Resolution No. 74-37 �jPROPOSLD RESOLUTION R E S 0 L U T I O N N 0. 74-37 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN CONCEPT THE MSD SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE .CITY OF TIGARD WHEREAS the MSD was' established .by the voters of the Tri-county area in 1970; and WHEREAS the Board of Directors of'-the MSD is composed of representa- tives from the cities of Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, representatives of Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, and. a representative from the City of Portland; and WHEREAS the purpose of the MSD is to make available in metropolitan areas public services not adequately available through previously authorized governmental agencies; and WHEREAS the MSD Board by adoption of Ordinance No. 1 "Relating to a contract for a Solid Waste Management Study" approved the contract- ing services between the MSD and COR-MET and Bartle-Wells Associates for a joint venture, whereby COR-MET and Bartle-Wells' agree to perform specific tasks for the MSD including the development of a regional 'solid waste plan; and WHEREAS COR-r1ET and Bartle-Wells Associates have completed the Solid Waste Management Plan and submitted it to the MSD, which after reviewand amendment, adopted the Solid Waste Management Plan by Ordinance No. 9 on May 10, 1974; and WHEREAS the City of rTrnun _ is contained within the MSD boundaries; and Y WHEREAS the City.of TIGARD recognizes the need for a'regional .Solid Waste Plan and the necessity of each city in the MSD being ALM-, considered in the planning and implementation of'such a plan: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the the City of TICARD agrees to J� ;.. and approves in concept the implementation of the MSD solid . Waste Management Plan in TZGARD (name of city) Adoption Date: July 8, 1974 i ATTEST: Signatures) `'Mayor of Council i City.Recorder . _ 1 i i � 74-37 I