Resolution No. 91-56 f MOM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 91YZi& In the Matter Approving Year Two of the Washington County Wasteshed Five-Year Waste Reduction Plan and Adopting the Washington County Wasteshed Waste Reduction Intergovernmental Agreement WHEREAS, the above entitled matter came before the Council at the meeting of 3uly 23, 1991; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council that pursuant to the Metropolitan Service District's Regional Solid Waste Management Plan including the Waste reduction chapter, all local governments are to adopt an annual work plan for waste reductions; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the council that the City of Tigard and Washington County may enter into an agreement pursuant to ORS Chapter 190 and ORS 459.065 (1) (b); and WHEREAS, the Washington County Waste Reduction Technical Committee and the Washington County Waste Reduction Policy Committee have jointly developed and approved said plan and agreement with full participation by staff of the City of Tigard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: The Washington County Wasteshed Five-Year Waste Reduction Plan, Year Two, is designated as the City of Tigard approved annual work plan for waste reduction for fiscal year 1991-92. Section 2: The City of Tigard approves the Washington County Waste Reduction Intergovernmental Agreement and enters into and authorizes the City Administrator to sign an agreement with Washing con County for fiscal year 1991-92. PASSED: This a `� day/ ofd ��� 1991. lMayor - City of Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder - City of Tigard r- h:\Loreen\Wasteshd_agr RESOLUTION NO. 91- Page 1 WASHINGTON w t COUNTY iii ........ �rnnu Ill���iiiillli���•. Waste Reductions Plan Budget [GLocal Metro Cooperative Prorated overnment Outright Administrative Promotional Generated "Challenge" Program Support Revenue Grant Funds Support Fn County $114,938 $64,533 $179,471 $19,132 0 26,955 26,955 7,991 0 3,073 3,073 911 0 500500 148 ve 0 6,865 6,865 2,035 0 19,044 19,044 5,646 0 1,028 1,028 305 Sherwood 0 1,574 1,574 467 Tigard 0 14,661 14,661 4,347 Tualatin 0 7,638 7,638 2,264 Wilsonville 0 3,565 3,565 1,057 $114,938 149,436 $264,374 $44,304 A Cooperative Recycling Program of Washington County and the Cities of Banks, Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, '. King City, North Plains, Tigard, Tualatin, Sherwood, and Wilsonville Waste Reduction 'basks ® Year 2 *=Metro required tasks Task 1*. Regulate residential garbage collection to implement weekly curbside Task 2*. Regulate commercial recycling program �+ garbage collection to implement with containers. �rr °� e -ini x 4 y t waste audit and recycling program. i Task3*. Regulate multi-family garbage collection to implement a recycling program with economic incentives for owner/managers and Task 4*. Implement in-house haulers. recycling programs to include as many materials _ as practical at all -,�1 Task 5*. Expand local ®o facilities. commercial waste audit ,t c x expertise for a variety of T' businesses. Document a r designated number of ^s^, commercial waste audits. Develop a more comprehensive Task o'*. Invite schools to program for year three. participate in waste audits ---- Task 7*. Develop wording to and encourage them to � ` faciiitate recycling during design implement waste reduction - \� review and site plan review and recycling programs. �: � \ � .,°r - ., procedures of commercial and multi-family units. Task 8*.Develop a recycling �s. container systems plan in Task 10*. Complete an ! multi-family residential units. Annual Report Worksheet V for year one and submit it to Metro by September 30 1991. Task 11. Develop a plan for _ — - �+ ~ Task 9*. Plan and special waste collection. implement a yard Task 12. Perform a feasibility rdebris collection program that meets the regional study on an intermediate processing and yard debris recycling plan minimum marketing program of residential , multi- requirements. family and commercial recycled materials. Task 13. Perform analysis of recycling Task 14. Third year incentives with the development of model work plan is written language for establishment of service KEAR and submitted on time. standards for franchised haulers. WASHINGTON COUNTY WNSTESHFD WASTE REDUCPION INTERGOVEPMEN AL Pte. I. Parties Parties to this Agreement are Washington County (hereinafter "County") and the individual signatory city. Plan participants expected to sign agre�nents are the Chun ty ari3 the Cities of Beaverton, COrnelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, King City, ShexWood, Tigard, Tualatin and Wilsonville (hereinafter "Cities"). Any reference hereinafter to "local goverrmbent', shall include �h County and Cities. II. StatutQry Authority This Agreement is entered into pursuant to ORS Chapter 190 and ORS 459.065 (1) (b). III, pu,T pose ` Puzsvant to ORS Chapter 268, ORS Chapter 459, and related adnlixl- tr tive rules, the Metropolitan Service District (hereinafter "Metro,,) has established a Regianal Solid Waste Management Plan, including a waste reduction chapter. The Metro plan provides that Metro shall establish a five-year work plan for solid waste reduction and identifies specif-ic progranls for local government to implement the Metro plan. Metro has established guidelines for local government participation in the form of an Anrn as l Waste Reduction Program for Local Gove=..