Resolution No. 04-57 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON RESOLUTION NO.04 5-1 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AND ENTER INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE TIGARD DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PLAN,FUNDED THROUGH A FY 2004-05 TRANSPORTATION AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT GRANT. WHEREAS,the Tigard City Council has established the 24-member Downtown Task Force;and WHEREAS,the State of Oregon's Transportation and Growth Management grant program provides funding for local government planning projects that lead to more livable,economically vital,transportation-efficient,pedestrian-friendly communities;and WHEREAS,the Council adopted Resolution 03-15 which supported the City's application for a Transportation and Growth Management Grant Application for state assistance in preparing a downtown revitalization plan,as the development of a downtown revitalization plan will require additional expertise and funding than the City can currently provide;and WHEREAS, the TGM program approved the City's application, committing $127,610 for FY2004-05,to be used toward consultant services based on an approved scope of work;and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard is prepared to provide$53,000 in matching funds for the project, and has reserved that amount in its budget for this fiscal year;and WHEREAS,the scope of work has been submitted to ODOT for final review(Exhibit A)and the intergovernmental agreement is being finalized;and WHEREAS, the grant work requires all paperwork to be signed prior to the project's commencement,and the Task Force and consultant are prepared to begin the project, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The Council authorizes City Manager Bill Monahan to sign and enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation for the Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan,funded,through a FY2004-05 Transportation and Growth Management Grant. Resolution No. 04-57 Page 1 SECTION 2: This resolution takes effect immediately. PASSED: This ot7 day of 2004. Mayor-Gliy of Tigard ATTEST: UWfuty City Recorder-City of Tigard r i i i _ r Resolution No. 04- Page 2 EXHIBIT"A" I1Q-03 SCW Ver 1(7/15/04) Attachment A City of Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan STATEMENT OF WORK Glossary: Agency/ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation City City of Tigard CC Tigard City Council GIS Geographic Information Systems ODDA Oregon Downtown Development Association OHP 1999 Oregon Highway Plan OR 99W Oregon Highway 99 West TDIP study area Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan study area PMG ProjeFt Vanagement Group TAC Technical Advisory Committee TDIP Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan - Task Force Tigard Downtown Task Force TIP Transit investment Plan TGM Transportation and Growth Management Program TPR Transportation Planning Rule TSP Transportation System Plan UGMFP Metro Urban Growth Management Functional Plan RTP Metro 2004 Regional Transportation Plan WOC Work Order Contract IV.WORK PROGRAM AND SCHEDULE TASK 1 Project Management and Public Involvement Objectives . • Effectively manage this project within the given resources and timeline • Ensure stakeholder involvement and broad-based public participation in the TDIP development • Ensure intergovernmental participation to ensure compliance with state and regional plans and policies,and coordination with other efforts affecting the TDIP study area Subtasks I- Prior to project commencement,City shall develop Public Involvement Program to provide effective broad-based public participation..The City shall implement program concurrently with TDIP Scope of Work. 2. Prior to project commencement,City shall expand current Tigard Downtown Task Force (Task Force)to provide for increased stakeholder representation as determined by Tigard City Council.Task Force shall provide ongoing oversight and policy direction.Task Force shall act as the citizen advisory committee and will meet eight times during this project,not including additional public workshops.Contractor shall attend all Task Force meetings.City i i " i 1 1 shag develop Task Force roster and confirm membership.City shall manage ail meeting logistics:facility arrangements,announcements,raproduction and distribution of materials, agendas and meeting summaries. 3. Project Management Group(PMG)shall manage and assess project work progress,provide general oversight,ensure compliance with TGM requirements,and prepare for public meetings.The PMG must consist of the City Project Manager,Agency Contract Administrator,Contractor,and others as deemed necessary by these parties.The PMG generally will meet at the beginning of each major task(five meetings)as determined by the City Project Manager,up to two additional meetings may be scheduled during this project as determined by the City Project Manager.City shall develop PMG roster and confirm membership.)Gck-off PMG meeting will be held at the inauguration of the project. City will manage all meeting logistics and arrange facility,meeting notification,agendas and summaries. 