Resolution No. 71-39 RESOLUTION No. 71 - -, RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION BY THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT OF CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD WHEREAS, the Tigard Water District is petitioning the Portland `.. Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary Commission for annexation to the Water District, of certain parcels of land lying within the boundaries of the City Of Tigard; and WHEREAS, the above properties are riot now within the Tigard Water District, but are served by the district; and WHEREAS, development and inhabitancy of the above properties will be benefitted by its inclusion within the Tigard Water District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City- Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon: (1) By adoption of this resolution consent to the annexation of certain parcels of land, as described on the attached "EXHIBIT "A"" and made a part hereof, by the Tigard Water District in conformance with O.R.S. 199.515. PASSED and approved this X71"- day of December 1971. / DGi Oity of -Ti �...� President of Council i ATTESm: i City Recorder o City cf Tigard 1 A 3 t S i 3g� RESOLUTION No. 71 gqi• 4r� f ' j„a lr ...M.• +-r.n �� tr. 7F 1�.✓ >'p,ii•�., -v f ..wa .u .� '�9 " i, Lt1:3OL lV FOM O1' '1'TGARn WAPIsR MSPRTCT 4 AIV, TT TS RESOLVED by vote of the Commissioners, of ',,he Tigard Water IL Ui:• .r. icb, a domeaic vraLer ;apply di.ai,rict orgnr:i.sed and er.i.s.inC by virl,ue of Chapter '?61,, Oregon Itev'i r.cd `ta'.ut.e:;, that, h,hc real- nr•oper•t,y de-;cribod on i-,IMb t "A", attached hereto and by reference mac3% a pert hereof, io ' annexe'' to the District, cubject. to the -,pproval o!' the Portland Metropolitan '-r•ea Local- Government Boundary Commi ss i.on. Adopted [november 9, 1971. 'e .retary ATIrr"T: Cha 1.rm:m ti . Leal Descriptions Parse) T (1.0.0 Acres) [dap I :1 B13: ,•' Portions of Tax Lots 700, 801, 1.000, and 1.101 Map 2:', 1 IFC: Lots 300, 301, 400 thrtn 1800, 1801, and 1.900 Beginning at the Northwest corner of the W.W. Graham D.L.C. No. 39 in Sectaon I, T2S, R1W, W.M., Washington County, Oregon, and going thence S 82 55' r, 12.2 feet to the Northeast corner of the P.W. and Frona Williams tract as recorded in Book 189, Page 93, Deed Hecord9 i; !-hence ?;'. 47' W 780 Ceet more or loss .to the n outherly boundary of ^.tF. Ilun,. d:c. CLr eels; thence N 60° 59' W along said southern boundary of Tlunziker iitsrcei, 580 foot more or less to the centarline of State Highway 0217 (11,11.1 BO levnrd); thence N 0° 45' W along the centerline of said :;tate Highway `�70 feet more or Less to a point, on the westerly extension oi' the northern huur,d•�ry of Lot 1, KNOLL ACRFS; thence S 80° ""i' E, along the :;aid norLher`i b•n;ndary of Lot 1. 85 feet more or less to the section line between .iectionr 1 and thence north on said section bine 1F90 feet more or lgss to the northerly boundary of Lot 6, TIGARD ROAD GARDENS; thence N 83 04' 30" r E1ong raid northern boundary of Lot 6 70 feet more or Jeri.