needs.Farms have been largely replaced by subdivisions built at the same densities as adjacent Tigard neighborhoods.Urban areas need urban service providers-and cities,not counties,are best equipped to provide urban_services.Over time, the needs of an urban area will outpace a non-urban provider's service capabilities. The Tigard City Council established a goal in 2001 to develop an annexation policy/strategyfor unincorporated areas.From 2001-2004,the City has thoroughly examined annexation and urban service issues for Bull Mountain.WXBid MaooraainAnmatianPlan builds upon these efforts and propeses an annexation strategy.It addresses the how,when,where and who of annexation. State law created the annexation plan process as a growth management tool for jurisdictions:the plan must address criteria related to urban service provision to the Plan Area,and is a pre- requisite for an annexation vote by the annexing cityand Plan Area. FLAN SIGNIFICANCE There are approximately7,600 residents living in 2,600 homes on the mountain's approximately 1,376 unincorporated acres.Estimated development of the remaining land would raise the overall population to approximately 10,000.This additional growth will require additional facilities and services.Without annexation,the City has limited ability to plan for,provide for,and manage growth outside its Citylimits to ensure that efficient and effective public facilities and services are available when needed.The current operative plan, 7be Bull Maavain Camsarity Plans was adopted by Washington County more than 20 years ago.The County has stated that it does not plan to undertake a comprehensive update of its comprehensive plan,including The BO Maavain Gb+m rury Plan.The County will continue to snake periodic changes.With annexation,the Cary of Tigard would be able to plan for,and manage,growth on Bull Mountain with an updated comprehensive plan for the entire community. Using existing service agreements among agencies,cost-benefit analyses,and the 2003 Public Faalaiks and SezicEs Assas"ogt Report fw-the Bull MaairainA rax recommendations,the plan addresses all criteria set forth by state law ORS 195: the provision(how and when)of urban services,annexation's impact on existing providers,the timing and sequence of annexation, and the plan's long-term benefits.The plan also addresses Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies,which require a review to determine that services can be provided to the annexed area and their provision will not significantly reduce service levels to the City of Tigard. It must be noted that individual annexations Will occur in the Plan Area with or without an annexation plan.Currently,annexations occur at the owner's request,resulting in a piecemeal approach to incorporation.In contrast,YZeBull Ma -u A wxxaticnplan provides a comprehensive approach for annexation.Long-term planning offers long-term benefits, including certainty of future incorporation,enhanced efficiency,and quantified costs and benefits -which provide certainty toTigard residents that annexation will not impact their service levels_ Financially,it captures more capital improvement dollars for parks and roads,and more funds to enhance capital facilities-such as the libraryand parts-currently used by both Bull Mountain and Tigard residents but paid for byTigard residents. Bull lvtountain residents would receive park services,local representation,and urban services by an urban provider who can meet the needs of a growing community.Lastly,annexation would unify the community,as both the city and Bull Mountain residents can plan together for their future, a future joined together 20 years ago.The BdlMaorramAmrxadm Plan presents a clear and efficient approach to annex unincorporated Bull Mountain and a step toward completing our community. I.INTRODUCTION Twentyyears ago,Washington County and the City of Tigard laid the groundwork for Bull Mountain's annexation to Tigard.Although cattle and fauns shared the mountain at that time, the County and City recognized that the area's inclusion within the Urban Growth Boundary would eventually lead to urban development.State land-use planning goals require the UGB to contain a 20-year supply of Lard,and when conditions warrant,lands within the boundary must be available for urban uses.Washington County and Bull Mountain residents developed the 1983 Bull Mountain CommruutyPlan,which assigned urban densities to the area but not urban services. State planning Goal 14 directs local governments to have a plan in place to allow for an orderly and efficient transition from nual to urban uses.In 1983,the Countyand Citysigned the Urban Planning Area Agreement(UPAA),which established Bull Mountain as part of the CiWs planning area and paved the wayfor the Countyand Gryto jointlyserve the area.At the same tune,the CkYs long-term vision for land-use and development in Tigard(the Comprehensive Plan)encouraged the annexation of all unincorporated areas.'Me City acknowledged that it should provide urban services to its own citizens-once areas require urban services,residents should receive all the benefits of citizenship,including representation Today,Bull Mountain has grown beyond its Waal roots,and become an urbanized area with streets,sidewalks,and urban service needs.Over time and additional agreements,Tigard has absorbed more services toward an eventual annexation,blurring the line between County and City.However,major services remain under the County's purview,as does jurisdiction.Without annexation,the City has limited ability to manage growth outside its city limits to ensure that efficient and effective public facilities and services are provided. Since 2001,when the Tigard City Council established a goal to develop an annexation policy/strategy for unincorporated areas,the City has thoroughlyexamined urban service issues for Bull Mountain,Thr:BdlMaor inrAracrariwSurly(2001),which examined the costs and benefits of annexation;a public opinion surveyof Tigard and Bull Mountain residents on annexation(2002); 71.e PtMcFaa&tuY cod So-cm Assesnm Resortfir dx B dl MavxamAn u(2003),which evaluated the factors affecting long-term service provision to Brill Mountain,including annexation The 2003 Assessment Report demonstrated that annexation would serve citizens the most efficindyand effectively over the long term,providing urban levels of services to an area that has grown from a rural community to an urban neighborhood.In addition,annexation would allow the City and Bull Mountain residents to plan for Bull Mountain's future.The current i operative plan,77z Bull Mavmt do Canrsrzrrv'ty Plan;was adopted by Washington County more than 20 years ago.The County has stated that it does not plan to undertake a comprehensive update of its comprehensive plan,including 71x Bull Matvmain Convnouty Plant The County will continue to make periodic changes.Also,unincorporated areas cannot collect parks system development charges(SDCs)from new developments or plan for parks,and the County has jurisdiction over the area's long-range planning.Annexation would allow the Ciity and residents to plan for growth on Bull Mountain with an updated comprehensive plan for the entire community.As citizens of Tigard,Bull Mountain residents would have a say on local issues that affect their corurnu ayes future. T 7 tm BULL MouNTArNANNEXAmoN PLAN—PAGE 1 7hie Brill MaatainAmrocariar Plan represents a significant step toward the realization of an united Tigard and Bull Mountain community.The plan lays out a blueprint for annexation as required bystate law ORS195.205 and ORS195.220,which established the annexation plan process.It addresses the how,when,where and who of annexation,but in essence,the plan is a proposal for extending urban services and transferring households to Tigard in an organized and efficient manner.It is based upon existing service agreements among agencies and cost-benefit analyses,and addresses the following,per state law ORS 195220: a) Local standards of urban service availability required as a precondition of annexarior4 b) The planned schedule for providing urban services to the annexed territory, c) The timing and sequence of annexation; d) The effects onexisting urban services providers; e) Ile long-term benefns of the annexation plan. The plan examines each criterion separately.Each section offers a brief explanation of the criterion and follows with text based on the City's previous research and recent analysis produced by the Cityand County for this plan.Appendix A contains a glossary of planning terms used in this docuarnt.Technical Document B(available separateW contains copies of previous Bull Mountain reports,including 71ePubhcFaolitia aril Smias Assasno r Repat fardx Brdl MaotairtAma,2003. A)THE ANNEXATION PLAN AREA:BOUNDARIES The Annexation Plan applies to the unincorporated area of Bull Mountain("Plan Area").It is bounded on the north by Barrows Road,on the east byTrgard citylimits,to the south by Beef Bend Road,and on the west bythe new Urban Growth Expansion(UGB)Areas(Roy Rogers Road and 150'Ave.--See Map 1 on page 4).The Plan does not include the new UGB areas because theyare not part of the existing County-City agreements for Bull Mountain,and the Tigard City Council indicated that the Plan Area should be addressed first.However,their adjacency to the Plan Area was factored into the analysis(see page 13). The land in the Plan Area is sloped—steeply in some areas—allowing for views at higher elevations.There is no commercial or industrial zoned land.Most of the property is zoned R-7,as designated in the Washington County Bull Mow rain CwmraontyPlan,a medium-density residential zone with minimum lot sizes of 5,000 square feet.The area consists of a combination of 1) a mix of larger undeveloped lots, • 2)larger lots developed through the County under different standards,and 3)smaller i lots that are built to the minimum density allowed under the current zoning i regulations. j M-w Butt houumw ANNExAmor4 PLAN—PAGE Subareas and Population Estimates The Plan Area comprises 1,376 acres,'with approximately Table 1.Z003 Estimates 7,600 residents living in 2,600 homes.Numbers are 2003 Homes Po ulation estimates based on Census 2000 figures and average growth North 991 2930 rates.Thisisconsistent with 7bePtd&F46UtiearilSalmWest 346 982 Asses»stRepatfa'theB:dlMamr,,inAnn methods,with the exception of deducting four annexations that took place from South 1174 3259 late 2001 to 2003.Z East 167 452 Total 2678 7623 Due to the area's size,it has been divided into four subareas: oQ North,West,South and East.These subareas were developed based on development patterns,topography,and man-made boundaries,such as major roads.The South area has the most homes and population,with North close behind.East has the least number of homes and people(Table 1). Future Projections Future projections were estimated by calculating the maximum number of new homes the area could potentially absorb at current zoning(R-7,or 5,000 sq.ft.lots),and taking half of this projection to allow for moderate development'Based on these estimates,East has the largest share of future growth,due to large,undeveloped lots(Table 2).The remaining subareas have more developed subdivisions and Table 2.Moderate Growth few vacant lots,and have limited growth Estimated ad ) remaining. Additional Total Total Homes Homes PO la'n Po elation 7bepUW Faahtis ani SeruuN Assesnx7l Repa,t North +139 1130 +401 3331 (2003)used these numbers to approximate West +150 496 +457 1439 service needs,costs,and associated revenues. South +143 1317 +465 3724 The condition and number of roads,current East +483 650 +904 1356 condition of facilities,current and future Total +915 3593 +2227 9850 population/homes,and year of developments affected each subarea's needs.The Annexation Plan analysis is based upon the 2003 report conclusions and additional refinements to the report data. i i i ' i i I Differs from the 2001 study due to five annexations:Pacific Crest,Fern Street,Thomwood,Daffodil ffA and Bohan-Cooper. t T1ie"numbers here(7,622 and 2,678)reflect 2003 projected population and deduct for fannexations, d iffering ftom The Silt Ma vm=Str,t,and Pubic Fdaluyatd Se vmc Assessi at Rq"r numbers. rBued on vacant or underdeveloped lots.A moderate scenario was assumed due to the nurcerraintyof the land menu not every owner vA fullydevelop each vacant or underdeveloped parcel marl�c 0d esi ort develop t for a _ e did not nificantl affect this analysis. •11u 2003 Report did not deduct for annexations;the Chang ig Y '11-M BULL fv10UNrALN ANMXAnON PLAN—PAGE 3 AM L 1 Ll �. N ��� I y r - f>t y mine ;ra..�\.. LA MI�� ♦ eve �i\i� �--- � '..111':C`�j-{— t=®vN �•�+� `1�-Haa `IcitL. Il�illl��r°�y may` IRE I ),1�♦ Ta .I , � >. � Tom_�„�♦� yy n1.� • I f aR J II.ANNEXATION PLAN CRITERIA In 1993 the Stare Legislature established the annexation plan method to male annexation an effective growth management tool for jurisdictions.Annexation plans require fiscal and territorial coordination between service providers,encourage the creation of long-term master plans,address the economic viab&yof special districts,and danfYthe costs and benefits of annexation., Specifically,state law ORS 195.220 requires annexation plans to include the following: a) Local standards of urban service availability required as a precondition of annexation; b) The planned schedule for providing urban services to the annexed territory; c) The timing and sequence of annexation; d) The effects on existing urban services providers; e) The long-term benefits of the annexation plan. What is an Urban Service? The plan uses the collective term"urban services"to refer to all services described below and listed in Table 4 on p.9.The scope of analysis includes those urban services defined by state law,local annexation criteria,and city/countyagreements. State Law Definition State law ORS195 defines"urban services"as sartitarysewers,water,fire protection,paths, open space,recreation,streets,roads and mass transit. City of Tigard Anniexation Criteria The City's ComrnvnityDevelopment Code criteria for annexations are consistent with ORS195220.The Code(Title 18)states that the decision to annex propertyto the Ciryshall be based on 1)all services and facilities being available to the area,and with sufficient capacity to provide service;and 2)satisfying all Comprehensive Plan policies. Based on the C4Ys Comprehensive Plan requirements,VeBrdl MaOYlrnxArneratiwPlmrconsiders police,and sandanyand storm sewer services as urban services and addresses their provision. Tigard's Comprehensive Phan Policy 10(Urbanization)requires the following. a) The City shall review each of the following services as to adequate capacity,or such services to be made available,to serve the parcel if developed to the most intense use allowed-�(most intense use allowed by the conditions of approval,the zone or the Comprehensive Plan),and will not significantly reduce the level of i services available to developed and undeveloped land within the City of Tigard. ! The services are:1.Water,2.Sewer,3.Drainage,4.Streets,5.Police,and 6.Fire Protection. b) The Cityshall provide urban services to areas within the Tigard Urban Planning Area or within the Urban Growth Boundary upon annexation. c) Approval of proposed annexations of land by the Oty shall be based on findings with respect to the following: s Frain DePattrKirc of Ind Consecvuion u,d Devebpmenr;h •a a"'� r.r1r�r�/o• / �"Pshtm IMBUtLMfWNPAtNAN EXA'noNPLAN—PAGE L The annexation eliminates an existing`pocket"or"island"of unincorporated territory. ii- The annexation will not create an irregular boundary that makes it difficult for the police in an emergency situation to determine whether the parcel is within or outside the City iii. The Police Department has commented upon the annexation. iv. The land is located within the Tigard Urban Planning Area and is contiguous to the cityboundary v. The annexation can be accommodated by the services listed above. Additional Urban Services(City/County Agreements) The Plan also addresses building and development services,long-range planning,and street light maintenance,which are addressed in existing City/CountyAgreements(II SA,USIGA,UPAA). See Appendix A for agreement definitions. 1 i i i 11-m BULL MOUNTAIN ANNEXAMON PrAN-PAGE 6 A.LOCAL.STANDARDS OF URBAN SERVICE AVAILABILITY An annexation plan adopted under ORS 195.205 shall include Local standards of urban services required prior to annexation and the availability of each service. Level of Urban Services The annexation plan process emphasizes coordination between service agencies to identify and address any service deficiencies early in the process,assuring that services can be provided to local standards after annexation.Prior to the plan,state law requires urban service agreements between all service providers in the affected territory.By taking this step first,agencies resolve future service provision issues and lay groundwork for the plan. In February2003,Washington County,the City of Tigard,other agencies and service districts finalized the Tigard Urban Service Agreement(1C1SA)for the Brill Mountain area(Appendix D). In stun,all urban services are available for the Plan Area except recreation.' The agreement determines;long-term service providers and assigns Tigard as the ultimate service provider for the Plan Area,except for services provided by special districts and agencies.Table 3 summarizes changes in local service standards between current and future providers. Urban Service Requirements Prior to Annexation Table 4 on p.8 provides an overview of how annexation affects services.It lists current services,providers before and after annexation,and identifies local service standards.Table 4 demonstrates that atyof Tigard standards are higher for parks and open space,street maintenance,police,and long-range planning- UW 3-Summa 0Anneeation I.Pad an Service " Service Change Lang range Planning • Of those services,parks will require action by the r.k. • County prior to annexation(see below).Road Street Maintenance • Pates and OPea SPace • quality maintenance also will require action per the road Ouahly Maintenance o Tigard Urban Service Agreement(IDSA). County Storm Serer e action will allow the City to provide its standard of Street tight Maintenance .a service following annexation.All other services will SanuarySewer sv require only staffing and equipment to meet local water o service standards as summarized in Table 4 on page 9. R h��;ran o The specifics are addressed in section FIB beginning i uddmg d Oeeelopmeal$ervias o on page 10. MasS transit o Elle Prote[tiaa S rmergenry Semites O Road QuaFuy Maintenance o_M. • G)u,vy-inTroves roads so that all individual roads nave a pavement condition index(PCZ)of 40 or greater and the average PCZ of streets and roads in the area is 75 or higher. 'Neither Washington County nor Tigard provide this service at thish s.However,Tigard has a Paris and Recreation AdvisoryBoard that can esamure the issue in the future. T MBULL Motii�rre¢.tArmMXAnortPtArt—PAGE Parks and Open Space Countycollects parks system development charges(SDCs)for new development prior to annexation.Upon annexation,those funds wilt transfer to Tigard and be used towrard new fact1ities. Summary.Criteria f(Local Standards of Urban Service Availability) 0 All services except recreation are available to the Plan Area 0 Providers for each urban smite are established,per urban service agreements. 