Resolution No. 89-59 CITY OF -IIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 89-_�� A RESOLUTION riDONTING AN INVESTMENT POLICY. WHEREAS, ORS 294.035 requires investment officers to obtain a written order from the governin,4 body of a neur.icipality bofor'e investing surplus funds, and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to ?he City to establish certain guidelines and limitations on the in.?stment of surplus funds .in Or'der' to sageguard the assets of the City and to assure that funjs will he available to invet .>bligations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE: IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: The investment policy as set forth in Exhibit "A" is hereby adopted. PASSED: This o?44t-" day or f� ATTEST: - - ----- f Mayor -- City of fl•)ard �-...- D uty Recorder - City of Tiyar"d APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Recorder �,�j� - �.. cpl8675D r, RESOLUTION NO. 89-, Page 1 "EXH I.ki I.-I A" CITY OF TICARD I.NVE:SIME�NI POLI.C:Y The following Investment Policies are intended to meet the requirements of ORS 294,035 and to provide the framework within which city Of ligar-d funds may be invexted. Au,thcr'i' The Finance Director shall serve as the Investment Officer of thL' City. The investment officer is responsit:le Lo ensure that funds ar-e invested so as to make necessary cash available to meet current obligatiur:s and to invest excess cash in accordanc•.e with ORS 294,035 through 294,047 and these Investment Policies, In the absence of the Finance Director, the Accounting Manager may acs- as Investment Officer wiLh prior approval of the City Administrator. Scope These investme,-rt policies apply to all excess cash related to all -activities and funds under the direction of the Tigard City Council, Cash accumulations related to bond proceeds or short-Lean borrowing ar-e included unless more restrictive state cr fuder'al regulations are applicable. Excess cash shall be defined iAs all liquid ass current obligations. TreCs ot necessary to meet E)e,fe�rred rorrM.ensat_ion ?eferred compensation funds are placed with a third party for investment and are. therefore excluded frcn, the restrictions set forth in these gu.ideli,-,,es. ObI ctiyes The objectives of these policies are to provide for the pr-eservation o# City ' assets, the availability of such assets to meet obligations as ttrey come due, and to provide for a reasonable rata of return on those assets, in that order-. Pruq-; nt Investor Investments shall be made under the prudent investors rule, which "Investments shall be made with stataas, judgrrrent and care, under• circumstances tFren �srevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, riot for investment, considering the probable safspeculation but for ety of their capital as well as the probable .income to be derived. Internal Controls The investment officer shall maintain a which will .=„e reviewed annually by the independent 'audittt internal controls, Cast!f low._AnaI 'A The investment Officer shall maintain a historical cash flow record and a cash flow projection which extends twelve months into the future. The projection shall be reviewed and updated On a regular. basil. No fixed maturity ;:ecuritie;, shall be unless the cash flow projection indicates t�tat the funds invested will not be required until the maturity date of the investment. Pond_Proo-e-eds Surplus funds resulting front debt issuance shall be considered as a separate portfolio and shall not be -estr-ictod by the matu+-ii:y and 1nStruIII,nt diversirication section of these policias, Such funds may be invested for ,a} .,,. s• perinri. _><��: :.� iR months and up to 36 mont.ts Such maturities shall coins de with the projectt. d cash flew needs ret3uitiirty fro'rt tt•te projected construction schedule. Such funds are restricted t ttto following instrucv its `treasury/Agency Securities go percent maximum Local Government. Investment Pool 100 per-cent maximum Di.versifi�at_i.on The investment Officer will diversify the general portfolio to avoid unreasonable risks within the following parameter's: o Maturity Diversification Investment maturities shall be scheduled to coincide with project:ad cash flow needs. -rhe 111ajor-ity of the portfolio will mature in less than 90 Vis. ilio investn+ents will be made for a period to exceed IR munths. O Instrument Diversification ce-tificat-es of Deposit- 25% maximum commercial Paper 25% Maximum Bankers Acceptance 50% maximum Treasury/Agency Secur-it.ie.s 50% m<.xiMUM Local Government Investment Pool 100% maximum Demand Deposits 10% max1mum Other Authorized Instruments 25% maxitrum o Institution Diversification Sank liabil.itic-s with any one qualified financial .institution s ail. not exceed 20 percent of the portfolio. Bank liabilities of any one qualified financial institution shall not exceed one percent Of the inst'itution's total assets. Investment in commercial paper shall not exceed 10 percent of the portfolio in any one Oregon corporate entity meeting the rating requirements of P-2/A-2 or better, or five percent of the portfolio in any one corporate entity outside the State of Oregon meeting the rating requirements of i. Savings and loan inst.ituticns shall be distinguish from commercial banks in that Certificates of deposit with savin"I'c' and lean institutions shall not exceed $100,000 unless the excess is 100 percent collateralized by certificate in the State Collateral Pool. For purposes of these guidelines, the state local governmentinvestment: pool shall be considered to have a one day liquidity. Selection of Investment Instruments Investments shall be made by the inve_tment officer through the exorciso of his/her- judgment after requesting quotes from financial in_:titut ions. Selections will be wAde so as to provide the highest rate -f return within the parameters of these policies. ualified Institutions The investment officer shall maintalri a list of all authorized institutions which are approved for investment purposes, The invest-mentofficer will request, analyze, and keep on file, pc-riodic financial statements and related information to satisfy himself as to the creditworthiness of each institution on the approved list. Reporting The investment officer shall prepare an investment activity report at the end of each month for review by the City Administr-ator. Amendments These investment policies may be amended at the request of the investment officer, the City Administrator, or members of City Council. Such amendments shall be approved by the City Council in the same manner as the investment policies. Authorizes! Investment Instruments The following investment instruments listed in ORS 294.035 as "approved securities..." shall be authorized investments for the City of Tigard. o Legally issued goneral obligations of the United States, its agencies and instrumentalities, and those of the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho or California. o Time deposit open accounts, certificates of deposit, and savings accounts in banks, mutual savings banks, arui savings and loan associations which maintain a head office or branch in the state of Oregon. o Trusts in which deferred compensation funds from other public employers are pooled. o Banker's acc<:ptances that are auaranteed by a qualified financial institution. A qualified financial institution being one which is licensed to do a banking business and located ire the state of Oregon not required under ORS 295.018 to maintain a reserve deposit of collateral for 110 percent of its public fund deposits. o Commercial paper issued by or on behalf of a qualified financial institution, a holding company owning a majority of such an institution, or a corporate entity having its headquarters in Oregon or employs 50 percent of its workforce in Oregon, or has 50 percent of its tangible assets in Oregon. a Commercial paper issued by a publicly held corporation, organized under the laws of a state other than Oregon and that is rated V--1 or wo. u Repurchase agreements involving legally issued general obligations of the United Mates and its agencies and instrumentalities. The seller must afire, to repurchase the securities within 90 days following the date of the investment. If the maturity of the underlying security exceeds le manths, the pricy raid shall not exceed 98 percent of the current market value. Investment in repurchase agreements mu>t be accompanied by a signed agreement with the seller and a confirmation including a full description of securities held in safekeeping. Saf�ekee ira Certificates of Deposit will be placed in a secured area within the vault on the premWes at the City of Tigard. All bearer instruments, treasury and agency securities, and bankers acceptances shall be placed in safekeeping with a qualified third party. cp/86"TSD