Resolution No. 89-91 CITY OF TIGARD, ORD30N RESOLUTION No. 89-_ql-_ A RESCUYTION ACCEPM G A B1+ FOR THE PCII2CFII3.SE OF CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, GENERAL OBLIGATION ItVROVO4UP BONDS (135TH AV04M PRO ECT), SERIFS 1989. M REAS, sealed bids were received on behalf of the City for the purc base of the City's Ge ral Obligation ImIrovement Bonds (135th Avenue Project), Series 1989 at 10:00 a.m, on tidy date in the offices of Lirdsay, Hart, bieil & Weigler, Bw'id Counsel; and VaiF-REAS, the attached bids were received, and the bid of U.S. Hank _ offer: the immst true interest cost to the City. NOW, IM R'--T , BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City CcxLrl:il that: Section 1: The sale of the City's General Obligation Lnprove-merit Bonds (135th Avenue Project) , Series 1989 shall be awarded to U.S. Bank in accordance with their bid and officsal notice of sale for ':r-,.s Lands. PASSED: This 7th day of De r, 1987. .--'N'ayor ity of Tigard ATTr�r: f� City Reccrder - City cf Tic — RarrlOa NO. 89-of 1 Page I