Resolution No. 85-21 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON {- RESOLUTION NO. 85- aL A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PLANNING, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A MAJOR ARTERIAL BYPASS ROADWAY BETWEEN ALOHA AND I-5; AND URGING THE METROPOLITAN SERVICE DISTRICT' AND OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO MAKE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD A HIGH PRIORITY. WHEREAS, it appears to the Council of the City of Tigard that the maintenance and expansion of regional and subregional transportation facilities is of critical importance to the continued and future economic growth of Washington County and Washington County communities along the "I-5 Corridor"; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Council that the present north-south major arterial and highway standard roadways, specifically Highway 99W and Oregon 217 are no longer sufficient to handle the existing and anticipated growth in traffic volumes, both for private vehicles and commercial and industrial traffic; and W14EREAS, it appears that improvements to State Highways 217 and Scholls Ferry would exceed costs of a Westside bypass. WHEREAS, it appears to the Council that the lack of adequate north-south major arterial routes are causing trucking and other traffic to utilize collector and arterial streets not designed for heavy loads as alternative transportation routes, which results in congestion, unsafe conditions and accelerated deterioration of these roadways; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Council land suitable for quality industrial and commercial development, which would en, io - °tfz�ns f t Q F y the cr _ h_ Cn„nty end the State. remains f vacant, in part due to the traffic difficulties encountered on major transportation 6 links into areas of the County any distance west of Highway 217 and I-5; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Council that construction of a "Western" bypass from the communities of Aloha and Hillsboro, and intersecting with I-5 in the vicinity of the cities of Tualatin and Wilsonville would in large measure alleviate e..isting north-south regional traffic problems and accelerate the economic development in the southeastern and western portions of Washington County, to the ultimate benefit of citizens of the entire metropolitan area and the State; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council fully supports the planning, engineering and construction of a Western Bypass" road linking the communities of Aloha, Hillsboro, Sherwood, Tualatin and Wilsonville and adjacent areas; ,--nd it is further resolved and ordered that the Metropolitan Service District (METRO) and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) declare the ".Western Bypass" a highest priority project and proceed to provide funds for planning, engineering and construction in the immediate future. PASSED- This day of / ,n. 1 1985. ATTEST; yo - City of Tigard - uty City R>corder - City of Tigard (0766p) RESOLUTION NO. 85-_�2L Page I