Resolution No. 88-20 CITY OF f1GARD, OREGON RESOL.UT ION NO. 88- ,., A resolution of the l-igard City Council appropriating contingency for, computer WHEREAS, a request rrom the computer users group for additional computer equipment was submitted to the Budget Committee on January 12, 1988, for inclusion in the 1987-an supplemental buciget; and WHEREAS, the Budget: Committee denied its inclusion arid directed staff to resubmit a computer equipment request after review and revision by the newly hired Computer, Systems Manager'; and WHEREAS, such a request has been reviewed and revised by the Computer Systems Manager, and submitted to City Council. NOW, T14ERLFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council th.L: SECTION 1 Contingency is co be appropriated as follow— General Fund City Wide Support $ 12,077 Contingency (12,077) Sewer Fund City Wide Support 3,723 Contingency (3,723) Storm Drainage City Wide Support 1,635 Contingency (1,635) State Gas Tax City Wide Support 1,891 County Gas Tax City Wide Support 374 Contingency (374) PASSED: This J,`iYh day of i + IIfic,(/t 1988. ATTEST: Mayor - City of Tigard City Recorder- Ci 'r WAPPRD AS FORM: AS=corder Date RESOLUTION NO. 88- Q0 lw/3154D