Resolution No. 88-103 C11Y OEIIGARLi, OREGON RCSOLU Y ION (y0. 88-_1" A F.ESOL.U110N APPROPRI.ATI_NG CONII:NGE.NCY IN IHE. GENERAL FUND FOR 1HL PURPOSE:: Of ACQUIRING PARK LAND IN AND AROUND SUMMFRL..AKE PARK. WHEREAS, the Tigard City Council has identified the need to acquire certain land in the Summerlake Park area for park Purposes, and; WHEREAS, according to the Tigard Municipal Code Section 3.16.010, acquiring additional park and recreation facilities is a lawful use of parks systems development charges, and; WHEREAS, an arrangement between the Parks SDC Fund and the General Fund is hereby entered into in which any costs o..ated to park land acquisitions in excess of the current year appropriation in the Parks SDC Fund will be borne: by the General Fund. As Parks SDC Funds become available, the park land will be purchased back from the General Fund, and; WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of park land acquisitions in excess of Parks SDC current appropriations will be $117,500. NOW, THEREFORE, E3F_ IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: General Fund contingency is to be appropriated as follows: General Fund Continency/Rt•servvs $(117,500) Capital Improvements - Land Acquisition 117,500 PASSED: This 1N+h day of `flovt'.rvt'sul, , 1988. t ATTT'E,..ST:^ Mayor - City of Tigard Deputy Recorder -- City of igard APPRO`FD AS TO FORM: L -,City Retarder Date ke/7685D ! RESOLUTION N0. 88-ID 3 Page 1 I I i