Ordinance No. 94-14 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE N0, 94- AN ORpINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS TO APPROVE A ZONE CHANGE (ZCA 94- 04, BWLL MT. ISLAND) AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, The City Council held a public hearing on July 12, 1994, to consider the annexation and to consider zoning designations for three parcels.south of Bull Mt. Road and east of Aspen Ridge Street; and WHEREAS, ors July 12, 1994, the City Council approved a resolution'forwarding the annexation to the Portland Metropolitan Area Local. Government Boundary Commission; and WHEREAS, the zoning district designation recommended by the planning staff as set forth the attached staff report and in Section 1 below is that which most closely conforms to the Washington County zoning designation while being consistent with the Tigard Land Use designation. THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Upon annexation, the subject properties shall be designated as follows Tax Map/Lot Number Current Zonina New Zoning 2S1 IOBD/130b, 1400 Wash. Co. R-b Tigard R-4.5 1500 Section 2: This ordinance shall become effective upon filing of the annexation final order with the office of the Secretary of State. PASSED: By i)yt R/nj V)1'AVS_ vote of all Council members present after being read by number and title only, this J)- day of ' ,•I y, Ci .eY� Recorder � v APPROVED: This 1 day of V" , IA*4. 1 Joh chwa tz, Mayor Approved as to form: " / Ci At/torney ,, Date STAFF REPORT July 12, 1994 TIGARD CITY COUNCIh TIGARD TOWN HALL 13125 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, 0R2GON 97/223 A. FACTS: CASE: Zone Change Annexation 94-04 REQUEST: To annex an island of unincorporated Washington County completely surrounded by the City of Tigard and for zone change from Washington County R-6 (Residential, 6 units per acre) to City of Tigard R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units per acre) . The proposed annexation consists of three parcels totaling 3.54 acres. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: city of Tigard Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: Washington County R--6 (Residential, 6 unite per acre) . APPLICANT: City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 OWNERS: Bruce Strahan and Dianna Voisin 11720 S.W. Bull Mountain Road Tigard, Oregon 97224 Gary and Margaret Lewis 11855 S.W. Beef Bend Road Tigard, Oregon 97224 Vicki Artis 11670 S.W. Bull Mountain Road Tigard, Oregon 97221 LOCATION: South of S.W. Bull Mt. Road east of Aspen Ridge Drive, WCTM 2S1 10BD lot 1300, 1400 and 1500. 1. Background Information No previous applications have been reviewed by the, City relating to this property. 2. Vicinity Information The proposed annexation area is completely surrounded by the City of 'SCA 94-04 Staff Report 1 Tigard. Property to the west, north and south are developed as single family residential subdivisions. Property to the north is coned Tigard R-2 (Residential, 2 units per acre) . All other surrounding properties are zoned Tigard R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units per acre). 3. Site Information and Proposal Description The property to be annexed has two single family residences with the remainder of the property undeveloped. The property. slopes do:mward to the south. The area is largely open with grasser and a few trees scattered throughout the property. The City received a request to annex the middle property (WCTM 2S1 109D lot 1400) in order to partition it into three parcels and serve each with sanitary sewer. Annexing this single parcel would create a remainder of two single parcel islands and further complicate an already irregular boundary. Based on the City Council's Y,-ask direction (Resolution 94-20) and to remedy the existing boundary irregularity in this area rather than exacerbate it, staff proposes that this area be annexed as a single unit using the island method. 4. Aaencv Comments The Tigard Police Department strongly favors this tyre of island annexation and comments that it decreases emergency response time and creates consistent_ law enforcement in the area. The Tigard Building Division, Tigard Engineering Department, Tigard Water Division, and PGE have reviewed the proposal and have no objections. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan Policies 2.1.1., Citizen Involvement; 10.1.1, Service Delivery Capacity; and 10.1.2, Boundary Criteria and Chapters 18.135, Annexations; and 16.138, Established/Developing Area Classification of the Tigard Community Development Code. The planning staff has determined that the proposal is ccnsietent with the relevant portions of the Tigas:d Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: 1. Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Citizens Involvement Team and Community Planning organization as well as surrounding property owners were given notice of the public hearing. 2. Plan Policy 10.1.1. is satisfied because the City has conducted the Bull Mountain/Walnut Area Urban Services Study which includes the subject property. This study as well as the comments from the Police Department, and other service providers indicate that ZCA 94-04 Staff Report 2 P adequate services are available in the vicinity and may be extended to accommodate the subject property. 3. Plan Policy 10.1.2 is satisfied because an island will be eliminated thus reducing boundary irregularity in this area, the Police Department has been notified of this request, the land is located within Tigard's Active Planning Area, and adequate service capacities can be made available to accommodate the eventual development of the property as noted above. The Banning staff has determined that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code based upon the findings noted below: 1. Section 18.136.030 of the Code is met because all facilities and services can be made available, the applicable Comprehensive Pian policies discussed above have been satisfied and the property has been determined to be a developing area in accordance with the criteria in Chapter 18.138 of the Code. The Urban Planning Area Agreement between the City and Washington County requires that when annexing land within the City's area of interest the City adopt a zone designation which most closely resembles the County plan and zone designation. In this case, the property is within Tigard's Active Planning Area as such carries a City land use designation which is Low Density Residential. The City of Tigard Low Density Residential plan designation allows R-4.5 zone designation with 4.5 units per acre maximum density. 2. Chapter 18.138 of the Code is satisfied because the property is within Tigard's Active Planning Area and is designated as an Established Area on the development standards area map. C. RECOMENDATIUN Based _upon the findings noted above, the planning staff recommends approval of ZCA 54-04. ZCA 34-04 Staff Report 3