0 Local standards of urban smite are identified 0 Where applicable identifies steps needed by the County to meet local standards prior to annexation. C D 3 0 u I*FMBE)UMOUNrMNANNEXA joNPLAN— PAGE 8 Table 4.BuU Mountain:Service Standard(Ylanges Following Annexation Setv'rce/Uirtegc�'mvtder. I'fovlfi n,� - � r art:-.4rJ,,1,iMk:Ti> - Fire Protection Sc Emergency Tualatin Valley Fite&Rescue No. Services(Tualatin Valley Fire Sc Rescue Mus Transitriblet TdMet No. Building and Development Cityof Tigard No. Tigard now provides these services Services(Cityof Tigard) for Plan Area through an agreement with Washington County_The agreement will cease but Tigard continues same services. Recreation(No provider) No provider.Tigard does not provide No.Not currently provided_However, recreation services, Tigard has a Park and Recreation Advisory Board that can examine the issue in the future. Schools Annexation does not chaLige school district boundaries. Water (City of Tigard through a City of Tigard. No. contract with T and WaterDisi[j Scr%icc Remains the Same, ges Sanitary Sewer(Clean Water ity of Tigard.11re Gtywill provide No. Services;Gtyof Tigard Jan 1,2005) maintenance as of Jan.1,2005,per an agreement with Clean Water Services. It is not affected bV annexation. Sheet Light Maintenance Cityof Tigard No. as n County) Storm Sewer(Clean Water City of Tigard.The City will provide No. Services;Crtyof Tigard Jan.1,2005) mainrenance as of Jan.1,2005,per an agreement with Clean Water Services_ It is not affected by annexation- Road Quality Maintenance, Cityof Tigard_ No.However,the Tigard Urban Service (Washington Count)) Agreement('1'USA)requires the Countyto (*Actions to nuintam pavement improve individual roads to pavement qualit)) condition index (PCZ)of at least 40,with all roads averaging at least 75,prior to transfe roads and service. Service Changes, ProNide Chang s Packs and Open Space(No Cityof Tigard. yes;ilacres/1,000 people. provider) Washington County does not provide these services to unincorporated areas. Sheet Maintenance- City of Tigard. Yes.Mowing roadside grass and bitch l (Washington Countydirough the (strip and ditch line)_Dust abatement on Urban Road Maintenance District) graveled roads.Vegetation removal for vision clearance_Crack sealing and road shoulders on 4-year le. Police(Washington County City of Tigard Yes.Additional_5officers/1000 people Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District) (citystandard is 1.5 officers11000). Response times for Priority 1 and 2 calls under four minutes. Community Development- City of Tigard.This includes Yes.Staff serves smaller area than County; Long Range Planning comprehensive planning,such as focuses on local projects. Annexation will (Washington Coung). master plans_The 1983 Bull Mountain allow the City to plan for growth on Bull Community Plan is the operative plan Mountain with an updated comprehensive Washington County has in place for plan for the entire community. the Plan Area. IYIE BULL MOUNTAIN ANNEXAMoN PLAN—PAGE 9 B.SCHEDULE FOR PROVIDING URBAN SERVICES An annexation plan adopted under ORS 195.2015 shall include The planned schedule for providing urban services to the annexed territory. As shown in section IIA,the Plan Area receives most urban services today,four of which will be provided at higher standards after annexation.All services would be available upon annexation,due to the continuation of existing services per the Tigard Urban Service Agreement(TL)SA)- To ensure smooth transitions,this section identifies when providers would transfer services. The following analysis reviews staff and equipment needs and evaluates where gradual provider transitions will best serve the Plan Area,are dictated by the TUSA,or are required to maintain existing service levels to current CAtyof Tigard residents.7heBO Maorain AnnrxatibnPlan defines the annexation effective date("upon annexation")as the day properties become part of Trgarl's tax rolls.For analysis purposes,this section assumes a date of July 1,the fust day of the new fiscal year following an approval by voters. Equipment and Staff Needs For WeAd&Faaltaey and SovLff Assasnz),r Reim;Cityof Tigard staff from all affected -departments projected start-up costs,needs,and ability to serve the entire Bull Mountain area or individual areas upon annexation.Each department based its analysis on current population and housing unit estimates,future service needs at build-out,and service standards. All departments-except for Public Works(Streets Division)-concluded that theycould absorb anyor all subareas using current resources,and without significantly reducing services to existing residents. The Public Works and Police departments concluded the following: • Public Worsts.Annexation of the Plan Area would increase the road mile inventoryby 23%.The Streets Division could not absorb the entire Plan Area's roads and streets upon annexation without hiring two employees and purchasing duee trucks immediately. • Police. o Response Times.Police could absorb all or any subareas with existing resources and maintain its standard of responding to Priority 1 and 2 calls r (crimes in progress)in under four minutes.There would be a temporary reduction in response time to PriorityThree calls(lowest priority,no one in i danger,ie.,car prowl)within a few minutes.Internal adjustments would ! occur to fu!l;rstaff patrols until additional officers could be hired and fully trained. o Staff.The entire Plan Area requires 11 police officers,1 supervisor,and 1 support staff.New officer hiring procedures established in 2003 now reduce the training time needed to six months,as recruiting time has been significandyshortened by maintaining an applicant pool. MiEBUILMOUNTmNANmxAmoNPLAN—PAGE 10 A detailed plan and schedule for hiring staff and purchasing or transferring equipment from Washington Countywill be developed,as required by the TUSA. Agreement Provisions The T'USA includes separate agreements for each service.For those services transferring to Tigard,the agreements state"upon annexation."There are two exceptions:roads and sanitary/storm sewer. The TUBA states that within 30 days of annexation,the City initiate jurisdiction transfer of roads,completing the transfer within one year from the annexation effective date.This applies to all roads and streets with a county road number(Appendix F).Those roads and streets without a county road number automatically transfer upon annexation.'Me sewer agreement defers to a separate operating agreement between the City and Clean Water Services.The operating agreement transfers sanitary and storm sewer maintenance to the Guyon Jan.1,2005.The agreement covers an area including Tigard,Bull Mountain,King City,Durham,and Metzger,and includes provisions for equipment and funding.Annexation does not affect the transfer or provision of sanitary and storm sewer services. Proposed Schedule for Tigard Assuming Urban Services A thorough consideration of MA requirements,Bull Mountain's service needs,and the effects on existing services to Tigan)residents suggests the following schedule: Table 4.Proposed Schedule for Tigard to Provide Urban Services Building and Development Services(already provided) Parks and Open Space—Bull Mountain receives resident privileges for City parks Police Sanitary and Storm Sewer(provided by Tigard effective January 1,2005) Street Light Maintenance Streets and Roads(without a County Road Number)(see Appendix Fl Water 'Within V'year • Parks and Open Space—Initiate Capital Project planning for Cache Creek Nature Park.Explore additional park opportunities adjacent to Cache,including Tigard Water District reservoir property and(lute property.Develop playground either an Cache Creek or adjacent property.Maintenance begins once lands are bought and developed. • Road Quality Maintenance and Street Maintenance:Roads without county numbers automatically transfer with annexation. 1 Within 30 days of annexation,the City will initiate the process to e ! transfer jurisdiction of roads with county numbers.This transfer should take no more than one year from annexation effective date. • Long-Range Planning—Annexation will aW.-th.City to plan for growth on Bull Mountain with an updated comprehensive plan for the entire community. IVIS BULL MOUNCAINANmXAX[0N PLAN—PAGE 11 Summary:Criteria 2(Schedule for Providing Urban Services) H City of Tigard can serve the Bull Mountain arca without a significant reduction in service to Tigard residents. H City ofTigard will assume all services upon annexation,mcpt Road Quality and Street Maintenance forcounty number roads. H CityofTigard will initiate transferof county-number roads and streets within 30days ofannccation,savingwithin l year. H Followingannezation and within the first year,Tigard will initiate capital project planning for Parks and Open Space and long- rangepk—ing. H Police can serve the entire arca without significantly reducing response times.Priority 1 and 2 calls would be maintained at under 4 minutes;only a reduction in Priority 3 calls(lowest priority;no one in danger)will occur until additional staff is hired and trained 11-iE BML hfot mmwAMqEXAnoNPLAN PAGE 12 C.TIMING AND SEQUENCE OF ANNEXATION An annexation plan adopted under ORS 195.205 shall include Timing and Sequence of Annexation_ Annexation plans offer the option of phased,or incremental,annexations.In some instances,it may be more efficient to annex an entire area at one time.In other cases,a phased annexation allows the necessary time for service providers to hire enough staff and buyequipment. The PubhcFaolities and Semis Assessmnt Reprnt examined nine sequencing options to identify the combinations which allowed the City to annex and efficiently serve the unincorporated Bull Mountain area:subareas alone,in contiguous pairs(i.e.,West and Noith);and All Areas at once.It also studied how timing(ie.,the year of annexation)affected service costs and the availability of capital improvement funds in the Plan Area. Sequencing Faaas Four evaluation factors were chosen based on Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies,which require annexations 1)to not significantly reduce service levels to the City of Tigard and 2) the affected property to receive efficient service provision at capacity(no service islands or irregular boundaries).Each factor was weighted,based on the extent to which it implements those policies: 1)Fivr�Inpam Will this area be a financial drain on the city?Do service needs outpace tax dollars,and are there large capital improvements needed in the short term?(45 points) 2)EJfdaxy efsera(e pmrisim Is it easy to access this area,or will staff have to cross unincorporated areas to do so?Does it create islands of unincorporated areas?Is there an economy of scale?(30 points) 3)Adjacency to the new Urh=C»auth Bowz[ary prapertis,located to the south and west of the Plan A. Metro approved these areas in December 2002.A future city link to these areas would enable long-term planning.(20 points) 4)Addz cnd(,onsidemekm.An additional category was also included to capture additional considerations,such as publicly owned land with park potential,that didn't fit into the three main categories(5 points). Ranking The evaluation matrix ranked the nine options (tbe full evaluation matrix is located in Appendix E),concluding the following.- 'Me ollowing:The more areas annexed,the higher the raAdng due to an increase in efficiency. Annexing All Areas at once ranked must highly,due to economyof scale and its ability to support areas that ranked less iS Ca`uv. • The contiguous pairs were ranked the next highest,followed by all individual subareas,with the exception of West.In every combination except Ail Areas,West ranked lowsince it does not connect to Cityboundaries. 1YiEBuLLAlbuLgrmNA INEXAMONPrAN—PAGE 13 CcrsiderAvaLhk Raanus; The plan must also consider comments by individual service providers regarding their ability to serve the area upon annexation,per the Comprehensive Plan.As detailed in section IIB, all service providers except for Public Works(Streets Division)and Police could absorb any or all subareas with current resources. • Public Works(Streets Division)requires additional resources to serve the entire area upon annexation.Six months prior to assuming services,the department would require two additional staff and three trucks.Annexing without these resources would reduce services,including street light clearance pruning,crack sealing,and Postponement of speed humps,unless the county-number roads transfer was delayed,as the 71JSA allows. • Police can serve Bull Mountain and the City of Tigard with current staff, resulting only in a temporary reduction in Priority Three(lowest priority)call response times. The Priority 1 and 2 response time would be maintained at under 4 minutes.The response time to Priority Three calls would vary within minutes,and citizens would not see a difference.Internal adjustments would occur to fullystaff patrols until additional officers could be hired and fullyttained.The department will need to hire 11 additional officers,1 supervisor,and 1 support staff. The PuElicFadlaus aril SovwAssessmem Report concluded that delaying the effective date of annexation by up to a year would allow hiring and training of police staff and purchase of new equipment.However,since the report was completed,Police stated that an All Areas annexation would provide an advantageous economy of scale,as a larger department can provide more services and reduced response times.In addition,the recruiting and training process has been reduced to six months. Caw�xvrTomw,&undyw&Icrar9rsavo,dtleragwrestaffmzlaFapn priorroavexaumor forstrtrts,da'ayrrarafercfaxeuJ,rnmfxr_,&s. Tinning The assessment report examined how timing(Le.,the year of annexation)affects the availability of capital improvement funds and general revenues in the Plan Area. Capital Irribro—vrd Ptosis Funding for capital improvements,such as major road improvements,parks,and sanitary and storm sewer,are partially funded bysystem development charges(SDCs)paid by new development_SDCs act as growth management tools by helping pay for system improvements,such as roads and parks,needed as population and households increase. j In the Plan Area,SDCs are collected for storm and sanitarysewer,roads(the traffic impact fee or TIFF'),and water.However,Washington County does not collect parks SDCs in the Plan Area or provide parks services.Because SDCs are one-time charges applied to new developments,each new home built.without SDCs represents lost revenue. The City of Tigard collects parks SDCs within its city limits,which are used for developing new parks.Once the County adopts a parts SDC for the Plan Area,and following annexation,SDCs would be collected and directed into City projects.The County will adopt TEM$tar MOUNtAM ANMXA'noN PLAN—PAGE 14 a parks SDCafter the Tigard City Council adopts the annexation plan and acts to place it on the Noveinber 2004 ballot.Without a parks SDC,delaying annexation impacts the City's ability to address Bull Mountain's parks capital needs.Each incremental delay lessens contributions—or elirninates them entirely in some subareas(new developments have been built).Based on recent development trends,the assessment report recommended that annexation of All Areas should occur by 2005 to maximize potential financial contributions. Qvidusicrr Aronc AU A rats by 2005 or haze Wasbirtgmn Gxaay itviaae Parks SDCs in the rrtaerim miaflatonmwwfi anxxatim Timittg_and Sequencing With voter approval,the entire Plan Area will be annexed effective July 1,2005.In the assessment report,this option ranked the most highlydue to economies of scale.Except for maintenance of County-numbered roads,Tigard will assume responsibility for urban services other than fire protection and mass transit.If voters approve the plan,the City will hire additional personnel and obtain additional equipment needed to maintain service standards for Public Works(Streets).Tigard will assurne responsibility for County numbered roads by agreement with the County,with the transfer of jurisdiction over those roads to occur within one year of annexation.Police can serve the area without a significant reduction in service, due to internal adjustments until additional police officers can be hired.The City will initiate the 6-month hiring/training process prior to annexation.The City will maintain existing levels of service within the City and will maintain or improve levels of service within the area to be annexed. i Summary-Criteria 3(Timing and Sequence) El The more areas annexed,the higher the ranking due to an increase in efficiency. E1 To maintain citywide service levels rrquires acquisition of staff and equipment prior to annexation for Public Mirhs—Streets. jPolice can serve the area without asignificant cdmzioninservice,due tointernal adjustments until additional polir;officers can be r hired The City will initiate the 6-month hiring/trainingproeess prior to annexation H TheTUSA requires the City to initiate the transfer-ofcounty numbered roads within 30 days of annexation,with full transfer withinoncyear. El To fund future capital improvements,annexation should occur by 2005 or have Washington County institute a parks SDC in the interim and allow more time forannexation. H Therefore,annex all areas of Bull Mountain in July 2005,but ramp up staffing prior to annexation based on service needs 'ftm But.MouNTAtN ANNExATnoN PLAN—PAGE 15 D.EFFECTS ON EXISTING URBAN SERVICES PROVIDERS An annexation plan adopted under ORS 195.205 shall include The effects on current urban services providers. Previous sections evaluated the City of Tigard's ability to provide urban services to the Bull Mountain area.However,the service providers that cease serving the area would also be affected.This section examines the impact of withdrawing the Plan Area from current service districts,both on service quality and finances.Table 3 on page 7 provides a summary of service provider changes.'Ihe following information was developed in coordination with Washington County and the Tigard Water District,and is based upon estimated 2003 population and housing units(Table 1 on p.2). Washington County_ Service Districts Washington County reviewed how annexing the Plan Area would impact County services and the services of its special districts based on 2003 data.It determined that there will be no significant impact on these services. Er Awm d Slxryiff's Patrd Disma.