Resolution No. 91-48 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 91-TW A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE ADDITION OF CITY COUNCIL POLICY 1.13, PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TESTING. WHEREAS, the existing Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted in 1987; and WHEREAS, the existing Personnel Policies and Procedures do not include a policy on Pre-Employment Drug Testing; and WHEREAS, a new City Council Policy on Pre-Employment testing is desired to insure the selection of qualified, drug-free employees; and WHEREAS, City Council, the City Attorney; and staff have reviewed this document prior to adopting the attached new policy for conformance with applicable State and Federal laws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: City Council Policy, 1.13, attached as Exhibit "A", to be added to the City Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, is hereby adopted. j PASSED: This,-,,j'_:) - day oft___ , 1991. ayor - Z`ity of Tigard ATTEST: /(t4L( City Recorder City of;�Tigard jd/ccdrug RESOLUTION NO. 91-44 } -m-M.-dN-AN A City Council Policy 1.13 Pre-Employment Drug Testing CONCERN FOR SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC The City of Tigard has a sincere concern for the safety, health, and well-being of its nces and absivq use of contrled employees and the public. The use of illegal sub poses a significant problem foorlthe substances by its employees and potential employees safety of the employee and the public. MORAL AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO THE CITIZEN bility to he The City of Tigardrov de qua t mservice in a timely and cost t � citizens effective manner. Employees community top at any and all levels in the organization who have drugs and alcchol in their system are cient capacity. Furthermore, impajudgement ability n theto a part may have serrform otheir duties tusufinanll 'cial consequences for the City impaired9 through increased safety risk,potential accident liability,increased worker's compensation liability, and potential faulty decision making. POLICY The City of Tigard,in a positive effort to provide a healthy and safe re woe in envir t drug for all its employees and the citizens of the community, are ou pre-p'in the following screening. The guidelines and procedures for this program information. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES The guidelines and procedures forthe preplacement drug screening program are set forth in a question and answer format. If further information is needed, please contact the Personnel Division, A) DRUG TESTING ical analysis test}includes detection of the following drug The drug screening (chem groups: 1) Amphetamine/methamphetamine (e.g., speed, crystal) Serax, Dalmane, and 2) Benzodiazepines (e.g., Valium, Librium, oxazepam, Ativan). A { 1 -NSA NEW Ism Iffin 3) Barbiturates (e.g., Amobarbital, Butabarbital, Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital, Secobarbital) 4) Cocaine 5) Methadone 6) Methaqualone (e.g., Quaalude) 7) Opiates(e.g., Codeine, Heroin, Morphine, Hydromorphone, Hydrocodone) 8) Phencyclidine (e.g., PCP) 9) THC (e.g., marijuana) These drug groups were selected based upon known abuse in the community and the ability of each drug to adversely affect physical/mental performance. B) WHAT LABORATORY IS USED TO PERFORM THE ACTUAL TEST? The City of Tigard will use a qualified medical laboratory to conduct the drug testing. C) WHICH APPLICANTS FOR CITY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE DRUG SCREENING PROCESS? Upon completion of reference checks(and a physical exam-if required), finalists will be required to undergo drug screening prior to a final job offer, D) UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES WILL APPLICANTS BE DISQUALIFIED FOR CITY POSITIONS BASED ON POSITIVE DRUG TESTING RESULTS? The confirmed presence of any illegal drug in a urine sample will be cause for disqualifying an applicant for his/her period of eligibility as set forth in the recruitment announcement. E) WHAT HAPPENS IF AN APPLICANT TESTS POSITIVE FOR AN UNEXPLAINED LEGAL DRUG? The presence of any unexplained legal drug may also be cause for disqualifying an applicant. If an applicant is taking prescription medication,this must be substantiated by a physician's report or statement. The report should indicate whether or not the taking of these legal drugs will prevent or alter the person's ability to perform essential job duties. If the report indicates the person cannot perform essential job duties while under the influence of these prescribed legal drugs,this shall be grounds for disqualification. 