4.Technical Advisory Committee(TAC)shall provide technical review,facilitate coordination among government agencies and other planning efforts affecting the TDIP study area,and ensure compliance with state and regional plans and policies.The TAC must be composed of representatives from the Cfty,ODOT,Metro,DLCD,TriMet and Washington County.Through the Metro representative,conflicts or inconsistencies between Metro's OR 217 Corridor Study and TDIP shag be identified,,The TAC shall meet four times based upon a schedule determined by the PMG at the project's initiation.Contractor shalt attend four TAC meetings_City shall develop TAC roster and confine membership.City shall manage all meeting logistics:facility arrangements,meeting announcements,agendas, summaries of previous meetings/public events,reproduce and distribute to the TAC in advance of the meetings and summary of TAC meetings.Contractor shall utilize presentation materials and handouts prepared for previous ' Task Force meetings and public events to present information at the TAC meetings.. S..Contractor deliverables shall be in Word and/or Excel format(pdf also acceptable).Geographic Information Systems(GIS)products shall be ArcYew-based.All drawings shall be done in Adobe Illustrator,MicroStation or AutoCAD.Drawings can be in color,however,they must be legible in black and white. Contractor shall provide to City a hardcopy and electronic copy of all draft handouts and reports 7-10 days prior to City deadline for reproduction/distribution and final versions three days prior to City deadline for distribution for Task Force,TAC,Community Dialog and Public Open House meetings,and final hardcopy and electronic version 10 days prior to each event. City shall be responsible for reproducing �.and distributing al(wrinen materials. 6_A I traffic analysis must be performed by or under the review of an Oregon-registered professional engineer(Civil or Traffic).Traffic analysis and software(HCS,Synchro,Traffix, etc.)must follow Highway Capacity Manual methods. Region 1 Traffic Ung must review all traffic deliverable.8.City shall act as Project Manager and oversee execution of tasks and defiverables as described in the scope of work_ ( 7.City shall provide Contractor a consolidated review of all Contractor draft written materials. IDeliverables CRY Deliverables (Budget$10,000) 1.1 Committee Rosters for Task Force,PMG,and TAC 1.2 Logistics and participation in IGok-off Meeting(PMG#1) 1.3 Bi-monthly status reports and invoices 1.4 Close-out report,as specified in the intergovernmental Agreement Contractor Deliverables (Budget:$1 01 6) i 1 1 t 1 I.1 Participation in Kick-off Meeting (PMG#1) Timellne: Month 1 and throughout project(Meeting deliverables are listed in subtasks throughout the project.) TASK 2: Review and Document Existing Conditions In the TDIP study area;Identify Opportunities and Constraints Objectives • Define TDIP study area boundary(including a'transition area'for multi-modal transportation and environmental context.) • Establish a guiding framework for the planning effort through review of public policies, plans,regulatory requirements,related studies,and other documents that relate to the TDIP study area. • Analyze the current densities,economic trends,and demographics of the surrounding area to determine the size and type of town center the TDIP study area can support • Document existing land use and transportation conditions in the TDIP study area to establish a 2004 bageline and Identify key issues and planning implications,i.e., Opportunities and Constraints.specific to the TDIP study area. Subtasks 1. City,Contractor and Agency Grant Administrator shall hold a joint-Discovery Meeting' (PMG#1)to discuss and refine the following:geographic and functional context,existing and future land uses and ped/bike fadi'ities,development and redevelopment opportunities,environmental opportunities and constraints(eg_wetiand,flood plain, Fanno Creek),and study area boundary.The study area boundary shall include a 'transition area'for consideration of mutd-modal transportation links and environmental . factors only.City shall schedule the meeting and provide the facility. 2. City shall conduct a Walking Tour of TDIP study area with the TAC,Task Force,and Contractor to expose all members to the TDIP study area's physical environment and Central Business District(CBD)zone boundaries. City shall produce TDIP study area map for the tour and document participants'comments. 3. City shall produce Geographic Information Systems(GIS)existing conditions maps and I provide available data for the following land use and transportation elements within the TDIP study area using available information from the City's GIS program;zoning, Comprehensive Plan designations,existing land uses,parcel sizes,building footprints, environmental resources,age of structures,non-conforming uses,vacant or underutilized land,existing and planned transportation routes for all modes,and applicable transportation designations. 