Resolution No. 90-44 k Clr-' OF TIGARD, ORFGON RF:SOLIITiw*7 No. So-LL A RES011MON OF THE TICI RD CITY COLNCIL SUPFORTING r. SIM AL LEVY FOR THE PROVISION OF EMIANCED 9-1-1 AND MEER TELIMLOGICAL CIPLMADES FOR PUBLIC SAFELY ^.,MAMICATIONS P-1 VVVEHINGMN CrUN f MU EAS, Washington County Coumirnications Agency Yaws completed a considerable review arra study of 9-1-1 and rge_*acy publio safety comaini.cations service levels for all citizens arra public safety agencies in Washington County; and W DUU215, it has been determined that technological enharxDements. and upgrades are necessary to improve 9-1-1 and emergency cormnunications services levels; and 6,frCEREAS, a serial le_y -.:ill provide funding for the ncA—ssary improvements a-rid upgrades; and WHERT70, it is understood that the levy will provide a consrlidated comunications facility, F bhanced 9-1-1, conputerization of dispatch operations and -mbile units, upgrade of firs service nr-tifi:,ation pagirng, ocriputerized uoppi.rm systems, aaxi cionversikm of public safety agencies to a joint Boo M. radio system. NOW, ITIFRETI7RE, BE :IT RESOLVED by the Tiga_*Y3 City Couraci_I that: Sec'tjon is 3hae Tigard City Council supports the: upgrade of 9-1-1 and ene-gency ammunications and urges the Washington County E.-nard of Cto iissioners to support the proposed upgrade in the form of a serial levy to be voted on try the voters of Washington County. PISSED: This �3 t-r day of 1990- Mayor - City bf`Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder - City of Tigard r RE--OLLRiON M. 90-`� Page 1