(ESPD) The ESPD is funded with a two-tiered financing plan that includes a permanent rate of $0.6365 per$1,000 and a local option dollar levy of$6,150,000 per year for five years. The local option levy is authorized through 2008. Asa result of this financial structure,only property tax revenue derived from the permanent rate will be affected by the proposed annexation. Annexation of the Plan Area would remove an estimated 3,192 properties from the ESPD area,or 5.3%of the ESPD assessed value.As a result,the district would lose an estimated $397,000 from the permanent rate if the entire Plan Area were to annex in one piece. The ESPD supports a total of 94 certified officers. At the ESPD average service level of.51 officers per 1,000 population,the theoretical reduction in staff due to the annexation would be an estimated 3.9 FTE,or 4.1%of ESPD certified officers. However,it is anticipated that growth elsewhere in the district will mitigate the need for actual staff redactions. Therefore the impact on the ESPD from the annexation is considered minimal,due to the expected future growth in the remaining district over the next five years. j U,&=RcadMainte wix Distria(URMD) 1 The property tax revenue loss to the URMD is estimated to be$153,000. This represents i 5.5%of revenue of the URNU). The district provides the majority of its services through contracts rather than with paid staff. Due to the relativelysmall proportion of the URMD service area impacted by the proposed annexation and its reliance on contract-based work, the impact on the URMD is considered rninknal. TI-mBU LMOut-TCAIN ANNEXAMON PIAN—PAGE 16 Stmt DistrictforLigJ6dig(SDL) Washington County operates a street lighting district throughout the County. As areas develop,special assessment areas are established to collect and pay for street light installation,maintenance,and power. The assessments are determined specificallyfor each area based on actual costs and assessed annually on property tax bills. The proposed annexation area includes 49 street lighting district assessment areas encompassing 2,430 tax lots. The total assessment to be levied in these areas for FY 2003- 04 is$83,530. Upon annexation,the street lighting assessments will no longer be levied. The impact of this lost revenue on the SDL is considered insignificant:the costs to provide maintenance and operation in the Plan Area will be absorbed by Tigard and no longer paid by the district. Because the street lighting assessments are included on property tax bills,coordination of the transition from the County Street District for Lighting to the City of Tigard will be important. Wasbingm Caany Washington County would lose its Bull Mountain share of County gas tax at an estimated $3.71 per capita or $27,179 due to the proposed annexation.The County would also lose an estimated$43,475 per year in cable television franchise fees. Total Countyoperating revenues from all sources for FY 2003-04 are$297,000,000. The loss of the County gas tax share and cable franchise fee share will not have a significant impact on Washington County. The County also has established a number of Road Maintenance Local Improvement Districts.(1,113s)throughout the County. The County establishes these LIDS and determines the assessments,but it has not imposed the assessments. The purpose of each district is to ensure that road maintenance activities will be adequately funded as new development occurs. They are a backup funding mechanism to the Urban Road Maintenance District.No assessments have been levied,therefore,the districts have no fiscal impact. Tigard Water District 'Ihe Tigard Water District(IWD)consists of approximately 3,500 accounts within the Urban Growth Boundary(UGB).It is generally bounded byBarrows Road on the north, Tigard citylimits on the east,Beef Bend Road on the west and King Cityon the south. TWD,the Gryof Tigard,King City,and Durham compose the Intergovernmental Water Board.TWD serves properties that are inside the Urban*Growth Boundary but unincorporated. i FimrrialInpz= J The district collects its only revenues from 1%of total water sales within its boundaries. All water sales are billed and managed by the City of Tigard,and the 1%is remitted on an annual basis. Current accounts generate approximately$18,000 in revenue for TWD.Annexing the Plan Area would withdraw 83%of current accounts and just less than half(48.6°/x)of the current M-1E BUTS.MOUNTAIN ANNEXA-11ON PIAN-PAGE 17 annual revenue.A.pproxinnuely524 accounts would remain in the district,producing approximately$9,450 in revenue(Appendix B contains all figures). Iratitraia rrl Ingo is As Tigard and King Cityannex land,theywithdraw those lands from TWD.If the Plan Area is annexed,approxitnately 83%of the current accounts would be withdrawn-'Me remaining district territory is within the UGB and would be annexed in the future.At that time,the district will cease to exist. The TWD Board has discussed this scenario and has been briefed by the Tigard City Attorney on the process of dissolving the district,should the need develop.However, annexing the Plan Area would not necessarilycause the district to dissolve since approximately524 accounts would remain. Those accounts could be annexed into either King Qtyor Tigard in the future.The Tigard Water District Board may choose to dissolve the district following procedures clearly laid out in state law,that decision rests with the TWD Board. Other Districts The Plan Area currently is served byTualatin Valley Fire and Rescue(TVF&R),Trildet,and Clean Water Services. The proposed annexation will have no impacts on TVF&P,or Trtil let, which also provide service to the Gty of Tigard. The City of Tigard and Clean Water Services have entered into an agreement to transfer operation and maintenance of a portion of the Clean Water Services territory,including the Plan Area,to the City of Tigard effective January 1,2005. The City is already scheduled to provide these services regardless of annexation.Therefore,the annexation of this territory to the Gtyof Tigard is anticipated to have no impact on Clean Water Services. Summary:Criteria 4(Effects on Existing Service Providers) 0 Washington County's services orthe services of its special districts would not be significantly impacted by thcannexatiort. H The Tigard Water District would lose 83%of currenr accounts and 48.6%of current annual revenue. However,this does not cause the district to dissolve,as it can continue to serve its remaining customers. r 0 Other service providers would not be significantly impacted i L i i 'ME Bur.Mout-rm N At R mxKnoN PLAN—PAGE 18 E.LONGTERM BENEFITS OF THE PLAN An annexation plan adopted under ORS 195.205 shall include The long-term benefits of the annexation plan. Individual annexations will occur in the Plazt Area with or without an annexation plan. Currently,annexations occur at the owner's request,resulting in a piecemeal approach to incorporation.In contrast,7heBud MaartainAnrrxntianPlmz provides a comprehensive strategy for annexation,and long-term planning offers long-term benefits: • Completing the community.'Annexation would allow the City to plan for growth on Bull Mountain with an updated comprehensive plan for the entire community. The plan presents a significant step toward completing our community as it was envisioned 20 years ago. • Smooth transition.All needed services have been identified,along with interim measures to get these services on-line prior to annexation.Citizens can depend on a smooth transition. • Efficiency.Ensures that annexations occur in an orderly mariner.It eliminates piecemeal annexations,which can create inefficiencies for service providers due to irregular boundaries.By coordinating services,agencies assure that services are not duplicated and are provided by the most appropriate provider,leading to cost- savings and more efficient services. • Certaintyin Service Provision.The planestablishes a date for annexation and service area adjustments,which allows the City,County and affected special districts to plan for changes and capital improvements.The plan provides certainty for homeowners and developments on annexation's timeline,which can be factored into future decisions in the Plan Area. Urban services by an urban provider.Bull Mountain has grown beyond its neral roots,and become an urbanized area with streets,sidewalls,and services that require city-level maintenance.Urban areas need urban service providers,as envisioned in the Tigard and Washington Cour co tg hingt ty mprehensive pL-tr,s. Cities,not counties,are i best equipped to provide urban services,and past agreements have assigned this role j to Tigard in Bull Mountain.Bull Mountain would receive its services from a provider i just down the street who can respond quickly to service needs.Maintaining facilities at higher levels protects the original investment and prevents more costly improvements in the long nut,rnaximizi a available funds. • Known costs and benefits.The plan clarified the costs and benefits of annexation to Bull Mountain residents,citizens of Tigard,the City and the County,and to all related agencies.By anticipating future needs,the analysis concluded that services can be provided to both Bull Mountain and current residents without a significant THE BVLLMOUNCAINArmXAIIONPLAN—PAGE 19 reduction in services.It assures current Tigard residents theycan continue to relyon the same standard of service they receive today. Annexation will not raise taxes for current Tigard residents. • Equity.Annexation wou d allow all users to equitably share service costs.Bull Mountain residents enjoy Tigard paras and its library,but Tigard resident taxies pay for parks maintenance and almost half of the library capital costs(the other half comes from the County librarysystem,for which all County residents pay).With annexation,everyone would pay for the same service,and facilities will benefit from increased maintenance dollars. • Parks services.Tigard provides parls services onlyto the incorporated area.Upon annexation,Bull Mountain will receive resident privileges.Once the area is annexed, Tigard can collect funds for acquisition,planning and development of parks, including Cache Creek in the North subarea. • Unify the cornrriunity.As citizens of Tigard,Bull Mountain residents would have a say on local issues that affect their community's future.Although Tigard has included Bull Mountain residents in its planning efforts(Me Parks Master Plan, Tigard Beyond Tomorrow),Bull Mountain residents cannot vote on Tigard issues or its leaders,or run for City Council.Considering this plan together would help both parties work together for their future. Most of all,an annexation plan takes the guesswork out of future annexations.It is a blueprint for the Plan Area that clearly quantifies the future:vbm will annexation happen, la mwill it occur,vlat services can residents expect,and bommuch will it cost,and vbyit's going to happen.Both the Plan Area and the Citycan plan for the future,as they move closer to completing their community. Summary.Criteria 5 (Long-Term Benefits) EI Theplan provides a mmprehensiveapproach to annexation.The plan'sbenefits include certainty,efficiency, smooth transition,more capital improvement dollars,urban services by an urban provider,quantifying the costs and benefits,cquity,parks,and unifyingthe community. EI It allows the city and residents to plan for Bull Mountain's future. TY-m Buu,MOUNCAiNANmxA'nON PLAN—PAGE 20 III.ADDITIONAL ANNEXATION PLAN REQUIREMENTS 7be Bull NaauainArvrradm Plan proposes an orderly transition of services.It addresses the criteria contained in ORS 195.220- 1. Local standards of urban service availability requited as a precondition of annexation; 2. The planned schedule for providing urban services to the annexed territory, 3. The timing and sequence of annexation; 4. The effects on existing urban services providers; 5. The long-term benefits of the annexation plan The plan process includes two other considerations: L Urban Services Agreement with all urban services providers in the Plan Area.All providers in the Plan Area signed the Tigard Urban Service Agreement,and it took effect in February 2003.A copy is included as Appendix D_ 2.Fiscal impact agreement between the county and annexing city if the annexation causes reductions in the county property tax revenues(compression).The Washington County Finance Department conducted the following analysis: ORS 195.205(2)(b)states that`The territory contained in the annexation plan is subject to an agreement between the city and county addressing fiscal impacts,if the annexation is by city and will cause reductions in the countypropertytax revenues by operation of section I1b,Article XI of the Oregon Constitution." Section 11b,Article XI of the Oregon Constitution(commonly known as Measure 5)limits total non-school property tax rates to no more than$10 per$1,000 of assessed valuation. If the tax rates of all non-school taxing jurisdictions exceed$10 per$1,000,the rates of each district are proportionately reduced to bring the total under the$10 limit. This process is called compression. The proposed Bull Mountain annexation area 4309 makes up the majority of tax code area 23.78 and 51.78. The government tax rate in both code areas for FY 2003-04 was$6.0101 per $1,000. With tax rate adjustments in both i codes due to the proposed annexation,the estimated resulting rate will be$7.1126 per' i ! $1,000. This rate is well below the$10 Measure 5 cap and therefore compression is not hlrelyto occur in the near future.The Plan Area will continue to pay County taxes after annexation,as all Tigard areas do. As a result,no agreement between the City and the County is required under this section because annexation of the Plan Area is not expected to cause reductions in County property tax revenues due to compression. M-IF Burs.M0UWAW ANMXA'ItoN PLAN—PAGE 21 Summary.All Requirements for Annexation Plans 1.Plan Criteria 0 Local standards of urban service availability required as a precondition of annexation; H The planned sc(vedule for providing urban services to the annexed territory, H The tinning and sequence of annexation; H The effects on existing urban services providers; H The long-term benefits of the annexation plan. 2.Pte-Requisite Q Urban Service Agreements in place.(11BA;effective February 2003) 3.Fiscal Impact Agreement Between City and County if Compression Occurs ® Countyproperty taxes will not be reduced due to compression.No fiscal agreement is required. ®.All requirements have been addressed. a i TALE EVU MOUNTAIN ANMXAT[ON PLAN-PAGE 22 IV.CoNCLIBION 7heBrd1MoraxainArm=a&nPlan presents a systematic and efficient approach to annex unincorporated Bull Mountain and a trove toward completing the Tigard community.The plan provides a proposal for Tigard to annex all areas of Bull Mountain in 2005. Using existing service agreements among agencies and cost-benefit analyses,the plan is grounded solidlyon state lawORS195220 and addrsses all the ORS195.220 criteria:the provision(how and when)of urban services,annexation's impact on existing providers,the timing and sequence of annexation,and the plan's long-term benefits. The plan complies with state and Metro criteria.It also complies with the applicable City of Tigard CommunityDevelopment Code and Comprehensive Plan policies.The annexation plan provides a blueprint for annexation,and for constructing an united Tigard and Bull Mountain community. i i i i r r M-E Bul.h4ouLrmmAmgExAmom PLAN—PAGE 23 APPENDIX A G!_.OS.SARY Annexation:The act of permanently bringing unincorporated land areas into a Gcy by transferring properties from the County tax roll to the City tax roll.Householders become residents of the annexing city,and receive City resident services. Annexation Effective Date:Following a yes vote and verification of results,annexation would become effective day one of the following fiscal year((uly 1,2005). Availability:The Service is provided to the area and the infrastructure is present.It does not mean that each ha%s4hold receives the actual service;for example,in the case of sewer, hook-ups are available in the area,but some households maintain septic tanks until they decide to connect Comprehensive Plan:The document that envisions how lands will be used and developed in a communityand sets policy accordingly.It coordinates all functional and natural systems (ie.,facilities and natural resources).Each Oregon jurisdiction is required bystate land-use planning laws to have an adopted comprehensive plan_The plan includes a generalized land use map.The land-use zoning code implements the comprehensive plan_Tigard's is available on its website,www.ci.tigard.orus Long-Range Planning:Arm of CommunityDevelopment that is tasked with meeting State Plannin&.Goals_Staff develops long-term land use and transportation strategies,and plans for future growth Plan Area:The area proposed to be annexed,as shown on Map 1,page 4. Unincorporated:Lands that are not located inside any city limits.These areas are governed by Washington County. Urban Growth Boundary(UGB):Boundary that divides metropolitan areas from the surrounding nasal areas.Areas within the UGB can be developed at urban standards;areas C outside the UGB cannot. 0 j Urban Planning Area:The Catyof'I'ngard's ultimate boundary,determined through the v Urbain Planning Area Agreement with Washington County_ i Urban Service:Services that typicallyare provided to incorporated areas_ORS195 defines urban services as sanutarysewers,water,fire protectiort,parks,open space,recreation, streets,roads and mass transit.71jeBull MaarainAnmcaLibrzMan also considers the following services as urban:police,storm sewer,building and development seivices,and street light maintenance. TY M BULL MOLMAIN ANNEX&MON PIAN—PAGE 24 Urbanization:To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use,consistent with State Planning Goal 14(Urbanisation).Land within the boundaries separating urbanizable land from rural land(UGB)is considered available over time for urban uses. A.CRON�CMS: ORS:Oregon Revised Statutes;state law_ SDC-s:System Development Charges.Fees paid by new development to fund future capital improvements.SDCs act as growth management tools by helping pay for system improvements needed as population and households increase. 