2 -- F) WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE APPLICANT REFUSES TO SIGN THE CONSENT FORM ALLOWING THE DRUG SCREENING TO BE CONDUCTED? In this event, the applicant will be advised that without the signed consent form, the medical examination will not be conducted and the candidate will subsequently be medically disqualified by the City on the basis of an incomplete medical examination. The candidate will further be advised that a second medical appointment will not be permitted at a later date and that the disqualification will remain in effect. The applicant would have a right to appeal such disqualification to the City Administrator. G. WHAT HAPPENS IF AN .APPLICANT, AFTER HAVING ARRIVED AT THE MEDICAL FACILITY AND REVIEWING THE DRUG SCREENING AUTHORIZATION FORM, ANNOUNCES THAT ;HE OR SHE HAD "ANOTHER APPOINTMENT" AND THEREFORE WOULD HAVE TO RESCHEDULE THE EXAMINATION? In such circumstances the applicant would be asked to sign the authorization form and provide a urine sample under the same condition as usual. The balance of the medical examination,if required,would be rescheduled. An applicant who refused to remain and provide a urine sample would be medically rejected. H. WILL THE DRUG SCREENING PROGRAM INCLUDE CONFIRMATION TESTING ON POSITIVE SAMPLES? �f The initial screen of an applicant's urine sample will be conducted using a highly sensitive testing methodology based upon an enzyme immunoassay technique. If the results of this test are negative(results would be known within 24 hours),they will be reported back to the City's Personnel Manager and the urine sample will be discarded. If the sample tests presumptively positive for drugs, the laboratory will immediately conduct further testing using an entirely different methodology on the same specimen of urine. The confirmation testing will involve mass spectrophotometry (GCMS). This specific confirmation test will be determined by specific drug that tested positive in the sample. Confirmation testing will be done individually for each drug. It is anticipated that the process to complete confirming tests may take 48 additional hours. 1. WHERE WILL THE SAMPLES BE STORED AND FOR HOW LONG? In those cases where the second test confirms the presence of a drug or drugs in the sample,the sample will be retained in alocked freezer for six months to allow for further testing in case of dispute. 3 i J. WHAT AMOUNT OF DRUG IS ENOUGH TO SHOW "POSITIVE" AND HOW LONG CAN DRUGS REMAIN IN THE SYSTEM AND SHOW "POSI'TIVE" RESULTS? The amount of each chemical substance that is required to show as"positive"varies from drug to drug. The specific amount is a standard selected by the test?ng laboratory based upon the purpose of the testing program. In our situation, the laboratory will use standards that will ensure a drug is genuinely present when a positive result occurs. The length of time that drugs remain in the system varies tremendously from drug to drug. The length of time a drug remains in the system, also varies from person to pe-son. While these variables exist,none of them will cause drugs to test positive beyond what we consider recent usage. K. WHAT TYPE OF APPEAL PROCEDURE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR AN APPLICANT DISQUALIFIED BECAUSE OF A POSITIVE DRUG SCREEN TEST OR A REFUSAL TO PARTICIPATE? The appeal process under these circumstances will be to submit in writing a request for appeal to the City Administrator. The City Administrator will consider the appeal and respond in writing whether the appeal will be granted or denied. L. WHAT IS THE STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE UTILIZED FOR THE DRUG SCREENING PROGRAM INCLUDING CHAIN OF CUSTODY? When an individual is directed by the City to the medical provider for drug screening, the following procedure is observed. 1. The drug screening procedure is explained to the individual and any questions will be answered by the medical provider or designated representative. 2. The individual is asked to sign a waiver giving permission to perform the drug screening. 3. The medical provider presents the individual with a special empty, sterile container and the sanitary seal on the container is broken in front of the individual. 4. The individual is allowed to provide their urine specimen in,the privacy of a stall after bluing agents have been placed in the tank. 5. The individual's name is placed on the container and it is placed in a special envelope with the individual's name written on the envelope. 6. The sample is left in a special place for the lab to pick up. 7. The lab picks up the sample and places it in another sterile container that only has a serial number on it so the individual is not identified by name. 8. The drug screening tests are conducted on part of the sample and if it tests presumptively positive, a second test using a different methodology is conducted to confirm the positive results. �. 4 i s i i Ewa MW I 9. If the test results in one positive and one negative result, the overall test is 1 considered negative. 10. In the case of marijuana the level of the positive test is set high enough to exclude people who have had a casual encounter with the drug,such as being in a room where it is smoked by someone else. A test threshold(50 NG/ml)for THC, which is the active substance in marijuana is used as a cutoff, which ensures that someone who registers positive has indeed ingested such a substantial amount of the drug that it precludes inadvertent exposure. 11. The results of the test are forwarded to the medical provider in a written report. 