-• to a point; t.t;enr:e S 040 14' E 200 feet more or less to 14e nnrl,herl.y boundary or Lot 8, TIGActD ROAD (7,&QDENS; thence N 830 01,' E along ;aid nor.hern boundary of' Lot, 8. 118 feet more or less to the northea,terl.y corner thereof; i.hence S 130 44' E along the easterly boundarov of said Lot 8 3u6 Ctn[, to the Southeast corner thereof; thence S 80 24' F; 330 feet, more or 1c to the point of begi.nningo Parcel. I7 (15.0 Acres Map 2:. 1 1.F1'.: Portion of 'Pax Lot 100 Map aS 1 313D: Tax. Trot. 300 and por+,ion of 100 Ileg:inn_ing at. Northwe>t corner of the W. W. Graham D.L.C. No. 32 in Section 1., T^S, R11d, W.M., Washington County, Oregon, and going thence S 82 ' r along the north line of aei.d Graham D.L.C. 39" feet more or lr„ ,o a point Which is the true place of beginning; thence coni.inuing S 8�0 % I: along -aid north line of Graham D.L.C. 582 feet more or less to a point on the ,-.ouch— we^terl,y right—of—way line of the Beaverton — Tigard High;•rDy; thence S 34° Ili' 5311 R along said southwesterly right.—of— way line of Highway 290 feet more or less to a point; thence N 81 37' 38" W 188.1. feet to a point; thence S 08° 02' �2" W 938 feet more or less to the centerline of S.W. Hunziker Street; thence northwesterly along said centerline of Hunziker Street 695 feet, more or less to a point; -thence N 12° 24' E 900 feet more or less to the I.rue point of beginning. EIGUBIT "A" Page 1 ;1 Leael Pe.^cr_i»'_.on� f aon___n:n :.o.,•,� .-_. !'ax I. T,rid r vt, t,k c int.e cc i011 pain, of `%e L- > on aln„t:Iarh:n^Lon ;:oun J, 0••ef on, encs ,u r • „} c on '111.0 Con! morn a It.:r.', r';i Lhc Pnticl l c cn (ITo: l c ou r line orcr n„ 1 1 e Deod !icc.otd.l; thcnne f; 1r� i9' O `); tr :7I,x,} Ij,of;.lti.hc II,,n"'.hcr .;t,rnrt, .,r, .,n crtl,rrliitr .,. :! r ole rnc !,o ;:n iron : ::nrn l,• •r,iu hart.!. frac', 110 feet t,o he cen`x, t.hencc nor`sh n''onL; thr` ea h 7 n 1')r) t cr1. !,,nF, t l ccr.tn,.r- 11nr of ;1. furri.l,-c;• 5Lrnct; t.l,errcn 60 ) 'ect to an Linc n -.id flunzikci Sl,rent to a Point; her c ) to n .rl' ;hence ;ron p pe; thence 430 19' W 110.0 rent morn or -; r e, mom or Lr s S 410 !,G' E 6;1.1. .Ceet Loa Point; thence S 1,6 0' 11 h00 to a point; thence S h.^_o 00° E ';75.9 feet to Llhc ',:er+.erlJ boor;• o" v �O- foot, access rorch;ay; -hence 3 29e 4.';-' '•a 460 reef. •ro nr le:r 3iont' =.a'i°Lhert boundary of tk.e U-fOot. access; roa3c;;;y to an :,nor hence C3C JT- boundary 1, J boundary o£ the Sou`.hern Paci.fi.c Railroad riZWt r`f-`, boundaz•• of S.P. .i'. r�1;ktt.-of-vray +.n 3 point on X350 f et aloe; ;aid nort:,herly J 1 the south line of Sect-301 7.; thence >.resi, on sli son:,h lino n_" Section x',60 "cet more or l e^ +.o ti-e L.o,nr, of beginning. Parr el ] ('..16.8 Acres) r-lap 1.=cA: 'rax Lot 700, Toa, and 790 p.Iap 1 1Tax ax Lots 107, 107., 200, 300, 400, 401, ;00, 600, 700, 800, 1.1,00, 1600, 5-L00, and portions of 900, 1100, ll()", 00, .1.300, 1.-101, Map ? 