1 -M-SUL Tigard U"Services Agreement Signed by the City,Washington County,and all cu rcnt and future service providers for the unincorporated areas within Tigard's planning area.Determines future service providers and process for transferring services between providers upon annexation.The'MSA took effect in February 2003,and is a.pre-requisite for an annexation plan. UGB:Urban Growth Boundary.Divides'metropolitan areas from the surrounding rural areas.Areas within the'UGB can be developed at urban standards;areas outside the UGB canner UPAA Urban Planning Area Agreement An agreement between Washington County and City,of Tigard which established Bull Mountain as part of the City's Urban Planning Area.It-was onginally.signed in 1983 and updated most recently in fall 2003. USIGA:Urban Services Intergovernmental Agreement An agreement between Washington County and the City of Tigard in which the City of Tigard agreed to provide certain urban services to unincorporated areas(including Bull Mountain)_It was signed in 2002- THE 002THE BUMMOUMMAIN ANNEXATION PLAN—PAGE 25 Appendix B Bull Mountain Annexation Plan Fiscal Analysis update November 2003 The City of Tigard has conducted two previous studies of the impacts of annexing the Bull Mountain area. The Bull Mountain Annexation Study was completed in November 2001. The Public Facilities and Services Assessment Report for the Bull Mountain Area(draft)was completed in July 2003_ Both studies looked at a variety of factors,including the costs of direct service to the Bull Mountain area and revenues that would be generated to pay for those services. These analyses did not attempt to calculate central administrative costs on the asggFnption that the existing central administrative support structure could absorb the additional workload that would come with annexation of additional territory_ The earlier studies.looked at the costs and revenues associated with annexation at points in time(current,maximum build-out,and medium build-out in the Annexation Study;and 2005,2010,and 2015 in Draft Public Facilities and Services Assessment Report.) For the purposes of this Annexation Plan,it is necessary to took at the total cost of service at the point of full development (which may not be the same as developing to the maximum capacity_) For the purposes of this analysis,we have assumed that the area will reacts maximum development by 2015..Accordingly,this Plan looks at the cost of providing the ` level of services needed in.2015 and the operating revenues generated at that level of'development_ In addition to operating costs and revenues,it is also necessary to analyze one- time capital needs and revenues. The analysis in this Plan looked at the level of one-time capital revenues generated from the point of annexation(assumed to be 2004)to the level of development anticipated in 2015. The fiscal impacts of the earlier studies were calculated in 2001 and 2002 dollars. For purposes of this Annexation Plan,those fiscal analyses were updated to reflect 2003 dollars. No assumptions for future inflation were built into either the revenue or cost estimates. Cost and revenue projections for the study area rest on three primary footings: population,number of housing units,and current assessed values_ First,staff reviewed and updated housing unit and population figures for all four sub areas. There have been a number of annexations to the City of Tigard within the study areas since 2002. Each annexation changed the boundaries of the study area and reduced the number of housing units and population remaining to be annexed. In addition,staff reviewed boundaries between sub areas to make sure that they followed subdivision and tax lot lines. Based on this review,staff Appendix B changed the boundary between the North and West sub areas_ Finally,staff updated housing unit and population figures to reflect recent development. Washington County staff used the updated maps of the Bull Mountain study area and sub areas to determine current assessed values. The net effect of the changes discussed above were minor adjustments to the number of housing units and population. Given the small size of these adjustments,staff determined that earlier work to determine the basic costs of ongoing services to,and one-time capital needs of the study areas were still valid. Two corrections were identified,however. The November 2001 study identified two costs which were inadvertently omitted for the July 2003 study: the costs of rec pq,13 new police officers required to serve the Bull Mountain area and the cost of expanding the Police Department building to house the additional officers. Both costs have been added back into the Annexation Plan. Finally,all operating costs were increased by the Consumer Price Index of 1.68%to update the 2002 projections to 2003 dollars. All one-time capital costs were updated by the Construction Cost Index of 2.1%to reflect 2003 dollars. Staff also reviewed and updated all revenue projections. Since the earlier two studies,some fees and charges have been increased. In addition,other revenues are estimated on a per capita or per housing unit basis. Many of those revenues have fluctuated,which required updating of per capita and per housing unit rates. These revised rates were then applied to the updated housing unit and population figures. Finally,since the publication of the two earlier reports,a citizen Transportation Funding Task Force has recommended the adoption of a street maintenance fee to help pay for major maintenance of the street system. Statewide,most jurisdictions are dealing with insufficient gas tax and other street-related revenues which are impacting their ability to maintain their street-systems- Many jurisdictions,including Tigard, are looking for additional funding sources such as the street maintenance fee. This recommendation has been presented to the City Council,which has directed staff to prepare an ordinance to implement the fee and to bring that ordinance back to the Council for their consideration.(Note:Council has since approved 1 Ordinance 3-10 on Nov. 18,2003 to establish and impose the fee;passed Resolution 4-12 on Feb.24,2004,which established the rates;and implementation began April 1,2004_Appendix C.the Tax Rate Table,includes the residential Street Maintenance Fee rate in its calculations.) In updating the earlier financial analyses,staff has calculated the annual revenues from a street maintenance fee structured as recommended by the Transportation Funding Task Force,and calculated how much revenue that fee would produce from the Bull Mountain Annexation area in 2004- The following Appendix B table shows how much revenue would be generated in 2004 from the Bull Mountain area if this fee is adopted by the Tigard City Council and Bull Mountain is annexed. These revenues would help to offset costs shown on the following tables charged to the Gas Tax Fund. Table 1 Potential 2004 Bull Mountain Street Maintenance Fee Revenues NorthI West South East Total $26,743 $9,319 $31,680 $4,514 $72,257 The following tabWs present the updated cost and revenue projections for the Bull Mountain area. Table 2a Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,North Unit Operating Costs Fund Revenue Operating Cost Balance General $1,001,368 $533,298 $468,070 Gas Tax $121,782 $147,302 $25,520 Sanitary Sewer $72,195 $47,977 $24,218 Storm Sewer $41,112 $45,138 $4,026 Water $535,188 $349,271 $185,917 Table 2b Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,North Unit One-Time Capital Costs Fund Fund Balance/ One-Time Capital Balance Capital Revenue Cost General $468,070 $O $468,070 Gas Tax ($25,5201 $297,111 $322,631 Sanitary Sewer $309,113 $295,069 $14,044 Storm Sewer $54,474 $0 $54,474 i Water $185,917 $0 $185,917 Traffic Im acd Fee $318,240 $3,461,190 $3,142,950 Parks CIP $204,399 $453,120 $248,721 ' Water SDC $361,296 $367,560 $6,264 Table 3a Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,West Unit Operating Costs Fund Revenue Operating Cost Balance General $809,0971 $302,215 1 $506,881 Appendix B Gas Tax $45,094 $293,020. $247,927 Sanitary Sewer $28,385 $20,386 $7,999 Storm Sewer $16,164 $17,737 $1,573 Water $210.4201 $147,639 $62,781 Table 3b Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Butt Mountain Area,West Unit One-Time Capital Costs Fund Fund Balance/ jOne-TjZmeapital BalanceCa ital Revenue General $506,881 $0 $506,881 $247,927 5,489 $56Sanita Sewer $356,204 4,917 $28713 Storm Sewer $69,927 $O $69,927 Water $62,781 $0 $62,781 [Parks ffic fm aet Fee $388,960 $530,920 $141,960 CIP $249,821 $1,914,375 ter SDC $291,863 $0 $1.664,554 $291,863 Table 4a Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,South Unit Operating Costs Fund Revenue O ratio Cost Balance General $1,261,667 $625,477 Gas Tax $134,774 $636,190 $233,934 $99,160 SanitarySewer $84,585 $52,733 $31,852 Storm Sewer $48,468 $49,862 $1,694 Water $627,042 $388,113 $238,929 Table 4b Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area, South Unit One-Time Capital Costs i Fund i ---Fund Balance/ One-Time Capital Balance Ca ital Revenue Cost General $636,190 $272,811 - $363,379 Gas.Tax $99,160 $2,552,500 $2,651,660 Sanita Sewer $316,747 $95,974 $220,773 Storm Sewer $56,806 $O $56,806 Water $238,929 $O $238,929 Traffic Impact Fee $318,240 $1,255,830 $937,590 Parks CIP $204,399 $1,914,375 $1,709,976 Water SDC $361,296_ $366,641 $5,345 Appendix B Table Sa Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,East Unit Operating Costs Fund Revenue O eratin Cost Balance General $1,649,439 $262,738 $1,386,701 Gas Tax $20,737 $50,231 $29,494 SanitarySewer $13,718 $13,811 $93 Storm Sewer t� $7,812 $11,208 $3,396 Water $101,695 $147,944 $46,249 Table 5b Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,East-Unit One-Time Capital Costs Fund Fund Balance/_ - One-Time Capital Balance Capital Revenue Cost General $1,386,701 $0 $1,386,701 Gas Tax $29,494 $581,970 $611,464 Sancta Sewer $1,166,272 $499,269 $667,003 Storm Fewer $236,104 $O $236,1G4 Water $46,249 $1,337,510 $1,383,759 Traffic Im act Fee $1,302,880 $2,695,440 $1,392,560 Parks CIP $836,813 $5,743;125 $4,906,312 Water SDC $1,479,152 $9,025,640 $7,54ti,488 Table 6a Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,Total Area Operating Costs i Fund Revenue O ratio Cost Balance I General $4,721,571 $1,723,729 $2,997,842 Gas Tax $322,386 $724,487 $402,101 Sanita Sewer $198,883 $134,907 - $63,976 Storm Sewer $113,256 $123,945. $10,689 Water $1,474,345 $1,032,967 $441,378 Table 6b Projected Revenues and Costs by Fund for the Bull Mountain Area,Total Area One-Time Capital Costs Fund Fund Balance/ I One-Time Capital Balance Appendix B Ca ital Revenue Cost General $2,997,842 Gas Tax $997.81 $272,811 $2,725,031 Santa Sewer $3,747,070 $4,148,171 Storm Sewer $2.117,311 $1,275,229 $873,107 Water $417,311 $0 $441,378 $1,337,510 $`117,311 Traffic Im ct Fee $2,328,320 $896,132 Parks CIP Water SDC $1,495,432 1 $10,024,995 $8,529,563 $2,493,607 $9,759,841 $7,266,234 The results of these analyses show that the Bull Mountain annexation area will generally more than pay for direct general governmental operational services (Primarily poll and planning)and for direct operations of the two primary governmental u 7i' s serving the area(water and sanitary sewer). The m exception to this trend is the operation of the street system_ or The operaajtion of the street system is funded primarily from state and county gas taxes. Gas tax revenues attributable to the Bull Mountain area are insufficient to co costs of street in that area_ ver operating One-time capital costs are paid for by a combination of operating fund balances and dedicated capital revenues. A comparison of available resources versus ut,the gidentified capital needs reveals major revenue shortfalls for most service areas_ Simply pull Mountain ar bdth ea by itself will not produce enough revenues to uile capital facilities it needs for streets,parks,-and water. It is important to note that when looked at from a City perspective, this analysis can be misleading. The City operates a number of systems.that serve the entire City(including in some cases the Bull Mountain area whether or not it is annexed);not discrete geographical areas_ These systems include those covered in this analysis: Police,Streets,Water, Sanitary Sewer,storm Sewer, Parks,and Planning services_ Any one discrete geographical area in the City or adjacent to the City may or may not produce sufficient revenues to serve that area,but what is important is that the system as a whole can provide services to the entire area. The City's syssh tems are financially strong,and these services can be provided to the entire area, including Bull Mountain ould it be annexed to the City_ Conversely,this analysis can be very instructive when looked at from the perspective of an area being considered annexation_ If the area were to attempt to obtain these same services at the level provided by the City of Tigard as a stand alone district,it may or may not be able to cover operating costs. It would be unable to pay for needed capital improvements without a substantial influx of additional revenues_ Appendix B Tigard Water District August 28,2003 Bull Mountain Accounts Route#2,10,,3,41(000-0860,8023-9999) Water Sates(Previous Customer Type aia' #Active Accounts #Suspended Accounts 12 Months) Residential 2.880 - 69 $837,838.05 Commercial 2 0 $1,554.71 Irrigation 26 7 $27,314.56 Multi+amily 27 O $30,508.58 Total 2,935 76 $897,215.90 All Other TWD Accounts Route#,9,2,98,86,84,41(0851-8022) Residential 459 12 $101,340.91 Commercial 4 3 $3,996.64 Irrigation 7 O $4,949.84 Multi-Family 38 1 $834,844.73 L Total 508 16 $945,132.12 C Note: Given the water sales for the previous twelve month period,the Tigard Water District would i receive$8,972.16 in revenue. . APPfENDIXc ma##m #amq\#f 7q asaa#em#am mm ■ a■-. -- ° a_caa�#aaa a p- #!} - . - pR#qv °a;@fq¥mq !gA8a ama: a -zi §) §§k)§§k af! 1.4 . . . a i S § 9g§S V? -_ Tc a§:2)2553§ !/ \ |{§2 §�k � • f�Q} #_! - f 727 ` ;■ / fka &k*} |) �}} k�``I a .T } .7. \ } k APPENDIX D TIGARD URBAN SERVICE AGREEMENT November 26,2002 This AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between Washington County,a municipal eorpotation of the State of Oregon,hereinafter"COUNTY."the City of Tigard,a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon,hereinafter"CTTY,^Metro,a metropolitan service district of the State of Oregon,hereinafter"METRO,"and the following Special Districts of the State of Oregon,hereinafter"DISTRICT(S):' Clean Water Services; $0hd Water District; Tri-Met; Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District; Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue District;and Tualatin Valley Water District RECITALS WHEREAS,ORS 195.025(1)requires METRO,through its regional coordination responsibilities,to review urban service agreements affecting land use,including planning activities of the counties,cities,special districts,state agencies;and WHEREAS,ORS 195A20(4)(e)requires cooperative agreements to specify the units of local government which shall be parties to an urban service agreement under ORS 195.065;and WHEREAS,ORS 195.065(1)requires units of local government that provide an urban service within an urban growth boundary to enter into an urban service agreement that specifies the unit of government that:will deliver the services,sets forth the functional role of each service provider,determines the future servicearea,and assigns responsibilities for planning and coordination of services;and WHEREAS,ORS 195.065(1)and(2)require that the COUNTY shall be responsible for: I. Convening representatives of all cities and special districts that provide or declare an interest in providing an urban service inside an urban growth boundary within the county that has a population greater than 2,500 persons for the purpose of negotiating an urban service i agreetnent; j 2. Consulting with recognized community planning organizations within the area affected by the urban service agreement;and 3. Notifying Metro in advance of meetings to negotiate an urban service agreement to enable Metro's review;and Tigard Urban Service Agreement . November-26,2002 Page I WHEREAS,ORS 195.075(1)requites urban service agreements to provide for the continuation of an adequate level of urban services to the entire area that each provider serves and to specify if there is a significant reduction in the territory of a special service district;and WHEREAS,ORS 195.075(1)requires that ifthere is a significant reduction in territory,the agreement shall specify how the remaining portion of the district is to receive services in an affordable manner,and WHEREAS,ORS 195.205 TO 195.235 grant authority to cities and districts(as defined by ORS 198.010)to annex lands within an urban growth boundary,subject to voter approval,if the city or district enacts an annexation plan adopted pursuant to ORS 195.020,195.060 to 195.085, 195.145 to 195235,197.005,197.319,197.320,197.335,and 223.304,and if the city or district has entered into ucbap service agreements with the county,cities and special districts which provide urban sefvi06s within the affected area;and WHEREAS,ORS 197.175 requires cities and counties to prepare,adopt,amend,and revise their comprehensive plans in compliance with statewide planning goals,and enact land use regulations to implement their comprehensive plans;and WHEREAS,Statewide Planning Goals 2,11,and 14 require cities and counties to plan,in cooperation with all affected agencies and special districts,for the urbanization of lands within an urban growth boundary,and ensure the timely,orderly,and efficient extension of public facilities and urban services. NOW,THEREFORE,the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing recitals,it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: I: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A_ Parties to this AGREEMENT shall provide land use planning notice to each other in accordance with the provision of the"Cooperative Agreements,"developed per ORS 195.020(4xe). B. The parties to this AGREEMENT are designated as the appropriate provider of services to the citizens residing within their boundaries as specified in this AGREEMENT. C. The CITY is designated as the appropriate,provider of services to citizens residing within t its boundaries and to adjacent unincorporated areas subject to this AGREEMENT as shown on Map A,except for those services that are to be provided by another party as i specified in this AGREEMENT. 1 D. The.CfTY and COUNTY wilt be supportive ofannexations to the CITY over-tirne. The t CITY shall endeavor to annex the unincorporated areas shown on.Map A,in keeping with the following schedule: 1. Near to mid-term(3 to 5 years): Bull Mountain area and unincorporated lands north of the Tualatin River and south of Durham Road and Tigard Urban Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page 2 2. Far-term(10 years or later):Metzger area. I-,Pursuant to ORS 195.205,the CfrY and DISTRICTS reserve the right and may, subsequent to the enactment of this AGREEMENT,develop an annexation pian or pians in reliance upon this AGREEMENT in accordance with ORS 195.205 to 220. F. In keeping with the County 2000 Strategic Plan or its successor,the COUNTY will focus its energies on those services that provide county-wide benefit and transition out of providing municipal services that may benefit specific geographic areas or districts_ lite COUNTY recognizes cities and special service districts as the ultimate municipal service providers as specified in this AGREEMENT. The COUNTY also recognizes cities as the ultimate local governance provider to the urban area_ G. Within twelve months of the effective date of this AGREEMENT and prior to any consolidation or transfer of duties or any single or multiple annexations totaling twenty acres,the parties shall identify any duties performed by the parties that will or may be assumed or transferred from one party to another party by annexation,consolidation or agreement. The affected parties shall identify how the duties will be transferred or assumed,including the transfer of employees and equipment The process to transfer duties,employees and equipment shall account for the cumulative effects ofannexation, consolidation and transfer by agreemenL This process shall also address targe scale annexations and the large scale transfer of duties by consolidation or agreement In the event the affected parties cannot agree upon the processes to transfer duties,employees and equipment,the provisions of Section VII of this AGREEMENT shall be used to resolve the dispute. FL..The COUNTY shall have the responsibility for convening representatives for the purpose of amending this AGREEMENT,pursuant to ORS 195.065(2)(a). IL AGREEMENT COORDINATION A. Existing intergovernmental agreements that are consistent with this AGREEMENT shall remain in force. This AGREEMENT shalt control provisions of existing intergovernmental agreements that are inconsistent with the terms of this -AGREEMENT_ This AGREEMENT does not preclude any party from amending an existing inter-governmental agreement or entering into a new inter-govemruental agreement with one or more parties for a service addressed in this AGREEMENT, provided such an agreement is consistent with the provisions of this AGREEMENT. B_ The CITY and COUNTY have entered into an intergovernmental agreement for the CITY provision of building,land development and specific road services on behalf of the COUNTY to the unincorporated lands is the Bull Mountain area__ 1 t C. CITY and COUNTY shall endeavor to take all action necessary to cause their comprehensive plans to be amended to be consistent with this AGREEMENT within twelve months ofexecution of this AGREEMENT,but no later than sixteen months from the date of execution. Tigard Urban Service Agreement ' November 26,-2002 Page 3 IIL AREA AFFECTED BY AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT applies to the-Tigard Urban Service Area(TIISA)as shown on Map A and properties added to the Regional Urban Growth Boundary(UGB)that are to be annexed to the CITY in the fugue as described below in Section VIIL TV. URBAN SERVICE PROVIDERS A- The service provisions of this AGREEMENT,as described in Exhibits A through G, establish the providers and elements of urban services for the geographic area covered in this AGREEMENT';and B. The Vl� ing urban services are addressed in this AGREE EMNT_ 1_ Fire Protection and Emergency Services(Exhibit A); 2. Public Transit(Exhibit B); 3. Law Enforcement(Exhibit C); 4. Parics,Recreation,and Open Space(Exhibit D); 5: Roads and Streets(Exhibit E); 6. Sanitary Sewer and Storni Water(Exhibit F);and 7. Water Service(Exhibit G). V ASSIGNABQ,TTY No assignment of any party's rights or obligations under this AGREEMENT to a different,new or consolidated or merged entity shall be effective without the prior consent of the other parties affected thereby.Any party to this AGREEMENT who proposes a formation,merger,consolidation,dissolution,or other major boundary change shall notify all other parties of the availability of the reports or studies required by Oregon State Statutes to be prepared as part of the proposal. VI. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall become effective upon full execution by all parties. VIL TERM OF TIIE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall continue to be in effect as long as required understate law. The COUNTY shall be responsible for convening the i g" parties to this AGREEMENT for the review or modification of this AGREEMENT,pursuant to Section VIIL Tigard Urban Service Agmement _ November 26;2002 Page 4 VUL PROCESS FOR V--VIEW AND MODIFICATION OF THE AGREEMENT A. Parties shall periodically review the provisions of this AGREEMENT in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the processes set forth herein and to propose any necessary or beneficial amendments to address considerations of ORS 195.070 and ORS 195.075. B. Any party may propose modifications to this agreement to address concerns or changes in circumstances_ C. The body of this AGREEMENT(Recitals and Sections I through IX)may only be changed by written consent of all affected patties. Amendments to the exhibits of this%GF EEMENT may be made upon written consent of the parties identified in eacfi eAibiL D. The periodic review of this AGREEMENT and all proposed modifications to this AGREEMENT shall be coordinated by the COUNTY. All requests for the periodic review of this AGREEMENT and all proposed modifications shall be considered in a timely manner and all parties shall receive notice of any proposed amendment Only those patties affected by an amendment shall sign the amended agreement All amendments that include boundary changes shall complywith Chapter 3.09 of the METRO Code or its successor. E. Lands added to the Regional Urban Growth Boundary that are determined to be annexed to the CITY in the future by separate process,such an Urban Reserve Plan, shall be subject to this AGREEMENT. The appropriate service providers to new urban lands for the services addressed in this AGREEMENT shall be determined through the provisions of this Section unless those determinations are made through the development of an Urban Reserve Plan and all affected parties agree to the service determinations. This AGREEMENT shall be amended to address new urban lands and reflect the service provider determinations consistent with the provisions of this Section. IX. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If;dispute arises between or among the parties regarding breach of this AGREEMENT or interpretation of any term thereof,those parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute by negotiation prior to any other contested case process. If negotiation fails to 1 resolve the dispute,the parties agree to submit the matter to non-binding mediation_ Only after these steps have been exhausted will the[natter be submitted to arbitration_ i I Step I—Negotiation. The managers or other persons designated by each of the disputing 1 parties will negotiate on behalf of the entities they represent The issues of the dispute shall be reduced to writing and each manager shall then meet and attempt to resolve the issue. If the dispute is resolved with this step,there shall be a written determination of such resolution signed by each manager,which shall be binding upon the parties_ Tigard Urban Service Agreernent November 26,2002 . Page 5 Step 2_Mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved within 30 days of initiation of step 1,a party shall request in writing that the matter be submitted to non-binding mediation. The parties shall use good-faith efforts to.agree on a mediator. If they cannot agree,the parties shall request a list of five knediatots.fiom an entity or firm providing mediation Services.The parties will attempt to mudtaUyagree on a mediator from the list provided, but if they cannot agree,each party shall select one name and the two mediators shall jointly select a third mediator. The dispute shall be heard by the third mediator and any common costs of mediation shall be borne equally by the parties,who shall each bear their own costs and fees therefore. If the issue is resolved at this Step,then a written determination of such resolution shall be signed by each manager and shall be binding upon the parties. Step 3 _ tration.After exhaustion of-steps 1 and 2 above,the matter shall be settled by biitration in Washington County.Oregon,in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association,the rules of the Arbitration Service of Portland,or any other'rutes mutually agreed to,pursuant to ORS 190.210.790,The arbitration shall be before a singlearbitrator,nothing sba11 prevent the parties from mutually selecting an arbitrator or panel thereof who is not pail of the AAA panel and agreeing upon arbitration rules and procedures.The cost of arbitration shall be Shared equally.The arbitration shall be held within 60 days of selection of the arbitrator upless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The decision shall be issued within 60 days of arbitration X. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE Ifany portion of this AGREEMENT is declared invalid,or unconstitutional by a court of cpmpetent jurisdiction,such portion shall be deemed a separate,distinct,and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the'remaining portions of this AGREEMENT- XL SIGNATURES OF PARTIES TO AGREEMENT In witness whereof,this AGREEMENT is executed by the authorized representatives of the COUNTY,CITY,DLSTRICTS,and METRO. The panics,by their representative's signatures to this AGREEMENT,signify that each has read the AGREEMENT, ` understands its terns,and agrees to be bound thereby. 7 g h a_ Tigard Urban Service Agreement Novembcr26,2002 PAge6 CITY OF TIGARD By: James E_Griffith.Mayor Date Approved as to Form: By: City Attorney c y� C 4 j J J Tigard"Urban.ServiceAgreaneat - - November26,2002> page 7 TUALATIN VALLEY FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT sy, Chairman,Board of Directors Date Approved as to Form: By: District Counsel i i a : l t Tigard Urban Service Ageement November 26,2002 Page 8 TUALATIN HILLS PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT By- President,Board of Directors Date Approved as to Form: By: District Counsel 1 i I Tigard UA*m Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page 9 Txl-Msr By_ General Manager Date Approved as to Forte: By_ District Counsel 1 t 1 I I Tigatd Urban Service Agremoent November26,2002 Page 10 CLEAN WATER SERVICES By. Tom Brian,Chair Date Board of D"uectors Approved as to Form: By District Counsel 7 1 7 i i - TigardurbanServiooAff emeut Novanber26,2002 Page l I TIGARD WATER DISTRICT By: Chairman,Board of Directors Date Approved as to Form: By_ District Counsel sy Tigard Urban Savor Ageement Novearber 26,2002 Page.12 TUALATM VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ChaimLw,Board of Directors Date Approved as to Form: By: District Counsel xc i� 9 1 + t t Tigad Urban&-n-ice Agnxmeat - November 26,21102 ' Page 13 WASHINGTON COUMW By Tom Brian,Chair Date Board of Coonnissioners Approved as to Fomc County Com�sd a� i i r Tigard Urban Service Ageem.9 November 26,2002' Page 14 METRO By: Presiding OfFW4CV Date Approved as to Form: BY- Legal Counsel s r. C - i r Tigard Urban Service Agre—cat - Novewber 26,2002 Page IS EXHIBIT A PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND PUBLIC EMERGENCY SERVICES TUALATIN VALLEY FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT,CITY and COUNTY agree: 1. That the TUALATIN VALLEY FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT(TVFR)is and shall continue to be the sole provider of firs protection services to the Tigard Urban Service Area (TUSA)shown on Map A. 2. That-TVFR,e�and COUNTY are and shall continue to provide emergency management response services to the TUSA_ 3. That TVFR is and shall continue to be the sole provider of all other public emergency services to the TUSA,excluding law enforcement services. i i ; i . Tigard Urban Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page 16 EXHIBIT B PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICE TRI-MET,CITY,COUNTY and METRO agree: 1. That TRI-MET,pursuant to ORS Chapter 267,is currently the sole provider of public mass transit to the Tigard Urban Service Area(TUSA)shown on Map A Future optionsfor public rrrass hmmit services to the TUSA may include public/private partnerships to provide rail or other transit service,CITY operated transit service,and transit service by one or more public agency to all or part of the area. 2. That TRI-N&Khall work with the COUNTY,CITY,and METRO to provide efficient and effective public mass transit services to the TUSA_ i i i - r t Tigard Urban Service Agrcernent .. November 26,2002 Page 17 EXIIISrr C PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNTY and CITY agree: 1_ Tate��law �within the Tigard Urban Service Area shown on Map A.yie CITY enforcement services and the area will be withdrawn from the Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District The Sheriffs Office will continue to provide-law enforcement services identified through the Cogan Law Enforcement Pro'ca and those by state law.Eventually,the Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District,consistent with rscrviests Mandated conditions of•;t"ration,will be eliminated.when anneuations on a county wide basis reach a Point where the function of the District is no longer economicauy feasible_ - 2_ That over time as annexations occur within the urban unincorporated area,the primary focus of the Sheriff's office will be to provide progratus that are county-wide in rural areas ofthe COUNTY. The Sheriff's office will continue to nature or serve the maintain needed service levels and programs to ensure the proper functioning of the justice system in the COUNTY. The Sheriffs Office will also continue to provide available aid to smaller cities(e-g_,Banks and Norah Plaine)for services specified in the COUNTY' request mutual aid agreement with those cities upon their request The Sheriff's Office will also consider requests to provide law enforcement services to cities on a contractual enforcement con basis consistent with the COUNTY'S law tractinns Policy. 3. That the COUNTY and CITY and other W Enforcement project,shall determine the uan County cities,through the Cogan Law ultimate functions of the Sheriffs Office that are not mandated by state law. 4. That the COUNTY and CITY shall utilize comparable measures of staffing that accurately depict the level of service being provided to residents of all local jurisdictions in the COUNTY. i i i i - r. i Tigard Urban Service Agreemern Novenber 26,2002 Page is EXIIIRIT D PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR PARKS,RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE CITY,TUALATIN HILLS PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT(THPRD),COUNTY,and METRO agree: 1. That the CITY shall be the designated provider of park,recreation and open spaces services to the Tigard Urban Service Area(TUSA)shown on Map A. Actual provision of these services by the CITY to[ands within the TUSA is dependent upon lands being annexed to the CITY_ W' the Metzger Park Local Improvement District(LID),the CITY will be a joint provid2 services. The CITY and THPRD,however,may also enter into inter- governmerrtal agreements for the provision of park,recreation and open space services to residents within each other'boundaries,such as the joint use of facilities or programs.This provision does not preclude future amendments to this AGREEMENT cottceming how park, recreation and open space services may be provided within the TUSA. 2. That the CITY and the COUNTY should further examine the feasibility of creating a park and recreation district for the TUSA_ 3. That standards for park,recreation,and open space services within the TUSA wilt be as described in the CITY S park master plan. 4. That the CITY and COUNTY are supportive of the concept of a patios systems development charge as a method for the future acquisition and development of parks lands in the TUSA that are outside of the CITY. The CITY and COUNTY agree to study the feasibility of adopting such a systems development charge for lands outside of the CITY. 5. That at the next update of its parks master plan,the CITY shall address all the lands within the TUSA. 6. That the Metzger Park LID shall remain as a special purpose park provider for as long as a majority of property owners within the LID wish to continue to pay annual levies for the operation and maintenance of Metzger Park. The CITY and COUNTY also agree to the continuation of the Metzger Park Advisory Board. However,the COUNTY as administrator of the LID,may consider contracting operation and maintenance services to another provider if that option proves to be more efficient and cost-effective. This option would be presented and discussed with the Park Advisory Board before the COUNTY makes a decision. 1 j - 7_ That continuation of the Metzger Park LID shall not impede provision of parks,and eventually recreation services,to the Metzger Park neighborhood by the CITY_ Continuation of the Metzger Park LID will be considered as providing an additional level of service to the neighborhood above and beyond that provided by the CITY. Tigard Udxm Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page 19 8. I'm the cTTY aw COUNTY will coordinate with Metro to investigate funding sources For acquisition and trrarragemeat of panics which serve a regional function. 9. That Mho may own and be the provider of region-wide parks,recreation and open space . facilities within the TUS - Metro Greenspaces and Pars facilities typically are to serve a bm®der population base than services proaided to residents of the TUSA by the cITY. Whero applicable,the CITY.COUNTY,and METRO will aspire to coordinate facility development management and services. i i i i Tigard-Urban Service A9r11ment November 26,200 Page� EXHIBIT E PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR ROADS AND STREETS CrIT and COUNTY agree: 1. Existing Conditions and Agreements A. The COUNTY shall continue to retain jurisdiction over the network of aderiaLs and collectoTs l'thin the Tigard Urban Service Area(TUSA)that are specified on the COUNI`Yivide roadway system in the Washington County Transportation Plan_ The C1T'Y shall accept responsibility for public sheets,local streets,neighborhood routes and collectors and other streets and roads that are not part of the COUNTY-wide road system within its boundaries upon annexation ifthe street or road meets the agreed upon standards described in Section 2.0-(2)below. B. The COUNTY and CITY agree to continue sharing equipment and services with renewed emphasis on tracking of traded services and sharing of equipment without resorting to a billing system,and improved scheduling of services_ Additionally,the COUNTY and CITY shall work to improve coordination between the jurisdictions so that the sharing of equipment and services is not dependent on specific individuals within each jurisdiction_ The COUNTY and CITY shall also work to establish a more uniform accounting system to track the sharing and provision of services. C. Upon annexation to the CITY,the annexed area shall be automatically withdrawn from the Urban Road Maintenance District(URMD)., D_ Upon annexation to the CITY,an annexed area that is part of the Washington County Service District For Street Lighting No.I shall be automatically withdrawn from the District_ The CITY shall assume responsibility for street lighting on the effective date of annexation of public streets and COUNTY streets and roads that will be transferred to the CITY. The COUNTY shall inform PGE when there is a change in road jurisdiction or when annexation occurs and the annexed area is no longer a part ofthe street lighting j district- 2. istrict2. Road Transfers 1 1 Transfer of jurisdiction nay be initiated by a request from the CITY or the COUN'T'Y_ t t A. Road transfers shall include the entire right-of-way(e.gy a boundary cannot be set down the middle of a road)and proceed in a logical manner that prevents the creation of segments ofCOUNTY roads within the CITY'S boundaries_ -- Tigard Urban Service Agreement - November 26,2002 Page 21 B- Within thirtydays ofannexation,the CrrYwift initiate the process to transfer jurisdiction of COUNTY and public sannexed including trcets and roads within the area, local sureets,neighborhood routes,collectors and other roads that are not of county-wide significance.The transfer of roads should take no more than one year from the effective date of annexation. C- Tim COUNTY_ (1)To facilitate the road transfer process,the COUNTY will prepare the exhibits that document the location and condition ofstreets to be transferred upon receipt of a transfer request from the CrrY. (2)Prior to final transfer,the COUNTY. 49AV, (a) Shall coinplete any maintenance or improvement projects that have been planned for the ctrrrent fiscal year or transfer funds for same to the CTTY_ (b) Shall provide-the CITY with any information it may have about any neighborhood oe other concerns about sheets or other traffic issues within the annexed arca. This may be done by providing copies of COUNTY I other doctrrrrents or project files through joint meetings of CITY and.COUNTY staff members: (c) Shall make needed roadway improvements so that all individual roads or streets within the area to be annexed have a pavement condition index(pen of more than 40 and so that the average PCI of streets and roads in the annexed area is 75 Of higher. As an alternative to COUNTY-made improvements,the COUNTY may pay the CITY'S costs to make the necessary improvements_ (d) Shall inform the Cri-Y of existing maintenance agreements,Local Improvement Districts established for road maintenance purposes,and of plans for mainteriance oFtransfecred roads.The COUNTY shall withdraw the affected territory from any road maintenance LIbs formed by the COUNTY. D The CITY. (1) Agrees to accept all COUNTY roads and streets as defined by ORS 368.001(1)and all public roads within the annexed area that are-not of county-wide significance or arc not identified in the COUNTY'S Transportation plan as part of the county-wide road system provided the average PCI of all COUNTY and public roads and streets j that the CrrY is to accept in the annexed area is 75 or higher as defined by the I COUNTY'S pavement management syste— If any individual COUPITy or public sheet or road that the CrTY is to accept within the area has an average PCI of 40 or t less at the time of annexation,the Crry shall assume jurisdiction of the road or sheet ogly.after Ore COUNTY has complied wjth Section 2_C.