4. City shall prepare a binder of all existing conditions data collected for Downtown Tigard in 2003.The binder must include summaries of existing conditions in both written and tabular forth(where appropriate).City shall give binder to Contractor. Elements to be included shall be: a_ Policies Identify and summarize local,regional and state public policies and plans relevant to downtown Tigard) b. Land use(existing land uses,parcel sizes,building size and orientation, environmental resources,age of structures,non-conforming uses,vacant or _C underutilized land). The summary is intended to characterize prevailing or D 0;T a u= extraordinary issues in the TDIP study area,not to describe conditions on individual parcels. c. Prevailing architectural and site design elements(number of stories,building materials,fegade treatments of ground floor and upper stories,building heights, orientation of building entrances,and Recommended Design Elements for the Downtown Commuter Rel/Station), d. Parking Inventory for on-and off-street parking and on-street parking demand (counts,demand,and turnover) e. Demographics(US Census data including age,household size,employment, income) f. Economic conditions(tenant mix,ownership,vacancies,assessed values,and number of employees,land-to-building value ratios) g. Transportation(City of Tigard Transportation System Plan,2004 Metro Regional Transportation Plan,the 1999 Oregon Highway Plan,existing mode-share data from Metro,Tigard Commuter Rail Traffic Impact Study) 5. Contractor shall conduct an Economic Analysis study_of the TDIP study area and produce a report of their findings.The study must assess the current market conditions for office,retail,and industrial businesses,and residential,both in the Downtown and in comparison to approprjate competing markets outside the TDIP study area.The study must consider changes that have occurred since the ODDA Resource Team Report for Downtown Tigard(2000),supply/demand characteristics that exist in and affect the TDIP study area,and real estate and demographics trends and forecasts.The study must evaluate the TDIP study area's current and projected market area and the TDIP study area's ability to support different market segments in the near term and the long term_ 6. Contractor shall produce a draft Existing Conditions/Opportunities and Constraints report Contractor shall address land use and transportation(including parking)existing conditions and policies in the report.The report must summarize the existing conditions binder data provided by City,GIS existing conditions map and data layers, vision statements from previous City of Tigard plans and studies,and identify key issues and Planning implications of the opportunities and constraints for each topic area.In the Transportation section,Contractor shall describe the characteristics and criteria for establishing special roadway designations(Special Transportation Area,Urban Business Area,on Hall Blvd,adjacent to Tigard downtown,as defined in the 1999 Oregon Highway Plan,Policy 1B;Metro Regional Transportation Plan(RTP)'boulevard"street design standards and boundaries for Hall Blvd.and Pacific Highway-OR 99W;RTP 'community boulevard'designation for Main Street,and generally discuss the relationship of these designations to existing and planned land uses. 7. City shall conduct a TAC meeting(TAC#1)to provide review and comment on draft Economic Analysis study,and drag Existing CondigonslOpportunities and Constraints report Contractor shall present the reports and record input from TAC members. 8. City shall conduct a Task Force meeting_(Task Force#1)to provide review of draft Economic Analysis study,and the draft Existing ConditionslOpportunities and Constraints report.Contractor shall prepare visual aids and summaries of Economic Analysis study and Existing CondillonslOpportunities and Constraints reports to convey information to attendees. Contractor shall present information and record revisions proposed by Task Force members. 9. Contractor shall produce final Economic Analysis study,and final Existing Conditions/Opportunities and Constraints report that reflects input from TAC and Task C Force. i J 3 : J Deliverables ICity Deliverables (Budget$6.000) 2.1 'Discovery Meeting'(PMG#1)_logistics,participation 2.2 Conduct Walking Tour.logistics,handouts,summary of comments 2.3 TDIP study area map 2A Land Use and Transportation Existing Conditions GIS Maps and Data Layers I2.5 Existing Conditions Binder 2.6 TAC meeting#1:logistics and facilitation 2.7 Task Force meeting#1:logistics and facilitation 2.8 Consolidated review of draft reports Contractor Deliverables: (Budget•$20-300 2.1-'Discovery Meeting'(PMG#1) 2.2 Attendance at Walking Tour 2.3 Draft and Final Economic Analysis Study 2A Draft and Final Existing Condibons(Oppodunities and Constraints Report 2.5 TAC Meeting#1:present reports,lead discussion,record revisions to draft reports, 2.6 Written summaries and visual aids to present Economic Analysis and Existing Conditions/Opportunities arld Constraints reports to Task Force 2.7 Task Force Meeting#1:lead discussion,record revisions to draft reports Timeline: Months 2-3 TASK 3: Develop Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept Objectives: . Develop Guiding Principles and Evaluation Criteria that reflect previous visioning work, Downtown Tigard planning documents and existing local and regional policies to guide design concept formation- . Provide Task Force with understanding of land use and transportation planning concepts and terms to prepare them to lead community dialog meetings(with assistance and support from City and Contractor) Develop a consensus-based Downtown Tigard Design Concept that embodies the Guiding Principles,acknowledges the opportunities and constraints identified in Task 2, and provides a land use and transportation framework for the Downtown Tigard Improvement Plan . Establish a solid foundation for community support of the Downtown Tigard Design Concept by providing an engaging process that ensures public participation. Ensure TAC members are kept informed of community concerns and desires that arise from the public process,and ensure that the resulting design concept is technically sound Subtasks 1_ City shall provide logistics for Project Management Team Meeting#2,which shall be held to coordinate implementation of the following subtasks. 2. Task Force shall develop Guiding Principles and specific Evaluation Criteria during Task Force meeting#2_Guiding Principles must be based on previous visioning work(Tigard Beyond Tomorrow,Downtown Task Force work),and studies(ODDA report, Recommended Design Elements for the Commuterfiail Station),and be consistent with i City Comprehensive Plan policies,and regional and state plans and policies. Working i I i from vision statements summarized in Task 2,Contractor shaft facilitate the development of the Guiding Principles,and the refinement of these principles into specific Evaluation Criteria to evaluate the iterative,integrated land use and transportation alternatives to be produced In Task 4. Contractor shall produce a memorandum,Guiding Principles and Evahrabbir Criteria for the Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan. Contractor shall facilitate discussion to propose boundaries for the Tigard Town Center. 3. Contractor shall develop and refine a Downtown Tigard Design Concept supported by the Task Force and community stakeholders that shall be included as a criterion for the evaluation of land use and transportation alternatives.The Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept must be based on the Guiding Principles,the previously identified opportunities and constraints,previously adopted plans and the Region 2040 Town Center concepts.The Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept must generally address proposed land uses and zoning(types of uses,mix,densityfintensity),urban design features(such as building setback,number of stories,landscape types,and streetscape designs),parking arrangements,and provisions for alternative modes of transportation and connectivity. 4. Task Force with City shall lead Community Dialog—Session One that shall consist of five community dialog meetings(focus group format)throughout the community in small groups or in conjunctiop with public events(venues to be agreed upon by City and Contractor with Task Force consultation)to provide an opportunity to introduce the project to the community and record comments on the Guiding Principles and Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept.Contractor shall produce written materials on Existing Conditions,Economic Analysis&Opportunities and Constraints that City shall reproduce for distribution at the Community Dialogs.Materials shall Include full size display maps and reductions,a project fact sheet and report summaries, and comment questionnaires. City shall make meeting arrangements,produce meeting summaries,and invite participants based on stakeholder groups identified by the Task Force.Contractor shall attend each community dialog as a technical resource. 5. Contractor shall produce text and conceptual drawings to illustrate the Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept.The Concept shall propose Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan boundaries. The Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept shall be based on the outcome of Community Dialogs—Session One,the Guiding Principles,the previously identified Opportunities and Constraints,previously adopted pians,and the Region 2040 Town Center concepts. 