Resolution No. 90-74 i1 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION" NO. 9o--_L-J__ In the Matter Approving Year One of the Washington County Wasteshed Five--Year Waste Reduction Plan and Adopting the Washington County Wasteshed Waste Reduction Intergovernmental Agreement WHEREAS, the above entitled matter came before the Council at the meeting of November 26, 1990; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council that pursuant to the Metrorclitan Service District's Regional solid Waste Management Plan including the Waste reduction chapter, all local governments are to adopt an annual work plan for waste reduction; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council chat the City of Tigard and Washington County may enter into an agreement pursuant to ORS Chapter 190 and ORS: 459.065 (1) (b); and WHEREAS, the Washington County Waste Reduction Technical Committee and the Washington County Waste Reduction, Policy committee have jnintly developed and approved said plan and agreement with full participation by staff of the City of Tigard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: The Washington County Wasteshed Five-Year Waste Reduction Plan, Year one, is designated as the City of Tigard approved annual work plan for waste reduction for fiscal year 1990-91. Section 2: The City of Tigard approves the Washington County Waste Reduction Intergovernmental Agreement and enters into and authorizes the City Administrator to sign an agreement with Washington County for fiscal year 199(3-91. f PASSED: This Ct day of-/ !Z w-A:,,k-­, 1990. z ) Mayor - City of Tigard ATTEST: c ty Recorder - City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 90- Page 1 _ IAT THE CITY COUNCIL ndR THE CITY OF acd In the Matter Approving Year One ) RESOLUTION AND ORDE'P, of the Washington County Wasteshed ) No. �W Five--Year Waste Reduction Plan and ) Adopting the Washington County } Wasteshed Waste Reduction ) Intergovernmental Agreement ) The above entitled matter came before the Council at the meeting of IVoyemtyr Wit, , 1990; and It appearing to the Council that pursuant to the Metropolitan Service District's Regional Solid Waste Management Plan including the waste reduction chapter, all local governments are to adopt an annual work plan for waste reduction; and It appearing to the Council that the City of 7 afrl and Washington County may enter into an agreement pursuant to ORS Chapter 190 and ORS 459.065(1) (b) ; and the Washington County blasts Reductions Technical committeeandthe Washington County Waste Reduction Policy t Committee have jointly developed and approvca said plan and-, ` agreement with full participation by staff of the City of �A;�,_ Department ofJcts; it is now therefore, RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Washington County Wasteshed Five.--year Waste Reduction Plan, Year One, is designated as the City ofc r 5 approved annual work plan for waste reduction for fiscal year�i990-91; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City of i tcu d approve the Washington County Wasteshed Waste Reduction Intergovernmental Agreement and enter into agreement with Washington County for fiscal year 1390-92.. Dated this ��Y"day of -/? L/4-'vn ¢ 1 0. ( SC f' 1, TIPTLE OF._OP,GANIZATION) mayo City Recorder WASHING-1W COMM WASTESHED WASTE REDUCTION INTER=YVIMRN��fAL AGPIU24ENT I. Parties Parties to this Agree^eYt are: Wasb3ngton County (hereinafter "County") and the individual signatory city. Plan participants expected to sign its are the County atki Cities of Beaverton. Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, King City, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin arA Wilsonville (hereinafter "Cities"). Any reference hereinafter to "local governizent" shall include both County and. Cities. ZI. Statutory Authority This AgrVement is entered into pursuant to ORS Chapter 190 and OSIS 659.O65 (1) (b). IIZ. Pursuant to ORS Chapter 268, ORS Chapter 454, and related administrative rules, the Metropolitan Service 'District (hereinafter "Metro") has established a Regional Solid Waste D"anages t Pian: including a waste reduction chapter. The Metro plan provides that Metro shall establish a five-year cork plan for solid waste redurti�a -sari identifies specific programs for local government to implemment tl-A- Metro plan. Metro has established guidelines for local goverrmient