1 :11A: ':ax Lots 1600, 1700, 1.800, and 1900 hXHTBTC "A Pane 2 ry . r Legal n', n-, sJ !.b- utter ec' ,. on nol, l. of ""�t:!o.ia 1., 1, -kr,i T'S, '.11'!, 'i,^d, I Court"", O."C""on; 1-.hence caci. %,.,)n^ bbc ne, `,(,n I :.,ne anrt rec,'h mo:- or lemint c.n 11•(: b,und:w of 1.1!c! So,Wwrri P-tc.if'or. herlr,,, :-Cv14­1,(,-.jsI,C,,,,lY a,Io ., ' 3rly o;' r-g!. -of wZy 1�OO --c , in zt 13(111]t on M,c, i 01,11.11 Lire of' f3on�',a load; f.�he?,icc� aid :�outh l.inc )C 3. 1-1. TlonUa 9'0 fec!, more or le:;:; to 1,'!, corner of T.ot 6',, DUTTAM ACRES; 4-110,Cf- iLlong the ea,-ilt 1'Lnp ofS. I.I. Av e ru i e feet more or les:, to the southwest corner a' Lot, Dul"I",A.,I ACRFZ; ;Jhencr 31,9..'Iq feet to ,he ,-,ouzI'I-n..rc,J. corner of Lot, 63, DUITAM ACR-E-; t.hey,cc north along the west line of .;aid Lot 63 5-- 6(- 36,0 reel, mnro ur les iIo a poinl,; '!iencc east. 205 feet to a r)o4.nt; thence north 1,10 fee', 1,o a poiin'.. on tiic :,az'-h lAne of S.W. Bonil.a Road; thence along F.-a-ld line of' Bon"Ita 7,(-)a,d 1930 Poo-, more or les7, to a poi.rit on the r-,oWAE 1-1-nu or Lo{. 5, I-ITISOTI Arnl.';;, i,lwit :7r; S 890 h41 3011 R, along said roi,,Uk I-Anc, -',5.' 'oe' from the .ioiit,hea^l, corner of that certain tract of Land con,.-ey,.-d to lv.ui R. and Grace M. P'lljor a:, recorded in Rook -,621 Pn7e 649, Deed Records; %honce 11 U -V 7" par-al -'0" 7 lel ,,riLh the ca-I 3 ine of said Puller tract and al 7,o paral.1-c-1. i,,!Hi t-lic n.a.,t. 1-ine of sni d Lot. 5 368 feet more or lo-,:; to *,i iioint, on the north I.I.ne of said Lot 5 that *1 2, 890 171 'iO'I R, saLd no'rth 1.;n�� , - n �'5.7 Feet. from Uie northeaf-;t corner of ..aid Puller tract; ;hence went olong, ;,3i_d nortli 1_1-ne of Lot 5 284 feet more or less to the ca:A 14.ne of State Highway No. 217 (Hall Boulevard); thence southerric!. and south, -,long n-i-ILd east .line of State Highway No. 217 450 feet more or lens to a point which is 21-35 chains south of the northeast Sorner of Section 11; thence TI 89 81 W 1572.85 feet. to a point; thence NT 0 221 E 693.0 feet to %Iie northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Oscar Peuker, et ux, as recorded in Book 105, Page 507, Deed Records; thence 5 890 1,01 E 1,00 feet more or less to a point on the ea.-,b line of Section 11; thence north on said east linc of Section 11 520 feet more or less to a point 9 feet. south of the south line of Lot 1, a line 9 feet south of the .nut}, line of naid WlIrON 1,Cr?In; thence ea--L alcng Lot 1 650 feet more or less to the eaA'line of Lot 2, '-dl1;',ON ACRM; thence north along east; line of said Lots 2 and 1 121 fact to a point; 'Lhence 650 feet more or less to the cast line or Section 1.1; thence north 1:^.C, ;sets more or ler,:-, to the -point. of begi-nninf,, EXITITITT "All Page 7 Legal Descriptions (Continued) iParcel q (511.1. Acres) Map 25 1 1.2B: Tax Lots 1.800 and 1900 t-Lep "S 111AD: Tnx Lots 6300, 6400, and 6500 Reginning at a point on the centerline of State Highway No. 21.7 (S.W. Ball Boulevard) and the northerly right-of-wrny of the westerly cxtens .on ._ of S. W. Ross Street in Section 12, T::'S, TOM, W.M., Washington County, Oregon; thence easterly