Resolution No. 90-64 crLY of TITGAM), C&VaO r }(ES0T-LMC N 140. 90-- u A 1Wl'ION OF THE TIC pD CITY )L kgalM ApponfDI& S .o VARIOUS NEI 87W P1ArilUNG tW-AT IZATIiXNs. wROZ AS, the Myor's Appointment Advisory Conmitbee t S--Ptember 11, 1990 to interview interested cittzens for Pmlt Om on various NeighbortMd PlannirxJ crganizations (MM's). and Fps, tYse foi.lsxring persons jr_11cated that they are i.n#:erester�. irs ss=rvi on a Nei ztv:od Planrdng 0rg3-Azatim (NPO) and %MMM, the Plazrru g Cbumissicm reviewad the appl- t_,ca,tjCnS at their Outcluar 2, 1990 mating and voted bn�Wz'-mo',Mly to aPPrOV8 the reccMerndations. MM, T2 UM, BE IT RFSoivED by the Tigard City mil that: Sect-Lcn 1: The foljawiny Pea.-;Cw� am hereby dated to Neighborhoori Planning �xganizatians as €011s: Judy Watson 2�WO #6 Tern --xpireds comer 15, 1634 viane• Wilson NPO #6 r, expires October 15, 1994 ,Tames Blanchard NPO #7 rrv-- : expires Ocie.= 15, 1994 Kathryn DaCSP-tt NPO #7 Tem expires oc car 15, 1994 Edward Howden NPO #7perm e2qoires0-tum 15, 1994 Joel Stevens NPO #8 Term expires October 15, 1994. �t P3 S : slay of Cl .t-R?_C 2 -'99 .tayor - City of ATIEsT: City Fscarder - city=of-Tigard d RESOFJ7t CCK NO. 90- (�' page 1