participation in t_he form of an Annual :Waste Reduction Program for Local Government for Year One (July 1, 1990 to Jtxzue �040, 1991) of the five--year plan. The Metro plan rsgL' res local goveranrpnts to adcV! -A work programa annually. Thee Annual Waste Reduction Program for Local Goverranent establishes minimum requirements For local goverrsrgrt work programs for year one and provides that local governments may work cooperatively with neighboring local ;governments if intergovernmental agreements documenting cooperative arrangements are submitted with the local goverrxnent program. The purpose of this Agreement is to docLanent WASHI1oPGMM COLWIY WASTESHM WASTE REEX=ION TiiZ'iTEwArMeOG'N'Z`AL AORP Page 2 the cooperative arrangements among the local governments and to establish the duties of the County as administrator of the first-year local gaverrment work plan and the duties of all local gcm-errawnts as pat"icipants in the work plan for the first year (1990-1991), and to provide a structure for continuing work-ing relationships among the lo=�Ll governments during the remaining four years of the five--year Metro v;ork plan. IV. Term of A eement All local governments shall decide whather to participate in the first-year local government work plan by November 30, 1990. Participation shall be acccmplisF,.sd by adoption of the plana arra by entering into this Agreement. The tear of this Agreement shall be from November 30, 1990, to June 30, 1991. This Agreimu nt may be renewed by the Caurty and individual signatory city for successive csae^der terms. Renewal shall be acc cmplished by action of the y.nrerning body of the City and of the Corxrty to adopt the proposed local gmernment work plan for the succeeding year, and to renew this Agreement with amendments to Attachment "A" and Attachment "B" that reflect the fxxUrxx* and duties of the proposed local gove=vir-:t work plan. V. Administrative Structure A. A Gkishington County Wastesred Recycling Commission is established and shall meet at least once each year to review programs anxl developments of the past year and to recommend programs for the upcoming year consistent with the Metro five--year plan. The goveraing body of each local government shall appoint ene member to the Re:yciing Commission, and the W,a,hirxzton County Board of Cawdssicraers shall appoint three at-large members, one of whoa shall represent the solid waste SdA.�s�in&—i COUNTY WASTESHED REDUCTION i_n uatry. The initial appointees of eicb local government shall be the current local goverrurent members of the wasj'iing'ton coi:zzty Solid Waste Systems Design Steering ccm ittee. The Recycling Ccmmisslo n shall receive advice frcfc a technical ocnuittee: consisting of a staff member from each local government appointed by the vario.s local goverrmmnt administrators. County staff shall act as administrative coordinator for the RecycliIV Ccumistsicocn and the technical camaittee. B. The technical, committee will develop and propose an anrAxal work plan including pro3e--rted annual re—venue, for year two. Annual vaork plans will be developed in a timely manner to seer all deadlii ps set by Dep+sas_-tmmaxt of Rnviromamental Quality, Intro, and Participating local governments. Annual woex pla,-,s will be presented for srprxnral by the gmernIng IxxIV of each local gov%arnment an one-year intervals only. The annual work plans Shall provide local goverru its with m3jUmmm waste reduction standards consistent with the Metro plan; individual local gc'�vernMents may impose higher standards for vete reduction. VI. Duties of Parties A. County Duties as r rc. Actninistrastor The County shall perform work requiring technical :expertise, including plan development, data dilation, report writing, program coordination, technical advice '--) participating governments, and general information to the public. The County shall develop model polices, ordinances, etc. as necessary and generally prmmte the local government waste reduction prOgrBMS. Tt� County shall also perform field work incltuiirg coordinating waste audits, single--famiily recycling, multi-family recycling, ccaawrcial recycling, school education, c ommanity WASHIMN6TON. COONTY V ASTESHED WASTE REDUCTION el 1INTURGVVEM24nTAI AMRa-222iENTPage 4 eduration, and special event promotion. Tlae county shall also perform work requiring coordination with Metro, DECD and other agencies, and represent the local governments before such agencies. In addition, the County shall perform tl^.e specific duties outlined in Attachment "A". B. CoeunnE Duties as Grant Azaolicant Thi County will act as agent for all participating jurisdictions In applying for Metro's multi-family grant fuftlt3. The County w11 provide matching funds sufficient to meet grant requirements, as set forth in Attachment "B". Disbursement of multi-family fundn will be to local participating jurisdA'cti.