along said northerly right-of-w:ty of Ross M.reet 53 feet more or less to the .southwest corner of Lot 1, (TODD ACRES; thence north 320 feet along the wept line of said Lot 1 to the northwest corner thereof; thence Pact 80 feet more or less to the southwest corner of Lot 116, P1IRHAM ACRS; thence north along the westerly lines of said Lot 46, T-ot 47, 58, and rig, DURHAM ACRES, 985 feet more or lens to a point on the north line of the south halr of Lot (,, WILSOU ACRD:,; thence west al nn„ said north Linc of ;on( ) htilf oP Lot 6 61-9 feet, more or le:;.-; Lo the ccnl.rrli.r,e n' •,nid Stntc 1110—ny No. ?17; tltrnrc :;outh aLong ::iid cen'•cr•line of .131,a!•c Highway 3/, reef more or less to the norisheant corner of the Solomon Rjchard;:on D.L.C. No. laq thence west along the north line of said Richardson D.L.C. No. 44 1>10 feet, more or less to a point; thence ::ouch 109'1 feet more nr less 1,0 the centerline of S. W. Sattler Street; thence along said ccnt.erline of 'Sattler Street: 1.510 feet, more or leas to the centerline ofai-d State Ifi.gh- way No. ?17; thence north 1-35 Peet more or less to the po nt of beginning. Parcel VT (3.5 Acres) Map 2S 1 10A: Tax Lots 1501 and 1600 Beginning at'a point on the no-th boundary line of flection 10, f25, Rll:, W.M., Washington County, Oregon, 660 feet, east o" t'ne section corner which is „he tsrR,e point. of beginning; thence N 89° !,',' !1 ;,.20 feet. to a point; thcrce •south. 1,00 feet, more, oc lc t.o a point; ,.hence fl 8!?° W ;00 feet to a noini.; Lhence rout.h along I.l,e went 7inr. of a `.n�r.t de;:cr�bed in dee-E to Anton Gross recorded in Rook 258, Page ?56, 9'10 J'eet m°re or le:;.; -o the southwc:-i.. corner of said Grnnr. erect; thence aenl. 20 fent, to t.ce -in ilial point of Canterbury Place, a recorded plat.; thence r3orUi along,; the east, 1_1-ne of COT-175 ACRDS 1350 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning. FXHTRIT ^A" Page 11 t G i Legal Desrrj2Llon. (Cont;nuod) Parc.c.l VTI: (28.1, Acres) Map ^i .1 IOA: 'Pax Lot:, 4.00 and portion o.^ 301: Commencing at the northwe;i• corner of Lot o^, C'.i1TERBURY PLACE, Section 10, 'NS, RI`I, W.M., Wa,hinl,ton County, Oregon; thence cast along Lhe north line of said Lot 8 342.4 f^et to an iron roti; thence N 160 12 71.95 feet to an iron rod; thence 1, 1,° 10' E Feet to a point; thence 11 630 4�-' 1-1 parallel with the northeasterly line of tract of land conveyed to Garfield it. Hubble, et ux, a.a described in Book 405, Page 575, Deed 'Records, 249.67 feet, to a Boint on the outheasterly r• hb-of-way of S. W. Pacific Highway; thence. S .i3 ;7' 'J t,long -n d richt- of-way line 388.,8 feet, to the point of beginning-, RXCFPT therefrom the most northerly 0.22 acre- which was previously annexed I•o 1.he Ti.rard Watnr District. Ta:; Lot.:-, 000 and 11000: Lot-,; 6 and 6A, CAT'7VERBURi: PLPd)R, "fiction 10, T2S, 81419 ';1.14., Washi.ngLon County, Oregon; td O, commenr i.ng at the .o:bhwer.t, cor- ner ni• paid Lot 6; thence east along south line of sni.d Lot, 0 2h0 fret more or l.e: Lo a point; thence south 11,0.'8 fey.; Lo a point; thence west ';62 1•eet more or less to the 7outheasterly righ'.