-nt for Year Two (July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992) of the five-Year plan. The Metre plan r9clu ires local governments to adopt a work program anrn gal _ The Anm,ai Waste Reduction ly. Prrogram for 7ma7 Govenm�e_nt establishes m;n;mn m, reui ren ents for' localov g ernment work prngraTrs for year two and provides that local goverrmients may work cooperatively with neighbor-in.g local governments if intercJovern-ntal ants t ox Nor WAc,jUj4 a2oN cCUurY VVsr>S.D UTA= RErUCrION INITInOVEPIZHUTI!AL AGREEMENT Page 2 documenting cooperative arrangements are submitted with the local ,g,ve=mTent per. The purpose of this Agreement is to dociznent the cooperative arrangements among the local govenments and to establish the duties of the County as administrator of the second-year local goverrm,,nt work plan and the duties of all local gover=n nts as participants in the work plan for the second year (1991-1992), and to provide a structure Por continuing working relationships among the local governments during the ruining three years of the five-year Metro work plan. l IV. Team of AclreemPrt All local governments shall decide whether to participate in the he seocrrl-year local goverment work plan by August 30, 1991. participation shall be ac caMli.shed by adoption of the plan and by entering into this Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be from August 30, 1991, to June 30, 1992. Thi-S Agreement may be renewed by the County and the individual signatory city for successive one-year terns. Renewal shall be accampli.shed by action of the governing body of the City and of the County to adopt the proposed local goverrmient work plan for the sucking year, and to rene a this Agrees nt With ammxdmnts to Attacl'L -nt "An and @@@ Attachment "B" that reflect the funding and duties of the Pr local goverrm-ent work plan. V. Administrative Structure A. A Washington County Wasteshed Recycling Commission is established and shall mit at least once each year to review programs and developments of the past year and to recormend programs for the upcoming year consistent with the Metro five-year plan. The governing body of each local g--XT—Ment Y i i WAS'ETINGTON COUNTY WASTl:HM WASTE REDUCT=CSF INTERGOVEMIMEMAL AGREEMENT Page 3 shall appoint one member to the Recycling C=mnission, and the Washington County Board of Ccmmiissicners shall appoint three at-large mwbers, one of whom shall represent the solid waste industry. The initial appointees of each local government shall be the curresit local goverr�nt mentors of the Washington County Solid Waste Waste Systems Design Steering CCnMMttee. The Recycling Carani-ssi.on shall receive advice from a technical ccn=d-`ttee, consisting of a staff member from each local goveznment appointem joy the various local government administrators. County staff shall act as administrative coordinator of the Recycling Commission and the technical comittee. B. The technical catmnittee will develop and propose an annual work_ pian including projected annual revenue for year three. Annual work plans wi_11 be developed in a timely manner to meet all deadlines set by Department of Envisormtiental Quality, Metro, and participating local goverrments. Annual work plans will be presented for approval by the governing body of each local goverrmient on one-year intervals only. The annual work plass shall provide local governments with miniimun waste reduction standards consistent with the Metro plan; individual local goverrmerits nay impose higher standards for waste reduction. VI. Duties of_r irties A. county Duties as Program Administrator The County shall perform work requiring technical expertise, including plan development, data ocsnpilation, report 4 VMSHINGICSN COUNTY 4V1S� WAS= REDUCTION INTERGOVER4MENTAL AGREEMENT Page 4 j writing, program coordination, technical advice to participating governments, and general information to the public. The County shall reccma)end policies and develop model ordinances as necessary, and generally promote the local government waste reduction progranis. The County shall also perform field work including performing waste audits, single-family recycling, multi-family recycling, cmme=ial