—zF __ franchised beulerG used on. a formula to be determined by the Technical Committee. C. Duties of Each Loral rrmw nt Each local government shall undertake axumial program tasks that are internal in nature, such as office payer mcyclizV and procurement of recycled products. Each local government shall also be responsible for enforcement of solid caste reduction plan standards with respect to the solid waste collection ordinances and franchisees within each local government Jurisdiction; enforcement may include complaint investigation, service standard review, reporting, and revisions to local government codes used upon the model code developed by the County. In addition, each local government shall be re-sponsible for establishing rates for collection franchisees within each local governa-e-ent's jurisdiction consistent with the waste reduction program. Each local goverraxaent designates the county to act as its agent in applying for and receiving petro multi-family recycling grant funds. L-i addition, each local government shall perform the specific duties outlined in Attachment "A" CITY WASTESHM WASTE REDUCTIoN *`aINTERGOVERUMMAL !w{'laEtM > Paige 5 Vil. FuariiazY tach Iota: �+fsvexnt shall �aY to 3rgtctti Crnarsty as program administrator the amount identified as the local goverrm $t's s, for admInistrgativa costs as allocated In-,der, the anas.3aa gluey recommended by the A'=Yy1irB ^ lssicn and aPproved by the Participating local governments. For the 1990-1991 year, each local 90'4---t's share shall consist of all revenue from the M tro "Chall " grant for the 1990-1991 nrogr m year, In. accordance with Attac"ant "F" P4a6hl"gtoa County shall act as administrator for reVnaes collected by cooperative efforts of the local cgovern'*�nt-s. Facts 'Deal gay lernrAE!nts shall have the right to audit for up to three Years Cotulty records relatiM to t1etro grant £uariss receivers thzc;ogh this est. Each local government 81-11 be respoxisible for establishing solid waste collection rates that alla4 a reasonable rrturn to franchised solid waste collection busing based on local rate review stasodards-- Local govertlMerts retain authority to review hauler costs and to perform aaadits of hauler firancial records. i 1'LNG'MN Cows y c c. i i !c c� s By. Board n��� �s...�s -/y��L ,l Board of Comfy ConmLi ssioners { Attachment A UASH1HGTOw COUMTY UASTESHEO tntzrgavern�nentsl Agreements Five Year waste Reduction Pian Year 1 Programs for Fiaual veer 1990-91 sk�ACGi>fA94�18��ltf�fi'Ci=�: �, �4w �� ��!�" �Pik ��till�Ntti�t;9g C{JUtt�A3 �z ��� ����, EAHi YrRsa;x .� � gii�>r14eUT� 1�>< AEP1tE3ktf1A7;� 1 A consistent and reliable flInding M additionat FTE Washington County has b+dgated mechaniam is adopted. revonUt through franchise fee. 2 weekly racyrting collection, same Additional FTE ai-id Currently have 508 of the task day as garbage is started. prowrotionat costs of coapletad. This will require $11,200. Hauler Costs to working with remaining franchised iapta +nt - 87.83,602 haulers to finish task. Current ata Level not adequate. 3 Plans are casplated for the !to additions: FTE. Current Staff level is adequate. provision of curbsides recycling 228,400 rern++e Analysis of task is under say- collection containers to e .h for promotion. single fatuity rasidenca. 4 Thi Local government implements no additional FTE, Each irdivldUOL jurisdiction will purchasing pot€cies for recycled to revenue required provide coordinator. Current county content and recyctable products. staff accoaptishes this task for ecunty buildings with coordination with Facilities and Purchasing. 5 A system is devetopad to ns additionat FTE, Current staff level is adaquate. pafticipate and cooperate with 34560 revettue for atieer regional waste manapea+s..t promotion. goats as they ata foras3leted and to make timely reports to Metro. 