-ol'-way of 5.41. Paci('i.c Highway; thence northeasterly atony; said right.-of-way 195 feet, more or le;:.. to Lhc point, of hegi-aping. Tax Lots 4200, 4_,00. 4400, 4401, 4402, and J;5r10: Commcnr-Tng at. a point, 990 feel :gest of the southea st. corner of the northea-1, gnrrt.ar of '!r--tion 10, T-2S, RIM, W.M., Washington County, Oregon, heing `he true place of beginning; thence north 986.25 feet ro a po xt; thence " 890 f3�' ',•t F X20 'ret more or less to Lhe :;oiatheanLerly right-of-way of S.W. Pacific lii,hwny; t.henee southeasterly along said r•;ghi,-of-way 10110 fest. more or less to a point whirl, i.•. )O feet more. or ]en; north or `.he a section Eine; thence ea>!. •1}0 Pect, more or les:: Lo a poin!.i thence south 90 .Peet to the said a -eet._'on line; 'hene^ Hast, alon;; ^aim; sect.i.on line 7;0 feet more or .lea,^ to tho place of beg nn.i.r.�;. S11cLU0THG therein tial Or^yon Stare tlighwa ' In Binr'•hna:;L qua •i.or of Scc%lon 1.0. Parcel. V - ('3.2 Acre^) 7 Map ' 8: ".s Lot .^2 the yrst, one £ of tY.c "T thwest c unr'.c: of bite y r�l hzie uar r o£ �ect.iony. , IF 3' 1, W.M.. ;•1 , ington Cor ,,y, Or elonl t nIi7R:Ci' "P," Page C. r' 700 X"- jr 1 jrr s" w _ '�5 9 � 9393� ——� _ • ' � i. V.-,_ 1101 e.29Ac. r- I � _ cq - a. /"NITIAI POINT 1 _ c00. ACRE' ti 1 500 X400 ferry., -e _ - G.-OR ttir, 301 in ..T z, e. � I r•'-c,�--_.._ c M�..700 `oI= S.W. 140 I >b ____-- _ �I✓ '�� 1500 130 w� I �I 900 ` a - m s.r:.lz.,,z1 r q fC.c.rvo12G33) < ! - 600 co .ren'•' ^ M V 1000 /1100 1 1NIT14L POINT'. �. TIG4RDIA TERR4 5 ��w /T00 e 11�70I0 7, ~x ��/s 1 *CN� 'Y.„, 1801'� � i {lV177lR / _ 1900 { i`r q 2200 r. { �►.,^ '� ,a FINS EET c w /w► 41 a i V R', ,.. 2S _ .L.' "..'- YI. SEE MAP 1J.c 25 I IBB sez= eG9'•ee I k :1 O O �� 5.00 ac. �I1 pO I �< ?00-33 nc. 200 A.t _ III t. I ,.1 I e�E7 I ,.vf-, iwo - eo e Z ,� Cse ra I �f zs roz,ioro*&OD f�• 60ei 25 J ISV 2a, Jyyyar.."".J'� laet Ic% ;Et MAF ` \ .S I 2AA - — 5w_. r� fP y r SEF MAP 2S I 16 cSEE MAP\ `\ S E t M tom ��/ .. 'LS! !: :E MAP `y�A'�n 3� ' '�'' _� L___- !Sl 2DA ±Wi \ IA IN kA V >„� `.. k�•.j Iz Iz� 12 U 5. fit\ 1100 S^•` AA\\�A. � NE LDnNFR 1 ' •� \��\ ' 1 99L'nR[iRON .L:�w.:y�gi3rSY �-'—'- ease` X30 _ 'ti�„ SEE WAP 2SI IOC >EE MAP 1?\\ '.\ !Sl 2DD RE-fNi f.,lllsi` ( SWTN LSJF W W f,R,.•,n4 ILL. � .' Ww rnn NAM •' /�.-.__.._ IIbY"23_\\'' ._... `.� _ \ ( 1 4 Gt V.L(,7�: ....1c. , ,•GE r!U)T', 0.,.P�•Ac. •`q 1.30`1 �y'� 79 pT14 y 12-13= 0 I ��rl'l��l�l�l�,'!,1'1°��1�t[��il�jrlr� t���li�rirjr�t�,7�Tf��T►fm�rlij1j1 ITj�T�tltjrlr�B�l`rir�t1�1►1`( tlrlti[ it�rBl t�, ,!, i!1.ryi rt, rta r!, rir ,!�r!a ,!, ,tr , r pr t r ► y NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED +'_. .—. - ' 2 •� 4 __ _._ S ... 6_ T _. B .. 9 Q !! __. ! . DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN . THIS NOTICE. IT IS DUE TO . THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. __ or sz ez iz sz sa �z "sz zz 12oz sr ei it 8!—5f ii— Et Zi it — 0! 