12. The positive test samples are retained frozen by the medical provider for a period of six months so applicant's appealing to the City Administrator have the opportunity to have their sample retested if so directed. JOB RELATED FACTORS FOR DISQUALIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES DUE TO POSITIVE DRUG SCREEN RESULTS. Background: It is the policy of the City of Tigard that eligible candidates being considered for appointment to any City position who are found to have positive drug screening test results shall be disqualified from appointment to the position for which they are applying. JOB RELATED FACTORS FOR DISQUALIFICATION 4i...:. The following summary is provided as an example of the job related factors which require the disqualification of candidates with positive drug screens. While the summary is descriptive of some of the job related concerns, it is not intended to be comprehensive. 1. EXECUTIVE, MANAGEMENT, AND SUPERVISORS A. Duties and responsibilities. Incumbents in these positions exercise the highest level of leadership and responsibility in the organization and their decisions and actions have the greatest impact on the accomplishment of required municipal services for the City of Tigard. B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents are responsible for the safety and well- being of all subordinate employees and their judgement and decisions greatly impact upon the health, safety and welfare of both the general public and city employees. Furthermore,they are required to drive vehicles in the conduct of City business. 2. PUBLIC SAFETY AND PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPORT POSITIONS A. Duties and responsibilities. incumbents in all safety positions are responsible for enforcing the law. They are entrusted with performing safety services and � 5 E i i the lives and safety of the public. Incumbents in safety support positions respond to emergency assistance calls, dispatch public safety vehicles, are responsible for the welfare of prisoners,have access to controlled police related information,such as criminal records,and have access to confiscated evidence, such as illegal substances. B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents must avoid conflicts of interest and compromises of security, must inspire credibility as an enforcer of laws and as a witness in court, must keep contraband out of the jail, and needs to work without impairment or critical errors. 3. POSITIONS NWITH THEACCESS INVOLVED I HANDLING OF PUBLIC FUNDS. PUBLIC RECORDS, OR 1 A. Duties and responsibilities. Many incumbents of clerical and professional positions receive, record, file, read,disperse, and/or invest public records and public funds. (Examples_ payroll processing, personnel records, accounts receivablelpayable, utility billing,cashier, library circulation, recreation events, etc.). B Factors financialor security or the entrustmentents of public funds andd to work 'to avoid conflicts of f interest. 4. CODE INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT. ities, and ` A. Dutsstruies and ctures orrconfor atnce withlncumbents inspect codes and standards btote ensure that lstructures are safe. B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents need to work without impaired judgement and avoid critical errors in inspecting work which affects the health and safety of the public. 5. LIBRARY SERVICES AND RECREATION. A. Duties and responsibilities. Incumbents in library and recreation positions are responsible for working with children and exercise influence over minors by virtue of their position of authority with the City. B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents need to inspire credibility as service providers or caretakers as in the exercise of authority over children and minors; to work without impairment in coordinating or performing recreational program activities,and providing positive role models for children to follow. t,. 6 i i -- 6. ENGINEERING. A. Duties and responsibilities. All professional and sub-professional engineering incumbents are responsible for drawing up plans and working on projects relating to physical structures and public utility operations where the health and safety of the public and employees is involved. B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents need to work without impairment or without impaired judgement or critical errors, where consequences pose increased health or safety risks. 7. EQUIPMENT AND MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATORS. A. Duties and responsibilities. Incumbents operate mechanical equipment,drive automobiles,vans,trucks,etc.,in the course of their employment with the City. B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents need to work without impairment, where faulty judgement may endanger the health and safety of the employee, co-workers, or the public, or may result in material loss of equipment, and increase risk of financial liability. 8. MANUAL LABORERS. A. Duties and responsibilities. Incumbents work with or around potentially r hazardous and/or dangerous materials,tools,equipment, machinery,facilities, and/or areas (work at heights, in confined spaces,etc.). B. Factors for disqualification. Incumbents need to work without impaired judgement or impaired physical ability as to avoid injury to themselves, co- workers, and/or the public and where faulty judgement may result in material loss of equipment or property. nl\subabuse word\pers 7