(2)of at s exhibit (2) Shap,in the event the transfer of mads does not occur soon after annexation inform the newly annexed residents of this fact and describe when and under what Tigard Urban service Agreconent November 26,2002 - Page 22 conditions the transfer will occur and how maintenance will be provided until the transfer is complete. E. The CITY shall be responsible for the operation,maintenance and construction of roads and streets transferred to the CITY as well as public shcets annexed into the CffY. CITY road standards shall be applicable to transferred and annexed streets. The CITY shall also be responsible for the issuance of access permits and other permits to work within the right-of-way of those streets_ 3. Road Design Standards and Review Procedures and Storm Drainage The CITY and COUNTY shall agree on: A The C[T'Y?and COUNTY urban road standards and Clean Water Service standards that will be applicable to the construction of new streets and roads and for improvements to existing streets and roads that eventually are to be transferred to the CITY,and streets and roads to be transferred from the CITY to the COUNTY; B_-The development review process and development review standards for COUNTY and public streets and roads within the TUSA,including COUNTY streets and roads and public streets that will become CITY sheets,and streets and roads that are or"I become part of the COUNTY-wide road system;and C. Maintenance responsibility for the storm drainage on COUNTY streets and roads within the TUSA in cooperation with Clean Water Services. 4. Review of Development Applications and Plan Amendments A. The COUNTY and CITY,in conjunction with other Washington County cities and the Oregon Department of Transportation(ODOT),shall agree on a process(es)and review criteria(e.g.,types and levels of analysis)to analyze and condition development applications and plan amendments for impacts to COUNTY and state roads_ B. The review process(es),review criteria,and criteria to condition development and plan amendment applications shall be consistent with the Oregon Highway Plan,the Regional Transportation System:Plan,COUNTY and CITY Transportation Plans and Title 6 of METRO'S Urban Growth Management Functional Plan_ 5_ Maintenance Cooperation 9 } A: The COUNTY and CITY,in conjunction with ODOT,shall consider developing an Urban Road Maintenance Agreement within the TUSA area for the maintenance of COUNTY,C1717Y,and state facilities,such as separately owned sections of arterial streets and to supplement the 1984 League of Oregon Cities Policy regarding traffic lights. 'Tigard Urban'Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page n A. The COUNTY and CITY,in conjIction with other was develop a set of minimum right-0f--way maintenance s n County ciders,shall used in perfannance ofservices provided ander the exp and teveis of activity to be described above in 5.a age ofservices agreanent C 'The COUNTY may contract with the.CITY for the maintenance of COUNTY streets and roads within the TUBA utilizi x an agreed upon billing System b. The COUNTY.CITY and ODOT,in conjunction with other Washington County cities, will study opportunities for co-locating maintenance facilities. 6. hnplementagi . Within year of the effective date of this AGgfiEto lvlhpn;the CITY and COUNTY agree implemented.develop a schedule that describes when the provisions of this exhibit shall be C 7 i Tigard.Udm Sevvice Agreement November'-26,2002 'age 24 - A. The COUNTY and CITY,in conjunction with other Washington County cities,shall develop a set of minimum right-of-way maintenance standards and levels of activity to be used in performance of services provided under the exchange of services agreement described above in S.a. C.'The COUNTY may oantract with the.CITY for the maintenance of COUNTY street,.and roads within the TUSA utHi ing an agreed upon billing system D. The COUNTY,Crr'Y and ODOT,in conjunction with other Washington County cities, will study opportunities for co-locating maintenance facilities. 6- Irnplementatign s �r Within one year ofthe effective date of this AGREEMENT,the CITY and COUNTY agree to develop a schedule that describes when the provisions of this exhibit shall be implemented 7 9 i - t Tigard Ud-Sconce Agreement November-26.2M Page 24 EXHIBIT F PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CLEAN WATER SERVICES,(CWS),CITY and COUNTY agree: 1. As a county service.district organized under ORS 451,CWS has the legal authority for the sanitary sewage and storm water(surface water)management within the CITY and the urban unincorporated area. CWS develops standards and work programs,is the permit holder,and operates the Mary sewage treatment plants. 2. The CITY performs a portion of the local sanitary sewer and'storm water management programs as defined in the operating agreement between the CITY and CWS. This agreement shall be modified on an as-needed basis by entities to the agreement 3. At the time of this AGREEMENT,the following are specific issues that the parties have addressed as part of this process and agree to resolve through changes to current intergovernmental agreements_. " A_ Rehabilitation of Sewer Lines with Basins Identified with High Levels of Infiltration and Inflow(I&I). B. For tines that are cost-effective to do rehabilitation,CWS and the CITY will consider 'cost-sharing regardless of line size under a formula and using fund sources to be agreed on between CITY and CWS.The cost-share is to be determined through specific project intergovernmental agreements. Following the evaluation of program funding methods, CWS,in cooperation with the CITY,will determine the long-term funding for I&I and other rehabilitation projects. C. CWS,with assistance from the CITY and other Washington County cities,shalt undertake periodic rate studies of monthly service charges to determine whether they are adequate to cover costs,including costs of maintenance and rehabilitation ofsewer lines_ The rate study shall consider sewer line deterioration and related maintenance and repair issues. i 4. Master and Watershed Planning: i jA_ Primary responsibility for master and watershed planning will remain with CWS,but the CITY will be permitted to conduct such planning as long as these plans meet CWS standards- CWS and the CITY shalt use uniform standards,such as computer modeling, to conduct these studies. CWS and the CITY shall determine their respective cost- sharing responsibility for conducting these studies. Tigard Urban Service,Agreement November26,2002 Page 25 B. CWS and the CITY,in conjunction with other Washington County cities using the City/District Committee established by CWS,shall develop uniform procedures for the coordination and participation between CWS,the CITY and other cities when doing mastwand watershed platming.. 5: Sanitary Sewer Systems Development Charges CWS and the CITY,in conjunction with other Washington County cities,shall use the results of the CWS Conveyance System Management Study,or updates,for options for collection and expenditure of SDC funds to address current disparities between where funds are collected and where needs aro for projects based on an agreed upon CrrY/CWS master ply i t<rt�s 6. Storm Water d1 nagementSystem Development Charges A CWS and the CITY shall use the results of the CWS Surface Water Management Plan Update Project to address all aspects of storm water management and to provide more direction to CWS and the CITY. B. Watershed plans being prepared by CWS for storm water management shall address the major collection system as well as the open-channel system to identify projects for funding. 7. Maintenance CWS,in cooperation with the CITY and other Washington County cities,shall use the resuhv of the CWS Conveyance System Management Study for guidance to resolve issues reiated to roles.of the DISTRICT and the cities in order to provide more cost effective maintenance of the collection systems. 1 i 1 t 1 Tigard Urban Service Agcxmatt November 26.'2002 Page 26 _ _ EXHIBIT G PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR WATER SERVICE TUALATIN VALLEY WATER DISTRICT("TV WD),TIGARD WATER DISTRICT(TWD), CITY and COUNTY agree: L Supply- A. Supply generally Will not impact service boundaries,given that a limited number of sources pro,ide all the water in the study area and the number of interconnections between providers are increasing and are encouraged to continue in the future. B. Future supply and conservation issues may be addressed through the Regional Water Consortium to the extent reasonable and practicable for water providers in Washington County. Service providers in the TUSA shall continue to participate in the Consortium and use it as the forum for raising,discussing and addressing supply issues. C. The Consortium may also serve as a forum to discuss and resolve water political issues to the extent reasonable and piacticable for water providers in Washington County. The Consortium is an appropriate forum to bring elected officials together and for promoting more efficient worldrig relationships on water supply and conservation issues. D. Intergovernmental agreements shall address ownership of interconnections between r ITY and Districts'sources,whether for the purpose of wholesale provision of water from one entity to the other or for emergency use,in the case of a boundary change that involves the site of the interconnection_ 2. Maintenance/Distribntion: A. TV WD,TWD and the CITY do not anticipate any events in the foreseeable future that would necessitate maintenance,rehabilitation or replacement beyond the financial reach .of any of the water providers in the TUSA. Each provider will continue to be responsible for providing the financial revenue stream through rates and charges and to accrue adequate reserves to meet foreseeable major maintenance needs. B. TV WD,TWD,CITY,and COUNTY agree to maintain and participate in the Cooperative Public Agencies of Washington County in order to efficiently share and exchange equipment and services_ C. To the extent reasonable and practicable,TV wD,TWD and the CITY shall coordinate mandated(under Oregon law)underground utility locating services to efficiently provide service within the urban service areas. D. TVWD,TWD and CITY agree to provide to one another copies ofas-builts ofexisting and new facilities and other types of water system maps for the purposes of facilitating Tigard Urban Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page 27 planning,engineering and design of other utilities or structures that may connect, intersect or be built in proximity to CrrY facilities. The CITY agrees to incorporate such mapping into its GIS mapping system of utilities and other facilities. TV WiD.TwD and CITY agree to develop and maintain a common,on-going,up to date GLS mapping system showing facilities of each water provider within the TUSA. 3. Customer Service/Water Rates: A. Price of supply and bonded indebtedness will most likely have the greatest impact on rates. B. TV WD,TWD,and the CITY believe that rates are equitable within the TUSA. C. Given a4r ate water pressure.level and quality of service should not vary significantly among different water providers in the TUSA and does not appear to be an issues for most customers. 4. WethdrawaVAnnexation/Merger A. Notwithstanding Section I of this AGREEMENT-Roles and Responsibilities,or existing agreements between the providers,future annexations may lead to changes in service provision arrangements. Modifications to any service area boundary shall comply with METRO Code Chapter 3.09 and provisions identified under Section JV. If necessary,the Metro Boundary Appeals process shall be employed to resolve conflicts between parties as they arise.TV WD,TWD,and the CITY shall continue to work together to adjust boundaries as appropriate to improve the cost-effectiveness and .efficiency of providing service. .. B. In the event that the entire service area of any DISTRICT is annexed in the future,that district shall be dissolved.No attempt shall be made to maintain the district by delaying annexation of a token portion of the district(e.g.,the district office): C. The area of TV WD known as the Metzger service area shall remain in TV WD,except those portions agreed to by both TV WD and CrrY that may be withdrawn from T V WD upon annexation to the CITY. in exchange,TVVM will support the CITY joining as a partner of the Joint Water Commission; D. Providers that propose a merger,major annexation or dissolution shall give all providers in the study area an opportunity to influence the decision as well as plan for the i consecquences. None of the parties waives its right to contest a major or ruinor boundary change by any of the other parties on the issue of the appropriate service provider for the area encompassed by the boundary change except when the party has expressly waived that right as to a described service area in an agreement executed subsequent to this agtc-t-- Sb122�,Ti;ud USA%rn=I Aaom.mr 11 2642 SDC ' Tigard Urban Service Agreement November 26,2002 Page 29 It Wi§ k��a 1 �'L„k.! 4r ftp. r .f �;S■K� n.�1ti��{ ^;n�� g a gr , czar — (� a F cz,>�- 'a'(:✓ j`+-� :'9eT�y=1a�� d���H°-_T3 CK L -_ :y`•Lali� i' i! tj ji- }.ptrL ! ( 1. MIN- sm 4}� aim am -r: r'x w�I�"�,1�3s�-, il 44 Avg W,All 1 NJ �. C O ��TIGARDURBj� APPENDIX D,(Signed) .AN SERVICE AGREEMENT Novejuirer 26r 2oo2 IVU AGRUMUN 'ismadoandCuedintobyandbetvm aWashigtonCaoaty a juxdevw aommatim of tho Shoe oaf Ocegog hie. a COUNTY,"tho GYy olmvaid,a nnuacwa corporation ofthe State GfOse®oo,bmnwaftc-cnY,-m tro,a metiopoUanservia datriet of ����go4 `�lIiO,-and the fi�IIovdng Sly Districts of the Stats of `D1STRI(mS),- Clean wattr Servipw ;���ardwatecDistrict; - - mwatim "Ns Park and Recreation Djsftc Tirol VaNeyF-and Rescue Dim and T-latn VaNey WarmDishict REC=Ars WHERE ,Ops 1-95-0250)m1piFes METRO.an-,&its zesiclual 000rffimit oa to teview urban service agcy-a� 1Gog land�i Y> adiviGes of d specal&sh etay state a4mcies,and ' V HREAS,ORS I95A20({X0 -quiz-C-v-t- to specify the units of tocat govQ rntwbich shat!be parties to an uit-sorvico 29—cmt under ORS 195.065;and_ SEAS,MS 195.065(1)ror;ruacs quits a£local gov=rmw t thatpmvide an urbansecvicc -khiu an uubap Wowdi boonda[y to eller iaoo as urban st vim ageoaneutthat speca5es the omit of govemmautlaab will deg-the savn_, sets im*dr functional colo of each savioe g ovidc= d the firture setvieearLa aid assigns poo es Sosplannro8 and 000hdinmtian of savican and WHBZ2Eks.ORS 195.065(1)and(2)r-PAe that the COUMV sbali be respaasibtc fix: 1. Conveoivg-Pr-*;ativw of all cities and spe W districts that provide or declare an intemst is C providing an Urban service inside anorbau growth boundary within the county that has a 7 , P0PulafiQuV=&wthm2,300personsfortbepnrposeoEagotiatinganurban servioc 2 ith y plmlihhg osWmamtions within the area a$eeted by Ilm h 3. NodfyiiMAtcuoffiadvaooeof Metro's ieviehr and urban service age to enable T%-d Uxb-Service Agnxmenr " Novfanber 26,2002 Page l WIHtEAS,ORS 195.075(1)squires urban service ngrcanats to provide fur the of an adequate level of urban services to the entire area that each provides saves and to specify if there is a sismi5caoat rodudian in the tenAmy ofa special service district and WHEREAS.ORS 195.075(1)reports that if dgxc is 1<sigmbgd rednctlm in territory,the aggeema8 shall specify how the remaining;portion orate district is to receive services in as affardab1c;man—.and WHEIZEAS.QRS 195205 TO 195535 grant authority to does and districts(as defmod by ORS 198.0110)to anooc lands veifhirh az urban,growth 6ouodary,subject'to voter approval,if Ora city or district enacts as amrxatiun plan adopted pucs.rant to ORS 195.020 195.060 to 195.095, 195.145 to 195.235,197.005,197319,19732o,197335,and 223304,and i[the city or district has atered service agroBQhmts with the cry,cities and special&-ft cts which provide urban=I;,icas within the a$ocbod area;and WAEREAS,ORS 197.175 rogto.cities and counties to prepaM adopt,amen,and revise their comptchansive plain in.congdiance with statewide pfannin8 goals,and toad land use regulations to impleirienc their wive plans;and VVIUMEAS,Statewide Planning Goals 2,11,and 14 require cities and cormfies to para,in eoopeaatlon with all affected agencies and special districts, the urbaoization of Lands within an urban giowth.boundary,and erre the timely,orderly,and efficient emersion ofpabfrc facilities and urban sesvroes. PLOW,TE]EREFORE,the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing renals,it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: L .ROLES AND RESPONSI$ff rrlES A. Parties to this AG1i1V T shaU provido land use planning no ice to each otherin accordance with the prevision ofthe"Cooperative Agroemeats,"developed per ORS 195.020(4)(e). B. The parties to this AGREEbliEN1'are designated as the appropriate provider of services to the citiaens residing with their boundaries as specified in this AGREEMEbIT C. Tim CITY is designated as the appropriate provider ofsemces to cRrneris residing within r its bound—and to adlaoc of wr c orporated areas mbject to this AGREEMENT as q drown oa blap A,accept for those services that are to be provided by another party as specified is this AGREEMENT. 5 p' D_ The CITY and COUNTY will be supportive of annexations to the CITY overtime- The u CITY shall endeavor to annex the unincorporated areas shown on Map lay in kcxping with the frrllovving sc>w4d,v 1. Near to mid;ems(3 to 5 years):.Boli Mountain area and unincorporated lands north ofthc Tualatin River and south ofD ham Road and Tigard Urban Service Apecuiciat Wavember-26,2002 Pam 2 2. Fa-tem(10 years oelater-)L Agetteet area. $ AnamPt to ORS 195.205,the CITY and DISTRICTS nseave the e,&and may, s�bsequattothecuac6mcotofddsAGREE OWT d-119pan anacaafine plmcwpbmsm ftfiaOe Wis AGRE MMENT in accor4low with ORS 195.205 to 220. F Ta 1zePiu;vviBr the C4wsiy 2D0o Sb-mgicP/ays or its su=aesso,the COUNTY.WM fens its eaatgies an dxm serviocs that provide eoanty-vide benefit and trueaifim oat of P-Viam moarapal seavrees that may benefit specific,geographic areas or drsb cts_ The+ COUNTY secogaizes cities and special service&&Mets as dw ark mpfe mu cq ai service Providers-specified in oris AGR EE&m`Tf. The CO;TNIY also moog secs does as the ulrnnat.local R.M.provider to the urban area 0. Within months ofthe c$tcdm date ofthis AGRFEKWN'T and prior to any e>vosandation ortsaasfer ofduties or any single or mope amtiacatiom totaling tvvratiy. neer$,the pa.tiesaha0 idntlify.any duties pad4--d by the parties that vmQ or may be aarm+od or baasfermd from one party to ano0rrparty by amoration,consohdationAw agree next. no affected parties shall identify how the duties well be trausfened or assma od.