6.City shall conduct a second Task Force meeting in order to refine the Preliminary Downtown Trgard Design Concept and obtain input from the Task Force members. Contractor shall facilitate the meeting and revise the Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept based on comments received. Deliverables City Deliverables: (Budget$6,Q00) 3.1 PMG Meeting#2:logistics,participation 3.2 Task Force Meeting#2:logistics and facilitation 3.3 Community Dialogs—Session One:logistics,facilitation 3.4 TAC Meeting#2:logistics and facilitation 3.5 Consolidated review of draft reports Contractor Deliverables•. (Budget:$16121) 3.1Participate in PMG meeting 112 3.2 Task Force Meeting#2:facilitate discussion 1 t 3.3 Draft and final Guiding Principles and Evaluation Criteria 3.4 Community Dialogs—Session One:written materials and graphics,attend,record i comments 3.5 Facilitate TAC Meeting 112: 3.6 Draft and revised Preliminary Downtown Trgard Design Concept,including text and i conceptual drawings. Timeline:Months 3-5 <.s i 1 ; i ' i TASK 4: Develop Land Use and Transportation Alternatives. Refine Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept Objectives • Rell0 the Preliminary_Downtown Tigard Design Concept into more specific land use and transportation components to create an integrated Land Use and Transportation Alternative in three phases:Initial,Refined and Preferred-that reflect the Guiding Principles and project goals and objectives. • Each alternative phase shall be prepared drawing on the Contractor's professional expertise,technical expertise of the TAC,and the Task Force's everyday knowledge of the TDIP study area. • Hold an interactive community workshop to take comments on the initial Land Use and Transportation Alternative. • Conduct Community Dialog-Session Two to take public comment on the Refined Land Use and Transportation Altemative. • Hold an interactive Task Force meeting to prepare the Final Land Use and Transportation Alternative based on public input. Subtasks f. Two PMG meetings Shall be held during this Task to coordinate the work. 2. Contractor shall develop the Initial Land Use and Transportation Alternative-an Integrated land use and transportation plan that reflects the deliverables from Tasks 2 and 3 and refines the Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept.The Initial Land Use and Transportation Alternative must provide a range of options for TAC and Task Force review,and must address land uses,density,zoning,streetscape design and urban design.Contractor shall produce text,maps and drawings to explain and illustrate the alternative.These must consider the relationship to the Preliminary Downtown Tigard Design Concept and the transportation alternatives and network;and evaluate the feasibility of implementation_ 3. Transportation elements must consider the application of special OHP and Metro designations to TDIP study area roadways as appropriate based on land use alternatives.The transportation alternatives must provide a range of options for TAC and Task Force review,and should address all modes,circulation,connectivity,parking,and street design standards.The Initial Land Use and Transportation Alternative must include explanatory text,maps and drawings;must consider the relationship to the Guiding Principles and regional policy objectives;and feasibility of implementation. 4. City shall provide logistics and facilitate Task Force Meeting#3,which shall be held to consider TAC comments and public comments from Community Dialog-Session One,_ Contractor shall present a summary of comments and lead a discussion of each Land Use and Transportation Alternative based on the Evaluation Criteria in order to capture proposed revisions to the land use and transportation alternative. 4. Contractor shall facilitate an interactive Community Workshop to educate,inform and involve the stakeholders and the public on the Initial Land Use and Transportation Alternative.City shall provide meeting room and logistics,provide notification and invite interested parties,reproduce handouts,assist with facilitation,and provide summary of comments received.Contractor shall prepare presentations,necessary graphics,maps and other meeting materials required to achieve the Workshop's objectives. 5. City shall provide logistics and facilitate Task Force Meeting#4,at which City and Contractor shall conduct an interactive debriefing to compile input from the community workshop.The primary purpose of the meeting shag be to generate the basic approach i I i for developing the Refined land Use and Transportation Alternative based on the public input received. I 6. Contractor shall conduct a qualitative transportation assessment of the both the tnitlal and_Refined Lard Use and Transportation AtterrietAre to ensure overall transportation system viability.Assessment shall include recommendations to maintain multl-modal safety and connectivity,intersection functionality,sound travel lane configurations, streetscape design and access control.Contractor shall prepare a technical memorandum to be reviewed by the TAC. 7. Contractor shall present the Refined Land Use and Transportation Alternative at TAC Meeting#3 for preliminary evaluation,including draft graphics and diagrams.Using the evaluation criteria,City and TAC shag assess each alternative and provide technical feedback to Contractor to make refinements prior to Task Force meeting.Contractor shall refine alternatives based on TAC comment and update graphics and diagrams accordingly. B. Task Force with City shall lead Community Dialog—Session Two that shall consist of five community dialog meetings throughout the community in small groups(i.e..coffee talk style)or in conjunction with public events to provide an opportunity to discuss the Refined Land Use and Transportation Alternative with targeted groups(venues to be agreed upon by clMkaOd contractor with Task Force consultation).City shall make meeting arrangements,reproduce meeting handouts and summaries,and invite previous public meeting participants(including Community Dialog Session One participants)to obtain their comments on both land use and the transportation alternatives.Contractor shall produce handout materials and attend dialogs as a technical resource.Handout materials shall include full size display maps and reductions,project fact sheet,report summaries,and comment questionnaires. 