6 a 1-- —s --b e q �rr�inrlDsslu,rl,ualuuAws{„rrlu-_. If NWA SECTION 12 T12S R1w . irr:5� i r:Jii�ti��' vRsc6C.i - llifl SCALE i --200f r -24 -23 2- 5 ' x '_. - . :.<. ._ ,._ .. � •aha,^ ,. -• � _ .i � r i i t a a \ J s s �• aJ cy HiJ .4 1fQ ,,Ar 1Tt "W s i _ O v aa.•a s^OAI IC.At 'y j Z 1 46 t �Y . aaat 60 a•zgr .i f Rp•f0'• 9aatq•I t.. q �z 10,•,x_ L?la 33 --`j IRI 66 .gip' �3-:�• ) ]fs t' + Ml�a4•• IN17' 131.1' 1 .� 0 - - -+�� - 11700 4�2- 600-��i`*� 'GO Casa 28 - a .sr so+r X000 S 1 5201 OQ Ss 801p t 19 s.o3 Ar e7A�04a Cf:.r 1 a':.. a���r 4r)00 41QC,Ah. $w is 15341. R .. ,,,a..•y-+k'•1�•�!r-r'.•'!'�•7 .. y. I /'0 n I - -OAt _!I35..`� 1`� 67 66 25r-G Y 8 , 5200 25 t �' 0 '?14 At * / sa 1 "I y `3s n + C ? aao l� Iao.ls' asp t 1a'. 900 �'I 3O0 aa.13•--c-�... -aw. Y. aP.90Ae .O =300 .4200 1 1�Se9>sz'w Satz sta p IIA e. ODI AC. ` S s29.'G 1000 L CPA If, 592 504 " ). 83 • 1H7Ac 1 ® I W. 61 i ,?}300 i., ' .\ Q « a.' t j^ w r + -- aae 91' big ze' aa9.'za'�, 1100 ---r-----7 ---- , 9300 (J 2?00 ase of 3(X10 3100 4400 9H Ar. , DID 29 194Ac I 1.1e Ac. /,II Ae. 1.ad Ae I,.HB/0. 1I/At. - _/• T I I4404c ` 58 I I T 57 N 56 55 ` S4 1 e 53, Ori •' E� ., N= 1800 :J I J �( 3 SJAG 20 o Ili 2100 - -- 3100 r»\ L 11 \/ 1 7 _1 59267 ._--' _ —_-- 342.eT• -- " b2R.41' � � % � a36U' �A.41' 1 a&4t' 'DQISAI Zi -- -- �� 00 4fl00 T 4701 n 0.944 !97Ar. 4�Yt. 6Y}Y PT 46. _ _ ' +, -ara r Shu v. .r. •.21Ry r � � l 7 19' / ,..•Sfi C �' a` ^^M. .� zee r YI�Ip11llt1iftllitfrl'lII�jIfr1tf11YJill fl�'Iflf Y1YII�aT1'1-"imjmIY11l!11r1�T1R�111111?T111�11.1'�1��1'IYfY�It[��I�If11111�iI1Ithf111llllfrli'lll�0ll�-ll-f�ritllllflil'Ijlftjr�ll �1.11 ..: 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED '. -- .. f 2 •� 4 _. _ S 6_ 7 S 8 IO DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE, IT IS DUE TO n THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. .-._..�_--- - - _— '- ----"- -- - _'._ .-._ - -- -_ .. .._ ,.. OFFE 6z 6z LZ 9z SZ 4z £z zZ Iz OZ 6I 81 LI 91 SI' bl £1 ZI 11 01 6 8 L 9 S b £ z I" t tNI11111�I11t�1111�1111�111111M1�i111fUIIlIf - 118 MARCH1 (��\[� 1990 _ I I .tea `3nV t._... 'IB •+__. -MS 1 I N o M t�I w N � Nti Nti � 1 •nae I G C I I I At\ � r � nlN oca o a• � I OnI `I. -. cpm ma - i'�oiaa�M.:YLirril...�„_. � -r •,�- �+ ._ - __ t i z I. wF i •I -- 1 a f� . `�.�r• W N �l � cr o I w t- w En F- z W _:__...^i;�....,e.<-..s'�►...,t-.�'t1,anYJ:.,retri�i. tib. -a.,. .•��7Y S%.. _ 8�8 aes�. _ .rr _. � ,�0.,. S o o„« j w Me 1900 °s« {�00 r 2O3e .< ''�"i3i.ee 15 1.91 .. \.� .J 93.1[ 130\ � �• 'moi' C ejs;ac- e_ •n' / � WXP4..... �r� elegy:•Nc q '01 2°l.iiW , l � 'yOO`' " .._ ",��f^'��.".c '2G plat r 1 � � '•:..•: l�'ti: T O 111 e,n,.. 1 501 I !noo 500 su.le 2400 1--74c3 nfr 7 j 600 ° 230 /• �. </ fir._..c:o ue.n, Ef e.< lyoo WAI a �r r, rr 2000 / \ 0'11q 132 1�^JO 1'P 31Ic. N3 a00� 4701 TVQ111 AGOO „T•Au.'•+y �../ ��—��_ ..a .ten �' R �-, 4 100 '1 t PS B-T Ir ;200' :,GP.O r •i" 4100 ... y tC'..N�J+o}R�y?.�f r.v 1 r yf�'..•Ih(, (/�� °sk'r6yl, !�. Y -_.-.�--- - 'ICSN. a J r _ 4.300 - 440' - -... 4400 ano2 ' ef<A, , //'ms's`.•l s'_---i-� - R _ 4500 6 Iry Je �,Fc• , �- 1D