6 A waste reduoticm coordinator gaperident upon Each individual jurisdiction wilt responsible for the local cities requirements. provide coordinator. Current county government plan starts work. staff aocompliShes this task for unincorporated county. 7 ALL rates are re9utated through nR additional FTE, Presently in ptace. either franchise or license So revenue required asreemu t. 8 Ali county/city buildings start no additional FIE. Each individual jurisdiction wilt office paper recycling programs. $2679 revenue required provide co:rdinstor. Current county for prowtior staff accomplishes this task for county Witdings with coordination with Facilities and Purchasing. 9 Muiti-family cotterticn contHlners Additional FTE County staff r€tL provide technical are distributmd. rryulrsJ. Hauler costs assistance as required. tw.sl to be$163,192. Grant gaverements wilt pra4ide 80% program will offset fnareting levet to participmting Costs. hauter3. 10 Second year work Plan is written no addifionat FTE, Current staff Levet is adequate. and submitted on time. 30 revenue required G a. y,e SIN no additionst FTE Cities wilt dodicote Metro-Challeme" no additionst FTE Grant Money to County for admin. costs. Required hauter revanu* Currently kava 50%of the task Promotion costs to to through exfsting cospleted. This will require shared through Metro rates. Promotion costs working with remaining franchised -Challenge-Grant shared, haulers to finish task. Ctties would revenue. Required provide revenue for additioncl FTE hauter revenue to be through Metro-Challenge"Grant. through existing rates. no additional FTE, County staff levet adequate to no additi onat FTE, Proration costs accomplish task with cooperation -Promotion costa to ba shared. of franchised haulers. to be shared throgh metro-chat%,ve- no additional FTE, Each individual Jurfecitction will no additional FTE, Promotion costs to be provide coordinator. City Promwtion coats to be shared. SO roverue staff accoaptishsc this task for shared 1,><y Metro to imptement. city buildings with coordination -Chatt".a-Grant. so with city facility asnager. revenue to implement. no additfonat FTE, County staff level adequate to no additional FTE, Promotion costs accosptish task with cooperation Promoticn costs to be shared. of local govsrnment coordinator. shared by Metro -Chalio *- Grant. M additional FTE Each individual Jurisdictlon will Dependent upon provide coordinator that would receive size of Jurisdiction, nail and phone calls from Metro, attend minimum of 10 hours wasteshed meetings for program per month. review, oversee interest recycling. no additional FTE, Presently in pines. no additional FTE, $0 revenue required $0 revenue required no additionat FTE, Each individual Jurisdiction wilt no additional FTE, Promotion costs to be provide coordinator. City Promotion costs to be shared, $0 revenue staff accomplishes this task for shared. SO revenue to ispla .t. city buitdirpa with coordination to implement. with city facility manager. County wilt provide Cities would provide revenue for Additional FTE costs revenue of $66,692 to additional FTE. County staff woutd to be handed through Metro Multi-Family oversee program with cooperation Metro-Chalternge- watching Grant of 566,692 of tial governasant coordinator and Grant revenue. to assist fsptementation. participating franchfoad haulers. $0 revenue required. Cities srwVor haulers say apply for funds to implement multi-family program. nen additf crest FTE. County staff level adequate to no additional FTE, $O revenue required accoapllsh task with cooperation SO revonue required of tocat government coordinator. Attachment B WASHINGTON COUNTY WASTESNEO Intergovernmental Agreements Five Year Waste Redaction Plan Year i Prograas for Fiscal Year 1990-91 Funding Sources and Allocations by Juria idictiona Multi-Family lc_at Revenue local Cooperative Government Ave itabla Government Metro Outright Administrative Metro Matching Generated to Franchised Generated "Challenge" Program Mutti-Fmmity Matching Haulers or Cities Revenue Grant Rads Support Grant Funds Revenue by Jurisdiction Washi._+tan County %138,546 $82,539 5138,546 $30,751 566,692 561,502 Beaverton s0 528,968 $28,988 610,800 s0 5211600 Cornet f tm so 53,343 53,343 51,246 s0 52,492 Ourham so $1,500 51,500 $195 SO %390 Forest Grove so 57,976 $7,976 62,972 s0 55,944 Hillsboro so $22,142 522,142 58,249 s0 si6,498 King city $0 %1,500 %1,500 son so x954 Sherwood