8. City shall provide logistics and facilitate Task Force Meeting#5,at which City and Contractor shall conduct an interactive debriefing to compile information from the community dialog meetings primary purpose of the meeting shall be to generate the basic approach for developing the Preferred Land Use and Transportation Alternative based on public input -9. Contractor shall evaluate transportation performance for the baseline case(existing and 2025)and for Preferred Land Use and Transportation Alternative_Modeling shall be done using Metro's EMME2 model,and results must be expressed as We ratios,post- processed using the National Cooperative Highway Research Program(NCHRP)Report 255 process. Contractor shall document modeling results in a traffic analysis technical memorandum. 10..Contractor shall produce Downtown Tigard Design Concept plan document Elements shall include:refined Downtown Tigard Design Concept Preferred Land Use and Transportation Alternative and transportation modeling.Plan must include diagrams prepared for Task Force_Text must support the diagrams,and provide an overview of the key land use,zoning.transportation,and market characteristics of the Downtown Tigard Design Concept. 11.Contractor shall produce Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan Poster depicting the Preferred Land Use and Transportation Alternative,Design Concept and up to ten perspective illustrations.Poster will be used for Open House and City CounciVPianning Commission meetings in following task to graphically convey Task Force's work.City will reproduce and distribute poster. Deliverables j City Demrerables: (Budget$10.0001 J >f 4.1 Community Dialogs-Session Two:logistics,attendance 4.2 Community Workshop:logistics,co-facilitation,summary of comments 4.3 Task Force meetings 03,4 and 5:logistics,facilitation 4.4 PMG meeting#3 and 4:logistics,participation 4.5 TAC meeting#3:logistics and facilitation 4.6 Consolidated review of draft reports 4.7 Reproduction and distribution of TDIP poster Contractor Deliverables: (Budget t58.555) 4.1 tnifial,Refined and Preferred Land Use and Transportation Alternatives 42 Transportation analysis technical memorandum 4.3 Community Workshop:presentations,co-facilitation—graphics,maps and written materials 4.4 Community Dialogs—Session Two(5 meetings):written materials and graphics,attend, record comments 4.5 Tigard Downtown Design Concept plan document 4.6 Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan Poster—electronic(Adobe Acrobat pdf)two-sided, 24'x36'color depicting the Preferred Land Use and Transportation Altemative,Design Concept and up to ten ppr9pective illustrations. 4.7 Task Force Meetings#3,4 and 5:presentations,facilitate discussion 4.8 PMG meeting#3 and 4 4.9 TAC meeting#3:presentation,facilitate discussions Timeline:Months:6-8 TASK 5: Develop and Recommend Implementation Strategies, Prepare Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan. Objectives • Develop realistic short-term and medium-term strategies to implement the Tigard Downtown Design Concept,identifying timelines,costs and implementers.Integrate the Implementation strategies and the Tigard Downtown Design Concept into Proposed and Recommended Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan documents that allow the community and local officials to easily understand the vision,concept,and implementation strategies. • Address local and regional policy objectives through amendments to the City Comprehensive Plan and zoning code,where appropriate. • Following conclusion of this Project.City shall advance the Recommended Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan and associated City Comprehensive Plan and zoning code amendments to the Tigard City Council for adoption_ Subtasks 1. Contractor shall develop short-and medium-term strategies for implementation of the Tigard Downtown Design Concept and its preferred land use and transportation alternative including cost estimates,phasing and funding strategies.The implementation strategy must identify and recommend economic strategies appropriate for the TDIP study area to support redevelopment and infill strategies which must address actions for achieving mode-split targets for town centers as stated in the Metro Regional Transportat/on Plan;access management,parking ratios and design;any Oregon Y Highway Plan and Melo Regional Transportation Plan facility designations merited for the TRIP study area. 2. City shall provide logistics and facilitation for Task Force meeting N.Contractor shall prepare a memorandum and present draft implementation strategies, 3. Contractor shall produce a memorandum of concept level recommendations for City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance revisions needed to implement the Tigard Downtown Design Concept,including design standards and design review guidelines. City shag prepare text language for recommended Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance revisions(outside of scope). 