recycling, special waste recycling, school education, ccnmrnity education, and special event promotion. The county shall also perform work requiring coordination with Metro, DEQ, and other agencies, and represent the local governments before such agencies. In addition, the County shall perform the specific duties outlined in Attachment "An B. Cct - Duties as Grant Applicant The County may act as agent for all participating jurisdictic,-- in applying for waste reduction and recycling grant funds as determined appropriate by the Technical CaT mitten. Disbursement of funds will be to local participating jurisdictions or franchised haulers based on a formula to be determined by the Technical committee or set by grant requirements. This does not preclude any local government from applying individually for any waste reduction and recycling grant. C. Duties of Each kcal Government Each local government shall undertake annual program tasks that are internal in nature, such as office paper recycling arra procurement of recycled products. Each local gcverrnmient PMMMIGION COUNTY WASTFSHED WASTE REDUCTION INTUMVERNMFITIAL AGREEMENT page 5 shall also be responsible for enforcement of solid waste reduction plan standards with respect to the solid waste collection ordinances and franchisees within each local goverrmient jurisdiction, enforcement may include easnplaint investigation, service standard review, reporting, and revisions to local government codes d,ased upon the model code developed by the County. In addition, each local goveTnent shall be responsible for establichirxj rates for collection franchisees within each local government's jurisdiction consistent with the waste reduction program. Each local government designates the County to act as its agent in receiving appropriate recycling grant funds. In addition, each local goverrm-ent shall perform the specific duties outlined in Attachment "A". { VII. Funding Eacn local gove ment shall pay to Washington County as program administrator the amount identified as the local, government's share for administrative costs as allocated under the annual plan recamnended by the Recycling Commission and approved by the Participating local gover-mr_nts. For the 1991-1992 year, each local goverrmrant's share shall consist of all revenue from the Metro "Challenge" grant for the 1991-1992 program year, in accordance with Attachment "B". Washington County shall act as { administrator for revenues collected by cooperative efforts of the local goverrm�nts. Each local government shall have the right to audit for up to three years County records relating to Metro grant funds received through this Agreement. l mom wasxLxcrorr CCn3TY WISTESEED VVkME REMCSror, AIRJF]� page 6 Each local goverratnstt shall be responsible for establishing solid waste collection rates that allow a reasonable return to franchised solid waste collection businesses based on local rate review stands. Local governments retain authority to review hauler ousts arra to perform audits of hauler firomial records. WP SH1143TCN COUNTY By: By: Chairman rman Board of CountY Cmmissioness Assiotan County Counsel wwriagree For Washington County,Ora. Bt+l:cat £ S 79 E 8 f! ES fi�P ���a fig$ �s afro Lq Eli ZT S i 5 € I .qgF. tS_ y- 4m o_•� a�,EFB..� ^ A7 «t2 �. ttE 3`v 7LE 8p �'v 8E 8v a a 4 § C Y £E $ S 'eX F S F« 8 F» F F« « €« iz E» £« tL Attachment 8 WASHINGTON COLDITY WASTESHED 3 intergovernmental Agreements Five Tzar Waste Reduction Plan Year 2 Programs for Fiscal Year 1991-92 Funding Sources and Allocations by Jurisidictions Local Cooperative Government Metro Outright Administrative Prorated Generated "Challenge" Program Promotional Revenue Grant Funds Support Support Washington County 5114,938 S'$4,533 $179,471 319,132 Beaverton SO 526,955 526,955 27,991 Cornelius s0 53,073 53,073 8911 Durham s0 $500 5500 $148 Forest Grove s0 36,865 56,865 52,035 Hillsboro s0 519,044 S19,044 45,646 King City s0 31,028 51,028 5305 Sherwood s0 S1,574 $1,574 6467 Tigard s0 S14,661 $14,661 54,347 Tualatin s0 S7,638 $7,638 $2,264 Wilsonville s0 S3,565 $3,565 $1,057 $114,938 5149,436 $264,374 $44,304 By Program Area Funding Sources Canty. Cities WashingtonParticipating Directed .Directed County cities Metro Metro. Generated Generated °Challenge" "Challenge" Funding ALLoeation Revenue Reverxla Grant Funds Grant Funds Program Staff Solid Waste Management - Coordinator $11,795 $0 s0 s0 Recycling Coordinator $43,016 $0 50 s0 Recycling Specialists s0 s0 $26,966 $26,966 .Hazardous Waste Specialist s0 s0 $4,301 s0 Staff Support Clerical $0 s0 SO 522,047 Administrative Costs $16,115 so 49,193 514,409 Materials and Supplies $8,221 s0 $4,690 S7,352 Promotion and Advertising $10,791 s0 $19,383 214,129 Contingency so so s0 s0 Report Development Contract $25,000 s0 s0 s0 Totats $114,938 s0 $64,533 564,903 i