-clu ft the transfer 9f erngioyees altd equips The process to transfer . duties.c-ployces and egmpment shall a000rmt for the wavnla m egeeft pfanaearatiooy consolidation and transfix by age-cement.!us process shall also address large state ' anneacadow and the IaW scale transfor ofdtzd-by consolidation or affeem.LTithe cvcm the affected parties c Bout agree upon the processes to transfc*r duties employees and the PFOvisicm of Section VII of thus AGRE3avIENT$fall be used to resolve the digx b-' IL The COUNTY stall have the ibi y For couveubw IP+-cut3tivcs for the purpose . Pfa—adiegthbAGREEM>Nt;pursaaottoOXS 195_065(2xa). IL AG I COORDWAT'ION A I agreements that are aamslc t with this AGREIWTPT shall remain in force_ TVm AGREEhIEWshan control provisions ofcdsting aaRrgovrnmmmtal agraeme�s that am with Bre trans ofthis - AGRFI�Nffi1T.11sis.AGR]a3h ;NTdoesndprocladeany party from'avacoxfimgas c-ds.�iacv-g l agrcemeat or catering into a neva hkt r_govcued L agrormret with cae or rare parties for a service,addressed in this AGREEAWNT, C Provided sueh-agr cearot is with dc provisions ofthis AGREEMENT- B- The QTY and COUNTY have entered into an ifagovemmedal agrecroWt for the CITY provmm of buHdvP land developmerrt and specific road services or behalf of the COUNTY to Ore unincorporate lands mthe Bali Moun aim area_ C_ CITY and COUNTY shall endeavor totaTaanaction necessary toeaasetheir Pimm to be aurtended to be consistent with this AGR1EbmNT witwm- tvvc ve munIhs of c ccutinn of this AGREEMO iT,bac no laocr*an sbdw,rmmths fivm Ow date ofexewtion_ - Tigard Urban Service A$rcemwt _ - 2'Tovdmber2ti;2002 . PaW 3 IM AREA AFFECTED BY AGR KFJAENT ]his AGREEMENT applies to the Tigard u flan Service Area CMSA)as shown on Map A=0 properties added to The Regional thban O&owm Boundary(U(M)that arc to be am=cdd to the CITY in Bio faaac as described below m Section VIQ_ IV. URBAN SERVICE PROVIDERS 'A'The service provisions of this AGREEM EZJT,as deseubed in Exhibits A through O, establish the providers and elements of utban services for the geographic area covered -in this AGRF1's11/E121T;and B. 119�9IIowing urban serm=arc addressed inthis AGREEMENT_ 1. line Protection and Finagc.W Services(Exhibit A); 2 Public Transit(Exhibit B); '3- Law Enfoeoement(Exhibit Q; 4- Padcs,Recreation,and Open Space(Exhibit D); S. Roads and Streets(F.AnW E); 6- Sanitary_ Sewer and Stoma Water(Exhibit,F);and 7_ Water Service_(Exlubit G). V_ ASSIGNABELMY Noa-i maent ofaayparty's rights oroblgations naderthss AGREEMENTto a diffemat new or ea Edatod or merged C-ty shall be edfbcfive without the prior wnseat ofd w other parties affected ihemby.Any party to this.AGREEMQTT who pmpcses a famatim;merge,consolidatiorS diissolutiog or odwr major boundary change shall notify all dherpartm ofthe atiailability of the reports or studies rewind by Oregon State Statutes to be pregaredas part ofthe proposal VL EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGRERMNT This AGREENMENT shaH become eve upon full execubon by all parties- VIL TERM OF THE AGNE]MMENT This AGREEMENT shall roue to be m aff lct as king as rcwhed under state law_The a COUNTYshaU be responsible for convening the parties to this AGREEMM rr for the review ormodifi modification ofthis AGRMIMr. l pursuant to Bodian Vffi. - t • t - . Tigard Udm Servke Agreement Novembcr26,2002 Page 4 VIII_ PROCESS FOR REVIEW AND MOI)IFICATTON OF T EW AGREE&OKNT A. Pattie s§-B PAY rpvkw rho Pmvisious of Ibis AOREEOP iuander to evahrato�e e�octivemmrss tmfthe lxoasses snot forth berm and to prnpom any Dec-sar7-beneficial amdendmmft to address considarawas of ORS 195_D7o and ORS 195.075- B- Any par1Y uurY p modificatims to this agmeeniatt to addmss comms o, dm,gr.s in circmustances. G The body ofthis AGREbv)$IT(Recitals and Sections I through ixj may 4=dy be Sed by vnium oaosea of an affected par im.Amadments to the edits of this AGREIP6WNT may be made upomwrittea consent ofthe parties ideadEjed m each D. Tho pmmlic,rcyww ofthis AGREIMCEN r and all pvWosod modifigtious to this AGREEMENT shall be coordinated by the COUNTY_An requests for the periodc review of this AGRETiMEW and all proposed modifications shall be cogsi d in a timclymaaoer and allpartia sball xeoeivz notioe of any proposed amondummt, Only tlxosepartus affa3od by an amaidment-ball sign the,eroded agreement_ All mnmdmegft that mdudc bomWary changes-ball coaply with Chapter 3_09 ofthe METRO Code or its soocessor_ 8 Lands added to tho Regional Urban Growth Boondaty that are determined to be annexed to the CrlY in the fidum by separate process,such an Urban iteserve Plan shall be subjectto ibis AGREEMENT- 11-appropriate,service providers to new urban}acids Ser ffie services addrased'm this AGRFJ24 T shall be determined through the:provisions of this SecdwnugJess those ddemi mbm arc made through the dcvclopment ofan Urban Reserve Plan and all affedid parties agree to the savwc dd—imatioos_ This AGREEMENT shall be amendcdto address new urban lands andicBed theserviceproviderd aRicescrosistmtwithtbeptovWm=,£this Scc&oa TIC. DISPUTE RPSOLU nON. lfa&Vm to axisc:between.or among the parties regarding breach ofthis AGREkMiW W WftBr'I3hm ofmy terra&mcog thosc parties shall first attempt to resolve;the dispute by negotiation priot to any other contested'case process.Ifnegotiration far7s to=Soho the bisput,the parties agree to submit the macer to non-bift mediat o, Only,8ft fi. steps have been exhausted will the matter be submitted to arbAmaom i - Step 1—Ncdo4atioo_ 'The manages�other persons deed byoeh oftEre drspotiag parties wM negotiate oa behalf of&o entities they npresemt.The Issues of the crtisp ft shall be xednoed to wxitmg and each v anagen shall then mod and aucenpt to resolve Me issue Ifthe dispute is resolved with this step,dam shall be a written ddauaxin2din of such resolution signed by each manager,which shall be biufimg upon the parties- - Tigard UrbanServiceAgement _ ttovember2l..9002 . Step 2—Modiadoo.Wam&gmft iamnot be resolvcd vrithin 30 days of indiiatim gfSV party sbaR request in wrifing that the roamer be zuba&W to aoa4,md r g Tbo Panics Shan uwgoo"k tJF cwmb to aa=m a modiaw If ttmyi eaitnot rCC6�the Parties sbA request a list of fives nwdiators ticmm an eddy- firm proyj�ma d services Yho'pdrtics vm attest to any agree an a mediaoar(tour the&st prvvidcd tent if tbcy cannot ager,ead+Party shad Seiact one us=and dm two mediators sban 1o'"ly adoct a th d mocl atoc 'fha A-M be hand by the thuid nxhzw and my oammon costs ofnxxrm im shall be bdrbb equany by the parties,.who Zh*p calch bear 1Ldr oivn oasts Sad Errs therefore. if the issue is msalvcd at this Stop tba.a a vnittm deaaminatiaa of such resobdioa shah be signed by each managar and shall be binding Open the parties. Step 3*#zbitrafian.After exhaustion ofSteps I and 2 above;,the matter slug he settled by bir"adwtcat—In waA_gtna Cauin man oty,Ovcgo% e with the Coww=W iftatim Rales of the Au-ieam Arbdratiun A--iwio%the Smvioe cf Pcxft-d,—any ad—rales rules o ORflm 190 7l on The arbftrmtkft shat!be before a single arbitrator, tg P to ORS I9=fi0 90. umdm ny selecting an arbat-.dor or Sons not par orftw the p and firm agrrarg rgron hrbidratim rules and fheres.T ho is not pari:afitie AAA be shared and piox�rres.The nose ofarbitrafion steal[be shared egnaIly.Tho arbiaakou sbali beheld witWm 60 days ofsej=don ofthe arbitrator nntess odwrvvrsc agreed to by the parties. The da-idou shaft be issued within 6o days of ad3i ration. X SEtrERABILrrY CLAUSE Wany poWw.ofthis ACAW1 A Ht4T is dared kvafid.ar fioDa by a court of aoO.tpdcat jurisdidim,such podium shall be dermed a separate,4yt*dmct,and indela mlod Provision and such boldmg sball Oct affect the validity ofdm rttuafi ing P0rfions of this AGRURUIENT. XI_ SIGNATURES OF PARTIES TO AGP"bf 'C In witness whereof this AGRERW'NT is executed by the mdhodmod rcpvescjnivesof ( ibo COUNTY,CrlY,DISTRICTS,and METRO.The parties,by the represmtafive's manadaes to this AGREUvM ),signify that each has read the AGREEME24l; wands its isms,and agrees to be bound thereby is - 1,: t € - 'rmwd Urbain Ser—Agew=a I'loraober2f 2002 Pa&e 6 . 8.G" 17ube wpprbwdastoFbmx . Sri rukbaaQ.;a NWMAW26.200 PjW7 T(TAT.ATM VALLEY FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT BY�G� . � o�ax.B�f cWcs D4 ���7�0� r AgSworcd as to Foam - ftgcs TQALAYIId HUS PARK AND RECREAMIt D=MCr �Pietidcar Fr Yl,aV";f ?llt3a Dwe 1D Foy I Dishict ' - mud iTi60nSayjpp _ I'Tov�abtd26y,�pp2 _ Date Aeras$*F - C - 3 6 - WSwdUsbaaSavioe-A t xo�u;ears - to CLi+W WA7EK SERVICES BacfAtoctars Daft Appwvcd as mo FFonw r/ AMC-=csaFlry�� x�xoea.e��t�oo?-119- nisbia CC� °+as---- 7-oa NOVCMbCV - 26.200� Pago11 'IIGAItD WATM DISMCP Board ofaucc c.s Daft AppsovedAswFoam District Couosd 1 1 . 1 r MZwd Aibam Smviw AgQca�t WovcmA t 2¢6 Z0-U Plqp 12 "vu.w- NVAtIEs WATMc JE)LSmCT BmldofD;soun Daft 83ehard P! Burke APpvr/odias to F.CN= Cl$lrk Balfour 1 , 1 1 - 1 - - _ .. Tigud Urban Sav7oe NoxaahQ26f.20t/2 _ 'Yaffe]& WASHE4GT0N CCK"gW Tom Bdao,Q base Bond of C Approved as to Fames APPROVEu WASMNCTON COUMT BOARD OF CObodiSS101; SS 14TNUTE ORDER f CQmcy Coaose� DATE RZ coat a oawo mgwd Ud%m s=V W*AVV=3cat Ho"=ber 26,2002 l*ot 14 amnrRomoo^✓� O orr Data1 131 App-vad as to Form - iicga7(:uun9d T�dIIrbaaSuviacA�ep�t _ ' Nuoe®bg7b,2002 - �ss EXHIBIT A PItOVLStONS OF AGREEMENT FOR FIRE PROTECIION AND PUBLIC EMERGENCY SERVICES' I UALAMN VALLEY FW E AND RESCUE Df&MCI;Crry ma COUNTYagmr, L Thatthe TIALATIN VALLEY FIRE AND RESCUE DIS I'RICr(rVFR)is�d shall cant we to be the sole pmv-kr Of Ste PVa=tKm=V-=to tbo Tigard Dibm Serv=Arca (TIS A)shown on Map A- 2- IltatTVArCnYsndCOIJNrY3xc and sbali ountmnc to 1de87!manageragm respo¢ve services to tLe TUSA 3. That TVFR is and staff care to be the sole provider ofall other Public emergcacy services to the TUSH,cxchuding law amRwcemea services. w 1 1 _ t - r - 7y6WdUfbMSan7ceAgmwwnt Novemb x26,2002 Page l6 • STT B - PROVWONS OF AGREFASENT FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICE MUAWT,Crrlr COUNTY and MMMO age I_ 41st MU-I.Wr,purs=antfio ORS Oa 267,is atly de pw solWW=of�pobtic mass Uan it to the T -d Urban S � m+m rsv➢cc Area(TUSA)Axmq as M-ap A. Fu4m Worcs for public mass lransd smvit=to the 4USA may inrlade pubNz4 ivaft prarhmmbips to proo c rail or other ttamsit=nice,Crrir cpaakd'i --savior aai Uaositsaviceby ane or more public a$taty to all or pad offfie arei 2. That TRI-14I&shall want with the COUNTY CITY,aad I14FiTR0 m pruvidc and eve pablic mass fraasit services/n the TjC 1 1 l - 7%ud Uxbak Same Ag[et- Plovemh=26,2002 ,Page 17 FxHmrr C PROVMONS OF AGREEhWJVr FOR LAW EMMRCEb"Wr COUNTY and CTTY agrca L Tbat as occur wkbm the,rgWd Urban Service Area shown On Map A�the CCry wW as=—law caforcc norr services add The area will be withdrawn firm the Enhanced Sheriffs Patrol District.The Sheraffs Office will eontimre to provide law mSotcc�nent sezvroes identified 1Lroagh the Cogan Law F-fi—cmeot Project and thou services mandated by�1aaF_ venhrally;Me P'phanced ShQif Fs Patrol District, with its couditims offormati6as?wrll be eGmmaied when mond on a—uuLy-v6&basis read,a point where the function o£the District is m Imga 00000mieaHy fens le_ 2" That over time as ambos owns wither the urban unincorporated area,the Prfinazy focus ofthe ShcdW:s gffice wiR be to provide prostams that are con ty-wide in naduc x serve the rural areas of the COUNTY_The Sh—Ws office wdrcottberre to---d-m needed service levels and programs to omm the P-p-fig Gfthe jrutice sYstem in the COUNTY. The ShaiWs Ot$ce wdl also eontimm to provide ava&-lbie aid to smaller cities(C.X.Rant. m dNOdh Plains)for services specified in the COUNTY'S mutual aid agreement with those sties upon their rcq=L The.Sheraff's Oftice wilt also eomdder requests to provide law services to cities On a eomxaeeual basis cousisWrt withde COZ.iNTY's law . erd'oc cement contracting Ply 3_ Thatthe COUNTY and Crrlr and other Washington Cou-y ftwah the Cogan Law AF forcemmt Project shag dete®ine the ulmoate f m ctims of the Sh.Ws Office that arc not andated by state law. 4. That the COUNTY and CllYshan utgxm comparable U essnm ofstaffmg that aauratcly depict the level of service being provided to residents of aR]ureal ju isdctaons in the COUN'tY" 3 - i r - Twmd Urbau Snv=AVmmmt. Nove�26,20p2. -. Page I8 - EXHIBIT D PROVISION$OFACREIDA[E VT FAR PARKS,RECREAMON AND OPEN SPACE / MY.T UAL&MV fM S PARK AND RL'CREA-lION DISTRICT(1TIPRDI COUNTY and METRO agree_ 1. That the CCCY shall be the desiguatod provader of pals recreation and open spars services to OW Tigard Urban Service Area{CUBA)shown m Map A Actual prnvs of these se=vias by the CTCY to}ands within the TUSH is depended upon lauds be=g hexed to the CC1Y. Within theM�Pad Local District���tlrc CITYvvr7I ba a jomtpmvider vfsetviee�-�eC1T'YandTHPRl).Loraevix,mayaLsoeutetiatoi:mer-gwetnaa� agre®ta�ts Sorthe provision ofparFy z<eraeation and open sQa[oe services to residents within each caret"bo ndaries,such as tha joint use offaciGf=or progr-aws_ This provision does not Preclude frrtore aomendmeNs to this AGRIREM&T conxsuarg Trow Pa :r�atiau and " spaoa services may be'pmvsdod withal the TUSA � 2 That the CfCyand the COUNTY should Tither examine the sorsa mty ofd a Park and rem—lioa district foe the TUSA 3. 11tat 1—Urds fur pa % .—d Up—spaeo services,within thg IWA I-M be as descubed is the CrMS pads mastw pi-am 4. That the CUYand COUNTY are sappmtive of tbn canocpt of a parlor systems t ar charge as a for the fimma acgms oon acid dcvdopmmt ofparis lauds in the TUSA that t outside of fthc C the Ct1Y The.C1IY and COUNTY agree to studythe ieasibUdy of adopting such a systems developments outside of the CITY_ S. That at the nmd update of its parks master plaq the MY shat!address aR the lands within the TUSA 6- That the M Park ImIna shall--aimas;a special purposep arkprovider for as(mg as a itY_of Pmpertyo"ne s within the 1-r wish to oontimre tO PaY au=ral levies for the operation and made of hfitzger Padr The C11Y and COUNTY also agrec to the dation of dw Metrger park Advisory Board Hogvcva,the COUNTY as administrator orthe Iso may consider contracting operation and maintenance services to another provider if dud option proves to be more etTica and cost-effafive This option would be presented and dLvcusmd wdh the NA Advismy Board be6ore tha COUNTY makes a derision. J _ 7. That oaoiiffiatka of*c Metzem Park LID shall impede - �tio¢services,to the Metrger Pads� PrOviam ofpaks,and �ntimrabion of fhe h�Y McbRm Park LID wN be considered as providing an additional level of servim to the Dcigbbodwod above and beyond tbad provided by the Cn y. YSgarB Udran Savioe A . NovevabetTb,�i102 . & TbAt fi o CITY and CODNTY writ oeordmate with Metro to bjvcafigVft Sm& solaces far AcquMd m and mnoagewem of pada vdu&servo a rcakwat funcbaX 9- 71tBtMWnmayown and bethe provider ofregimwidepa&qaodopen space !<aaTdk=wifdin the TMA_ Mcira Gamspace and Pado facmdas typicalty are to save a baoadm pWutabm base than s=vices pmvi to residarCs ofthe T jS,A by ft Cl1Y. Where app>icbk the CITY.COUNTY,and AGrMo wilt asptm to eoacdindo f y ty manages and saviors. <:r i i Tag rdudxaSatreAgent Page2G E:LHiR1T E PROVIMOVS OF AGREEMWMCT FOR ROADS AND STREETS CITY and COUNTY agree: 1. COodi600s and Ag— A. The COUNTY shall cOnfiow to retainjurisr5etion over the netwodc of arterials and �'�the Tigard Urban Service Arra CrUSA)that am specified on the roadway systemmthe Wasl&Wont-mtyTransportationplan:The MY sball accept resp—'W"for public struts,local sheds,ncigbbodlrood routes and collectors and odwr streds and roads that are not part ofthe COUNTY-wig road spm within its boundaries upon amexation if the street or road mats the agreed upon standards gibed is Section 2.C.(2)below. B.-Mn COUNTY and MY 2g=to continue sbaring evopma t and services with renewed e-Whazis m ftaclmg of traded services and shangg ofegmpmet without resorting to a bMing sysiaq and—Proved schoduTmg ofsc rvices. AdMwoaliy,the COUNTY and CITY shall woricto impwom coordination between the jcuis&*ous so that the sharing of and services is not dependent on specific individuals wit im ear]rjrnis&cbon. The COUNfY and CITY shall also wodc to establish a mom uniform accounting system to track the sbariog and provision of services. C. Upon anmaation to the CITY,the aoneaced area shall bg automatically va tr haws from the Urban Road District(URMD). D. Upon annecation to the CITY,an aonoced area that is part oftho Washington C"WLY Service Distad For Street ljgbtiog No_1 sbalibe autwulicallywh7adrawn from the District.The CITY shall assume respaasib ILY for shoot ligMmg On the c$edive date of awn Of public streets and COUNTY SUbefs and roads that wM be transferred to flue CITY The COUNTYsban inform PG$vdm=there is a c angb m road jruisdrgien er Area a �oda rs and the annex arca is no a part ofthe stn et ligithog. district i Z. Road Transfers i Tiaustrref jurisdretion may be in0iated by repast from Me MY or the COjRgW A- Road transfers Shall iadude the entire rigbt-of-vvay(e$•.a boundary cannot be set ddvm the middle ofa toad)and proceed m a loecal manner that:prevews the creation of segments ofCOUNTY roads within the CrrY-S boundaries. Trgu¢Urban Service Agreement Iiovember 26,2002 PAM 21 D. Withia thirty days ofaunczatiov,the CITY vnH mdate the process to transfer jwisdidion of COUNTY and public streets and roads within tbo annexed area,umchrirfing{oral sheets, scebbodwad routes,collectors and otter roads that are not of county wide sign fiance., TLD transfer of toads should talus no morn than one year from the cffectivo date of amaralion. Cl The COUNTY_ (T)To facRuaw the load transfer process,the COUNTY will prepare the exhibits that document the location and condition of streets to be bansforred upon reccRrt of a transfer request from the CT'TY. (2)Pgorto firm transfer;the COUNTY_ (a)Shaft ewampkee say usaimtenance or improvemmrt proj—that have been planned for theca rent fiord year or uansfea funds for same to the CITY. (b)Shall provide the CITY with any informahm it may Lave about avy'--j&bodrood or other onowr>s about streets or other traffic issues within the anamed area_ Wsmay be done by providing copies of COUNTYprojea files or od= dowme ds or ttrrogh jourt meetings of CITY and COUNTY shag mashers. (e)Shaft maim mcdod roadway impnovemeats so that all mdivulval roads or sheds witbm the arm to be annexed have a pavement cou"m laden(PCI)of more than 40 and so that the average PCC ofstmod s and roads in.tho annexed alta is 75 or higher_As in alternative to COUNTY-made imtmrovcmerrts,the COUNTY may pay the CITY'S costs to mal—the necessary idnHovemruts. (d)sball intorm the CITY of cadet ng maiatmance agreements Local Improvcw-t Districts established for road maintenance purposes,and od`plans for maintenance ofbans&red mads-The COUNTY shall withdraw the affected bnAmy from any mad makdenance LIDS fnuved by the COUNTY D_ The CITY.