so $1,965 $1,965 5732 s0 s1,464 Tigard SO 517,715 $17,715 $6,600 s0 $13,200 Tualatin so $8,736 58,736 53,255 s0 $6,510 Wi lsonviLto so 33,724 %3,724 51,415 SO 22,830 $138,546 5189,128 $236.135 $66,692 666,692 $133,384 By Programa Arae Funding Sources County Cities Canty Cities Washington Participatirg Directed Directed Directed Directed Canty Cities Metro Metro Metro Metro Generated Generated -Chat Lengo-I -Challenge- Mufti-Family Mufti-Family Funding Attocation Reverxo Revenue Grant Funds Grant Furls Grant Fends Grant Funds Program Staff Solid Waste Management Coordinator 511,341 s0 so s0 s0 so Recycling Coordinator 541,362 s0 SO so s0 so Recycling Specialists $15,015 s0 52,271 534,572 $0 s0 Hazardous Waste Specialist 64,136 s0 so so s0 so Staff Support Clerical to SO 57,571 514,361 s0 0 Administrative Costs s0 s0 $24,018 514,386 s0 so Materials and Supplies so s0 $12,254 57,335 so t0 Advertising so so $10,152 $13,310 s0 to Promotion so so Si0,426 $13,624 %0 s0 Contingency so s0 $15,847 so $0 s0 Mufti-Falsity Recyctire Program Support Mauterllocat Jurisdiction impteaentaticn Support $66,692 50 s0 so $30,7✓;1 535.941 Totals 6139,546 to 662,539 697,588 530,751 435,9441 k i�llllilliiiii!litiu• ANXI NOW WASHINGTON COUNO*r, %,,' ulliiltl ' I Waste Reduction Pian Budget --r�� Revenue Local Metro Cooperative Metro Local F Avaiiaitia to Government Outright Administrative tv!atchln Government 9 g Franchised Generated Generated 'Challenge* Program tvSutti-family Haulers or Revenue Grant Funds Support Grant Funds Matching l Cities by ` Funds .jurisdlelon �. Washington County $138,546 $82,539 $138,546 $30,751 $66,632 f $61,503 Beaverton 0 28,988 28,988 10,800 0 21,600 Cornelius 0 3,343 3,343 1,246 O 1 2,491 Durham 0 1,500 11500 195 i 0 390 Forest Grove 0 7,976 I 7,976 2,972 I 0 5,944 Hillsboro 0 22,142 22,142 8,249 0 i 16,498 !Ging City 0 1,500 , 1,500 477 0 954 Sherwood 0 1,9651 1,965 f 732 0 1,464 Tigard 0 17,715 17,715 Ii 6,600 0 13,200 Tualatin 0 8,736 8,736 3,255 0 6,510 Wilsonville 0 3,724 3,724 1,415 0 2,830 $138,546 180,128 $236,135 $66,692 $66,692 '$133,384 A Cooperative Recycling Program of Washington County and the Cities of Banks, Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, King City, North Plains, Tigard, Tualatin, Sherwood, and Wilsonville r; R' {i Waste Reduction Tasks - Year 1 Task 1. identify revenue sources \+.\,�• 'to fund programs, Task 2. Implement weekly 1i -� recycling collection in neighbor- �, hoods. Task 3. Prepare and schedule the implementation of a recycling �� Task 4. Implement by ordinance, container collection system. alp=,- resolution or administrative rule an e� institutional purchasing policy. Task 5. Cooperate in reaching \ � other regional goals as they are developed in yard debris collection, material recovery, and ,. otter resource recovery activities. I Task G. Hire or designate staff to serve as a waste reduction coordinator. Task 7. All rates arra regulated 92s through either franchise or license agreement. _ Task Lt. All county/city buildings start office paper recycling pro- Task 9. Multi-family collection , _ grams. containers are distributed. CSUGL4a_. \ 1 Task 10. Second year work pian is written and submitted on time. b AGREEMENT TO IMPLEMENT YEAR 1 OF A FIVE-YEAR WASTE REDUCTION PLAN As members of the Washington County Wasteshed, and required under Metro's Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to implement an annual waste reduction work program, the local jurisdictions of Washington County and the cities of Beaverton, Co,nnelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Kind city, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin and Wilsonville have, in a cooperative effort, pxoduced the following plan. Each signature below represents a separate resolution or order duly approved and on file by the approp_-late Jurisdiction, establishing that the jurisdiction has adopted this plan and has signed the separate intergovernmental agreement. chairman-Board of ComraiEs saners Mayor -- City of Hillsboro Mayor - City of Beaverton Mayor - City of ging Cit}• - Mayor - City of Cornelius Mayor City o Sherwoo3 a or -Cit cif '` y Durham Mayor ity of Tigard Mayor - City of Forest Grove mayor - city of Tualatin Mayor - City of tvilsonviliti f WASH-NGTON COUNTY WASTESHED FIFE-YEAR WASTE REDUCTION PLAN r Executive summary INTRODUCTION Draft Version August 23,1990 The Waste