Resolution No. 88-31 C11y OF- -JIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 88---3).--- .1.-1r,N REGIONAL GOVLRpjMFNI Of A RESOLUTION ADV!1-,'I.NG ]HE TASK FORCE, ON Mi.jROF10LFUNCTION, (-,OVL:RNANCE AND Aift HE POSITION ()p THE CLI-Y 01- TIGARD PERTAINING 1-0 1-11E W-F FUNDING OF METRO WHEREAS, the Mayor arid City Administrator of the city of I-iqAr-d have 11jet with i" discuss and consider other government ul 'jL,m,l issues of function, governance and funding of Metro; and WHEREAS, it is the consensus o f these officials that. now is not the time to expand Metro; and WHEREAS, each city and the County have agr-cod to consider the issue and take a position on it. NOW, THEREFORE., BE If RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: The city of Tigard SuPPOl"ts f-ie'lro &-;d ;'Ltz continuation As A r-ecjorjal government. Section 2: The city of Tigard believes that a Regional Task For-co, which includes local officials (city, courity and Metro), should be constituted to examine Metro, its functicrj$ a-)d funding and prepare a recommendation or, the future of met-r-oP01 i tan government. Said report should he concluded within four- years. Section 3: For the next four years, Metro's functions should be limited tLto those whi;h it currently performs (primarily solid regional transportation planniro., zoo, and conve rition, center) and funding for Metr-u should continue in its present manner. A legislative- sunset review should be conducted in 1992. Section 4: The city of Tigard recommends that the 9,Duernarice of Metro be examined with consideration of (1) eliminAtior, Of the Position of elected executive and creation Of an appointed ppo I"tod executive; (2) possible reduction in the number of Councilors; and, (3) possible modification Of the representation on the Council. PASSED: This day of 1988 ?f ATTEST: mayor-;;�" — City fj� City Depu-Y Recorder — yard Al,,�FORM: A- 2 - K) )9ST City R.,corder Date RESOLU;ION NO. 88-3A— Page 1