- (1)Agras to accept all COUNTY roads and streets as defined by ORS 369.001(t)and aft pabfic mads within the annexed area that are mot or are not idmtficd in the COUNTY'S Transportation Pram as part of the countywide road ► system provided the average PCI ofaft COUNTY and public roads and sheets that the: CrM is to accept in the annexed area is 75 of bWw as defused by the COUNTY'S j .pavement management system. If avy individual COUNTY or public sued or road j that the CITY is to accept witbim tho area has an average PCI of 40 or less atthe time *f`aDvAxmfi0G,90 CITY shall assum .e or slicet only after the t COUNTY has complied with Section 2.0 this cdubjL (2) Shah inthe evo tthc transfer of roads does not occm-soon after anocmtion,inform the needy ammexed residents of this fad and describe wham and tmdrr what Crux itiaos . Tiyprd Urbau Servroo Ageement Havcmber26,2002 P3M22 The twaafer tutu oo«cr ata t aw malut-avx tun be pg-vided until use kamkr is Complete. B TM C[rl AA be respausaae for die operating,uningejane,urd coaztrndinn eft and streets transferred to lhe CUM as vxn as public sham annexed into the Crew_ Cn, road standards than be applicable to trausfeared and amecsod streets_ The CITY span also be responsible for are issasance,of access permits and other pmwmft to w=k wiwL the rigMol-way of tlwse streets. _ - 3_ Road Design Standards and Review Procedures and Storm Dram The MY and COUNTY sban agree on. - A the C and COUNTY wI toad standards and Cleat Waoar Service standards that tvnb be appBmMc to the eonshaoben of=wAveft and zoods and fine ingxevatieats to existing shreft and leads that eventually are tube transfxxcd to the Cny,and struck and mads to be ttaast erred frail the C[IY to the CODNT Y; B. the davdarvent Mviewprocewand devdapmmtraviewaarwardsSomCUUNTYand public-streets and torr mvil(nntbc TUSH,indadmg COrUMrV st rec s and mads and public shce'ts*at vvM become MYsheds,and sheets and reads that are or will bacoazme, part oftbe COUNTY--wide road system;and C. makeewacc raspousibility forth;Stoop draim8e m COUNTY stands and mads within OWT USA in000pexa vridr Ocan Water Steiner 4. P�--ofDevclopme=tAppbcabarrsaadPlanAmeadmmts A- The COUNIYairdCTfY,iaemyrmcbmviAQ`d Wasb'mgOonComl cam and the: Ocagoa DcPwtmeat af1raasportatiw(ODOT),ASH agree an a prooess(es)and review a•noe+ia(e-g,types and levels ofaoatysb)to analyze and condition development appleestioos and plan—add for imparts to COUNTY and state mads. B•7berevret►pmce-(es),review-V-9,andcritdatooendibmdovdop®eotand plan ameadmoatapplicatians sbaD be ccvwstcrdwhh the Oregon HighwayPlm,the Regtosnt mon SJ ffmYk r,COUMY and CITY Tiangxwtatioa plans and Title 6 0£ 1951W Urbdn GrowdsMmragrmentFimcuonal Pkm. S. Maintmaooe CooperaCieu _ _ - _ j A_ IUCOUNIYandCITY,ia i omjunchion turtle ODOT,shall aontiiderdeyelopnag an Utbaa Road blainbemlooeAgreement wAmOxTUSAarcaSerBicma cegfCOUNTY, C[TY,and state£anti iM Verde as scparatdy owned sections of arterial streets and W Supplement&c 1984 Y=W a of Oregon Cities policy regamdiag traffic ligbts- 15LudUftm Scrvict Agwacment Nuvembcr2lk 30M Page 23 A TLe COUNTY and CITY,is oogq—don-wh other Washio0-Cowty-b-s.shall develop a set ofmioi�*ice-of-way maa�aace spuds am levels ofaaimy to 6e used m pmSonnanee ofsexvioes providod imdrs the ercba%c of services agre®ait desabed above in S.a C The COUNTY may'eoot-ad wah the CI[Y ferffiaum mDo®m of COUNTY streets and wads withinthe IrUSA:utd=g an agmed upon huiliog systrm. D. The COUNTY,CTIY and 0DO7;is cony With other Washl C--dy eiics, win study oppodm cs for m-1�a mahMwanx f*mTfi a. 6- I.PuW=s4h wuLmomyearoft6ecffizb edateoftWs;AGRRPAMr.theMYandCOUNTYagceeto develop a schodde that desenb-when the peovisioos of*4s edubR shall he m V&=,catad_ i i - - TiPlndUr6:nSeivioeAgccoen+me _ Novembrr14Vat T'a&24 F.XffiBrr F PROVISIOM OFAGREn4KNT FOR$MUTARYSX WER AND STORM WATER MANAGF.AMF CLEAN WAM SffitVICm,(CWS),(TTY and COUNTY ages I-- As a camty service-mid otgaumed under ORS 451,CWS his the legal authority for the sanitary sewage and storm water(shtrface vroom)aaanIagdm-twith-the CCIY and tLe urban uniocatporated arca_ CWS devdops standards and work pis.is the permt hoick,and operates tlh= --w—ed plants- 2 The C[lYpafonms a portion ofthe local sanitary uevtcr and stormwater mamagearot P-9—as defined is the operating agreemad bety=u.the erry*and CWS. Thus agreement shall by-o&fwd ea as as-needed basis by esdi4es to the agmem at. 3_ Atthe time ofthis AGRIDEM hT,the followiog are specific issues that the parties have addressed as part oftbis process and agree to resolve through changes to Current - agrecumots. A- Rdiabilit bon,of Sewer limes with Basins Idendfied with fgh Levds ofin5LYabon and B- For limas that axe cost-eftttimto do rdwbilitation,CWS and the 4TIY va consider coat mbaring tegardk=OfRoe sin undw a fmamula ami using$mrd,sauces to be agreed on between C9 and CWS_The cost-SIQ=is to be debetmined through specific project l ag—ents.Follow-g the cvaloation of ptogcanr funding mdLods, CWS,is eoopaati—with the CHY,win dctonnine the 1mgAem fxmdiag for I&I and otherrehabt7ttation pu jects. C CWS,with assistance fromhthe CnY and other Wast iogtmn Counts,ed-s,shall nndatake periodic rate txndics of nxm&ly service charges to detconimo vvltdherr they art adoq*aw m egvrr—;ts,iadoduhg oasts of-aloe and tehabilitabom of wvm r Tines_ The rate C study shall consider sewer Im.deterioKatman and related maintenance,and repair tvk=. 4- MastsandwatershedPlanning r A. Priomyresponslilityformastmand watecsbedplau-ng will mmamwith CWS,hatthe CITY win be perxmdtcd to conduct such.planning as long as these phew mza CWS standards_ CWS and the CITY shall nee rmiforuh stmodards,such as con4mom nxMICI ug, to COM&NA these Shur=. CWS and the CFTY shall detaunme,their respective cost-spar ung t rladyTioa'om&wtiogThese an&- . rWdd Urban S«v oe Ag=mew November 26,2002 Pa�e25 . B. CWS-do-CllY,iu O-k odian wi&`0d—Washmgtan C—QlY c wz us ug the CdYlDMUKt Comanttm estabhslwdby CWS,shall dcvclop=mdoem pr000&uea Sow the 000ednatiaa and paxt icipaAan betwaa CWS,do Cn Y and other civics when doing masoerand wAtershedpla iu& 5. Sanitary sawn Systems Development Cha CWS and the CHY,is oaojmro—with od—WaAwW-Cat-ty cities,shall use the resolts of&e CWS Can�System ManaBcoucat Study,or updates,for options fix collection and e5xpe nditm of SDC foods to addMM current dSspantip between where funds are conceted and wbtie needs are:farprojects based at an agreed upon CnY/CWS master p}ffi G. StotmwatL f�.t�ag._�system Devdopaseat(7rarges " A. CWSandtbecr Y.sbanuse&onsultsoftheCWssm&.cwatw ptaa Update project to address all aspects ofstormwater managcmaut and to provide mote direction toCWSand the aM.- B. Watershed plans being prepared by CWS for storm Water wanagement sbaff address the major oolleWom system as wet[as the apendmmud sysoem to identity projeets for ftu lmrg �. blaintmance CWS,in.coaPeratiom with the Cr Yand other Washington,County cities.sball use the results oftho CWS ConveyaaeSystem Management Study fargai&umdoresa missocsrelated to rules oftheDISTRICTand the citiesiaOrder toprovide mon cost cfax;rr a maintenance of' thecoffection.sysecrus. C J z _ J' . rgar'durlrmSeiieeAgeoarreat I4Ovcwbar36,2002 PaCc26 EMIT•G PROVISIONS OF AOAEE ENT FOR WATER SERVICE T1 M AMN VAU"WATER DWMCr OVWDI TWARD WAMM DLSIRICT CITY and COUNIYagrM L Supply: A_ Supply D-WAY Wlll not impact service bor..sawcesdaries,Saves that a lo�ited n p ovv1de all the water in We study arca and the wwnbex of i �bdvvaa erg and—encouraged to continue is the irdue_ B-.Fwme supply and comscrvation issues may be added Ceosor�to the eVient reasonable and Practicable for water vi Rqoonal WaLtr County- Service Pmvidrss is the TUSA shall ca�ue to participate Pis a[Washuugton and Use it as the s�FMr raising dim andm timn �rPPly issues_ - C The Consortium'my also save as a forum to discuss and r solve vvatrrpoLtical iss�res to ibe extent reasonable and practicable for waterproVidoes in Washingtew Ceusortiunis an appropriate forum to bring edoded officials toSdherand Scor y_Th. » effiar�wwlong relationships on watts supply and 000servabo m issues Promatiug D. andIotngoyegumental sgmemeas shall address owmshp ofd bet Wee"CITY' sources,whether f—the purpose td-ho pwvisxm cif Water Sit OftThat iorpol�the- he »ses is the case of a boun daryff dary change - �-• s'„�•,aanoeririsin"6ertion_ - - - - A. TV WD TWD and the CITY do not aubdpate any events m the forgeable future that W—U> to rchabr-Tdatiea or reph 6catut beyond the tinamxl reach,of any ofthe watcrpwviders in the 1i7SA- Each provider wail a to be respr nsihle far reserves to Inect�aeseeable streamthrougb rates and charges and to accam adequate major weds_ i B. TV W11.T".CIIY,and COUM y agree to maintain and participate in the Cooperative Public A5=ics ofWasbirooa Caurdy in order to CW-catly share and eacbaoge 1 C. To the=dm a reasonable and pracrirabk TVWD,TWD and the Cny mall romdmate mandated(under Oregon law)Undagroond utility bmftg sery ces toeffid-flYProvide service within the urban service areas, T>t-d Ualba varier Azwc ue w Movemua26.2002 D. IV".TWD and MY agree to provide to ane another copies oras-bmft ofaas&g and newfacili"hes and other types ofwater system rmps The the proposes Off ditatwe pla®arg,cog neer ng aid design efodwr udTntws or shuctux sthat may concoct adersect arbebm'ItiapomnnidyioCllYSaZrtiex Thecrrir toiaoucpmatosaehmappmg into its GLSMapping system ofutrlQies and other facilities.TV WI).TWD and Crry agree to develop and min a oatunm,on-Ening.up to data GO mapping system showwg&Cildws OEM*"atet provider within the TUSA. 3. Customer SecvicclWourRa[ra: A- Men,ofsupplyand banded mdebbadasswHanostlikely h--fhagrcatesti Cal rates. B. TV Vi WD,and the:MY believe that rates axe equitable:within the TUSA_ C. GivMadCq-Acwatwpressuts,level and quality afw vi csl ould's'Vary (y among diffixicut;waterptovidas indn TUSA and does not appear to be as issue for amt. - costooaers: - a wdhdrawaIfAooccatiouadergw- A- NotwitlesmudiogScdiaailofthssAGREEME T-Rulesaadgc -bde0ies�,�misting agn betweenthoprovides,flednc maylead fiochanges mservice Provision ar:ang -". to Anyschiceareaboundaryshau.cow#ywiU, METRO Code Chapter 3,09 andprovisions id=tLficd uodw SoabonN Ifnecessarythe Met-DoyAppedspt—shallbeemployedtoresolve cauffildsbetween parties as iheyari TV WD,TWD;andthe MY shall couraaoa to ver&together to adjust bowadatie s as appropriaGoto improve the cost-c Wm c fiveriess and efficacy ofproviding B. In.the event ihat the entire service area ofany DISTRICT is ame,ced in the fuhnr,ant district shall be dmalved"No at(cupt shall be made to maintaird dw district:rict by delaying . annexation.ofatohrnportionofthedistrict{eg,the district offim). C. The area ad-TV WD kaownas the Metzger service area shall remain m I-VWD,eaccpt those porticos Agreed to by both TV 9VD and MY that may,be wrtbdrawn Ecom TyWD upea ano n-h—to the CITY- In-mhangr„TV WD will suppatthe CITY jwniag as a partarroftheJointWaterCammissia. - D. Yrovidees that propose a Magee ruajw annexation or&golufiat shall give ad provides in the study area an appott-ky to influence the decision as well as pbm for the cansogeeocrs. NCoe afthe parties waives its right to contest a major or minor bomtidary t daagcbyany cftbeother mtheissueofthe patties appropriate service provider for the jarcaan dbylhl—i-yd-ugec aeptwbmthepartybascapnmlywaived that right as to a descubed service area in an agreement esccntod sabsoquamt to this agr� ..��ave�re.answir reae�ertr-zsazeoe - Tigard Urbm Service Agreement - - Iloretuber 2k 2002 Pam 28 HOW94 .Y � 1 � l _MANl- R•'� It�f �. �fJi •' i ice= Z Nm r, wore •1i51r'� ''=g pfl err►•~ r ��,,,• ��_—��� . . ate..� still ►' ��� Lam! iq1,��:��/��' _� I�fc:+ � ,■ N x _ M � O •a m m O 0 O .N- t0 CVM O) c Q } } Z Z } CD co rn ID to Q" 3 cam o CO) >- > Z v n >m of v z t0 a ) N Co co NN o r co N -I OD fn m m o o m m ti m Oo a) I� Z >- >- Z m a > co ao v } h W N ad N N o co fA >m > Z m Z r ti vii co > Cl) 3 p N N O 42) CO tD O N Z ad � Zv a of V CD w r Y co rn m W r z z ° a � i to f. _rw. N N N o to 0N ti (n } t�0 d } C> OO Iq N Z I(1 N o 0 d N N o N m m ch Z m >o- Z c`� o ~ Z N Of o cn } >- >- m Z w 1- N ti N N � O w n nm m N Y A — t6 M co ca m ? m co ca C O)— Q m 3n mmEa Q.. O m to O c';n >O m = a" r = om ma o Nm 'N o0 >N 3 E m i m > E 19 to v ca N rn R c U t m e o co co .i c CC 1 m N m—0,c o v C "C6 .�... = O XX m 'O C L r > m 0 m a `mom _� j -0 Cp m m v N�1 p m h p 3 P (Qm�E� (6 M V• O O O C6 'p C1 CL m_ n�,'iWot rn> m o m �'� m v=° c rna� o m C fl-O N w O R m 0 fl- C V.' 'p a! O U c o vmi ca o T L' x x o"� x m~ Co c _ 7 d C U O y'O R- m r sem_ mW mom a in in �° w° o m > m c rn'x m 3 = 0CISC a� 0 Co �i -3 V c.`v,>,E m s N O o m R min �-m O C C N C a 3 a m ocmmB�£�^ -om `o— "oc ~ cmi ccOi� x om �w c'to > caia -'o m c R vc6m � a€�Qm�o om-Amo = omooccamc� moa W t- ¢- NU7mmncc` Z3WQLl- F- a)"o— m ¢-amQ a F- APPENDIX F ROADS THAT AUTOMATICALLYCOME UNDER THE CITY'S JURISIDICTION WITH THE BULL MOUNTAIN ANNEXATION 1. SW.AUTUMNVIEW ST. 2. SW.TURNAGAIN DR. 3. SW. 122ND AVE.OFF BEEF BEND RD. 4. SW.THORNWOOD DR 5. SW.ASPEN RIDGE DR. 6. SW.WINTERVIEW DR. 7. SW.TERRAVIEW SR. 8. SW.SUMMERVIEW DR. 9. SW.SUMMERVIEW CT. 10. SW SUMMERVIEW ST. 11. SW. 133RD AVE. 12. SW.EAGLES VIEW LN. 13. SW 141ST AVE(WOODHUE TO EAGLES VIEW) 14. SW WOODHUE ST. 15. SW.COLYER WAY 16. SW VIEWPOINT CT. 17. SW TEWKESBURY DR 18. SW 144TH TERRACE 19. SW 145TH TERRACE 20. SW. 144TH PL. 21. SW. 141STAVE.(NORTH OFBULLMT.RD.) 22. SW. 1447H AVE.(NORTH OF BULL MT.RD.) 23. SW.HIGH TOR DR. 24. SW SUNRISE LN. 25. SW. 153RD AVE. 26. SW. 148TH TERRACE 27. SW SOPHIA LN. 28. SW.BURGUNDY ST. 29. SW.JULIET TERRACE 30. SW.BASK TERRACE 31. SW.DEKALB ST. 32. SW.POLLARD LN. 33. SW 161ST AVE(SOUTH OF BULL MT.RD.) 34. SW.COOPER LN. i 35. SW.BRAY LN. 36. SW.KESSLER LN. ! 37. SW.HAZELTINE LN. 38. SW.164TH AVE. 39. SW.WOOD PL. 40. SW.COLONY PL. 41. SW.162ND AVE 'j 42. SW.PALERMO LN. Appendix F-Page 1 43. SW.FLORENTINE AVE. 44. SW.TUSCANY ST. 45. SW.MILAN ST. 46. SW.LORENZO LN. 47. SW VENEZIA TERRACE 48. SW 163RD PL. 49. SW.STAAHL DR. 50. SW CATTAIL CT. 51. SW.LEEDING LN. 52. SW.SNAPDRAGON LN. 53. SW ROSHAK RD. 54. SW.DEWBERRY LN. 55. SW CROMWELL CT. 56. SW.KERRINS CT. 57. SW.GEARIN CT. 58. SW.HOOPS CT. 59. SW.DAHLIA CT. 60. SW.153RD TERRACE 61. SW.MENLOR LN. 62. SW.MAYVIEW WAY 63. SW. 152NDTERRACE 64. SW.KAMERON WAY 65. SW.BRIANNE WAY 66. S W.CATALINA DR. 67. SW 148TH AVE. 68. SW.RHUS CT. 69. SW 145TH TERRACE 70. SW PEACHTREE DR. 71. SW FIRTREE DR. 72. SW ROUNDTREE DR. 73. SW FERN ST. 1 1 1 Appendix F-Page 2 APPENDIX F ROADS THAT WILL NEED TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY TO THE CITY OF TIGARD 1. SW 1 19TH AVE CR 2131 2. SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD. CR 147/2 3. SW ASHLEY DR. CR 2786&CR 2858 4. SW CHARLSTON LN. CR 2876 5. SW SCARLET DR. CR 2786&CR 2711 6. SW PEACHTREE DR, CR 2786,CR 2858,&CR 2711 7. SW CAROLINA CT. CR 2786 8. SW RHETT CT. CR 2786 9. SW 136TH PLACE CR 2786 10.SW 137TH PLACE CR 2786 11.SW 139TH AVE. CR 2831 12.SW 141ST AVE. CR 2011,CR 2689&CR 2209 13.SW 144TH AVE. CR 2207 14.SW TEWKESBURY DR. CR 2820 I5.SW WINDHAM TERRACE CR 2820 16.SW HAMPSHIRE TERRACE CR 2820 17.SW BARRINGTON TERRACE CR 2820 18.SW GLASTONBURY LN. CR2820 19.SW AYNSLEY WAY CR 2820 20.SW WESTMINSTER DR. CR 2820 &CR 2766 21.SW CHESTERFIELD LN. CR 2766 &CR 2720 22.SW BARRINGTON PLACE CR 2766 23.SW CHARDONNAY AVE CR 2700 24.SW MOET CT. CR 2700 25.SW PINOT CT. CR 2700 26.SW 144TH AVE. CR 2700 27.SW CABERNET CT. CR 2700 28.SW 148TH PLACE CR 2947 29.SW CRESTRIDGE CT. CR 2927 30.SW 150TH AVE CR 378 31.SW GRANDVIEW LN CR 2867 32.SW 147TH TERRACE CR 2867 33.SW PEAK CT. CR 2867 34.SW 152ND PLACE CR 2475 35.SW BURGUNDY ST. CR 2826 36.SW 154TH TERRACE CR 2826 37.SW CABERNET DR. CR 2826 38.SW WOODHUE ST CR 2871 &CR 2803 39.SW SHOUE DR. CR 2871 &CR 2720 40.SW 147TH AVE. CR 2871 &CR 2720 41.SW HAWK RIDGE RD. CR 2295 42.SW CHARDONAY AVE. CR 2926 Appendix F-Page 3 43.SW 149TH PLACE CR 2803 44.SW 146TH AVE. CR 2720 45.SW ROSARIE LN. CR 2716 46.SW ROSHAK RD. CR 147%z 47. CR 821 48.SW COLONY DR. CR 2101 &CR 2252 49.SW COLONY PLACE CR 2101 &CR 2252 50.SW 16 IST AVE CR 2101 &CR 2252 51.SW COLONY CT. CR 2101 52.SW 157TH PLACE CR 2538 53.SW BAKER LN. CR 2538 54.SW 158TH TERRACE CR 2538 55.SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD. CR 262 56.SW PALERMO LN. CR 3070 57.SW MILAN LN. CR 3070 58.SW 159TH TERRACE CR 3070 &CR 2961 59.SW TUSCANY ST. CR 3070 60.SW 162ND TERRACE CR 3070 61.SW PALMERO LN. CR 3070 62.SW UPLANDS DR. CR 3070 &CR 2961 63.SW ROSHAK RD. CR 3070 &CR 2891 64.SW SNAPDRAGON LN. CR 2961 65.SW BRISTLECONE WAY CR 2961 66.SW SUNDEW DR. CR 2961 67.SW 161ST PLACE CR 2917 68.SW TEAROSE WAY CR 2917 69.SW DEWBERRY LN. CR 2917 70.SW BULLRUSH LN CR 2917 &CR 2873 71.SW 160TH AVE CR 2917 72.SW ROCKROSE LN CR 2917 &CR 2900 73.SW WINTERGREEN ST, CR 2917, CR 2873&CR 2948 74.SW YARROW WAY CR 2900 75.SW 154TH AVE. CR 2948 76.S W FIRTREE DR. CR 2948 77.SW ROUNDTREE DR. CR 2948 78.SW O'NEIL COURT CR 2891 79.SW FERN ST. CR 3071 80.SW CREEKSHIRE DR. CR 3071 81.SW JENSHIRE LN. CR 3071 82.SW HORIZON BLVD. CR 3071 j 83.SW 147TH PLACE CR 3071 1 84.SW COLYER WAY CR 3074 { 85.SW TARLETON CT. CR 2711 86.SW ASHLEY CT. CR 2711 87.SW SCARLET PLACE CR 2711 88.SW GLASTONBURY LN. CR 2820 Appendix F-Page 4 89.SW 157TH AVE CR 2873 & CR 2900 90.SW LUKE LN. CR 2891 91.SW BECKY LAUNG CT. CR 2891 IMroYIwWdmeunuF maatenvautay roaOs toot metlbb4amM1nen-tW mmntan anroatentbc Appendix F—Page 5 Change in Service Levels Between County and City Appendix G For Services Where Provider and Service Changes Upon Annexation Police Washington County provides The City of Tigard would provide Yes 1.0 officers/1000 people 1.5 officers/1000 people. There would be (.5 standard;.5 from Enhanced an increase of Patrol).Response Times:Average Response Times:Average response approximately, response times to Priority 1 calls(4 times to Priority 1 calls(1 minute,36 .5officers/1000 minutes,30 seconds)and Priority 2 seconds)and Priority 2 calls(3 people calfs(6 atfgutes,7 seconds). minutes,59 seconds)_ (2002.data from Washington County (2002 data from Washington County Consolidated Communications Consolidated Communications Age cy Calls for Service Database) Agency Calls for Service Database Parks Washington County does not provide The Tigard Park Master Plan calls Yes. parks services. for 2 neighborhood parks and 1 The City community park in the Bull Mountain provides park area. The plan also calls fora small services. playground to be built adjacent to the Cache Nature Park. General Road Washington County through the The City's road maintenance Yes Maintenance Urban Road Maintenance District. performs maintenance on regular The City General street maintenance by the schedules as well as on a complaint- provides County is primarily on a complaint- driven basis.Typical maintenance additional road driven basis.Typical maintenance activities include: maintenance activities include: services_ pothole patching pothole patching grading graveled roads grading graveled roads cleaning drainage facilities cleaning drainage facilities street sweeping street sweeping mowing roadside grass and brush- mowing roadside grass and brush (shoulder strip+ditch line) (only.the shoulder strip) maintaining traffic signals maintaining traffic signals replacing damaged signs replacing damaged signs installing and replacing street markings crack sealing vegetation removal for vision clearance - street light tree trimming for light ! clearance ! dust abatement on graveled roads Long Range Washington County_This includes Ctty of Tigard.Annexation will allow the Yes.Annexation I Planning comprehensive planning,such as master City to plan for growth on Bull Mountain will allow the City plans_The 1963 Bull Mountain with an updated comprehensive plan for to plan for growth Community Plan is the operative plan the entire community. on.Efull Mountain Washington County has in place for the Miles Population Planners with an updated Plan Area. 11.5 sq.m_ 44,070 4 comprehensive Miles Population Planners (2002) plan for the entire 727 sq-m. 463,050 6.5 With annexation: community_ (2002 estimate) 13.5 N.m. 51,692 4