Reduction Chapter of the Regional Solid Waste Management. Plan (RSWMP) was adopted by Metro Council in November 1989. An annual wor: plan for waste reduction is to be developed and approved by each local jurisdiction under provisions of the RSWMP and is to be submitted to Metro for approval by October 1, 1990. With the exception of the Cities of Banks, Gaston, North Plains and rural, unincorporated Washington County, the Washington County Wasteshed consists of the following ten local governments within the Metro boundaries: Washington County and the Cities of Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, ?Millsboro, King City, Sherwood, Tigard and Tualatin. At the beginning of 1997, local governments within Washington County met to discuss development of a joint waste reduction plan. The City of Wilsonville was extended the opportunity to join the other ten local governments because of its work on solid waste facility siting within Washington County. Hereafter, "local governments" or "local jurisdictions" refer to these eleven local governments. GOALS .AND RESPONSIBILITIES The cooperative plan allows local governments within Washington County to include waste reduction as the "Foundation" for the local option solid waste systems pian. The stated goal of a cooperative approach to waste reduction is to provide for an effective and efficient, county-wide program that avoids Jurisdictional redundancy. By coordinating the waste reduction activities of eleven jurisdictions and twenty-six franchised haulers, a consistent recycling program may be presented to the public. The responsibility of waste reduction delineates two separate areas. Direct authority and administrative responsibilii.y for Solid waste reduction remains with each local government. Duties continue to include sate setting, enforcement, code revisions, and internal recycling programs. Technical expertise for program administration and implementation for solid waste reduction is concentrated at the County level with local jurisdictional support. Washington County staff will provide plan development, report writing, program coordination, 1 public information, education, promotion and meeting attendance involved with single family, multi-family and commercial recycling, Each local jurisdiction is responsible for providing revenue to support the cost of Year 1 administrative programs provided by County staff. The participating cities can meet this revenue requirement through assignment of the Metro "Challenge" Grant allocation to Washington County. The administrative tasks assumed by the County are at the discretion and with the cooperation of the participating cities. j Cities retain the option of providing an additional service level j within thein jurisdiction. W"TS REDUCTION TASxa - yrim 1 I As of the May 1990 version of :Intro's "Annual Waste Reduction r Program for Local Government, Year 1 of a Five Year flan", I thirty-four separate tasks are listed for completion within the designated five years. This plan covers ten tasks for' the first year. The following identify the tasks with a brief description. Stems noted(*) denote conGorman-e to Metro°s minimum .first year tasks for local governments, Tusk 1* - Identify revenue sources to :fund programs. Waste redaction revenue requirements are divided into two areas. The first area is revenue needed by Washington County to perform its administrative duties. Washington County is budgeting its contribution through County franchise fees. The participating cities meet their revenues requirement through assignment of t1he Metro "Challenge" grant allocation to Washington County. The second source of "ands provide the franchisee haulers of each jurisdiction with revenue necessary to implement the proposed waste reduction programs. Because franchised haulers may incur additional costs Por implementing programs identified under this plan, each Jurisdiction should consider such costs in the annexal rate review process. The multi-family recycling program is partially funded through a Metro watching grant program. Washington County, with concurrence of the cities, as the wastashed agent, provides the matching money and application to Metro. Revenue will then be distributed to franchised haulers to offset costs of implementing multi- xamily recycling in all jurisdictions. Task 2f - Implement weekly recycling collection in neighborhoods. 