4. Contractor shall prepare a Proposed Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan,with the following components: a) Land use and urban design(description and graphic presentation) b) Concept level recommendations for City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance revisions c) Proposed Transportation System Plan amendments,if applicable d) Cost estimates,phasing and funding recommendations for public improvements_ e) Implementation strategies including proposed Highway segment and Metro Street design designations and the identification of transportation projects not in the adopted RTP Contractor shall finalize recommendations for phasing and funding strategies with the Task Force during a Task Force meeting. 5. City shall provide logistics and facilitation for TAC meeting#4 and Task Force meeting #7 at which Contractor shall present the Draft Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan,City shall provide meeting logistics, announcement,agenda and summary. 6. Contractor shalt conduct Community Open House to obtain public comment needed to refine the Proposed Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan and to address implementation and public investment strategies to support redevelopment and infill in the TDIP study area.Contractor shall prepare presentations,graphics,maps and other written materials necessary to achieve the Community Open House's objectives.City shag provide meeting logistics and staff support 7. City shall coordinate a joint Planning Commission-City Council work session.City shall produce agenda,meeting logistics,reproduction/distribution of materials and attend the session.Contractor shall present the Draft Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan. 8. Contractor shall prepare a draft Recommended Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan based on comments from the public,TAC,Task Force,Planning Commission,and the City Council. 8. City shelf provide logistics and facilitate Task Force meeting#8 to review and finalize the Recommended Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan_ Contractor shall attend to provide technical assistance for discussion.Contractor shall produce final Recommended Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan document, Following conclusion of Project,City shall produce Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code amendments,and complete Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan adoption process by Planning Commission and City Council. fDeliverables City Deliverables. (Budoet$6 0001 5.1 Community Open House:logistics,staffing 5.2 Consolidated comments on recommended Comprehensive Pian and code revisions 5.3 Task Force Meetings#6:logistics and facilitation 5A Task Force Meeting#7:logistics and facilitation J 1 1 5.5 Task Force Meeting#8:logistics and facilitation 5.6 TAC meeting#4,logistics and facilitation 5.7 PMG meeting#5:logistics,participation 5.8 Joint Planning Commission/City Council work session:logistics,notification,reproduce materials.agenda, summary Contractor DoRverables• (Budoet:$31,618 2 5.1 Proposed and Recommended Downtown Tigard Improvement Plan 5.2 Conduct Community Open House:presentations,graphics,maps and written materials 5.3 Joint Planning Commission-City Council work session—present summary of TDIP. 5.4 Task Force Meetings#6:memorandum and presentation on draft implementation strategies. 5.5 Task Force Meeting#7—present Draft TDIP 5.6 Task Force Meeting,#8—provide technical assistance for discussion of Recommended TDIP. 5.7 TAC meeting#4:Attend,present summary of Recommended TDIP 5.8 Participate in PMG meeting#5 L.3 Timeline:Months 9-11 1 I l L V.CONTRACT BUDGET Budgets for Contractor work are faced amounts and generally deliverable-based. Amounts for grantee-prepared work are estimates based on time and materials. Below is a project budget summary,including grantee cost estimates. city Personnel Hours Pay Rate Cost Project Manager 350 $45. $15,750 Assoc.Planner 550 $30 $16,500 Assoc.Planner.GIS Specialist 100 $30 _$3,000 City Engineer 50 $55 $2,750 ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET Contractor(TGM City Match Total --- Fo.matced Table Grant) Amount Task 1—Project 1.016 10,000 $11.016 Management&Public Involvement Task 2—Existing 6,000 $26.300 Conditions/Opportunities 20300 &Constraints Task 3 Preliminary 6,000 $22.121 Downtown Trgard Design 16,121 Concept Task 4—Land Use and 10,000 $68.555 Transportation 58,555 Alternatives.Final Downtown Tigard Concept Plan Task 5—Implementation 6,000 $37.618 Strategies,Tigard 31,618 Improvement Plan Subtotal 127,610 38,000(incl City 165,610 Est Labor City-Est.Direct Expenses 15,000 15,000 TOTAL 127,610 $53,000 $180,610 ODOT/Agency shall pay Contractor directly for all contract work. 1 1 ! ,s !