Ordinance No. 81-16 CITY OF T.IGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT TO VOTERS TAX LEVY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE PATHS/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS. The City Council has taken the position that voters of the City should determine whether certain bicycle paths/pedestrian walkways in the City should be supported by tax dollars, and it is therefore necessary to submit the following proposition to the voters of the City at a special election called and held for that purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Tigard ordains as follows: 1. An election is hereby called to be held in the City of Tigard on the 19th day of May, 1981 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time at the polling places hereafter designated (Exhibit A) for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City of Tigard the proposition set forth in Section 2 below. 2. The following ballot title and explanation are hereby approved with respect to the following measure for which purpose the following ballot title, number and form in which the question shall be printed upon the official ballot are prescribed: AUTHORIZING A LEVY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE PATHS/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS 51. SHALL CITY OF TIGARD LEVY $100,000 FOR TWO YEARS OUTSIDE TAX BASE TO FINANCE CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE PATHS/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS? PURPOSE The purpose of this proposal is to provide $100,000 per year for. fiscal 1981-82 and 1982-83 for the construction of bicycle paths/ pedestrian walkways . EXPLANATION The bicycle paths/pedestrian walkways will provide a safe means of transportation, exercise and recreation in Tigard. The pathways will connect with the present paths leading to schools and major shopping areas. It will provide an alternate mode of transportation that will be less expensive than automobile travel. The entire amount of the proposed levy is outside the limitation of Article XI, Section 11 of the Oregon Constitution. The tax rate for this proposal is $ . 185 per $1 ,000. Total estimated cost for the home assessed at $70,000 for 1981-82 would be $12.95. ORDINANCE NO. 81- � ms Mark 'a cross x) ur check ( j/ ) inside the voting square to indicate your choice. YES ( ) I vote in favor of the proposed levy. NO ( ) I vote against- the proposed levy. 3. The City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to certify in the manner provided by law to the Department of Records and Elections of Washington County the fore- going measure for inclusion as part of the regular ballot to be prepared by the Department of Records and Elections for voting at all precincts within the City of Tigard at the election of May 19 , 1981 . 4. The City Recorder is hereby directed to give notice of the described election and the foregoing proposal in the fol- lowing manner: (a) By posting notices of the election, one at each of the designated polling places in each of the precincts in the City, riot less than 10 days prior to the date of the election and also by pub- lishing in the Tigard Times once each week for two consecutive weeks, the first such publishing to be not less than W days prior to the date of the election. (b) Inasmuch as it is necessary that the foregoing proposal be si.2bmitted to the legal voters of the City with the least possible delay, and it being necessary for the peace, health, and safety of the people of the City of Tigard that the election be held at the earliest possible date, an emergency is declared to exist , and this ordinance shall take effect upon its p.sUage by the Council and signature by the Mayor. PASSED: By the City Council by �f- ,,. ej ,; vote of all Council members present, after being read twice by number and title only this day of -y, �_ 1981 . F' f Recorder City o_fI'igar+3 SIGNED: By the Mayor this 3 _day of April , 1981. Jr' ­2� ititayors City g o Tigard d _ an ORDINANCE No 81- Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" PRECINCT N0, 30 Fowler Junior High School , 10865 S .W. Walnut Street 31 ,34 Templeton Elementary Grade School , 95000 S .W. Murdock 32 Charles F. Tigard Grade School , 1.2985 S .W. grant 33 Mary Woodward School , 12325 S.W. Katherine 35 Phil Lewis Grade School , 12615 S.W. 72nd Avenue NOTICE OF MEASURE ELECTION CITY OF TIGARD Notice is'hereby given that on Tuesday, May 19 , 1981 , an election will be held in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. The polls will be open from ;. :00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The following quer- tion shall be submitted to the qualified voters thereof: AUTHORIZING A LEVY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE PATHS/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS SHALL CITY OF TIGARD LEVE' $100,000 FOR TWO YEARS OUTSIDE THE TAX BASE TO FINANCE CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE PATHS/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS? PURPOSE: The purpose of this proposal is to provide $100,000 per year for fiscal 1981-82 and 1982-83 for the construction of bicycle paths/ pedestrian walkways. EXPLANATION: Th 1.; e i c �i%yC1ie patht�s/'pr.dE?S tY"iarl walkways�kivay5 wi11 provide 3 safe: means al'is of transportation, exercise and recreation in Tigard. The pathways will connect with the present paths leading to schools and major shopping areas . It will provide an al.ternale mode of transportation that will be Tess expensive than automobile travel . The entire amount of the proposed levy is outside the limitation of Article XI, Section 11 of the Oregon Constitution. The tax rate for this proposal is $. 185 per $1,000. Total estimated cost for the home assessed at $70,000 for 1981-82 would be $12.95 . t, ORDINANCE No, 3l.-