2 s Thirteen franchised haulers within the Washington County Wasteshed have implemented weekly collection of recyclables on the same day as garbage coll"ction. Nine haulers provide the State required minimum monthly recycling service. As of February 1, 1991, these monthly service franchised haulers will upgrade their recyclin:j service to weekly collection on the same day as garbage collection. Task 3* - Prepare and schedule the implementation of a recycling container collection system. Providing recycling containers to single family residences within the Washington County Wastsshed will be fully addressed in Year 2 of the Five Year Waste Reduction Plan. The existing container programs within the franchise collection areas of Rossman's Sanitary Service and United Disposal :Service meet Metro's standards and will continua as inplemented. The Washington County Haulers Association reviewed the options for recycling containers and decided to implement the three 5-- gallon pail system on a schedule to be determined in the Year 2 plan. Funding of the container program is contingent upon continued Metro funding at the amount established by the Clackamas County container program. Promotion of the container program has been addressed in the Year 1 work plan,. A total of $39,600 has been allocated for promotion and advertising for implementation of the weekly collection progra= and the container program. Task 4* - Implement by ordinance, resolution or administrative '_.Ale an institutional purchasing policy. A shaft version of an institutional purchasing policy will be available by October 15, 1990 for review by local jurisdictions. The final version will be ready for adoption by local governments by December 15, 199o. Task 5* - Cooperate in reaching other regional goals as they are developed in yard debris collection, material recovery, and other resource recovery activities. Washington County Jurisdictions have been active participants in the development of regional goals. Metro's Regional Yard Debris Plan set parameters for compliance that are within the program scope of the Department of Environmental Quality approved Washington County Yard Debris Recycling Plan. The County plan is presently being implemented in accordance with the goals that were set for the participating jurisdictions. The City of Wilsonville was not a participant of the Washington 3 4 County wasteshed Yard Debris Man .and it will be necessary to address yard debris recycling for the residents of Wilsonville by January, 1991. Task 6* - Hire or designate staff to serve as a waste reduction coordinator. The eleven participating jurisdictions have all designated a contact person for waste reduction. Washington County and the ten cities have set down through intergovernmental agreements the areas of responsibilities for each jurisdiction. Task 7 - .All rates are regulated through hither franchise or license agreement. Mate regulation through franchise agreements is fully implemented within all the participating Jurisdictions. Additional analysis by the Technical Committee needs to be done to evaluate different options available to local jurisdictions. Task 8 - All county/city buildings start office paper recycling programs. Right jurisdictions have started an office paper recycling program. All pa--ticipating jurisdictions are committed to implementing office paper recycling by February,, 1991. Task 9 - multi-family collection containers are distributed. Although multi-family containers are a priority in Year 2, local governments recognize that the need exists to acccmmodate this significant population of our jurisdictions. Washington County will act as agent for all participating jurisdictions in applying for the Metro Matching Multi--Family Grant. This plan recognizaa that Washington county will provide the necessary watching funding and will act as the sole agent for applying and receiving Metro Matching multi-Family Grant funds. The goal is to site 200 multi-family mini--depots within the local governments. Recycled materials proposed to be collected will be newspapers, clear glass, brown glass, green glass, tin cans and cardboard. Task to - Second year work plan is written and submitted on time. To meet the July 1, 1991 Metro deadline, a final plan for Year 2 will be ready by March 1491 to accommodate the time necessary for Council and Board review. 4 4