Ordinance No. 81-98A CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON r ORDINANCE No. 81- 98-A AN ORDINANCE OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE DEALING WITH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PRO- CEEDINGS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS : Section 1: That Section 13.04.040, Notice, 13.04.050, Remonstrance, an .(0+.085, Contents of Application to Pay in Installments, of the Tigard Municipal Code, relating to public notice requirements, remonstrance requirements and installment application requirements of the Local Improvement District proceedings, be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows : "13.04.040 Notice. The resolution of the City Council declaring t o purpose o t e imporvement shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, provided that the publication shall be not less than ten days prior to the time when all persons interested may present their objections to the improvements. Such notice shall specify the time and place where the Council will hear and consider objections or remonstrances to the proposed improvement by any parties aggrieved thereby. " "13.04.050 Remonstrance. Within ten days from the date of the pu icati.on o t e notice required to be published in Section 13 .04.040, the owners of sixty-six and two-thirds percent or more in area of the property within the assessment district may make and file with the City Recorder written objection or remonstrance against the proposed improvement, and such objection or remonstrance shall be a bar to any further proceedings in the making of such improvement for a period of sic months, unless the owners of one-half or more of the property affected shall subsequently petition therefor. " "13.04.085 Contents of application to a in installments. The provisions o ORS 3. notwit stan ing, the written application of the applicant and property owner to pay an assessment arising out of a local improvement shall state the following: (1) That the applicant and the property owner does thereby waive all irregularities or defects, jurisdictional or otherwise, in the proceedings to cause said improvements to be constructed or made for which the assessment is levied and in the apportionment of the costs thereof; (2) The application shall provide that the applicant and property owner agree to pay an assessment in equal semi-annual installments over a period not to exceed thirty years as the City Council may provide, with 'interest at a rate to be established z b by the City Council at the time the assessment ordinance is adopted. The rate shall be adjusted if and when Bancroft bonds are sold so that the interest rate on the application does not exceed the net effective interest rate on the bonds plus two percent to defray the city's administrative expenses. Notice of the rate adjustment shall be given by mail to the affected applicant and property owner. (3) A statement, by lots or blocks, or other convenient description, of the property of the applicant assessed for such improvement. (Ord. 80-37 §L, 1980) . " Section 2. Inasmuch as this ordinance is necessary to protect the general welfare of the public by making publications of the above- noted hearings as cost effective as possible, and noting the fluctua- tions of the bond market may result in the loss of sales of city bonds and consequent inability of the city to fund local improve- ment projects and, therefore, protect the public welfare, an emergency is recognized to exist and is hereby declared and this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and approval by the City Council . PASSED: By the City Council by /,� �.1L�£t,cu s vote of all Council members present,atter being read No times by number and title only, this day of !�� r, 1981. Recor er - City o T i g a SIGNED: By the Mayor, this day of 1981 . Mayor - City of Tigard 4T ORDINANCE No. 81- ���